<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <section id="section_variable" xreflabel="SECTION variable"> <title>SECTION variable: Package category</title> <para>Sections are a means for categorising packages into related groups to enable users to find packages easier. The <command>SECTION</command> variable is used to declare which section a package belongs to. The most common use of the section information is in GUI based package management applications.</para> <para>The default values for the section variables are:</para> <itemizedlist> <listitem> <para><command>SECTION = "base"</command></para> </listitem> <listitem> <para><command>SECTION_${PN}-doc = "doc"</command></para> </listitem> <listitem> <para><command>SECTION_${PN}-dev = "devel"</command></para> </listitem> </itemizedlist> <para>Note that each package generated by a recipe can have it's own section and that by default documentation and development files are seperated out to their own sections.</para> <para>The table of sections show the current usage of section information. This is a recomendation only, althought it is recomended that any additions or modifications be discusssed via the open embedded developer mailing list first.</para> <informaltable> <tgroup cols="2"> <colspec colwidth="1*" /> <colspec colwidth="3*" /> <tbody> <row> <entry>Section</entry> <entry>Description</entry> </row> <row> <entry>admin</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>base</entry> <entry>Base system files. These are applications which are expected to be included as part of a base system and include things such as init scripts, core utilities, standard system daemons etc.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>base/shell</entry> <entry>Shells such as bash, tcsh, ksh etc.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>bootloaders</entry> <entry>Bootloaders, which are the applications responsible for loading the kernel from the appropriate location (disk, flash, network, etc.) and starting it running.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>console</entry> <entry>Applications which run on the console. These require no GUI related libraries or interfaces to run.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>console/editors</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>console/games</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>console/multimedia</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>console/network</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>console/scientific</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>console/telephony</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>console/tools</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>console/utils</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>devel</entry> <entry>Development related files. These include compilers, libraries, headers, debuggers etc.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>devel/libs</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>devel/perl</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>devel/python</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>devel/rexx</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>devel/ruby</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>devel/scheme</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>devel/tcltk</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>doc</entry> <entry>Documentation, including man pages and sample configuration files.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>e/apps</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>e/libs</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>e/utils</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>fonts</entry> <entry>Fonts that are not X11 or OPIE specific such as truetype fonts.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>games</entry> <entry>Games.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>games/arcade</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>gpe</entry> <entry>GPE GUI enviroment. For the anything that provides or uses the GPE UI. Note that development and documentation related files should be in the appropriate devel and doc section, not under GPE.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>gpe/applications</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>gpe/base</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>gpe/games</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>gpe/libs</entry> <entry>GPE runtime libraries. This does not include libraries used for development - they should be included in the appropriate devel section.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>gpe/multimedia</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>inputmethods</entry> <entry>inputmethods that are neither libs, nor solely for GPE/Opie or the console</entry> </row> <row> <entry>interpreters</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>kde</entry> <entry>KDE related applications.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>kde/devel</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>kernel</entry> <entry>Linux kernels.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>kernel/modules</entry> <entry>Linux kernel modules. This include out-of-tree kernel modules.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>kernel/userland</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>libs</entry> <entry>Runtime libraries. This does not include libraries used for development - they should be included in the appropriate devel section.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>libs/inputmethods</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>libs/multimedia</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>libs/network</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>network</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>network/cms</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>network/misc</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>openmoko</entry> <entry>Anything related to openmoko.org</entry> </row> <row> <entry>openmoko/applications</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>openmoko/base</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>openmoko/examples</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>openmoko/libs</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>openmoko/pim</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>openmoko/tools</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie</entry> <entry>OPIE GUI enviroment. For the anything that provides or uses the OPIE UI. Note that development and documentation related files should be in the appropriate devel and doc section, not under OPIE.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/applets</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/applications</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/base</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/codecs</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/datebook</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/decorations</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/fontfactories</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/fonts</entry> <entry>OPIE specific fonts. General fonts, such as truetype fonts, should be in the fonts section.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/games</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/help</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/inputmethods</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/libs</entry> <entry>OPIE runtime libraries. This does not include libraries used for development - they should be included in the appropriate devel section.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/multimedia</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/network</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/pim</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/security</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/settings</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/shell</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/styles</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>opie/today</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>utils</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>x11</entry> <entry>X11 GUI platform. For anything that provides or uses the X11 UI and is not GPE. Note that development and documentation related files should be in the appropriate devel and doc section, not under X11.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>x11/applications</entry> <entry>General applications.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>x11/base</entry> <entry>Core X11 applications.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>x11/data</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>x11/fonts</entry> <entry>X11 specific fonts. General fonts, such as truetype fonts, should be in the fonts section.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>x11/games</entry> <entry>Games.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>x11/gnome</entry> <entry>Core gnome applications.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>x11/gnome/libs</entry> <entry>Gnome runtime libraries. This does not include libraries used for development - they should be included in the appropriate devel section.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>x11/graphics</entry> <entry>Applications which manipulate, display, edit, print etc. images, photos, diagrams etc.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>x11/libs</entry> <entry>X11 runtime libraries. This does not include libraries used for development - they should be included in the appropriate devel section.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>x11/multimedia</entry> <entry>Multimedia applications.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>x11/network</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>x11/office</entry> <entry>Office and productivity applications.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>x11/scientific</entry> <entry>Scientific applications.</entry> </row> <row> <entry>x11/utils</entry> <entry></entry> </row> <row> <entry>x11/wm</entry> <entry>Window managers.</entry> </row> </tbody> </tgroup> </informaltable> <para>The following tables lists some sections which may be in existing recipes. These should not be used in new recipes and should be renamed when updated existing recipes that use the specified sections.</para> <informaltable> <tgroup cols="2"> <colspec colwidth="1*" /> <colspec colwidth="3*" /> <tbody> <row> <entry>Section</entry> <entry>Action</entry> </row> <row> <entry>apps</entry> <entry>Replace with appropriate section</entry> </row> <row> <entry>gui</entry> <entry>Replace with appropriate section</entry> </row> <row> <entry>media-gfx</entry> <entry>Replace with appropriate section</entry> </row> <row> <entry>multimedia</entry> <entry>Replace with appropriate section</entry> </row> <row> <entry>net</entry> <entry>Replace with network</entry> </row> <row> <entry>unknown</entry> <entry>Replace with appropriate section</entry> </row> <row> <entry>x11-misc</entry> <entry>Replace with appropriate section</entry> </row> </tbody> </tgroup> </informaltable> <para></para> </section>