# # OpenEmbedded local configuration file (sample) # # Use this to specify where OE should place the downloaded sources into DL_DIR = "${HOME}/sources" # Use this to specify what .oe files to consider for builds OEFILES = "*/*.oe" # Note that only recent oemake's obey OEMASK directly, in earlier versions, # you had to filter by hand and populate OEFILES accordingly # Use the OEMASK below unless you want to build something else than the default glibc based setup OEMASK = "(uclibc|avr-libc|linux|grub|qte_|qte-for-qtopia|toolchain-external)" # Uncomment this OEMASK, if you want to use a prebuild toolchain. # You will need to provide packages for toolchain specific libraries yourself #OEMASK = "-initial|/(binutils|uclibc|avr-libc|gcc|linux|grub|qte_|qte-for-qtopia)" # Uncomment this to specify where OE should create its temporary files. # Note that a fully build of everything in OE will take GigaBytes of hard disk space, # so make sure to free enough space. The default TMPDIR is /tmp #TMPDIR = /usr/local/projects/oetmp # Uncomment this to specify a machine to build for. See /conf/*.conf for machines # currently known to OpenEmbedded. #MACHINE = "collie" # Use this to specify the target architecture. Note that this is only needed when building # for a machine not known to OpenEmbedded. Better use the MACHINE attribute (see above) TARGET_ARCH = "arm" # Uncomment this to build .tar packages during the build process. # Also supported is "package_ipk" #INHERIT = "package_tar"