# package_dbg.bbclass: populate -dbg versions for each package in PACKAGES # # Copyright (c) 2009 MontaVista Software, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Released under the MIT license (see LICENSE.MIT for the terms) inherit package PACKAGE_DBG_DESC = "Debugging files for %s" PACKAGE_DBG_EXCLUDE = "${PN}-locale* ${PN}-doc ${PN}-dev *-dbg" def __find(dir): """ Given a directory, recurses into that directory, returning all files. """ from os import walk from os.path import join for root, dirs, files in walk(dir): for file in files: yield join(root, file) def __package_get_files(pkg, d): """ Obtains a list of files to be included in a package. Starting from the FILES_<pkg> variable, it expands any globs in the list, which removes missing files, and traverses any directories in the list. It does *not* remove files which are also in other packages, it's left to the user's discretion whether to allow overlap. """ from glob import glob from os.path import join, isdir, islink installdir = d.getVar("D", True) installdirlen = len(installdir) files = (d.getVar("FILES_%s" % pkg, True) or "").split() for globbed in (glob(join(installdir, file[1:])) for file in files): for path in globbed: if isdir(path) and not islink(path): for file in __find(path): yield file[installdirlen:] else: yield path[installdirlen:] def add_dbg_packages(d): from fnmatch import fnmatch packages = d.getVar("PACKAGES", True).split() excludes = d.getVar("PACKAGE_DBG_EXCLUDE", True).split() for pkg in tuple(packages): if any(fnmatch(pkg, excluded) for excluded in excludes): continue dbgpkg = "%s-dbg" % pkg if not dbgpkg in packages: packages.insert(0, dbgpkg) d.setVar("PACKAGES", " ".join(packages)) # Add the -dbg packages to PACKAGES python () { from bb.data import inherits_class as inherits # Task handles its own -dbg versions of its packages at the moment if not inherits("task", d): dynpkgs = d.getVar("PACKAGES_DYNAMIC", True).split() dynpkgs += ["%s-dbg" % dyn for dyn in dynpkgs] d.setVar("PACKAGES_DYNAMIC", " ".join(dynpkgs)) add_dbg_packages(d) } python populate_packages_prepend () { from bb.data import inherits_class as inherits if not inherits("task", d): bb.build.exec_func("package_do_dbg", d) } # Populate the -dbg subpackage metadata python package_do_dbg() { """ Populate the -dbg subpackage metadata. """ from os.path import join, basename, dirname def setVar(key, val): if d.getVar(key, val) is None: d.setVar(key, val) add_dbg_packages(d) packages = d.getVar("PACKAGES", True).split() desc = d.getVar("PACKAGE_DBG_DESC", True) done = [] for pkgname in tuple(packages): files = tuple(__package_get_files(pkgname, d)) dbg = [join(dirname(file), ".debug", basename(file)) for file in files if not file in done] done.extend(files) if dbg: setVar("FILES_%s-dbg" % pkgname, " ".join(dbg)) setVar("DESCRIPTION_%s-dbg" % pkgname, desc % pkgname) setVar("RDEPENDS_%s-dbg" % pkgname, pkgname) else: try: packages.remove("%s-dbg" % pkgname) except ValueError: pass d.setVar("PACKAGES", " ".join(packages)) }