# Copyright (C) 2007, Stelios Koroneos - Digital OPSiS, All Rights Reserved
# Released under the MIT license (see packages/COPYING)
# extra checking for needed tools

# set minimal version of BitBake needed
BB_MIN_VERSION = "1.6.7"

#OPLinux and OPLinux-uclibc source mirrors
INHERIT += "oplinux-mirrors"

#oplinux is a multimachine distro
INHERIT += "multimachine"

# check for required tools and minimal BitBake version
INHERIT += "sanity"

# Naming schemes
INHERIT += "package_ipk debian"

# Maintainer email
MAINTAINER = "Digital OPSiS Developers Team <oplinux-developers@digital-opsis.com>"

# Packaging and output format
IMAGE_FSTYPES = "tar.gz jffs2 ext2.gz cramfs squashfs squashfs-lzma cpio.gz"

# Specifies a location to search for pre-generated tarballs when fetching
# a cvs:// URI. Outcomment this, if you always want to pull directly from CVS.
CVS_TARBALL_STASH = "http://www.digital-opsis.com/oplinux/sources/current/"

# Bootstrap & Init
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_task-bootstrap = "task-base"

# We want images supporting the following features (for task-base
DISTRO_FEATURES = "nfs smbfs ext2 pcmcia usbgadget usbhost pci"

#We need to set this to avoid problems when building for if host=target
TARGET_VENDOR = "-oplinux"

#URI for base feeds
OPLINUX_URI = "http://www.digital-opsis.com/oplinux"
OPLINUX-uCLIBC_URI = "http://www.digital-opsis.com/oplinux-uclibc"

#Dir config

#Set the name of the generated images

#feed definitions
#i32 machines
#i486 machines
FEED_ARCH_x86           ="i486"
FEED_ARCH_wrap          ="i486"

#i586 machines
FEED_ARCH_i586-generic  = "i586"
FEED_ARCH_epia          = "i586"

#i686 machines
FEED_ARCH_i686-generic  = "i686"
FEED_ARCH_guinness      = "i686"
FEED_ARCH_progear       = "i686"

#powerpc machines
FEED_ARCH_dht-walnut    = "ppc405"
FEED_ARCH_magicbox      = "ppc405"
FEED_ARCH_xilinx-ml403  = "ppc405"

FEED_ARCH_sequoia       = "ppc440e"

FEED_ARCH_efika         = "ppc603e"

#Preferred versions of packages we need
PREFERRED_VERSION_busybox = "1.2.1"
PREFERRED_VERSION_u-boot ?= "1.1.4"
# Latest linphone supports yeaphone
PREFERRED_VERSION_linphone ?= "1.6.0"

#SSH daemon
DISTRO_SSH_DAEMON ?= "dropbear"