import os import re import fcntl import pipes import select import threading import popen2 from common import set_nonblocking, terminate_popen3 from traceback import format_exc import genproxy import sys # regular expressions that are of general use when # validating monotone output def group_compile(r): return re.compile('('+r+')') hex_re = r'[A-Fa-f0-9]*' hex_re_c = group_compile(hex_re) revision_re = r'[A-Fa-f0-9]{40}' revision_re_c = group_compile(revision_re) name_re = r'^[\S]+' name_re_c = group_compile(name_re) class MonotoneException(Exception): pass class Revision(str): def __init__(self, v): # special case that must be handled: empty (initial) revision ID '' str.__init__(v) self.obj_type = "revision" if v != '' and not revision_re_c.match(self): raise MonotoneException("Not a valid revision ID: %s" % (v)) def abbrev(self): return '[' + self[:8] + '..]' class Author(str): def __init__(self, v): str.__init__(v) self.obj_type = "author" class Runner: def __init__(self, monotone, database): self.base_command = [monotone, "--db=%s" % pipes.quote(database)] packet_header_re = re.compile(r'^(\d+):(\d+):([lm]):(\d+):') class Automate(Runner): """Runs commands via a particular monotone process. This process is started the first time run() is called, and stopped when this class instance is deleted or the stop() method is called. If an error occurs, the monotone process may need to be stopped and a new one created. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Runner.__init__(*[self] + list(args), **kwargs) self.lock = threading.Lock() self.process = None def stop(self): if not self.process: return terminate_popen3(self.process) self.process = None def __process_required(self): if self.process != None: return to_run = self.base_command + ['automate', 'stdio'] self.process = popen2.Popen3(to_run, capturestderr=True) # breaks down with toposort and a lot of input #map (set_nonblocking, [ self.process.fromchild, # self.process.tochild, # self.process.childerr ]) map (set_nonblocking, [ self.process.fromchild, self.process.childerr ]) def run(self, *args, **kwargs): print >> sys.stderr, (("automate is running:", args, kwargs)) lock = self.lock stop = self.stop class CleanRequest(genproxy.GeneratorProxy): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): genproxy.GeneratorProxy.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # nb; this used to be False, but True seems to behave more sensibly. # in particular, if someone holds down Refresh sometimes the code # gets here before __del__ is called on the previous iterator, # causing a pointless error to occur if not lock.acquire(True): # I've checked; this exception does _not_ cause __del__ to run, so # we don't accidentally unlock a lock below raise MonotoneException("Automate request cannot be called: it is already locked! This indicates a logic error in ViewMTN; please report.") def __del__(self): def read_any_unread_output(): try: # this'll raise StopIteration if we're done # okay, we're not done.. print >> sys.stderr, ("warning: Automate output not completely read; reading manually.") for stanza in self: pass except StopIteration: pass try: read_any_unread_output() lock.release() except: print >> sys.stderr, ("exception cleaning up after Automation; calling stop()!") stop() return CleanRequest(self.__run(*args, **kwargs)) def __run(self, command, args): enc = "l%d:%s" % (len(command), command) enc += ''.join(["%d:%s" % (len(x), x) for x in args]) + 'e' # number of tries to get a working mtn going.. for i in xrange(2): self.__process_required() try: self.process.tochild.write(enc) self.process.tochild.flush() break except: # mtn has died underneath the automate; restart it print >> sys.stderr, ("exception writing to child process; attempting restart: %s" % format_exc()) self.stop() import sys def read_result_packets(): buffer = "" while True: r_stdin, r_stdout, r_stderr =[self.process.fromchild], [], [], None) if not r_stdin and not r_stdout and not r_stderr: break if self.process.fromchild in r_stdin: data = if data == "": break buffer += data # loop, trying to get complete packets out of our buffer complete, in_packet = False, False while not complete and buffer != '': if not in_packet: m = packet_header_re.match(buffer) if not m: break in_packet = True cmdnum, errnum, pstate, length = m.groups() errnum = int(errnum) length = int(length) header_length = m.end(m.lastindex) + 1 # the '1' is the colon if len(buffer) < length + header_length: # not enough data read from client yet; go round break else: result = buffer[header_length:header_length+length] buffer = buffer[header_length+length:] complete = pstate == 'l' in_packet = False yield errnum, complete, result if complete: break # get our response, and yield() it back one line at a time code_max = -1 data_buf = '' for code, is_last, data in read_result_packets(): if code and code > code_max: code_max = code data_buf += data while True: nl_idx = data_buf.find('\n') if nl_idx == -1: break yield data_buf[:nl_idx+1] data_buf = data_buf[nl_idx+1:] # left over data? if data_buf: yield data_buf if code_max > 0: raise MonotoneException("error code %d in automate packet." % (code_max)) class Standalone(Runner): """Runs commands by running monotone. One monotone process per command""" def run(self, command, args): # as we pass popen3 as sequence, it executes monotone with these # arguments - and does not pass them through the shell according # to help(os.popen3) # print(("standalone is running:", command, args)) to_run = self.base_command + [command] + args process = popen2.Popen3(to_run, capturestderr=True) for line in process.fromchild: yield line stderr_data = if len(stderr_data) > 0: raise MonotoneException("data on stderr for command '%s': %s" % (command, stderr_data)) terminate_popen3(process) class MtnObject: def __init__(self, obj_type): self.obj_type = obj_type class Tag(MtnObject): def __init__(self, name, revision, author, branches): MtnObject.__init__(self, "tag"), self.revision,, self.branches = name, Revision(revision), author, branches class Branch(MtnObject): def __init__(self, name): MtnObject.__init__(self, "branch") = name class File(MtnObject): def __init__(self, name, in_revision): MtnObject.__init__(self, "file") = name self.in_revision = in_revision class Dir(MtnObject): def __init__(self, name, in_revision): MtnObject.__init__(self, "dir") = name self.in_revision = in_revision basic_io_name_tok = re.compile(r'^(\S+)') def basic_io_from_stream(gen): # all of these x_consume functions return parsed string # token to add to stanza, name of next consume function to call # new value of line (eg. with consumed tokens removed) def hex_consume(line): m = hex_re_c.match(line[1:]) if line[0] != '[' or not m: raise MonotoneException("This is not a hex token: %s" % line) end_of_match = m.end(m.lastindex) if line[end_of_match+1] != ']': raise MonotoneException("Hex token ends in character other than ']': %s" % line) return Revision(m.groups()[0]), choose_consume, line[end_of_match+2:] def name_consume(line): m = name_re_c.match(line) if not m: raise MonotoneException("Not a name: %s" % line) end_of_match = m.end(m.lastindex) return m.groups()[0], choose_consume, line[end_of_match:] def choose_consume(line): line = line.lstrip() if line == '': consumer = choose_consume elif line[0] == '[': consumer = hex_consume elif line[0] == '"': consumer = string_consume else: consumer = name_consume return None, consumer, line class StringState: def __init__(self): self.in_escape = False self.has_started = False self.has_ended = False self.value = '' def string_consume(line, state=None): if not state: state = StringState() if not state.has_started: if line[0] != '"': raise MonotoneException("Not a string: %s" % line) line = line[1:] state.has_started = True idx = 0 for idx, c in enumerate(line): if state.in_escape: if c != '\\' and c != '"': raise MonotoneException("Invalid escape code: %s in %s\n" % (c, line)) state.value += c state.in_escape = False else: if c == '\\': state.in_escape = True elif c == '"': state.has_ended = True break else: state.value += c if state.has_ended: return state.value, choose_consume, line[idx+1:] else: return (None, lambda s: string_consume(s, state), line[idx+1:]) consumer = choose_consume current_stanza = [] for line in gen: # if we're not in an actual consumer (which we shouldn't be, unless # we're parsing some sort of multi-line token) and we have a blank # line, it indicates the end of any current stanza if (consumer == choose_consume) and (line == '' or line == '\n') and current_stanza: yield current_stanza current_stanza = [] continue while line != '' and line != '\n': new_token, consumer, line = consumer(line) if new_token != None: current_stanza.append(new_token) if current_stanza: yield current_stanza class Operations: def __init__(self, runner_args): self.standalone = apply(Standalone, runner_args) self.automate = apply(Automate, runner_args) def tags(self): for stanza in basic_io_from_stream('tags', [])): if stanza[0] == 'tag': branches = [] for branch in stanza[7:]: branches.append(Branch(branch)) yield Tag(stanza[1], stanza[3], stanza[5], branches) def branches(self): for line in (t.strip() for t in'branches', [])): if not line: continue yield apply(Branch, (line,)) def graph(self): for line in'graph', []): yield line def parents(self, revision): if revision != "": for line in (t.strip() for t in'parents', [revision])): if not line: continue yield apply(Revision, (line,)) def ancestry_difference(self, new_rev, old_revs): """ new_rev a single new revision number old_revs a list of revisions """ if new_rev != "": for line in (t.strip() for t in'ancestry_difference', [new_rev]+old_revs)): if not line: continue yield apply(Revision, (line,)) def children(self, revision): if revision != "": for line in (t.strip() for t in'children', [revision])): if not line: continue yield apply(Revision, (line,)) def toposort(self, revisions): for line in (t.strip() for t in'toposort', revisions)): if not line: continue yield apply(Revision, (line,)) def heads(self, branch): for line in (t.strip() for t in'heads', [branch])): if not line: continue yield apply(Revision, (line,)) def get_content_changed(self, revision, path): for stanza in basic_io_from_stream('get_content_changed', [revision, path])): yield stanza def get_revision(self, revision): for stanza in basic_io_from_stream('get_revision', [revision])): yield stanza def get_manifest_of(self, revision): for stanza in basic_io_from_stream('get_manifest_of', [revision])): yield stanza def get_file(self, fileid): for stanza in'get_file', [fileid]): yield stanza def certs(self, revision): for stanza in basic_io_from_stream('certs', [revision])): yield stanza def diff(self, revision_from, revision_to, files=[]): args = ['-r', revision_from, '-r', revision_to] + files for line in'diff', args): yield line