DESCRIPTION = "Itsy Package Manager utilities" DEPENDS = "" SECTION = "base" PRIORITY = "optional" MAINTAINER = "Chris Larson <>" LICENSE = "GPL" CONFLICTS = "ipkg-link" RDEPENDS = "python" PV_append = "${CVSDATE}" PR = "r5" SRC_URI = "cvs://;module=ipkg-utils \ file://fix-ipkg-link.patch;patch=1" S = "${WORKDIR}/ipkg-utils" INSTALL = "ipkg-build ipkg-deb-unbuild ipkg-unbuild ipkg-compare-versions ipkg-upload ipkg-make-index ipkg-link" do_compile() { oe_runmake ipkg-compare-versions } do_install() { install -d ${D}${bindir} for i in ${INSTALL} do install -m 0755 $i ${D}${bindir} done } #FIXME: ipkg-utils is not allowed to have packages or else a ipkg-native -> ipkg-utils -> ipkg-utils # recursive dependency is triggered. This has been fixed by installing the ipkg-link script in # a dedicated package. #PACKAGES_prepend = "ipkg-link " #FILES_ipkg-link = "${bindir}/ipkg-link"