# Take a list of directories in COLLECTIONS, in priority order (highest to # lowest), and use those to populate BBFILES, BBFILE_COLLECTIONS, # BBFILE_PATTERN_*, and BBFILE_PRIORITY_*. By default, COLLECTIONS is # prepopulated with the locations the user specified in their BBPATH. # Note that it will not overwrite existing BBFILES or BBFILE_* variables, so # you'll need to remove those from your config in order to use this. # # Specifying an archive in COLLECTIONS is also supported. Any archives of a # supported format will be unpacked into COLLECTIONS_UNPACKDIR and used from # there. COLLECTIONS = "${@' '.join(d.getVar('BBPATH', 1).split(':'))}" COLLECTIONS_UNPACKDIR = "${TMPDIR}/collections" def collection_unpack(collection, name, d): """ Unpack a collection archive and return the path to it. """ import bb import os from md5 import md5 handlers = { ("tar"): "tar x --no-same-owner -f %s", ("tar.gz", "tgz", "tar.Z"): "tar xz --no-same-owner -f %s", ("tar.bz2", "tbz", "tbz2"): "tar xj --no-same-owner -f %s", ("zip", "jar"): "unzip -q -o %s", } outpath = os.path.join(d.getVar("COLLECTIONS_UNPACKDIR", 1), name) try: collectiondata = open(collection, "r").read() except IOError: bb.fatal("Unable to open %s to calculate md5 sum" % collection) md5obj = md5() md5obj.update(collectiondata) md5sum = md5obj.hexdigest() md5file = os.path.join(outpath, "md5") if os.path.exists(md5file): try: oldmd5sum = open(md5file).read() except IOError: pass else: if oldmd5sum == md5sum: bb.debug(1, "Using existing %s for collection %s" % (outpath, name)) return outpath bb.note("Removing old unpacked collection at %s" % outpath) os.system("rm -rf %s" % outpath) try: cmd = (cmd for (exts, cmd) in handlers.iteritems() for e in exts if collection.endswith(e)).next() cmd = "cd %s && PATH=\"%s\" %s" % (outpath, d.getVar("PATH", 1), cmd) except StopIteration: bb.fatal("Unable to find unpack handler for %s" % collection) if not os.path.isdir(outpath): os.makedirs(outpath) bb.note("Unpacking %s to %s/" % (collection, outpath)) ret = os.system(cmd % collection) if ret != 0: bb.fatal("Unable to unpack %s" % collection) md5out = open(md5file, "w") md5out.write(md5sum) md5out.close() return outpath def collections_setup(d): """ Populate collection and bbfiles metadata from the COLLECTIONS var. """ import bb import os from itertools import izip, chain from glob import glob def setifunset(k, v): if d.getVar(k, 0) is None: d.setVar(k, v) collections = d.getVar("COLLECTIONS", 1) if not collections: return globbed = (glob(path) for path in collections.split()) collections = list(chain(*globbed)) collectionmap = {} namemap = {} for collection in collections: basename = os.path.basename(collection).split(os.path.extsep)[0] if namemap.get(basename): basename = "%s-%s" % (basename, hash(collection)) namemap[basename] = collection collectionmap[collection] = basename for (collection, priority) in izip(collections, xrange(len(collections), 0, -1)): if not os.path.exists(collection): bb.fatal("Collection %s does not exist" % collection) name = collectionmap[collection] if not name: bb.fatal("Unable to determine collection name for %s" % collection) if not os.path.isdir(collection): del collectionmap[collection] unpacked = collection_unpack(collection, name, d) if unpacked: collection = unpacked collectionmap[collection] = name else: bb.fatal("Unable to unpack collection %s" % collection) setifunset("BBFILE_PATTERN_%s" % name, "^%s/" % collection) setifunset("BBFILE_PRIORITY_%s" % name, str(priority)) setifunset("BBFILE_COLLECTIONS", " ".join(collectionmap.values())) setifunset("BBFILES", " ".join(collectionmap.keys())) addhandler collections_eh python collections_eh () { from bb.event import getName if getName(e) == "ConfigParsed": collections_setup(e.data) return NotHandled }