#!/usr/bin/env python import sys, os, string, getopt mtncmd = "monotone" def main(argv = None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv opts, list = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], ':R') if len(list) < 1: print "You must specify a file" return 2 reverse = False for o, a in opts: if o == "-R": reverse = True if os.path.exists(list[0]): input = open(list[0], 'r') renameFrom = "" cmd = "" if reverse: print "patch -R -p0 < %s" % list[0] else: print "patch -p0 < %s" % list[0] for line in input: if len(line) > 0: if line[0] == '#': parts = line.split() if len(parts) > 2: cmd = parts[1] # deal with whilespace in filenames (badly) fileName = parts[2] i = 3 while i < len(parts) and fileName.count('"') % 2: fileName += " %s" % parts[i] if cmd == "delete_file": if reverse: print "%s add %s" % (mtncmd, fileName) else: print "%s drop -e %s" % (mtncmd, fileName) elif cmd == "add_file": if reverse: print "%s drop -e %s" % (mtncmd, fileName) else: print "%s add %s" % (mtncmd, fileName) elif cmd == "rename_file": renameFrom = fileName elif cmd == "to" and renameFrom != "": if reverse: print "%s rename -e %s %s" % (mtncmd, fileName, renameFrom) else: print "%s rename -e %s %s" % (mtncmd, renameFrom, fileName) renameFrom = "" else: cmd = "" if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())