DESCRIPTION = "SwitchBox version ${PV}. \ SwitchBox is a minimal version of BusyBox with just enough functionality \ to switch between different root filesystem options on an Unslung NSLU2 device." HOMEPAGE = "" LICENSE = "GPL" SECTION = "base" PRIORITY = "required" PR = "r2" SRC_URI = "${PV}.tar.gz \ file://defconfig \ file://linuxrc \ file://switchbox.patch;patch=1 \ file://telnetd-autologin.patch;patch=1" S = "${WORKDIR}/busybox-${PV}" python () { # Don't build switchbox unless we're targeting an nslu2 if"MACHINE", d, 1) != "nslu2": raise oe.parse.SkipPackage("switchbox only builds for the Linksys NSLU2") } LDFLAGS =+ "-static" export EXTRA_CFLAGS = "${CFLAGS}" EXTRA_OEMAKE_append = " CROSS=${HOST_PREFIX}" PACKAGES = "${PN}" FILES_${PN} = "/" FILES_${PN}-doc = "" FILES_${PN}-dev = "" FILES_${PN}-locale = "" inherit cml1 do_configure () { install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/defconfig ${S}/.config cml1_do_configure } do_compile () { unset CFLAGS base_do_compile } do_install () { oe_runmake 'PREFIX=${D}' install install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/linuxrc ${D}/ mkdir -p ${D}/proc ${D}/mnt/tmpmnt }