def tinder_form_data(bound, dict, log): """ Create the boundary for the HTTP Post """ output = [] # for each key in the dictionary for name in dict: output.append( "--" + bound ) output.append( 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % name ) output.append( "" ) output.append( dict[name] ) if log: output.append( "--" + bound ) output.append( 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="log"; filename="log.txt"' ) output.append( '' ) output.append( log ) output.append( '--' + bound + '--' ) output.append( '' ) return "\r\n".join(output) def tinder_time_string(): """ Return the time as GMT """ return "" def tinder_format_http_post(d,status,log): """ Format the Tinderbox HTTP post with the data needed for the tinderbox to be happy. """ from bb import data import os,random # the variables we will need to send on this form post variables = { "tree" : data.getVar('TINDER_TREE', d, True), "machine_name" : data.getVar('TINDER_MACHINE', d, True), "os" : os.uname()[0], "os_version" : os.uname()[2], "compiler" : "gcc", "clobber" : data.getVar('TINDER_CLOBBER', d, True) } # optionally add the status if status: variables["status"] = str(status) # try to load the machine id # we only need on but sending it # always does not hurt try: f = file(data.getVar('TMPDIR',d,True)+'/', 'r') id = variables['machine_id'] = id except: pass # the boundary we will need boundary = "----------------------------------%d" % int(random.random()*1000000000000) # now format the body body = tinder_form_data( boundary, variables, log ) return ("multipart/form-data; boundary=%s" % boundary),body def tinder_build_start(d): """ Inform the tinderbox that a build is starting. We do this by posting our name and tree to the script on the server. """ from bb import data import httplib # get the body and type content_type, body = tinder_format_http_post(d,None,None) server = data.getVar('TINDER_HOST', d, True ) url = data.getVar('TINDER_URL', d, True ) selector = url + "/xml/" print "selector %s and url %s" % (selector, url) # now post it h = httplib.HTTP(server) h.putrequest('POST', selector) h.putheader('content-type', content_type) h.putheader('content-length', str(len(body))) h.endheaders() h.send(body) errcode, errmsg, headers = h.getreply() print errcode, errmsg, headers report = # now let us find the machine id that was assigned to us search = " TINDERBOX RUNNING env %(time_start)s" ) output.append( env ) output.append( "<--- TINDERBOX FINISHED (SUCCESS) %(time_end)s" ) return "\n".join(output) % vars() def tinder_tinder_start(d): """ PRINT the configuration of this build """ time_start = tinder_time_string() config = tinder_print_info(d) env = tinder_print_env() time_end = tinder_time_string() output = [] output.append( "---> TINDERBOX PRINTING CONFIGURATION %(time_start)s" ) output.append( config ) output.append( env ) output.append( "<--- TINDERBOX FINISHED PRINTING CONFIGURATION %(time_end)s" ) return "\n".join(output) % vars() def tinder_do_tinder_report(event): """ Report to the tinderbox. Either we will report every step (depending on TINDER_VERBOSE_REPORT) at the end we will send the tinderclient.log """ from bb.event import getName from bb import data, mkdirhier import os, glob # variables name = getName(event) log = "" logfile = None status = 1 # Check what we need to do Build* shows we start or are done if name == "BuildStarted": tinder_build_start( log = tinder_tinder_start( if name == "PkgFailed" or name == "BuildCompleted": status = 'build_failed' if name == "BuildCompleted": status = "success" # append the log log_file = data.getVar('TINDER_LOG',, True) file = open(log_file, 'r') for line in file.readlines(): log += line #if verbose and name == "TaskStarted": # log = "Task %s started" % event.task # #if verbose and name == "PkgStarted": # log = "Package %s started" % data.getVar('P',, True) # #if verbose and name == "PkgSucceeded": # header = tinder_prepare_mail_header(, 'building') # log = "Package %s done" % data.getVar('P',, True) # Append the Task Log if name == "TaskSucceeded" or name == "TaskFailed": log_file = glob.glob("%s/log.%s.*" % (data.getVar('T',, True), event.task)) if len(log_file) != 0: to_file = data.getVar('TINDER_LOG',, True) log_txt = open(log_file[0], 'r').readlines() to_file.writelines(log_txt) # append to the log #if verbose: # header = tinder_prepare_mail_header(, 'building') # for line in log_txt: # log += line # now post the log if len(log) == 0: return # for now we will use the http post method as it is the only one log_post_method = tinder_send_http log_post_method(, status, log) # we want to be an event handler addhandler tinderclient_eventhandler python tinderclient_eventhandler() { from bb import note, error, data from bb.event import NotHandled do_tinder_report = data.getVar('TINDER_REPORT',, True) if do_tinder_report and do_tinder_report == "1": tinder_do_tinder_report(e) return NotHandled }