DESCRIPTION = "BitBake is a simple tool for the execution of tasks. It is \
derived from Portage, which is the package management system used by the \
Gentoo Linux distribution. It is most commonly used to build packages, as it \
can easily use its rudamentary inheritence to abstract common operations, such \
as fetching sources, unpacking them, patching them, compiling them, and so on. \
It is the basis of the OpenEmbedded project, which is being used for \
OpenZaurus, Familiar, and a number of other Linux distributions."
SECTION = "devel"
SUMMARY = "BitBake build tool"
RDEPENDS += "python-shell python-lang python-textutils python-pickle python-crypt python-netclient"

# crypt for md5
# netclient for tinderclient.bbclass

# We don't need a toolchain...

inherit distutils

FILES_${PN} += "${datadir}/bitbake"