# classes/opie_i18n.oeclass Matthias 'CoreDump' Hentges 16-10-2004 # # Automatically builds i18n ipks for opie packages. It downloads opie-i18n from opie CVS # and tries to guess the name of the .ts file based on the package name: # ${PN}.ts, lib${PN}.ts and opie-${PN}.ts are all valid. The .ts "guessing" can be # disabled by setting I18N_FILES in the .oe file. # # Todo: # I18N_STATS = "1" SRC_URI += "cvs://anoncvs:anoncvs@cvs.handhelds.org/cvs;module=opie/i18n" DEPENDS += "opie-i18n" die () { echo -e "opie_18n: ERROR: $1" exit 1 } python do_build_opie_i18n_data() { import os, oe, re workdir = oe.data.getVar("WORKDIR", d, 1) packages = oe.data.getVar("PACKAGES", d, 1) files = oe.data.getVar("FILES", d, 1) section = oe.data.getVar("SECTION", d, 1) pn = oe.data.getVar("PN", d, 1) rdepends = oe.data.getVar("RDEPENDS", d, 1) if os.path.exists(workdir + "/PACKAGES.tmp"): fd = open(workdir + "/PACKAGES.tmp", 'r') lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() oe.data.setVar('PACKAGES', " ".join(lines).lower() + " " + packages, d) fd = open(workdir + "/FILES.tmp", 'r') lines = fd.readlines() fd.close() for l in lines: x = re.split("\#", l) oe.data.setVar('FILES_%s' % x[0].lower(), " " + x[1].strip('\n'), d) oe.data.setVar('SECTION_%s' % x[0].lower(), "opie/translations", d) oe.data.setVar('RDEPENDS_%s' % x[0].lower(), pn, d) oe.data.setVar('SECTION_%s' % pn, section, d) oe.data.setVar('RDEPENDS', rdepends, d) else: oe.note("No translations found for package " + pn) } do_build_opie_i18n () { cd "${WORKDIR}/i18n" || die "ERROR:\nCouldn't find Opies i18n sources in ${PN}/i18n\nMake sure that <inherit opie_i18n> or <inherit opie> is *below* <SRC_URIS =>!" if test -z "${I18N_FILES}" then package_name="`echo "${PN}"| sed "s/^opie\-//"`" package_name2="`echo "${PN}"| sed "s/^opie\-//;s/\-//"`" test "$package_name" != "$package_name2" && I18N_FILES="${package_name}.ts lib${package_name}.ts opie-${package_name}.ts ${package_name2}.ts lib${package_name2}.ts opie-${package_name2}.ts" test "$package_name" = "$package_name2" && I18N_FILES="${package_name}.ts lib${package_name}.ts opie-${package_name}.ts" echo -e "I18N Datafiles: ${I18N_FILES} (auto-detected)\nYou can overide the auto-detection by setting I18N_FILES in your .oe file" else echo "I18N Datafiles: ${I18N_FILES} (provided by .oe)" fi rm -f "${WORKDIR}/FILES.tmp" "${WORKDIR}/PACKAGES.tmp" echo -e "\nFILES is set to [${FILES}]\n" for file in ${I18N_FILES} do echo "Working on [$file]" for ts_file in `ls -1 */*.ts | egrep "/$file"` do echo -e "\tCompiling [$ts_file]" cd "${WORKDIR}/i18n/`dirname $ts_file`" || die "[${WORKDIR}/i18n/`dirname $ts_file`] not found" opie-lrelease "`basename $ts_file`" || die "lrelease failed! Make sure that <inherit opie_i18n> or <inherit opie> is *below* <DEPENDS =>!" # $lang is the language as in de_DE, $lang_sane replaces "_" with "-" # to allow packaging as "_" is not allowed in a package name lang="`echo "$ts_file" | sed -n "s#\(.*\)/\(.*\)#\1#p"`" lang_sane="`echo "$ts_file" | sed -n "s#\(.*\)/\(.*\)#\1#p"|sed s/\_/\-/`" echo -e "\tPackaging [`basename $ts_file`] for language [$lang]" install -d ${D}${palmtopdir}/i18n/$lang install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/i18n/$lang/.directory ${D}${palmtopdir}/i18n/$lang/ install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/i18n/$lang/*.qm "${D}${palmtopdir}/i18n/$lang/" # As it is not possible to modify OE vars from within a _shell_ function, # some major hacking was needed. These two files will be read by the python # function do_build_opie_i18n_data() which sets the variables FILES_* and # PACKAGES as needed. echo -n "${PN}-${lang_sane} " >> "${WORKDIR}/PACKAGES.tmp" echo -e "${PN}-${lang_sane}#${palmtopdir}/i18n/$lang" >> "${WORKDIR}/FILES.tmp" ts_found_something=1 done if test "$ts_found_something" != 1 then echo -e "\tNo translations found" else ts_found_something="" ts_found="$ts_found $file" fi # Only used for debugging purposes test "${I18N_STATS}" = 1 && cd "${WORKDIR}/i18n" echo -e "Completed [$file]\n\n" done qt_dirs="apps bin etc lib pics plugins share sounds" for dir in $qt_dirs do dir_="$dir_ ${palmtopdir}/$dir " done # If we don't adjust FILES to exclude the i18n directory, we will end up with # _lots_ of empty i18n/$lang directories in the original .ipk. if (echo "${FILES}" | egrep "/opt/QtPalmtop/? |/opt/QtPalmtop/?$") &>/dev/null then echo "NOTE: FILES was set to /opt/QtPalmtop which would include the i18n directory" echo -e "\n\nI'll remove /opt/QtPalmtop from FILES and replace it with all directories" echo "below QtPalmtop, except i18n ($qt_dirs). See classes/opie_i18n.oeclass for details" # Removes /opt/QtPalmtop from FILES but keeps /opt/QtPalmtop/$some_dir FILES="`echo "$FILES"| sed "s#/opt/QtPalmtop[/]\?\$\|/opt/QtPalmtop[/]\? ##"`" echo "${PN}#$FILES $dir_" >> "${WORKDIR}/FILES.tmp" fi # This is the common case for OPIE apps which are installed by opie.oeclass magic if test -z "${FILES}" then echo "NOTE:" echo -e "Since FILES is empty, i'll add all directories below /o/QtPalmtop to it,\nexcluding i18n: ( $qt_dirs )" echo "${PN}#$FILES $dir_" >> "${WORKDIR}/FILES.tmp" fi if ! test -e "${WORKDIR}/PACKAGES.tmp" -a "${I18N_STATS}" = 1 then echo "No translations for package [${PN}]" >> /tmp/oe-i18n-missing.log else echo "Using [$ts_found ] for package [${PN}]" >> /tmp/oe-i18n.log fi # While this might not be very elegant, it safes a _ton_ of space (~30Mb) for # each opie package. for file in $(ls */*.ts | egrep -v "`echo "$ts_found"| sed "s/^\ //;s/\ /\|/"`") do rm "$file" done return 0 } addtask build_opie_i18n before do_compile addtask build_opie_i18n_data after do_build_opie_i18n before do_compile