def can_use_autotools_base(cfgdata, d): import bb cfg = d.getVar("do_configure", 1) if not"autotools", d): return False for i in ["autoreconf"] + ["%s_do_configure" % cls for cls in ["gnome", "e", "autotools", "autotools_stage", "efl", "gpephone", "openmoko", "openmoko2", "xfce", "xlibs"]]: if cfg.find(i) != -1: return False import os for clsfile in d.getVar("__inherit_cache", 0): (base, _) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(clsfile)) if cfg.find("%s_do_configure" % base) != -1: bb.note("%s: recipe_sanity: autotools_base usage needs verification, spotted %s" % (d.getVar("P", 1), "%s_do_configure" % base)) return True def can_remove_FILESPATH(cfgdata, d): import os import bb expected = cfgdata.get("FILESPATH") #expected = "${@':'.join([os.path.normpath(os.path.join(fp, p, o)) for fp in d.getVar('FILESPATHBASE', 1).split(':') for p in d.getVar('FILESPATHPKG', 1).split(':') for o in (d.getVar('OVERRIDES', 1) + ':').split(':') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(fp, p, o))])}:${FILESDIR}" expectedpaths =, d) unexpanded = d.getVar("FILESPATH", 0) filespath = d.getVar("FILESPATH", 1).split(":") filespath = [os.path.normpath(f) for f in filespath if os.path.exists(f)] for fp in filespath: if not fp in expectedpaths: # bb.note("Path %s in FILESPATH not in the expected paths %s" % (fp, expectedpaths)) return False return expected != unexpanded def can_remove_FILESDIR(cfgdata, d): import os import bb expected = cfgdata.get("FILESDIR") #expected = "${@bb.which(d.getVar('FILESPATH', 1), '.')}" unexpanded = d.getVar("FILESDIR", 0) if unexpanded is None: return False expanded = os.path.normpath(d.getVar("FILESDIR", 1)) filespath = d.getVar("FILESPATH", 1).split(":") filespath = [os.path.normpath(f) for f in filespath if os.path.exists(f)] return unexpanded != expected and \ os.path.exists(expanded) and \ (expanded in filespath or expanded ==, d)) def can_remove_others(p, cfgdata, d): import bb for k in ["S", "PV", "PN", "DESCRIPTION", "LICENSE", "DEPENDS", "SECTION", "PACKAGES", "EXTRA_OECONF", "EXTRA_OEMAKE"]: #for k in cfgdata: unexpanded = d.getVar(k, 0) cfgunexpanded = cfgdata.get(k) if not cfgunexpanded: continue try: expanded = d.getVar(k, 1) cfgexpanded =, d) except bb.fetch.ParameterError: continue if unexpanded != cfgunexpanded and \ cfgexpanded == expanded: bb.note("%s: recipe_sanity: candidate for removal of %s" % (p, k)) bb.debug(1, "%s: recipe_sanity: cfg's '%s' and d's '%s' both expand to %s" % (p, cfgunexpanded, unexpanded, expanded)) python do_recipe_sanity () { p = d.getVar("P", 1) p = "%s %s %s" % (d.getVar("PN", 1), d.getVar("PV", 1), d.getVar("PR", 1)) sanitychecks = [ (can_remove_FILESDIR, "removal of FILESDIR"), (can_remove_FILESPATH, "removal of FILESPATH"), #(can_use_autotools_base, "use of autotools_base"), ] cfgdata = d.getVar("__recipe_sanity_cfgdata", 0) for (func, msg) in sanitychecks: if func(cfgdata, d): bb.note("%s: recipe_sanity: candidate for %s" % (p, msg)) can_remove_others(p, cfgdata, d) } do_recipe_sanity[nostamp] = "1" do_recipe_sanity[recrdeptask] = "do_recipe_sanity" addtask recipe_sanity python recipe_sanity_eh () { from bb.event import getName if getName(e) != "ConfigParsed": return NotHandled d = cfgdata = {} for k in d.keys(): #for k in ["S", "PR", "PV", "PN", "DESCRIPTION", "LICENSE", "DEPENDS", # "SECTION"]: cfgdata[k] = d.getVar(k, 0) d.setVar("__recipe_sanity_cfgdata", cfgdata) } addhandler recipe_sanity_eh