#!/bin/sh #Uncomment the line below to begin (mandatory) #CHECK=YES #Below the user to run the service as (mandatory) RUNASUSER="root" #Below the password on the XBOX (optional) #REMOTEPASS="xboxpassword" #Below the interface to listen on (mandatory) LISTENINTERFACE="" FOLLOWSYMLINKS=YES #Comment (optional) #SERVERCOMMENT="Video and MP3 server powered by Gentoo. Watch and listen and ENJOY." #Shares to make available (mandatory) SHARES="movies=/data/videos audio=/data/mp3" #Location of binary file. Leave default unless you know what you're doing (mandatory) BIN="/usr/sbin/ccxstream" #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# DIR="-" PIDFILE=/var/run/ccxstream.pid PARAMS="-f -F $PIDFILE -r $DIR -u $RUNASUSER" if test "$FOLLOWSYMLINKS" = "YES" ; then PARAMS="$PARAMS -L" fi if test "x$REMOTEPASS" != "x" ; then PARAMS="$PARAMS -P $REMOTEPASS" fi if test "x$LISTENINTERFACE" != "x" ; then PARAMS="$PARAMS -l $LISTENINTERFACE" fi for i in $SHARES ; do PARAMS="$PARAMS -S $i" done if test "x$SERVERCOMMENT" = "x" ; then SERVERCOMMENT="$(hostname -f)" fi