#@TYPE: Distribution
#@NAME: Jornada Linux Mobility Edition (JLime) <www.jlime.com>
#@DESCRIPTION: Distribution file for JLime (Linux for HP jornada 5xx,6xx,7xx,8xx series)
#@MAINTAINER: Kristoffer Ericson <Kristoffer@jlime.com>

DISTRO_NAME = "jlime"

export FEED_URLS_jlime = "donkey##http://donkey-${ARCH}.jlime.com"

#<> No uniroot
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_task-bootstrap = "task-bootstrap"

#<> We will set CVS DATE when things are known to work.
PREFERRED_PROVIDERS +=  "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc-initial:gcc-cross-initial"
PREFERRED_PROVIDERS +=  "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc:gcc-cross"
PREFERRED_PROVIDERS +=  "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}g++:gcc-cross"

#<> We want this so we can crosscompile the kernel using gcc 3.4.3
#<> Also, select version of modules (and kernel)
PREFERRED_PROVIDERS +=  "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc-3.4.4:gcc-cross-kernel"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel = "linux-jlime-${MACHINE}"

#<>We want kdrive as our default X-Server.
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_xserver          = "xserver-kdrive"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/xserver  = "xserver-kdrive"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libx11    = "libx11"
PREFERRED_VERSION_liblbxutil         = "X11R7.0-1.0.0"
require conf/distro/include/preferred-xorg-versions-X11R7.1.inc

#<>Setting Preferred Binutils,gcc,glibc and linux-libc-headers
PREFERRED_VERSION_binutils = "2.17"
PREFERRED_VERSION_binutils-cross = "2.17"
PREFERRED_VERSION_binutils-cross-sdk = ""
PREFERRED_VERSION_gcc-cross = "4.1.1"
PREFERRED_VERSION_gcc-cross-initial = "4.1.1"
PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-libc-headers = ""                                             		    
PREFERRED_VERSION_glibc-intermediate = "2.4"

#<>Patch for bitbake bug:
#<>Due to bitbake not grabbing glibc 2.4  properly 
#<>we need to override it to be sure. Do it for both supported archs

#Add proper line to your local.conf (sh3 for 6xx, arm for 7xx)
#PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/arm-linux-libc-for-gcc = "glibc-intermediate"
#PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/sh3-linux-libc-for-gcc = "glibc-intermediate"

#<>Setting Preferred xserver-kdrive. Also choose diet-x11 as default libx11.
PREFERRED_VERSION_xserver-kdrive = "0.0+cvs20060312"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_tslib         = "tslib"
PREFERERD_PROVIDER_virtual/libsdl = "libsdl-x11"

#<>Other Specific stuff.
#<>We want to be able to build this for all jornadas so
#<>to not mess up the folders we need to make them dynamic.
#<>It will use different folders depending on Arch (set in local.conf)
INHERIT += "package_ipk package_tar multimachine src_distribute_local"
IMAGE_FSTYPES = "tar.bz2"
TARGET_OS = "linux"

#<>What we want on the bootstrap image (extra) 
BOOTSTRAP_EXTRA_RDEPENDS += "ncurses nano wireless-tools console-tools  \
                             udev e2tools e2fsprogs kernel-modules keymaps \
			     wget links"

#<>What Qte, libqte.. versions should we use.
QTE_VERSION = "2.3.10"
OPIE_VERSION = "1.2.2"
require conf/distro/include/preferred-opie-versions.inc

#<> We want pcmciautils, not pcmcia-cs
PCMCIA_MANAGER = "pcmciautils"

#<> We are using gcc 4.1.1 so lets keep optimizations low

#<>Our Image files should look abit better.

#<> General non-essential programs with known working versions
PREFERRED_VERSION_irssi = "0.8.10"
PREFERRED_VERSION_nano = "1.3.9"
PREFERRED_VERSION_ncurses = "5.4"
PREFERRED_VERSION_ncftp = "3.1.9"
PREFERRED_VERSION_osb-jscore = "0.5.0"