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<section id="rootfs_ipkg_class" xreflabel="rootfs_ipkg class">
  <title>rootfs_ipkg class</title>

  <para>The <emphasis>rootf_ipk</emphasis> class us used to create a root
  filesystem for the target device from a set of .ipkg packages. The end
  result is a directory containing all the files that need to be included in
  the root filesystem of the target device.</para>

  <para>This class is normally not used directly, but instead used from the
  <xref linkend="image_class" /> which creates images from a set of package 
  (typically <command>.ipkg</command>) files.</para>

  <para>Summary of actions performed by the <emphasis>rootfs_ipkg</emphasis>

      <para>Erase any existing root filesystem image by deleting the entire
      contents of <command>${IMAGE_ROOTFS}</command>;</para>

      <para>Creates the device node directory,

      <para>Determines which packages to install in order to provide the
      locales that have been requested;</para>

      <para>Configures ipkg to allow it to be used locally to install into the
      root filesystem <command>${IMAGE_ROOTFS}</command>;</para>

      <para>Installs locale related .ipkg packages;</para>

      <para>Installs the list of requested <command>.ipkg</command> packages,

      <para>Creates ipkg's arch.conf as

      <para>Runs any preinst and postinst scripts that were specified by the
      installed .ipkg packages;</para>

      <para>Creates the system configuration directory
      <command>${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/${sysconfdir}</command> (that is the
      <command>/etc</command> directory on the target);</para>

      <para>Runs and custom post-processing commands, as described by

      <para>Verifies that all the ipkg's were installed correctly and reports
      an error if they were not;</para>

      <para>Makes available a set of functions which may be used by callers of
      the class: <command>zap_root_password</command>,
      <command>create_etc_timestamp</command> and

      <para>Adds the rootfs task to run after the <emphasis>install</emphasis>
      task <command>"addtask rootfs before do_build and

  <para>The following variables may be used to control some of the behaviour
  of this class:</para>


        <para>The list of packages which will be installed into the root
        filesystem. This needs to be set in order for this class to perform
        any useful work.</para>

        <para>Default: empty</para>


        <para>Defines additional commands to run after processing of the root
        filesystem. Could be used to change roots password, remove parts of
        the install kernel such as the <command>zImage</command> kernel image
        or to edit the ipkg configuration for example.</para>

        <para>Default: empty</para>


        <para>Defines the list of architectures that are support by the target
        platform. This is used to configure the arch settings for ipkg on the
        target system.</para>

        <para>Default: <command>"all any noarch ${TARGET_ARCH}
        ${PACKAGE_EXTRA_ARCHS} ${MACHINE}"</command></para>


        <para>Specifies which locales should be installed. This is often set
        to <command>""</command> to indicate that no locales will be

        <para>Default: <command>"de-de fr-fr en-gb"</command></para>


        <para>A list of dependencies, this is appended to
        <command>DEPENDS</command>. This is typically used to ensure that any
        commands that are called by
        <command>ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND</command> are actually built by
        the system prior to being called.</para>

        <para>Default: empty</para>


        <para>The name of the build. This is either set by the distro
        configuration (for released versions) or set to a date stamp which is
        autogenerated by bitbake.</para>

        <para>Default: <command>'date +%Y%m%d%H%M'</command></para>


        <para>The path to the root of the filesystem image. You can use this
        when you need to explicitly refer to the root filesystem

        <para>Default: <command>IMAGE_ROOTFS =


        <para>The base deploy dir. Used to find the directory containing the
        ipkg files.</para>

        <para>Default: <command>DEPLOY_DIR =


        <para>The directory in which to search for the ipkg files that are to
        be installed in the root filesystem.</para>

        <para>Default: <command>DEPLOY_DIR_IPK =

  <para>Note that the entire process is run under the control of <xref
  linkend="fakeroot" /> in order to handle device files, uids and gids. The
  <command>ROOTFS_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND</command> is useful due to the fact that
  it runs within the same <xref linkend="fakeroot" /> instance as the rest of
  this class.</para>

  <para>The class also provides a function <command>real_do_rootfs</command>
  which is executed without <xref linkend="fakeroot" /> and therefore can be
  used from other classes, such as <xref linkend="image_class" />, that
  are already running under the control of <xref linkend="fakeroot" />.</para>