#!/bin/bash # Split into "noarch" "arch" and "machine" section # build "noarch" for only one machine, build "arch" *one* time for each arch and build "machine" for each machine DO_UCLIBC=0 do_build() { #echo "MACHINE = \"$BUILD_MACHINE\"" > conf/auto.conf BUILD_MODE="glibc" if [ "$BUILD_CLEAN" != "" ] then MACHINE=$BUILD_MACHINE bitbake -c clean $BUILD_CLEAN fi for target in $BUILD_TARGETS do MACHINE=$BUILD_MACHINE bitbake $target && do_report_success done if [ $DO_UCLIBC = 1 ] then BUILD_MODE="uclibc" if [ "$BUILD_CLEAN" != "" ] then ANGSTROM_MODE=uclibc MACHINE=$BUILD_MACHINE bitbake -c clean $BUILD_CLEAN fi for target in $BUILD_TARGETS do ANGSTROM_MODE=uclibc MACHINE=$BUILD_MACHINE bitbake $target && do_report_success done fi } do_report_success() { echo "$(date -u +%s) $target $BUILD_MODE $machine" >> autobuilder-feed.log } # noarch packages (e.g. PACKAGE_ARCH=all in OE) BUILD_MACHINE="beagleboard" BUILD_CLEAN="" BUILD_TARGETS="" do_build # arch packages (no machine specific (sub)packages) # Architectures: # * arm-oabi: simpad # * armv4t: om-gta01 # * armv5te: c7x0 # * armv6: nokia800 # * armv7a: beagleboard # * ppc405: dht-walnut # * ppc603e: efika # * i586: qemux86 for machine in simpad om-gta01 c7x0 nokia800 beagleboard dht-walnut efika qemux86 do BUILD_MACHINE=$machine BUILD_CLEAN="qmake-native qmake2-native qt-x11-free python gnome-icon-theme" BUILD_TARGETS=" \ abiword \ aircrack-ng \ angstrom-zeroconf-audio \ apache2 \ asterisk \ atomic \ autoconf \ automake \ binutils \ bison \ bluez-gnome \ boa \ camera-assistant \ checkers \ cherokee \ claws-mail \ ctorrent \ distcc \ dsniff \ duke3d \ e-wm \ empathy \ epdfview \ epiphany \ evince \ exo \ fakeroot \ fennec \ ffmpeg \ fftw \ fftwf \ fftwl \ findutils \ firefox \ fish \ flex \ flite \ frameworkd \ freenote \ froot \ gcc \ gdal \ gdb \ gdbserver \ gimp \ glider \ gmp \ gnome-games \ gnome-mplayer \ gnome-panel \ gnome-system-monitor \ gnumeric \ gnuplot \ gnuradio \ gpe-bluetooth \ gpe-gallery \ gpe-login \ gpe-mini-browser \ gpe-mini-browser2 \ gpe-scap \ gpe-sketchbook \ gperf \ gphoto2 \ gpsdrive \ gqview \ gsm0710muxd \ gtk+ \ gzip \ hal \ hexatrolic \ iaimaster \ icebloxx \ imagemagick \ inkwp \ ioquake3 \ ipaq-sleep \ iperf \ iptables \ irssi \ jamvm \ kismet \ konqueror-embedded \ labyrinth \ leafpad \ lighttpd \ links-x11 \ m4 \ mahjongg \ make \ maki \ mc \ meta-nas-server \ midori \ mileage \ mono \ mousepad \ mpfr \ mplayer \ mtd-utils \ mutt \ mythtv \ navit \ netsurf \ nmap \ nmm \ notecase \ openmoko-browser2 \ openredalert \ openvpn \ opie-notes \ orage \ pairs \ pciutils \ pdamaze \ perl \ pidgin \ pine \ pipeman \ pkgconfig \ pocketcellar \ prboom \ python \ python-pybluez \ qfish2 \ qmatrix \ qpe-nmap \ qt-x11-free \ qt4-x11-free \ quake2 \ quasar \ quetoo \ rdesktop \ resistorui \ roadmap-gtk2 \ ruby \ samba \ screen \ scummvm \ sdlquake \ setserial \ shisensho \ slcalc \ sliderulez \ sokoban \ strace \ sugar \ sylpheed \ task-gpe-pim \ task-openmoko-feed \ task-openmoko-games \ task-opie-apps \ task-opie-games \ task-proper-tools \ texinfo \ thttpd \ thunar \ tightvnc \ timesleuth \ totem \ tron \ tzdata \ ubahnnav \ ufraw \ usbutils \ usbview \ viking \ vlc \ vpnc \ wifi-radar \ win4 \ wpa-gui \ x11vnc \ xf86-input-evdev \ xf86-input-keyboard \ xf86-input-mouse \ xf86-video-ati \ xf86-video-fbdev \ xf86-video-vesa \ xfce-mcs-manager xfce-mcs-manager \ xfce-mcs-plugins \ xfce-terminal \ xfce-utils \ xfce4-appfinder \ xfce4-dev-tools \ xfce4-icon-theme \ xfce4-mixer \ xfce4-panel \ xfce4-session \ xfdesktop \ xfprint \ xfwm4 \ xfwm4-themes \ xmms \ xserver-kdrive \ xserver-xorg \ zauralign \ zddice \ zgscore \ zhone \ ziq \ zlapspeed \ zrev7 \ zsubhunt \ ztappy \ zuc \ zudoku \ " do_build done # machine packages (machine specific (sub)packages) for machine in beagleboard omap3evm neuros-osd2 efika dht-walnut omap5912osk ixp4xxle ixp4xxbe c7x0 poodle tosa akita spitz collie simpad om-gta01 om-gta02 a780 at91sam9263ek qemuarm h2200 h3900 h4000 hx4700 nokia800 qemux86 do BUILD_MACHINE=$machine BUILD_CLEAN="" BUILD_TARGETS="task-base task-boot \ task-opie task-opie-all \ task-openmoko-base task-openmoko-debug task-openmoko-examples task-openmoko-linux task-openmoko-native-sdk task-openmoko-net task-openmoko-phone task-openmoko-pim task-openmoko-ui \ angstrom-x11-base-depends angstrom-gpe-task-settings \ " do_build done