# sourceipk.bbclass enables the creation of an ipk file that contains the # sources used during the build. The sources contained in the ipk are the # patched sources before configuration has been done. # # This class is used to provide an easy method to ship the corresponding # sources for a package to end users so that they can install them on their # host or target systems. # # This package uses the following variables to control its operations: # - CREATE_SRCIPK = When set to 1 this variable indicates that # a source ipk should be generated for the package. # - SRCIPK_INSTALL_DIR = This variable indicates the directory to install # the sources into. # - SRCIPK_PACKAGE_ARCH = This variable allows specific recipies to # specify an architecture for the sourcetree # package is "all" is not appropriate # # The default installation directory for the sources is: # /usr/src/${PN}-src # # By setting the SRCIPK_INSTALL_DIR this default can be changed to any # location desired. When combined with the opkg -o option this allows for the # system building to specify a relative package install location to the # install root given to opkg. Each source ipk can have a different directory. # # Creation of the source ipk can be controlled per package by setting # CREATE_SRCIPK = "1" in the package recipe or by setting # CREATE_SRCIPK_pn-<package name> = "1" in your local.conf # #TODO: # Need to figure out how to use ipkg-build in this class. # I tried adding it as a dependency for the do_create_srcipk # task using: # do_create_srcipk[depends] += "ipkg-utils-native:do_populate_sysroot" # But then there is a circular dependency between sourcipk.bbclass and # ipkg-utils-native. Until I can figure out how to resolve this # circular dependency I am extracting the needed pieces from ipkg-build # into this class and building the source ipk myself. # Default is to not create the source ipk CREATE_SRCIPK ?= "0" # Default installation prefix SRCIPK_INSTALL_DIR ?= "/usr/src/${PN}-src" # Default PACKAGE_ARCH for sources is "all" SRCIPK_PACKAGE_ARCH ?= "all" # Create a README file that describes the contents of the source ipk sourceipk_create_readme() { readme="$1/README.${PN}-src" touch $readme echo 'This package contains the patched sources for ${PN} that' >> $readme echo 'were used to generate the ${PN} binary ipk package(s).' >> $readme echo 'This package does not build or generate the binaries' >> $readme echo 'directly. To build the binaries you must either' >> $readme echo 'configure and build the sources yourself or use:' >> $readme echo ' bitbake ${PN}' >> $readme echo '' >> $readme echo 'NOTE: The patches applied to the sources can be found in' >> $readme echo " the \"patches\" directory" >> $readme } # Create the source ipk file. The ipk is manually created here instead # of using the normal ipk system because some recipes will over write # the PACKAGES variable. Thus if this class added a -src package # to the list of packages to be created that package would be lost. # See the linux kernel recipe for an example of this issue. sourceipk_do_create_srcipk() { if [ ${CREATE_SRCIPK} != "0" ] then tmp_dir="${WORKDIR}/sourceipk-tmp" srcipk_dir="${WORKDIR}/sourceipk-data" mkdir -p $tmp_dir/CONTROL mkdir -p $srcipk_dir control_file="$tmp_dir/CONTROL/control" # Write the control file echo "Package: ${PN}-src" > $control_file echo "Version: ${PV}-${PR}" >> $control_file echo "Description: Patched sources for ${PN}" >> $control_file echo "Section: ${SECTION}" >> $control_file echo "Priority: Optional" >> $control_file echo "Maintainer: ${MAINTAINER}" >> $control_file echo "Architecture: ${SRCIPK_PACKAGE_ARCH}" >> $control_file srcuri="${SRC_URI}" if [ "$srcuri" == "" ] then srcuri="OpenEmbedded" fi echo "Source: $srcuri" >> $control_file #Write the control tarball tar -C $tmp_dir/CONTROL --owner=0 --group=0 -czf $srcipk_dir/control.tar.gz . # Get rid of temporary control file rm -rf $tmp_dir/CONTROL # Copy sources for packaging mkdir -p $tmp_dir/${SRCIPK_INSTALL_DIR} cp -rLf ${S}/* $tmp_dir/${SRCIPK_INSTALL_DIR}/ sourceipk_create_readme $tmp_dir/${SRCIPK_INSTALL_DIR}/ cp ${FILE} $tmp_dir/${SRCIPK_INSTALL_DIR}/ #Write the data tarball tar -C $tmp_dir --owner=0 --group=0 -czf $srcipk_dir/data.tar.gz . # Create the debian-binary file echo "2.0" > $srcipk_dir/debian-binary #Write the ipk file mkdir -p ${DEPLOY_DIR_IPK}/${SRCIPK_PACKAGE_ARCH} pkg_file=${DEPLOY_DIR_IPK}/${SRCIPK_PACKAGE_ARCH}/${PN}-src_${PV}-${PR}_${SRCIPK_PACKAGE_ARCH}.ipk rm -f $pkg_file tar -C $srcipk_dir -czf $pkg_file . # Remove the temporary directory rm -rf $tmp_dir fi } EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_create_srcipk do_create_srcipk[deptask] = "do_patch" addtask create_srcipk after do_patch before do_configure #Add source packages to list of packages OE knows about PACKAGES_DYNAMIC += "${PN}-src"