#@TYPE: Distribution
#@NAME: Angstrom <http://www.angstrom-distribution.org>
#@DESCRIPTION: The Linux Distribution for Kernel 2.6 based devices
#@MAINTAINER: Koen Kooi <koen@dominion.kabel.utwente.nl>
#@MAINTAINER: Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <mickey@Vanille-media.de>

# This is a testbed for unstable and/or untested things, while angstrom-2007.1 
# is aiming for stability and a release.
# Use this at your own risk, we welcome bugreports filed at 
#    http://bugs.openembedded.org
# In doubt, use DISTRO="angstrom-2007.1"

#DISTRO_VERSION = "2008.1"
DISTRO_VERSION = "2008.1-test-${DATE}"

require conf/distro/include/sane-srcdates.inc
require conf/distro/include/sane-srcrevs.inc

#Images built can have to modes:
# 'debug': empty rootpassword, strace and gdb included
# 'release' no root password, no strace and gdb by default
DISTRO_TYPE ?= "debug"
#DISTRO_TYPE = "release"

# Ship just basic locale by default. Locales are big (~1Mb uncompr.), so
# shipping some adhoc subset will be still useless and size burden for
# users of all other languages/countries. Instead, worth to make it easy
# to install additional languages: installer/wizard + metapackages which
# will RRECOMMEND as much as possible content for a given language
# (locales, UI transalations, help, etc. - useless for pros, but really 
# helpful for common users).
# Also, it appears that no locales fit in 16Mb for now. "C" locale rules!
IMAGE_LINGUAS = '${@base_less_or_equal("ROOT_FLASH_SIZE", "16", "", "en-gb", d)}'

FEED_URIS += " \
		no-arch##${ANGSTROM_URI}/unstable/feed/all \
		base##${ANGSTROM_URI}/unstable/feed/${FEED_ARCH}/base \
		perl##${ANGSTROM_URI}/unstable/feed/${FEED_ARCH}/perl \
		python##${ANGSTROM_URI}/unstable/feed/${FEED_ARCH}/python \
		debug##${ANGSTROM_URI}/unstable/feed/${FEED_ARCH}/debug \
		gstreamer##${ANGSTROM_URI}/unstable/feed/${FEED_ARCH}/gstreamer \

#The angstrom-mirrors.bbclass should have everything, but we can use this as a fallback
		     http://www.angstrom-distribution.org/unstable/sources/ \
		     http://ewi546.ewi.utwente.nl/mirror/www.openzaurus.org/official/unstable/3.5.4/sources/ \

#Make sure we use 2.6 on machines with a 2.4/2.6 selector
KERNEL = "kernel26"
PCMCIA_MANAGER = "pcmciautils"

#Preferred version for the kernel on various machines
PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-handhelds-2.6 ?= "2.6.21-hh17"

PREFERRED_VERSION_gcc                   = "4.2.1"
PREFERRED_VERSION_gcc-cross             = "4.2.1"
PREFERRED_VERSION_gcc-cross-initial    	= "4.1.2"

#This is unrelated to the kernel version, but userspace apps (e.g. HAL) require a recent version to build against
PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-libc-headers 	= "2.6.22"

#Prefer glibc 2.6 and uclibc 0.9.29, these have had the most testing.
PREFERRED_VERSION_glibc 		= "2.6.1"
PREFERRED_VERSION_glibc-intermediate 	= "2.6.1"
PREFERRED_VERSION_glibc-initial 	= "2.6.1"

#Prefer a newer GTK+ and friends
PREFERRED_VERSION_gtk+             	= "2.12.0"
PREFERRED_VERSION_glib-2.0              = "2.14.0"
PREFERRED_VERSION_pango                 = "1.18.1"

# prefer newest for speed and fun
PREFERRED_VERSION_udev			= "115"

# Our patched-to-hell busybox 1.2.1 is getting old and unmaintanable
PREFERRED_VERSION_busybox               = "1.7.2" 

PREFERRED_PROVIDER_avahi = "avahi"

#Small machines prefer kdrive, but we might ship full Xorg in other images
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/xserver  ?= "xserver-kdrive"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_xserver          ?= "xserver-kdrive"

#Loads preferred versions from files, these have weak assigments (?=), so put them at the bottom
require conf/distro/include/preferred-gpe-versions-2.8.inc
require conf/distro/include/preferred-e-versions.inc
require conf/distro/include/preferred-xorg-versions-X11R7.3.inc
require conf/distro/include/preferred-openmoko-versions.inc

# Virtuals:
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc-initial = "gcc-cross-initial"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc = "gcc-cross"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}g++ = "gcc-cross"

#Set preferred provider for the C library that is used to build the crosscompiler (NPTL voodoo)
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}libc-for-gcc               = "glibc-intermediate"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-libc-for-gcc    = "glibc-intermediate"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/armeb-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-libc-for-gcc  = "glibc-intermediate"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/arm-angstrom-linux-libc-for-gcc            = "glibc-intermediate"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/powerpc-angstrom-linux-libc-for-gcc        = "glibc-intermediate"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/mipsel-angstrom-linux-libc-for-gcc         = "glibc-intermediate"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/sparc-angstrom-linux-libc-for-gcc          = "glibc-intermediate"

PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/arm-angstrom-linux-uclibcgnueabi-libc-for-gcc    = "uclibc-initial"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/armeb-angstrom-linux-uclibcgnueabi-libc-for-gcc  = "uclibc-initial"

# hostap stuff, we prefer the in-kernel modules, but those don't work for all machines
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_hostap-conf                      ?= "hostap-conf"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_hostap-modules_h2200             ?= "hostap-modules"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_hostap-modules_hx4700            ?= "hostap-modules"

PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/db           ?= "db"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/db-native    ?= "db-native"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libsdl       ?= "libsdl-x11"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libx11       ?= "libx11"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libxine      ?= "libxine-x11"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/xserver      ?= "xserver-kdrive"

# Others:
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_dbus-glib             = "dbus-glib"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_esound 		?= "pulseaudio"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gconf                ?= "gconf-dbus"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gnome-vfs            ?= "gnome-vfs"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gnome-vfs-plugin-file ?= "gnome-vfs"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_tslib                ?= "tslib"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_tslib-conf           ?= "tslib"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_libgpewidget         ?= "libgpewidget"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_ntp                  ?= "ntp"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_hotplug               = "udev"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_libxss                = "libxss"

# we don't ship gtk-directfb by default
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gtk+                   ?= "gtk+"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gdk-pixbuf-loader-ani  ?= "gtk+"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gdk-pixbuf-loader-bmpg ?= "gtk+"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gdk-pixbuf-loader-gif  ?= "gtk+"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gdk-pixbuf-loader-ico  ?= "gtk+"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gdk-pixbuf-loader-jpeg ?= "gtk+"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gdk-pixbuf-loader-pcx  ?= "gtk+"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gdk-pixbuf-loader-png  ?= "gtk+"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gdk-pixbuf-loader-pnm  ?= "gtk+"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gdk-pixbuf-loader-ras  ?= "gtk+"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gdk-pixbuf-loader-tga  ?= "gtk+"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gdk-pixbuf-loader-wbmp ?= "gtk+"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gdk-pixbuf-loader-xbm  ?= "gtk+"
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gdk-pixbuf-loader-xpm  ?= "gtk+"

#Silence a warning during parsing
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_task-bootstrap = "task-bootstrap"

#This is needed to get a correct PACKAGE_ARCH for packages that have PACKAGE_ARCH = ${MACHINE_ARCH}
ARM_ABI ?= "${@['','oabi'][bb.data.getVar('MACHINE',d) in ['collie','h3600', 'h3800', 'simpad', 'htcwallaby']]}"
require conf/distro/include/angstrom${ARM_ABI}.inc

# do some task-base stuff here

# We want to ship extra debug utils in the rootfs when doing a debug build 
DEBUG_APPS += '${@base_conditional("DISTRO_TYPE", "release", "", "tslib-tests tslib-calibrate gdb strace procps",d)}'

# Angstrom want to ship some extra stuff. This should be moved into task-base eventually
# contains ipkg specific stuff as well :(
    update-modules \
    ${@base_contains("MACHINE_FEATURES", "screen", "psplash", "",d)} \   
    angstrom-version \
    ipkg ipkg-collateral \
    util-linux-mount util-linux-umount \
    avahi-daemon \
    avahi-autoipd \
    ${DEBUG_APPS} \

    kernel-module-vfat \
    kernel-module-ext2 \
    kernel-module-af-packet \