From 10f96a16b063c31bc1fedae15bd76c0afb887e1e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Koen Kooi Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 14:27:39 +0200 Subject: linux-omap-pm git: start updating it to .31rc --- ...t-gro-Fix-legacy-path-napi_complete-crash.patch | 39 - ...002-OMAPFB-move-omapfb.h-to-include-linux.patch | 1297 -- ...003-DSS2-OMAP2-3-Display-Subsystem-driver.patch | 14450 ------------------- .../dss2/0004-DSS2-OMAP-framebuffer-driver.patch | 3403 ----- .../dss2/0005-DSS2-Add-panel-drivers.patch | 396 - .../0006-DSS2-HACK-Add-DSS2-support-for-N800.patch | 1079 -- ...Add-DSS2-support-for-SDP-Beagle-Overo-EVM.patch | 5691 -------- ...unction-to-display-object-to-get-the-back.patch | 39 - .../dss2/0009-DSS2-Add-acx565akm-panel.patch | 778 - ...2-Small-VRFB-context-allocation-bug-fixed.patch | 28 - ...-Allocated-memory-for-Color-Look-up-table.patch | 37 - .../dss2/0012-DSS2-Fix-DMA-rotation.patch | 65 - .../0013-DSS2-Verify-that-overlay-paddr-0.patch | 41 - ...-Add-function-to-get-DSS-logic-clock-rate.patch | 51 - ...-DSS2-DSI-calculate-VP_CLK_RATIO-properly.patch | 68 - ...6-DSS2-DSI-improve-packet-len-calculation.patch | 58 - ...2-Disable-video-planes-on-sync-lost-error.patch | 103 - ...S2-check-for-ovl-paddr-only-when-enabling.patch | 40 - ...-fclk-limits-when-configuring-video-plane.patch | 183 - ...heck-scaling-limits-against-proper-values.patch | 79 - .../dss2/0021-DSS2-Add-venc-register-dump.patch | 96 - .../0022-DSS2-FB-remove-unused-var-warning.patch | 27 - ...the-default-FB-color-format-through-board.patch | 214 - .../dss2/0024-DSS2-Beagle-Use-gpio_set_value.patch | 48 - ...-Macro-for-calculating-base-address-of-th.patch | 28 - ...I-sidlemode-to-noidle-while-sending-frame.patch | 78 - ...2-VRFB-rotation-and-mirroring-implemented.patch | 324 - ...FB-Added-support-for-the-YUV-VRFB-rotatio.patch | 236 - ...FB-Set-line_length-correctly-for-YUV-with.patch | 61 - ..._get_trans_key-was-returning-wrong-key-ty.patch | 29 - ...2-do-bootmem-reserve-for-exclusive-access.patch | 33 - ...DSS2-Fix-DISPC_VID_FIR-value-for-omap34xx.patch | 35 - .../dss2/0033-DSS2-Prefer-3-tap-filter.patch | 82 - ...34-DSS2-VRAM-improve-omap_vram_add_region.patch | 135 - ...-the-function-pointer-for-getting-default.patch | 66 - ...-support-for-setting-and-querying-alpha-b.patch | 118 - ...2-Added-support-for-querying-color-keying.patch | 150 - ...B-Some-color-keying-pointerd-renamed-in-D.patch | 56 - ...ysfs-entry-to-for-the-alpha-blending-supp.patch | 59 - ...ded-proper-exclusion-for-destination-colo.patch | 97 - ...S2-Disable-vertical-offset-with-fieldmode.patch | 71 - ...DSS2-Don-t-enable-fieldmode-automatically.patch | 34 - ...3-DSS2-Swap-field-0-and-field-1-registers.patch | 170 - ...dd-sysfs-entry-for-seting-the-rotate-type.patch | 76 - .../0045-DSS2-Fixed-line-endings-from-to.patch | 48 - ...-DSI-decrease-sync-timeout-from-60s-to-2s.patch | 26 - ...eturn-value-for-rotate_type-sysfs-functio.patch | 44 - ...3-DMA-implement-trans-copy-and-const-fill.patch | 123 - ...9-DSS2-VRAM-clear-allocated-area-with-DMA.patch | 101 - .../0050-DSS2-OMAPFB-remove-fb-clearing-code.patch | 53 - .../0051-DSS2-VRAM-use-debugfs-not-procfs.patch | 170 - ...52-DSS2-VRAM-fix-section-mismatch-warning.patch | 34 - ...S2-disable-LCD-DIGIT-before-resetting-DSS.patch | 41 - .../dss2/0054-DSS2-DSI-more-error-handling.patch | 85 - .../0055-DSS2-Added-global-alpha-support.patch | 230 - ...ion-attrs-for-YUV-need-not-to-be-reversed.patch | 35 - ...mentation-update-for-new-sysfs-entries-in.patch | 32 - ...-touch-plane-coordinates-when-changing-fb.patch | 56 - ...-DSI-configure-ENTER-EXIT_HS_MODE_LATENCY.patch | 97 - ...-div-by-zero-when-calculating-required-fc.patch | 34 - .../dss2/0061-DSS2-VRFB-save-restore-context.patch | 106 - .../dss2/0062-DSS2-VRAM-Fix-indentation.patch | 65 - ...he-usage-of-get_last_off_on_transaction_i.patch | 82 - .../dss2/0064-VRFB-fix-debug-messages.patch | 35 - ...065-VRFB-add-suspend-resume-functionality.patch | 216 - ...2-DSI-tune-the-timings-to-be-more-relaxed.patch | 92 - ...FB-don-t-WARN-when-releasing-inactive-ctx.patch | 29 - ...-Swap-field-offset-values-w-VRFB-rotation.patch | 65 - ...3EVM-Added-DSI-powerup-and-powerdown-func.patch | 125 - .../linux-omap-pm/dss2/0070-DSS2-fix-irq1.diff | 221 - .../linux-omap-pm/dss2/0071-DSS2-fix-irq2.diff | 35 - 71 files changed, 32528 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0001-Revert-gro-Fix-legacy-path-napi_complete-crash.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0002-OMAPFB-move-omapfb.h-to-include-linux.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0003-DSS2-OMAP2-3-Display-Subsystem-driver.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0004-DSS2-OMAP-framebuffer-driver.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0005-DSS2-Add-panel-drivers.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0006-DSS2-HACK-Add-DSS2-support-for-N800.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0007-DSS2-Add-DSS2-support-for-SDP-Beagle-Overo-EVM.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0008-DSS2-Add-function-to-display-object-to-get-the-back.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0009-DSS2-Add-acx565akm-panel.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0010-DSS2-Small-VRFB-context-allocation-bug-fixed.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0011-DSS2-Allocated-memory-for-Color-Look-up-table.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0012-DSS2-Fix-DMA-rotation.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0013-DSS2-Verify-that-overlay-paddr-0.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0014-DSS2-Add-function-to-get-DSS-logic-clock-rate.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0015-DSS2-DSI-calculate-VP_CLK_RATIO-properly.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0016-DSS2-DSI-improve-packet-len-calculation.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0017-DSS2-Disable-video-planes-on-sync-lost-error.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0018-DSS2-check-for-ovl-paddr-only-when-enabling.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0019-DSS2-Check-fclk-limits-when-configuring-video-plane.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0020-DSS2-Check-scaling-limits-against-proper-values.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0021-DSS2-Add-venc-register-dump.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0022-DSS2-FB-remove-unused-var-warning.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0023-DSS2-pass-the-default-FB-color-format-through-board.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0024-DSS2-Beagle-Use-gpio_set_value.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0025-DSS2-VRFB-Macro-for-calculating-base-address-of-th.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0026-DSS2-DSI-sidlemode-to-noidle-while-sending-frame.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0027-DSS2-VRFB-rotation-and-mirroring-implemented.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0028-DSS2-OMAPFB-Added-support-for-the-YUV-VRFB-rotatio.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0029-DSS2-OMAPFB-Set-line_length-correctly-for-YUV-with.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0030-DSS2-dispc_get_trans_key-was-returning-wrong-key-ty.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0031-DSS2-do-bootmem-reserve-for-exclusive-access.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0032-DSS2-Fix-DISPC_VID_FIR-value-for-omap34xx.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0033-DSS2-Prefer-3-tap-filter.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0034-DSS2-VRAM-improve-omap_vram_add_region.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0035-DSS2-Added-the-function-pointer-for-getting-default.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0036-DSS2-Added-support-for-setting-and-querying-alpha-b.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0037-DSS2-Added-support-for-querying-color-keying.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0038-DSS2-OMAPFB-Some-color-keying-pointerd-renamed-in-D.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0039-DSS2-Add-sysfs-entry-to-for-the-alpha-blending-supp.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0040-DSS2-Provided-proper-exclusion-for-destination-colo.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0041-DSS2-Disable-vertical-offset-with-fieldmode.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0042-DSS2-Don-t-enable-fieldmode-automatically.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0043-DSS2-Swap-field-0-and-field-1-registers.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0044-DSS2-add-sysfs-entry-for-seting-the-rotate-type.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0045-DSS2-Fixed-line-endings-from-to.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0046-DSS2-DSI-decrease-sync-timeout-from-60s-to-2s.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0047-DSS2-fix-return-value-for-rotate_type-sysfs-functio.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0048-OMAP2-3-DMA-implement-trans-copy-and-const-fill.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0049-DSS2-VRAM-clear-allocated-area-with-DMA.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0050-DSS2-OMAPFB-remove-fb-clearing-code.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0051-DSS2-VRAM-use-debugfs-not-procfs.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0052-DSS2-VRAM-fix-section-mismatch-warning.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0053-DSS2-disable-LCD-DIGIT-before-resetting-DSS.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0054-DSS2-DSI-more-error-handling.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0055-DSS2-Added-global-alpha-support.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0056-DSS2-Rotation-attrs-for-YUV-need-not-to-be-reversed.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0057-DSS2-Documentation-update-for-new-sysfs-entries-in.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0058-DSS2-Don-t-touch-plane-coordinates-when-changing-fb.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0059-DSS2-DSI-configure-ENTER-EXIT_HS_MODE_LATENCY.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0060-DSS2-Avoid-div-by-zero-when-calculating-required-fc.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0061-DSS2-VRFB-save-restore-context.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0062-DSS2-VRAM-Fix-indentation.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0063-DSS2-fix-the-usage-of-get_last_off_on_transaction_i.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0064-VRFB-fix-debug-messages.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0065-VRFB-add-suspend-resume-functionality.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0066-DSS2-DSI-tune-the-timings-to-be-more-relaxed.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0067-DSS2-VRFB-don-t-WARN-when-releasing-inactive-ctx.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0068-DSS2-Swap-field-offset-values-w-VRFB-rotation.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0069-DSS2-OMAP3EVM-Added-DSI-powerup-and-powerdown-func.patch delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0070-DSS2-fix-irq1.diff delete mode 100644 recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0071-DSS2-fix-irq2.diff (limited to 'recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm') diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0001-Revert-gro-Fix-legacy-path-napi_complete-crash.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0001-Revert-gro-Fix-legacy-path-napi_complete-crash.patch deleted file mode 100644 index ac26554845..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0001-Revert-gro-Fix-legacy-path-napi_complete-crash.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -From 26abf45ac80be4c54a63fecf1c3c1e1efb416e0a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 18:27:09 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 01/69] Revert "gro: Fix legacy path napi_complete crash" - -This reverts commit 303c6a0251852ecbdc5c15e466dcaff5971f7517. - -Fixes USB network problems ---- - net/core/dev.c | 5 ++--- - 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/net/core/dev.c b/net/core/dev.c -index e3fe5c7..c1e9dc0 100644 ---- a/net/core/dev.c -+++ b/net/core/dev.c -@@ -2588,9 +2588,9 @@ static int process_backlog(struct napi_struct *napi, int quota) - local_irq_disable(); - skb = __skb_dequeue(&queue->input_pkt_queue); - if (!skb) { -+ __napi_complete(napi); - local_irq_enable(); -- napi_complete(napi); -- goto out; -+ break; - } - local_irq_enable(); - -@@ -2599,7 +2599,6 @@ static int process_backlog(struct napi_struct *napi, int quota) - - napi_gro_flush(napi); - --out: - return work; - } - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0002-OMAPFB-move-omapfb.h-to-include-linux.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0002-OMAPFB-move-omapfb.h-to-include-linux.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 5873ae280c..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0002-OMAPFB-move-omapfb.h-to-include-linux.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1297 +0,0 @@ -From 02243f13eec816e11d16676a131bc04b8a0666ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2009 16:33:02 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH] OMAPFB: move omapfb.h to include/linux/ - -This is needed so that omapfb.h is automatically exported to user space. - -omapfb.h should be cleaned up later. Some stuff can probably be moved -to omapfb's private include file. - -Signed-off-by: Tomi Valkeinen ---- - arch/arm/mach-omap1/board-nokia770.c | 2 +- - arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-n800.c | 2 +- - arch/arm/mach-omap2/io.c | 2 +- - arch/arm/plat-omap/fb.c | 2 +- - arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/omapfb.h | 398 ------------------------------ - drivers/video/omap/blizzard.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/dispc.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/hwa742.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_2430sdp.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_ams_delta.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_apollon.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_h3.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_h4.c | 3 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_inn1510.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_inn1610.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_ldp.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_mipid.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap2evm.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap3beagle.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap3evm.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_osk.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_overo.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_p2.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_palmte.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_palmtt.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcd_palmz71.c | 3 +- - drivers/video/omap/lcdc.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/omapfb_main.c | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap/rfbi.c | 3 +- - drivers/video/omap/sossi.c | 2 +- - include/linux/omapfb.h | 398 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - 31 files changed, 427 insertions(+), 430 deletions(-) - delete mode 100644 arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/omapfb.h - create mode 100644 include/linux/omapfb.h - -diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-omap1/board-nokia770.c b/arch/arm/mach-omap1/board-nokia770.c -index 8780ca6..ca4680a 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/mach-omap1/board-nokia770.c -+++ b/arch/arm/mach-omap1/board-nokia770.c -@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - #include - - #include -@@ -32,7 +33,6 @@ - #include - #include - #include --#include - #include - #include - #include -diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-n800.c b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-n800.c -index cb32b61..f6f6571 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-n800.c -+++ b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-n800.c -@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - #include - #include - #include -@@ -39,7 +40,6 @@ - #include - #include - #include --#include - #include - - #include <../drivers/cbus/tahvo.h> -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/fb.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/fb.c -index 3746222..40615a6 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/fb.c -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/fb.c -@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include - #include - - #include - #include --#include - - #if defined(CONFIG_FB_OMAP) || defined(CONFIG_FB_OMAP_MODULE) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/omapfb.h b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/omapfb.h -deleted file mode 100644 -index b226bdf..0000000 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/omapfb.h -+++ /dev/null -@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@ --/* -- * File: arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/omapfb.h -- * -- * Framebuffer driver for TI OMAP boards -- * -- * Copyright (C) 2004 Nokia Corporation -- * Author: Imre Deak -- * -- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -- * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your -- * option) any later version. -- * -- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- * General Public License for more details. -- * -- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along -- * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., -- * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -- */ -- --#ifndef __OMAPFB_H --#define __OMAPFB_H -- --#include --#include -- --/* IOCTL commands. */ -- --#define OMAP_IOW(num, dtype) _IOW('O', num, dtype) --#define OMAP_IOR(num, dtype) _IOR('O', num, dtype) --#define OMAP_IOWR(num, dtype) _IOWR('O', num, dtype) --#define OMAP_IO(num) _IO('O', num) -- --#define OMAPFB_MIRROR OMAP_IOW(31, int) --#define OMAPFB_SYNC_GFX OMAP_IO(37) --#define OMAPFB_VSYNC OMAP_IO(38) --#define OMAPFB_SET_UPDATE_MODE OMAP_IOW(40, int) --#define OMAPFB_GET_CAPS OMAP_IOR(42, struct omapfb_caps) --#define OMAPFB_GET_UPDATE_MODE OMAP_IOW(43, int) --#define OMAPFB_LCD_TEST OMAP_IOW(45, int) --#define OMAPFB_CTRL_TEST OMAP_IOW(46, int) --#define OMAPFB_UPDATE_WINDOW_OLD OMAP_IOW(47, struct omapfb_update_window_old) --#define OMAPFB_SET_COLOR_KEY OMAP_IOW(50, struct omapfb_color_key) --#define OMAPFB_GET_COLOR_KEY OMAP_IOW(51, struct omapfb_color_key) --#define OMAPFB_SETUP_PLANE OMAP_IOW(52, struct omapfb_plane_info) --#define OMAPFB_QUERY_PLANE OMAP_IOW(53, struct omapfb_plane_info) --#define OMAPFB_UPDATE_WINDOW OMAP_IOW(54, struct omapfb_update_window) --#define OMAPFB_SETUP_MEM OMAP_IOW(55, struct omapfb_mem_info) --#define OMAPFB_QUERY_MEM OMAP_IOW(56, struct omapfb_mem_info) -- --#define OMAPFB_CAPS_GENERIC_MASK 0x00000fff --#define OMAPFB_CAPS_LCDC_MASK 0x00fff000 --#define OMAPFB_CAPS_PANEL_MASK 0xff000000 -- --#define OMAPFB_CAPS_MANUAL_UPDATE 0x00001000 --#define OMAPFB_CAPS_TEARSYNC 0x00002000 --#define OMAPFB_CAPS_PLANE_RELOCATE_MEM 0x00004000 --#define OMAPFB_CAPS_PLANE_SCALE 0x00008000 --#define OMAPFB_CAPS_WINDOW_PIXEL_DOUBLE 0x00010000 --#define OMAPFB_CAPS_WINDOW_SCALE 0x00020000 --#define OMAPFB_CAPS_WINDOW_OVERLAY 0x00040000 --#define OMAPFB_CAPS_WINDOW_ROTATE 0x00080000 --#define OMAPFB_CAPS_SET_BACKLIGHT 0x01000000 -- --/* Values from DSP must map to lower 16-bits */ --#define OMAPFB_FORMAT_MASK 0x00ff --#define OMAPFB_FORMAT_FLAG_DOUBLE 0x0100 --#define OMAPFB_FORMAT_FLAG_TEARSYNC 0x0200 --#define OMAPFB_FORMAT_FLAG_FORCE_VSYNC 0x0400 --#define OMAPFB_FORMAT_FLAG_ENABLE_OVERLAY 0x0800 --#define OMAPFB_FORMAT_FLAG_DISABLE_OVERLAY 0x1000 -- --#define OMAPFB_EVENT_READY 1 --#define OMAPFB_EVENT_DISABLED 2 -- --#define OMAPFB_MEMTYPE_SDRAM 0 --#define OMAPFB_MEMTYPE_SRAM 1 --#define OMAPFB_MEMTYPE_MAX 1 -- --enum omapfb_color_format { -- OMAPFB_COLOR_RGB565 = 0, -- OMAPFB_COLOR_YUV422, -- OMAPFB_COLOR_YUV420, -- OMAPFB_COLOR_CLUT_8BPP, -- OMAPFB_COLOR_CLUT_4BPP, -- OMAPFB_COLOR_CLUT_2BPP, -- OMAPFB_COLOR_CLUT_1BPP, -- OMAPFB_COLOR_RGB444, -- OMAPFB_COLOR_YUY422, --}; -- --struct omapfb_update_window { -- __u32 x, y; -- __u32 width, height; -- __u32 format; -- __u32 out_x, out_y; -- __u32 out_width, out_height; -- __u32 reserved[8]; --}; -- --struct omapfb_update_window_old { -- __u32 x, y; -- __u32 width, height; -- __u32 format; --}; -- --enum omapfb_plane { -- OMAPFB_PLANE_GFX = 0, -- OMAPFB_PLANE_VID1, -- OMAPFB_PLANE_VID2, --}; -- --enum omapfb_channel_out { -- OMAPFB_CHANNEL_OUT_LCD = 0, -- OMAPFB_CHANNEL_OUT_DIGIT, --}; -- --struct omapfb_plane_info { -- __u32 pos_x; -- __u32 pos_y; -- __u8 enabled; -- __u8 channel_out; -- __u8 mirror; -- __u8 reserved1; -- __u32 out_width; -- __u32 out_height; -- __u32 reserved2[12]; --}; -- --struct omapfb_mem_info { -- __u32 size; -- __u8 type; -- __u8 reserved[3]; --}; -- --struct omapfb_caps { -- __u32 ctrl; -- __u32 plane_color; -- __u32 wnd_color; --}; -- --enum omapfb_color_key_type { -- OMAPFB_COLOR_KEY_DISABLED = 0, -- OMAPFB_COLOR_KEY_GFX_DST, -- OMAPFB_COLOR_KEY_VID_SRC, --}; -- --struct omapfb_color_key { -- __u8 channel_out; -- __u32 background; -- __u32 trans_key; -- __u8 key_type; --}; -- --enum omapfb_update_mode { -- OMAPFB_UPDATE_DISABLED = 0, -- OMAPFB_AUTO_UPDATE, -- OMAPFB_MANUAL_UPDATE --}; -- --#ifdef __KERNEL__ -- --#include --#include --#include --#include -- --#include -- --#define OMAP_LCDC_INV_VSYNC 0x0001 --#define OMAP_LCDC_INV_HSYNC 0x0002 --#define OMAP_LCDC_INV_PIX_CLOCK 0x0004 --#define OMAP_LCDC_INV_OUTPUT_EN 0x0008 --#define OMAP_LCDC_HSVS_RISING_EDGE 0x0010 --#define OMAP_LCDC_HSVS_OPPOSITE 0x0020 -- --#define OMAP_LCDC_SIGNAL_MASK 0x003f -- --#define OMAP_LCDC_PANEL_TFT 0x0100 -- --#define OMAPFB_PLANE_XRES_MIN 8 --#define OMAPFB_PLANE_YRES_MIN 8 -- --#ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP1 --#define OMAPFB_PLANE_NUM 1 --#else --#define OMAPFB_PLANE_NUM 3 --#endif -- --struct omapfb_device; -- --struct lcd_panel { -- const char *name; -- int config; /* TFT/STN, signal inversion */ -- int bpp; /* Pixel format in fb mem */ -- int data_lines; /* Lines on LCD HW interface */ -- -- int x_res, y_res; -- int pixel_clock; /* In kHz */ -- int hsw; /* Horizontal synchronization -- pulse width */ -- int hfp; /* Horizontal front porch */ -- int hbp; /* Horizontal back porch */ -- int vsw; /* Vertical synchronization -- pulse width */ -- int vfp; /* Vertical front porch */ -- int vbp; /* Vertical back porch */ -- int acb; /* ac-bias pin frequency */ -- int pcd; /* pixel clock divider. -- Obsolete use pixel_clock instead */ -- -- int (*init) (struct lcd_panel *panel, -- struct omapfb_device *fbdev); -- void (*cleanup) (struct lcd_panel *panel); -- int (*enable) (struct lcd_panel *panel); -- void (*disable) (struct lcd_panel *panel); -- unsigned long (*get_caps) (struct lcd_panel *panel); -- int (*set_bklight_level)(struct lcd_panel *panel, -- unsigned int level); -- unsigned int (*get_bklight_level)(struct lcd_panel *panel); -- unsigned int (*get_bklight_max) (struct lcd_panel *panel); -- int (*run_test) (struct lcd_panel *panel, int test_num); --}; -- --struct extif_timings { -- int cs_on_time; -- int cs_off_time; -- int we_on_time; -- int we_off_time; -- int re_on_time; -- int re_off_time; -- int we_cycle_time; -- int re_cycle_time; -- int cs_pulse_width; -- int access_time; -- -- int clk_div; -- -- u32 tim[5]; /* set by extif->convert_timings */ -- -- int converted; --}; -- --struct lcd_ctrl_extif { -- int (*init) (struct omapfb_device *fbdev); -- void (*cleanup) (void); -- void (*get_clk_info) (u32 *clk_period, u32 *max_clk_div); -- unsigned long (*get_max_tx_rate)(void); -- int (*convert_timings) (struct extif_timings *timings); -- void (*set_timings) (const struct extif_timings *timings); -- void (*set_bits_per_cycle)(int bpc); -- void (*write_command) (const void *buf, unsigned int len); -- void (*read_data) (void *buf, unsigned int len); -- void (*write_data) (const void *buf, unsigned int len); -- void (*transfer_area) (int width, int height, -- void (callback)(void * data), void *data); -- int (*setup_tearsync) (unsigned pin_cnt, -- unsigned hs_pulse_time, unsigned vs_pulse_time, -- int hs_pol_inv, int vs_pol_inv, int div); -- int (*enable_tearsync) (int enable, unsigned line); -- -- unsigned long max_transmit_size; --}; -- --struct omapfb_notifier_block { -- struct notifier_block nb; -- void *data; -- int plane_idx; --}; -- --typedef int (*omapfb_notifier_callback_t)(struct notifier_block *, -- unsigned long event, -- void *fbi); -- --struct omapfb_mem_region { -- u32 paddr; -- void __iomem *vaddr; -- unsigned long size; -- u8 type; /* OMAPFB_PLANE_MEM_* */ -- unsigned alloc:1; /* allocated by the driver */ -- unsigned map:1; /* kernel mapped by the driver */ --}; -- --struct omapfb_mem_desc { -- int region_cnt; -- struct omapfb_mem_region region[OMAPFB_PLANE_NUM]; --}; -- --struct lcd_ctrl { -- const char *name; -- void *data; -- -- int (*init) (struct omapfb_device *fbdev, -- int ext_mode, -- struct omapfb_mem_desc *req_md); -- void (*cleanup) (void); -- void (*bind_client) (struct omapfb_notifier_block *nb); -- void (*get_caps) (int plane, struct omapfb_caps *caps); -- int (*set_update_mode)(enum omapfb_update_mode mode); -- enum omapfb_update_mode (*get_update_mode)(void); -- int (*setup_plane) (int plane, int channel_out, -- unsigned long offset, -- int screen_width, -- int pos_x, int pos_y, int width, -- int height, int color_mode); -- int (*set_rotate) (int angle); -- int (*setup_mem) (int plane, size_t size, -- int mem_type, unsigned long *paddr); -- int (*mmap) (struct fb_info *info, -- struct vm_area_struct *vma); -- int (*set_scale) (int plane, -- int orig_width, int orig_height, -- int out_width, int out_height); -- int (*enable_plane) (int plane, int enable); -- int (*update_window) (struct fb_info *fbi, -- struct omapfb_update_window *win, -- void (*callback)(void *), -- void *callback_data); -- void (*sync) (void); -- void (*suspend) (void); -- void (*resume) (void); -- int (*run_test) (int test_num); -- int (*setcolreg) (u_int regno, u16 red, u16 green, -- u16 blue, u16 transp, -- int update_hw_mem); -- int (*set_color_key) (struct omapfb_color_key *ck); -- int (*get_color_key) (struct omapfb_color_key *ck); --}; -- --enum omapfb_state { -- OMAPFB_DISABLED = 0, -- OMAPFB_SUSPENDED= 99, -- OMAPFB_ACTIVE = 100 --}; -- --struct omapfb_plane_struct { -- int idx; -- struct omapfb_plane_info info; -- enum omapfb_color_format color_mode; -- struct omapfb_device *fbdev; --}; -- --struct omapfb_device { -- int state; -- int ext_lcdc; /* Using external -- LCD controller */ -- struct mutex rqueue_mutex; -- -- int palette_size; -- u32 pseudo_palette[17]; -- -- struct lcd_panel *panel; /* LCD panel */ -- const struct lcd_ctrl *ctrl; /* LCD controller */ -- const struct lcd_ctrl *int_ctrl; /* internal LCD ctrl */ -- struct lcd_ctrl_extif *ext_if; /* LCD ctrl external -- interface */ -- struct device *dev; -- struct fb_var_screeninfo new_var; /* for mode changes */ -- -- struct omapfb_mem_desc mem_desc; -- struct fb_info *fb_info[OMAPFB_PLANE_NUM]; --}; -- --struct omapfb_platform_data { -- struct omap_lcd_config lcd; -- struct omapfb_mem_desc mem_desc; -- void *ctrl_platform_data; --}; -- --#ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP1 --extern struct lcd_ctrl omap1_lcd_ctrl; --#else --extern struct lcd_ctrl omap2_disp_ctrl; --#endif -- --extern void omapfb_reserve_sdram(void); --extern void omapfb_register_panel(struct lcd_panel *panel); --extern void omapfb_write_first_pixel(struct omapfb_device *fbdev, u16 pixval); --extern void omapfb_notify_clients(struct omapfb_device *fbdev, -- unsigned long event); --extern int omapfb_register_client(struct omapfb_notifier_block *nb, -- omapfb_notifier_callback_t callback, -- void *callback_data); --extern int omapfb_unregister_client(struct omapfb_notifier_block *nb); --extern int omapfb_update_window_async(struct fb_info *fbi, -- struct omapfb_update_window *win, -- void (*callback)(void *), -- void *callback_data); -- --/* in arch/arm/plat-omap/fb.c */ --extern void omapfb_set_ctrl_platform_data(void *pdata); -- --#endif /* __KERNEL__ */ -- --#endif /* __OMAPFB_H */ -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/blizzard.c b/drivers/video/omap/blizzard.c -index f60a233..8121c09 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/blizzard.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/blizzard.c -@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include --#include - #include - - #include "dispc.h" -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap/dispc.c -index c140c21..1915af5 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/dispc.c -@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include --#include - #include - - #include "dispc.h" -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/hwa742.c b/drivers/video/omap/hwa742.c -index f24df0b..9b4c506 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/hwa742.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/hwa742.c -@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include --#include - #include - - #define HWA742_REV_CODE_REG 0x0 -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_2430sdp.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_2430sdp.c -index a22b452..1252cc3 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_2430sdp.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_2430sdp.c -@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include --#include - #include - - #define SDP2430_LCD_PANEL_BACKLIGHT_GPIO 91 -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_ams_delta.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_ams_delta.c -index 3fd5342..4d54725 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_ams_delta.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_ams_delta.c -@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ - - #include - #include -+#include - - #include - #include - - #include - #include --#include - - #define AMS_DELTA_DEFAULT_CONTRAST 112 - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_apollon.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_apollon.c -index beae5d9..e3b2224 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_apollon.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_apollon.c -@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ - - #include - #include -+#include - - #include - #include --#include - - /* #define USE_35INCH_LCD 1 */ - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_h3.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_h3.c -index 2486237..f7264ea 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_h3.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_h3.c -@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include --#include - - #define MODULE_NAME "omapfb-lcd_h3" - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_h4.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_h4.c -index 6ff5643..d72df0c 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_h4.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_h4.c -@@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ - - #include - #include -- --#include -+#include - - static int h4_panel_init(struct lcd_panel *panel, struct omapfb_device *fbdev) - { -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_inn1510.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_inn1510.c -index 6953ed4..f6e05d7 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_inn1510.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_inn1510.c -@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include --#include - - static int innovator1510_panel_init(struct lcd_panel *panel, - struct omapfb_device *fbdev) -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_inn1610.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_inn1610.c -index 4c4f7ee..c599e41 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_inn1610.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_inn1610.c -@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ - - #include - #include -+#include - - #include --#include - - #define MODULE_NAME "omapfb-lcd_h3" - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_ldp.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_ldp.c -index 8925230..1c25186 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_ldp.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_ldp.c -@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include - #include --#include - #include - - #define LCD_PANEL_BACKLIGHT_GPIO (15 + OMAP_MAX_GPIO_LINES) -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_mipid.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_mipid.c -index 1895997..4b28005 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_mipid.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_mipid.c -@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - --#include - #include - - #include "../../cbus/tahvo.h" -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap2evm.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap2evm.c -index 2fc46c2..1908a2b 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap2evm.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap2evm.c -@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include --#include - #include - - #define LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_GPIO 154 -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap3beagle.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap3beagle.c -index eae43e4..6be117e 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap3beagle.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap3beagle.c -@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include --#include - #include - - #define LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_GPIO 170 -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap3evm.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap3evm.c -index 1c3d814..10ba48c 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap3evm.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_omap3evm.c -@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include --#include - #include - - #define LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_GPIO 153 -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_osk.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_osk.c -index 379c96d..d6b193e 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_osk.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_osk.c -@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ - - #include - #include -+#include - - #include - #include --#include - - static int osk_panel_init(struct lcd_panel *panel, struct omapfb_device *fbdev) - { -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_overo.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_overo.c -index 2bc5c92..40c2026 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_overo.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_overo.c -@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include - #include --#include - #include - - #define LCD_ENABLE 144 -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_p2.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_p2.c -index dd40fd7..bc5abef 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_p2.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_p2.c -@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include - #include --#include - - /* - * File: epson-md-tft.h -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_palmte.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_palmte.c -index 2183173..dcb456c 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_palmte.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_palmte.c -@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include --#include - - static int palmte_panel_init(struct lcd_panel *panel, - struct omapfb_device *fbdev) -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_palmtt.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_palmtt.c -index 57b0f6c..e8adab8 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_palmtt.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_palmtt.c -@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ GPIO13 - screen blanking - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include --#include - - static int palmtt_panel_init(struct lcd_panel *panel, - struct omapfb_device *fbdev) -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_palmz71.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_palmz71.c -index d33d78b..d5b3f82 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcd_palmz71.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcd_palmz71.c -@@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ - #include - #include - #include -- --#include -+#include - - static int palmz71_panel_init(struct lcd_panel *panel, - struct omapfb_device *fbdev) -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/lcdc.c b/drivers/video/omap/lcdc.c -index ab39492..633e33c 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/lcdc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/lcdc.c -@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include --#include - - #include - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/omapfb_main.c b/drivers/video/omap/omapfb_main.c -index 3bb4247..c6306af 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/omapfb_main.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/omapfb_main.c -@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include --#include - - #include "lcdc.h" - #include "dispc.h" -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/rfbi.c b/drivers/video/omap/rfbi.c -index 29fa368..118cfa9 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/rfbi.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/rfbi.c -@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ - #include - #include - #include -- --#include -+#include - - #include "dispc.h" - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/sossi.c b/drivers/video/omap/sossi.c -index cc697cc..ff9dd71 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/sossi.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/sossi.c -@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include --#include - - #include "lcdc.h" - -diff --git a/include/linux/omapfb.h b/include/linux/omapfb.h -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..b226bdf ---- /dev/null -+++ b/include/linux/omapfb.h -@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@ -+/* -+ * File: arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/omapfb.h -+ * -+ * Framebuffer driver for TI OMAP boards -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2004 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Imre Deak -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your -+ * option) any later version. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -+ * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -+ * General Public License for more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along -+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., -+ * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -+ */ -+ -+#ifndef __OMAPFB_H -+#define __OMAPFB_H -+ -+#include -+#include -+ -+/* IOCTL commands. */ -+ -+#define OMAP_IOW(num, dtype) _IOW('O', num, dtype) -+#define OMAP_IOR(num, dtype) _IOR('O', num, dtype) -+#define OMAP_IOWR(num, dtype) _IOWR('O', num, dtype) -+#define OMAP_IO(num) _IO('O', num) -+ -+#define OMAPFB_MIRROR OMAP_IOW(31, int) -+#define OMAPFB_SYNC_GFX OMAP_IO(37) -+#define OMAPFB_VSYNC OMAP_IO(38) -+#define OMAPFB_SET_UPDATE_MODE OMAP_IOW(40, int) -+#define OMAPFB_GET_CAPS OMAP_IOR(42, struct omapfb_caps) -+#define OMAPFB_GET_UPDATE_MODE OMAP_IOW(43, int) -+#define OMAPFB_LCD_TEST OMAP_IOW(45, int) -+#define OMAPFB_CTRL_TEST OMAP_IOW(46, int) -+#define OMAPFB_UPDATE_WINDOW_OLD OMAP_IOW(47, struct omapfb_update_window_old) -+#define OMAPFB_SET_COLOR_KEY OMAP_IOW(50, struct omapfb_color_key) -+#define OMAPFB_GET_COLOR_KEY OMAP_IOW(51, struct omapfb_color_key) -+#define OMAPFB_SETUP_PLANE OMAP_IOW(52, struct omapfb_plane_info) -+#define OMAPFB_QUERY_PLANE OMAP_IOW(53, struct omapfb_plane_info) -+#define OMAPFB_UPDATE_WINDOW OMAP_IOW(54, struct omapfb_update_window) -+#define OMAPFB_SETUP_MEM OMAP_IOW(55, struct omapfb_mem_info) -+#define OMAPFB_QUERY_MEM OMAP_IOW(56, struct omapfb_mem_info) -+ -+#define OMAPFB_CAPS_GENERIC_MASK 0x00000fff -+#define OMAPFB_CAPS_LCDC_MASK 0x00fff000 -+#define OMAPFB_CAPS_PANEL_MASK 0xff000000 -+ -+#define OMAPFB_CAPS_MANUAL_UPDATE 0x00001000 -+#define OMAPFB_CAPS_TEARSYNC 0x00002000 -+#define OMAPFB_CAPS_PLANE_RELOCATE_MEM 0x00004000 -+#define OMAPFB_CAPS_PLANE_SCALE 0x00008000 -+#define OMAPFB_CAPS_WINDOW_PIXEL_DOUBLE 0x00010000 -+#define OMAPFB_CAPS_WINDOW_SCALE 0x00020000 -+#define OMAPFB_CAPS_WINDOW_OVERLAY 0x00040000 -+#define OMAPFB_CAPS_WINDOW_ROTATE 0x00080000 -+#define OMAPFB_CAPS_SET_BACKLIGHT 0x01000000 -+ -+/* Values from DSP must map to lower 16-bits */ -+#define OMAPFB_FORMAT_MASK 0x00ff -+#define OMAPFB_FORMAT_FLAG_DOUBLE 0x0100 -+#define OMAPFB_FORMAT_FLAG_TEARSYNC 0x0200 -+#define OMAPFB_FORMAT_FLAG_FORCE_VSYNC 0x0400 -+#define OMAPFB_FORMAT_FLAG_ENABLE_OVERLAY 0x0800 -+#define OMAPFB_FORMAT_FLAG_DISABLE_OVERLAY 0x1000 -+ -+#define OMAPFB_EVENT_READY 1 -+#define OMAPFB_EVENT_DISABLED 2 -+ -+#define OMAPFB_MEMTYPE_SDRAM 0 -+#define OMAPFB_MEMTYPE_SRAM 1 -+#define OMAPFB_MEMTYPE_MAX 1 -+ -+enum omapfb_color_format { -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_RGB565 = 0, -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_YUV422, -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_YUV420, -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_CLUT_8BPP, -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_CLUT_4BPP, -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_CLUT_2BPP, -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_CLUT_1BPP, -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_RGB444, -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_YUY422, -+}; -+ -+struct omapfb_update_window { -+ __u32 x, y; -+ __u32 width, height; -+ __u32 format; -+ __u32 out_x, out_y; -+ __u32 out_width, out_height; -+ __u32 reserved[8]; -+}; -+ -+struct omapfb_update_window_old { -+ __u32 x, y; -+ __u32 width, height; -+ __u32 format; -+}; -+ -+enum omapfb_plane { -+ OMAPFB_PLANE_GFX = 0, -+ OMAPFB_PLANE_VID1, -+ OMAPFB_PLANE_VID2, -+}; -+ -+enum omapfb_channel_out { -+ OMAPFB_CHANNEL_OUT_LCD = 0, -+ OMAPFB_CHANNEL_OUT_DIGIT, -+}; -+ -+struct omapfb_plane_info { -+ __u32 pos_x; -+ __u32 pos_y; -+ __u8 enabled; -+ __u8 channel_out; -+ __u8 mirror; -+ __u8 reserved1; -+ __u32 out_width; -+ __u32 out_height; -+ __u32 reserved2[12]; -+}; -+ -+struct omapfb_mem_info { -+ __u32 size; -+ __u8 type; -+ __u8 reserved[3]; -+}; -+ -+struct omapfb_caps { -+ __u32 ctrl; -+ __u32 plane_color; -+ __u32 wnd_color; -+}; -+ -+enum omapfb_color_key_type { -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_KEY_DISABLED = 0, -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_KEY_GFX_DST, -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_KEY_VID_SRC, -+}; -+ -+struct omapfb_color_key { -+ __u8 channel_out; -+ __u32 background; -+ __u32 trans_key; -+ __u8 key_type; -+}; -+ -+enum omapfb_update_mode { -+ OMAPFB_UPDATE_DISABLED = 0, -+ OMAPFB_AUTO_UPDATE, -+ OMAPFB_MANUAL_UPDATE -+}; -+ -+#ifdef __KERNEL__ -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+ -+#define OMAP_LCDC_INV_VSYNC 0x0001 -+#define OMAP_LCDC_INV_HSYNC 0x0002 -+#define OMAP_LCDC_INV_PIX_CLOCK 0x0004 -+#define OMAP_LCDC_INV_OUTPUT_EN 0x0008 -+#define OMAP_LCDC_HSVS_RISING_EDGE 0x0010 -+#define OMAP_LCDC_HSVS_OPPOSITE 0x0020 -+ -+#define OMAP_LCDC_SIGNAL_MASK 0x003f -+ -+#define OMAP_LCDC_PANEL_TFT 0x0100 -+ -+#define OMAPFB_PLANE_XRES_MIN 8 -+#define OMAPFB_PLANE_YRES_MIN 8 -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP1 -+#define OMAPFB_PLANE_NUM 1 -+#else -+#define OMAPFB_PLANE_NUM 3 -+#endif -+ -+struct omapfb_device; -+ -+struct lcd_panel { -+ const char *name; -+ int config; /* TFT/STN, signal inversion */ -+ int bpp; /* Pixel format in fb mem */ -+ int data_lines; /* Lines on LCD HW interface */ -+ -+ int x_res, y_res; -+ int pixel_clock; /* In kHz */ -+ int hsw; /* Horizontal synchronization -+ pulse width */ -+ int hfp; /* Horizontal front porch */ -+ int hbp; /* Horizontal back porch */ -+ int vsw; /* Vertical synchronization -+ pulse width */ -+ int vfp; /* Vertical front porch */ -+ int vbp; /* Vertical back porch */ -+ int acb; /* ac-bias pin frequency */ -+ int pcd; /* pixel clock divider. -+ Obsolete use pixel_clock instead */ -+ -+ int (*init) (struct lcd_panel *panel, -+ struct omapfb_device *fbdev); -+ void (*cleanup) (struct lcd_panel *panel); -+ int (*enable) (struct lcd_panel *panel); -+ void (*disable) (struct lcd_panel *panel); -+ unsigned long (*get_caps) (struct lcd_panel *panel); -+ int (*set_bklight_level)(struct lcd_panel *panel, -+ unsigned int level); -+ unsigned int (*get_bklight_level)(struct lcd_panel *panel); -+ unsigned int (*get_bklight_max) (struct lcd_panel *panel); -+ int (*run_test) (struct lcd_panel *panel, int test_num); -+}; -+ -+struct extif_timings { -+ int cs_on_time; -+ int cs_off_time; -+ int we_on_time; -+ int we_off_time; -+ int re_on_time; -+ int re_off_time; -+ int we_cycle_time; -+ int re_cycle_time; -+ int cs_pulse_width; -+ int access_time; -+ -+ int clk_div; -+ -+ u32 tim[5]; /* set by extif->convert_timings */ -+ -+ int converted; -+}; -+ -+struct lcd_ctrl_extif { -+ int (*init) (struct omapfb_device *fbdev); -+ void (*cleanup) (void); -+ void (*get_clk_info) (u32 *clk_period, u32 *max_clk_div); -+ unsigned long (*get_max_tx_rate)(void); -+ int (*convert_timings) (struct extif_timings *timings); -+ void (*set_timings) (const struct extif_timings *timings); -+ void (*set_bits_per_cycle)(int bpc); -+ void (*write_command) (const void *buf, unsigned int len); -+ void (*read_data) (void *buf, unsigned int len); -+ void (*write_data) (const void *buf, unsigned int len); -+ void (*transfer_area) (int width, int height, -+ void (callback)(void * data), void *data); -+ int (*setup_tearsync) (unsigned pin_cnt, -+ unsigned hs_pulse_time, unsigned vs_pulse_time, -+ int hs_pol_inv, int vs_pol_inv, int div); -+ int (*enable_tearsync) (int enable, unsigned line); -+ -+ unsigned long max_transmit_size; -+}; -+ -+struct omapfb_notifier_block { -+ struct notifier_block nb; -+ void *data; -+ int plane_idx; -+}; -+ -+typedef int (*omapfb_notifier_callback_t)(struct notifier_block *, -+ unsigned long event, -+ void *fbi); -+ -+struct omapfb_mem_region { -+ u32 paddr; -+ void __iomem *vaddr; -+ unsigned long size; -+ u8 type; /* OMAPFB_PLANE_MEM_* */ -+ unsigned alloc:1; /* allocated by the driver */ -+ unsigned map:1; /* kernel mapped by the driver */ -+}; -+ -+struct omapfb_mem_desc { -+ int region_cnt; -+ struct omapfb_mem_region region[OMAPFB_PLANE_NUM]; -+}; -+ -+struct lcd_ctrl { -+ const char *name; -+ void *data; -+ -+ int (*init) (struct omapfb_device *fbdev, -+ int ext_mode, -+ struct omapfb_mem_desc *req_md); -+ void (*cleanup) (void); -+ void (*bind_client) (struct omapfb_notifier_block *nb); -+ void (*get_caps) (int plane, struct omapfb_caps *caps); -+ int (*set_update_mode)(enum omapfb_update_mode mode); -+ enum omapfb_update_mode (*get_update_mode)(void); -+ int (*setup_plane) (int plane, int channel_out, -+ unsigned long offset, -+ int screen_width, -+ int pos_x, int pos_y, int width, -+ int height, int color_mode); -+ int (*set_rotate) (int angle); -+ int (*setup_mem) (int plane, size_t size, -+ int mem_type, unsigned long *paddr); -+ int (*mmap) (struct fb_info *info, -+ struct vm_area_struct *vma); -+ int (*set_scale) (int plane, -+ int orig_width, int orig_height, -+ int out_width, int out_height); -+ int (*enable_plane) (int plane, int enable); -+ int (*update_window) (struct fb_info *fbi, -+ struct omapfb_update_window *win, -+ void (*callback)(void *), -+ void *callback_data); -+ void (*sync) (void); -+ void (*suspend) (void); -+ void (*resume) (void); -+ int (*run_test) (int test_num); -+ int (*setcolreg) (u_int regno, u16 red, u16 green, -+ u16 blue, u16 transp, -+ int update_hw_mem); -+ int (*set_color_key) (struct omapfb_color_key *ck); -+ int (*get_color_key) (struct omapfb_color_key *ck); -+}; -+ -+enum omapfb_state { -+ OMAPFB_DISABLED = 0, -+ OMAPFB_SUSPENDED= 99, -+ OMAPFB_ACTIVE = 100 -+}; -+ -+struct omapfb_plane_struct { -+ int idx; -+ struct omapfb_plane_info info; -+ enum omapfb_color_format color_mode; -+ struct omapfb_device *fbdev; -+}; -+ -+struct omapfb_device { -+ int state; -+ int ext_lcdc; /* Using external -+ LCD controller */ -+ struct mutex rqueue_mutex; -+ -+ int palette_size; -+ u32 pseudo_palette[17]; -+ -+ struct lcd_panel *panel; /* LCD panel */ -+ const struct lcd_ctrl *ctrl; /* LCD controller */ -+ const struct lcd_ctrl *int_ctrl; /* internal LCD ctrl */ -+ struct lcd_ctrl_extif *ext_if; /* LCD ctrl external -+ interface */ -+ struct device *dev; -+ struct fb_var_screeninfo new_var; /* for mode changes */ -+ -+ struct omapfb_mem_desc mem_desc; -+ struct fb_info *fb_info[OMAPFB_PLANE_NUM]; -+}; -+ -+struct omapfb_platform_data { -+ struct omap_lcd_config lcd; -+ struct omapfb_mem_desc mem_desc; -+ void *ctrl_platform_data; -+}; -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP1 -+extern struct lcd_ctrl omap1_lcd_ctrl; -+#else -+extern struct lcd_ctrl omap2_disp_ctrl; -+#endif -+ -+extern void omapfb_reserve_sdram(void); -+extern void omapfb_register_panel(struct lcd_panel *panel); -+extern void omapfb_write_first_pixel(struct omapfb_device *fbdev, u16 pixval); -+extern void omapfb_notify_clients(struct omapfb_device *fbdev, -+ unsigned long event); -+extern int omapfb_register_client(struct omapfb_notifier_block *nb, -+ omapfb_notifier_callback_t callback, -+ void *callback_data); -+extern int omapfb_unregister_client(struct omapfb_notifier_block *nb); -+extern int omapfb_update_window_async(struct fb_info *fbi, -+ struct omapfb_update_window *win, -+ void (*callback)(void *), -+ void *callback_data); -+ -+/* in arch/arm/plat-omap/fb.c */ -+extern void omapfb_set_ctrl_platform_data(void *pdata); -+ -+#endif /* __KERNEL__ */ -+ -+#endif /* __OMAPFB_H */ --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0003-DSS2-OMAP2-3-Display-Subsystem-driver.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0003-DSS2-OMAP2-3-Display-Subsystem-driver.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 4610e28704..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0003-DSS2-OMAP2-3-Display-Subsystem-driver.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14450 +0,0 @@ -From 284deec412f9c6f15c971d8eaf4d0156a51a2f3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 10:23:42 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 03/69] DSS2: OMAP2/3 Display Subsystem driver - -Signed-off-by: Tomi Valkeinen ---- - Documentation/arm/OMAP/DSS | 311 +++ - arch/arm/plat-omap/Makefile | 2 +- - arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h | 520 ++++ - arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vram.h | 33 + - arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h | 47 + - arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c | 615 +++++ - arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c | 159 ++ - drivers/video/Kconfig | 1 + - drivers/video/Makefile | 1 + - drivers/video/omap2/Kconfig | 3 + - drivers/video/omap2/Makefile | 4 + - drivers/video/omap2/dss/Kconfig | 89 + - drivers/video/omap2/dss/Makefile | 6 + - drivers/video/omap2/dss/core.c | 641 +++++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 2968 +++++++++++++++++++++++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/display.c | 693 ++++++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dpi.c | 393 +++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c | 3752 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.c | 345 +++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h | 331 +++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c | 576 +++++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c | 587 +++++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/rfbi.c | 1304 ++++++++++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/sdi.c | 245 ++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/venc.c | 600 +++++ - 25 files changed, 14225 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) - create mode 100644 Documentation/arm/OMAP/DSS - create mode 100644 arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h - create mode 100644 arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vram.h - create mode 100644 arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h - create mode 100644 arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c - create mode 100644 arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/Kconfig - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/Makefile - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/dss/Kconfig - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/dss/Makefile - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/dss/core.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/dss/display.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/dss/dpi.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/dss/rfbi.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/dss/sdi.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/dss/venc.c - -diff --git a/Documentation/arm/OMAP/DSS b/Documentation/arm/OMAP/DSS -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..9e902a2 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/Documentation/arm/OMAP/DSS -@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@ -+OMAP2/3 Display Subsystem -+------------------------- -+ -+This is an almost total rewrite of the OMAP FB driver in drivers/video/omap -+(let's call it DSS1). The main differences between DSS1 and DSS2 are DSI, -+TV-out and multiple display support, but there are lots of small improvements -+also. -+ -+The DSS2 driver (omapdss module) is in arch/arm/plat-omap/dss/, and the FB, -+panel and controller drivers are in drivers/video/omap2/. DSS1 and DSS2 live -+currently side by side, you can choose which one to use. -+ -+Features -+-------- -+ -+Working and tested features include: -+ -+- MIPI DPI (parallel) output -+- MIPI DSI output in command mode -+- MIPI DBI (RFBI) output -+- SDI output -+- TV output -+- All pieces can be compiled as a module or inside kernel -+- Use DISPC to update any of the outputs -+- Use CPU to update RFBI or DSI output -+- OMAP DISPC planes -+- RGB16, RGB24 packed, RGB24 unpacked -+- YUV2, UYVY -+- Scaling -+- Adjusting DSS FCK to find a good pixel clock -+- Use DSI DPLL to create DSS FCK -+ -+Tested boards include: -+- OMAP3 SDP board -+- Beagle board -+- N810 -+ -+omapdss driver -+-------------- -+ -+The DSS driver does not itself have any support for Linux framebuffer, V4L or -+such like the current ones, but it has an internal kernel API that upper level -+drivers can use. -+ -+The DSS driver models OMAP's overlays, overlay managers and displays in a -+flexible way to enable non-common multi-display configuration. In addition to -+modelling the hardware overlays, omapdss supports virtual overlays and overlay -+managers. These can be used when updating a display with CPU or system DMA. -+ -+Panel and controller drivers -+---------------------------- -+ -+The drivers implement panel or controller specific functionality and are not -+usually visible to users except through omapfb driver. They register -+themselves to the DSS driver. -+ -+omapfb driver -+------------- -+ -+The omapfb driver implements arbitrary number of standard linux framebuffers. -+These framebuffers can be routed flexibly to any overlays, thus allowing very -+dynamic display architecture. -+ -+The driver exports some omapfb specific ioctls, which are compatible with the -+ioctls in the old driver. -+ -+The rest of the non standard features are exported via sysfs. Whether the final -+implementation will use sysfs, or ioctls, is still open. -+ -+V4L2 drivers -+------------ -+ -+V4L2 is being implemented in TI. -+ -+From omapdss point of view the V4L2 drivers should be similar to framebuffer -+driver. -+ -+Architecture -+-------------------- -+ -+Some clarification what the different components do: -+ -+ - Framebuffer is a memory area inside OMAP's SRAM/SDRAM that contains the -+ pixel data for the image. Framebuffer has width and height and color -+ depth. -+ - Overlay defines where the pixels are read from and where they go on the -+ screen. The overlay may be smaller than framebuffer, thus displaying only -+ part of the framebuffer. The position of the overlay may be changed if -+ the overlay is smaller than the display. -+ - Overlay manager combines the overlays in to one image and feeds them to -+ display. -+ - Display is the actual physical display device. -+ -+A framebuffer can be connected to multiple overlays to show the same pixel data -+on all of the overlays. Note that in this case the overlay input sizes must be -+the same, but, in case of video overlays, the output size can be different. Any -+framebuffer can be connected to any overlay. -+ -+An overlay can be connected to one overlay manager. Also DISPC overlays can be -+connected only to DISPC overlay managers, and virtual overlays can be only -+connected to virtual overlays. -+ -+An overlay manager can be connected to one display. There are certain -+restrictions which kinds of displays an overlay manager can be connected: -+ -+ - DISPC TV overlay manager can be only connected to TV display. -+ - Virtual overlay managers can only be connected to DBI or DSI displays. -+ - DISPC LCD overlay manager can be connected to all displays, except TV -+ display. -+ -+Sysfs -+----- -+The sysfs interface is mainly used for testing. I don't think sysfs -+interface is the best for this in the final version, but I don't quite know -+what would be the best interfaces for these things. -+ -+The sysfs interface is divided to two parts: DSS and FB. -+ -+/sys/class/graphics/fb? directory: -+mirror 0=off, 1=on -+rotate Rotation 0-3 for 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees -+rotate_type 0 = DMA rotation, 1 = VRFB rotation -+overlays List of overlay numbers to which framebuffer pixels go -+phys_addr Physical address of the framebuffer -+virt_addr Virtual address of the framebuffer -+size Size of the framebuffer -+ -+/sys/devices/platform/omapdss/overlay? directory: -+enabled 0=off, 1=on -+input_size width,height (ie. the framebuffer size) -+manager Destination overlay manager name -+name -+output_size width,height -+position x,y -+screen_width width -+ -+/sys/devices/platform/omapdss/manager? directory: -+display Destination display -+name -+ -+/sys/devices/platform/omapdss/display? directory: -+ctrl_name Controller name -+mirror 0=off, 1=on -+update_mode 0=off, 1=auto, 2=manual -+enabled 0=off, 1=on -+name -+rotate Rotation 0-3 for 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees -+timings Display timings (pixclock,xres/hfp/hbp/hsw,yres/vfp/vbp/vsw) -+ When writing, two special timings are accepted for tv-out: -+ "pal" and "ntsc" -+panel_name -+tear_elim Tearing elimination 0=off, 1=on -+ -+There are also some debugfs files at /omapdss/ which show information -+about clocks and registers. -+ -+Examples -+-------- -+ -+The following definitions have been made for the examples below: -+ -+ovl0=/sys/devices/platform/omapdss/overlay0 -+ovl1=/sys/devices/platform/omapdss/overlay1 -+ovl2=/sys/devices/platform/omapdss/overlay2 -+ -+mgr0=/sys/devices/platform/omapdss/manager0 -+mgr1=/sys/devices/platform/omapdss/manager1 -+ -+lcd=/sys/devices/platform/omapdss/display0 -+dvi=/sys/devices/platform/omapdss/display1 -+tv=/sys/devices/platform/omapdss/display2 -+ -+fb0=/sys/class/graphics/fb0 -+fb1=/sys/class/graphics/fb1 -+fb2=/sys/class/graphics/fb2 -+ -+Default setup on OMAP3 SDP -+-------------------------- -+ -+Here's the default setup on OMAP3 SDP board. All planes go to LCD. DVI -+and TV-out are not in use. The columns from left to right are: -+framebuffers, overlays, overlay managers, displays. Framebuffers are -+handled by omapfb, and the rest by the DSS. -+ -+FB0 --- GFX -\ DVI -+FB1 --- VID1 --+- LCD ---- LCD -+FB2 --- VID2 -/ TV ----- TV -+ -+Example: Switch from LCD to DVI -+---------------------- -+ -+w=`cat $dvi/horizontal | cut -d "," -f 1` -+h=`cat $dvi/vertical | cut -d "," -f 1` -+ -+echo "0" > $lcd/enabled -+echo "" > $mgr0/display -+fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -xres $w -yres $h -vxres $w -vyres $h -+# at this point you have to switch the dvi/lcd dip-switch from the omap board -+echo "dvi" > $mgr0/display -+echo "1" > $dvi/enabled -+ -+After this the configuration looks like: -+ -+FB0 --- GFX -\ -- DVI -+FB1 --- VID1 --+- LCD -/ LCD -+FB2 --- VID2 -/ TV ----- TV -+ -+Example: Clone GFX overlay to LCD and TV -+------------------------------- -+ -+w=`cat $tv/horizontal | cut -d "," -f 1` -+h=`cat $tv/vertical | cut -d "," -f 1` -+ -+echo "0" > $ovl0/enabled -+echo "0" > $ovl1/enabled -+ -+echo "" > $fb1/overlays -+echo "0,1" > $fb0/overlays -+ -+echo "$w,$h" > $ovl1/output_size -+echo "tv" > $ovl1/manager -+ -+echo "1" > $ovl0/enabled -+echo "1" > $ovl1/enabled -+ -+echo "1" > $tv/enabled -+ -+After this the configuration looks like (only relevant parts shown): -+ -+FB0 +-- GFX ---- LCD ---- LCD -+ \- VID1 ---- TV ---- TV -+ -+Misc notes -+---------- -+ -+OMAP FB allocates the framebuffer memory using the OMAP VRAM allocator. -+ -+Using DSI DPLL to generate pixel clock it is possible produce the pixel clock -+of 86.5MHz (max possible), and with that you get 1280x1024@57 output from DVI. -+ -+Rotation and mirroring currently only supports RGB565 and RGB8888 modes. VRFB -+does not support mirroring. -+ -+VRFB rotation requires much more memory than non-rotated framebuffer, so you -+probably need to increase your vram setting before using VRFB rotation. Also, -+many applications may not work with VRFB if they do not pay attention to all -+framebuffer parameters. -+ -+Kernel boot arguments -+--------------------- -+ -+vram= -+ - Amount of total VRAM to preallocate. For example, "10M". omapfb -+ allocates memory for framebuffers from VRAM. -+ -+omapfb.mode=:[,...] -+ - Default video mode for specified displays. For example, -+ "dvi:800x400MR-24@60". See drivers/video/modedb.c. -+ There are also two special modes: "pal" and "ntsc" that -+ can be used to tv out. -+ -+omapfb.vram=:[@][,...] -+ - VRAM allocated for a framebuffer. Normally omapfb allocates vram -+ depending on the display size. With this you can manually allocate -+ more or define the physical address of each framebuffer. For example, -+ "1:4M" to allocate 4M for fb1. -+ -+omapfb.debug= -+ - Enable debug printing. You have to have OMAPFB debug support enabled -+ in kernel config. -+ -+omapfb.test= -+ - Draw test pattern to framebuffer whenever framebuffer settings change. -+ You need to have OMAPFB debug support enabled in kernel config. -+ -+omapfb.vrfb= -+ - Use VRFB rotation for all framebuffers. -+ -+omapfb.rotate= -+ - Default rotation applied to all framebuffers. -+ 0 - 0 degree rotation -+ 1 - 90 degree rotation -+ 2 - 180 degree rotation -+ 3 - 270 degree rotation -+ -+omapfb.mirror= -+ - Default mirror for all framebuffers. Only works with DMA rotation. -+ -+omapdss.def_disp= -+ - Name of default display, to which all overlays will be connected. -+ Common examples are "lcd" or "tv". -+ -+omapdss.debug= -+ - Enable debug printing. You have to have DSS debug support enabled in -+ kernel config. -+ -+TODO -+---- -+ -+DSS locking -+ -+Error checking -+- Lots of checks are missing or implemented just as BUG() -+ -+System DMA update for DSI -+- Can be used for RGB16 and RGB24P modes. Probably not for RGB24U (how -+ to skip the empty byte?) -+ -+OMAP1 support -+- Not sure if needed -+ -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/Makefile b/arch/arm/plat-omap/Makefile -index 3ebc09e..e6146b2 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/Makefile -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/Makefile -@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ - - # Common support - obj-y := common.o sram.o clock.o devices.o dma.o mux.o gpio.o \ -- usb.o fb.o io.o -+ usb.o fb.o vram.o vrfb.o io.o - obj-m := - obj-n := - obj- := -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..6288353 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/include/asm-arm/arch-omap/display.h -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#ifndef __ASM_ARCH_OMAP_DISPLAY_H -+#define __ASM_ARCH_OMAP_DISPLAY_H -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#define DISPC_IRQ_FRAMEDONE (1 << 0) -+#define DISPC_IRQ_VSYNC (1 << 1) -+#define DISPC_IRQ_EVSYNC_EVEN (1 << 2) -+#define DISPC_IRQ_EVSYNC_ODD (1 << 3) -+#define DISPC_IRQ_ACBIAS_COUNT_STAT (1 << 4) -+#define DISPC_IRQ_PROG_LINE_NUM (1 << 5) -+#define DISPC_IRQ_GFX_FIFO_UNDERFLOW (1 << 6) -+#define DISPC_IRQ_GFX_END_WIN (1 << 7) -+#define DISPC_IRQ_PAL_GAMMA_MASK (1 << 8) -+#define DISPC_IRQ_OCP_ERR (1 << 9) -+#define DISPC_IRQ_VID1_FIFO_UNDERFLOW (1 << 10) -+#define DISPC_IRQ_VID1_END_WIN (1 << 11) -+#define DISPC_IRQ_VID2_FIFO_UNDERFLOW (1 << 12) -+#define DISPC_IRQ_VID2_END_WIN (1 << 13) -+#define DISPC_IRQ_SYNC_LOST (1 << 14) -+#define DISPC_IRQ_SYNC_LOST_DIGIT (1 << 15) -+#define DISPC_IRQ_WAKEUP (1 << 16) -+ -+enum omap_display_type { -+ OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_NONE = 0, -+ OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DPI = 1 << 0, -+ OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DBI = 1 << 1, -+ OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_SDI = 1 << 2, -+ OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DSI = 1 << 3, -+ OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_VENC = 1 << 4, -+}; -+ -+enum omap_plane { -+ OMAP_DSS_GFX = 0, -+ OMAP_DSS_VIDEO1 = 1, -+ OMAP_DSS_VIDEO2 = 2 -+}; -+ -+enum omap_channel { -+ OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_LCD = 0, -+ OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_DIGIT = 1, -+}; -+ -+enum omap_color_mode { -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT1 = 1 << 0, /* BITMAP 1 */ -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT2 = 1 << 1, /* BITMAP 2 */ -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT4 = 1 << 2, /* BITMAP 4 */ -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT8 = 1 << 3, /* BITMAP 8 */ -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB12U = 1 << 4, /* RGB12, 16-bit container */ -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB16 = 1 << 5, /* ARGB16 */ -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB16 = 1 << 6, /* RGB16 */ -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24U = 1 << 7, /* RGB24, 32-bit container */ -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24P = 1 << 8, /* RGB24, 24-bit container */ -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_YUV2 = 1 << 9, /* YUV2 4:2:2 co-sited */ -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_UYVY = 1 << 10, /* UYVY 4:2:2 co-sited */ -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB32 = 1 << 11, /* ARGB32 */ -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBA32 = 1 << 12, /* RGBA32 */ -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBX32 = 1 << 13, /* RGBx32 */ -+ -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_GFX_OMAP3 = -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT1 | OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT2 | -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT4 | OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT8 | -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB12U | OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB16 | -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB16 | OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24U | -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24P | OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB32 | -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBA32 | OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBX32, -+ -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_VID_OMAP3 = -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB12U | OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB16 | -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB16 | OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24U | -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24P | OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB32 | -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBA32 | OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBX32 | -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_YUV2 | OMAP_DSS_COLOR_UYVY, -+}; -+ -+enum omap_lcd_display_type { -+ OMAP_DSS_LCD_DISPLAY_STN, -+ OMAP_DSS_LCD_DISPLAY_TFT, -+}; -+ -+enum omap_dss_load_mode { -+ OMAP_DSS_LOAD_CLUT_AND_FRAME = 0, -+ OMAP_DSS_LOAD_CLUT_ONLY = 1, -+ OMAP_DSS_LOAD_FRAME_ONLY = 2, -+ OMAP_DSS_LOAD_CLUT_ONCE_FRAME = 3, -+}; -+ -+enum omap_dss_color_key_type { -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_KEY_GFX_DST = 0, -+ OMAP_DSS_COLOR_KEY_VID_SRC = 1, -+}; -+ -+enum omap_rfbi_te_mode { -+ OMAP_DSS_RFBI_TE_MODE_1 = 1, -+ OMAP_DSS_RFBI_TE_MODE_2 = 2, -+}; -+ -+enum omap_panel_config { -+ OMAP_DSS_LCD_IVS = 1<<0, -+ OMAP_DSS_LCD_IHS = 1<<1, -+ OMAP_DSS_LCD_IPC = 1<<2, -+ OMAP_DSS_LCD_IEO = 1<<3, -+ OMAP_DSS_LCD_RF = 1<<4, -+ OMAP_DSS_LCD_ONOFF = 1<<5, -+ -+ OMAP_DSS_LCD_TFT = 1<<20, -+}; -+ -+enum omap_dss_venc_type { -+ OMAP_DSS_VENC_TYPE_COMPOSITE, -+ OMAP_DSS_VENC_TYPE_SVIDEO, -+}; -+ -+struct omap_display; -+struct omap_panel; -+struct omap_ctrl; -+ -+/* RFBI */ -+ -+struct rfbi_timings { -+ int cs_on_time; -+ int cs_off_time; -+ int we_on_time; -+ int we_off_time; -+ int re_on_time; -+ int re_off_time; -+ int we_cycle_time; -+ int re_cycle_time; -+ int cs_pulse_width; -+ int access_time; -+ -+ int clk_div; -+ -+ u32 tim[5]; /* set by rfbi_convert_timings() */ -+ -+ int converted; -+}; -+ -+void omap_rfbi_write_command(const void *buf, u32 len); -+void omap_rfbi_read_data(void *buf, u32 len); -+void omap_rfbi_write_data(const void *buf, u32 len); -+void omap_rfbi_write_pixels(const void __iomem *buf, int scr_width, -+ u16 x, u16 y, -+ u16 w, u16 h); -+int omap_rfbi_enable_te(bool enable, unsigned line); -+int omap_rfbi_setup_te(enum omap_rfbi_te_mode mode, -+ unsigned hs_pulse_time, unsigned vs_pulse_time, -+ int hs_pol_inv, int vs_pol_inv, int extif_div); -+ -+/* DSI */ -+int dsi_vc_dcs_write(int channel, u8 *data, int len); -+int dsi_vc_dcs_write_nosync(int channel, u8 *data, int len); -+int dsi_vc_dcs_read(int channel, u8 dcs_cmd, u8 *buf, int buflen); -+int dsi_vc_set_max_rx_packet_size(int channel, u16 len); -+int dsi_vc_send_null(int channel); -+ -+/* Board specific data */ -+struct omap_dss_display_config { -+ enum omap_display_type type; -+ -+ union { -+ struct { -+ u8 data_lines; -+ } dpi; -+ -+ struct { -+ u8 channel; -+ u8 data_lines; -+ } rfbi; -+ -+ struct { -+ u8 datapairs; -+ } sdi; -+ -+ struct { -+ u8 clk_lane; -+ u8 clk_pol; -+ u8 data1_lane; -+ u8 data1_pol; -+ u8 data2_lane; -+ u8 data2_pol; -+ unsigned long ddr_clk_hz; -+ } dsi; -+ -+ struct { -+ enum omap_dss_venc_type type; -+ } venc; -+ } u; -+ -+ int panel_reset_gpio; -+ int ctrl_reset_gpio; -+ -+ const char *name; /* for debug */ -+ const char *ctrl_name; -+ const char *panel_name; -+ -+ void *panel_data; -+ void *ctrl_data; -+ -+ /* platform specific enable/disable */ -+ int (*panel_enable)(struct omap_display *display); -+ void (*panel_disable)(struct omap_display *display); -+ int (*ctrl_enable)(struct omap_display *display); -+ void (*ctrl_disable)(struct omap_display *display); -+ int (*set_backlight)(struct omap_display *display, -+ int level); -+}; -+ -+struct device; -+ -+/* Board specific data */ -+struct omap_dss_board_info { -+ unsigned (*get_last_off_on_transaction_id)(struct device *dev); -+ int (*dsi_power_up)(void); -+ void (*dsi_power_down)(void); -+ int num_displays; -+ struct omap_dss_display_config *displays[]; -+}; -+ -+struct omap_ctrl { -+ struct module *owner; -+ -+ const char *name; -+ -+ int (*init)(struct omap_display *display); -+ void (*cleanup)(struct omap_display *display); -+ int (*enable)(struct omap_display *display); -+ void (*disable)(struct omap_display *display); -+ int (*suspend)(struct omap_display *display); -+ int (*resume)(struct omap_display *display); -+ void (*setup_update)(struct omap_display *display, -+ u16 x, u16 y, u16 w, u16 h); -+ -+ int (*enable_te)(struct omap_display *display, bool enable); -+ -+ u8 (*get_rotate)(struct omap_display *display); -+ int (*set_rotate)(struct omap_display *display, u8 rotate); -+ -+ bool (*get_mirror)(struct omap_display *display); -+ int (*set_mirror)(struct omap_display *display, bool enable); -+ -+ int (*run_test)(struct omap_display *display, int test); -+ int (*memory_read)(struct omap_display *display, -+ void *buf, size_t size, -+ u16 x, u16 y, u16 w, u16 h); -+ -+ u8 pixel_size; -+ -+ struct rfbi_timings timings; -+ -+ void *priv; -+}; -+ -+struct omap_video_timings { -+ /* Unit: pixels */ -+ u16 x_res; -+ /* Unit: pixels */ -+ u16 y_res; -+ /* Unit: KHz */ -+ u32 pixel_clock; -+ /* Unit: pixel clocks */ -+ u16 hsw; /* Horizontal synchronization pulse width */ -+ /* Unit: pixel clocks */ -+ u16 hfp; /* Horizontal front porch */ -+ /* Unit: pixel clocks */ -+ u16 hbp; /* Horizontal back porch */ -+ /* Unit: line clocks */ -+ u16 vsw; /* Vertical synchronization pulse width */ -+ /* Unit: line clocks */ -+ u16 vfp; /* Vertical front porch */ -+ /* Unit: line clocks */ -+ u16 vbp; /* Vertical back porch */ -+ -+}; -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_VENC -+/* Hardcoded timings for tv modes. Venc only uses these to -+ * identify the mode, and does not actually use the configs -+ * itself. However, the configs should be something that -+ * a normal monitor can also show */ -+const extern struct omap_video_timings omap_dss_pal_timings; -+const extern struct omap_video_timings omap_dss_ntsc_timings; -+#endif -+ -+struct omap_panel { -+ struct module *owner; -+ -+ const char *name; -+ -+ int (*init)(struct omap_display *display); -+ void (*cleanup)(struct omap_display *display); -+ int (*remove)(struct omap_display *display); -+ int (*enable)(struct omap_display *display); -+ void (*disable)(struct omap_display *display); -+ int (*suspend)(struct omap_display *display); -+ int (*resume)(struct omap_display *display); -+ int (*run_test)(struct omap_display *display, int test); -+ -+ struct omap_video_timings timings; -+ -+ int acbi; /* ac-bias pin transitions per interrupt */ -+ /* Unit: line clocks */ -+ int acb; /* ac-bias pin frequency */ -+ -+ enum omap_panel_config config; -+ -+ u8 recommended_bpp; -+ -+ void *priv; -+}; -+ -+/* XXX perhaps this should be removed */ -+enum omap_dss_overlay_managers { -+ OMAP_DSS_OVL_MGR_LCD, -+ OMAP_DSS_OVL_MGR_TV, -+}; -+ -+struct omap_overlay_manager; -+ -+struct omap_overlay_info { -+ bool enabled; -+ -+ u32 paddr; -+ void __iomem *vaddr; -+ u16 screen_width; -+ u16 width; -+ u16 height; -+ enum omap_color_mode color_mode; -+ u8 rotation; -+ bool mirror; -+ -+ u16 pos_x; -+ u16 pos_y; -+ u16 out_width; /* if 0, out_width == width */ -+ u16 out_height; /* if 0, out_height == height */ -+}; -+ -+enum omap_overlay_caps { -+ OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_SCALE = 1 << 0, -+ OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_DISPC = 1 << 1, -+}; -+ -+struct omap_overlay { -+ struct kobject kobj; -+ struct list_head list; -+ -+ const char *name; -+ int id; -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *manager; -+ enum omap_color_mode supported_modes; -+ struct omap_overlay_info info; -+ enum omap_overlay_caps caps; -+ -+ int (*set_manager)(struct omap_overlay *ovl, -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr); -+ int (*unset_manager)(struct omap_overlay *ovl); -+ -+ int (*set_overlay_info)(struct omap_overlay *ovl, -+ struct omap_overlay_info *info); -+ void (*get_overlay_info)(struct omap_overlay *ovl, -+ struct omap_overlay_info *info); -+}; -+ -+enum omap_overlay_manager_caps { -+ OMAP_DSS_OVL_MGR_CAP_DISPC = 1 << 0, -+}; -+ -+struct omap_overlay_manager { -+ struct kobject kobj; -+ struct list_head list; -+ -+ const char *name; -+ int id; -+ enum omap_overlay_manager_caps caps; -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ int num_overlays; -+ struct omap_overlay **overlays; -+ enum omap_display_type supported_displays; -+ -+ int (*set_display)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ struct omap_display *display); -+ int (*unset_display)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr); -+ -+ int (*apply)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr); -+ -+ void (*set_default_color)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, u32 color); -+ void (*set_trans_key)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ enum omap_dss_color_key_type type, -+ u32 trans_key); -+ void (*enable_trans_key)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ bool enable); -+}; -+ -+enum omap_display_caps { -+ OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_CAP_MANUAL_UPDATE = 1 << 0, -+}; -+ -+enum omap_dss_update_mode { -+ OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_DISABLED = 0, -+ OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_AUTO, -+ OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_MANUAL, -+}; -+ -+enum omap_dss_display_state { -+ OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED = 0, -+ OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE, -+ OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_SUSPENDED, -+}; -+ -+struct omap_display { -+ struct kobject kobj; -+ struct list_head list; -+ -+ /*atomic_t ref_count;*/ -+ int ref_count; -+ /* helper variable for driver suspend/resume */ -+ int activate_after_resume; -+ -+ enum omap_display_type type; -+ const char *name; -+ -+ enum omap_display_caps caps; -+ -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *manager; -+ -+ enum omap_dss_display_state state; -+ -+ struct omap_dss_display_config hw_config; /* board specific data */ -+ struct omap_ctrl *ctrl; /* static common data */ -+ struct omap_panel *panel; /* static common data */ -+ -+ int (*enable)(struct omap_display *display); -+ void (*disable)(struct omap_display *display); -+ -+ int (*suspend)(struct omap_display *display); -+ int (*resume)(struct omap_display *display); -+ -+ void (*get_resolution)(struct omap_display *display, -+ u16 *xres, u16 *yres); -+ int (*get_recommended_bpp)(struct omap_display *display); -+ -+ int (*check_timings)(struct omap_display *display, -+ struct omap_video_timings *timings); -+ void (*set_timings)(struct omap_display *display, -+ struct omap_video_timings *timings); -+ void (*get_timings)(struct omap_display *display, -+ struct omap_video_timings *timings); -+ int (*update)(struct omap_display *display, -+ u16 x, u16 y, u16 w, u16 h); -+ int (*sync)(struct omap_display *display); -+ int (*wait_vsync)(struct omap_display *display); -+ -+ int (*set_update_mode)(struct omap_display *display, -+ enum omap_dss_update_mode); -+ enum omap_dss_update_mode (*get_update_mode) -+ (struct omap_display *display); -+ -+ int (*enable_te)(struct omap_display *display, bool enable); -+ int (*get_te)(struct omap_display *display); -+ -+ u8 (*get_rotate)(struct omap_display *display); -+ int (*set_rotate)(struct omap_display *display, u8 rotate); -+ -+ bool (*get_mirror)(struct omap_display *display); -+ int (*set_mirror)(struct omap_display *display, bool enable); -+ -+ int (*run_test)(struct omap_display *display, int test); -+ int (*memory_read)(struct omap_display *display, -+ void *buf, size_t size, -+ u16 x, u16 y, u16 w, u16 h); -+ -+ void (*configure_overlay)(struct omap_overlay *overlay); -+}; -+ -+int omap_dss_get_num_displays(void); -+struct omap_display *omap_dss_get_display(int no); -+void omap_dss_put_display(struct omap_display *display); -+ -+void omap_dss_register_ctrl(struct omap_ctrl *ctrl); -+void omap_dss_unregister_ctrl(struct omap_ctrl *ctrl); -+ -+void omap_dss_register_panel(struct omap_panel *panel); -+void omap_dss_unregister_panel(struct omap_panel *panel); -+ -+int omap_dss_get_num_overlay_managers(void); -+struct omap_overlay_manager *omap_dss_get_overlay_manager(int num); -+ -+int omap_dss_get_num_overlays(void); -+struct omap_overlay *omap_dss_get_overlay(int num); -+ -+typedef void (*omap_dispc_isr_t) (void *arg, u32 mask); -+int omap_dispc_register_isr(omap_dispc_isr_t isr, void *arg, u32 mask); -+int omap_dispc_unregister_isr(omap_dispc_isr_t isr, void *arg, u32 mask); -+ -+int omap_dispc_wait_for_irq_timeout(u32 irqmask, unsigned long timeout); -+int omap_dispc_wait_for_irq_interruptible_timeout(u32 irqmask, -+ unsigned long timeout); -+ -+#endif -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vram.h b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vram.h -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..f176562 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vram.h -@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ -+/* -+ * File: arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vram.h -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your -+ * option) any later version. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -+ * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -+ * General Public License for more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along -+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., -+ * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -+ */ -+ -+#ifndef __OMAPVRAM_H -+#define __OMAPVRAM_H -+ -+#include -+ -+extern int omap_vram_free(unsigned long paddr, size_t size); -+extern int omap_vram_alloc(int mtype, size_t size, unsigned long *paddr); -+extern int omap_vram_reserve(unsigned long paddr, size_t size); -+extern void omap2_set_sdram_vram(u32 size, u32 start); -+extern void omap2_set_sram_vram(u32 size, u32 start); -+ -+#endif -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..2047862 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h -@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ -+/* -+ * File: arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h -+ * -+ * VRFB -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the -+ * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your -+ * option) any later version. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but -+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -+ * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -+ * General Public License for more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along -+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., -+ * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. -+ */ -+ -+#ifndef __VRFB_H -+#define __VRFB_H -+ -+#define OMAP_VRFB_LINE_LEN 2048 -+ -+struct vrfb -+{ -+ u8 context; -+ void __iomem *vaddr[4]; -+ unsigned long paddr[4]; -+ u16 xoffset; -+ u16 yoffset; -+ u8 bytespp; -+}; -+ -+extern int omap_vrfb_request_ctx(struct vrfb *vrfb); -+extern void omap_vrfb_release_ctx(struct vrfb *vrfb); -+extern void omap_vrfb_adjust_size(u16 *width, u16 *height, -+ u8 bytespp); -+extern void omap_vrfb_setup(struct vrfb *vrfb, unsigned long paddr, -+ u16 width, u16 height, -+ u8 bytespp); -+ -+#endif /* __VRFB_H */ -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..f24a110 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * Some code and ideas taken from drivers/video/omap/ driver -+ * by Imre Deak. -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+/*#define DEBUG*/ -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+ -+#include -+#include -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+#define DBG(format, ...) printk(KERN_DEBUG "VRAM: " format, ## __VA_ARGS__) -+#else -+#define DBG(format, ...) -+#endif -+ -+#define OMAP2_SRAM_START 0x40200000 -+/* Maximum size, in reality this is smaller if SRAM is partially locked. */ -+#define OMAP2_SRAM_SIZE 0xa0000 /* 640k */ -+ -+#define REG_MAP_SIZE(_page_cnt) \ -+ ((_page_cnt + (sizeof(unsigned long) * 8) - 1) / 8) -+#define REG_MAP_PTR(_rg, _page_nr) \ -+ (((_rg)->map) + (_page_nr) / (sizeof(unsigned long) * 8)) -+#define REG_MAP_MASK(_page_nr) \ -+ (1 << ((_page_nr) & (sizeof(unsigned long) * 8 - 1))) -+ -+#if defined(CONFIG_FB_OMAP2) || defined(CONFIG_FB_OMAP2_MODULE) -+ -+/* postponed regions are used to temporarily store region information at boot -+ * time when we cannot yet allocate the region list */ -+#define MAX_POSTPONED_REGIONS 10 -+ -+static int postponed_cnt __initdata; -+static struct { -+ unsigned long paddr; -+ size_t size; -+} postponed_regions[MAX_POSTPONED_REGIONS] __initdata; -+ -+struct vram_alloc { -+ struct list_head list; -+ unsigned long paddr; -+ unsigned pages; -+}; -+ -+struct vram_region { -+ struct list_head list; -+ struct list_head alloc_list; -+ unsigned long paddr; -+ unsigned pages; -+}; -+ -+static DEFINE_MUTEX(region_mutex); -+static LIST_HEAD(region_list); -+ -+static inline int region_mem_type(unsigned long paddr) -+{ -+ if (paddr >= OMAP2_SRAM_START && -+ paddr < OMAP2_SRAM_START + OMAP2_SRAM_SIZE) -+ return OMAPFB_MEMTYPE_SRAM; -+ else -+ return OMAPFB_MEMTYPE_SDRAM; -+} -+ -+static struct vram_region *omap_vram_create_region(unsigned long paddr, -+ unsigned pages) -+{ -+ struct vram_region *rm; -+ -+ rm = kzalloc(sizeof(*rm), GFP_KERNEL); -+ -+ if (rm) { -+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&rm->alloc_list); -+ rm->paddr = paddr; -+ rm->pages = pages; -+ } -+ -+ return rm; -+} -+ -+#if 0 -+static void omap_vram_free_region(struct vram_region *vr) -+{ -+ list_del(&vr->list); -+ kfree(vr); -+} -+#endif -+ -+static struct vram_alloc *omap_vram_create_allocation(struct vram_region *vr, -+ unsigned long paddr, unsigned pages) -+{ -+ struct vram_alloc *va; -+ struct vram_alloc *new; -+ -+ new = kzalloc(sizeof(*va), GFP_KERNEL); -+ -+ if (!new) -+ return NULL; -+ -+ new->paddr = paddr; -+ new->pages = pages; -+ -+ list_for_each_entry(va, &vr->alloc_list, list) { -+ if (va->paddr > new->paddr) -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ list_add_tail(&new->list, &va->list); -+ -+ return new; -+} -+ -+static void omap_vram_free_allocation(struct vram_alloc *va) -+{ -+ list_del(&va->list); -+ kfree(va); -+} -+ -+static __init int omap_vram_add_region_postponed(unsigned long paddr, -+ size_t size) -+{ -+ if (postponed_cnt == MAX_POSTPONED_REGIONS) -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ -+ postponed_regions[postponed_cnt].paddr = paddr; -+ postponed_regions[postponed_cnt].size = size; -+ -+ ++postponed_cnt; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+/* add/remove_region can be exported if there's need to add/remove regions -+ * runtime */ -+static int omap_vram_add_region(unsigned long paddr, size_t size) -+{ -+ struct vram_region *rm; -+ unsigned pages; -+ -+ DBG("adding region paddr %08lx size %d\n", -+ paddr, size); -+ -+ size &= PAGE_MASK; -+ pages = size >> PAGE_SHIFT; -+ -+ rm = omap_vram_create_region(paddr, pages); -+ if (rm == NULL) -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ -+ list_add(&rm->list, ®ion_list); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+int omap_vram_free(unsigned long paddr, size_t size) -+{ -+ struct vram_region *rm; -+ struct vram_alloc *alloc; -+ unsigned start, end; -+ -+ DBG("free mem paddr %08lx size %d\n", paddr, size); -+ -+ size = PAGE_ALIGN(size); -+ -+ mutex_lock(®ion_mutex); -+ -+ list_for_each_entry(rm, ®ion_list, list) { -+ list_for_each_entry(alloc, &rm->alloc_list, list) { -+ start = alloc->paddr; -+ end = alloc->paddr + (alloc->pages >> PAGE_SHIFT); -+ -+ if (start >= paddr && end < paddr + size) -+ goto found; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ mutex_unlock(®ion_mutex); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+found: -+ omap_vram_free_allocation(alloc); -+ -+ mutex_unlock(®ion_mutex); -+ return 0; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_vram_free); -+ -+static int _omap_vram_reserve(unsigned long paddr, unsigned pages) -+{ -+ struct vram_region *rm; -+ struct vram_alloc *alloc; -+ size_t size; -+ -+ size = pages << PAGE_SHIFT; -+ -+ list_for_each_entry(rm, ®ion_list, list) { -+ unsigned long start, end; -+ -+ DBG("checking region %lx %d\n", rm->paddr, rm->pages); -+ -+ if (region_mem_type(rm->paddr) != region_mem_type(paddr)) -+ continue; -+ -+ start = rm->paddr; -+ end = start + (rm->pages << PAGE_SHIFT) - 1; -+ if (start > paddr || end < paddr + size - 1) -+ continue; -+ -+ DBG("block ok, checking allocs\n"); -+ -+ list_for_each_entry(alloc, &rm->alloc_list, list) { -+ end = alloc->paddr - 1; -+ -+ if (start <= paddr && end >= paddr + size - 1) -+ goto found; -+ -+ start = alloc->paddr + (alloc->pages << PAGE_SHIFT); -+ } -+ -+ end = rm->paddr + (rm->pages << PAGE_SHIFT) - 1; -+ -+ if (!(start <= paddr && end >= paddr + size - 1)) -+ continue; -+found: -+ DBG("FOUND area start %lx, end %lx\n", start, end); -+ -+ if (omap_vram_create_allocation(rm, paddr, pages) == NULL) -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ -+ return 0; -+ } -+ -+ return -ENOMEM; -+} -+ -+int omap_vram_reserve(unsigned long paddr, size_t size) -+{ -+ unsigned pages; -+ int r; -+ -+ DBG("reserve mem paddr %08lx size %d\n", paddr, size); -+ -+ size = PAGE_ALIGN(size); -+ pages = size >> PAGE_SHIFT; -+ -+ mutex_lock(®ion_mutex); -+ -+ r = _omap_vram_reserve(paddr, pages); -+ -+ mutex_unlock(®ion_mutex); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_vram_reserve); -+ -+static int _omap_vram_alloc(int mtype, unsigned pages, unsigned long *paddr) -+{ -+ struct vram_region *rm; -+ struct vram_alloc *alloc; -+ -+ list_for_each_entry(rm, ®ion_list, list) { -+ unsigned long start, end; -+ -+ DBG("checking region %lx %d\n", rm->paddr, rm->pages); -+ -+ if (region_mem_type(rm->paddr) != mtype) -+ continue; -+ -+ start = rm->paddr; -+ -+ list_for_each_entry(alloc, &rm->alloc_list, list) { -+ end = alloc->paddr; -+ -+ if (end - start >= pages << PAGE_SHIFT) -+ goto found; -+ -+ start = alloc->paddr + (alloc->pages << PAGE_SHIFT); -+ } -+ -+ end = rm->paddr + (rm->pages << PAGE_SHIFT); -+found: -+ if (end - start < pages << PAGE_SHIFT) -+ continue; -+ -+ DBG("FOUND %lx, end %lx\n", start, end); -+ -+ alloc = omap_vram_create_allocation(rm, start, pages); -+ if (alloc == NULL) -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ -+ *paddr = start; -+ -+ return 0; -+ } -+ -+ return -ENOMEM; -+} -+ -+int omap_vram_alloc(int mtype, size_t size, unsigned long *paddr) -+{ -+ unsigned pages; -+ int r; -+ -+ BUG_ON(mtype > OMAPFB_MEMTYPE_MAX || !size); -+ -+ DBG("alloc mem type %d size %d\n", mtype, size); -+ -+ size = PAGE_ALIGN(size); -+ pages = size >> PAGE_SHIFT; -+ -+ mutex_lock(®ion_mutex); -+ -+ r = _omap_vram_alloc(mtype, pages, paddr); -+ -+ mutex_unlock(®ion_mutex); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_vram_alloc); -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS -+static void *r_next(struct seq_file *m, void *v, loff_t *pos) -+{ -+ struct list_head *l = v; -+ -+ (*pos)++; -+ -+ if (list_is_last(l, ®ion_list)) -+ return NULL; -+ -+ return l->next; -+} -+ -+static void *r_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos) -+{ -+ loff_t p = *pos; -+ struct list_head *l = ®ion_list; -+ -+ mutex_lock(®ion_mutex); -+ -+ do { -+ l = l->next; -+ if (l == ®ion_list) -+ return NULL; -+ } while (p--); -+ -+ return l; -+} -+ -+static void r_stop(struct seq_file *m, void *v) -+{ -+ mutex_unlock(®ion_mutex); -+} -+ -+static int r_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) -+{ -+ struct vram_region *vr; -+ struct vram_alloc *va; -+ unsigned size; -+ -+ vr = list_entry(v, struct vram_region, list); -+ -+ size = vr->pages << PAGE_SHIFT; -+ -+ seq_printf(m, "%08lx-%08lx (%d bytes)\n", -+ vr->paddr, vr->paddr + size - 1, -+ size); -+ -+ list_for_each_entry(va, &vr->alloc_list, list) { -+ size = va->pages << PAGE_SHIFT; -+ seq_printf(m, " %08lx-%08lx (%d bytes)\n", -+ va->paddr, va->paddr + size - 1, -+ size); -+ } -+ -+ -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static const struct seq_operations resource_op = { -+ .start = r_start, -+ .next = r_next, -+ .stop = r_stop, -+ .show = r_show, -+}; -+ -+static int vram_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) -+{ -+ return seq_open(file, &resource_op); -+} -+ -+static const struct file_operations proc_vram_operations = { -+ .open = vram_open, -+ .read = seq_read, -+ .llseek = seq_lseek, -+ .release = seq_release, -+}; -+ -+static int __init omap_vram_create_proc(void) -+{ -+ proc_create("omap-vram", 0, NULL, &proc_vram_operations); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+#endif -+ -+static __init int omap_vram_init(void) -+{ -+ int i, r; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < postponed_cnt; i++) -+ omap_vram_add_region(postponed_regions[i].paddr, -+ postponed_regions[i].size); -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS -+ r = omap_vram_create_proc(); -+ if (r) -+ return -ENOMEM; -+#endif -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+arch_initcall(omap_vram_init); -+ -+/* boottime vram alloc stuff */ -+ -+/* set from board file */ -+static u32 omapfb_sram_vram_start __initdata; -+static u32 omapfb_sram_vram_size __initdata; -+ -+/* set from board file */ -+static u32 omapfb_sdram_vram_start __initdata; -+static u32 omapfb_sdram_vram_size __initdata; -+ -+/* set from kernel cmdline */ -+static u32 omapfb_def_sdram_vram_size __initdata; -+static u32 omapfb_def_sdram_vram_start __initdata; -+ -+static void __init omapfb_early_vram(char **p) -+{ -+ omapfb_def_sdram_vram_size = memparse(*p, p); -+ if (**p == ',') -+ omapfb_def_sdram_vram_start = simple_strtoul((*p) + 1, p, 16); -+ -+ printk("omapfb_early_vram, %d, 0x%x\n", -+ omapfb_def_sdram_vram_size, -+ omapfb_def_sdram_vram_start); -+} -+__early_param("vram=", omapfb_early_vram); -+ -+/* -+ * Called from map_io. We need to call to this early enough so that we -+ * can reserve the fixed SDRAM regions before VM could get hold of them. -+ */ -+void __init omapfb_reserve_sdram(void) -+{ -+ struct bootmem_data *bdata; -+ unsigned long sdram_start, sdram_size; -+ u32 paddr; -+ u32 size = 0; -+ -+ /* cmdline arg overrides the board file definition */ -+ if (omapfb_def_sdram_vram_size) { -+ size = omapfb_def_sdram_vram_size; -+ paddr = omapfb_def_sdram_vram_start; -+ } -+ -+ if (!size) { -+ size = omapfb_sdram_vram_size; -+ paddr = omapfb_sdram_vram_start; -+ } -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_VRAM_SIZE -+ if (!size) { -+ size = CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_VRAM_SIZE * 1024 * 1024; -+ paddr = 0; -+ } -+#endif -+ -+ if (!size) -+ return; -+ -+ size = PAGE_ALIGN(size); -+ -+ bdata = NODE_DATA(0)->bdata; -+ sdram_start = bdata->node_min_pfn << PAGE_SHIFT; -+ sdram_size = (bdata->node_low_pfn << PAGE_SHIFT) - sdram_start; -+ -+ if (paddr) { -+ if ((paddr & ~PAGE_MASK) || paddr < sdram_start || -+ paddr + size > sdram_start + sdram_size) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "Illegal SDRAM region for VRAM\n"); -+ return; -+ } -+ -+ reserve_bootmem(paddr, size, BOOTMEM_DEFAULT); -+ } else { -+ if (size > sdram_size) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "Illegal SDRAM size for VRAM\n"); -+ return; -+ } -+ -+ paddr = virt_to_phys(alloc_bootmem_pages(size)); -+ BUG_ON(paddr & ~PAGE_MASK); -+ } -+ -+ omap_vram_add_region_postponed(paddr, size); -+ -+ pr_info("Reserving %u bytes SDRAM for VRAM\n", size); -+} -+ -+/* -+ * Called at sram init time, before anything is pushed to the SRAM stack. -+ * Because of the stack scheme, we will allocate everything from the -+ * start of the lowest address region to the end of SRAM. This will also -+ * include padding for page alignment and possible holes between regions. -+ * -+ * As opposed to the SDRAM case, we'll also do any dynamic allocations at -+ * this point, since the driver built as a module would have problem with -+ * freeing / reallocating the regions. -+ */ -+unsigned long __init omapfb_reserve_sram(unsigned long sram_pstart, -+ unsigned long sram_vstart, -+ unsigned long sram_size, -+ unsigned long pstart_avail, -+ unsigned long size_avail) -+{ -+ unsigned long pend_avail; -+ unsigned long reserved; -+ u32 paddr; -+ u32 size; -+ -+ paddr = omapfb_sram_vram_start; -+ size = omapfb_sram_vram_size; -+ -+ if (!size) -+ return 0; -+ -+ reserved = 0; -+ pend_avail = pstart_avail + size_avail; -+ -+ if (!paddr) { -+ /* Dynamic allocation */ -+ if ((size_avail & PAGE_MASK) < size) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "Not enough SRAM for VRAM\n"); -+ return 0; -+ } -+ size_avail = (size_avail - size) & PAGE_MASK; -+ paddr = pstart_avail + size_avail; -+ } -+ -+ if (paddr < sram_pstart || -+ paddr + size > sram_pstart + sram_size) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "Illegal SRAM region for VRAM\n"); -+ return 0; -+ } -+ -+ /* Reserve everything above the start of the region. */ -+ if (pend_avail - paddr > reserved) -+ reserved = pend_avail - paddr; -+ size_avail = pend_avail - reserved - pstart_avail; -+ -+ omap_vram_add_region_postponed(paddr, size); -+ -+ if (reserved) -+ pr_info("Reserving %lu bytes SRAM for VRAM\n", reserved); -+ -+ return reserved; -+} -+ -+void __init omap2_set_sdram_vram(u32 size, u32 start) -+{ -+ omapfb_sdram_vram_start = start; -+ omapfb_sdram_vram_size = size; -+} -+ -+void __init omap2_set_sram_vram(u32 size, u32 start) -+{ -+ omapfb_sram_vram_start = start; -+ omapfb_sram_vram_size = size; -+} -+ -+#endif -+ -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..7e0f8fc ---- /dev/null -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+#include -+ -+/*#define DEBUG*/ -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+#define DBG(format, ...) printk(KERN_DEBUG "VRFB: " format, ## __VA_ARGS__) -+#else -+#define DBG(format, ...) -+#endif -+ -+#define SMS_ROT_VIRT_BASE(context, rot) \ -+ (((context >= 4) ? 0xD0000000 : 0x70000000) \ -+ | 0x4000000 * (context) \ -+ | 0x1000000 * (rot)) -+ -+#define OMAP_VRFB_SIZE (2048 * 2048 * 4) -+ -+#define VRFB_PAGE_WIDTH_EXP 5 /* Assuming SDRAM pagesize= 1024 */ -+#define VRFB_PAGE_HEIGHT_EXP 5 /* 1024 = 2^5 * 2^5 */ -+#define VRFB_PAGE_WIDTH (1 << VRFB_PAGE_WIDTH_EXP) -+#define VRFB_PAGE_HEIGHT (1 << VRFB_PAGE_HEIGHT_EXP) -+#define SMS_IMAGEHEIGHT_OFFSET 16 -+#define SMS_IMAGEWIDTH_OFFSET 0 -+#define SMS_PH_OFFSET 8 -+#define SMS_PW_OFFSET 4 -+#define SMS_PS_OFFSET 0 -+ -+#define OMAP_SMS_BASE 0x6C000000 -+#define SMS_ROT_CONTROL(context) (OMAP_SMS_BASE + 0x180 + 0x10 * context) -+#define SMS_ROT_SIZE(context) (OMAP_SMS_BASE + 0x184 + 0x10 * context) -+#define SMS_ROT_PHYSICAL_BA(context) (OMAP_SMS_BASE + 0x188 + 0x10 * context) -+ -+#define VRFB_NUM_CTXS 12 -+/* bitmap of reserved contexts */ -+static unsigned ctx_map; -+ -+void omap_vrfb_adjust_size(u16 *width, u16 *height, -+ u8 bytespp) -+{ -+ *width = ALIGN(*width * bytespp, VRFB_PAGE_WIDTH) / bytespp; -+ *height = ALIGN(*height, VRFB_PAGE_HEIGHT); -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_vrfb_adjust_size); -+ -+void omap_vrfb_setup(struct vrfb *vrfb, unsigned long paddr, -+ u16 width, u16 height, -+ u8 bytespp) -+{ -+ unsigned pixel_size_exp; -+ u16 vrfb_width; -+ u16 vrfb_height; -+ u8 ctx = vrfb->context; -+ -+ DBG("omapfb_set_vrfb(%d, %lx, %dx%d, %d)\n", ctx, paddr, -+ width, height, bytespp); -+ -+ if (bytespp == 4) -+ pixel_size_exp = 2; -+ else if (bytespp == 2) -+ pixel_size_exp = 1; -+ else -+ BUG(); -+ -+ vrfb_width = ALIGN(width * bytespp, VRFB_PAGE_WIDTH) / bytespp; -+ vrfb_height = ALIGN(height, VRFB_PAGE_HEIGHT); -+ -+ DBG("vrfb w %u, h %u\n", vrfb_width, vrfb_height); -+ -+ omap_writel(paddr, SMS_ROT_PHYSICAL_BA(ctx)); -+ omap_writel((vrfb_width << SMS_IMAGEWIDTH_OFFSET) | -+ (vrfb_height << SMS_IMAGEHEIGHT_OFFSET), -+ SMS_ROT_SIZE(ctx)); -+ -+ omap_writel(pixel_size_exp << SMS_PS_OFFSET | -+ VRFB_PAGE_WIDTH_EXP << SMS_PW_OFFSET | -+ VRFB_PAGE_HEIGHT_EXP << SMS_PH_OFFSET, -+ SMS_ROT_CONTROL(ctx)); -+ -+ DBG("vrfb offset pixels %d, %d\n", -+ vrfb_width - width, vrfb_height - height); -+ -+ vrfb->xoffset = vrfb_width - width; -+ vrfb->yoffset = vrfb_height - height; -+ vrfb->bytespp = bytespp; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_vrfb_setup); -+ -+void omap_vrfb_release_ctx(struct vrfb *vrfb) -+{ -+ int rot; -+ -+ if (vrfb->context == 0xff) -+ return; -+ -+ DBG("release ctx %d\n", vrfb->context); -+ -+ ctx_map &= ~(1 << vrfb->context); -+ -+ for (rot = 0; rot < 4; ++rot) { -+ if(vrfb->paddr[rot]) { -+ release_mem_region(vrfb->paddr[rot], OMAP_VRFB_SIZE); -+ vrfb->paddr[rot] = 0; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ vrfb->context = 0xff; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_vrfb_release_ctx); -+ -+int omap_vrfb_request_ctx(struct vrfb *vrfb) -+{ -+ int rot; -+ u32 paddr; -+ u8 ctx; -+ -+ DBG("request ctx\n"); -+ -+ for (ctx = 0; ctx < VRFB_NUM_CTXS; ++ctx) -+ if ((ctx_map & (1 << ctx)) == 0) -+ break; -+ -+ if (ctx == VRFB_NUM_CTXS) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "vrfb: no free contexts\n"); -+ return -EBUSY; -+ } -+ -+ DBG("found free ctx %d\n", ctx); -+ -+ ctx_map |= 1 << ctx; -+ -+ memset(vrfb, 0, sizeof(*vrfb)); -+ -+ vrfb->context = ctx; -+ -+ for (rot = 0; rot < 4; ++rot) { -+ paddr = SMS_ROT_VIRT_BASE(ctx, rot); -+ if (!request_mem_region(paddr, OMAP_VRFB_SIZE, "vrfb")) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "vrfb: failed to reserve VRFB " -+ "area for ctx %d, rotation %d\n", -+ ctx, rot * 90); -+ omap_vrfb_release_ctx(vrfb); -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ } -+ -+ vrfb->paddr[rot] = paddr; -+ -+ DBG("VRFB %d/%d: %lx\n", ctx, rot*90, vrfb->paddr[rot]); -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_vrfb_request_ctx); -+ -diff --git a/drivers/video/Kconfig b/drivers/video/Kconfig -index fb19803..8b3752b 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/Kconfig -+++ b/drivers/video/Kconfig -@@ -2132,6 +2132,7 @@ config FB_MX3 - an LCD display with your i.MX31 system, say Y here. - - source "drivers/video/omap/Kconfig" -+source "drivers/video/omap2/Kconfig" - - source "drivers/video/backlight/Kconfig" - source "drivers/video/display/Kconfig" -diff --git a/drivers/video/Makefile b/drivers/video/Makefile -index 2a998ca..1db8dd4 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/Makefile -+++ b/drivers/video/Makefile -@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_FB_SM501) += sm501fb.o - obj-$(CONFIG_FB_XILINX) += xilinxfb.o - obj-$(CONFIG_FB_SH_MOBILE_LCDC) += sh_mobile_lcdcfb.o - obj-$(CONFIG_FB_OMAP) += omap/ -+obj-$(CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS) += omap2/ - obj-$(CONFIG_XEN_FBDEV_FRONTEND) += xen-fbfront.o - obj-$(CONFIG_FB_CARMINE) += carminefb.o - obj-$(CONFIG_FB_MB862XX) += mb862xx/ -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/Kconfig b/drivers/video/omap2/Kconfig -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..89bf210 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/Kconfig -@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ -+source "drivers/video/omap2/dss/Kconfig" -+source "drivers/video/omap2/displays/Kconfig" -+source "drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/Kconfig" -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/Makefile b/drivers/video/omap2/Makefile -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..72134db ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/Makefile -@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ -+# OMAP2/3 Display Subsystem -+obj-y += dss/ -+obj-y += displays/ -+obj-y += omapfb/ -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/Kconfig b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/Kconfig -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..f2ce068 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/Kconfig -@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ -+menuconfig OMAP2_DSS -+ tristate "OMAP2/3 Display Subsystem support (EXPERIMENTAL)" -+ depends on ARCH_OMAP2 || ARCH_OMAP3 -+ help -+ OMAP2/3 Display Subsystem support. -+ -+if OMAP2_DSS -+ -+config OMAP2_DSS_VRAM_SIZE -+ int "VRAM size (MB)" -+ range 0 32 -+ default 4 -+ help -+ The amount of SDRAM to reserve at boot time for video RAM use. -+ This VRAM will be used by omapfb and other drivers that need -+ large continuous RAM area for video use. -+ -+ You can also set this with "vram=" kernel argument, or -+ in the board file. -+ -+config OMAP2_DSS_DEBUG_SUPPORT -+ bool "Debug support" -+ default y -+ help -+ This enables debug messages. You need to enable printing -+ with 'debug' module parameter. -+ -+config OMAP2_DSS_RFBI -+ bool "RFBI support" -+ default n -+ help -+ MIPI DBI, or RFBI (Remote Framebuffer Interface), support. -+ -+config OMAP2_DSS_VENC -+ bool "VENC support" -+ default y -+ help -+ OMAP Video Encoder support. -+ -+config OMAP2_DSS_SDI -+ bool "SDI support" -+ depends on ARCH_OMAP3 -+ default n -+ help -+ SDI (Serial Display Interface) support. -+ -+config OMAP2_DSS_DSI -+ bool "DSI support" -+ depends on ARCH_OMAP3 -+ default n -+ help -+ MIPI DSI support. -+ -+config OMAP2_DSS_USE_DSI_PLL -+ bool "Use DSI PLL for PCLK (EXPERIMENTAL)" -+ default n -+ depends on OMAP2_DSS_DSI -+ help -+ Use DSI PLL to generate pixel clock. Currently only for DPI output. -+ DSI PLL can be used to generate higher and more precise pixel clocks. -+ -+config OMAP2_DSS_FAKE_VSYNC -+ bool "Fake VSYNC irq from manual update displays" -+ default n -+ help -+ If this is selected, DSI will generate a fake DISPC VSYNC interrupt -+ when DSI has sent a frame. This is only needed with DSI or RFBI -+ displays using manual mode, and you want VSYNC to, for example, -+ time animation. -+ -+config OMAP2_DSS_MIN_FCK_PER_PCK -+ int "Minimum FCK/PCK ratio (for scaling)" -+ range 0 32 -+ default 0 -+ help -+ This can be used to adjust the minimum FCK/PCK ratio. -+ -+ With this you can make sure that DISPC FCK is at least -+ n x PCK. Video plane scaling requires higher FCK than -+ normally. -+ -+ If this is set to 0, there's no extra constraint on the -+ DISPC FCK. However, the FCK will at minimum be -+ 2xPCK (if active matrix) or 3xPCK (if passive matrix). -+ -+ Max FCK is 173MHz, so this doesn't work if your PCK -+ is very high. -+ -+endif -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/Makefile b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/Makefile -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..980c72c ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/Makefile -@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ -+obj-$(CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS) += omapdss.o -+omapdss-y := core.o dss.o dispc.o dpi.o display.o manager.o overlay.o -+omapdss-$(CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_RFBI) += rfbi.o -+omapdss-$(CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_VENC) += venc.o -+omapdss-$(CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_SDI) += sdi.o -+omapdss-$(CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DSI) += dsi.o -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/core.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/core.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..ae7cd06 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/core.c -@@ -0,0 +1,641 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/drivers/video/omap2/dss/core.c -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * Some code and ideas taken from drivers/video/omap/ driver -+ * by Imre Deak. -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#define DSS_SUBSYS_NAME "CORE" -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include "dss.h" -+ -+static struct { -+ struct platform_device *pdev; -+ unsigned ctx_id; -+ -+ struct clk *dss_ick; -+ struct clk *dss1_fck; -+ struct clk *dss2_fck; -+ struct clk *dss_54m_fck; -+ struct clk *dss_96m_fck; -+ unsigned num_clks_enabled; -+} core; -+ -+static void dss_clk_enable_all_no_ctx(void); -+static void dss_clk_disable_all_no_ctx(void); -+static void dss_clk_enable_no_ctx(enum dss_clock clks); -+static void dss_clk_disable_no_ctx(enum dss_clock clks); -+ -+static char *def_disp_name; -+module_param_named(def_disp, def_disp_name, charp, 0); -+MODULE_PARM_DESC(def_disp_name, "default display name"); -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+unsigned int dss_debug; -+module_param_named(debug, dss_debug, bool, 0644); -+#endif -+ -+/* CONTEXT */ -+static unsigned dss_get_ctx_id(void) -+{ -+ struct omap_dss_board_info *pdata = core.pdev->dev.platform_data; -+ -+ if (!pdata->get_last_off_on_transaction_id) -+ return 0; -+ -+ return pdata->get_last_off_on_transaction_id(&core.pdev->dev); -+} -+ -+int dss_need_ctx_restore(void) -+{ -+ int id = dss_get_ctx_id(); -+ -+ if (id != core.ctx_id) { -+ DSSDBG("ctx id %u -> id %u\n", -+ core.ctx_id, id); -+ core.ctx_id = id; -+ return 1; -+ } else { -+ return 0; -+ } -+} -+ -+static void save_all_ctx(void) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("save context\n"); -+ -+ dss_clk_enable_no_ctx(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ dss_save_context(); -+ dispc_save_context(); -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DSI -+ dsi_save_context(); -+#endif -+ -+ dss_clk_disable_no_ctx(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+} -+ -+static void restore_all_ctx(void) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("restore context\n"); -+ -+ dss_clk_enable_all_no_ctx(); -+ -+ dss_restore_context(); -+ dispc_restore_context(); -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DSI -+ dsi_restore_context(); -+#endif -+ -+ dss_clk_disable_all_no_ctx(); -+} -+ -+/* CLOCKS */ -+void dss_dump_clocks(struct seq_file *s) -+{ -+ int i; -+ struct clk *clocks[5] = { -+ core.dss_ick, -+ core.dss1_fck, -+ core.dss2_fck, -+ core.dss_54m_fck, -+ core.dss_96m_fck -+ }; -+ -+ seq_printf(s, "- dss -\n"); -+ -+ seq_printf(s, "internal clk count\t%u\n", core.num_clks_enabled); -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { -+ if (!clocks[i]) -+ continue; -+ seq_printf(s, "%-15s\t%lu\t%d\n", -+ clocks[i]->name, -+ clk_get_rate(clocks[i]), -+ clocks[i]->usecount); -+ } -+} -+ -+static int dss_get_clocks(void) -+{ -+ const struct { -+ struct clk **clock; -+ char *omap2_name; -+ char *omap3_name; -+ } clocks[5] = { -+ { &core.dss_ick, "dss_ick", "dss_ick" }, /* L3 & L4 ick */ -+ { &core.dss1_fck, "dss1_fck", "dss1_alwon_fck" }, -+ { &core.dss2_fck, "dss2_fck", "dss2_alwon_fck" }, -+ { &core.dss_54m_fck, "dss_54m_fck", "dss_tv_fck" }, -+ { &core.dss_96m_fck, NULL, "dss_96m_fck" }, -+ }; -+ -+ int r = 0; -+ int i; -+ const int num_clocks = 5; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < num_clocks; i++) -+ *clocks[i].clock = NULL; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < num_clocks; i++) { -+ struct clk *clk; -+ const char *clk_name; -+ -+ clk_name = cpu_is_omap34xx() ? clocks[i].omap3_name -+ : clocks[i].omap2_name; -+ -+ if (!clk_name) -+ continue; -+ -+ clk = clk_get(NULL, clk_name); -+ -+ if (IS_ERR(clk)) { -+ DSSERR("can't get clock %s", clk_name); -+ r = PTR_ERR(clk); -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ DSSDBG("clk %s, rate %ld\n", -+ clk_name, clk_get_rate(clk)); -+ -+ *clocks[i].clock = clk; -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+ -+err: -+ for (i = 0; i < num_clocks; i++) { -+ if (!IS_ERR(*clocks[i].clock)) -+ clk_put(*clocks[i].clock); -+ } -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static void dss_put_clocks(void) -+{ -+ if (core.dss_96m_fck) -+ clk_put(core.dss_96m_fck); -+ clk_put(core.dss_54m_fck); -+ clk_put(core.dss1_fck); -+ clk_put(core.dss2_fck); -+ clk_put(core.dss_ick); -+} -+ -+unsigned long dss_clk_get_rate(enum dss_clock clk) -+{ -+ switch (clk) { -+ case DSS_CLK_ICK: -+ return clk_get_rate(core.dss_ick); -+ case DSS_CLK_FCK1: -+ return clk_get_rate(core.dss1_fck); -+ case DSS_CLK_FCK2: -+ return clk_get_rate(core.dss2_fck); -+ case DSS_CLK_54M: -+ return clk_get_rate(core.dss_54m_fck); -+ case DSS_CLK_96M: -+ return clk_get_rate(core.dss_96m_fck); -+ } -+ -+ BUG(); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static unsigned count_clk_bits(enum dss_clock clks) -+{ -+ unsigned num_clks = 0; -+ -+ if (clks & DSS_CLK_ICK) -+ ++num_clks; -+ if (clks & DSS_CLK_FCK1) -+ ++num_clks; -+ if (clks & DSS_CLK_FCK2) -+ ++num_clks; -+ if (clks & DSS_CLK_54M) -+ ++num_clks; -+ if (clks & DSS_CLK_96M) -+ ++num_clks; -+ -+ return num_clks; -+} -+ -+static void dss_clk_enable_no_ctx(enum dss_clock clks) -+{ -+ unsigned num_clks = count_clk_bits(clks); -+ -+ if (clks & DSS_CLK_ICK) -+ clk_enable(core.dss_ick); -+ if (clks & DSS_CLK_FCK1) -+ clk_enable(core.dss1_fck); -+ if (clks & DSS_CLK_FCK2) -+ clk_enable(core.dss2_fck); -+ if (clks & DSS_CLK_54M) -+ clk_enable(core.dss_54m_fck); -+ if (clks & DSS_CLK_96M) -+ clk_enable(core.dss_96m_fck); -+ -+ core.num_clks_enabled += num_clks; -+} -+ -+void dss_clk_enable(enum dss_clock clks) -+{ -+ dss_clk_enable_no_ctx(clks); -+ -+ if (cpu_is_omap34xx() && dss_need_ctx_restore()) -+ restore_all_ctx(); -+} -+ -+static void dss_clk_disable_no_ctx(enum dss_clock clks) -+{ -+ unsigned num_clks = count_clk_bits(clks); -+ -+ if (clks & DSS_CLK_ICK) -+ clk_disable(core.dss_ick); -+ if (clks & DSS_CLK_FCK1) -+ clk_disable(core.dss1_fck); -+ if (clks & DSS_CLK_FCK2) -+ clk_disable(core.dss2_fck); -+ if (clks & DSS_CLK_54M) -+ clk_disable(core.dss_54m_fck); -+ if (clks & DSS_CLK_96M) -+ clk_disable(core.dss_96m_fck); -+ -+ core.num_clks_enabled -= num_clks; -+} -+ -+void dss_clk_disable(enum dss_clock clks) -+{ -+ if (cpu_is_omap34xx()) { -+ unsigned num_clks = count_clk_bits(clks); -+ -+ BUG_ON(core.num_clks_enabled < num_clks); -+ -+ if (core.num_clks_enabled == num_clks) -+ save_all_ctx(); -+ } -+ -+ dss_clk_disable_no_ctx(clks); -+} -+ -+static void dss_clk_enable_all_no_ctx(void) -+{ -+ enum dss_clock clks; -+ -+ clks = DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1 | DSS_CLK_FCK2 | DSS_CLK_54M; -+ if (cpu_is_omap34xx()) -+ clks |= DSS_CLK_96M; -+ dss_clk_enable_no_ctx(clks); -+} -+ -+static void dss_clk_disable_all_no_ctx(void) -+{ -+ enum dss_clock clks; -+ -+ clks = DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1 | DSS_CLK_FCK2 | DSS_CLK_54M; -+ if (cpu_is_omap34xx()) -+ clks |= DSS_CLK_96M; -+ dss_clk_disable_no_ctx(clks); -+} -+ -+static void dss_clk_disable_all(void) -+{ -+ enum dss_clock clks; -+ -+ clks = DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1 | DSS_CLK_FCK2 | DSS_CLK_54M; -+ if (cpu_is_omap34xx()) -+ clks |= DSS_CLK_96M; -+ dss_clk_disable(clks); -+} -+ -+/* DEBUGFS */ -+#if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS) && defined(CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DEBUG_SUPPORT) -+static void dss_debug_dump_clocks(struct seq_file *s) -+{ -+ dss_dump_clocks(s); -+ dispc_dump_clocks(s); -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DSI -+ dsi_dump_clocks(s); -+#endif -+} -+ -+static int dss_debug_show(struct seq_file *s, void *unused) -+{ -+ void (*func)(struct seq_file *) = s->private; -+ func(s); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int dss_debug_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) -+{ -+ return single_open(file, dss_debug_show, inode->i_private); -+} -+ -+static const struct file_operations dss_debug_fops = { -+ .open = dss_debug_open, -+ .read = seq_read, -+ .llseek = seq_lseek, -+ .release = single_release, -+}; -+ -+static struct dentry *dss_debugfs_dir; -+ -+static int dss_initialize_debugfs(void) -+{ -+ dss_debugfs_dir = debugfs_create_dir("omapdss", NULL); -+ if (IS_ERR(dss_debugfs_dir)) { -+ int err = PTR_ERR(dss_debugfs_dir); -+ dss_debugfs_dir = NULL; -+ return err; -+ } -+ -+ debugfs_create_file("clk", S_IRUGO, dss_debugfs_dir, -+ &dss_debug_dump_clocks, &dss_debug_fops); -+ -+ debugfs_create_file("dss", S_IRUGO, dss_debugfs_dir, -+ &dss_dump_regs, &dss_debug_fops); -+ debugfs_create_file("dispc", S_IRUGO, dss_debugfs_dir, -+ &dispc_dump_regs, &dss_debug_fops); -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_RFBI -+ debugfs_create_file("rfbi", S_IRUGO, dss_debugfs_dir, -+ &rfbi_dump_regs, &dss_debug_fops); -+#endif -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DSI -+ debugfs_create_file("dsi", S_IRUGO, dss_debugfs_dir, -+ &dsi_dump_regs, &dss_debug_fops); -+#endif -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void dss_uninitialize_debugfs(void) -+{ -+ if (dss_debugfs_dir) -+ debugfs_remove_recursive(dss_debugfs_dir); -+} -+#endif /* CONFIG_DEBUG_FS && CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DEBUG_SUPPORT */ -+ -+ -+/* DSI powers */ -+int dss_dsi_power_up(void) -+{ -+ struct omap_dss_board_info *pdata = core.pdev->dev.platform_data; -+ -+ if (!pdata->dsi_power_up) -+ return 0; /* presume power is always on then */ -+ -+ return pdata->dsi_power_up(); -+} -+ -+void dss_dsi_power_down(void) -+{ -+ struct omap_dss_board_info *pdata = core.pdev->dev.platform_data; -+ -+ if (!pdata->dsi_power_down) -+ return; -+ -+ pdata->dsi_power_down(); -+} -+ -+ -+ -+/* PLATFORM DEVICE */ -+static int omap_dss_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) -+{ -+ int skip_init = 0; -+ int r; -+ -+ core.pdev = pdev; -+ -+ r = dss_get_clocks(); -+ if (r) -+ goto fail0; -+ -+ dss_clk_enable_all_no_ctx(); -+ -+ core.ctx_id = dss_get_ctx_id(); -+ DSSDBG("initial ctx id %u\n", core.ctx_id); -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_FB_OMAP_BOOTLOADER_INIT -+ /* DISPC_CONTROL */ -+ if (omap_readl(0x48050440) & 1) /* LCD enabled? */ -+ skip_init = 1; -+#endif -+ -+ r = dss_init(skip_init); -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("Failed to initialize DSS\n"); -+ goto fail0; -+ } -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_RFBI -+ r = rfbi_init(); -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("Failed to initialize rfbi\n"); -+ goto fail0; -+ } -+#endif -+ -+ r = dpi_init(); -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("Failed to initialize dpi\n"); -+ goto fail0; -+ } -+ -+ r = dispc_init(); -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("Failed to initialize dispc\n"); -+ goto fail0; -+ } -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_VENC -+ r = venc_init(); -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("Failed to initialize venc\n"); -+ goto fail0; -+ } -+#endif -+ if (cpu_is_omap34xx()) { -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_SDI -+ r = sdi_init(skip_init); -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("Failed to initialize SDI\n"); -+ goto fail0; -+ } -+#endif -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DSI -+ r = dsi_init(); -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("Failed to initialize DSI\n"); -+ goto fail0; -+ } -+#endif -+ } -+ -+#if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS) && defined(CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DEBUG_SUPPORT) -+ r = dss_initialize_debugfs(); -+ if (r) -+ goto fail0; -+#endif -+ -+ dss_init_displays(pdev); -+ dss_init_overlay_managers(pdev); -+ dss_init_overlays(pdev, def_disp_name); -+ -+ dss_clk_disable_all(); -+ -+ return 0; -+ -+ /* XXX fail correctly */ -+fail0: -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static int omap_dss_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) -+{ -+ int c; -+ -+ dss_uninit_overlays(pdev); -+ dss_uninit_overlay_managers(pdev); -+ dss_uninit_displays(pdev); -+ -+#if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS) && defined(CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DEBUG_SUPPORT) -+ dss_uninitialize_debugfs(); -+#endif -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_VENC -+ venc_exit(); -+#endif -+ dispc_exit(); -+ dpi_exit(); -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_RFBI -+ rfbi_exit(); -+#endif -+ if (cpu_is_omap34xx()) { -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DSI -+ dsi_exit(); -+#endif -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_SDI -+ sdi_exit(); -+#endif -+ } -+ -+ dss_exit(); -+ -+ /* these should be removed at some point */ -+ c = core.dss_ick->usecount; -+ if (c > 0) { -+ DSSERR("warning: dss_ick usecount %d, disabling\n", c); -+ while (c-- > 0) -+ clk_disable(core.dss_ick); -+ } -+ -+ c = core.dss1_fck->usecount; -+ if (c > 0) { -+ DSSERR("warning: dss1_fck usecount %d, disabling\n", c); -+ while (c-- > 0) -+ clk_disable(core.dss1_fck); -+ } -+ -+ c = core.dss2_fck->usecount; -+ if (c > 0) { -+ DSSERR("warning: dss2_fck usecount %d, disabling\n", c); -+ while (c-- > 0) -+ clk_disable(core.dss2_fck); -+ } -+ -+ c = core.dss_54m_fck->usecount; -+ if (c > 0) { -+ DSSERR("warning: dss_54m_fck usecount %d, disabling\n", c); -+ while (c-- > 0) -+ clk_disable(core.dss_54m_fck); -+ } -+ -+ if (core.dss_96m_fck) { -+ c = core.dss_96m_fck->usecount; -+ if (c > 0) { -+ DSSERR("warning: dss_96m_fck usecount %d, disabling\n", -+ c); -+ while (c-- > 0) -+ clk_disable(core.dss_96m_fck); -+ } -+ } -+ -+ dss_put_clocks(); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void omap_dss_shutdown(struct platform_device *pdev) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("shutdown\n"); -+} -+ -+static int omap_dss_suspend(struct platform_device *pdev, pm_message_t state) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("suspend %d\n", state.event); -+ -+ return dss_suspend_all_displays(); -+} -+ -+static int omap_dss_resume(struct platform_device *pdev) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("resume\n"); -+ -+ return dss_resume_all_displays(); -+} -+ -+static struct platform_driver omap_dss_driver = { -+ .probe = omap_dss_probe, -+ .remove = omap_dss_remove, -+ .shutdown = omap_dss_shutdown, -+ .suspend = omap_dss_suspend, -+ .resume = omap_dss_resume, -+ .driver = { -+ .name = "omapdss", -+ .owner = THIS_MODULE, -+ }, -+}; -+ -+static int __init omap_dss_init(void) -+{ -+ return platform_driver_register(&omap_dss_driver); -+} -+ -+static void __exit omap_dss_exit(void) -+{ -+ platform_driver_unregister(&omap_dss_driver); -+} -+ -+subsys_initcall(omap_dss_init); -+module_exit(omap_dss_exit); -+ -+ -+MODULE_AUTHOR("Tomi Valkeinen "); -+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("OMAP2/3 Display Subsystem"); -+MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); -+ -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..ffb5648 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -0,0 +1,2968 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * Some code and ideas taken from drivers/video/omap/ driver -+ * by Imre Deak. -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#define DSS_SUBSYS_NAME "DISPC" -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+ -+#include "dss.h" -+ -+/* DISPC */ -+#define DISPC_BASE 0x48050400 -+ -+#define DISPC_SZ_REGS SZ_1K -+ -+struct dispc_reg { u16 idx; }; -+ -+#define DISPC_REG(idx) ((const struct dispc_reg) { idx }) -+ -+/* DISPC common */ -+#define DISPC_REVISION DISPC_REG(0x0000) -+#define DISPC_SYSCONFIG DISPC_REG(0x0010) -+#define DISPC_SYSSTATUS DISPC_REG(0x0014) -+#define DISPC_IRQSTATUS DISPC_REG(0x0018) -+#define DISPC_IRQENABLE DISPC_REG(0x001C) -+#define DISPC_CONTROL DISPC_REG(0x0040) -+#define DISPC_CONFIG DISPC_REG(0x0044) -+#define DISPC_CAPABLE DISPC_REG(0x0048) -+#define DISPC_DEFAULT_COLOR0 DISPC_REG(0x004C) -+#define DISPC_DEFAULT_COLOR1 DISPC_REG(0x0050) -+#define DISPC_TRANS_COLOR0 DISPC_REG(0x0054) -+#define DISPC_TRANS_COLOR1 DISPC_REG(0x0058) -+#define DISPC_LINE_STATUS DISPC_REG(0x005C) -+#define DISPC_LINE_NUMBER DISPC_REG(0x0060) -+#define DISPC_TIMING_H DISPC_REG(0x0064) -+#define DISPC_TIMING_V DISPC_REG(0x0068) -+#define DISPC_POL_FREQ DISPC_REG(0x006C) -+#define DISPC_DIVISOR DISPC_REG(0x0070) -+#define DISPC_GLOBAL_ALPHA DISPC_REG(0x0074) -+#define DISPC_SIZE_DIG DISPC_REG(0x0078) -+#define DISPC_SIZE_LCD DISPC_REG(0x007C) -+ -+/* DISPC GFX plane */ -+#define DISPC_GFX_BA0 DISPC_REG(0x0080) -+#define DISPC_GFX_BA1 DISPC_REG(0x0084) -+#define DISPC_GFX_POSITION DISPC_REG(0x0088) -+#define DISPC_GFX_SIZE DISPC_REG(0x008C) -+#define DISPC_GFX_ATTRIBUTES DISPC_REG(0x00A0) -+#define DISPC_GFX_FIFO_THRESHOLD DISPC_REG(0x00A4) -+#define DISPC_GFX_FIFO_SIZE_STATUS DISPC_REG(0x00A8) -+#define DISPC_GFX_ROW_INC DISPC_REG(0x00AC) -+#define DISPC_GFX_PIXEL_INC DISPC_REG(0x00B0) -+#define DISPC_GFX_WINDOW_SKIP DISPC_REG(0x00B4) -+#define DISPC_GFX_TABLE_BA DISPC_REG(0x00B8) -+ -+#define DISPC_DATA_CYCLE1 DISPC_REG(0x01D4) -+#define DISPC_DATA_CYCLE2 DISPC_REG(0x01D8) -+#define DISPC_DATA_CYCLE3 DISPC_REG(0x01DC) -+ -+#define DISPC_CPR_COEF_R DISPC_REG(0x0220) -+#define DISPC_CPR_COEF_G DISPC_REG(0x0224) -+#define DISPC_CPR_COEF_B DISPC_REG(0x0228) -+ -+#define DISPC_GFX_PRELOAD DISPC_REG(0x022C) -+ -+/* DISPC Video plane, n = 0 for VID1 and n = 1 for VID2 */ -+#define DISPC_VID_REG(n, idx) DISPC_REG(0x00BC + (n)*0x90 + idx) -+ -+#define DISPC_VID_BA0(n) DISPC_VID_REG(n, 0x0000) -+#define DISPC_VID_BA1(n) DISPC_VID_REG(n, 0x0004) -+#define DISPC_VID_POSITION(n) DISPC_VID_REG(n, 0x0008) -+#define DISPC_VID_SIZE(n) DISPC_VID_REG(n, 0x000C) -+#define DISPC_VID_ATTRIBUTES(n) DISPC_VID_REG(n, 0x0010) -+#define DISPC_VID_FIFO_THRESHOLD(n) DISPC_VID_REG(n, 0x0014) -+#define DISPC_VID_FIFO_SIZE_STATUS(n) DISPC_VID_REG(n, 0x0018) -+#define DISPC_VID_ROW_INC(n) DISPC_VID_REG(n, 0x001C) -+#define DISPC_VID_PIXEL_INC(n) DISPC_VID_REG(n, 0x0020) -+#define DISPC_VID_FIR(n) DISPC_VID_REG(n, 0x0024) -+#define DISPC_VID_PICTURE_SIZE(n) DISPC_VID_REG(n, 0x0028) -+#define DISPC_VID_ACCU0(n) DISPC_VID_REG(n, 0x002C) -+#define DISPC_VID_ACCU1(n) DISPC_VID_REG(n, 0x0030) -+ -+/* coef index i = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} */ -+#define DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(n, i) DISPC_REG(0x00F0 + (n)*0x90 + (i)*0x8) -+/* coef index i = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} */ -+#define DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(n, i) DISPC_REG(0x00F4 + (n)*0x90 + (i)*0x8) -+/* coef index i = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} */ -+#define DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(n, i) DISPC_REG(0x0130 + (n)*0x90 + (i)*0x4) -+/* coef index i = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} */ -+#define DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(n, i) DISPC_REG(0x01E0 + (n)*0x20 + (i)*0x4) -+ -+#define DISPC_VID_PRELOAD(n) DISPC_REG(0x230 + (n)*0x04) -+ -+ -+#define DISPC_IRQ_MASK_ERROR (DISPC_IRQ_GFX_FIFO_UNDERFLOW | \ -+ DISPC_IRQ_OCP_ERR | \ -+ DISPC_IRQ_VID1_FIFO_UNDERFLOW | \ -+ DISPC_IRQ_VID2_FIFO_UNDERFLOW | \ -+ DISPC_IRQ_SYNC_LOST | \ -+ DISPC_IRQ_SYNC_LOST_DIGIT) -+ -+#define DISPC_MAX_NR_ISRS 8 -+ -+struct omap_dispc_isr_data { -+ omap_dispc_isr_t isr; -+ void *arg; -+ u32 mask; -+}; -+ -+#define REG_GET(idx, start, end) \ -+ FLD_GET(dispc_read_reg(idx), start, end) -+ -+#define REG_FLD_MOD(idx, val, start, end) \ -+ dispc_write_reg(idx, FLD_MOD(dispc_read_reg(idx), val, start, end)) -+ -+static const struct dispc_reg dispc_reg_att[] = { DISPC_GFX_ATTRIBUTES, -+ DISPC_VID_ATTRIBUTES(0), -+ DISPC_VID_ATTRIBUTES(1) }; -+ -+static struct { -+ void __iomem *base; -+ -+ struct clk *dpll4_m4_ck; -+ -+ spinlock_t irq_lock; -+ -+ unsigned long cache_req_pck; -+ unsigned long cache_prate; -+ struct dispc_clock_info cache_cinfo; -+ -+ u32 irq_error_mask; -+ struct omap_dispc_isr_data registered_isr[DISPC_MAX_NR_ISRS]; -+ -+ spinlock_t error_lock; -+ u32 error_irqs; -+ struct work_struct error_work; -+ -+ u32 ctx[DISPC_SZ_REGS / sizeof(u32)]; -+} dispc; -+ -+static void omap_dispc_set_irqs(void); -+ -+static inline void dispc_write_reg(const struct dispc_reg idx, u32 val) -+{ -+ __raw_writel(val, dispc.base + idx.idx); -+} -+ -+static inline u32 dispc_read_reg(const struct dispc_reg idx) -+{ -+ return __raw_readl(dispc.base + idx.idx); -+} -+ -+#define SR(reg) \ -+ dispc.ctx[(DISPC_##reg).idx / sizeof(u32)] = dispc_read_reg(DISPC_##reg) -+#define RR(reg) \ -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_##reg, dispc.ctx[(DISPC_##reg).idx / sizeof(u32)]) -+ -+void dispc_save_context(void) -+{ -+ if (cpu_is_omap24xx()) -+ return; -+ -+ SR(SYSCONFIG); -+ SR(IRQENABLE); -+ SR(CONTROL); -+ SR(CONFIG); -+ SR(DEFAULT_COLOR0); -+ SR(DEFAULT_COLOR1); -+ SR(TRANS_COLOR0); -+ SR(TRANS_COLOR1); -+ SR(LINE_NUMBER); -+ SR(TIMING_H); -+ SR(TIMING_V); -+ SR(POL_FREQ); -+ SR(DIVISOR); -+ SR(GLOBAL_ALPHA); -+ SR(SIZE_DIG); -+ SR(SIZE_LCD); -+ -+ SR(GFX_BA0); -+ SR(GFX_BA1); -+ SR(GFX_POSITION); -+ SR(GFX_SIZE); -+ SR(GFX_ATTRIBUTES); -+ SR(GFX_FIFO_THRESHOLD); -+ SR(GFX_ROW_INC); -+ SR(GFX_PIXEL_INC); -+ SR(GFX_WINDOW_SKIP); -+ SR(GFX_TABLE_BA); -+ -+ SR(DATA_CYCLE1); -+ SR(DATA_CYCLE2); -+ SR(DATA_CYCLE3); -+ -+ SR(CPR_COEF_R); -+ SR(CPR_COEF_G); -+ SR(CPR_COEF_B); -+ -+ SR(GFX_PRELOAD); -+ -+ /* VID1 */ -+ SR(VID_BA0(0)); -+ SR(VID_BA1(0)); -+ SR(VID_POSITION(0)); -+ SR(VID_SIZE(0)); -+ SR(VID_ATTRIBUTES(0)); -+ SR(VID_FIFO_THRESHOLD(0)); -+ SR(VID_ROW_INC(0)); -+ SR(VID_PIXEL_INC(0)); -+ SR(VID_FIR(0)); -+ SR(VID_PICTURE_SIZE(0)); -+ SR(VID_ACCU0(0)); -+ SR(VID_ACCU1(0)); -+ -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 0)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 1)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 2)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 3)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 4)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 5)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 6)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 7)); -+ -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 0)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 1)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 2)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 3)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 4)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 5)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 6)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 7)); -+ -+ SR(VID_CONV_COEF(0, 0)); -+ SR(VID_CONV_COEF(0, 1)); -+ SR(VID_CONV_COEF(0, 2)); -+ SR(VID_CONV_COEF(0, 3)); -+ SR(VID_CONV_COEF(0, 4)); -+ -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 0)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 1)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 2)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 3)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 4)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 5)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 6)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 7)); -+ -+ SR(VID_PRELOAD(0)); -+ -+ /* VID2 */ -+ SR(VID_BA0(1)); -+ SR(VID_BA1(1)); -+ SR(VID_POSITION(1)); -+ SR(VID_SIZE(1)); -+ SR(VID_ATTRIBUTES(1)); -+ SR(VID_FIFO_THRESHOLD(1)); -+ SR(VID_ROW_INC(1)); -+ SR(VID_PIXEL_INC(1)); -+ SR(VID_FIR(1)); -+ SR(VID_PICTURE_SIZE(1)); -+ SR(VID_ACCU0(1)); -+ SR(VID_ACCU1(1)); -+ -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 0)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 1)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 2)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 3)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 4)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 5)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 6)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 7)); -+ -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 0)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 1)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 2)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 3)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 4)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 5)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 6)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 7)); -+ -+ SR(VID_CONV_COEF(1, 0)); -+ SR(VID_CONV_COEF(1, 1)); -+ SR(VID_CONV_COEF(1, 2)); -+ SR(VID_CONV_COEF(1, 3)); -+ SR(VID_CONV_COEF(1, 4)); -+ -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 0)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 1)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 2)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 3)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 4)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 5)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 6)); -+ SR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 7)); -+ -+ SR(VID_PRELOAD(1)); -+} -+ -+void dispc_restore_context(void) -+{ -+ RR(SYSCONFIG); -+ RR(IRQENABLE); -+ /*RR(CONTROL);*/ -+ RR(CONFIG); -+ RR(DEFAULT_COLOR0); -+ RR(DEFAULT_COLOR1); -+ RR(TRANS_COLOR0); -+ RR(TRANS_COLOR1); -+ RR(LINE_NUMBER); -+ RR(TIMING_H); -+ RR(TIMING_V); -+ RR(POL_FREQ); -+ RR(DIVISOR); -+ RR(GLOBAL_ALPHA); -+ RR(SIZE_DIG); -+ RR(SIZE_LCD); -+ -+ RR(GFX_BA0); -+ RR(GFX_BA1); -+ RR(GFX_POSITION); -+ RR(GFX_SIZE); -+ RR(GFX_ATTRIBUTES); -+ RR(GFX_FIFO_THRESHOLD); -+ RR(GFX_ROW_INC); -+ RR(GFX_PIXEL_INC); -+ RR(GFX_WINDOW_SKIP); -+ RR(GFX_TABLE_BA); -+ -+ RR(DATA_CYCLE1); -+ RR(DATA_CYCLE2); -+ RR(DATA_CYCLE3); -+ -+ RR(CPR_COEF_R); -+ RR(CPR_COEF_G); -+ RR(CPR_COEF_B); -+ -+ RR(GFX_PRELOAD); -+ -+ /* VID1 */ -+ RR(VID_BA0(0)); -+ RR(VID_BA1(0)); -+ RR(VID_POSITION(0)); -+ RR(VID_SIZE(0)); -+ RR(VID_ATTRIBUTES(0)); -+ RR(VID_FIFO_THRESHOLD(0)); -+ RR(VID_ROW_INC(0)); -+ RR(VID_PIXEL_INC(0)); -+ RR(VID_FIR(0)); -+ RR(VID_PICTURE_SIZE(0)); -+ RR(VID_ACCU0(0)); -+ RR(VID_ACCU1(0)); -+ -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 0)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 1)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 2)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 3)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 4)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 5)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 6)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 7)); -+ -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 0)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 1)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 2)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 3)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 4)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 5)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 6)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 7)); -+ -+ RR(VID_CONV_COEF(0, 0)); -+ RR(VID_CONV_COEF(0, 1)); -+ RR(VID_CONV_COEF(0, 2)); -+ RR(VID_CONV_COEF(0, 3)); -+ RR(VID_CONV_COEF(0, 4)); -+ -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 0)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 1)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 2)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 3)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 4)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 5)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 6)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 7)); -+ -+ RR(VID_PRELOAD(0)); -+ -+ /* VID2 */ -+ RR(VID_BA0(1)); -+ RR(VID_BA1(1)); -+ RR(VID_POSITION(1)); -+ RR(VID_SIZE(1)); -+ RR(VID_ATTRIBUTES(1)); -+ RR(VID_FIFO_THRESHOLD(1)); -+ RR(VID_ROW_INC(1)); -+ RR(VID_PIXEL_INC(1)); -+ RR(VID_FIR(1)); -+ RR(VID_PICTURE_SIZE(1)); -+ RR(VID_ACCU0(1)); -+ RR(VID_ACCU1(1)); -+ -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 0)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 1)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 2)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 3)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 4)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 5)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 6)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 7)); -+ -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 0)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 1)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 2)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 3)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 4)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 5)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 6)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 7)); -+ -+ RR(VID_CONV_COEF(1, 0)); -+ RR(VID_CONV_COEF(1, 1)); -+ RR(VID_CONV_COEF(1, 2)); -+ RR(VID_CONV_COEF(1, 3)); -+ RR(VID_CONV_COEF(1, 4)); -+ -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 0)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 1)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 2)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 3)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 4)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 5)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 6)); -+ RR(VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 7)); -+ -+ RR(VID_PRELOAD(1)); -+ -+ /* enable last, because LCD & DIGIT enable are here */ -+ RR(CONTROL); -+} -+ -+#undef SR -+#undef RR -+ -+static inline void enable_clocks(bool enable) -+{ -+ if (enable) -+ dss_clk_enable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ else -+ dss_clk_disable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+} -+ -+void dispc_go(enum omap_channel channel) -+{ -+ int bit; -+ unsigned long tmo; -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ if (channel == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_LCD) -+ bit = 0; /* LCDENABLE */ -+ else -+ bit = 1; /* DIGITALENABLE */ -+ -+ /* if the channel is not enabled, we don't need GO */ -+ if (REG_GET(DISPC_CONTROL, bit, bit) == 0) -+ goto end; -+ -+ if (channel == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_LCD) -+ bit = 5; /* GOLCD */ -+ else -+ bit = 6; /* GODIGIT */ -+ -+ tmo = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(200); -+ while (REG_GET(DISPC_CONTROL, bit, bit) == 1) { -+ if (time_after(jiffies, tmo)) { -+ DSSERR("timeout waiting GO flag\n"); -+ goto end; -+ } -+ cpu_relax(); -+ } -+ -+ DSSDBG("GO %s\n", channel == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_LCD ? "LCD" : "DIGIT"); -+ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONTROL, 1, bit, bit); -+end: -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_write_firh_reg(enum omap_plane plane, int reg, u32 value) -+{ -+ BUG_ON(plane == OMAP_DSS_GFX); -+ -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(plane-1, reg), value); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_write_firhv_reg(enum omap_plane plane, int reg, u32 value) -+{ -+ BUG_ON(plane == OMAP_DSS_GFX); -+ -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(plane-1, reg), value); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_write_firv_reg(enum omap_plane plane, int reg, u32 value) -+{ -+ BUG_ON(plane == OMAP_DSS_GFX); -+ -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(plane-1, reg), value); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_set_scale_coef(enum omap_plane plane, int hscaleup, -+ int vscaleup, int five_taps) -+{ -+ /* Coefficients for horizontal up-sampling */ -+ static const u32 coef_hup[8] = { -+ 0x00800000, -+ 0x0D7CF800, -+ 0x1E70F5FF, -+ 0x335FF5FE, -+ 0xF74949F7, -+ 0xF55F33FB, -+ 0xF5701EFE, -+ 0xF87C0DFF, -+ }; -+ -+ /* Coefficients for horizontal down-sampling */ -+ static const u32 coef_hdown[8] = { -+ 0x24382400, -+ 0x28371FFE, -+ 0x2C361BFB, -+ 0x303516F9, -+ 0x11343311, -+ 0x1635300C, -+ 0x1B362C08, -+ 0x1F372804, -+ }; -+ -+ /* Coefficients for horizontal and vertical up-sampling */ -+ static const u32 coef_hvup[2][8] = { -+ { -+ 0x00800000, -+ 0x037B02FF, -+ 0x0C6F05FE, -+ 0x205907FB, -+ 0x00404000, -+ 0x075920FE, -+ 0x056F0CFF, -+ 0x027B0300, -+ }, -+ { -+ 0x00800000, -+ 0x0D7CF8FF, -+ 0x1E70F5FE, -+ 0x335FF5FB, -+ 0xF7404000, -+ 0xF55F33FE, -+ 0xF5701EFF, -+ 0xF87C0D00, -+ }, -+ }; -+ -+ /* Coefficients for horizontal and vertical down-sampling */ -+ static const u32 coef_hvdown[2][8] = { -+ { -+ 0x24382400, -+ 0x28391F04, -+ 0x2D381B08, -+ 0x3237170C, -+ 0x123737F7, -+ 0x173732F9, -+ 0x1B382DFB, -+ 0x1F3928FE, -+ }, -+ { -+ 0x24382400, -+ 0x28371F04, -+ 0x2C361B08, -+ 0x3035160C, -+ 0x113433F7, -+ 0x163530F9, -+ 0x1B362CFB, -+ 0x1F3728FE, -+ }, -+ }; -+ -+ /* Coefficients for vertical up-sampling */ -+ static const u32 coef_vup[8] = { -+ 0x00000000, -+ 0x0000FF00, -+ 0x0000FEFF, -+ 0x0000FBFE, -+ 0x000000F7, -+ 0x0000FEFB, -+ 0x0000FFFE, -+ 0x000000FF, -+ }; -+ -+ -+ /* Coefficients for vertical down-sampling */ -+ static const u32 coef_vdown[8] = { -+ 0x00000000, -+ 0x000004FE, -+ 0x000008FB, -+ 0x00000CF9, -+ 0x0000F711, -+ 0x0000F90C, -+ 0x0000FB08, -+ 0x0000FE04, -+ }; -+ -+ const u32 *h_coef; -+ const u32 *hv_coef; -+ const u32 *hv_coef_mod; -+ const u32 *v_coef; -+ int i; -+ -+ if (hscaleup) -+ h_coef = coef_hup; -+ else -+ h_coef = coef_hdown; -+ -+ if (vscaleup) { -+ hv_coef = coef_hvup[five_taps]; -+ v_coef = coef_vup; -+ -+ if (hscaleup) -+ hv_coef_mod = NULL; -+ else -+ hv_coef_mod = coef_hvdown[five_taps]; -+ } else { -+ hv_coef = coef_hvdown[five_taps]; -+ v_coef = coef_vdown; -+ -+ if (hscaleup) -+ hv_coef_mod = coef_hvup[five_taps]; -+ else -+ hv_coef_mod = NULL; -+ } -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { -+ u32 h, hv; -+ -+ h = h_coef[i]; -+ -+ hv = hv_coef[i]; -+ -+ if (hv_coef_mod) { -+ hv &= 0xffffff00; -+ hv |= (hv_coef_mod[i] & 0xff); -+ } -+ -+ _dispc_write_firh_reg(plane, i, h); -+ _dispc_write_firhv_reg(plane, i, hv); -+ } -+ -+ if (!five_taps) -+ return; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { -+ u32 v; -+ v = v_coef[i]; -+ _dispc_write_firv_reg(plane, i, v); -+ } -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_setup_color_conv_coef(void) -+{ -+ const struct color_conv_coef { -+ int ry, rcr, rcb, gy, gcr, gcb, by, bcr, bcb; -+ int full_range; -+ } ctbl_bt601_5 = { -+ 298, 409, 0, 298, -208, -100, 298, 0, 517, 0, -+ }; -+ -+ const struct color_conv_coef *ct; -+ -+#define CVAL(x, y) (FLD_VAL(x, 26, 16) | FLD_VAL(y, 10, 0)) -+ -+ ct = &ctbl_bt601_5; -+ -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(0, 0), CVAL(ct->rcr, ct->ry)); -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(0, 1), CVAL(ct->gy, ct->rcb)); -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(0, 2), CVAL(ct->gcb, ct->gcr)); -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(0, 3), CVAL(ct->bcr, ct->by)); -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(0, 4), CVAL(0, ct->bcb)); -+ -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(1, 0), CVAL(ct->rcr, ct->ry)); -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(1, 1), CVAL(ct->gy, ct->rcb)); -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(1, 2), CVAL(ct->gcb, ct->gcr)); -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(1, 3), CVAL(ct->bcr, ct->by)); -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(1, 4), CVAL(0, ct->bcb)); -+ -+#undef CVAL -+ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_VID_ATTRIBUTES(0), ct->full_range, 11, 11); -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_VID_ATTRIBUTES(1), ct->full_range, 11, 11); -+} -+ -+ -+static void _dispc_set_plane_ba0(enum omap_plane plane, u32 paddr) -+{ -+ const struct dispc_reg ba0_reg[] = { DISPC_GFX_BA0, -+ DISPC_VID_BA0(0), -+ DISPC_VID_BA0(1) }; -+ -+ dispc_write_reg(ba0_reg[plane], paddr); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_set_plane_ba1(enum omap_plane plane, u32 paddr) -+{ -+ const struct dispc_reg ba1_reg[] = { DISPC_GFX_BA1, -+ DISPC_VID_BA1(0), -+ DISPC_VID_BA1(1) }; -+ -+ dispc_write_reg(ba1_reg[plane], paddr); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_set_plane_pos(enum omap_plane plane, int x, int y) -+{ -+ const struct dispc_reg pos_reg[] = { DISPC_GFX_POSITION, -+ DISPC_VID_POSITION(0), -+ DISPC_VID_POSITION(1) }; -+ -+ u32 val = FLD_VAL(y, 26, 16) | FLD_VAL(x, 10, 0); -+ dispc_write_reg(pos_reg[plane], val); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_set_pic_size(enum omap_plane plane, int width, int height) -+{ -+ const struct dispc_reg siz_reg[] = { DISPC_GFX_SIZE, -+ DISPC_VID_PICTURE_SIZE(0), -+ DISPC_VID_PICTURE_SIZE(1) }; -+ u32 val = FLD_VAL(height - 1, 26, 16) | FLD_VAL(width - 1, 10, 0); -+ dispc_write_reg(siz_reg[plane], val); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_set_vid_size(enum omap_plane plane, int width, int height) -+{ -+ u32 val; -+ const struct dispc_reg vsi_reg[] = { DISPC_VID_SIZE(0), -+ DISPC_VID_SIZE(1) }; -+ -+ BUG_ON(plane == OMAP_DSS_GFX); -+ -+ val = FLD_VAL(height - 1, 26, 16) | FLD_VAL(width - 1, 10, 0); -+ dispc_write_reg(vsi_reg[plane-1], val); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_set_pix_inc(enum omap_plane plane, u16 inc) -+{ -+ const struct dispc_reg ri_reg[] = { DISPC_GFX_PIXEL_INC, -+ DISPC_VID_PIXEL_INC(0), -+ DISPC_VID_PIXEL_INC(1) }; -+ -+ dispc_write_reg(ri_reg[plane], inc); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_set_row_inc(enum omap_plane plane, u16 inc) -+{ -+ const struct dispc_reg ri_reg[] = { DISPC_GFX_ROW_INC, -+ DISPC_VID_ROW_INC(0), -+ DISPC_VID_ROW_INC(1) }; -+ -+ dispc_write_reg(ri_reg[plane], inc); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_set_color_mode(enum omap_plane plane, -+ enum omap_color_mode color_mode) -+{ -+ u32 m = 0; -+ -+ switch (color_mode) { -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT1: -+ m = 0x0; break; -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT2: -+ m = 0x1; break; -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT4: -+ m = 0x2; break; -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT8: -+ m = 0x3; break; -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB12U: -+ m = 0x4; break; -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB16: -+ m = 0x5; break; -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB16: -+ m = 0x6; break; -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24U: -+ m = 0x8; break; -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24P: -+ m = 0x9; break; -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_YUV2: -+ m = 0xa; break; -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_UYVY: -+ m = 0xb; break; -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB32: -+ m = 0xc; break; -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBA32: -+ m = 0xd; break; -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBX32: -+ m = 0xe; break; -+ default: -+ BUG(); break; -+ } -+ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(dispc_reg_att[plane], m, 4, 1); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_set_channel_out(enum omap_plane plane, -+ enum omap_channel channel) -+{ -+ int shift; -+ u32 val; -+ -+ switch (plane) { -+ case OMAP_DSS_GFX: -+ shift = 8; -+ break; -+ case OMAP_DSS_VIDEO1: -+ case OMAP_DSS_VIDEO2: -+ shift = 16; -+ break; -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ return; -+ } -+ -+ val = dispc_read_reg(dispc_reg_att[plane]); -+ val = FLD_MOD(val, channel, shift, shift); -+ dispc_write_reg(dispc_reg_att[plane], val); -+} -+ -+void dispc_set_burst_size(enum omap_plane plane, -+ enum omap_burst_size burst_size) -+{ -+ int shift; -+ u32 val; -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ switch (plane) { -+ case OMAP_DSS_GFX: -+ shift = 6; -+ break; -+ case OMAP_DSS_VIDEO1: -+ case OMAP_DSS_VIDEO2: -+ shift = 14; -+ break; -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ return; -+ } -+ -+ val = dispc_read_reg(dispc_reg_att[plane]); -+ val = FLD_MOD(val, burst_size, shift+1, shift); -+ dispc_write_reg(dispc_reg_att[plane], val); -+ -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_set_vid_color_conv(enum omap_plane plane, bool enable) -+{ -+ u32 val; -+ -+ BUG_ON(plane == OMAP_DSS_GFX); -+ -+ val = dispc_read_reg(dispc_reg_att[plane]); -+ val = FLD_MOD(val, enable, 9, 9); -+ dispc_write_reg(dispc_reg_att[plane], val); -+} -+ -+void dispc_set_lcd_size(u16 width, u16 height) -+{ -+ u32 val; -+ BUG_ON((width > (1 << 11)) || (height > (1 << 11))); -+ val = FLD_VAL(height - 1, 26, 16) | FLD_VAL(width - 1, 10, 0); -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_SIZE_LCD, val); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+void dispc_set_digit_size(u16 width, u16 height) -+{ -+ u32 val; -+ BUG_ON((width > (1 << 11)) || (height > (1 << 11))); -+ val = FLD_VAL(height - 1, 26, 16) | FLD_VAL(width - 1, 10, 0); -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_SIZE_DIG, val); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+u32 dispc_get_plane_fifo_size(enum omap_plane plane) -+{ -+ const struct dispc_reg fsz_reg[] = { DISPC_GFX_FIFO_SIZE_STATUS, -+ DISPC_VID_FIFO_SIZE_STATUS(0), -+ DISPC_VID_FIFO_SIZE_STATUS(1) }; -+ u32 size; -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ if (cpu_is_omap24xx()) -+ size = FLD_GET(dispc_read_reg(fsz_reg[plane]), 8, 0); -+ else if (cpu_is_omap34xx()) -+ size = FLD_GET(dispc_read_reg(fsz_reg[plane]), 10, 0); -+ else -+ BUG(); -+ -+ if (cpu_is_omap34xx()) { -+ /* FIFOMERGE */ -+ if (REG_GET(DISPC_CONFIG, 14, 14)) -+ size *= 3; -+ } -+ -+ enable_clocks(0); -+ -+ return size; -+} -+ -+void dispc_setup_plane_fifo(enum omap_plane plane, u32 low, u32 high) -+{ -+ const struct dispc_reg ftrs_reg[] = { DISPC_GFX_FIFO_THRESHOLD, -+ DISPC_VID_FIFO_THRESHOLD(0), -+ DISPC_VID_FIFO_THRESHOLD(1) }; -+ u32 size; -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ size = dispc_get_plane_fifo_size(plane); -+ -+ BUG_ON(low > size || high > size); -+ -+ DSSDBG("fifo(%d) size %d, low/high old %u/%u, new %u/%u\n", -+ plane, size, -+ REG_GET(ftrs_reg[plane], 11, 0), -+ REG_GET(ftrs_reg[plane], 27, 16), -+ low, high); -+ -+ if (cpu_is_omap24xx()) -+ dispc_write_reg(ftrs_reg[plane], -+ FLD_VAL(high, 24, 16) | FLD_VAL(low, 8, 0)); -+ else -+ dispc_write_reg(ftrs_reg[plane], -+ FLD_VAL(high, 27, 16) | FLD_VAL(low, 11, 0)); -+ -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+void dispc_enable_fifomerge(bool enable) -+{ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ DSSDBG("FIFO merge %s\n", enable ? "enabled" : "disabled"); -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONFIG, enable ? 1 : 0, 14, 14); -+ -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_set_fir(enum omap_plane plane, int hinc, int vinc) -+{ -+ u32 val; -+ const struct dispc_reg fir_reg[] = { DISPC_VID_FIR(0), -+ DISPC_VID_FIR(1) }; -+ -+ BUG_ON(plane == OMAP_DSS_GFX); -+ -+ val = FLD_VAL(vinc, 27, 16) | FLD_VAL(hinc, 11, 0); -+ dispc_write_reg(fir_reg[plane-1], val); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_set_vid_accu0(enum omap_plane plane, int haccu, int vaccu) -+{ -+ u32 val; -+ const struct dispc_reg ac0_reg[] = { DISPC_VID_ACCU0(0), -+ DISPC_VID_ACCU0(1) }; -+ -+ BUG_ON(plane == OMAP_DSS_GFX); -+ -+ val = FLD_VAL(vaccu, 25, 16) | FLD_VAL(haccu, 9, 0); -+ dispc_write_reg(ac0_reg[plane-1], val); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_set_vid_accu1(enum omap_plane plane, int haccu, int vaccu) -+{ -+ u32 val; -+ const struct dispc_reg ac1_reg[] = { DISPC_VID_ACCU1(0), -+ DISPC_VID_ACCU1(1) }; -+ -+ BUG_ON(plane == OMAP_DSS_GFX); -+ -+ val = FLD_VAL(vaccu, 25, 16) | FLD_VAL(haccu, 9, 0); -+ dispc_write_reg(ac1_reg[plane-1], val); -+} -+ -+ -+static void _dispc_set_scaling(enum omap_plane plane, -+ u16 orig_width, u16 orig_height, -+ u16 out_width, u16 out_height, -+ bool ilace) -+{ -+ int fir_hinc; -+ int fir_vinc; -+ int hscaleup, vscaleup, five_taps; -+ int fieldmode = 0; -+ int accu0 = 0; -+ int accu1 = 0; -+ u32 l; -+ -+ BUG_ON(plane == OMAP_DSS_GFX); -+ -+ hscaleup = orig_width <= out_width; -+ vscaleup = orig_height <= out_height; -+ five_taps = orig_height > out_height * 2; -+ -+ _dispc_set_scale_coef(plane, hscaleup, vscaleup, five_taps); -+ -+ if (!orig_width || orig_width == out_width) -+ fir_hinc = 0; -+ else -+ fir_hinc = 1024 * orig_width / out_width; -+ -+ if (!orig_height || orig_height == out_height) -+ fir_vinc = 0; -+ else -+ fir_vinc = 1024 * orig_height / out_height; -+ -+ _dispc_set_fir(plane, fir_hinc, fir_vinc); -+ -+ l = dispc_read_reg(dispc_reg_att[plane]); -+ l &= ~((0x0f << 5) | (0x3 << 21)); -+ -+ l |= fir_hinc ? (1 << 5) : 0; -+ l |= fir_vinc ? (1 << 6) : 0; -+ -+ l |= hscaleup ? 0 : (1 << 7); -+ l |= vscaleup ? 0 : (1 << 8); -+ -+ l |= five_taps ? (1 << 21) : 0; -+ l |= five_taps ? (1 << 22) : 0; -+ -+ dispc_write_reg(dispc_reg_att[plane], l); -+ -+ if (ilace) { -+ if (fieldmode) { -+ accu0 = fir_vinc / 2; -+ accu1 = 0; -+ } else { -+ accu0 = 0; -+ accu1 = fir_vinc / 2; -+ if (accu1 >= 1024/2) { -+ accu0 = 1024/2; -+ accu1 -= accu0; -+ } -+ } -+ } -+ -+ _dispc_set_vid_accu0(plane, 0, accu0); -+ _dispc_set_vid_accu1(plane, 0, accu1); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_set_rotation_attrs(enum omap_plane plane, u8 rotation, -+ bool mirroring, enum omap_color_mode color_mode) -+{ -+ if (color_mode == OMAP_DSS_COLOR_YUV2 || -+ color_mode == OMAP_DSS_COLOR_UYVY) { -+ int vidrot = 0; -+ -+ if (mirroring) { -+ switch (rotation) { -+ case 0: vidrot = 2; break; -+ case 1: vidrot = 3; break; -+ case 2: vidrot = 0; break; -+ case 3: vidrot = 1; break; -+ } -+ } else { -+ switch (rotation) { -+ case 0: vidrot = 0; break; -+ case 1: vidrot = 1; break; -+ case 2: vidrot = 2; break; -+ case 3: vidrot = 1; break; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(dispc_reg_att[plane], vidrot, 13, 12); -+ -+ if (rotation == 1 || rotation == 3) -+ REG_FLD_MOD(dispc_reg_att[plane], 0x1, 18, 18); -+ else -+ REG_FLD_MOD(dispc_reg_att[plane], 0x0, 18, 18); -+ } else { -+ REG_FLD_MOD(dispc_reg_att[plane], 0, 13, 12); -+ REG_FLD_MOD(dispc_reg_att[plane], 0, 18, 18); -+ } -+} -+ -+static int pixinc(int pixels, u8 ps) -+{ -+ if (pixels == 1) -+ return 1; -+ else if (pixels > 1) -+ return 1 + (pixels - 1) * ps; -+ else if (pixels < 0) -+ return 1 - (-pixels + 1) * ps; -+ else -+ BUG(); -+} -+ -+static void calc_rotation_offset(u8 rotation, bool mirror, -+ u16 screen_width, -+ u16 width, u16 height, -+ enum omap_color_mode color_mode, bool fieldmode, -+ unsigned *offset0, unsigned *offset1, -+ u16 *row_inc, u16 *pix_inc) -+{ -+ u8 ps; -+ u16 fbw, fbh; -+ -+ switch (color_mode) { -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB16: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB16: -+ ps = 2; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24P: -+ ps = 3; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24U: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB32: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBA32: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBX32: -+ ps = 4; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_YUV2: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_UYVY: -+ ps = 2; -+ break; -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ return; -+ } -+ -+ DSSDBG("calc_rot(%d): scrw %d, %dx%d\n", rotation, screen_width, -+ width, height); -+ -+ /* width & height are overlay sizes, convert to fb sizes */ -+ -+ if (rotation == 0 || rotation == 2) { -+ fbw = width; -+ fbh = height; -+ } else { -+ fbw = height; -+ fbh = width; -+ } -+ -+ switch (rotation + mirror * 4) { -+ case 0: -+ *offset0 = 0; -+ if (fieldmode) -+ *offset1 = screen_width * ps; -+ else -+ *offset1 = 0; -+ *row_inc = pixinc(1 + (screen_width - fbw) + -+ (fieldmode ? screen_width : 0), -+ ps); -+ *pix_inc = pixinc(1, ps); -+ break; -+ case 1: -+ *offset0 = screen_width * (fbh - 1) * ps; -+ if (fieldmode) -+ *offset1 = *offset0 + ps; -+ else -+ *offset1 = *offset0; -+ *row_inc = pixinc(screen_width * (fbh - 1) + 1 + -+ (fieldmode ? 1 : 0), ps); -+ *pix_inc = pixinc(-screen_width, ps); -+ break; -+ case 2: -+ *offset0 = (screen_width * (fbh - 1) + fbw - 1) * ps; -+ if (fieldmode) -+ *offset1 = *offset0 - screen_width * ps; -+ else -+ *offset1 = *offset0; -+ *row_inc = pixinc(-1 - -+ (screen_width - fbw) - -+ (fieldmode ? screen_width : 0), -+ ps); -+ *pix_inc = pixinc(-1, ps); -+ break; -+ case 3: -+ *offset0 = (fbw - 1) * ps; -+ if (fieldmode) -+ *offset1 = *offset0 - ps; -+ else -+ *offset1 = *offset0; -+ *row_inc = pixinc(-screen_width * (fbh - 1) - 1 - -+ (fieldmode ? 1 : 0), ps); -+ *pix_inc = pixinc(screen_width, ps); -+ break; -+ -+ /* mirroring */ -+ case 0 + 4: -+ *offset0 = (fbw - 1) * ps; -+ if (fieldmode) -+ *offset1 = *offset0 + screen_width * ps; -+ else -+ *offset1 = *offset0; -+ *row_inc = pixinc(screen_width * 2 - 1 + -+ (fieldmode ? screen_width : 0), -+ ps); -+ *pix_inc = pixinc(-1, ps); -+ break; -+ -+ case 1 + 4: -+ *offset0 = 0; -+ if (fieldmode) -+ *offset1 = *offset0 + screen_width * ps; -+ else -+ *offset1 = *offset0; -+ *row_inc = pixinc(-screen_width * (fbh - 1) + 1 + -+ (fieldmode ? 1 : 0), -+ ps); -+ *pix_inc = pixinc(screen_width, ps); -+ break; -+ -+ case 2 + 4: -+ *offset0 = screen_width * (fbh - 1) * ps; -+ if (fieldmode) -+ *offset1 = *offset0 + screen_width * ps; -+ else -+ *offset1 = *offset0; -+ *row_inc = pixinc(1 - screen_width * 2 - -+ (fieldmode ? screen_width : 0), -+ ps); -+ *pix_inc = pixinc(1, ps); -+ break; -+ -+ case 3 + 4: -+ *offset0 = (screen_width * (fbh - 1) + fbw - 1) * ps; -+ if (fieldmode) -+ *offset1 = *offset0 + screen_width * ps; -+ else -+ *offset1 = *offset0; -+ *row_inc = pixinc(screen_width * (fbh - 1) - 1 - -+ (fieldmode ? 1 : 0), -+ ps); -+ *pix_inc = pixinc(-screen_width, ps); -+ break; -+ -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ } -+} -+ -+static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, -+ enum omap_channel channel_out, -+ u32 paddr, u16 screen_width, -+ u16 pos_x, u16 pos_y, -+ u16 width, u16 height, -+ u16 out_width, u16 out_height, -+ enum omap_color_mode color_mode, -+ bool ilace, -+ u8 rotation, int mirror) -+{ -+ const int maxdownscale = cpu_is_omap34xx() ? 4 : 2; -+ bool five_taps = height > out_height * 2; -+ bool fieldmode = 0; -+ int cconv = 0; -+ unsigned offset0, offset1; -+ u16 row_inc; -+ u16 pix_inc; -+ -+ if (plane == OMAP_DSS_GFX) { -+ if (width != out_width || height != out_height) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ switch (color_mode) { -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB16: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB16: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24P: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24U: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB32: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBA32: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBX32: -+ break; -+ -+ default: -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ } else { -+ /* video plane */ -+ if (width > (2048 >> five_taps)) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ if (out_width < width / maxdownscale || -+ out_width > width * 8) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ if (out_height < height / maxdownscale || -+ out_height > height * 8) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ switch (color_mode) { -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB16: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24P: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24U: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBX32: -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB16: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB32: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBA32: -+ if (plane == OMAP_DSS_VIDEO1) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_YUV2: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_UYVY: -+ cconv = 1; -+ break; -+ -+ default: -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (ilace && height >= out_height) -+ fieldmode = 1; -+ -+ calc_rotation_offset(rotation, mirror, -+ screen_width, width, height, color_mode, -+ fieldmode, -+ &offset0, &offset1, &row_inc, &pix_inc); -+ -+ DSSDBG("offset0 %u, offset1 %u, row_inc %d, pix_inc %d\n", -+ offset0, offset1, row_inc, pix_inc); -+ -+ if (ilace) { -+ if (fieldmode) -+ height /= 2; -+ pos_y /= 2; -+ out_height /= 2; -+ -+ DSSDBG("adjusting for ilace: height %d, pos_y %d, " -+ "out_height %d\n", -+ height, pos_y, out_height); -+ } -+ -+ _dispc_set_channel_out(plane, channel_out); -+ _dispc_set_color_mode(plane, color_mode); -+ -+ _dispc_set_plane_ba0(plane, paddr + offset0); -+ _dispc_set_plane_ba1(plane, paddr + offset1); -+ -+ _dispc_set_row_inc(plane, row_inc); -+ _dispc_set_pix_inc(plane, pix_inc); -+ -+ DSSDBG("%d,%d %dx%d -> %dx%d\n", pos_x, pos_y, width, height, -+ out_width, out_height); -+ -+ _dispc_set_plane_pos(plane, pos_x, pos_y); -+ -+ _dispc_set_pic_size(plane, width, height); -+ -+ if (plane != OMAP_DSS_GFX) { -+ _dispc_set_scaling(plane, width, height, -+ out_width, out_height, -+ ilace); -+ _dispc_set_vid_size(plane, out_width, out_height); -+ _dispc_set_vid_color_conv(plane, cconv); -+ } -+ -+ _dispc_set_rotation_attrs(plane, rotation, mirror, color_mode); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_enable_plane(enum omap_plane plane, bool enable) -+{ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(dispc_reg_att[plane], enable ? 1 : 0, 0, 0); -+} -+ -+static void dispc_disable_isr(void *data, u32 mask) -+{ -+ struct completion *compl = data; -+ complete(compl); -+} -+ -+static void _enable_lcd_out(bool enable) -+{ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONTROL, enable ? 1 : 0, 0, 0); -+} -+ -+void dispc_enable_lcd_out(bool enable) -+{ -+ struct completion frame_done_completion; -+ bool is_on; -+ int r; -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ /* When we disable LCD output, we need to wait until frame is done. -+ * Otherwise the DSS is still working, and turning off the clocks -+ * prevents DSS from going to OFF mode */ -+ is_on = REG_GET(DISPC_CONTROL, 0, 0); -+ -+ if (!enable && is_on) { -+ init_completion(&frame_done_completion); -+ -+ r = omap_dispc_register_isr(dispc_disable_isr, -+ &frame_done_completion, -+ DISPC_IRQ_FRAMEDONE); -+ -+ if (r) -+ DSSERR("failed to register FRAMEDONE isr\n"); -+ } -+ -+ _enable_lcd_out(enable); -+ -+ if (!enable && is_on) { -+ if (!wait_for_completion_timeout(&frame_done_completion, -+ msecs_to_jiffies(100))) -+ DSSERR("timeout waiting for FRAME DONE\n"); -+ -+ r = omap_dispc_unregister_isr(dispc_disable_isr, -+ &frame_done_completion, -+ DISPC_IRQ_FRAMEDONE); -+ -+ if (r) -+ DSSERR("failed to unregister FRAMEDONE isr\n"); -+ } -+ -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+static void _enable_digit_out(bool enable) -+{ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONTROL, enable ? 1 : 0, 1, 1); -+} -+ -+void dispc_enable_digit_out(bool enable) -+{ -+ struct completion frame_done_completion; -+ int r; -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ if (REG_GET(DISPC_CONTROL, 1, 1) == enable) { -+ enable_clocks(0); -+ return; -+ } -+ -+ if (enable) { -+ /* When we enable digit output, we'll get an extra digit -+ * sync lost interrupt, that we need to ignore */ -+ dispc.irq_error_mask &= ~DISPC_IRQ_SYNC_LOST_DIGIT; -+ omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ } -+ -+ /* When we disable digit output, we need to wait until fields are done. -+ * Otherwise the DSS is still working, and turning off the clocks -+ * prevents DSS from going to OFF mode. And when enabling, we need to -+ * wait for the extra sync losts */ -+ init_completion(&frame_done_completion); -+ -+ r = omap_dispc_register_isr(dispc_disable_isr, &frame_done_completion, -+ DISPC_IRQ_EVSYNC_EVEN | DISPC_IRQ_EVSYNC_ODD); -+ if (r) -+ DSSERR("failed to register EVSYNC isr\n"); -+ -+ _enable_digit_out(enable); -+ -+ /* XXX I understand from TRM that we should only wait for the -+ * current field to complete. But it seems we have to wait -+ * for both fields */ -+ if (!wait_for_completion_timeout(&frame_done_completion, -+ msecs_to_jiffies(100))) -+ DSSERR("timeout waiting for EVSYNC\n"); -+ -+ if (!wait_for_completion_timeout(&frame_done_completion, -+ msecs_to_jiffies(100))) -+ DSSERR("timeout waiting for EVSYNC\n"); -+ -+ r = omap_dispc_unregister_isr(dispc_disable_isr, -+ &frame_done_completion, -+ DISPC_IRQ_EVSYNC_EVEN | DISPC_IRQ_EVSYNC_ODD); -+ if (r) -+ DSSERR("failed to unregister EVSYNC isr\n"); -+ -+ if (enable) { -+ dispc.irq_error_mask = DISPC_IRQ_MASK_ERROR; -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_IRQSTATUS, DISPC_IRQ_SYNC_LOST_DIGIT); -+ omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ } -+ -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+void dispc_lcd_enable_signal_polarity(bool act_high) -+{ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONTROL, act_high ? 1 : 0, 29, 29); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+void dispc_lcd_enable_signal(bool enable) -+{ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONTROL, enable ? 1 : 0, 28, 28); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+void dispc_pck_free_enable(bool enable) -+{ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONTROL, enable ? 1 : 0, 27, 27); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+void dispc_enable_fifohandcheck(bool enable) -+{ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONFIG, enable ? 1 : 0, 16, 16); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+ -+void dispc_set_lcd_display_type(enum omap_lcd_display_type type) -+{ -+ int mode; -+ -+ switch (type) { -+ case OMAP_DSS_LCD_DISPLAY_STN: -+ mode = 0; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_LCD_DISPLAY_TFT: -+ mode = 1; -+ break; -+ -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ return; -+ } -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONTROL, mode, 3, 3); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+void dispc_set_loadmode(enum omap_dss_load_mode mode) -+{ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONFIG, mode, 2, 1); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+ -+void dispc_set_default_color(enum omap_channel channel, u32 color) -+{ -+ const struct dispc_reg def_reg[] = { DISPC_DEFAULT_COLOR0, -+ DISPC_DEFAULT_COLOR1 }; -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ dispc_write_reg(def_reg[channel], color); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+u32 dispc_get_default_color(enum omap_channel channel) -+{ -+ const struct dispc_reg def_reg[] = { DISPC_DEFAULT_COLOR0, -+ DISPC_DEFAULT_COLOR1 }; -+ u32 l; -+ -+ BUG_ON(channel != OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_DIGIT && -+ channel != OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_LCD); -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ l = dispc_read_reg(def_reg[channel]); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+ -+ return l; -+} -+ -+void dispc_set_trans_key(enum omap_channel ch, -+ enum omap_dss_color_key_type type, -+ u32 trans_key) -+{ -+ const struct dispc_reg tr_reg[] = { -+ DISPC_TRANS_COLOR0, DISPC_TRANS_COLOR1 }; -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ if (ch == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_LCD) -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONFIG, type, 11, 11); -+ else /* OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_DIGIT */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONFIG, type, 13, 13); -+ -+ dispc_write_reg(tr_reg[ch], trans_key); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+void dispc_get_trans_key(enum omap_channel ch, -+ enum omap_dss_color_key_type *type, -+ u32 *trans_key) -+{ -+ const struct dispc_reg tr_reg[] = { -+ DISPC_TRANS_COLOR0, DISPC_TRANS_COLOR1 }; -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ if (type) { -+ if (ch == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_LCD) -+ *type = REG_GET(DISPC_CONFIG, 11, 11) >> 11; -+ else if (ch == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_DIGIT) -+ *type = REG_GET(DISPC_CONFIG, 13, 13) >> 13; -+ else -+ BUG(); -+ } -+ -+ if (trans_key) -+ *trans_key = dispc_read_reg(tr_reg[ch]); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+void dispc_enable_trans_key(enum omap_channel ch, bool enable) -+{ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ if (ch == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_LCD) -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONFIG, enable, 10, 10); -+ else /* OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_DIGIT */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONFIG, enable, 12, 12); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+bool dispc_trans_key_enabled(enum omap_channel ch) -+{ -+ bool enabled; -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ if (ch == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_LCD) -+ enabled = REG_GET(DISPC_CONFIG, 10, 10); -+ else if (ch == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_DIGIT) -+ enabled = REG_GET(DISPC_CONFIG, 12, 12); -+ else BUG(); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+ -+ return enabled; -+} -+ -+ -+void dispc_set_tft_data_lines(u8 data_lines) -+{ -+ int code; -+ -+ switch (data_lines) { -+ case 12: -+ code = 0; -+ break; -+ case 16: -+ code = 1; -+ break; -+ case 18: -+ code = 2; -+ break; -+ case 24: -+ code = 3; -+ break; -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ return; -+ } -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONTROL, code, 9, 8); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+void dispc_set_parallel_interface_mode(enum omap_parallel_interface_mode mode) -+{ -+ u32 l; -+ int stallmode; -+ int gpout0 = 1; -+ int gpout1; -+ -+ switch (mode) { -+ case OMAP_DSS_PARALLELMODE_BYPASS: -+ stallmode = 0; -+ gpout1 = 1; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_PARALLELMODE_RFBI: -+ stallmode = 1; -+ gpout1 = 0; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_PARALLELMODE_DSI: -+ stallmode = 1; -+ gpout1 = 1; -+ break; -+ -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ return; -+ } -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ l = dispc_read_reg(DISPC_CONTROL); -+ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, stallmode, 11, 11); -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, gpout0, 15, 15); -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, gpout1, 16, 16); -+ -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_CONTROL, l); -+ -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_set_lcd_timings(int hsw, int hfp, int hbp, -+ int vsw, int vfp, int vbp) -+{ -+ u32 timing_h, timing_v; -+ -+ if (cpu_is_omap24xx() || omap_rev() < OMAP3430_REV_ES3_0) { -+ BUG_ON(hsw < 1 || hsw > 64); -+ BUG_ON(hfp < 1 || hfp > 256); -+ BUG_ON(hbp < 1 || hbp > 256); -+ -+ BUG_ON(vsw < 1 || vsw > 64); -+ BUG_ON(vfp < 0 || vfp > 255); -+ BUG_ON(vbp < 0 || vbp > 255); -+ -+ timing_h = FLD_VAL(hsw-1, 5, 0) | FLD_VAL(hfp-1, 15, 8) | -+ FLD_VAL(hbp-1, 27, 20); -+ -+ timing_v = FLD_VAL(vsw-1, 5, 0) | FLD_VAL(vfp, 15, 8) | -+ FLD_VAL(vbp, 27, 20); -+ } else { -+ BUG_ON(hsw < 1 || hsw > 256); -+ BUG_ON(hfp < 1 || hfp > 4096); -+ BUG_ON(hbp < 1 || hbp > 4096); -+ -+ BUG_ON(vsw < 1 || vsw > 256); -+ BUG_ON(vfp < 0 || vfp > 4095); -+ BUG_ON(vbp < 0 || vbp > 4095); -+ -+ timing_h = FLD_VAL(hsw-1, 7, 0) | FLD_VAL(hfp-1, 19, 8) | -+ FLD_VAL(hbp-1, 31, 20); -+ -+ timing_v = FLD_VAL(vsw-1, 7, 0) | FLD_VAL(vfp, 19, 8) | -+ FLD_VAL(vbp, 31, 20); -+ } -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_TIMING_H, timing_h); -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_TIMING_V, timing_v); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+/* change name to mode? */ -+void dispc_set_lcd_timings(struct omap_video_timings *timings) -+{ -+ unsigned xtot, ytot; -+ unsigned long ht, vt; -+ -+ _dispc_set_lcd_timings(timings->hsw, timings->hfp, timings->hbp, -+ timings->vsw, timings->vfp, timings->vbp); -+ -+ dispc_set_lcd_size(timings->x_res, timings->y_res); -+ -+ xtot = timings->x_res + timings->hfp + timings->hsw + timings->hbp; -+ ytot = timings->y_res + timings->vfp + timings->vsw + timings->vbp; -+ -+ ht = (timings->pixel_clock * 1000) / xtot; -+ vt = (timings->pixel_clock * 1000) / xtot / ytot; -+ -+ DSSDBG("xres %u yres %u\n", timings->x_res, timings->y_res); -+ DSSDBG("pck %u\n", timings->pixel_clock); -+ DSSDBG("hsw %d hfp %d hbp %d vsw %d vfp %d vbp %d\n", -+ timings->hsw, timings->hfp, timings->hbp, -+ timings->vsw, timings->vfp, timings->vbp); -+ -+ DSSDBG("hsync %luHz, vsync %luHz\n", ht, vt); -+} -+ -+void dispc_set_lcd_divisor(u16 lck_div, u16 pck_div) -+{ -+ BUG_ON(lck_div < 1); -+ BUG_ON(pck_div < 2); -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_DIVISOR, -+ FLD_VAL(lck_div, 23, 16) | FLD_VAL(pck_div, 7, 0)); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+static void dispc_get_lcd_divisor(int *lck_div, int *pck_div) -+{ -+ u32 l; -+ l = dispc_read_reg(DISPC_DIVISOR); -+ *lck_div = FLD_GET(l, 23, 16); -+ *pck_div = FLD_GET(l, 7, 0); -+} -+ -+unsigned long dispc_fclk_rate(void) -+{ -+ unsigned long r = 0; -+ -+ if (dss_get_dispc_clk_source() == 0) -+ r = dss_clk_get_rate(DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ else -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DSI -+ r = dsi_get_dsi1_pll_rate(); -+#else -+ BUG(); -+#endif -+ return r; -+} -+ -+unsigned long dispc_pclk_rate(void) -+{ -+ int lcd, pcd; -+ unsigned long r; -+ u32 l; -+ -+ l = dispc_read_reg(DISPC_DIVISOR); -+ -+ lcd = FLD_GET(l, 23, 16); -+ pcd = FLD_GET(l, 7, 0); -+ -+ r = dispc_fclk_rate(); -+ -+ return r / lcd / pcd; -+} -+ -+void dispc_dump_clocks(struct seq_file *s) -+{ -+ int lcd, pcd; -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ dispc_get_lcd_divisor(&lcd, &pcd); -+ -+ seq_printf(s, "- dispc -\n"); -+ -+ seq_printf(s, "dispc fclk source = %s\n", -+ dss_get_dispc_clk_source() == 0 ? -+ "dss1_alwon_fclk" : "dsi1_pll_fclk"); -+ -+ seq_printf(s, "pixel clk = %lu / %d / %d = %lu\n", -+ dispc_fclk_rate(), -+ lcd, pcd, -+ dispc_pclk_rate()); -+ -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+void dispc_dump_regs(struct seq_file *s) -+{ -+#define DUMPREG(r) seq_printf(s, "%-35s %08x\n", #r, dispc_read_reg(r)) -+ -+ dss_clk_enable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_REVISION); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_SYSCONFIG); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_SYSSTATUS); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_IRQSTATUS); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_IRQENABLE); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_CONTROL); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_CONFIG); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_CAPABLE); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_DEFAULT_COLOR0); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_DEFAULT_COLOR1); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_TRANS_COLOR0); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_TRANS_COLOR1); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_LINE_STATUS); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_LINE_NUMBER); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_TIMING_H); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_TIMING_V); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_POL_FREQ); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_DIVISOR); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_GLOBAL_ALPHA); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_SIZE_DIG); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_SIZE_LCD); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_GFX_BA0); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_GFX_BA1); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_GFX_POSITION); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_GFX_SIZE); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_GFX_ATTRIBUTES); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_GFX_FIFO_THRESHOLD); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_GFX_FIFO_SIZE_STATUS); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_GFX_ROW_INC); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_GFX_PIXEL_INC); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_GFX_WINDOW_SKIP); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_GFX_TABLE_BA); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_DATA_CYCLE1); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_DATA_CYCLE2); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_DATA_CYCLE3); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_CPR_COEF_R); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_CPR_COEF_G); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_CPR_COEF_B); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_GFX_PRELOAD); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_BA0(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_BA1(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_POSITION(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_SIZE(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_ATTRIBUTES(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIFO_THRESHOLD(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIFO_SIZE_STATUS(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_ROW_INC(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_PIXEL_INC(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_PICTURE_SIZE(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_ACCU0(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_ACCU1(0)); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_BA0(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_BA1(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_POSITION(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_SIZE(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_ATTRIBUTES(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIFO_THRESHOLD(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIFO_SIZE_STATUS(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_ROW_INC(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_PIXEL_INC(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_PICTURE_SIZE(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_ACCU0(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_ACCU1(1)); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 2)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 3)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 4)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 5)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 6)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(0, 7)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 2)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 3)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 4)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 5)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 6)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(0, 7)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(0, 0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(0, 1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(0, 2)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(0, 3)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(0, 4)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 2)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 3)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 4)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 5)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 6)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(0, 7)); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 2)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 3)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 4)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 5)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 6)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_H(1, 7)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 2)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 3)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 4)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 5)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 6)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_HV(1, 7)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(1, 0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(1, 1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(1, 2)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(1, 3)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_CONV_COEF(1, 4)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 1)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 2)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 3)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 4)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 5)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 6)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_FIR_COEF_V(1, 7)); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_PRELOAD(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DISPC_VID_PRELOAD(1)); -+ -+ dss_clk_disable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+#undef DUMPREG -+} -+ -+static void _dispc_set_pol_freq(bool onoff, bool rf, bool ieo, bool ipc, -+ bool ihs, bool ivs, u8 acbi, u8 acb) -+{ -+ u32 l = 0; -+ -+ DSSDBG("onoff %d rf %d ieo %d ipc %d ihs %d ivs %d acbi %d acb %d\n", -+ onoff, rf, ieo, ipc, ihs, ivs, acbi, acb); -+ -+ l |= FLD_VAL(onoff, 17, 17); -+ l |= FLD_VAL(rf, 16, 16); -+ l |= FLD_VAL(ieo, 15, 15); -+ l |= FLD_VAL(ipc, 14, 14); -+ l |= FLD_VAL(ihs, 13, 13); -+ l |= FLD_VAL(ivs, 12, 12); -+ l |= FLD_VAL(acbi, 11, 8); -+ l |= FLD_VAL(acb, 7, 0); -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_POL_FREQ, l); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+void dispc_set_pol_freq(struct omap_panel *panel) -+{ -+ _dispc_set_pol_freq((panel->config & OMAP_DSS_LCD_ONOFF) != 0, -+ (panel->config & OMAP_DSS_LCD_RF) != 0, -+ (panel->config & OMAP_DSS_LCD_IEO) != 0, -+ (panel->config & OMAP_DSS_LCD_IPC) != 0, -+ (panel->config & OMAP_DSS_LCD_IHS) != 0, -+ (panel->config & OMAP_DSS_LCD_IVS) != 0, -+ panel->acbi, panel->acb); -+} -+ -+void find_lck_pck_divs(bool is_tft, unsigned long req_pck, unsigned long fck, -+ u16 *lck_div, u16 *pck_div) -+{ -+ u16 pcd_min = is_tft ? 2 : 3; -+ unsigned long best_pck; -+ u16 best_ld, cur_ld; -+ u16 best_pd, cur_pd; -+ -+ best_pck = 0; -+ best_ld = 0; -+ best_pd = 0; -+ -+ for (cur_ld = 1; cur_ld <= 255; ++cur_ld) { -+ unsigned long lck = fck / cur_ld; -+ -+ for (cur_pd = pcd_min; cur_pd <= 255; ++cur_pd) { -+ unsigned long pck = lck / cur_pd; -+ long old_delta = abs(best_pck - req_pck); -+ long new_delta = abs(pck - req_pck); -+ -+ if (best_pck == 0 || new_delta < old_delta) { -+ best_pck = pck; -+ best_ld = cur_ld; -+ best_pd = cur_pd; -+ -+ if (pck == req_pck) -+ goto found; -+ } -+ -+ if (pck < req_pck) -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ if (lck / pcd_min < req_pck) -+ break; -+ } -+ -+found: -+ *lck_div = best_ld; -+ *pck_div = best_pd; -+} -+ -+int dispc_calc_clock_div(bool is_tft, unsigned long req_pck, -+ struct dispc_clock_info *cinfo) -+{ -+ unsigned long prate; -+ struct dispc_clock_info cur, best; -+ int match = 0; -+ int min_fck_per_pck; -+ unsigned long fck_rate = dss_clk_get_rate(DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ if (cpu_is_omap34xx()) -+ prate = clk_get_rate(clk_get_parent(dispc.dpll4_m4_ck)); -+ else -+ prate = 0; -+ -+ if (req_pck == dispc.cache_req_pck && -+ ((cpu_is_omap34xx() && prate == dispc.cache_prate) || -+ dispc.cache_cinfo.fck == fck_rate)) { -+ DSSDBG("dispc clock info found from cache.\n"); -+ *cinfo = dispc.cache_cinfo; -+ return 0; -+ } -+ -+ min_fck_per_pck = CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_MIN_FCK_PER_PCK; -+ -+ if (min_fck_per_pck && -+ req_pck * min_fck_per_pck > DISPC_MAX_FCK) { -+ DSSERR("Requested pixel clock not possible with the current " -+ "OMAP2_DSS_MIN_FCK_PER_PCK setting. Turning " -+ "the constraint off.\n"); -+ min_fck_per_pck = 0; -+ } -+ -+retry: -+ memset(&cur, 0, sizeof(cur)); -+ memset(&best, 0, sizeof(best)); -+ -+ if (cpu_is_omap24xx()) { -+ /* XXX can we change the clock on omap2? */ -+ cur.fck = dss_clk_get_rate(DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ cur.fck_div = 1; -+ -+ match = 1; -+ -+ find_lck_pck_divs(is_tft, req_pck, cur.fck, -+ &cur.lck_div, &cur.pck_div); -+ -+ cur.lck = cur.fck / cur.lck_div; -+ cur.pck = cur.lck / cur.pck_div; -+ -+ best = cur; -+ -+ goto found; -+ } else if (cpu_is_omap34xx()) { -+ for (cur.fck_div = 16; cur.fck_div > 0; --cur.fck_div) { -+ cur.fck = prate / cur.fck_div * 2; -+ -+ if (cur.fck > DISPC_MAX_FCK) -+ continue; -+ -+ if (min_fck_per_pck && -+ cur.fck < req_pck * min_fck_per_pck) -+ continue; -+ -+ match = 1; -+ -+ find_lck_pck_divs(is_tft, req_pck, cur.fck, -+ &cur.lck_div, &cur.pck_div); -+ -+ cur.lck = cur.fck / cur.lck_div; -+ cur.pck = cur.lck / cur.pck_div; -+ -+ if (abs(cur.pck - req_pck) < abs(best.pck - req_pck)) { -+ best = cur; -+ -+ if (cur.pck == req_pck) -+ goto found; -+ } -+ } -+ } else { -+ BUG(); -+ } -+ -+found: -+ if (!match) { -+ if (min_fck_per_pck) { -+ DSSERR("Could not find suitable clock settings.\n" -+ "Turning FCK/PCK constraint off and" -+ "trying again.\n"); -+ min_fck_per_pck = 0; -+ goto retry; -+ } -+ -+ DSSERR("Could not find suitable clock settings.\n"); -+ -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ if (cinfo) -+ *cinfo = best; -+ -+ dispc.cache_req_pck = req_pck; -+ dispc.cache_prate = prate; -+ dispc.cache_cinfo = best; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+int dispc_set_clock_div(struct dispc_clock_info *cinfo) -+{ -+ unsigned long prate; -+ int r; -+ -+ if (cpu_is_omap34xx()) { -+ prate = clk_get_rate(clk_get_parent(dispc.dpll4_m4_ck)); -+ DSSDBG("dpll4_m4 = %ld\n", prate); -+ } -+ -+ DSSDBG("fck = %ld (%d)\n", cinfo->fck, cinfo->fck_div); -+ DSSDBG("lck = %ld (%d)\n", cinfo->lck, cinfo->lck_div); -+ DSSDBG("pck = %ld (%d)\n", cinfo->pck, cinfo->pck_div); -+ -+ if (cpu_is_omap34xx()) { -+ r = clk_set_rate(dispc.dpll4_m4_ck, prate / cinfo->fck_div); -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ } -+ -+ dispc_set_lcd_divisor(cinfo->lck_div, cinfo->pck_div); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+int dispc_get_clock_div(struct dispc_clock_info *cinfo) -+{ -+ cinfo->fck = dss_clk_get_rate(DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ if (cpu_is_omap34xx()) { -+ unsigned long prate; -+ prate = clk_get_rate(clk_get_parent(dispc.dpll4_m4_ck)); -+ cinfo->fck_div = prate / (cinfo->fck / 2); -+ } else { -+ cinfo->fck_div = 0; -+ } -+ -+ cinfo->lck_div = REG_GET(DISPC_DIVISOR, 23, 16); -+ cinfo->pck_div = REG_GET(DISPC_DIVISOR, 7, 0); -+ -+ cinfo->lck = cinfo->fck / cinfo->lck_div; -+ cinfo->pck = cinfo->lck / cinfo->pck_div; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void omap_dispc_set_irqs(void) -+{ -+ unsigned long flags; -+ u32 mask = dispc.irq_error_mask; -+ int i; -+ struct omap_dispc_isr_data *isr_data; -+ -+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < DISPC_MAX_NR_ISRS; i++) { -+ isr_data = &dispc.registered_isr[i]; -+ -+ if (isr_data->isr == NULL) -+ continue; -+ -+ mask |= isr_data->mask; -+ } -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_IRQENABLE, mask); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+ -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); -+} -+ -+int omap_dispc_register_isr(omap_dispc_isr_t isr, void *arg, u32 mask) -+{ -+ int i; -+ int ret; -+ unsigned long flags; -+ struct omap_dispc_isr_data *isr_data; -+ -+ if (isr == NULL) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); -+ -+ /* check for duplicate entry */ -+ for (i = 0; i < DISPC_MAX_NR_ISRS; i++) { -+ isr_data = &dispc.registered_isr[i]; -+ if (isr_data->isr == isr && isr_data->arg == arg && -+ isr_data->mask == mask) { -+ ret = -EINVAL; -+ goto err; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ isr_data = NULL; -+ ret = -EBUSY; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < DISPC_MAX_NR_ISRS; i++) { -+ isr_data = &dispc.registered_isr[i]; -+ -+ if (isr_data->isr != NULL) -+ continue; -+ -+ isr_data->isr = isr; -+ isr_data->arg = arg; -+ isr_data->mask = mask; -+ ret = 0; -+ -+ break; -+ } -+err: -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); -+ -+ if (ret == 0) -+ omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ -+ return ret; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_dispc_register_isr); -+ -+int omap_dispc_unregister_isr(omap_dispc_isr_t isr, void *arg, u32 mask) -+{ -+ int i; -+ unsigned long flags; -+ int ret = -EINVAL; -+ struct omap_dispc_isr_data *isr_data; -+ -+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < DISPC_MAX_NR_ISRS; i++) { -+ isr_data = &dispc.registered_isr[i]; -+ if (isr_data->isr != isr || isr_data->arg != arg || -+ isr_data->mask != mask) -+ continue; -+ -+ /* found the correct isr */ -+ -+ isr_data->isr = NULL; -+ isr_data->arg = NULL; -+ isr_data->mask = 0; -+ -+ ret = 0; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); -+ -+ if (ret == 0) -+ omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ -+ return ret; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_dispc_unregister_isr); -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+static void print_irq_status(u32 status) -+{ -+ if ((status & dispc.irq_error_mask) == 0) -+ return; -+ -+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "DISPC IRQ: 0x%x: ", status); -+ -+#define PIS(x) \ -+ if (status & DISPC_IRQ_##x) \ -+ printk(#x " "); -+ PIS(GFX_FIFO_UNDERFLOW); -+ PIS(OCP_ERR); -+ PIS(VID1_FIFO_UNDERFLOW); -+ PIS(VID2_FIFO_UNDERFLOW); -+ PIS(SYNC_LOST); -+ PIS(SYNC_LOST_DIGIT); -+#undef PIS -+ -+ printk("\n"); -+} -+#endif -+ -+/* Called from dss.c. Note that we don't touch clocks here, -+ * but we presume they are on because we got an IRQ. However, -+ * an irq handler may turn the clocks off, so we may not have -+ * clock later in the function. */ -+void dispc_irq_handler(void) -+{ -+ int i; -+ u32 irqstatus = dispc_read_reg(DISPC_IRQSTATUS); -+ u32 handledirqs = 0; -+ u32 unhandled_errors; -+ struct omap_dispc_isr_data *isr_data; -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+ if (dss_debug) -+ print_irq_status(irqstatus); -+#endif -+ /* Ack the interrupt. Do it here before clocks are possibly turned -+ * off */ -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_IRQSTATUS, irqstatus); -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < DISPC_MAX_NR_ISRS; i++) { -+ isr_data = &dispc.registered_isr[i]; -+ -+ if (!isr_data->isr) -+ continue; -+ -+ if (isr_data->mask & irqstatus) { -+ isr_data->isr(isr_data->arg, irqstatus); -+ handledirqs |= isr_data->mask; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ unhandled_errors = irqstatus & ~handledirqs & dispc.irq_error_mask; -+ -+ if (unhandled_errors) { -+ spin_lock(&dispc.error_lock); -+ dispc.error_irqs |= unhandled_errors; -+ spin_unlock(&dispc.error_lock); -+ -+ dispc.irq_error_mask &= ~unhandled_errors; -+ omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ -+ schedule_work(&dispc.error_work); -+ } -+} -+ -+static void dispc_error_worker(struct work_struct *work) -+{ -+ int i; -+ u32 errors; -+ unsigned long flags; -+ -+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dispc.error_lock, flags); -+ errors = dispc.error_irqs; -+ dispc.error_irqs = 0; -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dispc.error_lock, flags); -+ -+ if (errors & DISPC_IRQ_GFX_FIFO_UNDERFLOW) { -+ DSSERR("GFX_FIFO_UNDERFLOW, disabling GFX\n"); -+ for (i = 0; i < omap_dss_get_num_overlays(); ++i) { -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ ovl = omap_dss_get_overlay(i); -+ -+ if (!(ovl->caps & OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_DISPC)) -+ continue; -+ -+ if (ovl->id == 0) { -+ dispc_enable_plane(ovl->id, 0); -+ dispc_go(ovl->manager->id); -+ mdelay(50); -+ break; -+ } -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (errors & DISPC_IRQ_VID1_FIFO_UNDERFLOW) { -+ DSSERR("VID1_FIFO_UNDERFLOW, disabling VID1\n"); -+ for (i = 0; i < omap_dss_get_num_overlays(); ++i) { -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ ovl = omap_dss_get_overlay(i); -+ -+ if (!(ovl->caps & OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_DISPC)) -+ continue; -+ -+ if (ovl->id == 1) { -+ dispc_enable_plane(ovl->id, 0); -+ dispc_go(ovl->manager->id); -+ mdelay(50); -+ break; -+ } -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (errors & DISPC_IRQ_VID2_FIFO_UNDERFLOW) { -+ DSSERR("VID2_FIFO_UNDERFLOW, disabling VID2\n"); -+ for (i = 0; i < omap_dss_get_num_overlays(); ++i) { -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ ovl = omap_dss_get_overlay(i); -+ -+ if (!(ovl->caps & OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_DISPC)) -+ continue; -+ -+ if (ovl->id == 2) { -+ dispc_enable_plane(ovl->id, 0); -+ dispc_go(ovl->manager->id); -+ mdelay(50); -+ break; -+ } -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (errors & DISPC_IRQ_SYNC_LOST) { -+ DSSERR("SYNC_LOST, disabling LCD\n"); -+ for (i = 0; i < omap_dss_get_num_overlay_managers(); ++i) { -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr; -+ mgr = omap_dss_get_overlay_manager(i); -+ -+ if (mgr->id == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_LCD) { -+ mgr->display->disable(mgr->display); -+ break; -+ } -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (errors & DISPC_IRQ_SYNC_LOST_DIGIT) { -+ DSSERR("SYNC_LOST_DIGIT, disabling TV\n"); -+ for (i = 0; i < omap_dss_get_num_overlay_managers(); ++i) { -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr; -+ mgr = omap_dss_get_overlay_manager(i); -+ -+ if (mgr->id == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_DIGIT) { -+ mgr->display->disable(mgr->display); -+ break; -+ } -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (errors & DISPC_IRQ_OCP_ERR) { -+ DSSERR("OCP_ERR\n"); -+ for (i = 0; i < omap_dss_get_num_overlay_managers(); ++i) { -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr; -+ mgr = omap_dss_get_overlay_manager(i); -+ -+ if (mgr->caps & OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_DISPC) -+ mgr->display->disable(mgr->display); -+ } -+ } -+ -+ dispc.irq_error_mask |= errors; -+ omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+} -+ -+int omap_dispc_wait_for_irq_timeout(u32 irqmask, unsigned long timeout) -+{ -+ void dispc_irq_wait_handler(void *data, u32 mask) -+ { -+ complete((struct completion *)data); -+ } -+ -+ int r; -+ DECLARE_COMPLETION_ONSTACK(completion); -+ -+ r = omap_dispc_register_isr(dispc_irq_wait_handler, &completion, -+ irqmask); -+ -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ -+ timeout = wait_for_completion_timeout(&completion, timeout); -+ -+ omap_dispc_unregister_isr(dispc_irq_wait_handler, &completion, irqmask); -+ -+ if (timeout == 0) -+ return -ETIMEDOUT; -+ -+ if (timeout == -ERESTARTSYS) -+ return -ERESTARTSYS; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+int omap_dispc_wait_for_irq_interruptible_timeout(u32 irqmask, -+ unsigned long timeout) -+{ -+ void dispc_irq_wait_handler(void *data, u32 mask) -+ { -+ complete((struct completion *)data); -+ } -+ -+ int r; -+ DECLARE_COMPLETION_ONSTACK(completion); -+ -+ r = omap_dispc_register_isr(dispc_irq_wait_handler, &completion, -+ irqmask); -+ -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ -+ timeout = wait_for_completion_interruptible_timeout(&completion, -+ timeout); -+ -+ omap_dispc_unregister_isr(dispc_irq_wait_handler, &completion, irqmask); -+ -+ if (timeout == 0) -+ return -ETIMEDOUT; -+ -+ if (timeout == -ERESTARTSYS) -+ return -ERESTARTSYS; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_FAKE_VSYNC -+void dispc_fake_vsync_irq(void) -+{ -+ u32 irqstatus = DISPC_IRQ_VSYNC; -+ int i; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < DISPC_MAX_NR_ISRS; i++) { -+ struct omap_dispc_isr_data *isr_data; -+ isr_data = &dispc.registered_isr[i]; -+ -+ if (!isr_data->isr) -+ continue; -+ -+ if (isr_data->mask & irqstatus) -+ isr_data->isr(isr_data->arg, irqstatus); -+ } -+} -+#endif -+ -+static void _omap_dispc_initialize_irq(void) -+{ -+ memset(dispc.registered_isr, 0, sizeof(dispc.registered_isr)); -+ -+ dispc.irq_error_mask = DISPC_IRQ_MASK_ERROR; -+ -+ /* there's SYNC_LOST_DIGIT waiting after enabling the DSS, -+ * so clear it */ -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_IRQSTATUS, dispc_read_reg(DISPC_IRQSTATUS)); -+ -+ omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+} -+ -+static void _omap_dispc_initial_config(void) -+{ -+ u32 l; -+ -+ l = dispc_read_reg(DISPC_SYSCONFIG); -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 2, 13, 12); /* MIDLEMODE: smart standby */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 2, 4, 3); /* SIDLEMODE: smart idle */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 1, 2, 2); /* ENWAKEUP */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 1, 0, 0); /* AUTOIDLE */ -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_SYSCONFIG, l); -+ -+ /* FUNCGATED */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONFIG, 1, 9, 9); -+ -+ /* L3 firewall setting: enable access to OCM RAM */ -+ if (cpu_is_omap24xx()) -+ __raw_writel(0x402000b0, IO_ADDRESS(0x680050a0)); -+ -+ _dispc_setup_color_conv_coef(); -+ -+ dispc_set_loadmode(OMAP_DSS_LOAD_FRAME_ONLY); -+} -+ -+int dispc_init(void) -+{ -+ u32 rev; -+ -+ spin_lock_init(&dispc.irq_lock); -+ spin_lock_init(&dispc.error_lock); -+ -+ INIT_WORK(&dispc.error_work, dispc_error_worker); -+ -+ dispc.base = ioremap(DISPC_BASE, DISPC_SZ_REGS); -+ if (!dispc.base) { -+ DSSERR("can't ioremap DISPC\n"); -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ } -+ -+ if (cpu_is_omap34xx()) { -+ dispc.dpll4_m4_ck = clk_get(NULL, "dpll4_m4_ck"); -+ if (IS_ERR(dispc.dpll4_m4_ck)) { -+ DSSERR("Failed to get dpll4_m4_ck\n"); -+ return -ENODEV; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ _omap_dispc_initial_config(); -+ -+ _omap_dispc_initialize_irq(); -+ -+ dispc_save_context(); -+ -+ rev = dispc_read_reg(DISPC_REVISION); -+ printk(KERN_INFO "OMAP DISPC rev %d.%d\n", -+ FLD_GET(rev, 7, 4), FLD_GET(rev, 3, 0)); -+ -+ enable_clocks(0); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+void dispc_exit(void) -+{ -+ if (cpu_is_omap34xx()) -+ clk_put(dispc.dpll4_m4_ck); -+ iounmap(dispc.base); -+} -+ -+int dispc_enable_plane(enum omap_plane plane, bool enable) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("dispc_enable_plane %d, %d\n", plane, enable); -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ _dispc_enable_plane(plane, enable); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+int dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, enum omap_channel channel_out, -+ u32 paddr, u16 screen_width, -+ u16 pos_x, u16 pos_y, -+ u16 width, u16 height, -+ u16 out_width, u16 out_height, -+ enum omap_color_mode color_mode, -+ bool ilace, -+ u8 rotation, bool mirror) -+{ -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ DSSDBG("dispc_setup_plane %d, ch %d, pa %x, sw %d, %d,%d, %dx%d -> " -+ "%dx%d, ilace %d, cmode %x, rot %d, mir %d\n", -+ plane, channel_out, paddr, screen_width, pos_x, pos_y, -+ width, height, -+ out_width, out_height, -+ ilace, color_mode, -+ rotation, mirror); -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ r = _dispc_setup_plane(plane, channel_out, -+ paddr, screen_width, -+ pos_x, pos_y, -+ width, height, -+ out_width, out_height, -+ color_mode, ilace, -+ rotation, mirror); -+ -+ enable_clocks(0); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static int dispc_is_intersecting(int x1, int y1, int w1, int h1, -+ int x2, int y2, int w2, int h2) -+{ -+ if (x1 >= (x2+w2)) -+ return 0; -+ -+ if ((x1+w1) <= x2) -+ return 0; -+ -+ if (y1 >= (y2+h2)) -+ return 0; -+ -+ if ((y1+h1) <= y2) -+ return 0; -+ -+ return 1; -+} -+ -+static int dispc_is_overlay_scaled(struct omap_overlay_info *pi) -+{ -+ if (pi->width != pi->out_width) -+ return 1; -+ -+ if (pi->height != pi->out_height) -+ return 1; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+/* returns the area that needs updating */ -+void dispc_setup_partial_planes(struct omap_display *display, -+ u16 *xi, u16 *yi, u16 *wi, u16 *hi) -+{ -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr; -+ int i; -+ -+ int x, y, w, h; -+ -+ x = *xi; -+ y = *yi; -+ w = *wi; -+ h = *hi; -+ -+ DSSDBG("dispc_setup_partial_planes %d,%d %dx%d\n", -+ *xi, *yi, *wi, *hi); -+ -+ -+ mgr = display->manager; -+ -+ if (!mgr) { -+ DSSDBG("no manager\n"); -+ return; -+ } -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < mgr->num_overlays; i++) { -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ struct omap_overlay_info *pi; -+ ovl = mgr->overlays[i]; -+ -+ if (ovl->manager != mgr) -+ continue; -+ -+ if ((ovl->caps & OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_SCALE) == 0) -+ continue; -+ -+ pi = &ovl->info; -+ -+ if (!pi->enabled) -+ continue; -+ /* -+ * If the plane is intersecting and scaled, we -+ * enlarge the update region to accomodate the -+ * whole area -+ */ -+ -+ if (dispc_is_intersecting(x, y, w, h, -+ pi->pos_x, pi->pos_y, -+ pi->out_width, pi->out_height)) { -+ if (dispc_is_overlay_scaled(pi)) { -+ -+ int x1, y1, x2, y2; -+ -+ if (x > pi->pos_x) -+ x1 = pi->pos_x; -+ else -+ x1 = x; -+ -+ if (y > pi->pos_y) -+ y1 = pi->pos_y; -+ else -+ y1 = y; -+ -+ if ((x + w) < (pi->pos_x + pi->out_width)) -+ x2 = pi->pos_x + pi->out_width; -+ else -+ x2 = x + w; -+ -+ if ((y + h) < (pi->pos_y + pi->out_height)) -+ y2 = pi->pos_y + pi->out_height; -+ else -+ y2 = y + h; -+ -+ x = x1; -+ y = y1; -+ w = x2 - x1; -+ h = y2 - y1; -+ -+ DSSDBG("Update area after enlarge due to " -+ "scaling %d, %d %dx%d\n", -+ x, y, w, h); -+ } -+ } -+ } -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < mgr->num_overlays; i++) { -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl = mgr->overlays[i]; -+ struct omap_overlay_info *pi = &ovl->info; -+ -+ int px = pi->pos_x; -+ int py = pi->pos_y; -+ int pw = pi->width; -+ int ph = pi->height; -+ int pow = pi->out_width; -+ int poh = pi->out_height; -+ u32 pa = pi->paddr; -+ int psw = pi->screen_width; -+ int bpp; -+ -+ if (ovl->manager != mgr) -+ continue; -+ -+ /* -+ * If plane is not enabled or the update region -+ * does not intersect with the plane in question, -+ * we really disable the plane from hardware -+ */ -+ -+ if (!pi->enabled || -+ !dispc_is_intersecting(x, y, w, h, -+ px, py, pow, poh)) { -+ dispc_enable_plane(ovl->id, 0); -+ continue; -+ } -+ -+ switch (pi->color_mode) { -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB16: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB16: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_YUV2: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_UYVY: -+ bpp = 16; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24P: -+ bpp = 24; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24U: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB32: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBA32: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBX32: -+ bpp = 32; -+ break; -+ -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ return; -+ } -+ -+ if (x > pi->pos_x) { -+ px = 0; -+ pw -= (x - pi->pos_x); -+ pa += (x - pi->pos_x) * bpp / 8; -+ } else { -+ px = pi->pos_x - x; -+ } -+ -+ if (y > pi->pos_y) { -+ py = 0; -+ ph -= (y - pi->pos_y); -+ pa += (y - pi->pos_y) * psw * bpp / 8; -+ } else { -+ py = pi->pos_y - y; -+ } -+ -+ if (w < (px+pw)) -+ pw -= (px+pw) - (w); -+ -+ if (h < (py+ph)) -+ ph -= (py+ph) - (h); -+ -+ /* Can't scale the GFX plane */ -+ if ((ovl->caps & OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_SCALE) == 0 || -+ dispc_is_overlay_scaled(pi) == 0) { -+ pow = pw; -+ poh = ph; -+ } -+ -+ DSSDBG("calc plane %d, %x, sw %d, %d,%d, %dx%d -> %dx%d\n", -+ ovl->id, pa, psw, px, py, pw, ph, pow, poh); -+ -+ dispc_setup_plane(ovl->id, mgr->id, -+ pa, psw, -+ px, py, -+ pw, ph, -+ pow, poh, -+ pi->color_mode, 0, -+ pi->rotation, // XXX rotation probably wrong -+ pi->mirror); -+ -+ dispc_enable_plane(ovl->id, 1); -+ } -+ -+ *xi = x; -+ *yi = y; -+ *wi = w; -+ *hi = h; -+ -+} -+ -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/display.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/display.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..9aaf392 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/display.c -@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/drivers/video/omap2/dss/display.c -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * Some code and ideas taken from drivers/video/omap/ driver -+ * by Imre Deak. -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#define DSS_SUBSYS_NAME "DISPLAY" -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+#include "dss.h" -+ -+static int num_displays; -+static LIST_HEAD(display_list); -+ -+static ssize_t display_name_show(struct omap_display *display, char *buf) -+{ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", display->name); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t display_enabled_show(struct omap_display *display, char *buf) -+{ -+ bool enabled = display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED; -+ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", enabled); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t display_enabled_store(struct omap_display *display, -+ const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ bool enabled, r; -+ -+ enabled = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 10); -+ -+ if (enabled != (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED)) { -+ if (enabled) { -+ r = display->enable(display); -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ } else { -+ display->disable(display); -+ } -+ } -+ -+ return size; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t display_upd_mode_show(struct omap_display *display, char *buf) -+{ -+ enum omap_dss_update_mode mode = OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_AUTO; -+ if (display->get_update_mode) -+ mode = display->get_update_mode(display); -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", mode); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t display_upd_mode_store(struct omap_display *display, -+ const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ int val, r; -+ enum omap_dss_update_mode mode; -+ -+ val = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 10); -+ -+ switch (val) { -+ case OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_DISABLED: -+ case OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_AUTO: -+ case OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_MANUAL: -+ mode = (enum omap_dss_update_mode)val; -+ break; -+ default: -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ if ((r = display->set_update_mode(display, mode))) -+ return r; -+ -+ return size; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t display_tear_show(struct omap_display *display, char *buf) -+{ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", -+ display->get_te ? display->get_te(display) : 0); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t display_tear_store(struct omap_display *display, -+ const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ unsigned long te; -+ int r; -+ -+ if (!display->enable_te || !display->get_te) -+ return -ENOENT; -+ -+ te = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); -+ -+ if ((r = display->enable_te(display, te))) -+ return r; -+ -+ return size; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t display_timings_show(struct omap_display *display, char *buf) -+{ -+ struct omap_video_timings t; -+ -+ if (!display->get_timings) -+ return -ENOENT; -+ -+ display->get_timings(display, &t); -+ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%u,%u/%u/%u/%u,%u/%u/%u/%u\n", -+ t.pixel_clock, -+ t.x_res, t.hfp, t.hbp, t.hsw, -+ t.y_res, t.vfp, t.vbp, t.vsw); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t display_timings_store(struct omap_display *display, -+ const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ struct omap_video_timings t; -+ int r, found; -+ -+ if (!display->set_timings || !display->check_timings) -+ return -ENOENT; -+ -+ found = 0; -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_VENC -+ if (strncmp("pal", buf, 3) == 0) { -+ t = omap_dss_pal_timings; -+ found = 1; -+ } else if (strncmp("ntsc", buf, 4) == 0) { -+ t = omap_dss_ntsc_timings; -+ found = 1; -+ } -+#endif -+ if (!found && sscanf(buf, "%u,%hu/%hu/%hu/%hu,%hu/%hu/%hu/%hu", -+ &t.pixel_clock, -+ &t.x_res, &t.hfp, &t.hbp, &t.hsw, -+ &t.y_res, &t.vfp, &t.vbp, &t.vsw) != 9) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ if ((r = display->check_timings(display, &t))) -+ return r; -+ -+ display->set_timings(display, &t); -+ -+ return size; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t display_rotate_show(struct omap_display *display, char *buf) -+{ -+ int rotate; -+ if (!display->get_rotate) -+ return -ENOENT; -+ rotate = display->get_rotate(display); -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%u\n", rotate); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t display_rotate_store(struct omap_display *display, -+ const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ unsigned long rot; -+ int r; -+ -+ if (!display->set_rotate || !display->get_rotate) -+ return -ENOENT; -+ -+ rot = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); -+ -+ if ((r = display->set_rotate(display, rot))) -+ return r; -+ -+ return size; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t display_mirror_show(struct omap_display *display, char *buf) -+{ -+ int mirror; -+ if (!display->get_mirror) -+ return -ENOENT; -+ mirror = display->get_mirror(display); -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%u\n", mirror); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t display_mirror_store(struct omap_display *display, -+ const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ unsigned long mirror; -+ int r; -+ -+ if (!display->set_mirror || !display->get_mirror) -+ return -ENOENT; -+ -+ mirror = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); -+ -+ if ((r = display->set_mirror(display, mirror))) -+ return r; -+ -+ return size; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t display_panel_name_show(struct omap_display *display, char *buf) -+{ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", -+ display->panel ? display->panel->name : ""); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t display_ctrl_name_show(struct omap_display *display, char *buf) -+{ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", -+ display->ctrl ? display->ctrl->name : ""); -+} -+ -+struct display_attribute { -+ struct attribute attr; -+ ssize_t (*show)(struct omap_display *, char *); -+ ssize_t (*store)(struct omap_display *, const char *, size_t); -+}; -+ -+#define DISPLAY_ATTR(_name, _mode, _show, _store) \ -+ struct display_attribute display_attr_##_name = \ -+ __ATTR(_name, _mode, _show, _store) -+ -+static DISPLAY_ATTR(name, S_IRUGO, display_name_show, NULL); -+static DISPLAY_ATTR(enabled, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, -+ display_enabled_show, display_enabled_store); -+static DISPLAY_ATTR(update_mode, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, -+ display_upd_mode_show, display_upd_mode_store); -+static DISPLAY_ATTR(tear_elim, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, -+ display_tear_show, display_tear_store); -+static DISPLAY_ATTR(timings, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, -+ display_timings_show, display_timings_store); -+static DISPLAY_ATTR(rotate, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, -+ display_rotate_show, display_rotate_store); -+static DISPLAY_ATTR(mirror, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, -+ display_mirror_show, display_mirror_store); -+static DISPLAY_ATTR(panel_name, S_IRUGO, display_panel_name_show, NULL); -+static DISPLAY_ATTR(ctrl_name, S_IRUGO, display_ctrl_name_show, NULL); -+ -+static struct attribute *display_sysfs_attrs[] = { -+ &display_attr_name.attr, -+ &display_attr_enabled.attr, -+ &display_attr_update_mode.attr, -+ &display_attr_tear_elim.attr, -+ &display_attr_timings.attr, -+ &display_attr_rotate.attr, -+ &display_attr_mirror.attr, -+ &display_attr_panel_name.attr, -+ &display_attr_ctrl_name.attr, -+ NULL -+}; -+ -+static ssize_t display_attr_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr, char *buf) -+{ -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ struct display_attribute *display_attr; -+ -+ display = container_of(kobj, struct omap_display, kobj); -+ display_attr = container_of(attr, struct display_attribute, attr); -+ -+ if (!display_attr->show) -+ return -ENOENT; -+ -+ return display_attr->show(display, buf); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t display_attr_store(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr, -+ const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ struct display_attribute *display_attr; -+ -+ display = container_of(kobj, struct omap_display, kobj); -+ display_attr = container_of(attr, struct display_attribute, attr); -+ -+ if (!display_attr->store) -+ return -ENOENT; -+ -+ return display_attr->store(display, buf, size); -+} -+ -+static struct sysfs_ops display_sysfs_ops = { -+ .show = display_attr_show, -+ .store = display_attr_store, -+}; -+ -+static struct kobj_type display_ktype = { -+ .sysfs_ops = &display_sysfs_ops, -+ .default_attrs = display_sysfs_attrs, -+}; -+ -+static void default_get_resolution(struct omap_display *display, -+ u16 *xres, u16 *yres) -+{ -+ *xres = display->panel->timings.x_res; -+ *yres = display->panel->timings.y_res; -+} -+ -+static void default_configure_overlay(struct omap_overlay *ovl) -+{ -+ unsigned low, high, size; -+ enum omap_burst_size burst; -+ enum omap_plane plane = ovl->id; -+ -+ burst = OMAP_DSS_BURST_16x32; -+ size = 16 * 32 / 8; -+ -+ dispc_set_burst_size(plane, burst); -+ -+ high = dispc_get_plane_fifo_size(plane) - 1; -+ low = dispc_get_plane_fifo_size(plane) - size; -+ -+ dispc_setup_plane_fifo(plane, low, high); -+} -+ -+static int default_wait_vsync(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ unsigned long timeout = msecs_to_jiffies(500); -+ u32 irq; -+ -+ if (display->type == OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_VENC) -+ irq = DISPC_IRQ_EVSYNC_ODD; -+ else -+ irq = DISPC_IRQ_VSYNC; -+ -+ return omap_dispc_wait_for_irq_interruptible_timeout(irq, timeout); -+} -+ -+static int default_get_recommended_bpp(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (display->panel->recommended_bpp) -+ return display->panel->recommended_bpp; -+ -+ switch (display->type) { -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DPI: -+ if (display->hw_config.u.dpi.data_lines == 24) -+ return 24; -+ else -+ return 16; -+ -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DBI: -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DSI: -+ if (display->ctrl->pixel_size == 24) -+ return 24; -+ else -+ return 16; -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_VENC: -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_SDI: -+ return 24; -+ return 24; -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ } -+} -+ -+void dss_init_displays(struct platform_device *pdev) -+{ -+ struct omap_dss_board_info *pdata = pdev->dev.platform_data; -+ int i, r; -+ -+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&display_list); -+ -+ num_displays = 0; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < pdata->num_displays; ++i) { -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ -+ switch (pdata->displays[i]->type) { -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DPI: -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_RFBI -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DBI: -+#endif -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_SDI -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_SDI: -+#endif -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DSI -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DSI: -+#endif -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_VENC -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_VENC: -+#endif -+ break; -+ default: -+ DSSERR("Support for display '%s' not compiled in.\n", -+ pdata->displays[i]->name); -+ continue; -+ } -+ -+ display = kzalloc(sizeof(*display), GFP_KERNEL); -+ -+ /*atomic_set(&display->ref_count, 0);*/ -+ display->ref_count = 0; -+ -+ display->hw_config = *pdata->displays[i]; -+ display->type = pdata->displays[i]->type; -+ display->name = pdata->displays[i]->name; -+ -+ display->get_resolution = default_get_resolution; -+ display->get_recommended_bpp = default_get_recommended_bpp; -+ display->configure_overlay = default_configure_overlay; -+ display->wait_vsync = default_wait_vsync; -+ -+ switch (display->type) { -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DPI: -+ dpi_init_display(display); -+ break; -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_RFBI -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DBI: -+ rfbi_init_display(display); -+ break; -+#endif -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_VENC -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_VENC: -+ venc_init_display(display); -+ break; -+#endif -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_SDI -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_SDI: -+ sdi_init_display(display); -+ break; -+#endif -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DSI -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DSI: -+ dsi_init_display(display); -+ break; -+#endif -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ } -+ -+ r = kobject_init_and_add(&display->kobj, &display_ktype, -+ &pdev->dev.kobj, "display%d", num_displays); -+ -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("failed to create sysfs file\n"); -+ continue; -+ } -+ -+ num_displays++; -+ -+ list_add_tail(&display->list, &display_list); -+ } -+} -+ -+void dss_uninit_displays(struct platform_device *pdev) -+{ -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ -+ while (!list_empty(&display_list)) { -+ display = list_first_entry(&display_list, -+ struct omap_display, list); -+ list_del(&display->list); -+ kobject_del(&display->kobj); -+ kobject_put(&display->kobj); -+ kfree(display); -+ } -+ -+ num_displays = 0; -+} -+ -+int dss_suspend_all_displays(void) -+{ -+ int r; -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ -+ list_for_each_entry(display, &display_list, list) { -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE) { -+ display->activate_after_resume = 0; -+ continue; -+ } -+ -+ if (!display->suspend) { -+ DSSERR("display '%s' doesn't implement suspend\n", -+ display->name); -+ r = -ENOSYS; -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ r = display->suspend(display); -+ -+ if (r) -+ goto err; -+ -+ display->activate_after_resume = 1; -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+err: -+ /* resume all displays that were suspended */ -+ dss_resume_all_displays(); -+ return r; -+} -+ -+int dss_resume_all_displays(void) -+{ -+ int r; -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ -+ list_for_each_entry(display, &display_list, list) { -+ if (display->activate_after_resume && display->resume) { -+ r = display->resume(display); -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ } -+ -+ display->activate_after_resume = 0; -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+int omap_dss_get_num_displays(void) -+{ -+ return num_displays; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_dss_get_num_displays); -+ -+struct omap_display *dss_get_display(int no) -+{ -+ int i = 0; -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ -+ list_for_each_entry(display, &display_list, list) { -+ if (i++ == no) -+ return display; -+ } -+ -+ return NULL; -+} -+ -+struct omap_display *omap_dss_get_display(int no) -+{ -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ -+ display = dss_get_display(no); -+ -+ if (!display) -+ return NULL; -+ -+ switch (display->type) { -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_VENC: -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DPI: -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_SDI: -+ if (display->panel == NULL) -+ return NULL; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DBI: -+ case OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DSI: -+ if (display->panel == NULL || display->ctrl == NULL) -+ return NULL; -+ break; -+ -+ default: -+ return NULL; -+ } -+ -+ if (display->ctrl) { -+ if (!try_module_get(display->ctrl->owner)) -+ goto err0; -+ -+ if (display->ctrl->init) -+ if (display->ctrl->init(display) != 0) -+ goto err1; -+ } -+ -+ if (display->panel) { -+ if (!try_module_get(display->panel->owner)) -+ goto err2; -+ -+ if (display->panel->init) -+ if (display->panel->init(display) != 0) -+ goto err3; -+ } -+ -+ display->ref_count++; -+ /* -+ if (atomic_cmpxchg(&display->ref_count, 0, 1) != 0) -+ return 0; -+*/ -+ -+ return display; -+err3: -+ if (display->panel) -+ module_put(display->panel->owner); -+err2: -+ if (display->ctrl && display->ctrl->cleanup) -+ display->ctrl->cleanup(display); -+err1: -+ if (display->ctrl) -+ module_put(display->ctrl->owner); -+err0: -+ return NULL; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_dss_get_display); -+ -+void omap_dss_put_display(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (--display->ref_count > 0) -+ return; -+/* -+ if (atomic_cmpxchg(&display->ref_count, 1, 0) != 1) -+ return; -+*/ -+ if (display->ctrl) { -+ if (display->ctrl->cleanup) -+ display->ctrl->cleanup(display); -+ module_put(display->ctrl->owner); -+ } -+ -+ if (display->panel) { -+ if (display->panel->cleanup) -+ display->panel->cleanup(display); -+ module_put(display->panel->owner); -+ } -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_dss_put_display); -+ -+void omap_dss_register_ctrl(struct omap_ctrl *ctrl) -+{ -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ -+ list_for_each_entry(display, &display_list, list) { -+ if (display->hw_config.ctrl_name && -+ strcmp(display->hw_config.ctrl_name, ctrl->name) == 0) { -+ display->ctrl = ctrl; -+ DSSDBG("ctrl '%s' registered\n", ctrl->name); -+ } -+ } -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_dss_register_ctrl); -+ -+void omap_dss_register_panel(struct omap_panel *panel) -+{ -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ -+ list_for_each_entry(display, &display_list, list) { -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_name && -+ strcmp(display->hw_config.panel_name, panel->name) == 0) { -+ display->panel = panel; -+ DSSDBG("panel '%s' registered\n", panel->name); -+ } -+ } -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_dss_register_panel); -+ -+void omap_dss_unregister_ctrl(struct omap_ctrl *ctrl) -+{ -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ -+ list_for_each_entry(display, &display_list, list) { -+ if (display->hw_config.ctrl_name && -+ strcmp(display->hw_config.ctrl_name, ctrl->name) == 0) -+ display->ctrl = NULL; -+ } -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_dss_unregister_ctrl); -+ -+void omap_dss_unregister_panel(struct omap_panel *panel) -+{ -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ -+ list_for_each_entry(display, &display_list, list) { -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_name && -+ strcmp(display->hw_config.panel_name, panel->name) == 0) -+ display->panel = NULL; -+ } -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_dss_unregister_panel); -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dpi.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dpi.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..71fffca ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dpi.c -@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dpi.c -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * Some code and ideas taken from drivers/video/omap/ driver -+ * by Imre Deak. -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include "dss.h" -+ -+static struct { -+ int update_enabled; -+} dpi; -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_USE_DSI_PLL -+static int dpi_set_dsi_clk(bool is_tft, unsigned long pck_req, -+ unsigned long *fck, int *lck_div, int *pck_div) -+{ -+ struct dsi_clock_info cinfo; -+ int r; -+ -+ r = dsi_pll_calc_pck(is_tft, pck_req, &cinfo); -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ -+ r = dsi_pll_program(&cinfo); -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ -+ dss_select_clk_source(0, 1); -+ -+ dispc_set_lcd_divisor(cinfo.lck_div, cinfo.pck_div); -+ -+ *fck = cinfo.dsi1_pll_fclk; -+ *lck_div = cinfo.lck_div; -+ *pck_div = cinfo.pck_div; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+#else -+static int dpi_set_dispc_clk(bool is_tft, unsigned long pck_req, -+ unsigned long *fck, int *lck_div, int *pck_div) -+{ -+ struct dispc_clock_info cinfo; -+ int r; -+ -+ r = dispc_calc_clock_div(is_tft, pck_req, &cinfo); -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ -+ r = dispc_set_clock_div(&cinfo); -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ -+ *fck = cinfo.fck; -+ *lck_div = cinfo.lck_div; -+ *pck_div = cinfo.pck_div; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+#endif -+ -+static int dpi_set_mode(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ struct omap_panel *panel = display->panel; -+ int lck_div, pck_div; -+ unsigned long fck; -+ unsigned long pck; -+ bool is_tft; -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ dss_clk_enable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ dispc_set_pol_freq(panel); -+ -+ is_tft = (display->panel->config & OMAP_DSS_LCD_TFT) != 0; -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_USE_DSI_PLL -+ r = dpi_set_dsi_clk(is_tft, panel->timings.pixel_clock * 1000, -+ &fck, &lck_div, &pck_div); -+#else -+ r = dpi_set_dispc_clk(is_tft, panel->timings.pixel_clock * 1000, -+ &fck, &lck_div, &pck_div); -+#endif -+ if (r) -+ goto err0; -+ -+ pck = fck / lck_div / pck_div / 1000; -+ -+ if (pck != panel->timings.pixel_clock) { -+ DSSWARN("Could not find exact pixel clock. " -+ "Requested %d kHz, got %lu kHz\n", -+ panel->timings.pixel_clock, pck); -+ -+ panel->timings.pixel_clock = pck; -+ } -+ -+ dispc_set_lcd_timings(&panel->timings); -+ -+err0: -+ dss_clk_disable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static int dpi_basic_init(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ bool is_tft; -+ -+ is_tft = (display->panel->config & OMAP_DSS_LCD_TFT) != 0; -+ -+ dispc_set_parallel_interface_mode(OMAP_DSS_PARALLELMODE_BYPASS); -+ dispc_set_lcd_display_type(is_tft ? OMAP_DSS_LCD_DISPLAY_TFT : -+ OMAP_DSS_LCD_DISPLAY_STN); -+ dispc_set_tft_data_lines(display->hw_config.u.dpi.data_lines); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int dpi_display_enable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ struct omap_panel *panel = display->panel; -+ int r; -+ -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED) { -+ DSSERR("display already enabled\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ dss_clk_enable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ r = dpi_basic_init(display); -+ if (r) -+ goto err0; -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_USE_DSI_PLL -+ dss_clk_enable(DSS_CLK_FCK2); -+ r = dsi_pll_init(0, 1); -+ if (r) -+ goto err1; -+#endif -+ r = dpi_set_mode(display); -+ if (r) -+ goto err2; -+ -+ mdelay(2); -+ -+ dispc_enable_lcd_out(1); -+ -+ r = panel->enable(display); -+ if (r) -+ goto err3; -+ -+ display->state = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE; -+ -+ return 0; -+ -+err3: -+ dispc_enable_lcd_out(0); -+err2: -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_USE_DSI_PLL -+ dsi_pll_uninit(); -+err1: -+ dss_clk_disable(DSS_CLK_FCK2); -+#endif -+err0: -+ dss_clk_disable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static int dpi_display_resume(struct omap_display *display); -+ -+static void dpi_display_disable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (display->state == OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED) -+ return; -+ -+ if (display->state == OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_SUSPENDED) -+ dpi_display_resume(display); -+ -+ display->panel->disable(display); -+ -+ dispc_enable_lcd_out(0); -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_USE_DSI_PLL -+ dss_select_clk_source(0, 0); -+ dsi_pll_uninit(); -+ dss_clk_disable(DSS_CLK_FCK2); -+#endif -+ -+ dss_clk_disable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ display->state = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED; -+} -+ -+static int dpi_display_suspend(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ DSSDBG("dpi_display_suspend\n"); -+ -+ if (display->panel->suspend) -+ display->panel->suspend(display); -+ -+ dispc_enable_lcd_out(0); -+ -+ dss_clk_disable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ display->state = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_SUSPENDED; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int dpi_display_resume(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_SUSPENDED) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ DSSDBG("dpi_display_resume\n"); -+ -+ dss_clk_enable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ dispc_enable_lcd_out(1); -+ -+ if (display->panel->resume) -+ display->panel->resume(display); -+ -+ display->state = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void dpi_set_timings(struct omap_display *display, -+ struct omap_video_timings *timings) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("dpi_set_timings\n"); -+ display->panel->timings = *timings; -+ if (display->state == OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE) { -+ dpi_set_mode(display); -+ dispc_go(OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_LCD); -+ } -+} -+ -+static int dpi_check_timings(struct omap_display *display, -+ struct omap_video_timings *timings) -+{ -+ bool is_tft; -+ int r; -+ int lck_div, pck_div; -+ unsigned long fck; -+ unsigned long pck; -+ -+ if (cpu_is_omap24xx() || omap_rev() < OMAP3430_REV_ES3_0) { -+ if (timings->hsw < 1 || timings->hsw > 64 || -+ timings->hfp < 1 || timings->hfp > 256 || -+ timings->hbp < 1 || timings->hbp > 256) { -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ if (timings->vsw < 1 || timings->vsw > 64 || -+ timings->vfp > 255 || timings->vbp > 255) { -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ } else { -+ if (timings->hsw < 1 || timings->hsw > 256 || -+ timings->hfp < 1 || timings->hfp > 4096 || -+ timings->hbp < 1 || timings->hbp > 4096) { -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ if (timings->vsw < 1 || timings->vsw > 64 || -+ timings->vfp > 4095 || timings->vbp > 4095) { -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (timings->pixel_clock == 0) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ is_tft = (display->panel->config & OMAP_DSS_LCD_TFT) != 0; -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_USE_DSI_PLL -+ { -+ struct dsi_clock_info cinfo; -+ r = dsi_pll_calc_pck(is_tft, timings->pixel_clock * 1000, -+ &cinfo); -+ -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ -+ fck = cinfo.dsi1_pll_fclk; -+ lck_div = cinfo.lck_div; -+ pck_div = cinfo.pck_div; -+ } -+#else -+ { -+ struct dispc_clock_info cinfo; -+ r = dispc_calc_clock_div(is_tft, timings->pixel_clock * 1000, -+ &cinfo); -+ -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ -+ fck = cinfo.fck; -+ lck_div = cinfo.lck_div; -+ pck_div = cinfo.pck_div; -+ } -+#endif -+ -+ pck = fck / lck_div / pck_div / 1000; -+ -+ timings->pixel_clock = pck; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void dpi_get_timings(struct omap_display *display, -+ struct omap_video_timings *timings) -+{ -+ *timings = display->panel->timings; -+} -+ -+static int dpi_display_set_update_mode(struct omap_display *display, -+ enum omap_dss_update_mode mode) -+{ -+ if (mode == OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_MANUAL) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ if (mode == OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_DISABLED) { -+ dispc_enable_lcd_out(0); -+ dpi.update_enabled = 0; -+ } else { -+ dispc_enable_lcd_out(1); -+ dpi.update_enabled = 1; -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static enum omap_dss_update_mode dpi_display_get_update_mode( -+ struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ return dpi.update_enabled ? OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_AUTO : -+ OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_DISABLED; -+} -+ -+void dpi_init_display(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("DPI init_display\n"); -+ -+ display->enable = dpi_display_enable; -+ display->disable = dpi_display_disable; -+ display->suspend = dpi_display_suspend; -+ display->resume = dpi_display_resume; -+ display->set_timings = dpi_set_timings; -+ display->check_timings = dpi_check_timings; -+ display->get_timings = dpi_get_timings; -+ display->set_update_mode = dpi_display_set_update_mode; -+ display->get_update_mode = dpi_display_get_update_mode; -+} -+ -+int dpi_init(void) -+{ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+void dpi_exit(void) -+{ -+} -+ -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..4442931 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -@@ -0,0 +1,3752 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#define DSS_SUBSYS_NAME "DSI" -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include "dss.h" -+ -+/*#define VERBOSE_IRQ*/ -+ -+#define DSI_BASE 0x4804FC00 -+ -+struct dsi_reg { u16 idx; }; -+ -+#define DSI_REG(idx) ((const struct dsi_reg) { idx }) -+ -+#define DSI_SZ_REGS SZ_1K -+/* DSI Protocol Engine */ -+ -+#define DSI_REVISION DSI_REG(0x0000) -+#define DSI_SYSCONFIG DSI_REG(0x0010) -+#define DSI_SYSSTATUS DSI_REG(0x0014) -+#define DSI_IRQSTATUS DSI_REG(0x0018) -+#define DSI_IRQENABLE DSI_REG(0x001C) -+#define DSI_CTRL DSI_REG(0x0040) -+#define DSI_COMPLEXIO_CFG1 DSI_REG(0x0048) -+#define DSI_COMPLEXIO_IRQ_STATUS DSI_REG(0x004C) -+#define DSI_COMPLEXIO_IRQ_ENABLE DSI_REG(0x0050) -+#define DSI_CLK_CTRL DSI_REG(0x0054) -+#define DSI_TIMING1 DSI_REG(0x0058) -+#define DSI_TIMING2 DSI_REG(0x005C) -+#define DSI_VM_TIMING1 DSI_REG(0x0060) -+#define DSI_VM_TIMING2 DSI_REG(0x0064) -+#define DSI_VM_TIMING3 DSI_REG(0x0068) -+#define DSI_CLK_TIMING DSI_REG(0x006C) -+#define DSI_TX_FIFO_VC_SIZE DSI_REG(0x0070) -+#define DSI_RX_FIFO_VC_SIZE DSI_REG(0x0074) -+#define DSI_COMPLEXIO_CFG2 DSI_REG(0x0078) -+#define DSI_RX_FIFO_VC_FULLNESS DSI_REG(0x007C) -+#define DSI_VM_TIMING4 DSI_REG(0x0080) -+#define DSI_TX_FIFO_VC_EMPTINESS DSI_REG(0x0084) -+#define DSI_VM_TIMING5 DSI_REG(0x0088) -+#define DSI_VM_TIMING6 DSI_REG(0x008C) -+#define DSI_VM_TIMING7 DSI_REG(0x0090) -+#define DSI_STOPCLK_TIMING DSI_REG(0x0094) -+#define DSI_VC_CTRL(n) DSI_REG(0x0100 + (n * 0x20)) -+#define DSI_VC_TE(n) DSI_REG(0x0104 + (n * 0x20)) -+#define DSI_VC_LONG_PACKET_HEADER(n) DSI_REG(0x0108 + (n * 0x20)) -+#define DSI_VC_LONG_PACKET_PAYLOAD(n) DSI_REG(0x010C + (n * 0x20)) -+#define DSI_VC_SHORT_PACKET_HEADER(n) DSI_REG(0x0110 + (n * 0x20)) -+#define DSI_VC_IRQSTATUS(n) DSI_REG(0x0118 + (n * 0x20)) -+#define DSI_VC_IRQENABLE(n) DSI_REG(0x011C + (n * 0x20)) -+ -+/* DSIPHY_SCP */ -+ -+#define DSI_DSIPHY_CFG0 DSI_REG(0x200 + 0x0000) -+#define DSI_DSIPHY_CFG1 DSI_REG(0x200 + 0x0004) -+#define DSI_DSIPHY_CFG2 DSI_REG(0x200 + 0x0008) -+#define DSI_DSIPHY_CFG5 DSI_REG(0x200 + 0x0014) -+ -+/* DSI_PLL_CTRL_SCP */ -+ -+#define DSI_PLL_CONTROL DSI_REG(0x300 + 0x0000) -+#define DSI_PLL_STATUS DSI_REG(0x300 + 0x0004) -+#define DSI_PLL_GO DSI_REG(0x300 + 0x0008) -+#define DSI_PLL_CONFIGURATION1 DSI_REG(0x300 + 0x000C) -+#define DSI_PLL_CONFIGURATION2 DSI_REG(0x300 + 0x0010) -+ -+#define REG_GET(idx, start, end) \ -+ FLD_GET(dsi_read_reg(idx), start, end) -+ -+#define REG_FLD_MOD(idx, val, start, end) \ -+ dsi_write_reg(idx, FLD_MOD(dsi_read_reg(idx), val, start, end)) -+ -+/* Global interrupts */ -+#define DSI_IRQ_VC0 (1 << 0) -+#define DSI_IRQ_VC1 (1 << 1) -+#define DSI_IRQ_VC2 (1 << 2) -+#define DSI_IRQ_VC3 (1 << 3) -+#define DSI_IRQ_WAKEUP (1 << 4) -+#define DSI_IRQ_RESYNC (1 << 5) -+#define DSI_IRQ_PLL_LOCK (1 << 7) -+#define DSI_IRQ_PLL_UNLOCK (1 << 8) -+#define DSI_IRQ_PLL_RECALL (1 << 9) -+#define DSI_IRQ_COMPLEXIO_ERR (1 << 10) -+#define DSI_IRQ_HS_TX_TIMEOUT (1 << 14) -+#define DSI_IRQ_LP_RX_TIMEOUT (1 << 15) -+#define DSI_IRQ_TE_TRIGGER (1 << 16) -+#define DSI_IRQ_ACK_TRIGGER (1 << 17) -+#define DSI_IRQ_SYNC_LOST (1 << 18) -+#define DSI_IRQ_LDO_POWER_GOOD (1 << 19) -+#define DSI_IRQ_TA_TIMEOUT (1 << 20) -+#define DSI_IRQ_ERROR_MASK \ -+ (DSI_IRQ_HS_TX_TIMEOUT | DSI_IRQ_LP_RX_TIMEOUT | DSI_IRQ_SYNC_LOST | \ -+ DSI_IRQ_TA_TIMEOUT) -+#define DSI_IRQ_CHANNEL_MASK 0xf -+ -+/* Virtual channel interrupts */ -+#define DSI_VC_IRQ_CS (1 << 0) -+#define DSI_VC_IRQ_ECC_CORR (1 << 1) -+#define DSI_VC_IRQ_PACKET_SENT (1 << 2) -+#define DSI_VC_IRQ_FIFO_TX_OVF (1 << 3) -+#define DSI_VC_IRQ_FIFO_RX_OVF (1 << 4) -+#define DSI_VC_IRQ_BTA (1 << 5) -+#define DSI_VC_IRQ_ECC_NO_CORR (1 << 6) -+#define DSI_VC_IRQ_FIFO_TX_UDF (1 << 7) -+#define DSI_VC_IRQ_PP_BUSY_CHANGE (1 << 8) -+#define DSI_VC_IRQ_ERROR_MASK \ -+ (DSI_VC_IRQ_CS | DSI_VC_IRQ_ECC_CORR | DSI_VC_IRQ_FIFO_TX_OVF | \ -+ DSI_VC_IRQ_FIFO_RX_OVF | DSI_VC_IRQ_ECC_NO_CORR | \ -+ DSI_VC_IRQ_FIFO_TX_UDF) -+ -+/* ComplexIO interrupts */ -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_ERRSYNCESC1 (1 << 0) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_ERRSYNCESC2 (1 << 1) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_ERRSYNCESC3 (1 << 2) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_ERRESC1 (1 << 5) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_ERRESC2 (1 << 6) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_ERRESC3 (1 << 7) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_ERRCONTROL1 (1 << 10) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_ERRCONTROL2 (1 << 11) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_ERRCONTROL3 (1 << 12) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_STATEULPS1 (1 << 15) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_STATEULPS2 (1 << 16) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_STATEULPS3 (1 << 17) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_ERRCONTENTIONLP0_1 (1 << 20) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_ERRCONTENTIONLP1_1 (1 << 21) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_ERRCONTENTIONLP0_2 (1 << 22) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_ERRCONTENTIONLP1_2 (1 << 23) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_ERRCONTENTIONLP0_3 (1 << 24) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_ERRCONTENTIONLP1_3 (1 << 25) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_ULPSACTIVENOT_ALL0 (1 << 30) -+#define DSI_CIO_IRQ_ULPSACTIVENOT_ALL1 (1 << 31) -+ -+#define DSI_DT_DCS_SHORT_WRITE_0 0x05 -+#define DSI_DT_DCS_SHORT_WRITE_1 0x15 -+#define DSI_DT_DCS_READ 0x06 -+#define DSI_DT_SET_MAX_RET_PKG_SIZE 0x37 -+#define DSI_DT_NULL_PACKET 0x09 -+#define DSI_DT_DCS_LONG_WRITE 0x39 -+ -+#define DSI_DT_RX_ACK_WITH_ERR 0x02 -+#define DSI_DT_RX_DCS_LONG_READ 0x1c -+#define DSI_DT_RX_SHORT_READ_1 0x21 -+#define DSI_DT_RX_SHORT_READ_2 0x22 -+ -+#define FINT_MAX 2100000 -+#define FINT_MIN 750000 -+#define REGN_MAX (1 << 7) -+#define REGM_MAX ((1 << 11) - 1) -+#define REGM3_MAX (1 << 4) -+#define REGM4_MAX (1 << 4) -+ -+enum fifo_size { -+ DSI_FIFO_SIZE_0 = 0, -+ DSI_FIFO_SIZE_32 = 1, -+ DSI_FIFO_SIZE_64 = 2, -+ DSI_FIFO_SIZE_96 = 3, -+ DSI_FIFO_SIZE_128 = 4, -+}; -+ -+#define DSI_CMD_FIFO_LEN 16 -+ -+struct dsi_cmd_update { -+ int bytespp; -+ u16 x; -+ u16 y; -+ u16 w; -+ u16 h; -+}; -+ -+struct dsi_cmd_mem_read { -+ void *buf; -+ size_t size; -+ u16 x; -+ u16 y; -+ u16 w; -+ u16 h; -+ size_t *ret_size; -+ struct completion *completion; -+}; -+ -+struct dsi_cmd_test { -+ int test_num; -+ int *result; -+ struct completion *completion; -+}; -+ -+enum dsi_cmd { -+ DSI_CMD_UPDATE, -+ DSI_CMD_AUTOUPDATE, -+ DSI_CMD_SYNC, -+ DSI_CMD_MEM_READ, -+ DSI_CMD_TEST, -+ DSI_CMD_SET_TE, -+ DSI_CMD_SET_UPDATE_MODE, -+ DSI_CMD_SET_ROTATE, -+ DSI_CMD_SET_MIRROR, -+}; -+ -+struct dsi_cmd_item { -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ -+ enum dsi_cmd cmd; -+ -+ union { -+ struct dsi_cmd_update r; -+ struct completion *sync; -+ struct dsi_cmd_mem_read mem_read; -+ struct dsi_cmd_test test; -+ int te; -+ enum omap_dss_update_mode update_mode; -+ int rotate; -+ int mirror; -+ } u; -+}; -+ -+static struct -+{ -+ void __iomem *base; -+ -+ unsigned long dsi1_pll_fclk; /* Hz */ -+ unsigned long dsi2_pll_fclk; /* Hz */ -+ unsigned long dsiphy; /* Hz */ -+ unsigned long ddr_clk; /* Hz */ -+ -+ struct { -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ enum fifo_size fifo_size; -+ int dest_per; /* destination peripheral 0-3 */ -+ } vc[4]; -+ -+ struct mutex lock; -+ -+ unsigned pll_locked; -+ -+ struct completion bta_completion; -+ -+ struct work_struct framedone_work; -+ struct work_struct process_work; -+ struct workqueue_struct *workqueue; -+ -+ enum omap_dss_update_mode user_update_mode; -+ enum omap_dss_update_mode target_update_mode; -+ enum omap_dss_update_mode update_mode; -+ int use_te; -+ int framedone_scheduled; /* helps to catch strange framedone bugs */ -+ -+ unsigned long cache_req_pck; -+ unsigned long cache_clk_freq; -+ struct dsi_clock_info cache_cinfo; -+ -+ struct kfifo *cmd_fifo; -+ spinlock_t cmd_lock; -+ struct completion cmd_done; -+ atomic_t cmd_fifo_full; -+ atomic_t cmd_pending; -+ -+ bool autoupdate_setup; -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+ ktime_t perf_setup_time; -+ ktime_t perf_start_time; -+ int perf_measure_frames; -+ -+ struct { -+ int x, y, w, h; -+ int bytespp; -+ } update_region; -+ -+#endif -+ int debug_process; -+ int debug_read; -+ int debug_write; -+} dsi; -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+static unsigned int dsi_perf; -+module_param_named(dsi_perf, dsi_perf, bool, 0644); -+#endif -+ -+static void dsi_process_cmd_fifo(struct work_struct *work); -+static void dsi_push_update(struct omap_display *display, -+ int x, int y, int w, int h); -+static void dsi_push_autoupdate(struct omap_display *display); -+ -+static inline void dsi_write_reg(const struct dsi_reg idx, u32 val) -+{ -+ __raw_writel(val, dsi.base + idx.idx); -+} -+ -+static inline u32 dsi_read_reg(const struct dsi_reg idx) -+{ -+ return __raw_readl(dsi.base + idx.idx); -+} -+ -+ -+void dsi_save_context(void) -+{ -+} -+ -+void dsi_restore_context(void) -+{ -+} -+ -+static inline int wait_for_bit_change(const struct dsi_reg idx, int bitnum, -+ int value) -+{ -+ int t = 100000; -+ -+ while (REG_GET(idx, bitnum, bitnum) != value) { -+ if (--t == 0) -+ return !value; -+ } -+ -+ return value; -+} -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+static void perf_mark_setup(void) -+{ -+ dsi.perf_setup_time = ktime_get(); -+} -+ -+static void perf_mark_start(void) -+{ -+ dsi.perf_start_time = ktime_get(); -+} -+ -+static void perf_show(const char *name) -+{ -+ ktime_t t, setup_time, trans_time; -+ u32 total_bytes; -+ u32 setup_us, trans_us, total_us; -+ const int numframes = 100; -+ static u32 s_trans_us, s_min_us = 0xffffffff, s_max_us; -+ -+ if (!dsi_perf) -+ return; -+ -+ if (dsi.update_mode == OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_DISABLED) -+ return; -+ -+ t = ktime_get(); -+ -+ setup_time = ktime_sub(dsi.perf_start_time, dsi.perf_setup_time); -+ setup_us = (u32)ktime_to_us(setup_time); -+ if (setup_us == 0) -+ setup_us = 1; -+ -+ trans_time = ktime_sub(t, dsi.perf_start_time); -+ trans_us = (u32)ktime_to_us(trans_time); -+ if (trans_us == 0) -+ trans_us = 1; -+ -+ total_us = setup_us + trans_us; -+ -+ total_bytes = dsi.update_region.w * -+ dsi.update_region.h * -+ dsi.update_region.bytespp; -+ -+ if (dsi.update_mode == OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_AUTO) { -+ dsi.perf_measure_frames++; -+ -+ if (trans_us < s_min_us) -+ s_min_us = trans_us; -+ -+ if (trans_us > s_max_us) -+ s_max_us = trans_us; -+ -+ s_trans_us += trans_us; -+ -+ if (dsi.perf_measure_frames < numframes) -+ return; -+ -+ DSSINFO("%s update: %d frames in %u us " -+ "(min/max/avg %u/%u/%u), %u fps\n", -+ name, numframes, -+ s_trans_us, -+ s_min_us, -+ s_max_us, -+ s_trans_us / numframes, -+ 1000*1000 / (s_trans_us / numframes)); -+ -+ dsi.perf_measure_frames = 0; -+ s_trans_us = 0; -+ s_min_us = 0xffffffff; -+ s_max_us = 0; -+ } else { -+ DSSINFO("%s update %u us + %u us = %u us (%uHz), %u bytes, " -+ "%u kbytes/sec\n", -+ name, -+ setup_us, -+ trans_us, -+ total_us, -+ 1000*1000 / total_us, -+ total_bytes, -+ total_bytes * 1000 / total_us); -+ } -+} -+#else -+#define perf_mark_setup() -+#define perf_mark_start() -+#define perf_show(x) -+#endif -+ -+static void print_irq_status(u32 status) -+{ -+#ifndef VERBOSE_IRQ -+ if ((status & ~DSI_IRQ_CHANNEL_MASK) == 0) -+ return; -+#endif -+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "DSI IRQ: 0x%x: ", status); -+ -+#define PIS(x) \ -+ if (status & DSI_IRQ_##x) \ -+ printk(#x " "); -+#ifdef VERBOSE_IRQ -+ PIS(VC0); -+ PIS(VC1); -+ PIS(VC2); -+ PIS(VC3); -+#endif -+ PIS(WAKEUP); -+ PIS(RESYNC); -+ PIS(PLL_LOCK); -+ PIS(PLL_UNLOCK); -+ PIS(PLL_RECALL); -+ PIS(COMPLEXIO_ERR); -+ PIS(HS_TX_TIMEOUT); -+ PIS(LP_RX_TIMEOUT); -+ PIS(TE_TRIGGER); -+ PIS(ACK_TRIGGER); -+ PIS(SYNC_LOST); -+ PIS(LDO_POWER_GOOD); -+ PIS(TA_TIMEOUT); -+#undef PIS -+ -+ printk("\n"); -+} -+ -+static void print_irq_status_vc(int channel, u32 status) -+{ -+#ifndef VERBOSE_IRQ -+ if ((status & ~DSI_VC_IRQ_PACKET_SENT) == 0) -+ return; -+#endif -+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "DSI VC(%d) IRQ 0x%x: ", channel, status); -+ -+#define PIS(x) \ -+ if (status & DSI_VC_IRQ_##x) \ -+ printk(#x " "); -+ PIS(CS); -+ PIS(ECC_CORR); -+#ifdef VERBOSE_IRQ -+ PIS(PACKET_SENT); -+#endif -+ PIS(FIFO_TX_OVF); -+ PIS(FIFO_RX_OVF); -+ PIS(BTA); -+ PIS(ECC_NO_CORR); -+ PIS(FIFO_TX_UDF); -+ PIS(PP_BUSY_CHANGE); -+#undef PIS -+ printk("\n"); -+} -+ -+static void print_irq_status_cio(u32 status) -+{ -+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "DSI CIO IRQ 0x%x: ", status); -+ -+#define PIS(x) \ -+ if (status & DSI_CIO_IRQ_##x) \ -+ printk(#x " "); -+ PIS(ERRSYNCESC1); -+ PIS(ERRSYNCESC2); -+ PIS(ERRSYNCESC3); -+ PIS(ERRESC1); -+ PIS(ERRESC2); -+ PIS(ERRESC3); -+ PIS(ERRCONTROL1); -+ PIS(ERRCONTROL2); -+ PIS(ERRCONTROL3); -+ PIS(STATEULPS1); -+ PIS(STATEULPS2); -+ PIS(STATEULPS3); -+ PIS(ERRCONTENTIONLP0_1); -+ PIS(ERRCONTENTIONLP1_1); -+ PIS(ERRCONTENTIONLP0_2); -+ PIS(ERRCONTENTIONLP1_2); -+ PIS(ERRCONTENTIONLP0_3); -+ PIS(ERRCONTENTIONLP1_3); -+ PIS(ULPSACTIVENOT_ALL0); -+ PIS(ULPSACTIVENOT_ALL1); -+#undef PIS -+ -+ printk("\n"); -+} -+ -+static int debug_irq; -+ -+/* called from dss */ -+void dsi_irq_handler(void) -+{ -+ u32 irqstatus, vcstatus, ciostatus; -+ int i; -+ -+ irqstatus = dsi_read_reg(DSI_IRQSTATUS); -+ -+ if (irqstatus & DSI_IRQ_ERROR_MASK) { -+ DSSERR("DSI error, irqstatus %x\n", irqstatus); -+ print_irq_status(irqstatus); -+ } else if (debug_irq) { -+ print_irq_status(irqstatus); -+ } -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { -+ if ((irqstatus & (1< 30*1000*1000) -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_CLK_CTRL, 1, 21, 21); /* LP_RX_SYNCHRO_ENABLE */ -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+ -+enum dsi_pll_power_state { -+ DSI_PLL_POWER_OFF = 0x0, -+ DSI_PLL_POWER_ON_HSCLK = 0x1, -+ DSI_PLL_POWER_ON_ALL = 0x2, -+ DSI_PLL_POWER_ON_DIV = 0x3, -+}; -+ -+static int dsi_pll_power(enum dsi_pll_power_state state) -+{ -+ int t = 0; -+ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_CLK_CTRL, state, 31, 30); /* PLL_PWR_CMD */ -+ -+ /* PLL_PWR_STATUS */ -+ while (FLD_GET(dsi_read_reg(DSI_CLK_CTRL), 29, 28) != state) { -+ udelay(1); -+ if (t++ > 1000) { -+ DSSERR("Failed to set DSI PLL power mode to %d\n", -+ state); -+ return -ENODEV; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+int dsi_pll_calc_pck(bool is_tft, unsigned long req_pck, -+ struct dsi_clock_info *cinfo) -+{ -+ struct dsi_clock_info cur, best; -+ int min_fck_per_pck; -+ int match = 0; -+ -+ if (req_pck == dsi.cache_req_pck && -+ dsi.cache_cinfo.clkin == dss_clk_get_rate(DSS_CLK_FCK2)) { -+ DSSDBG("DSI clock info found from cache\n"); -+ *cinfo = dsi.cache_cinfo; -+ return 0; -+ } -+ -+ min_fck_per_pck = CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_MIN_FCK_PER_PCK; -+ -+ if (min_fck_per_pck && -+ req_pck * min_fck_per_pck > DISPC_MAX_FCK) { -+ DSSERR("Requested pixel clock not possible with the current " -+ "OMAP2_DSS_MIN_FCK_PER_PCK setting. Turning " -+ "the constraint off.\n"); -+ min_fck_per_pck = 0; -+ } -+ -+ DSSDBG("dsi_pll_calc\n"); -+ -+retry: -+ memset(&best, 0, sizeof(best)); -+ -+ memset(&cur, 0, sizeof(cur)); -+ cur.clkin = dss_clk_get_rate(DSS_CLK_FCK2); -+ cur.use_dss2_fck = 1; -+ cur.highfreq = 0; -+ -+ /* no highfreq: 0.75MHz < Fint = clkin / regn < 2.1MHz */ -+ /* highfreq: 0.75MHz < Fint = clkin / (2*regn) < 2.1MHz */ -+ /* To reduce PLL lock time, keep Fint high (around 2 MHz) */ -+ for (cur.regn = 1; cur.regn < REGN_MAX; ++cur.regn) { -+ if (cur.highfreq == 0) -+ cur.fint = cur.clkin / cur.regn; -+ else -+ cur.fint = cur.clkin / (2 * cur.regn); -+ -+ if (cur.fint > FINT_MAX || cur.fint < FINT_MIN) -+ continue; -+ -+ /* DSIPHY(MHz) = (2 * regm / regn) * (clkin / (highfreq + 1)) */ -+ for (cur.regm = 1; cur.regm < REGM_MAX; ++cur.regm) { -+ unsigned long a, b; -+ -+ a = 2 * cur.regm * (cur.clkin/1000); -+ b = cur.regn * (cur.highfreq + 1); -+ cur.dsiphy = a / b * 1000; -+ -+ if (cur.dsiphy > 1800 * 1000 * 1000) -+ break; -+ -+ /* DSI1_PLL_FCLK(MHz) = DSIPHY(MHz) / regm3 < 173MHz */ -+ for (cur.regm3 = 1; cur.regm3 < REGM3_MAX; -+ ++cur.regm3) { -+ cur.dsi1_pll_fclk = cur.dsiphy / cur.regm3; -+ -+ /* this will narrow down the search a bit, -+ * but still give pixclocks below what was -+ * requested */ -+ if (cur.dsi1_pll_fclk < req_pck) -+ break; -+ -+ if (cur.dsi1_pll_fclk > DISPC_MAX_FCK) -+ continue; -+ -+ if (min_fck_per_pck && -+ cur.dsi1_pll_fclk < -+ req_pck * min_fck_per_pck) -+ continue; -+ -+ match = 1; -+ -+ find_lck_pck_divs(is_tft, req_pck, -+ cur.dsi1_pll_fclk, -+ &cur.lck_div, -+ &cur.pck_div); -+ -+ cur.lck = cur.dsi1_pll_fclk / cur.lck_div; -+ cur.pck = cur.lck / cur.pck_div; -+ -+ if (abs(cur.pck - req_pck) < -+ abs(best.pck - req_pck)) { -+ best = cur; -+ -+ if (cur.pck == req_pck) -+ goto found; -+ } -+ } -+ } -+ } -+found: -+ if (!match) { -+ if (min_fck_per_pck) { -+ DSSERR("Could not find suitable clock settings.\n" -+ "Turning FCK/PCK constraint off and" -+ "trying again.\n"); -+ min_fck_per_pck = 0; -+ goto retry; -+ } -+ -+ DSSERR("Could not find suitable clock settings.\n"); -+ -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ /* DSI2_PLL_FCLK (regm4) is not used. Set it to something sane. */ -+ best.regm4 = best.dsiphy / 48000000; -+ if (best.regm4 > REGM4_MAX) -+ best.regm4 = REGM4_MAX; -+ else if (best.regm4 == 0) -+ best.regm4 = 1; -+ best.dsi2_pll_fclk = best.dsiphy / best.regm4; -+ -+ if (cinfo) -+ *cinfo = best; -+ -+ dsi.cache_req_pck = req_pck; -+ dsi.cache_clk_freq = 0; -+ dsi.cache_cinfo = best; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int dsi_pll_calc_ddrfreq(unsigned long clk_freq, -+ struct dsi_clock_info *cinfo) -+{ -+ struct dsi_clock_info cur, best; -+ const bool use_dss2_fck = 1; -+ unsigned long datafreq; -+ -+ DSSDBG("dsi_pll_calc_ddrfreq\n"); -+ -+ if (clk_freq == dsi.cache_clk_freq && -+ dsi.cache_cinfo.clkin == dss_clk_get_rate(DSS_CLK_FCK2)) { -+ DSSDBG("DSI clock info found from cache\n"); -+ *cinfo = dsi.cache_cinfo; -+ return 0; -+ } -+ -+ datafreq = clk_freq * 4; -+ -+ memset(&best, 0, sizeof(best)); -+ -+ memset(&cur, 0, sizeof(cur)); -+ cur.use_dss2_fck = use_dss2_fck; -+ if (use_dss2_fck) { -+ cur.clkin = dss_clk_get_rate(DSS_CLK_FCK2); -+ cur.highfreq = 0; -+ } else { -+ cur.clkin = dispc_pclk_rate(); -+ if (cur.clkin < 32000000) -+ cur.highfreq = 0; -+ else -+ cur.highfreq = 1; -+ } -+ -+ /* no highfreq: 0.75MHz < Fint = clkin / regn < 2.1MHz */ -+ /* highfreq: 0.75MHz < Fint = clkin / (2*regn) < 2.1MHz */ -+ /* To reduce PLL lock time, keep Fint high (around 2 MHz) */ -+ for (cur.regn = 1; cur.regn < REGN_MAX; ++cur.regn) { -+ if (cur.highfreq == 0) -+ cur.fint = cur.clkin / cur.regn; -+ else -+ cur.fint = cur.clkin / (2 * cur.regn); -+ -+ if (cur.fint > FINT_MAX || cur.fint < FINT_MIN) -+ continue; -+ -+ /* DSIPHY(MHz) = (2 * regm / regn) * (clkin / (highfreq + 1)) */ -+ for (cur.regm = 1; cur.regm < REGM_MAX; ++cur.regm) { -+ unsigned long a, b; -+ -+ a = 2 * cur.regm * (cur.clkin/1000); -+ b = cur.regn * (cur.highfreq + 1); -+ cur.dsiphy = a / b * 1000; -+ -+ if (cur.dsiphy > 1800 * 1000 * 1000) -+ break; -+ -+ if (abs(cur.dsiphy - datafreq) < -+ abs(best.dsiphy - datafreq)) { -+ best = cur; -+ /* DSSDBG("best %ld\n", best.dsiphy); */ -+ } -+ -+ if (cur.dsiphy == datafreq) -+ goto found; -+ } -+ } -+found: -+ /* DSI1_PLL_FCLK (regm3) is not used. Set it to something sane. */ -+ best.regm3 = best.dsiphy / 48000000; -+ if (best.regm3 > REGM3_MAX) -+ best.regm3 = REGM3_MAX; -+ else if (best.regm3 == 0) -+ best.regm3 = 1; -+ best.dsi1_pll_fclk = best.dsiphy / best.regm3; -+ -+ /* DSI2_PLL_FCLK (regm4) is not used. Set it to something sane. */ -+ best.regm4 = best.dsiphy / 48000000; -+ if (best.regm4 > REGM4_MAX) -+ best.regm4 = REGM4_MAX; -+ else if (best.regm4 == 0) -+ best.regm4 = 1; -+ best.dsi2_pll_fclk = best.dsiphy / best.regm4; -+ -+ if (cinfo) -+ *cinfo = best; -+ -+ dsi.cache_clk_freq = clk_freq; -+ dsi.cache_req_pck = 0; -+ dsi.cache_cinfo = best; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+int dsi_pll_program(struct dsi_clock_info *cinfo) -+{ -+ int r = 0; -+ u32 l; -+ -+ DSSDBG("dsi_pll_program\n"); -+ -+ dsi.dsiphy = cinfo->dsiphy; -+ dsi.ddr_clk = dsi.dsiphy / 4; -+ dsi.dsi1_pll_fclk = cinfo->dsi1_pll_fclk; -+ dsi.dsi2_pll_fclk = cinfo->dsi2_pll_fclk; -+ -+ DSSDBG("DSI Fint %ld\n", cinfo->fint); -+ -+ DSSDBG("clkin (%s) rate %ld, highfreq %d\n", -+ cinfo->use_dss2_fck ? "dss2_fck" : "pclkfree", -+ cinfo->clkin, -+ cinfo->highfreq); -+ -+ /* DSIPHY == CLKIN4DDR */ -+ DSSDBG("DSIPHY = 2 * %d / %d * %lu / %d = %lu\n", -+ cinfo->regm, -+ cinfo->regn, -+ cinfo->clkin, -+ cinfo->highfreq + 1, -+ cinfo->dsiphy); -+ -+ DSSDBG("Data rate on 1 DSI lane %ld Mbps\n", -+ dsi.dsiphy / 1000 / 1000 / 2); -+ -+ DSSDBG("Clock lane freq %ld Hz\n", dsi.ddr_clk); -+ -+ DSSDBG("regm3 = %d, dsi1_pll_fclk = %lu\n", -+ cinfo->regm3, cinfo->dsi1_pll_fclk); -+ DSSDBG("regm4 = %d, dsi2_pll_fclk = %lu\n", -+ cinfo->regm4, cinfo->dsi2_pll_fclk); -+ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_PLL_CONTROL, 0, 0, 0); /* DSI_PLL_AUTOMODE = manual */ -+ -+ l = dsi_read_reg(DSI_PLL_CONFIGURATION1); -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 1, 0, 0); /* DSI_PLL_STOPMODE */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, cinfo->regn - 1, 7, 1); /* DSI_PLL_REGN */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, cinfo->regm, 18, 8); /* DSI_PLL_REGM */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, cinfo->regm3 - 1, 22, 19); /* DSI_CLOCK_DIV */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, cinfo->regm4 - 1, 26, 23); /* DSIPROTO_CLOCK_DIV */ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_PLL_CONFIGURATION1, l); -+ -+ l = dsi_read_reg(DSI_PLL_CONFIGURATION2); -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 7, 4, 1); /* DSI_PLL_FREQSEL */ -+ /* DSI_PLL_CLKSEL */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, cinfo->use_dss2_fck ? 0 : 1, 11, 11); -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, cinfo->highfreq, 12, 12); /* DSI_PLL_HIGHFREQ */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 1, 13, 13); /* DSI_PLL_REFEN */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0, 14, 14); /* DSIPHY_CLKINEN */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 1, 20, 20); /* DSI_HSDIVBYPASS */ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_PLL_CONFIGURATION2, l); -+ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_PLL_GO, 1, 0, 0); /* DSI_PLL_GO */ -+ -+ if (wait_for_bit_change(DSI_PLL_GO, 0, 0) != 0) { -+ DSSERR("dsi pll go bit not going down.\n"); -+ r = -EIO; -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ if (wait_for_bit_change(DSI_PLL_STATUS, 1, 1) != 1) { -+ DSSERR("cannot lock PLL\n"); -+ r = -EIO; -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ dsi.pll_locked = 1; -+ -+ l = dsi_read_reg(DSI_PLL_CONFIGURATION2); -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0, 0, 0); /* DSI_PLL_IDLE */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0, 5, 5); /* DSI_PLL_PLLLPMODE */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0, 6, 6); /* DSI_PLL_LOWCURRSTBY */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0, 7, 7); /* DSI_PLL_TIGHTPHASELOCK */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0, 8, 8); /* DSI_PLL_DRIFTGUARDEN */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0, 10, 9); /* DSI_PLL_LOCKSEL */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 1, 13, 13); /* DSI_PLL_REFEN */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 1, 14, 14); /* DSIPHY_CLKINEN */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0, 15, 15); /* DSI_BYPASSEN */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 1, 16, 16); /* DSS_CLOCK_EN */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0, 17, 17); /* DSS_CLOCK_PWDN */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 1, 18, 18); /* DSI_PROTO_CLOCK_EN */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0, 19, 19); /* DSI_PROTO_CLOCK_PWDN */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0, 20, 20); /* DSI_HSDIVBYPASS */ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_PLL_CONFIGURATION2, l); -+ -+ DSSDBG("PLL config done\n"); -+err: -+ return r; -+} -+ -+int dsi_pll_init(bool enable_hsclk, bool enable_hsdiv) -+{ -+ int r = 0; -+ enum dsi_pll_power_state pwstate; -+ struct dispc_clock_info cinfo; -+ -+ DSSDBG("PLL init\n"); -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ dsi_enable_pll_clock(1); -+ -+ /* configure dispc fck and pixel clock to something sane */ -+ r = dispc_calc_clock_div(1, 48 * 1000 * 1000, &cinfo); -+ if (r) -+ goto err0; -+ -+ r = dispc_set_clock_div(&cinfo); -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("Failed to set basic clocks\n"); -+ goto err0; -+ } -+ -+ r = dss_dsi_power_up(); -+ if (r) -+ goto err0; -+ -+ /* PLL does not come out of reset without this... */ -+ dispc_pck_free_enable(1); -+ -+ if (wait_for_bit_change(DSI_PLL_STATUS, 0, 1) != 1) { -+ DSSERR("PLL not coming out of reset.\n"); -+ r = -ENODEV; -+ goto err1; -+ } -+ -+ /* ... but if left on, we get problems when planes do not -+ * fill the whole display. No idea about this XXX */ -+ dispc_pck_free_enable(0); -+ -+ if (enable_hsclk && enable_hsdiv) -+ pwstate = DSI_PLL_POWER_ON_ALL; -+ else if (enable_hsclk) -+ pwstate = DSI_PLL_POWER_ON_HSCLK; -+ else if (enable_hsdiv) -+ pwstate = DSI_PLL_POWER_ON_DIV; -+ else -+ pwstate = DSI_PLL_POWER_OFF; -+ -+ r = dsi_pll_power(pwstate); -+ -+ if (r) -+ goto err1; -+ -+ DSSDBG("PLL init done\n"); -+ -+ return 0; -+err1: -+ dss_dsi_power_down(); -+err0: -+ enable_clocks(0); -+ dsi_enable_pll_clock(0); -+ return r; -+} -+ -+void dsi_pll_uninit(void) -+{ -+ enable_clocks(0); -+ dsi_enable_pll_clock(0); -+ -+ dsi.pll_locked = 0; -+ dsi_pll_power(DSI_PLL_POWER_OFF); -+ dss_dsi_power_down(); -+ DSSDBG("PLL uninit done\n"); -+} -+ -+unsigned long dsi_get_dsi1_pll_rate(void) -+{ -+ return dsi.dsi1_pll_fclk; -+} -+ -+unsigned long dsi_get_dsi2_pll_rate(void) -+{ -+ return dsi.dsi2_pll_fclk; -+} -+ -+void dsi_dump_clocks(struct seq_file *s) -+{ -+ int clksel; -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ clksel = REG_GET(DSI_PLL_CONFIGURATION2, 11, 11); -+ -+ seq_printf(s, "- dsi -\n"); -+ -+ seq_printf(s, "dsi fclk source = %s\n", -+ dss_get_dsi_clk_source() == 0 ? -+ "dss1_alwon_fclk" : "dsi2_pll_fclk"); -+ -+ seq_printf(s, "dsi pll source = %s\n", -+ clksel == 0 ? -+ "dss2_alwon_fclk" : "pclkfree"); -+ -+ seq_printf(s, "DSIPHY\t\t%lu\nDDR_CLK\t\t%lu\n", -+ dsi.dsiphy, dsi.ddr_clk); -+ -+ seq_printf(s, "dsi1_pll_fck\t%lu (%s)\n" -+ "dsi2_pll_fck\t%lu (%s)\n", -+ dsi.dsi1_pll_fclk, -+ dss_get_dispc_clk_source() == 0 ? "off" : "on", -+ dsi.dsi2_pll_fclk, -+ dss_get_dsi_clk_source() == 0 ? "off" : "on"); -+ -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+void dsi_dump_regs(struct seq_file *s) -+{ -+#define DUMPREG(r) seq_printf(s, "%-35s %08x\n", #r, dsi_read_reg(r)) -+ -+ dss_clk_enable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DSI_REVISION); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_SYSCONFIG); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_SYSSTATUS); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_IRQSTATUS); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_IRQENABLE); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_CTRL); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_COMPLEXIO_CFG1); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_COMPLEXIO_IRQ_STATUS); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_COMPLEXIO_IRQ_ENABLE); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_CLK_CTRL); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_TIMING1); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_TIMING2); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VM_TIMING1); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VM_TIMING2); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VM_TIMING3); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_CLK_TIMING); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_TX_FIFO_VC_SIZE); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_RX_FIFO_VC_SIZE); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_COMPLEXIO_CFG2); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_RX_FIFO_VC_FULLNESS); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VM_TIMING4); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_TX_FIFO_VC_EMPTINESS); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VM_TIMING5); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VM_TIMING6); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VM_TIMING7); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_STOPCLK_TIMING); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_CTRL(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_TE(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_LONG_PACKET_HEADER(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_LONG_PACKET_PAYLOAD(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_SHORT_PACKET_HEADER(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_IRQSTATUS(0)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_IRQENABLE(0)); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_CTRL(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_TE(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_LONG_PACKET_HEADER(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_LONG_PACKET_PAYLOAD(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_SHORT_PACKET_HEADER(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_IRQSTATUS(1)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_IRQENABLE(1)); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_CTRL(2)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_TE(2)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_LONG_PACKET_HEADER(2)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_LONG_PACKET_PAYLOAD(2)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_SHORT_PACKET_HEADER(2)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_IRQSTATUS(2)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_IRQENABLE(2)); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_CTRL(3)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_TE(3)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_LONG_PACKET_HEADER(3)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_LONG_PACKET_PAYLOAD(3)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_SHORT_PACKET_HEADER(3)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_IRQSTATUS(3)); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_VC_IRQENABLE(3)); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DSI_DSIPHY_CFG0); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_DSIPHY_CFG1); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_DSIPHY_CFG2); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_DSIPHY_CFG5); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DSI_PLL_CONTROL); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_PLL_STATUS); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_PLL_GO); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_PLL_CONFIGURATION1); -+ DUMPREG(DSI_PLL_CONFIGURATION2); -+ -+ dss_clk_disable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+#undef DUMPREG -+} -+ -+enum dsi_complexio_power_state { -+ DSI_COMPLEXIO_POWER_OFF = 0x0, -+ DSI_COMPLEXIO_POWER_ON = 0x1, -+ DSI_COMPLEXIO_POWER_ULPS = 0x2, -+}; -+ -+static int dsi_complexio_power(enum dsi_complexio_power_state state) -+{ -+ int t = 0; -+ -+ /* PWR_CMD */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_COMPLEXIO_CFG1, state, 28, 27); -+ -+ /* PWR_STATUS */ -+ while (FLD_GET(dsi_read_reg(DSI_COMPLEXIO_CFG1), 26, 25) != state) { -+ udelay(1); -+ if (t++ > 1000) { -+ DSSERR("failed to set complexio power state to " -+ "%d\n", state); -+ return -ENODEV; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void dsi_complexio_config(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ u32 r; -+ -+ int clk_lane = display->hw_config.u.dsi.clk_lane; -+ int data1_lane = display->hw_config.u.dsi.data1_lane; -+ int data2_lane = display->hw_config.u.dsi.data2_lane; -+ int clk_pol = display->hw_config.u.dsi.clk_pol; -+ int data1_pol = display->hw_config.u.dsi.data1_pol; -+ int data2_pol = display->hw_config.u.dsi.data2_pol; -+ -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_COMPLEXIO_CFG1); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, clk_lane, 2, 0); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, clk_pol, 3, 3); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, data1_lane, 6, 4); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, data1_pol, 7, 7); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, data2_lane, 10, 8); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, data2_pol, 11, 11); -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_COMPLEXIO_CFG1, r); -+ -+ /* The configuration of the DSI complex I/O (number of data lanes, -+ position, differential order) should not be changed while -+ DSS.DSI_CLK_CRTRL[20] LP_CLK_ENABLE bit is set to 1. In order for -+ the hardware to take into account a new configuration of the complex -+ I/O (done in DSS.DSI_COMPLEXIO_CFG1 register), it is recommended to -+ follow this sequence: First set the DSS.DSI_CTRL[0] IF_EN bit to 1, -+ then reset the DSS.DSI_CTRL[0] IF_EN to 0, then set -+ DSS.DSI_CLK_CTRL[20] LP_CLK_ENABLE to 1 and finally set again the -+ DSS.DSI_CTRL[0] IF_EN bit to 1. If the sequence is not followed, the -+ DSI complex I/O configuration is unknown. */ -+ -+ /* -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_CTRL, 1, 0, 0); -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_CTRL, 0, 0, 0); -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_CLK_CTRL, 1, 20, 20); -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_CTRL, 1, 0, 0); -+ */ -+} -+ -+static inline unsigned ns2ddr(unsigned ns) -+{ -+ /* convert time in ns to ddr ticks, rounding up */ -+ return (ns * (dsi.ddr_clk/1000/1000) + 999) / 1000; -+} -+ -+static inline unsigned ddr2ns(unsigned ddr) -+{ -+ return ddr * 1000 * 1000 / (dsi.ddr_clk / 1000); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_complexio_timings(void) -+{ -+ u32 r; -+ u32 ths_prepare, ths_prepare_ths_zero, ths_trail, ths_exit; -+ u32 tlpx_half, tclk_trail, tclk_zero; -+ u32 tclk_prepare; -+ -+ /* calculate timings */ -+ -+ /* 1 * DDR_CLK = 2 * UI */ -+ -+ /* min 40ns + 4*UI max 85ns + 6*UI */ -+ ths_prepare = ns2ddr(59) + 2; -+ -+ /* min 145ns + 10*UI */ -+ ths_prepare_ths_zero = ns2ddr(145) + 5; -+ -+ /* min max(8*UI, 60ns+4*UI) */ -+ ths_trail = max((unsigned)4, ns2ddr(60) + 2); -+ -+ /* min 100ns */ -+ ths_exit = ns2ddr(100); -+ -+ /* tlpx min 50n */ -+ tlpx_half = ns2ddr(25); -+ -+ /* min 60ns */ -+ tclk_trail = ns2ddr(60); -+ -+ /* min 38ns, max 95ns */ -+ tclk_prepare = ns2ddr(38); -+ -+ /* min tclk-prepare + tclk-zero = 300ns */ -+ tclk_zero = ns2ddr(300 - 38); -+ -+ DSSDBG("ths_prepare %u (%uns), ths_prepare_ths_zero %u (%uns)\n", -+ ths_prepare, ddr2ns(ths_prepare), -+ ths_prepare_ths_zero, ddr2ns(ths_prepare_ths_zero)); -+ DSSDBG("ths_trail %u (%uns), ths_exit %u (%uns)\n", -+ ths_trail, ddr2ns(ths_trail), -+ ths_exit, ddr2ns(ths_exit)); -+ -+ DSSDBG("tlpx_half %u (%uns), tclk_trail %u (%uns), " -+ "tclk_zero %u (%uns)\n", -+ tlpx_half, ddr2ns(tlpx_half), -+ tclk_trail, ddr2ns(tclk_trail), -+ tclk_zero, ddr2ns(tclk_zero)); -+ DSSDBG("tclk_prepare %u (%uns)\n", -+ tclk_prepare, ddr2ns(tclk_prepare)); -+ -+ /* program timings */ -+ -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_DSIPHY_CFG0); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, ths_prepare, 31, 24); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, ths_prepare_ths_zero, 23, 16); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, ths_trail, 15, 8); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, ths_exit, 7, 0); -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_DSIPHY_CFG0, r); -+ -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_DSIPHY_CFG1); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, tlpx_half, 22, 16); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, tclk_trail, 15, 8); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, tclk_zero, 7, 0); -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_DSIPHY_CFG1, r); -+ -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_DSIPHY_CFG2); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, tclk_prepare, 7, 0); -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_DSIPHY_CFG2, r); -+} -+ -+ -+static int dsi_complexio_init(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ DSSDBG("dsi_complexio_init\n"); -+ -+ /* CIO_CLK_ICG, enable L3 clk to CIO */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_CLK_CTRL, 1, 14, 14); -+ -+ /* A dummy read using the SCP interface to any DSIPHY register is -+ * required after DSIPHY reset to complete the reset of the DSI complex -+ * I/O. */ -+ dsi_read_reg(DSI_DSIPHY_CFG5); -+ -+ if (wait_for_bit_change(DSI_DSIPHY_CFG5, 30, 1) != 1) { -+ DSSERR("ComplexIO PHY not coming out of reset.\n"); -+ r = -ENODEV; -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ dsi_complexio_config(display); -+ -+ r = dsi_complexio_power(DSI_COMPLEXIO_POWER_ON); -+ -+ if (r) -+ goto err; -+ -+ if (wait_for_bit_change(DSI_COMPLEXIO_CFG1, 29, 1) != 1) { -+ DSSERR("ComplexIO not coming out of reset.\n"); -+ r = -ENODEV; -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ if (wait_for_bit_change(DSI_COMPLEXIO_CFG1, 21, 1) != 1) { -+ DSSERR("ComplexIO LDO power down.\n"); -+ r = -ENODEV; -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ dsi_complexio_timings(); -+ -+ /* -+ The configuration of the DSI complex I/O (number of data lanes, -+ position, differential order) should not be changed while -+ DSS.DSI_CLK_CRTRL[20] LP_CLK_ENABLE bit is set to 1. For the -+ hardware to recognize a new configuration of the complex I/O (done -+ in DSS.DSI_COMPLEXIO_CFG1 register), it is recommended to follow -+ this sequence: First set the DSS.DSI_CTRL[0] IF_EN bit to 1, next -+ reset the DSS.DSI_CTRL[0] IF_EN to 0, then set DSS.DSI_CLK_CTRL[20] -+ LP_CLK_ENABLE to 1, and finally, set again the DSS.DSI_CTRL[0] IF_EN -+ bit to 1. If the sequence is not followed, the DSi complex I/O -+ configuration is undetermined. -+ */ -+ dsi_if_enable(1); -+ dsi_if_enable(0); -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_CLK_CTRL, 1, 20, 20); /* LP_CLK_ENABLE */ -+ dsi_if_enable(1); -+ dsi_if_enable(0); -+ -+ DSSDBG("CIO init done\n"); -+err: -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static void dsi_complexio_uninit(void) -+{ -+ dsi_complexio_power(DSI_COMPLEXIO_POWER_OFF); -+} -+ -+static int _dsi_wait_reset(void) -+{ -+ int i = 0; -+ -+ while (REG_GET(DSI_SYSSTATUS, 0, 0) == 0) { -+ if (i++ > 5) { -+ DSSERR("soft reset failed\n"); -+ return -ENODEV; -+ } -+ udelay(1); -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int _dsi_reset(void) -+{ -+ /* Soft reset */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_SYSCONFIG, 1, 1, 1); -+ return _dsi_wait_reset(); -+} -+ -+ -+static void dsi_config_tx_fifo(enum fifo_size size1, enum fifo_size size2, -+ enum fifo_size size3, enum fifo_size size4) -+{ -+ u32 r = 0; -+ int add = 0; -+ int i; -+ -+[0].fifo_size = size1; -+[1].fifo_size = size2; -+[2].fifo_size = size3; -+[3].fifo_size = size4; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { -+ u8 v; -+ int size =[i].fifo_size; -+ -+ if (add + size > 4) { -+ DSSERR("Illegal FIFO configuration\n"); -+ BUG(); -+ } -+ -+ v = FLD_VAL(add, 2, 0) | FLD_VAL(size, 7, 4); -+ r |= v << (8 * i); -+ /*DSSDBG("TX FIFO vc %d: size %d, add %d\n", i, size, add); */ -+ add += size; -+ } -+ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_TX_FIFO_VC_SIZE, r); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_config_rx_fifo(enum fifo_size size1, enum fifo_size size2, -+ enum fifo_size size3, enum fifo_size size4) -+{ -+ u32 r = 0; -+ int add = 0; -+ int i; -+ -+[0].fifo_size = size1; -+[1].fifo_size = size2; -+[2].fifo_size = size3; -+[3].fifo_size = size4; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { -+ u8 v; -+ int size =[i].fifo_size; -+ -+ if (add + size > 4) { -+ DSSERR("Illegal FIFO configuration\n"); -+ BUG(); -+ } -+ -+ v = FLD_VAL(add, 2, 0) | FLD_VAL(size, 7, 4); -+ r |= v << (8 * i); -+ /*DSSDBG("RX FIFO vc %d: size %d, add %d\n", i, size, add); */ -+ add += size; -+ } -+ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_RX_FIFO_VC_SIZE, r); -+} -+ -+static int dsi_force_tx_stop_mode_io(void) -+{ -+ u32 r; -+ -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_TIMING1); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 15, 15); /* FORCE_TX_STOP_MODE_IO */ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_TIMING1, r); -+ -+ if (wait_for_bit_change(DSI_TIMING1, 15, 0) != 0) { -+ DSSERR("TX_STOP bit not going down\n"); -+ return -EIO; -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void dsi_vc_print_status(int channel) -+{ -+ u32 r; -+ -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_VC_CTRL(channel)); -+ DSSDBG("vc %d: TX_FIFO_NOT_EMPTY %d, BTA_EN %d, VC_BUSY %d, " -+ "TX_FIFO_FULL %d, RX_FIFO_NOT_EMPTY %d, ", -+ channel, -+ FLD_GET(r, 5, 5), -+ FLD_GET(r, 6, 6), -+ FLD_GET(r, 15, 15), -+ FLD_GET(r, 16, 16), -+ FLD_GET(r, 20, 20)); -+ -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_TX_FIFO_VC_EMPTINESS); -+ DSSDBG("EMPTINESS %d\n", (r >> (8 * channel)) & 0xff); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_vc_config(int channel) -+{ -+ u32 r; -+ -+ DSSDBG("dsi_vc_config %d\n", channel); -+ -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_VC_CTRL(channel)); -+ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 0, 1, 1); /* SOURCE, 0 = L4 */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 0, 2, 2); /* BTA_SHORT_EN */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 0, 3, 3); /* BTA_LONG_EN */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 0, 4, 4); /* MODE, 0 = command */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 7, 7); /* CS_TX_EN */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 8, 8); /* ECC_TX_EN */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 0, 9, 9); /* MODE_SPEED, high speed on/off */ -+ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 4, 29, 27); /* DMA_RX_REQ_NB = no dma */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 4, 23, 21); /* DMA_TX_REQ_NB = no dma */ -+ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_VC_CTRL(channel), r); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_vc_config_vp(int channel) -+{ -+ u32 r; -+ -+ DSSDBG("dsi_vc_config_vp\n"); -+ -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_VC_CTRL(channel)); -+ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 1, 1); /* SOURCE, 1 = video port */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 0, 2, 2); /* BTA_SHORT_EN */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 0, 3, 3); /* BTA_LONG_EN */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 0, 4, 4); /* MODE, 0 = command */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 7, 7); /* CS_TX_EN */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 8, 8); /* ECC_TX_EN */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 9, 9); /* MODE_SPEED, high speed on/off */ -+ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 4, 29, 27); /* DMA_RX_REQ_NB = no dma */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 4, 23, 21); /* DMA_TX_REQ_NB = no dma */ -+ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_VC_CTRL(channel), r); -+} -+ -+ -+static int dsi_vc_enable(int channel, bool enable) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("dsi_vc_enable channel %d, enable %d\n", channel, enable); -+ -+ enable = enable ? 1 : 0; -+ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_VC_CTRL(channel), enable, 0, 0); -+ -+ if (wait_for_bit_change(DSI_VC_CTRL(channel), 0, enable) != enable) { -+ DSSERR("Failed to set dsi_vc_enable to %d\n", enable); -+ return -EIO; -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void dsi_vc_enable_hs(int channel, bool enable) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("dsi_vc_enable_hs(%d, %d)\n", channel, enable); -+ -+ dsi_vc_enable(channel, 0); -+ dsi_if_enable(0); -+ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_VC_CTRL(channel), enable, 9, 9); -+ -+ dsi_vc_enable(channel, 1); -+ dsi_if_enable(1); -+ -+ dsi_force_tx_stop_mode_io(); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_vc_flush_long_data(int channel) -+{ -+ while (REG_GET(DSI_VC_CTRL(channel), 20, 20)) { -+ u32 val; -+ val = dsi_read_reg(DSI_VC_SHORT_PACKET_HEADER(channel)); -+ DSSDBG("\t\tb1 %#02x b2 %#02x b3 %#02x b4 %#02x\n", -+ (val >> 0) & 0xff, -+ (val >> 8) & 0xff, -+ (val >> 16) & 0xff, -+ (val >> 24) & 0xff); -+ } -+} -+ -+static void dsi_show_rx_ack_with_err(u16 err) -+{ -+ DSSERR("\tACK with ERROR (%#x):\n", err); -+ if (err & (1 << 0)) -+ DSSERR("\t\tSoT Error\n"); -+ if (err & (1 << 1)) -+ DSSERR("\t\tSoT Sync Error\n"); -+ if (err & (1 << 2)) -+ DSSERR("\t\tEoT Sync Error\n"); -+ if (err & (1 << 3)) -+ DSSERR("\t\tEscape Mode Entry Command Error\n"); -+ if (err & (1 << 4)) -+ DSSERR("\t\tLP Transmit Sync Error\n"); -+ if (err & (1 << 5)) -+ DSSERR("\t\tHS Receive Timeout Error\n"); -+ if (err & (1 << 6)) -+ DSSERR("\t\tFalse Control Error\n"); -+ if (err & (1 << 7)) -+ DSSERR("\t\t(reserved7)\n"); -+ if (err & (1 << 8)) -+ DSSERR("\t\tECC Error, single-bit (corrected)\n"); -+ if (err & (1 << 9)) -+ DSSERR("\t\tECC Error, multi-bit (not corrected)\n"); -+ if (err & (1 << 10)) -+ DSSERR("\t\tChecksum Error\n"); -+ if (err & (1 << 11)) -+ DSSERR("\t\tData type not recognized\n"); -+ if (err & (1 << 12)) -+ DSSERR("\t\tInvalid VC ID\n"); -+ if (err & (1 << 13)) -+ DSSERR("\t\tInvalid Transmission Length\n"); -+ if (err & (1 << 14)) -+ DSSERR("\t\t(reserved14)\n"); -+ if (err & (1 << 15)) -+ DSSERR("\t\tDSI Protocol Violation\n"); -+} -+ -+static u16 dsi_vc_flush_receive_data(int channel) -+{ -+ /* RX_FIFO_NOT_EMPTY */ -+ while (REG_GET(DSI_VC_CTRL(channel), 20, 20)) { -+ u32 val; -+ u8 dt; -+ val = dsi_read_reg(DSI_VC_SHORT_PACKET_HEADER(channel)); -+ DSSDBG("\trawval %#08x\n", val); -+ dt = FLD_GET(val, 5, 0); -+ if (dt == DSI_DT_RX_ACK_WITH_ERR) { -+ u16 err = FLD_GET(val, 23, 8); -+ dsi_show_rx_ack_with_err(err); -+ } else if (dt == DSI_DT_RX_SHORT_READ_1) { -+ DSSDBG("\tDCS short response, 1 byte: %#x\n", -+ FLD_GET(val, 23, 8)); -+ } else if (dt == DSI_DT_RX_SHORT_READ_2) { -+ DSSDBG("\tDCS short response, 2 byte: %#x\n", -+ FLD_GET(val, 23, 8)); -+ } else if (dt == DSI_DT_RX_DCS_LONG_READ) { -+ DSSDBG("\tDCS long response, len %d\n", -+ FLD_GET(val, 23, 8)); -+ dsi_vc_flush_long_data(channel); -+ } else { -+ DSSERR("\tunknown datatype 0x%02x\n", dt); -+ } -+ } -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int dsi_vc_send_bta(int channel) -+{ -+ unsigned long tmo; -+ -+ /*DSSDBG("dsi_vc_send_bta_sync %d\n", channel); */ -+ -+ if (REG_GET(DSI_VC_CTRL(channel), 20, 20)) { /* RX_FIFO_NOT_EMPTY */ -+ DSSERR("rx fifo not empty when sending BTA, dumping data:\n"); -+ dsi_vc_flush_receive_data(channel); -+ } -+ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_VC_CTRL(channel), 1, 6, 6); /* BTA_EN */ -+ -+ tmo = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(10); -+ while (REG_GET(DSI_VC_CTRL(channel), 6, 6) == 1) { -+ if (time_after(jiffies, tmo)) { -+ DSSERR("Failed to send BTA\n"); -+ return -EIO; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int dsi_vc_send_bta_sync(int channel) -+{ -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ init_completion(&dsi.bta_completion); -+ -+ dsi_vc_enable_bta_irq(channel); -+ -+ r = dsi_vc_send_bta(channel); -+ if (r) -+ goto err; -+ -+ if (wait_for_completion_timeout(&dsi.bta_completion, -+ msecs_to_jiffies(500)) == 0) { -+ DSSERR("Failed to receive BTA\n"); -+ r = -EIO; -+ goto err; -+ } -+err: -+ dsi_vc_disable_bta_irq(channel); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static inline void dsi_vc_write_long_header(int channel, u8 data_type, -+ u16 len, u8 ecc) -+{ -+ u32 val; -+ u8 data_id; -+ -+ /*data_id = data_type | channel << 6; */ -+ data_id = data_type |[channel].dest_per << 6; -+ -+ val = FLD_VAL(data_id, 7, 0) | FLD_VAL(len, 23, 8) | -+ FLD_VAL(ecc, 31, 24); -+ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_VC_LONG_PACKET_HEADER(channel), val); -+} -+ -+static inline void dsi_vc_write_long_payload(int channel, -+ u8 b1, u8 b2, u8 b3, u8 b4) -+{ -+ u32 val; -+ -+ val = b4 << 24 | b3 << 16 | b2 << 8 | b1 << 0; -+ -+/* DSSDBG("\twriting %02x, %02x, %02x, %02x (%#010x)\n", -+ b1, b2, b3, b4, val); */ -+ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_VC_LONG_PACKET_PAYLOAD(channel), val); -+} -+ -+static int dsi_vc_send_long(int channel, u8 data_type, u8 *data, u16 len, -+ u8 ecc) -+{ -+ /*u32 val; */ -+ int i; -+ u8 *p; -+ int r = 0; -+ u8 b1, b2, b3, b4; -+ -+ if (dsi.debug_write) -+ DSSDBG("dsi_vc_send_long, %d bytes\n", len); -+ -+ /* len + header */ -+ if ([channel].fifo_size * 32 * 4 < len + 4) { -+ DSSERR("unable to send long packet: packet too long.\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ dsi_vc_write_long_header(channel, data_type, len, ecc); -+ -+ /*dsi_vc_print_status(0); */ -+ -+ p = data; -+ for (i = 0; i < len >> 2; i++) { -+ if (dsi.debug_write) -+ DSSDBG("\tsending full packet %d\n", i); -+ /*dsi_vc_print_status(0); */ -+ -+ b1 = *p++; -+ b2 = *p++; -+ b3 = *p++; -+ b4 = *p++; -+ -+ dsi_vc_write_long_payload(channel, b1, b2, b3, b4); -+ } -+ -+ i = len % 4; -+ if (i) { -+ b1 = 0; b2 = 0; b3 = 0; -+ -+ if (dsi.debug_write) -+ DSSDBG("\tsending remainder bytes %d\n", i); -+ -+ switch (i) { -+ case 3: -+ b1 = *p++; -+ b2 = *p++; -+ b3 = *p++; -+ break; -+ case 2: -+ b1 = *p++; -+ b2 = *p++; -+ break; -+ case 1: -+ b1 = *p++; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ dsi_vc_write_long_payload(channel, b1, b2, b3, 0); -+ } -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static int dsi_vc_send_short(int channel, u8 data_type, u16 data, u8 ecc) -+{ -+ u32 r; -+ u8 data_id; -+ -+ if (dsi.debug_write) -+ DSSDBG("dsi_vc_send_short(ch%d, dt %#x, b1 %#x, b2 %#x)\n", -+ channel, -+ data_type, data & 0xff, (data >> 8) & 0xff); -+ -+ if (FLD_GET(dsi_read_reg(DSI_VC_CTRL(channel)), 16, 16)) { -+ DSSERR("ERROR FIFO FULL, aborting transfer\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ data_id = data_type | channel << 6; -+ -+ r = (data_id << 0) | (data << 8) | (ecc << 24); -+ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_VC_SHORT_PACKET_HEADER(channel), r); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+int dsi_vc_send_null(int channel) -+{ -+ u8 nullpkg[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; -+ return dsi_vc_send_long(0, DSI_DT_NULL_PACKET, nullpkg, 4, 0); -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(dsi_vc_send_null); -+ -+int dsi_vc_dcs_write_nosync(int channel, u8 *data, int len) -+{ -+ int r; -+ -+ BUG_ON(len == 0); -+ -+ if (len == 1) { -+ r = dsi_vc_send_short(channel, DSI_DT_DCS_SHORT_WRITE_0, -+ data[0], 0); -+ } else if (len == 2) { -+ r = dsi_vc_send_short(channel, DSI_DT_DCS_SHORT_WRITE_1, -+ data[0] | (data[1] << 8), 0); -+ } else { -+ /* 0x39 = DCS Long Write */ -+ r = dsi_vc_send_long(channel, DSI_DT_DCS_LONG_WRITE, -+ data, len, 0); -+ } -+ -+ return r; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(dsi_vc_dcs_write_nosync); -+ -+int dsi_vc_dcs_write(int channel, u8 *data, int len) -+{ -+ int r; -+ -+ r = dsi_vc_dcs_write_nosync(channel, data, len); -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ -+ /* Some devices need time to process the msg in low power mode. -+ This also makes the write synchronous, and checks that -+ the peripheral is still alive */ -+ r = dsi_vc_send_bta_sync(channel); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(dsi_vc_dcs_write); -+ -+int dsi_vc_dcs_read(int channel, u8 dcs_cmd, u8 *buf, int buflen) -+{ -+ u32 val; -+ u8 dt; -+ int r; -+ -+ if (dsi.debug_read) -+ DSSDBG("dsi_vc_dcs_read\n"); -+ -+ r = dsi_vc_send_short(channel, DSI_DT_DCS_READ, dcs_cmd, 0); -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ -+ r = dsi_vc_send_bta_sync(channel); -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ -+ if (REG_GET(DSI_VC_CTRL(channel), 20, 20) == 0) { /* RX_FIFO_NOT_EMPTY */ -+ DSSERR("RX fifo empty when trying to read.\n"); -+ return -EIO; -+ } -+ -+ val = dsi_read_reg(DSI_VC_SHORT_PACKET_HEADER(channel)); -+ if (dsi.debug_read) -+ DSSDBG("\theader: %08x\n", val); -+ dt = FLD_GET(val, 5, 0); -+ if (dt == DSI_DT_RX_ACK_WITH_ERR) { -+ u16 err = FLD_GET(val, 23, 8); -+ dsi_show_rx_ack_with_err(err); -+ return -1; -+ -+ } else if (dt == DSI_DT_RX_SHORT_READ_1) { -+ u8 data = FLD_GET(val, 15, 8); -+ if (dsi.debug_read) -+ DSSDBG("\tDCS short response, 1 byte: %02x\n", data); -+ -+ if (buflen < 1) -+ return -1; -+ -+ buf[0] = data; -+ -+ return 1; -+ } else if (dt == DSI_DT_RX_SHORT_READ_2) { -+ u16 data = FLD_GET(val, 23, 8); -+ if (dsi.debug_read) -+ DSSDBG("\tDCS short response, 2 byte: %04x\n", data); -+ -+ if (buflen < 2) -+ return -1; -+ -+ buf[0] = data & 0xff; -+ buf[1] = (data >> 8) & 0xff; -+ -+ return 2; -+ } else if (dt == DSI_DT_RX_DCS_LONG_READ) { -+ int w; -+ int len = FLD_GET(val, 23, 8); -+ if (dsi.debug_read) -+ DSSDBG("\tDCS long response, len %d\n", len); -+ -+ if (len > buflen) -+ return -1; -+ -+ /* two byte checksum ends the packet, not included in len */ -+ for (w = 0; w < len + 2;) { -+ int b; -+ val = dsi_read_reg(DSI_VC_SHORT_PACKET_HEADER(channel)); -+ if (dsi.debug_read) -+ DSSDBG("\t\t%02x %02x %02x %02x\n", -+ (val >> 0) & 0xff, -+ (val >> 8) & 0xff, -+ (val >> 16) & 0xff, -+ (val >> 24) & 0xff); -+ -+ for (b = 0; b < 4; ++b) { -+ if (w < len) -+ buf[w] = (val >> (b * 8)) & 0xff; -+ /* we discard the 2 byte checksum */ -+ ++w; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ return len; -+ -+ } else { -+ DSSERR("\tunknown datatype 0x%02x\n", dt); -+ return -1; -+ } -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(dsi_vc_dcs_read); -+ -+ -+int dsi_vc_set_max_rx_packet_size(int channel, u16 len) -+{ -+ return dsi_vc_send_short(channel, DSI_DT_SET_MAX_RET_PKG_SIZE, -+ len, 0); -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(dsi_vc_set_max_rx_packet_size); -+ -+ -+static int dsi_set_lp_rx_timeout(int ns, int x4, int x16) -+{ -+ u32 r; -+ unsigned long fck; -+ int ticks; -+ -+ /* ticks in DSI_FCK */ -+ -+ fck = dsi_fclk_rate(); -+ ticks = (fck / 1000 / 1000) * ns / 1000; -+ -+ if (ticks > 0x1fff) { -+ DSSERR("LP_TX_TO too high\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_TIMING2); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 15, 15); /* LP_RX_TO */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, x16, 14, 14); /* LP_RX_TO_X16 */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, x4, 13, 13); /* LP_RX_TO_X4 */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, ticks, 12, 0); /* LP_RX_COUNTER */ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_TIMING2, r); -+ -+ DSSDBG("LP_RX_TO %ld ns (%#x ticks)\n", -+ (ticks * (x16 ? 16 : 1) * (x4 ? 4 : 1) * 1000) / -+ (fck / 1000 / 1000), -+ ticks); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int dsi_set_ta_timeout(int ns, int x8, int x16) -+{ -+ u32 r; -+ unsigned long fck; -+ int ticks; -+ -+ /* ticks in DSI_FCK */ -+ -+ fck = dsi_fclk_rate(); -+ ticks = (fck / 1000 / 1000) * ns / 1000; -+ -+ if (ticks > 0x1fff) { -+ DSSERR("TA_TO too high\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_TIMING1); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 31, 31); /* TA_TO */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, x16, 30, 30); /* TA_TO_X16 */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, x8, 29, 29); /* TA_TO_X8 */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, ticks, 28, 16); /* TA_TO_COUNTER */ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_TIMING1, r); -+ -+ DSSDBG("TA_TO %ld ns (%#x ticks)\n", -+ (ticks * (x16 ? 16 : 1) * (x8 ? 8 : 1) * 1000) / -+ (fck / 1000 / 1000), -+ ticks); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int dsi_set_stop_state_counter(int ns, int x4, int x16) -+{ -+ u32 r; -+ unsigned long fck; -+ int ticks; -+ -+ /* ticks in DSI_FCK */ -+ -+ fck = dsi_fclk_rate(); -+ ticks = (fck / 1000 / 1000) * ns / 1000; -+ -+ if (ticks > 0x1fff) { -+ DSSERR("STOP_STATE_COUNTER_IO too high\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_TIMING1); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 15, 15); /* FORCE_TX_STOP_MODE_IO */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, x16, 14, 14); /* STOP_STATE_X16_IO */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, x4, 13, 13); /* STOP_STATE_X4_IO */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, ticks, 12, 0); /* STOP_STATE_COUNTER_IO */ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_TIMING1, r); -+ -+ DSSDBG("STOP_STATE_COUNTER %ld ns (%#x ticks)\n", -+ (ticks * (x16 ? 16 : 1) * (x4 ? 4 : 1) * 1000) / -+ (fck / 1000 / 1000), -+ ticks); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int dsi_set_hs_tx_timeout(int ns, int x4, int x16) -+{ -+ u32 r; -+ unsigned long fck; -+ int ticks; -+ -+ /* ticks in TxByteClkHS */ -+ -+ fck = dsi.ddr_clk / 4; -+ ticks = (fck / 1000 / 1000) * ns / 1000; -+ -+ if (ticks > 0x1fff) { -+ DSSERR("HS_TX_TO too high\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_TIMING2); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 31, 31); /* HS_TX_TO */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, x16, 30, 30); /* HS_TX_TO_X16 */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, x4, 29, 29); /* HS_TX_TO_X8 (4 really) */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, ticks, 28, 16); /* HS_TX_TO_COUNTER */ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_TIMING2, r); -+ -+ DSSDBG("HS_TX_TO %ld ns (%#x ticks)\n", -+ (ticks * (x16 ? 16 : 1) * (x4 ? 4 : 1) * 1000) / -+ (fck / 1000 / 1000), -+ ticks); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+static int dsi_proto_config(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ u32 r; -+ int buswidth = 0; -+ -+ dsi_config_tx_fifo(DSI_FIFO_SIZE_128, -+ DSI_FIFO_SIZE_0, -+ DSI_FIFO_SIZE_0, -+ DSI_FIFO_SIZE_0); -+ -+ dsi_config_rx_fifo(DSI_FIFO_SIZE_128, -+ DSI_FIFO_SIZE_0, -+ DSI_FIFO_SIZE_0, -+ DSI_FIFO_SIZE_0); -+ -+ /* XXX what values for the timeouts? */ -+ dsi_set_stop_state_counter(1000, 0, 0); -+ -+ dsi_set_ta_timeout(50000, 1, 1); -+ -+ /* 3000ns * 16 */ -+ dsi_set_lp_rx_timeout(3000, 0, 1); -+ -+ /* 10000ns * 4 */ -+ dsi_set_hs_tx_timeout(10000, 1, 0); -+ -+ switch (display->ctrl->pixel_size) { -+ case 16: -+ buswidth = 0; -+ break; -+ case 18: -+ buswidth = 1; -+ break; -+ case 24: -+ buswidth = 2; -+ break; -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ } -+ -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_CTRL); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 1, 1); /* CS_RX_EN */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 2, 2); /* ECC_RX_EN */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 3, 3); /* TX_FIFO_ARBITRATION */ -+ /* XXX what should the ratio be */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 0, 4, 4); /* VP_CLK_RATIO, VP_PCLK = VP_CLK/2 */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, buswidth, 7, 6); /* VP_DATA_BUS_WIDTH */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 0, 8, 8); /* VP_CLK_POL */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 2, 13, 12); /* LINE_BUFFER, 2 lines */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 14, 14); /* TRIGGER_RESET_MODE */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 19, 19); /* EOT_ENABLE */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 24, 24); /* DCS_CMD_ENABLE */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, 0, 25, 25); /* DCS_CMD_CODE, 1=start, 0=continue */ -+ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_CTRL, r); -+ -+ /* we configure vc0 for L4 communication, and -+ * vc1 for dispc */ -+ dsi_vc_config(0); -+ dsi_vc_config_vp(1); -+ -+ /* set all vc targets to peripheral 0 */ -+[0].dest_per = 0; -+[1].dest_per = 0; -+[2].dest_per = 0; -+[3].dest_per = 0; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void dsi_proto_timings(void) -+{ -+ int tlpx_half, tclk_zero, tclk_prepare, tclk_trail; -+ int tclk_pre, tclk_post; -+ int ddr_clk_pre, ddr_clk_post; -+ u32 r; -+ -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_DSIPHY_CFG1); -+ tlpx_half = FLD_GET(r, 22, 16); -+ tclk_trail = FLD_GET(r, 15, 8); -+ tclk_zero = FLD_GET(r, 7, 0); -+ -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_DSIPHY_CFG2); -+ tclk_prepare = FLD_GET(r, 7, 0); -+ -+ /* min 8*UI */ -+ tclk_pre = 20; -+ /* min 60ns + 52*UI */ -+ tclk_post = ns2ddr(60) + 26; -+ -+ ddr_clk_pre = (tclk_pre + tlpx_half*2 + tclk_zero + tclk_prepare) / 4; -+ ddr_clk_post = (tclk_post + tclk_trail) / 4; -+ -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_CLK_TIMING); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, ddr_clk_pre, 15, 8); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, ddr_clk_post, 7, 0); -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_CLK_TIMING, r); -+ -+ DSSDBG("ddr_clk_pre %d, ddr_clk_post %d\n", -+ ddr_clk_pre, -+ ddr_clk_post); -+} -+ -+ -+#define DSI_DECL_VARS \ -+ int __dsi_cb = 0; u32 __dsi_cv = 0; -+ -+#define DSI_FLUSH(ch) \ -+ if (__dsi_cb > 0) { \ -+ /*DSSDBG("sending long packet %#010x\n", __dsi_cv);*/ \ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_VC_LONG_PACKET_PAYLOAD(ch), __dsi_cv); \ -+ __dsi_cb = __dsi_cv = 0; \ -+ } -+ -+#define DSI_PUSH(ch, data) \ -+ do { \ -+ __dsi_cv |= (data) << (__dsi_cb * 8); \ -+ /*DSSDBG("cv = %#010x, cb = %d\n", __dsi_cv, __dsi_cb);*/ \ -+ if (++__dsi_cb > 3) \ -+ DSI_FLUSH(ch); \ -+ } while (0) -+ -+static int dsi_update_screen_l4(struct omap_display *display, -+ int x, int y, int w, int h) -+{ -+ /* Note: supports only 24bit colors in 32bit container */ -+ int first = 1; -+ int fifo_stalls = 0; -+ int max_dsi_packet_size; -+ int max_data_per_packet; -+ int max_pixels_per_packet; -+ int pixels_left; -+ int bytespp = 3; -+ int scr_width; -+ u32 __iomem *data; -+ int start_offset; -+ int horiz_inc; -+ int current_x; -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ -+ debug_irq = 0; -+ -+ DSSDBG("dsi_update_screen_l4 (%d,%d %dx%d)\n", -+ x, y, w, h); -+ -+ ovl = display->manager->overlays[0]; -+ -+ if (ovl->info.color_mode != OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24U) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ if (display->ctrl->pixel_size != 24) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ scr_width = ovl->info.screen_width; -+ data = ovl->info.vaddr; -+ -+ start_offset = scr_width * y + x; -+ horiz_inc = scr_width - w; -+ current_x = x; -+ -+ /* We need header(4) + DCSCMD(1) + pixels(numpix*bytespp) bytes -+ * in fifo */ -+ -+ /* When using CPU, max long packet size is TX buffer size */ -+ max_dsi_packet_size =[0].fifo_size * 32 * 4; -+ -+ /* we seem to get better perf if we divide the tx fifo to half, -+ and while the other half is being sent, we fill the other half -+ max_dsi_packet_size /= 2; */ -+ -+ max_data_per_packet = max_dsi_packet_size - 4 - 1; -+ -+ max_pixels_per_packet = max_data_per_packet / bytespp; -+ -+ DSSDBG("max_pixels_per_packet %d\n", max_pixels_per_packet); -+ -+ display->ctrl->setup_update(display, x, y, w, h); -+ -+ pixels_left = w * h; -+ -+ DSSDBG("total pixels %d\n", pixels_left); -+ -+ data += start_offset; -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+ dsi.update_region.x = x; -+ dsi.update_region.y = y; -+ dsi.update_region.w = w; -+ dsi.update_region.h = h; -+ dsi.update_region.bytespp = bytespp; -+#endif -+ -+ perf_mark_start(); -+ -+ while (pixels_left > 0) { -+ /* 0x2c = write_memory_start */ -+ /* 0x3c = write_memory_continue */ -+ u8 dcs_cmd = first ? 0x2c : 0x3c; -+ int pixels; -+ DSI_DECL_VARS; -+ first = 0; -+ -+#if 1 -+ /* using fifo not empty */ -+ /* TX_FIFO_NOT_EMPTY */ -+ while (FLD_GET(dsi_read_reg(DSI_VC_CTRL(0)), 5, 5)) { -+ udelay(1); -+ fifo_stalls++; -+ if (fifo_stalls > 0xfffff) { -+ DSSERR("fifo stalls overflow, pixels left %d\n", -+ pixels_left); -+ dsi_if_enable(0); -+ return -EIO; -+ } -+ } -+#elif 1 -+ /* using fifo emptiness */ -+ while ((REG_GET(DSI_TX_FIFO_VC_EMPTINESS, 7, 0)+1)*4 < -+ max_dsi_packet_size) { -+ fifo_stalls++; -+ if (fifo_stalls > 0xfffff) { -+ DSSERR("fifo stalls overflow, pixels left %d\n", -+ pixels_left); -+ dsi_if_enable(0); -+ return -EIO; -+ } -+ } -+#else -+ while ((REG_GET(DSI_TX_FIFO_VC_EMPTINESS, 7, 0)+1)*4 == 0) { -+ fifo_stalls++; -+ if (fifo_stalls > 0xfffff) { -+ DSSERR("fifo stalls overflow, pixels left %d\n", -+ pixels_left); -+ dsi_if_enable(0); -+ return -EIO; -+ } -+ } -+#endif -+ pixels = min(max_pixels_per_packet, pixels_left); -+ -+ pixels_left -= pixels; -+ -+ dsi_vc_write_long_header(0, DSI_DT_DCS_LONG_WRITE, -+ 1 + pixels * bytespp, 0); -+ -+ DSI_PUSH(0, dcs_cmd); -+ -+ while (pixels-- > 0) { -+ u32 pix = __raw_readl(data++); -+ -+ DSI_PUSH(0, (pix >> 16) & 0xff); -+ DSI_PUSH(0, (pix >> 8) & 0xff); -+ DSI_PUSH(0, (pix >> 0) & 0xff); -+ -+ current_x++; -+ if (current_x == x+w) { -+ current_x = x; -+ data += horiz_inc; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ DSI_FLUSH(0); -+ } -+ -+ perf_show("L4"); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+#if 0 -+static void dsi_clear_screen_l4(struct omap_display *display, -+ int x, int y, int w, int h) -+{ -+ int first = 1; -+ int fifo_stalls = 0; -+ int max_dsi_packet_size; -+ int max_data_per_packet; -+ int max_pixels_per_packet; -+ int pixels_left; -+ int bytespp = 3; -+ int pixnum; -+ -+ debug_irq = 0; -+ -+ DSSDBG("dsi_clear_screen_l4 (%d,%d %dx%d)\n", -+ x, y, w, h); -+ -+ if (display->ctrl->bpp != 24) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ /* We need header(4) + DCSCMD(1) + pixels(numpix*bytespp) -+ * bytes in fifo */ -+ -+ /* When using CPU, max long packet size is TX buffer size */ -+ max_dsi_packet_size =[0].fifo_size * 32 * 4; -+ -+ max_data_per_packet = max_dsi_packet_size - 4 - 1; -+ -+ max_pixels_per_packet = max_data_per_packet / bytespp; -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ display->ctrl->setup_update(display, x, y, w, h); -+ -+ pixels_left = w * h; -+ -+ dsi.update_region.x = x; -+ dsi.update_region.y = y; -+ dsi.update_region.w = w; -+ dsi.update_region.h = h; -+ dsi.update_region.bytespp = bytespp; -+ -+ start_measuring(); -+ -+ pixnum = 0; -+ -+ while (pixels_left > 0) { -+ /* 0x2c = write_memory_start */ -+ /* 0x3c = write_memory_continue */ -+ u8 dcs_cmd = first ? 0x2c : 0x3c; -+ int pixels; -+ DSI_DECL_VARS; -+ first = 0; -+ -+ /* TX_FIFO_NOT_EMPTY */ -+ while (FLD_GET(dsi_read_reg(DSI_VC_CTRL(0)), 5, 5)) { -+ fifo_stalls++; -+ if (fifo_stalls > 0xfffff) { -+ DSSERR("fifo stalls overflow\n"); -+ dsi_if_enable(0); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+ return; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ pixels = min(max_pixels_per_packet, pixels_left); -+ -+ pixels_left -= pixels; -+ -+ dsi_vc_write_long_header(0, DSI_DT_DCS_LONG_WRITE, -+ 1 + pixels * bytespp, 0); -+ -+ DSI_PUSH(0, dcs_cmd); -+ -+ while (pixels-- > 0) { -+ u32 pix; -+ -+ pix = 0x000000; -+ -+ DSI_PUSH(0, (pix >> 16) & 0xff); -+ DSI_PUSH(0, (pix >> 8) & 0xff); -+ DSI_PUSH(0, (pix >> 0) & 0xff); -+ } -+ -+ DSI_FLUSH(0); -+ } -+ -+ enable_clocks(0); -+ -+ end_measuring("L4 CLEAR"); -+} -+#endif -+ -+static void dsi_setup_update_dispc(struct omap_display *display, -+ u16 x, u16 y, u16 w, u16 h) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("dsi_setup_update_dispc(%d,%d %dx%d)\n", -+ x, y, w, h); -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+ dsi.update_region.x = x; -+ dsi.update_region.y = y; -+ dsi.update_region.w = w; -+ dsi.update_region.h = h; -+ dsi.update_region.bytespp = 3; // XXX -+#endif -+ -+ dispc_setup_partial_planes(display, &x, &y, &w, &h); -+ -+ dispc_set_lcd_size(w, h); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_setup_autoupdate_dispc(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ u16 w, h; -+ -+ display->get_resolution(display, &w, &h); -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+ dsi.update_region.x = 0; -+ dsi.update_region.y = 0; -+ dsi.update_region.w = w; -+ dsi.update_region.h = h; -+ dsi.update_region.bytespp = 3; // XXX -+#endif -+ -+ /* the overlay settings may not have been applied, if we were in manual -+ * mode earlier, so do it here */ -+ display->manager->apply(display->manager); -+ -+ dispc_set_lcd_size(w, h); -+ -+ dsi.autoupdate_setup = 0; -+} -+ -+static void dsi_update_screen_dispc(struct omap_display *display, -+ u16 x, u16 y, u16 w, u16 h) -+{ -+ int bytespp = 3; -+ int total_len; -+ int line_packet_len; -+ u32 l; -+ -+ if (dsi.update_mode == OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_MANUAL) -+ DSSDBG("dsi_update_screen_dispc(%d,%d %dx%d)\n", -+ x, y, w, h); -+ -+ /* TODO: one packet could be longer, I think? Max is the line buffer */ -+ line_packet_len = w * bytespp + 1; /* 1 byte for DCS cmd */ -+ total_len = line_packet_len * h; -+ -+ display->ctrl->setup_update(display, x, y, w, h); -+ -+ if (0) -+ dsi_vc_print_status(1); -+ -+ perf_mark_start(); -+ -+ l = FLD_VAL(total_len, 23, 0); /* TE_SIZE */ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_VC_TE(1), l); -+ -+ dsi_vc_write_long_header(1, DSI_DT_DCS_LONG_WRITE, line_packet_len, 0); -+ -+ if (dsi.use_te) -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 1, 30, 30); /* TE_EN */ -+ else -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 1, 31, 31); /* TE_START */ -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_VC_TE(1), l); -+ -+ dispc_enable_lcd_out(1); -+ -+ if (dsi.use_te) -+ dsi_vc_send_bta(1); -+} -+ -+static void framedone_callback(void *data, u32 mask) -+{ -+ if (dsi.framedone_scheduled) { -+ DSSERR("Framedone already scheduled. Bogus FRAMEDONE IRQ?\n"); -+ return; -+ } -+ -+ dsi.framedone_scheduled = 1; -+ -+ /* We get FRAMEDONE when DISPC has finished sending pixels and turns -+ * itself off. However, DSI still has the pixels in its buffers, and -+ * is sending the data. Thus we have to wait until we can do a new -+ * transfer or turn the clocks off. We do that in a separate work -+ * func. */ -+ queue_work(dsi.workqueue, &dsi.framedone_work); -+} -+ -+static void framedone_worker(struct work_struct *work) -+{ -+ u32 l; -+ unsigned long tmo; -+ int i = 0; -+ -+ l = REG_GET(DSI_VC_TE(1), 23, 0); /* TE_SIZE */ -+ -+ /* There shouldn't be much stuff in DSI buffers, if any, so we'll -+ * just busyloop */ -+ if (l > 0) { -+ tmo = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(50); -+ while (REG_GET(DSI_VC_TE(1), 23, 0) > 0) { /* TE_SIZE */ -+ i++; -+ if (time_after(jiffies, tmo)) { -+ DSSERR("timeout waiting TE_SIZE to zero\n"); -+ break; -+ } -+ cpu_relax(); -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (REG_GET(DSI_VC_TE(1), 30, 30)) -+ DSSERR("TE_EN not zero\n"); -+ -+ if (REG_GET(DSI_VC_TE(1), 31, 31)) -+ DSSERR("TE_START not zero\n"); -+ -+ perf_show("DISPC"); -+ -+ if (dsi.update_mode == OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_MANUAL) -+ DSSDBG("FRAMEDONE\n"); -+ -+#if 0 -+ if (l) -+ DSSWARN("FRAMEDONE irq too early, %d bytes, %d loops\n", l, i); -+#else -+ if (l > 1024*3) -+ DSSWARN("FRAMEDONE irq too early, %d bytes, %d loops\n", l, i); -+#endif -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_FAKE_VSYNC -+ dispc_fake_vsync_irq(); -+#endif -+ dsi.framedone_scheduled = 0; -+ -+ /* XXX check that fifo is not full. otherwise we would sleep and never -+ * get to process_cmd_fifo below */ -+ /* We check for target_update_mode, not update_mode. No reason to push -+ * new updates if we're turning auto update off */ -+ if (dsi.target_update_mode == OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_AUTO) -+ dsi_push_autoupdate([1].display); -+ -+ atomic_set(&dsi.cmd_pending, 0); -+ dsi_process_cmd_fifo(NULL); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_start_auto_update(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("starting auto update\n"); -+ -+ dsi.autoupdate_setup = 1; -+ -+ dsi_push_autoupdate(display); -+} -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+/* FIFO functions */ -+ -+static void dsi_signal_fifo_waiters(void) -+{ -+ if (atomic_read(&dsi.cmd_fifo_full) > 0) { -+ DSSDBG("SIGNALING: Fifo not full for waiter!\n"); -+ complete(&dsi.cmd_done); -+ atomic_dec(&dsi.cmd_fifo_full); -+ } -+} -+ -+/* returns 1 for async op, and 0 for sync op */ -+static int dsi_do_update(struct omap_display *display, -+ struct dsi_cmd_update *upd) -+{ -+ int r; -+ u16 x = upd->x, y = upd->y, w = upd->w, h = upd->h; -+ u16 dw, dh; -+ -+ if (dsi.update_mode == OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_DISABLED) -+ return 0; -+ -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE) -+ return 0; -+ -+ display->get_resolution(display, &dw, &dh); -+ if (x > dw || y > dh) -+ return 0; -+ -+ if (x + w > dw) -+ w = dw - x; -+ -+ if (y + h > dh) -+ h = dh - y; -+ -+ DSSDBGF("%d,%d %dx%d", x, y, w, h); -+ -+ perf_mark_setup(); -+ -+ if (display->manager->caps & OMAP_DSS_OVL_MGR_CAP_DISPC) { -+ dsi_setup_update_dispc(display, x, y, w, h); -+ dsi_update_screen_dispc(display, x, y, w, h); -+ return 1; -+ } else { -+ r = dsi_update_screen_l4(display, x, y, w, h); -+ if (r) -+ DSSERR("L4 update failed\n"); -+ return 0; -+ } -+} -+ -+/* returns 1 for async op, and 0 for sync op */ -+static int dsi_do_autoupdate(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ int r; -+ u16 w, h; -+ -+ if (dsi.update_mode == OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_DISABLED) -+ return 0; -+ -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE) -+ return 0; -+ -+ display->get_resolution(display, &w, &h); -+ -+ perf_mark_setup(); -+ -+ if (display->manager->caps & OMAP_DSS_OVL_MGR_CAP_DISPC) { -+ if (dsi.autoupdate_setup) -+ dsi_setup_autoupdate_dispc(display); -+ dsi_update_screen_dispc(display, 0, 0, w, h); -+ return 1; -+ } else { -+ r = dsi_update_screen_l4(display, 0, 0, w, h); -+ if (r) -+ DSSERR("L4 update failed\n"); -+ return 0; -+ } -+} -+ -+static void dsi_do_cmd_mem_read(struct omap_display *display, -+ struct dsi_cmd_mem_read *mem_read) -+{ -+ int r; -+ r = display->ctrl->memory_read(display, -+ mem_read->buf, -+ mem_read->size, -+ mem_read->x, -+ mem_read->y, -+ mem_read->w, -+ mem_read->h); -+ -+ *mem_read->ret_size = (size_t)r; -+ complete(mem_read->completion); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_do_cmd_test(struct omap_display *display, -+ struct dsi_cmd_test *test) -+{ -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ DSSDBGF(""); -+ -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE) -+ return; -+ -+ /* run test first in low speed mode */ -+ dsi_vc_enable_hs(0, 0); -+ -+ if (display->ctrl->run_test) { -+ r = display->ctrl->run_test(display, test->test_num); -+ if (r) -+ goto end; -+ } -+ -+ if (display->panel->run_test) { -+ r = display->panel->run_test(display, test->test_num); -+ if (r) -+ goto end; -+ } -+ -+ /* then in high speed */ -+ dsi_vc_enable_hs(0, 1); -+ -+ if (display->ctrl->run_test) { -+ r = display->ctrl->run_test(display, test->test_num); -+ if (r) -+ goto end; -+ } -+ -+ if (display->panel->run_test) -+ r = display->panel->run_test(display, test->test_num); -+ -+end: -+ dsi_vc_enable_hs(0, 1); -+ -+ *test->result = r; -+ complete(test->completion); -+ -+ DSSDBG("test end\n"); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_do_cmd_set_te(struct omap_display *display, bool enable) -+{ -+ dsi.use_te = enable; -+ -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE) -+ return; -+ -+ display->ctrl->enable_te(display, enable); -+ -+ if (enable) { -+ /* disable LP_RX_TO, so that we can receive TE. -+ * Time to wait for TE is longer than the timer allows */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_TIMING2, 0, 15, 15); /* LP_RX_TO */ -+ } else { -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_TIMING2, 1, 15, 15); /* LP_RX_TO */ -+ } -+} -+ -+static void dsi_do_cmd_set_update_mode(struct omap_display *display, -+ enum omap_dss_update_mode mode) -+{ -+ dsi.update_mode = mode; -+ -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE) -+ return; -+ -+ if (mode == OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_AUTO) -+ dsi_start_auto_update(display); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_process_cmd_fifo(struct work_struct *work) -+{ -+ int len; -+ struct dsi_cmd_item p; -+ unsigned long flags; -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ int exit = 0; -+ -+ if (dsi.debug_process) -+ DSSDBGF(""); -+ -+ if (atomic_cmpxchg(&dsi.cmd_pending, 0, 1) == 1) { -+ if (dsi.debug_process) -+ DSSDBG("cmd pending, skip process\n"); -+ return; -+ } -+ -+ while (!exit) { -+ spin_lock_irqsave(dsi.cmd_fifo->lock, flags); -+ -+ len = __kfifo_get(dsi.cmd_fifo, (unsigned char *)&p, -+ sizeof(p)); -+ if (len == 0) { -+ if (dsi.debug_process) -+ DSSDBG("nothing more in fifo, atomic clear\n"); -+ atomic_set(&dsi.cmd_pending, 0); -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(dsi.cmd_fifo->lock, flags); -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(dsi.cmd_fifo->lock, flags); -+ -+ BUG_ON(len != sizeof(p)); -+ -+ display = p.display; -+ -+ if (dsi.debug_process) -+ DSSDBG("processing cmd %d\n", p.cmd); -+ -+ switch (p.cmd) { -+ case DSI_CMD_UPDATE: -+ if (dsi_do_update(display, &p.u.r)) { -+ if (dsi.debug_process) -+ DSSDBG("async update\n"); -+ exit = 1; -+ } else { -+ if (dsi.debug_process) -+ DSSDBG("sync update\n"); -+ } -+ break; -+ -+ case DSI_CMD_AUTOUPDATE: -+ if (dsi_do_autoupdate(display)) { -+ if (dsi.debug_process) -+ DSSDBG("async autoupdate\n"); -+ exit = 1; -+ } else { -+ if (dsi.debug_process) -+ DSSDBG("sync autoupdate\n"); -+ } -+ break; -+ -+ case DSI_CMD_SYNC: -+ if (dsi.debug_process) -+ DSSDBG("Signaling SYNC done!\n"); -+ complete(p.u.sync); -+ break; -+ -+ case DSI_CMD_MEM_READ: -+ dsi_do_cmd_mem_read(display, &p.u.mem_read); -+ break; -+ -+ case DSI_CMD_TEST: -+ dsi_do_cmd_test(display, &p.u.test); -+ break; -+ -+ case DSI_CMD_SET_TE: -+ dsi_do_cmd_set_te(display, p.u.te); -+ break; -+ -+ case DSI_CMD_SET_UPDATE_MODE: -+ dsi_do_cmd_set_update_mode(display, p.u.update_mode); -+ break; -+ -+ case DSI_CMD_SET_ROTATE: -+ display->ctrl->set_rotate(display, p.u.rotate); -+ if (dsi.update_mode == OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_AUTO) -+ dsi.autoupdate_setup = 1; -+ break; -+ -+ case DSI_CMD_SET_MIRROR: -+ display->ctrl->set_mirror(display, p.u.mirror); -+ break; -+ -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (dsi.debug_process) -+ DSSDBG("exit dsi_process_cmd_fifo\n"); -+ -+ dsi_signal_fifo_waiters(); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_push_cmd(struct dsi_cmd_item *p) -+{ -+ int ret; -+ -+ if (dsi.debug_process) -+ DSSDBGF(""); -+ -+ while (1) { -+ unsigned long flags; -+ unsigned avail, used; -+ -+ spin_lock_irqsave(dsi.cmd_fifo->lock, flags); -+ used = __kfifo_len(dsi.cmd_fifo) / sizeof(struct dsi_cmd_item); -+ avail = DSI_CMD_FIFO_LEN - used; -+ -+ if (dsi.debug_process) -+ DSSDBG("%u/%u items left in fifo\n", avail, used); -+ -+ if (avail == 0) { -+ if (dsi.debug_process) -+ DSSDBG("cmd fifo full, waiting...\n"); -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(dsi.cmd_fifo->lock, flags); -+ atomic_inc(&dsi.cmd_fifo_full); -+ wait_for_completion(&dsi.cmd_done); -+ if (dsi.debug_process) -+ DSSDBG("cmd fifo not full, woke up\n"); -+ continue; -+ } -+ -+ ret = __kfifo_put(dsi.cmd_fifo, (unsigned char *)p, -+ sizeof(*p)); -+ -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(dsi.cmd_fifo->lock, flags); -+ -+ BUG_ON(ret != sizeof(*p)); -+ -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ queue_work(dsi.workqueue, &dsi.process_work); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_push_update(struct omap_display *display, -+ int x, int y, int w, int h) -+{ -+ struct dsi_cmd_item p; -+ -+ p.display = display; -+ p.cmd = DSI_CMD_UPDATE; -+ -+ p.u.r.x = x; -+ p.u.r.y = y; -+ p.u.r.w = w; -+ p.u.r.h = h; -+ -+ DSSDBG("pushing UPDATE %d,%d %dx%d\n", x, y, w, h); -+ -+ dsi_push_cmd(&p); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_push_autoupdate(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ struct dsi_cmd_item p; -+ -+ p.display = display; -+ p.cmd = DSI_CMD_AUTOUPDATE; -+ -+ dsi_push_cmd(&p); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_push_sync(struct omap_display *display, -+ struct completion *sync_comp) -+{ -+ struct dsi_cmd_item p; -+ -+ p.display = display; -+ p.cmd = DSI_CMD_SYNC; -+ p.u.sync = sync_comp; -+ -+ DSSDBG("pushing SYNC\n"); -+ -+ dsi_push_cmd(&p); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_push_mem_read(struct omap_display *display, -+ struct dsi_cmd_mem_read *mem_read) -+{ -+ struct dsi_cmd_item p; -+ -+ p.display = display; -+ p.cmd = DSI_CMD_MEM_READ; -+ p.u.mem_read = *mem_read; -+ -+ DSSDBG("pushing MEM_READ\n"); -+ -+ dsi_push_cmd(&p); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_push_test(struct omap_display *display, int test_num, -+ int *result, struct completion *completion) -+{ -+ struct dsi_cmd_item p; -+ -+ p.display = display; -+ p.cmd = DSI_CMD_TEST; -+ p.u.test.test_num = test_num; -+ p.u.test.result = result; -+ p.u.test.completion = completion; -+ -+ DSSDBG("pushing TEST\n"); -+ -+ dsi_push_cmd(&p); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_push_set_te(struct omap_display *display, bool enable) -+{ -+ struct dsi_cmd_item p; -+ -+ p.display = display; -+ p.cmd = DSI_CMD_SET_TE; -+ p.u.te = enable; -+ -+ DSSDBG("pushing SET_TE\n"); -+ -+ dsi_push_cmd(&p); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_push_set_update_mode(struct omap_display *display, -+ enum omap_dss_update_mode mode) -+{ -+ struct dsi_cmd_item p; -+ -+ p.display = display; -+ p.cmd = DSI_CMD_SET_UPDATE_MODE; -+ p.u.update_mode = mode; -+ -+ DSSDBG("pushing SET_UPDATE_MODE\n"); -+ -+ dsi_push_cmd(&p); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_push_set_rotate(struct omap_display *display, int rotate) -+{ -+ struct dsi_cmd_item p; -+ -+ p.display = display; -+ p.cmd = DSI_CMD_SET_ROTATE; -+ p.u.rotate = rotate; -+ -+ DSSDBG("pushing SET_ROTATE\n"); -+ -+ dsi_push_cmd(&p); -+} -+ -+static void dsi_push_set_mirror(struct omap_display *display, int mirror) -+{ -+ struct dsi_cmd_item p; -+ -+ p.display = display; -+ p.cmd = DSI_CMD_SET_MIRROR; -+ p.u.mirror = mirror; -+ -+ DSSDBG("pushing SET_MIRROR\n"); -+ -+ dsi_push_cmd(&p); -+} -+ -+static int dsi_wait_sync(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ long wait = msecs_to_jiffies(60000); -+ struct completion compl; -+ -+ DSSDBGF(""); -+ -+ init_completion(&compl); -+ dsi_push_sync(display, &compl); -+ -+ DSSDBG("Waiting for SYNC to happen...\n"); -+ wait = wait_for_completion_timeout(&compl, wait); -+ DSSDBG("Released from SYNC\n"); -+ -+ if (wait == 0) { -+ DSSERR("timeout waiting sync\n"); -+ return -ETIME; -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+/* Display funcs */ -+ -+static int dsi_display_init_dispc(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ int r; -+ -+ r = omap_dispc_register_isr(framedone_callback, NULL, -+ DISPC_IRQ_FRAMEDONE); -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("can't get FRAMEDONE irq\n"); -+ return r; -+ } -+ -+ dispc_set_lcd_display_type(OMAP_DSS_LCD_DISPLAY_TFT); -+ -+ dispc_set_parallel_interface_mode(OMAP_DSS_PARALLELMODE_DSI); -+ dispc_enable_fifohandcheck(1); -+ -+ dispc_set_tft_data_lines(display->ctrl->pixel_size); -+ -+ { -+ struct omap_video_timings timings = { -+ .hsw = 1, -+ .hfp = 1, -+ .hbp = 1, -+ .vsw = 1, -+ .vfp = 0, -+ .vbp = 0, -+ }; -+ -+ dispc_set_lcd_timings(&timings); -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void dsi_display_uninit_dispc(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ omap_dispc_unregister_isr(framedone_callback, NULL, -+ DISPC_IRQ_FRAMEDONE); -+} -+ -+static int dsi_display_init_dsi(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ struct dsi_clock_info cinfo; -+ int r; -+ -+ _dsi_print_reset_status(); -+ -+ r = dsi_pll_init(1, 0); -+ if (r) -+ goto err0; -+ -+ r = dsi_pll_calc_ddrfreq(display->hw_config.u.dsi.ddr_clk_hz, &cinfo); -+ if (r) -+ goto err1; -+ -+ r = dsi_pll_program(&cinfo); -+ if (r) -+ goto err1; -+ -+ DSSDBG("PLL OK\n"); -+ -+ r = dsi_complexio_init(display); -+ if (r) -+ goto err1; -+ -+ _dsi_print_reset_status(); -+ -+ dsi_proto_timings(); -+ dsi_set_lp_clk_divisor(); -+ -+ if (1) -+ _dsi_print_reset_status(); -+ -+ r = dsi_proto_config(display); -+ if (r) -+ goto err2; -+ -+ /* enable interface */ -+ dsi_vc_enable(0, 1); -+ dsi_vc_enable(1, 1); -+ dsi_if_enable(1); -+ dsi_force_tx_stop_mode_io(); -+ -+ if (display->ctrl && display->ctrl->enable) { -+ r = display->ctrl->enable(display); -+ if (r) -+ goto err3; -+ } -+ -+ if (display->panel && display->panel->enable) { -+ r = display->panel->enable(display); -+ if (r) -+ goto err4; -+ } -+ -+ /* enable high-speed after initial config */ -+ dsi_vc_enable_hs(0, 1); -+ -+ return 0; -+err4: -+ if (display->ctrl && display->ctrl->disable) -+ display->ctrl->disable(display); -+err3: -+ dsi_if_enable(0); -+err2: -+ dsi_complexio_uninit(); -+err1: -+ dsi_pll_uninit(); -+err0: -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static void dsi_display_uninit_dsi(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (display->panel && display->panel->disable) -+ display->panel->disable(display); -+ if (display->ctrl && display->ctrl->disable) -+ display->ctrl->disable(display); -+ -+ dsi_complexio_uninit(); -+ dsi_pll_uninit(); -+} -+ -+static int dsi_core_init(void) -+{ -+ /* Autoidle */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_SYSCONFIG, 1, 0, 0); -+ -+ /* ENWAKEUP */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_SYSCONFIG, 1, 2, 2); -+ -+ /* SIDLEMODE smart-idle */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSI_SYSCONFIG, 2, 4, 3); -+ -+ _dsi_initialize_irq(); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int dsi_display_enable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ DSSDBG("dsi_display_enable\n"); -+ -+ mutex_lock(&dsi.lock); -+ -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED) { -+ DSSERR("display already enabled\n"); -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ goto err0; -+ } -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ dsi_enable_pll_clock(1); -+ -+ r = _dsi_reset(); -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ -+ dsi_core_init(); -+ -+ r = dsi_display_init_dispc(display); -+ if (r) -+ goto err1; -+ -+ r = dsi_display_init_dsi(display); -+ if (r) -+ goto err2; -+ -+ display->state = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE; -+ -+ if (dsi.use_te) -+ dsi_push_set_te(display, 1); -+ -+ dsi_push_set_update_mode(display, dsi.user_update_mode); -+ dsi.target_update_mode = dsi.user_update_mode; -+ -+ mutex_unlock(&dsi.lock); -+ -+ return dsi_wait_sync(display); -+ -+err2: -+ dsi_display_uninit_dispc(display); -+err1: -+ enable_clocks(0); -+ dsi_enable_pll_clock(0); -+err0: -+ mutex_unlock(&dsi.lock); -+ DSSDBG("dsi_display_enable FAILED\n"); -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static void dsi_display_disable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("dsi_display_disable\n"); -+ -+ mutex_lock(&dsi.lock); -+ -+ if (display->state == OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED || -+ display->state == OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_SUSPENDED) -+ goto end; -+ -+ if (dsi.target_update_mode != OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_DISABLED) { -+ dsi_push_set_update_mode(display, OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_DISABLED); -+ dsi.target_update_mode = OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_DISABLED; -+ } -+ -+ dsi_wait_sync(display); -+ -+ display->state = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED; -+ -+ dsi_display_uninit_dispc(display); -+ -+ dsi_display_uninit_dsi(display); -+ -+ enable_clocks(0); -+ dsi_enable_pll_clock(0); -+end: -+ mutex_unlock(&dsi.lock); -+} -+ -+static int dsi_display_suspend(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("dsi_display_suspend\n"); -+ -+ dsi_display_disable(display); -+ -+ display->state = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_SUSPENDED; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int dsi_display_resume(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("dsi_display_resume\n"); -+ -+ display->state = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED; -+ return dsi_display_enable(display); -+} -+ -+static int dsi_display_update(struct omap_display *display, -+ u16 x, u16 y, u16 w, u16 h) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("dsi_display_update(%d,%d %dx%d)\n", x, y, w, h); -+ -+ if (w == 0 || h == 0) -+ return 0; -+ -+ mutex_lock(&dsi.lock); -+ -+ if (dsi.target_update_mode == OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_MANUAL) -+ dsi_push_update(display, x, y, w, h); -+ /* XXX else return error? */ -+ -+ mutex_unlock(&dsi.lock); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int dsi_display_sync(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ DSSDBGF(""); -+ return dsi_wait_sync(display); -+} -+ -+static int dsi_display_set_update_mode(struct omap_display *display, -+ enum omap_dss_update_mode mode) -+{ -+ DSSDBGF("%d", mode); -+ -+ mutex_lock(&dsi.lock); -+ -+ if (dsi.target_update_mode != mode) { -+ dsi_push_set_update_mode(display, mode); -+ -+ dsi.target_update_mode = mode; -+ dsi.user_update_mode = mode; -+ } -+ -+ mutex_unlock(&dsi.lock); -+ -+ return dsi_wait_sync(display); -+} -+ -+static enum omap_dss_update_mode dsi_display_get_update_mode( -+ struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ return dsi.update_mode; -+} -+ -+static int dsi_display_enable_te(struct omap_display *display, bool enable) -+{ -+ DSSDBGF("%d", enable); -+ -+ if (!display->ctrl->enable_te) -+ return -ENOENT; -+ -+ dsi_push_set_te(display, enable); -+ -+ return dsi_wait_sync(display); -+} -+ -+static int dsi_display_get_te(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ return dsi.use_te; -+} -+ -+ -+ -+static int dsi_display_set_rotate(struct omap_display *display, u8 rotate) -+{ -+ DSSDBGF("%d", rotate); -+ -+ if (!display->ctrl->set_rotate || !display->ctrl->get_rotate) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ dsi_push_set_rotate(display, rotate); -+ -+ return dsi_wait_sync(display); -+} -+ -+static u8 dsi_display_get_rotate(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (!display->ctrl->set_rotate || !display->ctrl->get_rotate) -+ return 0; -+ -+ return display->ctrl->get_rotate(display); -+} -+ -+static int dsi_display_set_mirror(struct omap_display *display, bool mirror) -+{ -+ DSSDBGF("%d", mirror); -+ -+ if (!display->ctrl->set_mirror || !display->ctrl->get_mirror) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ dsi_push_set_mirror(display, mirror); -+ -+ return dsi_wait_sync(display); -+} -+ -+static bool dsi_display_get_mirror(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (!display->ctrl->set_mirror || !display->ctrl->get_mirror) -+ return 0; -+ -+ return display->ctrl->get_mirror(display); -+} -+ -+static int dsi_display_run_test(struct omap_display *display, int test_num) -+{ -+ long wait = msecs_to_jiffies(60000); -+ struct completion compl; -+ int result; -+ -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE) -+ return -EIO; -+ -+ DSSDBGF("%d", test_num); -+ -+ init_completion(&compl); -+ -+ dsi_push_test(display, test_num, &result, &compl); -+ -+ DSSDBG("Waiting for SYNC to happen...\n"); -+ wait = wait_for_completion_timeout(&compl, wait); -+ DSSDBG("Released from SYNC\n"); -+ -+ if (wait == 0) { -+ DSSERR("timeout waiting test sync\n"); -+ return -ETIME; -+ } -+ -+ return result; -+} -+ -+static int dsi_display_memory_read(struct omap_display *display, -+ void *buf, size_t size, -+ u16 x, u16 y, u16 w, u16 h) -+{ -+ long wait = msecs_to_jiffies(60000); -+ struct completion compl; -+ struct dsi_cmd_mem_read mem_read; -+ size_t ret_size; -+ -+ DSSDBGF(""); -+ -+ if (!display->ctrl->memory_read) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE) -+ return -EIO; -+ -+ init_completion(&compl); -+ -+ mem_read.x = x; -+ mem_read.y = y; -+ mem_read.w = w; -+ mem_read.h = h; -+ mem_read.buf = buf; -+ mem_read.size = size; -+ mem_read.ret_size = &ret_size; -+ mem_read.completion = &compl; -+ -+ dsi_push_mem_read(display, &mem_read); -+ -+ DSSDBG("Waiting for SYNC to happen...\n"); -+ wait = wait_for_completion_timeout(&compl, wait); -+ DSSDBG("Released from SYNC\n"); -+ -+ if (wait == 0) { -+ DSSERR("timeout waiting mem read sync\n"); -+ return -ETIME; -+ } -+ -+ return ret_size; -+} -+ -+static void dsi_configure_overlay(struct omap_overlay *ovl) -+{ -+ unsigned low, high, size; -+ enum omap_burst_size burst; -+ enum omap_plane plane = ovl->id; -+ -+ burst = OMAP_DSS_BURST_16x32; -+ size = 16 * 32 / 8; -+ -+ dispc_set_burst_size(plane, burst); -+ -+ high = dispc_get_plane_fifo_size(plane) - size; -+ low = 0; -+ dispc_setup_plane_fifo(plane, low, high); -+} -+ -+void dsi_init_display(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("DSI init\n"); -+ -+ display->enable = dsi_display_enable; -+ display->disable = dsi_display_disable; -+ display->suspend = dsi_display_suspend; -+ display->resume = dsi_display_resume; -+ display->update = dsi_display_update; -+ display->sync = dsi_display_sync; -+ display->set_update_mode = dsi_display_set_update_mode; -+ display->get_update_mode = dsi_display_get_update_mode; -+ display->enable_te = dsi_display_enable_te; -+ display->get_te = dsi_display_get_te; -+ -+ display->get_rotate = dsi_display_get_rotate; -+ display->set_rotate = dsi_display_set_rotate; -+ -+ display->get_mirror = dsi_display_get_mirror; -+ display->set_mirror = dsi_display_set_mirror; -+ -+ display->run_test = dsi_display_run_test; -+ display->memory_read = dsi_display_memory_read; -+ -+ display->configure_overlay = dsi_configure_overlay; -+ -+ display->caps = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_CAP_MANUAL_UPDATE; -+ -+[0].display = display; -+[1].display = display; -+} -+ -+int dsi_init(void) -+{ -+ u32 rev; -+ -+ spin_lock_init(&dsi.cmd_lock); -+ dsi.cmd_fifo = kfifo_alloc( -+ DSI_CMD_FIFO_LEN * sizeof(struct dsi_cmd_item), -+ GFP_KERNEL, -+ &dsi.cmd_lock); -+ -+ init_completion(&dsi.cmd_done); -+ atomic_set(&dsi.cmd_fifo_full, 0); -+ atomic_set(&dsi.cmd_pending, 0); -+ -+ init_completion(&dsi.bta_completion); -+ -+ dsi.workqueue = create_singlethread_workqueue("dsi"); -+ INIT_WORK(&dsi.framedone_work, framedone_worker); -+ INIT_WORK(&dsi.process_work, dsi_process_cmd_fifo); -+ -+ mutex_init(&dsi.lock); -+ -+ dsi.target_update_mode = OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_DISABLED; -+ dsi.user_update_mode = OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_DISABLED; -+ -+ dsi.base = ioremap(DSI_BASE, DSI_SZ_REGS); -+ if (!dsi.base) { -+ DSSERR("can't ioremap DSI\n"); -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ } -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ rev = dsi_read_reg(DSI_REVISION); -+ printk(KERN_INFO "OMAP DSI rev %d.%d\n", -+ FLD_GET(rev, 7, 4), FLD_GET(rev, 3, 0)); -+ -+ enable_clocks(0); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+void dsi_exit(void) -+{ -+ flush_workqueue(dsi.workqueue); -+ destroy_workqueue(dsi.workqueue); -+ -+ iounmap(dsi.base); -+ -+ kfifo_free(dsi.cmd_fifo); -+ -+ DSSDBG("omap_dsi_exit\n"); -+} -+ -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..adc1f34 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.c -@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.c -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * Some code and ideas taken from drivers/video/omap/ driver -+ * by Imre Deak. -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#define DSS_SUBSYS_NAME "DSS" -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+#include "dss.h" -+ -+#define DSS_BASE 0x48050000 -+ -+#define DSS_SZ_REGS SZ_512 -+ -+struct dss_reg { -+ u16 idx; -+}; -+ -+#define DSS_REG(idx) ((const struct dss_reg) { idx }) -+ -+#define DSS_REVISION DSS_REG(0x0000) -+#define DSS_SYSCONFIG DSS_REG(0x0010) -+#define DSS_SYSSTATUS DSS_REG(0x0014) -+#define DSS_IRQSTATUS DSS_REG(0x0018) -+#define DSS_CONTROL DSS_REG(0x0040) -+#define DSS_SDI_CONTROL DSS_REG(0x0044) -+#define DSS_PLL_CONTROL DSS_REG(0x0048) -+#define DSS_SDI_STATUS DSS_REG(0x005C) -+ -+#define REG_GET(idx, start, end) \ -+ FLD_GET(dss_read_reg(idx), start, end) -+ -+#define REG_FLD_MOD(idx, val, start, end) \ -+ dss_write_reg(idx, FLD_MOD(dss_read_reg(idx), val, start, end)) -+ -+static struct { -+ void __iomem *base; -+ -+ u32 ctx[DSS_SZ_REGS / sizeof(u32)]; -+} dss; -+ -+static int _omap_dss_wait_reset(void); -+ -+static inline void dss_write_reg(const struct dss_reg idx, u32 val) -+{ -+ __raw_writel(val, dss.base + idx.idx); -+} -+ -+static inline u32 dss_read_reg(const struct dss_reg idx) -+{ -+ return __raw_readl(dss.base + idx.idx); -+} -+ -+#define SR(reg) \ -+ dss.ctx[(DSS_##reg).idx / sizeof(u32)] = dss_read_reg(DSS_##reg) -+#define RR(reg) \ -+ dss_write_reg(DSS_##reg, dss.ctx[(DSS_##reg).idx / sizeof(u32)]) -+ -+void dss_save_context(void) -+{ -+ if (cpu_is_omap24xx()) -+ return; -+ -+ SR(SYSCONFIG); -+ SR(CONTROL); -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_SDI -+ SR(SDI_CONTROL); -+ SR(PLL_CONTROL); -+#endif -+} -+ -+void dss_restore_context(void) -+{ -+ if (_omap_dss_wait_reset()) -+ DSSERR("DSS not coming out of reset after sleep\n"); -+ -+ RR(SYSCONFIG); -+ RR(CONTROL); -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_SDI -+ RR(SDI_CONTROL); -+ RR(PLL_CONTROL); -+#endif -+} -+ -+#undef SR -+#undef RR -+ -+void dss_sdi_init(u8 datapairs) -+{ -+ u32 l; -+ -+ BUG_ON(datapairs > 3 || datapairs < 1); -+ -+ l = dss_read_reg(DSS_SDI_CONTROL); -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0xf, 19, 15); /* SDI_PDIV */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, datapairs-1, 3, 2); /* SDI_PRSEL */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 2, 1, 0); /* SDI_BWSEL */ -+ dss_write_reg(DSS_SDI_CONTROL, l); -+ -+ l = dss_read_reg(DSS_PLL_CONTROL); -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0x7, 25, 22); /* SDI_PLL_FREQSEL */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0xb, 16, 11); /* SDI_PLL_REGN */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0xb4, 10, 1); /* SDI_PLL_REGM */ -+ dss_write_reg(DSS_PLL_CONTROL, l); -+} -+ -+void dss_sdi_enable(void) -+{ -+ dispc_pck_free_enable(1); -+ -+ /* Reset SDI PLL */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSS_PLL_CONTROL, 1, 18, 18); /* SDI_PLL_SYSRESET */ -+ udelay(1); /* wait 2x PCLK */ -+ -+ /* Lock SDI PLL */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSS_PLL_CONTROL, 1, 28, 28); /* SDI_PLL_GOBIT */ -+ -+ /* Waiting for PLL lock request to complete */ -+ while (dss_read_reg(DSS_SDI_STATUS) & (1 << 6)) -+ ; -+ -+ /* Clearing PLL_GO bit */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSS_PLL_CONTROL, 0, 28, 28); -+ -+ /* Waiting for PLL to lock */ -+ while (!(dss_read_reg(DSS_SDI_STATUS) & (1 << 5))) -+ ; -+ -+ dispc_lcd_enable_signal(1); -+ -+ /* Waiting for SDI reset to complete */ -+ while (!(dss_read_reg(DSS_SDI_STATUS) & (1 << 2))) -+ ; -+} -+ -+void dss_sdi_disable(void) -+{ -+ dispc_lcd_enable_signal(0); -+ -+ dispc_pck_free_enable(0); -+ -+ /* Reset SDI PLL */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSS_PLL_CONTROL, 0, 18, 18); /* SDI_PLL_SYSRESET */ -+} -+ -+void dss_dump_regs(struct seq_file *s) -+{ -+#define DUMPREG(r) seq_printf(s, "%-35s %08x\n", #r, dss_read_reg(r)) -+ -+ dss_clk_enable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ DUMPREG(DSS_REVISION); -+ DUMPREG(DSS_SYSCONFIG); -+ DUMPREG(DSS_SYSSTATUS); -+ DUMPREG(DSS_IRQSTATUS); -+ DUMPREG(DSS_CONTROL); -+ DUMPREG(DSS_SDI_CONTROL); -+ DUMPREG(DSS_PLL_CONTROL); -+ DUMPREG(DSS_SDI_STATUS); -+ -+ dss_clk_disable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+#undef DUMPREG -+} -+ -+void dss_select_clk_source(bool dsi, bool dispc) -+{ -+ u32 r; -+ r = dss_read_reg(DSS_CONTROL); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, dsi, 1, 1); /* DSI_CLK_SWITCH */ -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, dispc, 0, 0); /* DISPC_CLK_SWITCH */ -+ dss_write_reg(DSS_CONTROL, r); -+} -+ -+int dss_get_dsi_clk_source(void) -+{ -+ return FLD_GET(dss_read_reg(DSS_CONTROL), 1, 1); -+} -+ -+int dss_get_dispc_clk_source(void) -+{ -+ return FLD_GET(dss_read_reg(DSS_CONTROL), 0, 0); -+} -+ -+static irqreturn_t dss_irq_handler_omap2(int irq, void *arg) -+{ -+ dispc_irq_handler(); -+ -+ return IRQ_HANDLED; -+} -+ -+static irqreturn_t dss_irq_handler_omap3(int irq, void *arg) -+{ -+ u32 irqstatus; -+ -+ irqstatus = dss_read_reg(DSS_IRQSTATUS); -+ -+ if (irqstatus & (1<<0)) /* DISPC_IRQ */ -+ dispc_irq_handler(); -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DSI -+ if (irqstatus & (1<<1)) /* DSI_IRQ */ -+ dsi_irq_handler(); -+#endif -+ -+ return IRQ_HANDLED; -+} -+ -+static int _omap_dss_wait_reset(void) -+{ -+ unsigned timeout = 1000; -+ -+ while (REG_GET(DSS_SYSSTATUS, 0, 0) == 0) { -+ udelay(1); -+ if (!--timeout) { -+ DSSERR("soft reset failed\n"); -+ return -ENODEV; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int _omap_dss_reset(void) -+{ -+ /* Soft reset */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSS_SYSCONFIG, 1, 1, 1); -+ return _omap_dss_wait_reset(); -+} -+ -+void dss_set_venc_output(enum omap_dss_venc_type type) -+{ -+ int l = 0; -+ -+ if (type == OMAP_DSS_VENC_TYPE_COMPOSITE) -+ l = 0; -+ else if (type == OMAP_DSS_VENC_TYPE_SVIDEO) -+ l = 1; -+ else -+ BUG(); -+ -+ /* venc out selection. 0 = comp, 1 = svideo */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSS_CONTROL, l, 6, 6); -+} -+ -+void dss_set_dac_pwrdn_bgz(bool enable) -+{ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSS_CONTROL, enable, 5, 5); /* DAC Power-Down Control */ -+} -+ -+int dss_init(bool skip_init) -+{ -+ int r; -+ u32 rev; -+ -+ dss.base = ioremap(DSS_BASE, DSS_SZ_REGS); -+ if (!dss.base) { -+ DSSERR("can't ioremap DSS\n"); -+ r = -ENOMEM; -+ goto fail0; -+ } -+ -+ if (!skip_init) { -+ /* We need to wait here a bit, otherwise we sometimes start to -+ * get synclost errors, and after that only power cycle will -+ * restore DSS functionality. I have no idea why this happens. -+ * And we have to wait _before_ resetting the DSS, but after -+ * enabling clocks. -+ */ -+ msleep(50); -+ -+ _omap_dss_reset(); -+ -+ } -+ else -+ printk("DSS SKIP RESET\n"); -+ -+ /* autoidle */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSS_SYSCONFIG, 1, 0, 0); -+ -+ /* Select DPLL */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSS_CONTROL, 0, 0, 0); -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_VENC -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSS_CONTROL, 1, 4, 4); /* venc dac demen */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSS_CONTROL, 1, 3, 3); /* venc clock 4x enable */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DSS_CONTROL, 0, 2, 2); /* venc clock mode = normal */ -+#endif -+ -+ r = request_irq(INT_24XX_DSS_IRQ, -+ cpu_is_omap24xx() -+ ? dss_irq_handler_omap2 -+ : dss_irq_handler_omap3, -+ 0, "OMAP DSS", NULL); -+ -+ if (r < 0) { -+ DSSERR("omap2 dss: request_irq failed\n"); -+ goto fail1; -+ } -+ -+ dss_save_context(); -+ -+ rev = dss_read_reg(DSS_REVISION); -+ printk(KERN_INFO "OMAP DSS rev %d.%d\n", -+ FLD_GET(rev, 7, 4), FLD_GET(rev, 3, 0)); -+ -+ return 0; -+ -+fail1: -+ iounmap(dss.base); -+fail0: -+ return r; -+} -+ -+void dss_exit(void) -+{ -+ free_irq(INT_24XX_DSS_IRQ, NULL); -+ -+ iounmap(dss.base); -+} -+ -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..bac5ece ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * Some code and ideas taken from drivers/video/omap/ driver -+ * by Imre Deak. -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#ifndef __OMAP2_DSS_H -+#define __OMAP2_DSS_H -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DEBUG_SUPPORT -+#define DEBUG -+#endif -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+extern unsigned int dss_debug; -+#ifdef DSS_SUBSYS_NAME -+#define DSSDBG(format, ...) \ -+ if (dss_debug) \ -+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "omapdss " DSS_SUBSYS_NAME ": " format, \ -+ ## __VA_ARGS__) -+#else -+#define DSSDBG(format, ...) \ -+ if (dss_debug) \ -+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "omapdss: " format, ## __VA_ARGS__) -+#endif -+ -+#ifdef DSS_SUBSYS_NAME -+#define DSSDBGF(format, ...) \ -+ if (dss_debug) \ -+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "omapdss " DSS_SUBSYS_NAME \ -+ ": %s(" format ")\n", \ -+ __func__, \ -+ ## __VA_ARGS__) -+#else -+#define DSSDBGF(format, ...) \ -+ if (dss_debug) \ -+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "omapdss: " \ -+ ": %s(" format ")\n", \ -+ __func__, \ -+ ## __VA_ARGS__) -+#endif -+ -+#else /* DEBUG */ -+#define DSSDBG(format, ...) -+#define DSSDBGF(format, ...) -+#endif -+ -+ -+#ifdef DSS_SUBSYS_NAME -+#define DSSERR(format, ...) \ -+ printk(KERN_ERR "omapdss " DSS_SUBSYS_NAME " error: " format, \ -+ ## __VA_ARGS__) -+#else -+#define DSSERR(format, ...) \ -+ printk(KERN_ERR "omapdss error: " format, ## __VA_ARGS__) -+#endif -+ -+#ifdef DSS_SUBSYS_NAME -+#define DSSINFO(format, ...) \ -+ printk(KERN_INFO "omapdss " DSS_SUBSYS_NAME ": " format, \ -+ ## __VA_ARGS__) -+#else -+#define DSSINFO(format, ...) \ -+ printk(KERN_INFO "omapdss: " format, ## __VA_ARGS__) -+#endif -+ -+#ifdef DSS_SUBSYS_NAME -+#define DSSWARN(format, ...) \ -+ printk(KERN_WARNING "omapdss " DSS_SUBSYS_NAME ": " format, \ -+ ## __VA_ARGS__) -+#else -+#define DSSWARN(format, ...) \ -+ printk(KERN_WARNING "omapdss: " format, ## __VA_ARGS__) -+#endif -+ -+/* OMAP TRM gives bitfields as start:end, where start is the higher bit -+ number. For example 7:0 */ -+#define FLD_MASK(start, end) (((1 << (start - end + 1)) - 1) << (end)) -+#define FLD_VAL(val, start, end) (((val) << end) & FLD_MASK(start, end)) -+#define FLD_GET(val, start, end) (((val) & FLD_MASK(start, end)) >> (end)) -+#define FLD_MOD(orig, val, start, end) \ -+ (((orig) & ~FLD_MASK(start, end)) | FLD_VAL(val, start, end)) -+ -+#define DISPC_MAX_FCK 173000000 -+ -+enum omap_burst_size { -+ OMAP_DSS_BURST_4x32 = 0, -+ OMAP_DSS_BURST_8x32 = 1, -+ OMAP_DSS_BURST_16x32 = 2, -+}; -+ -+enum omap_parallel_interface_mode { -+ OMAP_DSS_PARALLELMODE_BYPASS, /* MIPI DPI */ -+ OMAP_DSS_PARALLELMODE_RFBI, /* MIPI DBI */ -+ OMAP_DSS_PARALLELMODE_DSI, -+}; -+ -+enum dss_clock { -+ DSS_CLK_ICK = 1 << 0, -+ DSS_CLK_FCK1 = 1 << 1, -+ DSS_CLK_FCK2 = 1 << 2, -+ DSS_CLK_54M = 1 << 3, -+ DSS_CLK_96M = 1 << 4, -+}; -+ -+struct dispc_clock_info { -+ /* rates that we get with dividers below */ -+ unsigned long fck; -+ unsigned long lck; -+ unsigned long pck; -+ -+ /* dividers */ -+ u16 fck_div; -+ u16 lck_div; -+ u16 pck_div; -+}; -+ -+struct dsi_clock_info { -+ /* rates that we get with dividers below */ -+ unsigned long fint; -+ unsigned long dsiphy; -+ unsigned long clkin; -+ unsigned long dsi1_pll_fclk; -+ unsigned long dsi2_pll_fclk; -+ unsigned long lck; -+ unsigned long pck; -+ -+ /* dividers */ -+ u16 regn; -+ u16 regm; -+ u16 regm3; -+ u16 regm4; -+ -+ u16 lck_div; -+ u16 pck_div; -+ -+ u8 highfreq; -+ bool use_dss2_fck; -+}; -+ -+struct seq_file; -+struct platform_device; -+ -+/* core */ -+void dss_clk_enable(enum dss_clock clks); -+void dss_clk_disable(enum dss_clock clks); -+unsigned long dss_clk_get_rate(enum dss_clock clk); -+int dss_need_ctx_restore(void); -+void dss_dump_clocks(struct seq_file *s); -+ -+int dss_dsi_power_up(void); -+void dss_dsi_power_down(void); -+ -+/* display */ -+void dss_init_displays(struct platform_device *pdev); -+void dss_uninit_displays(struct platform_device *pdev); -+int dss_suspend_all_displays(void); -+int dss_resume_all_displays(void); -+struct omap_display *dss_get_display(int no); -+ -+/* manager */ -+int dss_init_overlay_managers(struct platform_device *pdev); -+void dss_uninit_overlay_managers(struct platform_device *pdev); -+ -+/* overlay */ -+void dss_init_overlays(struct platform_device *pdev, const char *def_disp_name); -+void dss_uninit_overlays(struct platform_device *pdev); -+int dss_check_overlay(struct omap_overlay *ovl, struct omap_display *display); -+void dss_overlay_setup_dispc_manager(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr); -+ -+/* DSS */ -+int dss_init(bool skip_init); -+void dss_exit(void); -+ -+void dss_save_context(void); -+void dss_restore_context(void); -+ -+void dss_dump_regs(struct seq_file *s); -+ -+void dss_sdi_init(u8 datapairs); -+void dss_sdi_enable(void); -+void dss_sdi_disable(void); -+ -+void dss_select_clk_source(bool dsi, bool dispc); -+int dss_get_dsi_clk_source(void); -+int dss_get_dispc_clk_source(void); -+void dss_set_venc_output(enum omap_dss_venc_type type); -+void dss_set_dac_pwrdn_bgz(bool enable); -+ -+/* SDI */ -+int sdi_init(bool skip_init); -+void sdi_exit(void); -+void sdi_init_display(struct omap_display *display); -+ -+/* DSI */ -+int dsi_init(void); -+void dsi_exit(void); -+ -+void dsi_dump_clocks(struct seq_file *s); -+void dsi_dump_regs(struct seq_file *s); -+ -+void dsi_save_context(void); -+void dsi_restore_context(void); -+ -+void dsi_init_display(struct omap_display *display); -+void dsi_irq_handler(void); -+unsigned long dsi_get_dsi1_pll_rate(void); -+unsigned long dsi_get_dsi2_pll_rate(void); -+int dsi_pll_calc_pck(bool is_tft, unsigned long req_pck, -+ struct dsi_clock_info *cinfo); -+int dsi_pll_program(struct dsi_clock_info *cinfo); -+int dsi_pll_init(bool enable_hsclk, bool enable_hsdiv); -+void dsi_pll_uninit(void); -+ -+/* DPI */ -+int dpi_init(void); -+void dpi_exit(void); -+void dpi_init_display(struct omap_display *display); -+ -+/* DISPC */ -+int dispc_init(void); -+void dispc_exit(void); -+void dispc_dump_clocks(struct seq_file *s); -+void dispc_dump_regs(struct seq_file *s); -+void dispc_irq_handler(void); -+void dispc_fake_vsync_irq(void); -+ -+void dispc_save_context(void); -+void dispc_restore_context(void); -+ -+void dispc_lcd_enable_signal_polarity(bool act_high); -+void dispc_lcd_enable_signal(bool enable); -+void dispc_pck_free_enable(bool enable); -+void dispc_enable_fifohandcheck(bool enable); -+ -+void dispc_set_lcd_size(u16 width, u16 height); -+void dispc_set_digit_size(u16 width, u16 height); -+u32 dispc_get_plane_fifo_size(enum omap_plane plane); -+void dispc_setup_plane_fifo(enum omap_plane plane, u32 low, u32 high); -+void dispc_enable_fifomerge(bool enable); -+void dispc_set_burst_size(enum omap_plane plane, -+ enum omap_burst_size burst_size); -+ -+void dispc_set_plane_ba0(enum omap_plane plane, u32 paddr); -+void dispc_set_plane_ba1(enum omap_plane plane, u32 paddr); -+void dispc_set_plane_pos(enum omap_plane plane, u16 x, u16 y); -+void dispc_set_plane_size(enum omap_plane plane, u16 width, u16 height); -+ -+int dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, enum omap_channel channel_out, -+ u32 paddr, u16 screen_width, -+ u16 pos_x, u16 pos_y, -+ u16 width, u16 height, -+ u16 out_width, u16 out_height, -+ enum omap_color_mode color_mode, -+ bool ilace, -+ u8 rotation, bool mirror); -+ -+void dispc_go(enum omap_channel channel); -+void dispc_enable_lcd_out(bool enable); -+void dispc_enable_digit_out(bool enable); -+int dispc_enable_plane(enum omap_plane plane, bool enable); -+ -+void dispc_set_parallel_interface_mode(enum omap_parallel_interface_mode mode); -+void dispc_set_tft_data_lines(u8 data_lines); -+void dispc_set_lcd_display_type(enum omap_lcd_display_type type); -+void dispc_set_loadmode(enum omap_dss_load_mode mode); -+ -+void dispc_set_default_color(enum omap_channel channel, u32 color); -+u32 dispc_get_default_color(enum omap_channel channel); -+void dispc_set_trans_key(enum omap_channel ch, -+ enum omap_dss_color_key_type type, -+ u32 trans_key); -+void dispc_get_trans_key(enum omap_channel ch, -+ enum omap_dss_color_key_type *type, -+ u32 *trans_key); -+void dispc_enable_trans_key(enum omap_channel ch, bool enable); -+bool dispc_trans_key_enabled(enum omap_channel ch); -+ -+void dispc_set_lcd_timings(struct omap_video_timings *timings); -+unsigned long dispc_fclk_rate(void); -+unsigned long dispc_pclk_rate(void); -+void dispc_set_pol_freq(struct omap_panel *panel); -+void find_lck_pck_divs(bool is_tft, unsigned long req_pck, unsigned long fck, -+ u16 *lck_div, u16 *pck_div); -+int dispc_calc_clock_div(bool is_tft, unsigned long req_pck, -+ struct dispc_clock_info *cinfo); -+int dispc_set_clock_div(struct dispc_clock_info *cinfo); -+int dispc_get_clock_div(struct dispc_clock_info *cinfo); -+void dispc_set_lcd_divisor(u16 lck_div, u16 pck_div); -+ -+void dispc_setup_partial_planes(struct omap_display *display, -+ u16 *x, u16 *y, u16 *w, u16 *h); -+void dispc_draw_partial_planes(struct omap_display *display); -+ -+ -+/* VENC */ -+int venc_init(void); -+void venc_exit(void); -+void venc_dump_regs(struct seq_file *s); -+void venc_init_display(struct omap_display *display); -+ -+/* RFBI */ -+int rfbi_init(void); -+void rfbi_exit(void); -+void rfbi_dump_regs(struct seq_file *s); -+ -+int rfbi_configure(int rfbi_module, int bpp, int lines); -+void rfbi_enable_rfbi(bool enable); -+void rfbi_transfer_area(u16 width, u16 height, -+ void (callback)(void *data), void *data); -+void rfbi_set_timings(int rfbi_module, struct rfbi_timings *t); -+unsigned long rfbi_get_max_tx_rate(void); -+void rfbi_init_display(struct omap_display *display); -+ -+#endif -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..b0fee80 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -@@ -0,0 +1,576 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * Some code and ideas taken from drivers/video/omap/ driver -+ * by Imre Deak. -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#define DSS_SUBSYS_NAME "MANAGER" -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+ -+#include "dss.h" -+ -+static int num_managers; -+static struct list_head manager_list; -+ -+static ssize_t manager_name_show(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, char *buf) -+{ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", mgr->name); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t manager_display_show(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, char *buf) -+{ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", -+ mgr->display ? mgr->display->name : ""); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t manager_display_store(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ int r, i; -+ int len = size; -+ struct omap_display *display = NULL; -+ -+ if (buf[size-1] == '\n') -+ --len; -+ -+ if (len > 0) { -+ for (i = 0; i < omap_dss_get_num_displays(); ++i) { -+ display = dss_get_display(i); -+ -+ if (strncmp(buf, display->name, len) == 0) -+ break; -+ -+ display = NULL; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (len > 0 && display == NULL) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ if (display) -+ DSSDBG("display %s found\n", display->name); -+ -+ if (mgr->display) { -+ r = mgr->unset_display(mgr); -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("failed to unset display\n"); -+ return r; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (display) { -+ r = mgr->set_display(mgr, display); -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("failed to set manager\n"); -+ return r; -+ } -+ -+ r = mgr->apply(mgr); -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("failed to apply dispc config\n"); -+ return r; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ return size; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t manager_default_color_show(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ char *buf) -+{ -+ u32 default_color; -+ -+ default_color = dispc_get_default_color(mgr->id); -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d", default_color); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t manager_default_color_store(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ u32 default_color; -+ -+ if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &default_color) != 1) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ dispc_set_default_color(mgr->id, default_color); -+ -+ return size; -+} -+ -+static const char *color_key_type_str[] = { -+ "gfx-destination", -+ "video-source", -+}; -+ -+static ssize_t manager_color_key_type_show(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ char *buf) -+{ -+ enum omap_dss_color_key_type key_type; -+ -+ dispc_get_trans_key(mgr->id, &key_type, NULL); -+ BUG_ON(key_type >= ARRAY_SIZE(color_key_type_str)); -+ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", color_key_type_str[key_type]); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t manager_color_key_type_store(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ enum omap_dss_color_key_type key_type; -+ u32 key_value; -+ -+ for (key_type = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_KEY_GFX_DST; -+ key_type < ARRAY_SIZE(color_key_type_str); key_type++) { -+ if (sysfs_streq(buf, color_key_type_str[key_type])) -+ break; -+ } -+ if (key_type == ARRAY_SIZE(color_key_type_str)) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ dispc_get_trans_key(mgr->id, NULL, &key_value); -+ dispc_set_trans_key(mgr->id, key_type, key_value); -+ -+ return size; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t manager_color_key_value_show(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ char *buf) -+{ -+ u32 key_value; -+ -+ dispc_get_trans_key(mgr->id, NULL, &key_value); -+ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", key_value); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t manager_color_key_value_store(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ enum omap_dss_color_key_type key_type; -+ u32 key_value; -+ -+ if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &key_value) != 1) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ dispc_get_trans_key(mgr->id, &key_type, NULL); -+ dispc_set_trans_key(mgr->id, key_type, key_value); -+ -+ return size; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t manager_color_key_enabled_show(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ char *buf) -+{ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", -+ dispc_trans_key_enabled(mgr->id)); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t manager_color_key_enabled_store(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ int enable; -+ -+ if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &enable) != 1) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ dispc_enable_trans_key(mgr->id, enable); -+ -+ return size; -+} -+ -+ -+struct manager_attribute { -+ struct attribute attr; -+ ssize_t (*show)(struct omap_overlay_manager *, char *); -+ ssize_t (*store)(struct omap_overlay_manager *, const char *, size_t); -+}; -+ -+#define MANAGER_ATTR(_name, _mode, _show, _store) \ -+ struct manager_attribute manager_attr_##_name = \ -+ __ATTR(_name, _mode, _show, _store) -+ -+static MANAGER_ATTR(name, S_IRUGO, manager_name_show, NULL); -+static MANAGER_ATTR(display, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, -+ manager_display_show, manager_display_store); -+static MANAGER_ATTR(default_color, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, -+ manager_default_color_show, manager_default_color_store); -+static MANAGER_ATTR(color_key_type, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, -+ manager_color_key_type_show, manager_color_key_type_store); -+static MANAGER_ATTR(color_key_value, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, -+ manager_color_key_value_show, manager_color_key_value_store); -+static MANAGER_ATTR(color_key_enabled, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, -+ manager_color_key_enabled_show, manager_color_key_enabled_store); -+ -+static struct attribute *manager_sysfs_attrs[] = { -+ &manager_attr_name.attr, -+ &manager_attr_display.attr, -+ &manager_attr_default_color.attr, -+ &manager_attr_color_key_type.attr, -+ &manager_attr_color_key_value.attr, -+ &manager_attr_color_key_enabled.attr, -+ NULL -+}; -+ -+static ssize_t manager_attr_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr, char *buf) -+{ -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *manager; -+ struct manager_attribute *manager_attr; -+ -+ manager = container_of(kobj, struct omap_overlay_manager, kobj); -+ manager_attr = container_of(attr, struct manager_attribute, attr); -+ -+ if (!manager_attr->show) -+ return -ENOENT; -+ -+ return manager_attr->show(manager, buf); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t manager_attr_store(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr, -+ const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *manager; -+ struct manager_attribute *manager_attr; -+ -+ manager = container_of(kobj, struct omap_overlay_manager, kobj); -+ manager_attr = container_of(attr, struct manager_attribute, attr); -+ -+ if (!manager_attr->store) -+ return -ENOENT; -+ -+ return manager_attr->store(manager, buf, size); -+} -+ -+static struct sysfs_ops manager_sysfs_ops = { -+ .show = manager_attr_show, -+ .store = manager_attr_store, -+}; -+ -+static struct kobj_type manager_ktype = { -+ .sysfs_ops = &manager_sysfs_ops, -+ .default_attrs = manager_sysfs_attrs, -+}; -+ -+static int omap_dss_set_display(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ int i; -+ int r; -+ -+ if (display->manager) { -+ DSSERR("display '%s' already has a manager '%s'\n", -+ display->name, display->manager->name); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ if ((mgr->supported_displays & display->type) == 0) { -+ DSSERR("display '%s' does not support manager '%s'\n", -+ display->name, mgr->name); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < mgr->num_overlays; i++) { -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl = mgr->overlays[i]; -+ -+ if (ovl->manager != mgr || !ovl->info.enabled) -+ continue; -+ -+ r = dss_check_overlay(ovl, display); -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ } -+ -+ display->manager = mgr; -+ mgr->display = display; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int omap_dss_unset_display(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr) -+{ -+ if (!mgr->display) { -+ DSSERR("failed to unset display, display not set.\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ mgr->display->manager = NULL; -+ mgr->display = NULL; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+ -+static int overlay_enabled(struct omap_overlay *ovl) -+{ -+ return ovl->info.enabled && ovl->manager && ovl->manager->display; -+} -+ -+/* We apply settings to both managers here so that we can use optimizations -+ * like fifomerge. Shadow registers can be changed first and the non-shadowed -+ * should be changed last, at the same time with GO */ -+static int omap_dss_mgr_apply(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr) -+{ -+ int i; -+ int ret = 0; -+ enum omap_dss_update_mode mode; -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ bool ilace = 0; -+ int outw, outh; -+ int r; -+ int num_planes_enabled = 0; -+ -+ DSSDBG("omap_dss_mgr_apply(%s)\n", mgr->name); -+ -+ dss_clk_enable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ /* Configure normal overlay parameters and disable unused overlays */ -+ for (i = 0; i < omap_dss_get_num_overlays(); ++i) { -+ ovl = omap_dss_get_overlay(i); -+ -+ if (!(ovl->caps & OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_DISPC)) -+ continue; -+ -+ if (!overlay_enabled(ovl)) { -+ dispc_enable_plane(ovl->id, 0); -+ continue; -+ } -+ -+ display = ovl->manager->display; -+ -+ if (dss_check_overlay(ovl, display)) { -+ dispc_enable_plane(ovl->id, 0); -+ continue; -+ } -+ -+ ++num_planes_enabled; -+ -+ /* On a manual update display, in manual update mode, update() -+ * handles configuring planes */ -+ mode = OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_AUTO; -+ if (display->get_update_mode) -+ mode = display->get_update_mode(mgr->display); -+ -+ if (display->caps & OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_CAP_MANUAL_UPDATE && -+ mode != OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_AUTO) -+ continue; -+ -+ if (display->type == OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_VENC) -+ ilace = 1; -+ -+ if (ovl->info.out_width == 0) -+ outw = ovl->info.width; -+ else -+ outw = ovl->info.out_width; -+ -+ if (ovl->info.out_height == 0) -+ outh = ovl->info.height; -+ else -+ outh = ovl->info.out_height; -+ -+ r = dispc_setup_plane(ovl->id, ovl->manager->id, -+ ovl->info.paddr, -+ ovl->info.screen_width, -+ ovl->info.pos_x, -+ ovl->info.pos_y, -+ ovl->info.width, -+ ovl->info.height, -+ outw, -+ outh, -+ ovl->info.color_mode, -+ ilace, -+ ovl->info.rotation, -+ ovl->info.mirror); -+ -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("dispc_setup_plane failed for ovl %d\n", -+ ovl->id); -+ dispc_enable_plane(ovl->id, 0); -+ continue; -+ } -+ -+ dispc_enable_plane(ovl->id, 1); -+ } -+ -+ /* Enable fifo merge if possible */ -+ dispc_enable_fifomerge(num_planes_enabled == 1); -+ -+ /* Go through overlays again. This time we configure fifos. We have to -+ * do this after enabling/disabling fifomerge so that we have correct -+ * knowledge of fifo sizes */ -+ for (i = 0; i < omap_dss_get_num_overlays(); ++i) { -+ ovl = omap_dss_get_overlay(i); -+ -+ if (!(ovl->caps & OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_DISPC)) -+ continue; -+ -+ if (!overlay_enabled(ovl)) { -+ continue; -+ } -+ -+ ovl->manager->display->configure_overlay(ovl); -+ } -+ -+ /* Issue GO for managers */ -+ list_for_each_entry(mgr, &manager_list, list) { -+ if (!(mgr->caps & OMAP_DSS_OVL_MGR_CAP_DISPC)) -+ continue; -+ -+ display = mgr->display; -+ -+ if (!display) -+ continue; -+ -+ /* We don't need GO with manual update display. LCD iface will -+ * always be turned off after frame, and new settings will -+ * be taken in to use at next update */ -+ if (display->caps & OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_CAP_MANUAL_UPDATE) -+ continue; -+ -+ dispc_go(mgr->id); -+ } -+ -+ dss_clk_disable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ return ret; -+} -+ -+static void omap_dss_mgr_set_def_color(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ u32 color) -+{ -+ dispc_set_default_color(mgr->id, color); -+} -+ -+static void omap_dss_mgr_set_trans_key(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ enum omap_dss_color_key_type type, -+ u32 trans_key) -+{ -+ dispc_set_trans_key(mgr->id, type, trans_key); -+} -+ -+static void omap_dss_mgr_enable_trans_key(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ bool enable) -+{ -+ dispc_enable_trans_key(mgr->id, enable); -+} -+ -+static void omap_dss_add_overlay_manager(struct omap_overlay_manager *manager) -+{ -+ ++num_managers; -+ list_add_tail(&manager->list, &manager_list); -+} -+ -+int dss_init_overlay_managers(struct platform_device *pdev) -+{ -+ int i, r; -+ -+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&manager_list); -+ -+ num_managers = 0; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr; -+ mgr = kzalloc(sizeof(*mgr), GFP_KERNEL); -+ -+ BUG_ON(mgr == NULL); -+ -+ switch (i) { -+ case 0: -+ mgr->name = "lcd"; -+ mgr->id = OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_LCD; -+ mgr->supported_displays = -+ OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DPI | OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DBI | -+ OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_SDI | OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DSI; -+ break; -+ case 1: -+ mgr->name = "tv"; -+ mgr->id = OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_DIGIT; -+ mgr->supported_displays = OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_VENC; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ mgr->set_display = &omap_dss_set_display, -+ mgr->unset_display = &omap_dss_unset_display, -+ mgr->apply = &omap_dss_mgr_apply, -+ mgr->set_default_color = &omap_dss_mgr_set_def_color, -+ mgr->set_trans_key = &omap_dss_mgr_set_trans_key, -+ mgr->enable_trans_key = &omap_dss_mgr_enable_trans_key, -+ mgr->caps = OMAP_DSS_OVL_MGR_CAP_DISPC, -+ -+ dss_overlay_setup_dispc_manager(mgr); -+ -+ omap_dss_add_overlay_manager(mgr); -+ -+ r = kobject_init_and_add(&mgr->kobj, &manager_ktype, -+ &pdev->dev.kobj, "manager%d", i); -+ -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("failed to create sysfs file\n"); -+ continue; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+void dss_uninit_overlay_managers(struct platform_device *pdev) -+{ -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr; -+ -+ while (!list_empty(&manager_list)) { -+ mgr = list_first_entry(&manager_list, -+ struct omap_overlay_manager, list); -+ list_del(&mgr->list); -+ kobject_del(&mgr->kobj); -+ kobject_put(&mgr->kobj); -+ kfree(mgr); -+ } -+ -+ num_managers = 0; -+} -+ -+int omap_dss_get_num_overlay_managers(void) -+{ -+ return num_managers; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_dss_get_num_overlay_managers); -+ -+struct omap_overlay_manager *omap_dss_get_overlay_manager(int num) -+{ -+ int i = 0; -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr; -+ -+ list_for_each_entry(mgr, &manager_list, list) { -+ if (i++ == num) -+ return mgr; -+ } -+ -+ return NULL; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_dss_get_overlay_manager); -+ -+#ifdef L4_EXAMPLE -+static int ovl_mgr_apply_l4(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("omap_dss_mgr_apply_l4(%s)\n", mgr->name); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+#endif -+ -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..968edbe ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c -@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * Some code and ideas taken from drivers/video/omap/ driver -+ * by Imre Deak. -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#define DSS_SUBSYS_NAME "OVERLAY" -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+ -+#include "dss.h" -+ -+static int num_overlays; -+static struct list_head overlay_list; -+ -+static ssize_t overlay_name_show(struct omap_overlay *ovl, char *buf) -+{ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", ovl->name); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t overlay_manager_show(struct omap_overlay *ovl, char *buf) -+{ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", -+ ovl->manager ? ovl->manager->name : ""); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t overlay_manager_store(struct omap_overlay *ovl, const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ int i, r; -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr = NULL; -+ int len = size; -+ -+ if (buf[size-1] == '\n') -+ --len; -+ -+ if (len > 0) { -+ for (i = 0; i < omap_dss_get_num_overlay_managers(); ++i) { -+ mgr = omap_dss_get_overlay_manager(i); -+ -+ if (strncmp(buf, mgr->name, len) == 0) -+ break; -+ -+ mgr = NULL; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (len > 0 && mgr == NULL) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ if (mgr) -+ DSSDBG("manager %s found\n", mgr->name); -+ -+ if (mgr != ovl->manager) { -+ /* detach old manager */ -+ if (ovl->manager) { -+ r = ovl->unset_manager(ovl); -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("detach failed\n"); -+ return r; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (mgr) { -+ r = ovl->set_manager(ovl, mgr); -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("Failed to attach overlay\n"); -+ return r; -+ } -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (ovl->manager && (r = ovl->manager->apply(ovl->manager))) -+ return r; -+ -+ return size; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t overlay_input_size_show(struct omap_overlay *ovl, char *buf) -+{ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d,%d\n", -+ ovl->info.width, ovl->info.height); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t overlay_screen_width_show(struct omap_overlay *ovl, char *buf) -+{ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", ovl->info.screen_width); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t overlay_position_show(struct omap_overlay *ovl, char *buf) -+{ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d,%d\n", -+ ovl->info.pos_x, ovl->info.pos_y); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t overlay_position_store(struct omap_overlay *ovl, -+ const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ int r; -+ char *last; -+ struct omap_overlay_info info; -+ -+ ovl->get_overlay_info(ovl, &info); -+ -+ info.pos_x = simple_strtoul(buf, &last, 10); -+ ++last; -+ if (last - buf >= size) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ info.pos_y = simple_strtoul(last, &last, 10); -+ -+ if ((r = ovl->set_overlay_info(ovl, &info))) -+ return r; -+ -+ if (ovl->manager && (r = ovl->manager->apply(ovl->manager))) -+ return r; -+ -+ return size; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t overlay_output_size_show(struct omap_overlay *ovl, char *buf) -+{ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d,%d\n", -+ ovl->info.out_width, ovl->info.out_height); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t overlay_output_size_store(struct omap_overlay *ovl, -+ const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ int r; -+ char *last; -+ struct omap_overlay_info info; -+ -+ ovl->get_overlay_info(ovl, &info); -+ -+ info.out_width = simple_strtoul(buf, &last, 10); -+ ++last; -+ if (last - buf >= size) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ info.out_height = simple_strtoul(last, &last, 10); -+ -+ if ((r = ovl->set_overlay_info(ovl, &info))) -+ return r; -+ -+ if (ovl->manager && (r = ovl->manager->apply(ovl->manager))) -+ return r; -+ -+ return size; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t overlay_enabled_show(struct omap_overlay *ovl, char *buf) -+{ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", ovl->info.enabled); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t overlay_enabled_store(struct omap_overlay *ovl, const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ int r; -+ struct omap_overlay_info info; -+ -+ ovl->get_overlay_info(ovl, &info); -+ -+ info.enabled = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 10); -+ -+ if ((r = ovl->set_overlay_info(ovl, &info))) -+ return r; -+ -+ if (ovl->manager && (r = ovl->manager->apply(ovl->manager))) -+ return r; -+ -+ return size; -+} -+ -+struct overlay_attribute { -+ struct attribute attr; -+ ssize_t (*show)(struct omap_overlay *, char *); -+ ssize_t (*store)(struct omap_overlay *, const char *, size_t); -+}; -+ -+#define OVERLAY_ATTR(_name, _mode, _show, _store) \ -+ struct overlay_attribute overlay_attr_##_name = \ -+ __ATTR(_name, _mode, _show, _store) -+ -+static OVERLAY_ATTR(name, S_IRUGO, overlay_name_show, NULL); -+static OVERLAY_ATTR(manager, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, -+ overlay_manager_show, overlay_manager_store); -+static OVERLAY_ATTR(input_size, S_IRUGO, overlay_input_size_show, NULL); -+static OVERLAY_ATTR(screen_width, S_IRUGO, overlay_screen_width_show, NULL); -+static OVERLAY_ATTR(position, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, -+ overlay_position_show, overlay_position_store); -+static OVERLAY_ATTR(output_size, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, -+ overlay_output_size_show, overlay_output_size_store); -+static OVERLAY_ATTR(enabled, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, -+ overlay_enabled_show, overlay_enabled_store); -+ -+static struct attribute *overlay_sysfs_attrs[] = { -+ &overlay_attr_name.attr, -+ &overlay_attr_manager.attr, -+ &overlay_attr_input_size.attr, -+ &overlay_attr_screen_width.attr, -+ &overlay_attr_position.attr, -+ &overlay_attr_output_size.attr, -+ &overlay_attr_enabled.attr, -+ NULL -+}; -+ -+static ssize_t overlay_attr_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr, char *buf) -+{ -+ struct omap_overlay *overlay; -+ struct overlay_attribute *overlay_attr; -+ -+ overlay = container_of(kobj, struct omap_overlay, kobj); -+ overlay_attr = container_of(attr, struct overlay_attribute, attr); -+ -+ if (!overlay_attr->show) -+ return -ENOENT; -+ -+ return overlay_attr->show(overlay, buf); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t overlay_attr_store(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr, -+ const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ struct omap_overlay *overlay; -+ struct overlay_attribute *overlay_attr; -+ -+ overlay = container_of(kobj, struct omap_overlay, kobj); -+ overlay_attr = container_of(attr, struct overlay_attribute, attr); -+ -+ if (!overlay_attr->store) -+ return -ENOENT; -+ -+ return overlay_attr->store(overlay, buf, size); -+} -+ -+static struct sysfs_ops overlay_sysfs_ops = { -+ .show = overlay_attr_show, -+ .store = overlay_attr_store, -+}; -+ -+static struct kobj_type overlay_ktype = { -+ .sysfs_ops = &overlay_sysfs_ops, -+ .default_attrs = overlay_sysfs_attrs, -+}; -+ -+/* Check if overlay parameters are compatible with display */ -+int dss_check_overlay(struct omap_overlay *ovl, struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ struct omap_overlay_info *info; -+ u16 outw, outh; -+ u16 dw, dh; -+ -+ if (!display) -+ return 0; -+ -+ if (!ovl->info.enabled) -+ return 0; -+ -+ info = &ovl->info; -+ -+ display->get_resolution(display, &dw, &dh); -+ -+ DSSDBG("check_overlay %d: (%d,%d %dx%d -> %dx%d) disp (%dx%d)\n", -+ ovl->id, -+ info->pos_x, info->pos_y, -+ info->width, info->height, -+ info->out_width, info->out_height, -+ dw, dh); -+ -+ if ((ovl->caps & OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_SCALE) == 0) { -+ outw = info->width; -+ outh = info->height; -+ } else { -+ if (info->out_width == 0) -+ outw = info->width; -+ else -+ outw = info->out_width; -+ -+ if (info->out_height == 0) -+ outh = info->height; -+ else -+ outh = info->out_height; -+ } -+ -+ if (dw < info->pos_x + outw) { -+ DSSDBG("check_overlay failed 1: %d < %d + %d\n", -+ dw, info->pos_x, outw); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ if (dh < info->pos_y + outh) { -+ DSSDBG("check_overlay failed 2: %d < %d + %d\n", -+ dh, info->pos_y, outh); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ if ((ovl->supported_modes & info->color_mode) == 0) { -+ DSSERR("overlay doesn't support mode %d\n", info->color_mode); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int dss_ovl_set_overlay_info(struct omap_overlay *ovl, -+ struct omap_overlay_info *info) -+{ -+ int r; -+ struct omap_overlay_info old_info; -+ -+ old_info = ovl->info; -+ ovl->info = *info; -+ -+ if (ovl->manager) { -+ r = dss_check_overlay(ovl, ovl->manager->display); -+ if (r) { -+ ovl->info = old_info; -+ return r; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void dss_ovl_get_overlay_info(struct omap_overlay *ovl, -+ struct omap_overlay_info *info) -+{ -+ *info = ovl->info; -+} -+ -+static int omap_dss_set_manager(struct omap_overlay *ovl, -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr) -+{ -+ int r; -+ -+ if (ovl->manager) { -+ DSSERR("overlay '%s' already has a manager '%s'\n", -+ ovl->name, ovl->manager->name); -+ } -+ -+ r = dss_check_overlay(ovl, mgr->display); -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ -+ ovl->manager = mgr; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int omap_dss_unset_manager(struct omap_overlay *ovl) -+{ -+ if (!ovl->manager) { -+ DSSERR("failed to detach overlay: manager not set\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ ovl->manager = NULL; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+int omap_dss_get_num_overlays(void) -+{ -+ return num_overlays; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_dss_get_num_overlays); -+ -+struct omap_overlay *omap_dss_get_overlay(int num) -+{ -+ int i = 0; -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ -+ list_for_each_entry(ovl, &overlay_list, list) { -+ if (i++ == num) -+ return ovl; -+ } -+ -+ return NULL; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_dss_get_overlay); -+ -+static void omap_dss_add_overlay(struct omap_overlay *overlay) -+{ -+ ++num_overlays; -+ list_add_tail(&overlay->list, &overlay_list); -+} -+ -+static struct omap_overlay *dispc_overlays[3]; -+ -+void dss_overlay_setup_dispc_manager(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr) -+{ -+ mgr->num_overlays = 3; -+ mgr->overlays = dispc_overlays; -+} -+ -+void dss_init_overlays(struct platform_device *pdev, const char *def_disp_name) -+{ -+ int i, r; -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *lcd_mgr; -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *tv_mgr; -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *def_mgr = NULL; -+ -+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&overlay_list); -+ -+ num_overlays = 0; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ ovl = kzalloc(sizeof(*ovl), GFP_KERNEL); -+ -+ BUG_ON(ovl == NULL); -+ -+ switch (i) { -+ case 0: -+ ovl->name = "gfx"; -+ ovl->id = OMAP_DSS_GFX; -+ ovl->supported_modes = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_GFX_OMAP3; -+ ovl->caps = OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_DISPC; -+ break; -+ case 1: -+ ovl->name = "vid1"; -+ ovl->id = OMAP_DSS_VIDEO1; -+ ovl->supported_modes = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_VID_OMAP3; -+ ovl->caps = OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_SCALE | -+ OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_DISPC; -+ break; -+ case 2: -+ ovl->name = "vid2"; -+ ovl->id = OMAP_DSS_VIDEO2; -+ ovl->supported_modes = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_VID_OMAP3; -+ ovl->caps = OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_SCALE | -+ OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_DISPC; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ ovl->set_manager = &omap_dss_set_manager; -+ ovl->unset_manager = &omap_dss_unset_manager; -+ ovl->set_overlay_info = &dss_ovl_set_overlay_info; -+ ovl->get_overlay_info = &dss_ovl_get_overlay_info; -+ -+ omap_dss_add_overlay(ovl); -+ -+ r = kobject_init_and_add(&ovl->kobj, &overlay_ktype, -+ &pdev->dev.kobj, "overlay%d", i); -+ -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("failed to create sysfs file\n"); -+ continue; -+ } -+ -+ dispc_overlays[i] = ovl; -+ } -+ -+ lcd_mgr = omap_dss_get_overlay_manager(OMAP_DSS_OVL_MGR_LCD); -+ tv_mgr = omap_dss_get_overlay_manager(OMAP_DSS_OVL_MGR_TV); -+ -+ if (def_disp_name) { -+ for (i = 0; i < omap_dss_get_num_displays() ; i++) { -+ struct omap_display *display = dss_get_display(i); -+ -+ if (strcmp(display->name, def_disp_name) == 0) { -+ if (display->type != OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_VENC) { -+ lcd_mgr->set_display(lcd_mgr, display); -+ def_mgr = lcd_mgr; -+ } else { -+ lcd_mgr->set_display(tv_mgr, display); -+ def_mgr = tv_mgr; -+ } -+ -+ break; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (!def_mgr) -+ DSSWARN("default display %s not found\n", -+ def_disp_name); -+ } -+ -+ if (def_mgr != lcd_mgr) { -+ /* connect lcd manager to first non-VENC display found */ -+ for (i = 0; i < omap_dss_get_num_displays(); i++) { -+ struct omap_display *display = dss_get_display(i); -+ if (display->type != OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_VENC) { -+ lcd_mgr->set_display(lcd_mgr, display); -+ -+ if (!def_mgr) -+ def_mgr = lcd_mgr; -+ -+ break; -+ } -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (def_mgr != tv_mgr) { -+ /* connect tv manager to first VENC display found */ -+ for (i = 0; i < omap_dss_get_num_displays(); i++) { -+ struct omap_display *display = dss_get_display(i); -+ if (display->type == OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_VENC) { -+ tv_mgr->set_display(tv_mgr, display); -+ -+ if (!def_mgr) -+ def_mgr = tv_mgr; -+ -+ break; -+ } -+ } -+ } -+ -+ /* connect all dispc overlays to def_mgr */ -+ if (def_mgr) { -+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ ovl = omap_dss_get_overlay(i); -+ omap_dss_set_manager(ovl, def_mgr); -+ } -+ } -+ -+#ifdef L4_EXAMPLE -+ /* setup L4 overlay as an example */ -+ { -+ static struct omap_overlay ovl = { -+ .name = "l4-ovl", -+ .supported_modes = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24U, -+ .set_manager = &omap_dss_set_manager, -+ .unset_manager = &omap_dss_unset_manager, -+ .setup_input = &omap_dss_setup_overlay_input, -+ .setup_output = &omap_dss_setup_overlay_output, -+ .enable = &omap_dss_enable_overlay, -+ }; -+ -+ static struct omap_overlay_manager mgr = { -+ .name = "l4", -+ .num_overlays = 1, -+ .overlays = &ovl, -+ .set_display = &omap_dss_set_display, -+ .unset_display = &omap_dss_unset_display, -+ .apply = &ovl_mgr_apply_l4, -+ .supported_displays = -+ OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DBI | OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DSI, -+ }; -+ -+ omap_dss_add_overlay(&ovl); -+ omap_dss_add_overlay_manager(&mgr); -+ omap_dss_set_manager(&ovl, &mgr); -+ } -+#endif -+} -+ -+void dss_uninit_overlays(struct platform_device *pdev) -+{ -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ -+ while (!list_empty(&overlay_list)) { -+ ovl = list_first_entry(&overlay_list, -+ struct omap_overlay, list); -+ list_del(&ovl->list); -+ kobject_del(&ovl->kobj); -+ kobject_put(&ovl->kobj); -+ kfree(ovl); -+ } -+ -+ num_overlays = 0; -+} -+ -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/rfbi.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/rfbi.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..3e9ae1e ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/rfbi.c -@@ -0,0 +1,1304 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/drivers/video/omap2/dss/rfbi.c -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * Some code and ideas taken from drivers/video/omap/ driver -+ * by Imre Deak. -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#define DSS_SUBSYS_NAME "RFBI" -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include "dss.h" -+ -+/*#define MEASURE_PERF*/ -+ -+#define RFBI_BASE 0x48050800 -+ -+struct rfbi_reg { u16 idx; }; -+ -+#define RFBI_REG(idx) ((const struct rfbi_reg) { idx }) -+ -+#define RFBI_REVISION RFBI_REG(0x0000) -+#define RFBI_SYSCONFIG RFBI_REG(0x0010) -+#define RFBI_SYSSTATUS RFBI_REG(0x0014) -+#define RFBI_CONTROL RFBI_REG(0x0040) -+#define RFBI_PIXEL_CNT RFBI_REG(0x0044) -+#define RFBI_LINE_NUMBER RFBI_REG(0x0048) -+#define RFBI_CMD RFBI_REG(0x004c) -+#define RFBI_PARAM RFBI_REG(0x0050) -+#define RFBI_DATA RFBI_REG(0x0054) -+#define RFBI_READ RFBI_REG(0x0058) -+#define RFBI_STATUS RFBI_REG(0x005c) -+ -+#define RFBI_CONFIG(n) RFBI_REG(0x0060 + (n)*0x18) -+#define RFBI_ONOFF_TIME(n) RFBI_REG(0x0064 + (n)*0x18) -+#define RFBI_CYCLE_TIME(n) RFBI_REG(0x0068 + (n)*0x18) -+#define RFBI_DATA_CYCLE1(n) RFBI_REG(0x006c + (n)*0x18) -+#define RFBI_DATA_CYCLE2(n) RFBI_REG(0x0070 + (n)*0x18) -+#define RFBI_DATA_CYCLE3(n) RFBI_REG(0x0074 + (n)*0x18) -+ -+#define RFBI_VSYNC_WIDTH RFBI_REG(0x0090) -+#define RFBI_HSYNC_WIDTH RFBI_REG(0x0094) -+ -+#define RFBI_CMD_FIFO_LEN_BYTES (16 * sizeof(struct update_param)) -+ -+#define REG_FLD_MOD(idx, val, start, end) \ -+ rfbi_write_reg(idx, FLD_MOD(rfbi_read_reg(idx), val, start, end)) -+ -+/* To work around an RFBI transfer rate limitation */ -+#define OMAP_RFBI_RATE_LIMIT 1 -+ -+enum omap_rfbi_cycleformat { -+ OMAP_DSS_RFBI_CYCLEFORMAT_1_1 = 0, -+ OMAP_DSS_RFBI_CYCLEFORMAT_2_1 = 1, -+ OMAP_DSS_RFBI_CYCLEFORMAT_3_1 = 2, -+ OMAP_DSS_RFBI_CYCLEFORMAT_3_2 = 3, -+}; -+ -+enum omap_rfbi_datatype { -+ OMAP_DSS_RFBI_DATATYPE_12 = 0, -+ OMAP_DSS_RFBI_DATATYPE_16 = 1, -+ OMAP_DSS_RFBI_DATATYPE_18 = 2, -+ OMAP_DSS_RFBI_DATATYPE_24 = 3, -+}; -+ -+enum omap_rfbi_parallelmode { -+ OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_8 = 0, -+ OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_9 = 1, -+ OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_12 = 2, -+ OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_16 = 3, -+}; -+ -+enum update_cmd { -+ RFBI_CMD_UPDATE = 0, -+ RFBI_CMD_SYNC = 1, -+}; -+ -+static int rfbi_convert_timings(struct rfbi_timings *t); -+static void rfbi_get_clk_info(u32 *clk_period, u32 *max_clk_div); -+static void process_cmd_fifo(void); -+ -+static struct { -+ void __iomem *base; -+ -+ unsigned long l4_khz; -+ -+ enum omap_rfbi_datatype datatype; -+ enum omap_rfbi_parallelmode parallelmode; -+ -+ enum omap_rfbi_te_mode te_mode; -+ int te_enabled; -+ -+ void (*framedone_callback)(void *data); -+ void *framedone_callback_data; -+ -+ struct omap_display *display[2]; -+ -+ struct kfifo *cmd_fifo; -+ spinlock_t cmd_lock; -+ struct completion cmd_done; -+ atomic_t cmd_fifo_full; -+ atomic_t cmd_pending; -+#ifdef MEASURE_PERF -+ unsigned perf_bytes; -+ ktime_t perf_setup_time; -+ ktime_t perf_start_time; -+#endif -+} rfbi; -+ -+struct update_region { -+ u16 x; -+ u16 y; -+ u16 w; -+ u16 h; -+}; -+ -+struct update_param { -+ u8 rfbi_module; -+ u8 cmd; -+ -+ union { -+ struct update_region r; -+ struct completion *sync; -+ } par; -+}; -+ -+static inline void rfbi_write_reg(const struct rfbi_reg idx, u32 val) -+{ -+ __raw_writel(val, rfbi.base + idx.idx); -+} -+ -+static inline u32 rfbi_read_reg(const struct rfbi_reg idx) -+{ -+ return __raw_readl(rfbi.base + idx.idx); -+} -+ -+static void rfbi_enable_clocks(bool enable) -+{ -+ if (enable) -+ dss_clk_enable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ else -+ dss_clk_disable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+} -+ -+void omap_rfbi_write_command(const void *buf, u32 len) -+{ -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(1); -+ switch (rfbi.parallelmode) { -+ case OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_8: -+ { -+ const u8 *b = buf; -+ for (; len; len--) -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_CMD, *b++); -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_16: -+ { -+ const u16 *w = buf; -+ BUG_ON(len & 1); -+ for (; len; len -= 2) -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_CMD, *w++); -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_9: -+ case OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_12: -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ } -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(0); -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_rfbi_write_command); -+ -+void omap_rfbi_read_data(void *buf, u32 len) -+{ -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(1); -+ switch (rfbi.parallelmode) { -+ case OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_8: -+ { -+ u8 *b = buf; -+ for (; len; len--) { -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_READ, 0); -+ *b++ = rfbi_read_reg(RFBI_READ); -+ } -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_16: -+ { -+ u16 *w = buf; -+ BUG_ON(len & ~1); -+ for (; len; len -= 2) { -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_READ, 0); -+ *w++ = rfbi_read_reg(RFBI_READ); -+ } -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_9: -+ case OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_12: -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ } -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(0); -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_rfbi_read_data); -+ -+void omap_rfbi_write_data(const void *buf, u32 len) -+{ -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(1); -+ switch (rfbi.parallelmode) { -+ case OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_8: -+ { -+ const u8 *b = buf; -+ for (; len; len--) -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_PARAM, *b++); -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_16: -+ { -+ const u16 *w = buf; -+ BUG_ON(len & 1); -+ for (; len; len -= 2) -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_PARAM, *w++); -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_9: -+ case OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_12: -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ -+ } -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(0); -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_rfbi_write_data); -+ -+void omap_rfbi_write_pixels(const void __iomem *buf, int scr_width, -+ u16 x, u16 y, -+ u16 w, u16 h) -+{ -+ int start_offset = scr_width * y + x; -+ int horiz_offset = scr_width - w; -+ int i; -+ -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ if (rfbi.datatype == OMAP_DSS_RFBI_DATATYPE_16 && -+ rfbi.parallelmode == OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_8) { -+ const u16 __iomem *pd = buf; -+ pd += start_offset; -+ -+ for (; h; --h) { -+ for (i = 0; i < w; ++i) { -+ const u8 __iomem *b = (const u8 __iomem *)pd; -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_PARAM, __raw_readb(b+1)); -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_PARAM, __raw_readb(b+0)); -+ ++pd; -+ } -+ pd += horiz_offset; -+ } -+ } else if (rfbi.datatype == OMAP_DSS_RFBI_DATATYPE_24 && -+ rfbi.parallelmode == OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_8) { -+ const u32 __iomem *pd = buf; -+ pd += start_offset; -+ -+ for (; h; --h) { -+ for (i = 0; i < w; ++i) { -+ const u8 __iomem *b = (const u8 __iomem *)pd; -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_PARAM, __raw_readb(b+2)); -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_PARAM, __raw_readb(b+1)); -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_PARAM, __raw_readb(b+0)); -+ ++pd; -+ } -+ pd += horiz_offset; -+ } -+ } else if (rfbi.datatype == OMAP_DSS_RFBI_DATATYPE_16 && -+ rfbi.parallelmode == OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_16) { -+ const u16 __iomem *pd = buf; -+ pd += start_offset; -+ -+ for (; h; --h) { -+ for (i = 0; i < w; ++i) { -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_PARAM, __raw_readw(pd)); -+ ++pd; -+ } -+ pd += horiz_offset; -+ } -+ } else { -+ BUG(); -+ } -+ -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(0); -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_rfbi_write_pixels); -+ -+#ifdef MEASURE_PERF -+static void perf_mark_setup(void) -+{ -+ rfbi.perf_setup_time = ktime_get(); -+} -+ -+static void perf_mark_start(void) -+{ -+ rfbi.perf_start_time = ktime_get(); -+} -+ -+static void perf_show(const char *name) -+{ -+ ktime_t t, setup_time, trans_time; -+ u32 total_bytes; -+ u32 setup_us, trans_us, total_us; -+ -+ t = ktime_get(); -+ -+ setup_time = ktime_sub(rfbi.perf_start_time, rfbi.perf_setup_time); -+ setup_us = (u32)ktime_to_us(setup_time); -+ if (setup_us == 0) -+ setup_us = 1; -+ -+ trans_time = ktime_sub(t, rfbi.perf_start_time); -+ trans_us = (u32)ktime_to_us(trans_time); -+ if (trans_us == 0) -+ trans_us = 1; -+ -+ total_us = setup_us + trans_us; -+ -+ total_bytes = rfbi.perf_bytes; -+ -+ DSSINFO("%s update %u us + %u us = %u us (%uHz), %u bytes, " -+ "%u kbytes/sec\n", -+ name, -+ setup_us, -+ trans_us, -+ total_us, -+ 1000*1000 / total_us, -+ total_bytes, -+ total_bytes * 1000 / total_us); -+} -+#else -+#define perf_mark_setup() -+#define perf_mark_start() -+#define perf_show(x) -+#endif -+ -+void rfbi_transfer_area(u16 width, u16 height, -+ void (callback)(void *data), void *data) -+{ -+ u32 l; -+ -+ /*BUG_ON(callback == 0);*/ -+ BUG_ON(rfbi.framedone_callback != NULL); -+ -+ DSSDBG("rfbi_transfer_area %dx%d\n", width, height); -+ -+ dispc_set_lcd_size(width, height); -+ -+ dispc_enable_lcd_out(1); -+ -+ rfbi.framedone_callback = callback; -+ rfbi.framedone_callback_data = data; -+ -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_PIXEL_CNT, width * height); -+ -+ l = rfbi_read_reg(RFBI_CONTROL); -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 1, 0, 0); /* enable */ -+ if (!rfbi.te_enabled) -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 1, 4, 4); /* ITE */ -+ -+ perf_mark_start(); -+ -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_CONTROL, l); -+} -+ -+static void framedone_callback(void *data, u32 mask) -+{ -+ void (*callback)(void *data); -+ -+ DSSDBG("FRAMEDONE\n"); -+ -+ perf_show("DISPC"); -+ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(RFBI_CONTROL, 0, 0, 0); -+ -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(0); -+ -+ callback = rfbi.framedone_callback; -+ rfbi.framedone_callback = NULL; -+ -+ /*callback(rfbi.framedone_callback_data);*/ -+ -+ atomic_set(&rfbi.cmd_pending, 0); -+ -+ process_cmd_fifo(); -+} -+ -+#if 1 /* VERBOSE */ -+static void rfbi_print_timings(void) -+{ -+ u32 l; -+ u32 time; -+ -+ l = rfbi_read_reg(RFBI_CONFIG(0)); -+ time = 1000000000 / rfbi.l4_khz; -+ if (l & (1 << 4)) -+ time *= 2; -+ -+ DSSDBG("Tick time %u ps\n", time); -+ l = rfbi_read_reg(RFBI_ONOFF_TIME(0)); -+ DSSDBG("CSONTIME %d, CSOFFTIME %d, WEONTIME %d, WEOFFTIME %d, " -+ "REONTIME %d, REOFFTIME %d\n", -+ l & 0x0f, (l >> 4) & 0x3f, (l >> 10) & 0x0f, (l >> 14) & 0x3f, -+ (l >> 20) & 0x0f, (l >> 24) & 0x3f); -+ -+ l = rfbi_read_reg(RFBI_CYCLE_TIME(0)); -+ DSSDBG("WECYCLETIME %d, RECYCLETIME %d, CSPULSEWIDTH %d, " -+ "ACCESSTIME %d\n", -+ (l & 0x3f), (l >> 6) & 0x3f, (l >> 12) & 0x3f, -+ (l >> 22) & 0x3f); -+} -+#else -+static void rfbi_print_timings(void) {} -+#endif -+ -+ -+ -+ -+static u32 extif_clk_period; -+ -+static inline unsigned long round_to_extif_ticks(unsigned long ps, int div) -+{ -+ int bus_tick = extif_clk_period * div; -+ return (ps + bus_tick - 1) / bus_tick * bus_tick; -+} -+ -+static int calc_reg_timing(struct rfbi_timings *t, int div) -+{ -+ t->clk_div = div; -+ -+ t->cs_on_time = round_to_extif_ticks(t->cs_on_time, div); -+ -+ t->we_on_time = round_to_extif_ticks(t->we_on_time, div); -+ t->we_off_time = round_to_extif_ticks(t->we_off_time, div); -+ t->we_cycle_time = round_to_extif_ticks(t->we_cycle_time, div); -+ -+ t->re_on_time = round_to_extif_ticks(t->re_on_time, div); -+ t->re_off_time = round_to_extif_ticks(t->re_off_time, div); -+ t->re_cycle_time = round_to_extif_ticks(t->re_cycle_time, div); -+ -+ t->access_time = round_to_extif_ticks(t->access_time, div); -+ t->cs_off_time = round_to_extif_ticks(t->cs_off_time, div); -+ t->cs_pulse_width = round_to_extif_ticks(t->cs_pulse_width, div); -+ -+ DSSDBG("[reg]cson %d csoff %d reon %d reoff %d\n", -+ t->cs_on_time, t->cs_off_time, t->re_on_time, t->re_off_time); -+ DSSDBG("[reg]weon %d weoff %d recyc %d wecyc %d\n", -+ t->we_on_time, t->we_off_time, t->re_cycle_time, -+ t->we_cycle_time); -+ DSSDBG("[reg]rdaccess %d cspulse %d\n", -+ t->access_time, t->cs_pulse_width); -+ -+ return rfbi_convert_timings(t); -+} -+ -+static int calc_extif_timings(struct rfbi_timings *t) -+{ -+ u32 max_clk_div; -+ int div; -+ -+ rfbi_get_clk_info(&extif_clk_period, &max_clk_div); -+ for (div = 1; div <= max_clk_div; div++) { -+ if (calc_reg_timing(t, div) == 0) -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ if (div <= max_clk_div) -+ return 0; -+ -+ DSSERR("can't setup timings\n"); -+ return -1; -+} -+ -+ -+void rfbi_set_timings(int rfbi_module, struct rfbi_timings *t) -+{ -+ int r; -+ -+ if (!t->converted) { -+ r = calc_extif_timings(t); -+ if (r < 0) -+ DSSERR("Failed to calc timings\n"); -+ } -+ -+ BUG_ON(!t->converted); -+ -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(1); -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_ONOFF_TIME(rfbi_module), t->tim[0]); -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_CYCLE_TIME(rfbi_module), t->tim[1]); -+ -+ /* TIMEGRANULARITY */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(RFBI_CONFIG(rfbi_module), -+ (t->tim[2] ? 1 : 0), 4, 4); -+ -+ rfbi_print_timings(); -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+static int ps_to_rfbi_ticks(int time, int div) -+{ -+ unsigned long tick_ps; -+ int ret; -+ -+ /* Calculate in picosecs to yield more exact results */ -+ tick_ps = 1000000000 / (rfbi.l4_khz) * div; -+ -+ ret = (time + tick_ps - 1) / tick_ps; -+ -+ return ret; -+} -+ -+#ifdef OMAP_RFBI_RATE_LIMIT -+unsigned long rfbi_get_max_tx_rate(void) -+{ -+ unsigned long l4_rate, dss1_rate; -+ int min_l4_ticks = 0; -+ int i; -+ -+ /* According to TI this can't be calculated so make the -+ * adjustments for a couple of known frequencies and warn for -+ * others. -+ */ -+ static const struct { -+ unsigned long l4_clk; /* HZ */ -+ unsigned long dss1_clk; /* HZ */ -+ unsigned long min_l4_ticks; -+ } ftab[] = { -+ { 55, 132, 7, }, /* 7.86 MPix/s */ -+ { 110, 110, 12, }, /* 9.16 MPix/s */ -+ { 110, 132, 10, }, /* 11 Mpix/s */ -+ { 120, 120, 10, }, /* 12 Mpix/s */ -+ { 133, 133, 10, }, /* 13.3 Mpix/s */ -+ }; -+ -+ l4_rate = rfbi.l4_khz / 1000; -+ dss1_rate = dss_clk_get_rate(DSS_CLK_FCK1) / 1000000; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ftab); i++) { -+ /* Use a window instead of an exact match, to account -+ * for different DPLL multiplier / divider pairs. -+ */ -+ if (abs(ftab[i].l4_clk - l4_rate) < 3 && -+ abs(ftab[i].dss1_clk - dss1_rate) < 3) { -+ min_l4_ticks = ftab[i].min_l4_ticks; -+ break; -+ } -+ } -+ if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(ftab)) { -+ /* Can't be sure, return anyway the maximum not -+ * rate-limited. This might cause a problem only for the -+ * tearing synchronisation. -+ */ -+ DSSERR("can't determine maximum RFBI transfer rate\n"); -+ return rfbi.l4_khz * 1000; -+ } -+ return rfbi.l4_khz * 1000 / min_l4_ticks; -+} -+#else -+int rfbi_get_max_tx_rate(void) -+{ -+ return rfbi.l4_khz * 1000; -+} -+#endif -+ -+static void rfbi_get_clk_info(u32 *clk_period, u32 *max_clk_div) -+{ -+ *clk_period = 1000000000 / rfbi.l4_khz; -+ *max_clk_div = 2; -+} -+ -+static int rfbi_convert_timings(struct rfbi_timings *t) -+{ -+ u32 l; -+ int reon, reoff, weon, weoff, cson, csoff, cs_pulse; -+ int actim, recyc, wecyc; -+ int div = t->clk_div; -+ -+ if (div <= 0 || div > 2) -+ return -1; -+ -+ /* Make sure that after conversion it still holds that: -+ * weoff > weon, reoff > reon, recyc >= reoff, wecyc >= weoff, -+ * csoff > cson, csoff >= max(weoff, reoff), actim > reon -+ */ -+ weon = ps_to_rfbi_ticks(t->we_on_time, div); -+ weoff = ps_to_rfbi_ticks(t->we_off_time, div); -+ if (weoff <= weon) -+ weoff = weon + 1; -+ if (weon > 0x0f) -+ return -1; -+ if (weoff > 0x3f) -+ return -1; -+ -+ reon = ps_to_rfbi_ticks(t->re_on_time, div); -+ reoff = ps_to_rfbi_ticks(t->re_off_time, div); -+ if (reoff <= reon) -+ reoff = reon + 1; -+ if (reon > 0x0f) -+ return -1; -+ if (reoff > 0x3f) -+ return -1; -+ -+ cson = ps_to_rfbi_ticks(t->cs_on_time, div); -+ csoff = ps_to_rfbi_ticks(t->cs_off_time, div); -+ if (csoff <= cson) -+ csoff = cson + 1; -+ if (csoff < max(weoff, reoff)) -+ csoff = max(weoff, reoff); -+ if (cson > 0x0f) -+ return -1; -+ if (csoff > 0x3f) -+ return -1; -+ -+ l = cson; -+ l |= csoff << 4; -+ l |= weon << 10; -+ l |= weoff << 14; -+ l |= reon << 20; -+ l |= reoff << 24; -+ -+ t->tim[0] = l; -+ -+ actim = ps_to_rfbi_ticks(t->access_time, div); -+ if (actim <= reon) -+ actim = reon + 1; -+ if (actim > 0x3f) -+ return -1; -+ -+ wecyc = ps_to_rfbi_ticks(t->we_cycle_time, div); -+ if (wecyc < weoff) -+ wecyc = weoff; -+ if (wecyc > 0x3f) -+ return -1; -+ -+ recyc = ps_to_rfbi_ticks(t->re_cycle_time, div); -+ if (recyc < reoff) -+ recyc = reoff; -+ if (recyc > 0x3f) -+ return -1; -+ -+ cs_pulse = ps_to_rfbi_ticks(t->cs_pulse_width, div); -+ if (cs_pulse > 0x3f) -+ return -1; -+ -+ l = wecyc; -+ l |= recyc << 6; -+ l |= cs_pulse << 12; -+ l |= actim << 22; -+ -+ t->tim[1] = l; -+ -+ t->tim[2] = div - 1; -+ -+ t->converted = 1; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+/* xxx FIX module selection missing */ -+int omap_rfbi_setup_te(enum omap_rfbi_te_mode mode, -+ unsigned hs_pulse_time, unsigned vs_pulse_time, -+ int hs_pol_inv, int vs_pol_inv, int extif_div) -+{ -+ int hs, vs; -+ int min; -+ u32 l; -+ -+ hs = ps_to_rfbi_ticks(hs_pulse_time, 1); -+ vs = ps_to_rfbi_ticks(vs_pulse_time, 1); -+ if (hs < 2) -+ return -EDOM; -+ if (mode == OMAP_DSS_RFBI_TE_MODE_2) -+ min = 2; -+ else /* OMAP_DSS_RFBI_TE_MODE_1 */ -+ min = 4; -+ if (vs < min) -+ return -EDOM; -+ if (vs == hs) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ rfbi.te_mode = mode; -+ DSSDBG("setup_te: mode %d hs %d vs %d hs_inv %d vs_inv %d\n", -+ mode, hs, vs, hs_pol_inv, vs_pol_inv); -+ -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(1); -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_HSYNC_WIDTH, hs); -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_VSYNC_WIDTH, vs); -+ -+ l = rfbi_read_reg(RFBI_CONFIG(0)); -+ if (hs_pol_inv) -+ l &= ~(1 << 21); -+ else -+ l |= 1 << 21; -+ if (vs_pol_inv) -+ l &= ~(1 << 20); -+ else -+ l |= 1 << 20; -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(0); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_rfbi_setup_te); -+ -+/* xxx FIX module selection missing */ -+int omap_rfbi_enable_te(bool enable, unsigned line) -+{ -+ u32 l; -+ -+ DSSDBG("te %d line %d mode %d\n", enable, line, rfbi.te_mode); -+ if (line > (1 << 11) - 1) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(1); -+ l = rfbi_read_reg(RFBI_CONFIG(0)); -+ l &= ~(0x3 << 2); -+ if (enable) { -+ rfbi.te_enabled = 1; -+ l |= rfbi.te_mode << 2; -+ } else -+ rfbi.te_enabled = 0; -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_CONFIG(0), l); -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_LINE_NUMBER, line); -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(0); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_rfbi_enable_te); -+ -+#if 0 -+static void rfbi_enable_config(int enable1, int enable2) -+{ -+ u32 l; -+ int cs = 0; -+ -+ if (enable1) -+ cs |= 1<<0; -+ if (enable2) -+ cs |= 1<<1; -+ -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ l = rfbi_read_reg(RFBI_CONTROL); -+ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, cs, 3, 2); -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0, 1, 1); -+ -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_CONTROL, l); -+ -+ -+ l = rfbi_read_reg(RFBI_CONFIG(0)); -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0, 3, 2); /* TRIGGERMODE: ITE */ -+ /*l |= FLD_VAL(2, 8, 7); */ /* L4FORMAT, 2pix/L4 */ -+ /*l |= FLD_VAL(0, 8, 7); */ /* L4FORMAT, 1pix/L4 */ -+ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0, 16, 16); /* A0POLARITY */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 1, 20, 20); /* TE_VSYNC_POLARITY */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 1, 21, 21); /* HSYNCPOLARITY */ -+ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_8, 1, 0); -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_CONFIG(0), l); -+ -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(0); -+} -+#endif -+ -+int rfbi_configure(int rfbi_module, int bpp, int lines) -+{ -+ u32 l; -+ int cycle1 = 0, cycle2 = 0, cycle3 = 0; -+ enum omap_rfbi_cycleformat cycleformat; -+ enum omap_rfbi_datatype datatype; -+ enum omap_rfbi_parallelmode parallelmode; -+ -+ switch (bpp) { -+ case 12: -+ datatype = OMAP_DSS_RFBI_DATATYPE_12; -+ break; -+ case 16: -+ datatype = OMAP_DSS_RFBI_DATATYPE_16; -+ break; -+ case 18: -+ datatype = OMAP_DSS_RFBI_DATATYPE_18; -+ break; -+ case 24: -+ datatype = OMAP_DSS_RFBI_DATATYPE_24; -+ break; -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ return 1; -+ } -+ rfbi.datatype = datatype; -+ -+ switch (lines) { -+ case 8: -+ parallelmode = OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_8; -+ break; -+ case 9: -+ parallelmode = OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_9; -+ break; -+ case 12: -+ parallelmode = OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_12; -+ break; -+ case 16: -+ parallelmode = OMAP_DSS_RFBI_PARALLELMODE_16; -+ break; -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ return 1; -+ } -+ rfbi.parallelmode = parallelmode; -+ -+ if ((bpp % lines) == 0) { -+ switch (bpp / lines) { -+ case 1: -+ cycleformat = OMAP_DSS_RFBI_CYCLEFORMAT_1_1; -+ break; -+ case 2: -+ cycleformat = OMAP_DSS_RFBI_CYCLEFORMAT_2_1; -+ break; -+ case 3: -+ cycleformat = OMAP_DSS_RFBI_CYCLEFORMAT_3_1; -+ break; -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ return 1; -+ } -+ } else if ((2 * bpp % lines) == 0) { -+ if ((2 * bpp / lines) == 3) -+ cycleformat = OMAP_DSS_RFBI_CYCLEFORMAT_3_2; -+ else { -+ BUG(); -+ return 1; -+ } -+ } else { -+ BUG(); -+ return 1; -+ } -+ -+ switch (cycleformat) { -+ case OMAP_DSS_RFBI_CYCLEFORMAT_1_1: -+ cycle1 = lines; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_RFBI_CYCLEFORMAT_2_1: -+ cycle1 = lines; -+ cycle2 = lines; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_RFBI_CYCLEFORMAT_3_1: -+ cycle1 = lines; -+ cycle2 = lines; -+ cycle3 = lines; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_RFBI_CYCLEFORMAT_3_2: -+ cycle1 = lines; -+ cycle2 = (lines / 2) | ((lines / 2) << 16); -+ cycle3 = (lines << 16); -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(RFBI_CONTROL, 0, 3, 2); /* clear CS */ -+ -+ l = 0; -+ l |= FLD_VAL(parallelmode, 1, 0); -+ l |= FLD_VAL(0, 3, 2); /* TRIGGERMODE: ITE */ -+ l |= FLD_VAL(0, 4, 4); /* TIMEGRANULARITY */ -+ l |= FLD_VAL(datatype, 6, 5); -+ /* l |= FLD_VAL(2, 8, 7); */ /* L4FORMAT, 2pix/L4 */ -+ l |= FLD_VAL(0, 8, 7); /* L4FORMAT, 1pix/L4 */ -+ l |= FLD_VAL(cycleformat, 10, 9); -+ l |= FLD_VAL(0, 12, 11); /* UNUSEDBITS */ -+ l |= FLD_VAL(0, 16, 16); /* A0POLARITY */ -+ l |= FLD_VAL(0, 17, 17); /* REPOLARITY */ -+ l |= FLD_VAL(0, 18, 18); /* WEPOLARITY */ -+ l |= FLD_VAL(0, 19, 19); /* CSPOLARITY */ -+ l |= FLD_VAL(1, 20, 20); /* TE_VSYNC_POLARITY */ -+ l |= FLD_VAL(1, 21, 21); /* HSYNCPOLARITY */ -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_CONFIG(rfbi_module), l); -+ -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_DATA_CYCLE1(rfbi_module), cycle1); -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_DATA_CYCLE2(rfbi_module), cycle2); -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_DATA_CYCLE3(rfbi_module), cycle3); -+ -+ -+ l = rfbi_read_reg(RFBI_CONTROL); -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, rfbi_module+1, 3, 2); /* Select CSx */ -+ l = FLD_MOD(l, 0, 1, 1); /* clear bypass */ -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_CONTROL, l); -+ -+ -+ DSSDBG("RFBI config: bpp %d, lines %d, cycles: 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x\n", -+ bpp, lines, cycle1, cycle2, cycle3); -+ -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(0); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(rfbi_configure); -+ -+static int rfbi_find_display(struct omap_display *disp) -+{ -+ if (disp == rfbi.display[0]) -+ return 0; -+ -+ if (disp == rfbi.display[1]) -+ return 1; -+ -+ BUG(); -+ return -1; -+} -+ -+ -+static void signal_fifo_waiters(void) -+{ -+ if (atomic_read(&rfbi.cmd_fifo_full) > 0) { -+ /* DSSDBG("SIGNALING: Fifo not full for waiter!\n"); */ -+ complete(&rfbi.cmd_done); -+ atomic_dec(&rfbi.cmd_fifo_full); -+ } -+} -+ -+/* returns 1 for async op, and 0 for sync op */ -+static int do_update(struct omap_display *display, struct update_region *upd) -+{ -+ u16 x = upd->x; -+ u16 y = upd->y; -+ u16 w = upd->w; -+ u16 h = upd->h; -+ -+ perf_mark_setup(); -+ -+ if (display->manager->caps & OMAP_DSS_OVL_MGR_CAP_DISPC) { -+ /*display->ctrl->enable_te(display, 1); */ -+ dispc_setup_partial_planes(display, &x, &y, &w, &h); -+ } -+ -+#ifdef MEASURE_PERF -+ rfbi.perf_bytes = w * h * 2; /* XXX always 16bit */ -+#endif -+ -+ display->ctrl->setup_update(display, x, y, w, h); -+ -+ if (display->manager->caps & OMAP_DSS_OVL_MGR_CAP_DISPC) { -+ rfbi_transfer_area(w, h, NULL, NULL); -+ return 1; -+ } else { -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ void __iomem *addr; -+ int scr_width; -+ -+ ovl = display->manager->overlays[0]; -+ scr_width = ovl->info.screen_width; -+ addr = ovl->info.vaddr; -+ -+ omap_rfbi_write_pixels(addr, scr_width, x, y, w, h); -+ -+ perf_show("L4"); -+ -+ return 0; -+ } -+} -+ -+static void process_cmd_fifo(void) -+{ -+ int len; -+ struct update_param p; -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ unsigned long flags; -+ -+ if (atomic_inc_return(&rfbi.cmd_pending) != 1) -+ return; -+ -+ while (true) { -+ spin_lock_irqsave(rfbi.cmd_fifo->lock, flags); -+ -+ len = __kfifo_get(rfbi.cmd_fifo, (unsigned char *)&p, -+ sizeof(struct update_param)); -+ if (len == 0) { -+ DSSDBG("nothing more in fifo\n"); -+ atomic_set(&rfbi.cmd_pending, 0); -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(rfbi.cmd_fifo->lock, flags); -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ /* DSSDBG("fifo full %d\n", rfbi.cmd_fifo_full.counter);*/ -+ -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(rfbi.cmd_fifo->lock, flags); -+ -+ BUG_ON(len != sizeof(struct update_param)); -+ BUG_ON(p.rfbi_module > 1); -+ -+ display = rfbi.display[p.rfbi_module]; -+ -+ if (p.cmd == RFBI_CMD_UPDATE) { -+ if (do_update(display, &p.par.r)) -+ break; /* async op */ -+ } else if (p.cmd == RFBI_CMD_SYNC) { -+ DSSDBG("Signaling SYNC done!\n"); -+ complete(p.par.sync); -+ } else -+ BUG(); -+ } -+ -+ signal_fifo_waiters(); -+} -+ -+static void rfbi_push_cmd(struct update_param *p) -+{ -+ int ret; -+ -+ while (1) { -+ unsigned long flags; -+ int available; -+ -+ spin_lock_irqsave(rfbi.cmd_fifo->lock, flags); -+ available = RFBI_CMD_FIFO_LEN_BYTES - -+ __kfifo_len(rfbi.cmd_fifo); -+ -+/* DSSDBG("%d bytes left in fifo\n", available); */ -+ if (available < sizeof(struct update_param)) { -+ DSSDBG("Going to wait because FIFO FULL..\n"); -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(rfbi.cmd_fifo->lock, flags); -+ atomic_inc(&rfbi.cmd_fifo_full); -+ wait_for_completion(&rfbi.cmd_done); -+ /*DSSDBG("Woke up because fifo not full anymore\n");*/ -+ continue; -+ } -+ -+ ret = __kfifo_put(rfbi.cmd_fifo, (unsigned char *)p, -+ sizeof(struct update_param)); -+/* DSSDBG("pushed %d bytes\n", ret);*/ -+ -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(rfbi.cmd_fifo->lock, flags); -+ -+ BUG_ON(ret != sizeof(struct update_param)); -+ -+ break; -+ } -+} -+ -+static void rfbi_push_update(int rfbi_module, int x, int y, int w, int h) -+{ -+ struct update_param p; -+ -+ p.rfbi_module = rfbi_module; -+ p.cmd = RFBI_CMD_UPDATE; -+ -+ p.par.r.x = x; -+ p.par.r.y = y; -+ p.par.r.w = w; -+ p.par.r.h = h; -+ -+ DSSDBG("RFBI pushed %d,%d %dx%d\n", x, y, w, h); -+ -+ rfbi_push_cmd(&p); -+ -+ process_cmd_fifo(); -+} -+ -+static void rfbi_push_sync(int rfbi_module, struct completion *sync_comp) -+{ -+ struct update_param p; -+ -+ p.rfbi_module = rfbi_module; -+ p.cmd = RFBI_CMD_SYNC; -+ p.par.sync = sync_comp; -+ -+ rfbi_push_cmd(&p); -+ -+ DSSDBG("RFBI sync pushed to cmd fifo\n"); -+ -+ process_cmd_fifo(); -+} -+ -+void rfbi_dump_regs(struct seq_file *s) -+{ -+#define DUMPREG(r) seq_printf(s, "%-35s %08x\n", #r, rfbi_read_reg(r)) -+ -+ dss_clk_enable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_REVISION); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_SYSCONFIG); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_SYSSTATUS); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_CONTROL); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_PIXEL_CNT); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_LINE_NUMBER); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_CMD); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_PARAM); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_DATA); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_READ); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_STATUS); -+ -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_CONFIG(0)); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_ONOFF_TIME(0)); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_CYCLE_TIME(0)); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_DATA_CYCLE1(0)); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_DATA_CYCLE2(0)); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_DATA_CYCLE3(0)); -+ -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_CONFIG(1)); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_ONOFF_TIME(1)); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_CYCLE_TIME(1)); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_DATA_CYCLE1(1)); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_DATA_CYCLE2(1)); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_DATA_CYCLE3(1)); -+ -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_VSYNC_WIDTH); -+ DUMPREG(RFBI_HSYNC_WIDTH); -+ -+ dss_clk_disable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+#undef DUMPREG -+} -+ -+int rfbi_init(void) -+{ -+ u32 rev; -+ u32 l; -+ -+ spin_lock_init(&rfbi.cmd_lock); -+ rfbi.cmd_fifo = kfifo_alloc(RFBI_CMD_FIFO_LEN_BYTES, GFP_KERNEL, -+ &rfbi.cmd_lock); -+ if (IS_ERR(rfbi.cmd_fifo)) -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ -+ init_completion(&rfbi.cmd_done); -+ atomic_set(&rfbi.cmd_fifo_full, 0); -+ atomic_set(&rfbi.cmd_pending, 0); -+ -+ rfbi.base = ioremap(RFBI_BASE, SZ_256); -+ if (!rfbi.base) { -+ DSSERR("can't ioremap RFBI\n"); -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ } -+ -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ msleep(10); -+ -+ rfbi.l4_khz = dss_clk_get_rate(DSS_CLK_ICK) / 1000; -+ -+ /* Enable autoidle and smart-idle */ -+ l = rfbi_read_reg(RFBI_SYSCONFIG); -+ l |= (1 << 0) | (2 << 3); -+ rfbi_write_reg(RFBI_SYSCONFIG, l); -+ -+ rev = rfbi_read_reg(RFBI_REVISION); -+ printk(KERN_INFO "OMAP RFBI rev %d.%d\n", -+ FLD_GET(rev, 7, 4), FLD_GET(rev, 3, 0)); -+ -+ rfbi_enable_clocks(0); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+void rfbi_exit(void) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("rfbi_exit\n"); -+ -+ kfifo_free(rfbi.cmd_fifo); -+ -+ iounmap(rfbi.base); -+} -+ -+/* struct omap_display support */ -+static int rfbi_display_update(struct omap_display *display, -+ u16 x, u16 y, u16 w, u16 h) -+{ -+ int rfbi_module; -+ -+ if (w == 0 || h == 0) -+ return 0; -+ -+ rfbi_module = rfbi_find_display(display); -+ -+ rfbi_push_update(rfbi_module, x, y, w, h); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int rfbi_display_sync(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ struct completion sync_comp; -+ int rfbi_module; -+ -+ rfbi_module = rfbi_find_display(display); -+ -+ init_completion(&sync_comp); -+ rfbi_push_sync(rfbi_module, &sync_comp); -+ DSSDBG("Waiting for SYNC to happen...\n"); -+ wait_for_completion(&sync_comp); -+ DSSDBG("Released from SYNC\n"); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int rfbi_display_enable_te(struct omap_display *display, bool enable) -+{ -+ display->ctrl->enable_te(display, enable); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int rfbi_display_enable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ int r; -+ -+ BUG_ON(display->panel == NULL || display->ctrl == NULL); -+ -+ r = omap_dispc_register_isr(framedone_callback, NULL, -+ DISPC_IRQ_FRAMEDONE); -+ if (r) { -+ DSSERR("can't get FRAMEDONE irq\n"); -+ return r; -+ } -+ -+ dispc_set_lcd_display_type(OMAP_DSS_LCD_DISPLAY_TFT); -+ -+ dispc_set_parallel_interface_mode(OMAP_DSS_PARALLELMODE_RFBI); -+ -+ dispc_set_tft_data_lines(display->ctrl->pixel_size); -+ -+ rfbi_configure(display->, -+ display->ctrl->pixel_size, -+ display->hw_config.u.rfbi.data_lines); -+ -+ rfbi_set_timings(display->, -+ &display->ctrl->timings); -+ -+ -+ if (display->ctrl && display->ctrl->enable) { -+ r = display->ctrl->enable(display); -+ if (r) -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ if (display->panel && display->panel->enable) { -+ r = display->panel->enable(display); -+ if (r) -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+err: -+ return -ENODEV; -+} -+ -+static void rfbi_display_disable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ display->ctrl->disable(display); -+ omap_dispc_unregister_isr(framedone_callback, NULL, -+ DISPC_IRQ_FRAMEDONE); -+} -+ -+void rfbi_init_display(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ display->enable = rfbi_display_enable; -+ display->disable = rfbi_display_disable; -+ display->update = rfbi_display_update; -+ display->sync = rfbi_display_sync; -+ display->enable_te = rfbi_display_enable_te; -+ -+ rfbi.display[display->] = display; -+ -+ display->caps = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_CAP_MANUAL_UPDATE; -+} -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/sdi.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/sdi.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..fbff2b2 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/sdi.c -@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/drivers/video/omap2/dss/sdi.c -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#define DSS_SUBSYS_NAME "SDI" -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include "dss.h" -+ -+ -+static struct { -+ bool skip_init; -+ bool update_enabled; -+} sdi; -+ -+static void sdi_basic_init(void) -+{ -+ dispc_set_parallel_interface_mode(OMAP_DSS_PARALLELMODE_BYPASS); -+ -+ dispc_set_lcd_display_type(OMAP_DSS_LCD_DISPLAY_TFT); -+ dispc_set_tft_data_lines(24); -+ dispc_lcd_enable_signal_polarity(1); -+} -+ -+static int sdi_display_enable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ struct dispc_clock_info cinfo; -+ u16 lck_div, pck_div; -+ unsigned long fck; -+ struct omap_panel *panel = display->panel; -+ unsigned long pck; -+ int r; -+ -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED) { -+ DSSERR("display already enabled\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ /* In case of skip_init sdi_init has already enabled the clocks */ -+ if (!sdi.skip_init) -+ dss_clk_enable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ sdi_basic_init(); -+ -+ /* */ -+ panel->config |= OMAP_DSS_LCD_RF | OMAP_DSS_LCD_ONOFF; -+ -+ dispc_set_pol_freq(panel); -+ -+ if (!sdi.skip_init) -+ r = dispc_calc_clock_div(1, panel->timings.pixel_clock * 1000, -+ &cinfo); -+ else -+ r = dispc_get_clock_div(&cinfo); -+ -+ if (r) -+ goto err0; -+ -+ fck = cinfo.fck; -+ lck_div = cinfo.lck_div; -+ pck_div = cinfo.pck_div; -+ -+ pck = fck / lck_div / pck_div / 1000; -+ -+ if (pck != panel->timings.pixel_clock) { -+ DSSWARN("Could not find exact pixel clock. Requested %d kHz, " -+ "got %lu kHz\n", -+ panel->timings.pixel_clock, pck); -+ -+ panel->timings.pixel_clock = pck; -+ } -+ -+ -+ dispc_set_lcd_timings(&panel->timings); -+ -+ r = dispc_set_clock_div(&cinfo); -+ if (r) -+ goto err1; -+ -+ if (!sdi.skip_init) { -+ dss_sdi_init(display->hw_config.u.sdi.datapairs); -+ dss_sdi_enable(); -+ mdelay(2); -+ } -+ -+ dispc_enable_lcd_out(1); -+ -+ r = panel->enable(display); -+ if (r) -+ goto err2; -+ -+ display->state = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE; -+ -+ sdi.skip_init = 0; -+ -+ return 0; -+err2: -+ dispc_enable_lcd_out(0); -+err1: -+err0: -+ dss_clk_disable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static int sdi_display_resume(struct omap_display *display); -+ -+static void sdi_display_disable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (display->state == OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED) -+ return; -+ -+ if (display->state == OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_SUSPENDED) -+ sdi_display_resume(display); -+ -+ display->panel->disable(display); -+ -+ dispc_enable_lcd_out(0); -+ -+ dss_sdi_disable(); -+ -+ dss_clk_disable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ display->state = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED; -+} -+ -+static int sdi_display_suspend(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ if (display->panel->suspend) -+ display->panel->suspend(display); -+ -+ dispc_enable_lcd_out(0); -+ -+ dss_sdi_disable(); -+ -+ dss_clk_disable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ display->state = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_SUSPENDED; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int sdi_display_resume(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_SUSPENDED) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ dss_clk_enable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ -+ dss_sdi_enable(); -+ mdelay(2); -+ -+ dispc_enable_lcd_out(1); -+ -+ if (display->panel->resume) -+ display->panel->resume(display); -+ -+ display->state = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int sdi_display_set_update_mode(struct omap_display *display, -+ enum omap_dss_update_mode mode) -+{ -+ if (mode == OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_MANUAL) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ if (mode == OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_DISABLED) { -+ dispc_enable_lcd_out(0); -+ sdi.update_enabled = 0; -+ } else { -+ dispc_enable_lcd_out(1); -+ sdi.update_enabled = 1; -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static enum omap_dss_update_mode sdi_display_get_update_mode( -+ struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ return sdi.update_enabled ? OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_AUTO : -+ OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_DISABLED; -+} -+ -+static void sdi_get_timings(struct omap_display *display, -+ struct omap_video_timings *timings) -+{ -+ *timings = display->panel->timings; -+} -+ -+void sdi_init_display(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("SDI init\n"); -+ -+ display->enable = sdi_display_enable; -+ display->disable = sdi_display_disable; -+ display->suspend = sdi_display_suspend; -+ display->resume = sdi_display_resume; -+ display->set_update_mode = sdi_display_set_update_mode; -+ display->get_update_mode = sdi_display_get_update_mode; -+ display->get_timings = sdi_get_timings; -+} -+ -+int sdi_init(bool skip_init) -+{ -+ /* we store this for first display enable, then clear it */ -+ sdi.skip_init = skip_init; -+ -+ /* -+ * Enable clocks already here, otherwise there would be a toggle -+ * of them until sdi_display_enable is called. -+ */ -+ if (skip_init) -+ dss_clk_enable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+void sdi_exit(void) -+{ -+} -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/venc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/venc.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..aceed9f ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/venc.c -@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/drivers/video/omap2/dss/venc.c -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * VENC settings from TI's DSS driver -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#define DSS_SUBSYS_NAME "VENC" -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include "dss.h" -+ -+#define VENC_BASE 0x48050C00 -+ -+/* Venc registers */ -+#define VENC_REV_ID 0x00 -+#define VENC_STATUS 0x04 -+#define VENC_F_CONTROL 0x08 -+#define VENC_VIDOUT_CTRL 0x10 -+#define VENC_SYNC_CTRL 0x14 -+#define VENC_LLEN 0x1C -+#define VENC_FLENS 0x20 -+#define VENC_HFLTR_CTRL 0x24 -+#define VENC_CC_CARR_WSS_CARR 0x28 -+#define VENC_C_PHASE 0x2C -+#define VENC_GAIN_U 0x30 -+#define VENC_GAIN_V 0x34 -+#define VENC_GAIN_Y 0x38 -+#define VENC_BLACK_LEVEL 0x3C -+#define VENC_BLANK_LEVEL 0x40 -+#define VENC_X_COLOR 0x44 -+#define VENC_M_CONTROL 0x48 -+#define VENC_BSTAMP_WSS_DATA 0x4C -+#define VENC_S_CARR 0x50 -+#define VENC_LINE21 0x54 -+#define VENC_LN_SEL 0x58 -+#define VENC_L21__WC_CTL 0x5C -+#define VENC_HTRIGGER_VTRIGGER 0x60 -+#define VENC_SAVID__EAVID 0x64 -+#define VENC_FLEN__FAL 0x68 -+#define VENC_LAL__PHASE_RESET 0x6C -+#define VENC_HS_INT_START_STOP_X 0x70 -+#define VENC_HS_EXT_START_STOP_X 0x74 -+#define VENC_VS_INT_START_X 0x78 -+#define VENC_VS_INT_STOP_X__VS_INT_START_Y 0x7C -+#define VENC_VS_INT_STOP_Y__VS_EXT_START_X 0x80 -+#define VENC_VS_EXT_STOP_X__VS_EXT_START_Y 0x84 -+#define VENC_VS_EXT_STOP_Y 0x88 -+#define VENC_AVID_START_STOP_X 0x90 -+#define VENC_AVID_START_STOP_Y 0x94 -+#define VENC_FID_INT_START_X__FID_INT_START_Y 0xA0 -+#define VENC_FID_INT_OFFSET_Y__FID_EXT_START_X 0xA4 -+#define VENC_FID_EXT_START_Y__FID_EXT_OFFSET_Y 0xA8 -+#define VENC_TVDETGP_INT_START_STOP_X 0xB0 -+#define VENC_TVDETGP_INT_START_STOP_Y 0xB4 -+#define VENC_GEN_CTRL 0xB8 -+#define VENC_OUTPUT_CONTROL 0xC4 -+#define VENC_DAC_B__DAC_C 0xC8 -+ -+struct venc_config { -+ u32 f_control; -+ u32 vidout_ctrl; -+ u32 sync_ctrl; -+ u32 llen; -+ u32 flens; -+ u32 hfltr_ctrl; -+ u32 cc_carr_wss_carr; -+ u32 c_phase; -+ u32 gain_u; -+ u32 gain_v; -+ u32 gain_y; -+ u32 black_level; -+ u32 blank_level; -+ u32 x_color; -+ u32 m_control; -+ u32 bstamp_wss_data; -+ u32 s_carr; -+ u32 line21; -+ u32 ln_sel; -+ u32 l21__wc_ctl; -+ u32 htrigger_vtrigger; -+ u32 savid__eavid; -+ u32 flen__fal; -+ u32 lal__phase_reset; -+ u32 hs_int_start_stop_x; -+ u32 hs_ext_start_stop_x; -+ u32 vs_int_start_x; -+ u32 vs_int_stop_x__vs_int_start_y; -+ u32 vs_int_stop_y__vs_ext_start_x; -+ u32 vs_ext_stop_x__vs_ext_start_y; -+ u32 vs_ext_stop_y; -+ u32 avid_start_stop_x; -+ u32 avid_start_stop_y; -+ u32 fid_int_start_x__fid_int_start_y; -+ u32 fid_int_offset_y__fid_ext_start_x; -+ u32 fid_ext_start_y__fid_ext_offset_y; -+ u32 tvdetgp_int_start_stop_x; -+ u32 tvdetgp_int_start_stop_y; -+ u32 gen_ctrl; -+}; -+ -+/* from TRM */ -+static const struct venc_config venc_config_pal_trm = { -+ .f_control = 0, -+ .vidout_ctrl = 1, -+ .sync_ctrl = 0x40, -+ .llen = 0x35F, /* 863 */ -+ .flens = 0x270, /* 624 */ -+ .hfltr_ctrl = 0, -+ .cc_carr_wss_carr = 0x2F7225ED, -+ .c_phase = 0, -+ .gain_u = 0x111, -+ .gain_v = 0x181, -+ .gain_y = 0x140, -+ .black_level = 0x3B, -+ .blank_level = 0x3B, -+ .x_color = 0x7, -+ .m_control = 0x2, -+ .bstamp_wss_data = 0x3F, -+ .s_carr = 0x2A098ACB, -+ .line21 = 0, -+ .ln_sel = 0x01290015, -+ .l21__wc_ctl = 0x0000F603, -+ .htrigger_vtrigger = 0, -+ -+ .savid__eavid = 0x06A70108, -+ .flen__fal = 0x00180270, -+ .lal__phase_reset = 0x00040135, -+ .hs_int_start_stop_x = 0x00880358, -+ .hs_ext_start_stop_x = 0x000F035F, -+ .vs_int_start_x = 0x01A70000, -+ .vs_int_stop_x__vs_int_start_y = 0x000001A7, -+ .vs_int_stop_y__vs_ext_start_x = 0x01AF0000, -+ .vs_ext_stop_x__vs_ext_start_y = 0x000101AF, -+ .vs_ext_stop_y = 0x00000025, -+ .avid_start_stop_x = 0x03530083, -+ .avid_start_stop_y = 0x026C002E, -+ .fid_int_start_x__fid_int_start_y = 0x0001008A, -+ .fid_int_offset_y__fid_ext_start_x = 0x002E0138, -+ .fid_ext_start_y__fid_ext_offset_y = 0x01380001, -+ -+ .tvdetgp_int_start_stop_x = 0x00140001, -+ .tvdetgp_int_start_stop_y = 0x00010001, -+ .gen_ctrl = 0x00FF0000, -+}; -+ -+/* from TRM */ -+static const struct venc_config venc_config_ntsc_trm = { -+ .f_control = 0, -+ .vidout_ctrl = 1, -+ .sync_ctrl = 0x8040, -+ .llen = 0x359, -+ .flens = 0x20C, -+ .hfltr_ctrl = 0, -+ .cc_carr_wss_carr = 0x043F2631, -+ .c_phase = 0, -+ .gain_u = 0x102, -+ .gain_v = 0x16C, -+ .gain_y = 0x12F, -+ .black_level = 0x43, -+ .blank_level = 0x38, -+ .x_color = 0x7, -+ .m_control = 0x1, -+ .bstamp_wss_data = 0x38, -+ .s_carr = 0x21F07C1F, -+ .line21 = 0, -+ .ln_sel = 0x01310011, -+ .l21__wc_ctl = 0x0000F003, -+ .htrigger_vtrigger = 0, -+ -+ .savid__eavid = 0x069300F4, -+ .flen__fal = 0x0016020C, -+ .lal__phase_reset = 0x00060107, -+ .hs_int_start_stop_x = 0x008E0350, -+ .hs_ext_start_stop_x = 0x000F0359, -+ .vs_int_start_x = 0x01A00000, -+ .vs_int_stop_x__vs_int_start_y = 0x020701A0, -+ .vs_int_stop_y__vs_ext_start_x = 0x01AC0024, -+ .vs_ext_stop_x__vs_ext_start_y = 0x020D01AC, -+ .vs_ext_stop_y = 0x00000006, -+ .avid_start_stop_x = 0x03480078, -+ .avid_start_stop_y = 0x02060024, -+ .fid_int_start_x__fid_int_start_y = 0x0001008A, -+ .fid_int_offset_y__fid_ext_start_x = 0x01AC0106, -+ .fid_ext_start_y__fid_ext_offset_y = 0x01060006, -+ -+ .tvdetgp_int_start_stop_x = 0x00140001, -+ .tvdetgp_int_start_stop_y = 0x00010001, -+ .gen_ctrl = 0x00F90000, -+}; -+ -+static const struct venc_config venc_config_pal_bdghi = { -+ .f_control = 0, -+ .vidout_ctrl = 0, -+ .sync_ctrl = 0, -+ .hfltr_ctrl = 0, -+ .x_color = 0, -+ .line21 = 0, -+ .ln_sel = 21, -+ .htrigger_vtrigger = 0, -+ .tvdetgp_int_start_stop_x = 0x00140001, -+ .tvdetgp_int_start_stop_y = 0x00010001, -+ .gen_ctrl = 0x00FB0000, -+ -+ .llen = 864-1, -+ .flens = 625-1, -+ .cc_carr_wss_carr = 0x2F7625ED, -+ .c_phase = 0xDF, -+ .gain_u = 0x111, -+ .gain_v = 0x181, -+ .gain_y = 0x140, -+ .black_level = 0x3e, -+ .blank_level = 0x3e, -+ .m_control = 0<<2 | 1<<1, -+ .bstamp_wss_data = 0x42, -+ .s_carr = 0x2a098acb, -+ .l21__wc_ctl = 0<<13 | 0x16<<8 | 0<<0, -+ .savid__eavid = 0x06A70108, -+ .flen__fal = 23<<16 | 624<<0, -+ .lal__phase_reset = 2<<17 | 310<<0, -+ .hs_int_start_stop_x = 0x00920358, -+ .hs_ext_start_stop_x = 0x000F035F, -+ .vs_int_start_x = 0x1a7<<16, -+ .vs_int_stop_x__vs_int_start_y = 0x000601A7, -+ .vs_int_stop_y__vs_ext_start_x = 0x01AF0036, -+ .vs_ext_stop_x__vs_ext_start_y = 0x27101af, -+ .vs_ext_stop_y = 0x05, -+ .avid_start_stop_x = 0x03530082, -+ .avid_start_stop_y = 0x0270002E, -+ .fid_int_start_x__fid_int_start_y = 0x0005008A, -+ .fid_int_offset_y__fid_ext_start_x = 0x002E0138, -+ .fid_ext_start_y__fid_ext_offset_y = 0x01380005, -+}; -+ -+const struct omap_video_timings omap_dss_pal_timings = { -+ .x_res = 720, -+ .y_res = 574, -+ .pixel_clock = 26181, -+ .hsw = 32, -+ .hfp = 80, -+ .hbp = 48, -+ .vsw = 7, -+ .vfp = 3, -+ .vbp = 6, -+}; -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_dss_pal_timings); -+ -+const struct omap_video_timings omap_dss_ntsc_timings = { -+ .x_res = 720, -+ .y_res = 482, -+ .pixel_clock = 22153, -+ .hsw = 32, -+ .hfp = 80, -+ .hbp = 48, -+ .vsw = 10, -+ .vfp = 3, -+ .vbp = 6, -+}; -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_dss_ntsc_timings); -+ -+static struct { -+ void __iomem *base; -+ struct mutex venc_lock; -+} venc; -+ -+static struct omap_panel venc_panel = { -+ .name = "tv-out", -+}; -+ -+static inline void venc_write_reg(int idx, u32 val) -+{ -+ __raw_writel(val, venc.base + idx); -+} -+ -+static inline u32 venc_read_reg(int idx) -+{ -+ u32 l = __raw_readl(venc.base + idx); -+ return l; -+} -+ -+static void venc_write_config(const struct venc_config *config) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("write venc conf\n"); -+ -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_LLEN, config->llen); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_FLENS, config->flens); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_CC_CARR_WSS_CARR, config->cc_carr_wss_carr); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_C_PHASE, config->c_phase); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_GAIN_U, config->gain_u); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_GAIN_V, config->gain_v); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_GAIN_Y, config->gain_y); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_BLACK_LEVEL, config->black_level); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_BLANK_LEVEL, config->blank_level); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_M_CONTROL, config->m_control); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_BSTAMP_WSS_DATA, config->bstamp_wss_data); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_S_CARR, config->s_carr); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_L21__WC_CTL, config->l21__wc_ctl); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_SAVID__EAVID, config->savid__eavid); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_FLEN__FAL, config->flen__fal); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_LAL__PHASE_RESET, config->lal__phase_reset); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_HS_INT_START_STOP_X, config->hs_int_start_stop_x); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_HS_EXT_START_STOP_X, config->hs_ext_start_stop_x); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_VS_INT_START_X, config->vs_int_start_x); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_VS_INT_STOP_X__VS_INT_START_Y, -+ config->vs_int_stop_x__vs_int_start_y); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_VS_INT_STOP_Y__VS_EXT_START_X, -+ config->vs_int_stop_y__vs_ext_start_x); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_VS_EXT_STOP_X__VS_EXT_START_Y, -+ config->vs_ext_stop_x__vs_ext_start_y); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_VS_EXT_STOP_Y, config->vs_ext_stop_y); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_AVID_START_STOP_X, config->avid_start_stop_x); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_AVID_START_STOP_Y, config->avid_start_stop_y); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_FID_INT_START_X__FID_INT_START_Y, -+ config->fid_int_start_x__fid_int_start_y); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_FID_INT_OFFSET_Y__FID_EXT_START_X, -+ config->fid_int_offset_y__fid_ext_start_x); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_FID_EXT_START_Y__FID_EXT_OFFSET_Y, -+ config->fid_ext_start_y__fid_ext_offset_y); -+ -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_DAC_B__DAC_C, venc_read_reg(VENC_DAC_B__DAC_C)); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_VIDOUT_CTRL, config->vidout_ctrl); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_HFLTR_CTRL, config->hfltr_ctrl); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_X_COLOR, config->x_color); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_LINE21, config->line21); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_LN_SEL, config->ln_sel); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_HTRIGGER_VTRIGGER, config->htrigger_vtrigger); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_TVDETGP_INT_START_STOP_X, -+ config->tvdetgp_int_start_stop_x); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_TVDETGP_INT_START_STOP_Y, -+ config->tvdetgp_int_start_stop_y); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_GEN_CTRL, config->gen_ctrl); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_F_CONTROL, config->f_control); -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_SYNC_CTRL, config->sync_ctrl); -+} -+ -+static void venc_reset(void) -+{ -+ int t = 1000; -+ -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_F_CONTROL, 1<<8); -+ while (venc_read_reg(VENC_F_CONTROL) & (1<<8)) { -+ if (--t == 0) { -+ DSSERR("Failed to reset venc\n"); -+ return; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ /* the magical sleep that makes things work */ -+ msleep(20); -+} -+ -+static void venc_enable_clocks(int enable) -+{ -+ if (enable) -+ dss_clk_enable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1 | DSS_CLK_54M | -+ DSS_CLK_96M); -+ else -+ dss_clk_disable(DSS_CLK_ICK | DSS_CLK_FCK1 | DSS_CLK_54M | -+ DSS_CLK_96M); -+} -+ -+static const struct venc_config *venc_timings_to_config( -+ struct omap_video_timings *timings) -+{ -+ if (memcmp(&omap_dss_pal_timings, timings, sizeof(*timings)) == 0) -+ return &venc_config_pal_trm; -+ -+ if (memcmp(&omap_dss_ntsc_timings, timings, sizeof(*timings)) == 0) -+ return &venc_config_ntsc_trm; -+ -+ BUG(); -+} -+ -+int venc_init(void) -+{ -+ u8 rev_id; -+ -+ mutex_init(&venc.venc_lock); -+ -+ venc_panel.timings = omap_dss_pal_timings; -+ -+ venc.base = ioremap(VENC_BASE, SZ_1K); -+ if (!venc.base) { -+ DSSERR("can't ioremap VENC\n"); -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ } -+ -+ venc_enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ rev_id = (u8)(venc_read_reg(VENC_REV_ID) & 0xff); -+ printk(KERN_INFO "OMAP VENC rev %d\n", rev_id); -+ -+ venc_enable_clocks(0); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+void venc_exit(void) -+{ -+ iounmap(venc.base); -+} -+ -+static void venc_power_on(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ venc_enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ venc_reset(); -+ venc_write_config(venc_timings_to_config(&display->panel->timings)); -+ -+ dss_set_venc_output(display->hw_config.u.venc.type); -+ dss_set_dac_pwrdn_bgz(1); -+ -+ if (display->hw_config.u.venc.type == OMAP_DSS_VENC_TYPE_COMPOSITE) { -+ if (cpu_is_omap24xx()) -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_OUTPUT_CONTROL, 0x2); -+ else -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_OUTPUT_CONTROL, 0xa); -+ } else { /* S-Video */ -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_OUTPUT_CONTROL, 0xd); -+ } -+ -+ dispc_set_digit_size(display->panel->timings.x_res, -+ display->panel->timings.y_res/2); -+ -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_enable) -+ display->hw_config.panel_enable(display); -+ -+ dispc_enable_digit_out(1); -+} -+ -+static void venc_power_off(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ venc_write_reg(VENC_OUTPUT_CONTROL, 0); -+ dss_set_dac_pwrdn_bgz(0); -+ -+ dispc_enable_digit_out(0); -+ -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_disable) -+ display->hw_config.panel_disable(display); -+ -+ venc_enable_clocks(0); -+} -+ -+static int venc_enable_display(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ DSSDBG("venc_enable_display\n"); -+ -+ mutex_lock(&venc.venc_lock); -+ -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED) { -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ venc_power_on(display); -+ -+ display->state = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE; -+err: -+ mutex_unlock(&venc.venc_lock); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static void venc_disable_display(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("venc_disable_display\n"); -+ -+ mutex_lock(&venc.venc_lock); -+ -+ if (display->state == OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED) -+ goto end; -+ -+ if (display->state == OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_SUSPENDED) { -+ /* suspended is the same as disabled with venc */ -+ display->state = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED; -+ goto end; -+ } -+ -+ venc_power_off(display); -+ -+ display->state = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED; -+end: -+ mutex_unlock(&venc.venc_lock); -+} -+ -+static int venc_display_suspend(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ DSSDBG("venc_display_suspend\n"); -+ -+ mutex_lock(&venc.venc_lock); -+ -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE) { -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ venc_power_off(display); -+ -+ display->state = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_SUSPENDED; -+err: -+ mutex_unlock(&venc.venc_lock); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static int venc_display_resume(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ DSSDBG("venc_display_resume\n"); -+ -+ mutex_lock(&venc.venc_lock); -+ -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_SUSPENDED) { -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ venc_power_on(display); -+ -+ display->state = OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE; -+err: -+ mutex_unlock(&venc.venc_lock); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static void venc_get_timings(struct omap_display *display, -+ struct omap_video_timings *timings) -+{ -+ *timings = venc_panel.timings; -+} -+ -+static void venc_set_timings(struct omap_display *display, -+ struct omap_video_timings *timings) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("venc_set_timings\n"); -+ display->panel->timings = *timings; -+ if (display->state == OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE) { -+ /* turn the venc off and on to get new timings to use */ -+ venc_disable_display(display); -+ venc_enable_display(display); -+ } -+} -+ -+static int venc_check_timings(struct omap_display *display, -+ struct omap_video_timings *timings) -+{ -+ DSSDBG("venc_check_timings\n"); -+ -+ if (memcmp(&omap_dss_pal_timings, timings, sizeof(*timings)) == 0) -+ return 0; -+ -+ if (memcmp(&omap_dss_ntsc_timings, timings, sizeof(*timings)) == 0) -+ return 0; -+ -+ return -EINVAL; -+} -+ -+void venc_init_display(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ display->panel = &venc_panel; -+ display->enable = venc_enable_display; -+ display->disable = venc_disable_display; -+ display->suspend = venc_display_suspend; -+ display->resume = venc_display_resume; -+ display->get_timings = venc_get_timings; -+ display->set_timings = venc_set_timings; -+ display->check_timings = venc_check_timings; -+} --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0004-DSS2-OMAP-framebuffer-driver.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0004-DSS2-OMAP-framebuffer-driver.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 877bb43c56..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0004-DSS2-OMAP-framebuffer-driver.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3403 +0,0 @@ -From db9314f01a207e256d545244d3d00dc4ce535280 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 10:25:48 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 04/69] DSS2: OMAP framebuffer driver - -Signed-off-by: Tomi Valkeinen ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/fb.c | 28 + - drivers/video/omap/Kconfig | 5 +- - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/Kconfig | 35 + - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/Makefile | 2 + - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-ioctl.c | 656 ++++++++++ - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c | 2010 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c | 371 ++++++ - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb.h | 153 +++ - include/linux/omapfb.h | 20 + - 9 files changed, 3278 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/Kconfig - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/Makefile - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-ioctl.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb.h - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/fb.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/fb.c -index 40615a6..1dc3415 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/fb.c -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/fb.c -@@ -327,6 +327,34 @@ static inline int omap_init_fb(void) - - arch_initcall(omap_init_fb); - -+#elif defined(CONFIG_FB_OMAP2) || defined(CONFIG_FB_OMAP2_MODULE) -+ -+static u64 omap_fb_dma_mask = ~(u32)0; -+static struct omapfb_platform_data omapfb_config; -+ -+static struct platform_device omap_fb_device = { -+ .name = "omapfb", -+ .id = -1, -+ .dev = { -+ .dma_mask = &omap_fb_dma_mask, -+ .coherent_dma_mask = ~(u32)0, -+ .platform_data = &omapfb_config, -+ }, -+ .num_resources = 0, -+}; -+ -+void omapfb_set_platform_data(struct omapfb_platform_data *data) -+{ -+ omapfb_config = *data; -+} -+ -+static inline int omap_init_fb(void) -+{ -+ return platform_device_register(&omap_fb_device); -+} -+ -+arch_initcall(omap_init_fb); -+ - #else - - void omapfb_reserve_sdram(void) {} -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap/Kconfig b/drivers/video/omap/Kconfig -index c355b59..a1c10de 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap/Kconfig -+++ b/drivers/video/omap/Kconfig -@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ - config FB_OMAP - tristate "OMAP frame buffer support (EXPERIMENTAL)" -- depends on FB && ARCH_OMAP -+ depends on FB && ARCH_OMAP && (OMAP2_DSS = "n") -+ - select FB_CFB_FILLRECT - select FB_CFB_COPYAREA - select FB_CFB_IMAGEBLIT -@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ config FB_OMAP_LCD_MIPID - - config FB_OMAP_BOOTLOADER_INIT - bool "Check bootloader initialization" -- depends on FB_OMAP -+ depends on FB_OMAP || FB_OMAP2 - help - Say Y here if you want to enable checking if the bootloader has - already initialized the display controller. In this case the -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/Kconfig b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/Kconfig -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..4f66033 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/Kconfig -@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ -+menuconfig FB_OMAP2 -+ tristate "OMAP2/3 frame buffer support (EXPERIMENTAL)" -+ depends on FB && OMAP2_DSS -+ -+ select FB_CFB_FILLRECT -+ select FB_CFB_COPYAREA -+ select FB_CFB_IMAGEBLIT -+ help -+ Frame buffer driver for OMAP2/3 based boards. -+ -+config FB_OMAP2_DEBUG_SUPPORT -+ bool "Debug support for OMAP2/3 FB" -+ default y -+ depends on FB_OMAP2 -+ help -+ Support for debug output. You have to enable the actual printing -+ with debug module parameter. -+ -+config FB_OMAP2_FORCE_AUTO_UPDATE -+ bool "Force main display to automatic update mode" -+ depends on FB_OMAP2 -+ help -+ Forces main display to automatic update mode (if possible), -+ and also enables tearsync (if possible). By default -+ displays that support manual update are started in manual -+ update mode. -+ -+config FB_OMAP2_NUM_FBS -+ int "Number of framebuffers" -+ range 1 10 -+ default 3 -+ depends on FB_OMAP2 -+ help -+ Select the number of framebuffers created. OMAP2/3 has 3 overlays -+ so normally this would be 3. -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/Makefile b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/Makefile -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..51c2e00 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/Makefile -@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ -+obj-$(CONFIG_FB_OMAP2) += omapfb.o -+omapfb-y := omapfb-main.o omapfb-sysfs.o omapfb-ioctl.o -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-ioctl.c b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-ioctl.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..7f18d2a ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-ioctl.c -@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb-ioctl.c -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * Some code and ideas taken from drivers/video/omap/ driver -+ * by Imre Deak. -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include "omapfb.h" -+ -+static int omapfb_setup_plane(struct fb_info *fbi, struct omapfb_plane_info *pi) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ struct omap_display *display = fb2display(fbi); -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ struct omap_overlay_info info; -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ DBG("omapfb_setup_plane\n"); -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+ -+ if (ofbi->num_overlays != 1) { -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ goto out; -+ } -+ -+ /* XXX uses only the first overlay */ -+ ovl = ofbi->overlays[0]; -+ -+ if (pi->enabled && !ofbi->region.size) { -+ /* -+ * This plane's memory was freed, can't enable it -+ * until it's reallocated. -+ */ -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ goto out; -+ } -+ -+ ovl->get_overlay_info(ovl, &info); -+ -+ info.pos_x = pi->pos_x; -+ info.pos_y = pi->pos_y; -+ info.out_width = pi->out_width; -+ info.out_height = pi->out_height; -+ info.enabled = pi->enabled; -+ -+ r = ovl->set_overlay_info(ovl, &info); -+ if (r) -+ goto out; -+ -+ if (ovl->manager) { -+ r = ovl->manager->apply(ovl->manager); -+ if (r) -+ goto out; -+ } -+ -+ if (display) { -+ u16 w, h; -+ -+ if (display->sync) -+ display->sync(display); -+ -+ display->get_resolution(display, &w, &h); -+ -+ if (display->update) -+ display->update(display, 0, 0, w, h); -+ } -+ -+out: -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ if (r) -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "setup_plane failed\n"); -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_query_plane(struct fb_info *fbi, struct omapfb_plane_info *pi) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+ -+ if (ofbi->num_overlays != 1) { -+ memset(pi, 0, sizeof(*pi)); -+ } else { -+ struct omap_overlay_info *ovli; -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ -+ ovl = ofbi->overlays[0]; -+ ovli = &ovl->info; -+ -+ pi->pos_x = ovli->pos_x; -+ pi->pos_y = ovli->pos_y; -+ pi->enabled = ovli->enabled; -+ pi->channel_out = 0; /* xxx */ -+ pi->mirror = 0; -+ pi->out_width = ovli->out_width; -+ pi->out_height = ovli->out_height; -+ } -+ -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_setup_mem(struct fb_info *fbi, struct omapfb_mem_info *mi) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ struct omapfb2_mem_region *rg; -+ int r, i; -+ size_t size; -+ -+ if (mi->type > OMAPFB_MEMTYPE_MAX) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ size = PAGE_ALIGN(mi->size); -+ -+ rg = &ofbi->region; -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < ofbi->num_overlays; i++) { -+ if (ofbi->overlays[i]->info.enabled) { -+ r = -EBUSY; -+ goto out; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (rg->size != size || rg->type != mi->type) { -+ r = omapfb_realloc_fbmem(fbi, size, mi->type); -+ if (r) { -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "realloc fbmem failed\n"); -+ goto out; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ r = 0; -+out: -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_query_mem(struct fb_info *fbi, struct omapfb_mem_info *mi) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ struct omapfb2_mem_region *rg; -+ -+ rg = &ofbi->region; -+ memset(mi, 0, sizeof(*mi)); -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+ mi->size = rg->size; -+ mi->type = rg->type; -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_update_window(struct fb_info *fbi, -+ u32 x, u32 y, u32 w, u32 h) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ struct omap_display *display = fb2display(fbi); -+ u16 dw, dh; -+ -+ if (!display) -+ return 0; -+ -+ if (w == 0 || h == 0) -+ return 0; -+ -+ display->get_resolution(display, &dw, &dh); -+ -+ if (x + w > dw || y + h > dh) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+ display->update(display, x, y, w, h); -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_set_update_mode(struct fb_info *fbi, -+ enum omapfb_update_mode mode) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ struct omap_display *display = fb2display(fbi); -+ enum omap_dss_update_mode um; -+ int r; -+ -+ if (!display || !display->set_update_mode) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ switch (mode) { -+ case OMAPFB_UPDATE_DISABLED: -+ um = OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_DISABLED; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAPFB_AUTO_UPDATE: -+ um = OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_AUTO; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAPFB_MANUAL_UPDATE: -+ um = OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_MANUAL; -+ break; -+ -+ default: -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+ r = display->set_update_mode(display, um); -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_get_update_mode(struct fb_info *fbi, -+ enum omapfb_update_mode *mode) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ struct omap_display *display = fb2display(fbi); -+ enum omap_dss_update_mode m; -+ -+ if (!display || !display->get_update_mode) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+ m = display->get_update_mode(display); -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ -+ switch (m) { -+ case OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_DISABLED: -+ *mode = OMAPFB_UPDATE_DISABLED; -+ break; -+ case OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_AUTO: -+ *mode = OMAPFB_AUTO_UPDATE; -+ break; -+ case OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_MANUAL: -+ *mode = OMAPFB_MANUAL_UPDATE; -+ break; -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+/* XXX this color key handling is a hack... */ -+static struct omapfb_color_key omapfb_color_keys[2]; -+ -+static int _omapfb_set_color_key(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ struct omapfb_color_key *ck) -+{ -+ enum omap_dss_color_key_type kt; -+ -+ if(!mgr->set_default_color || !mgr->set_trans_key || -+ !mgr->enable_trans_key) -+ return 0; -+ -+ if (ck->key_type == OMAPFB_COLOR_KEY_DISABLED) { -+ mgr->enable_trans_key(mgr, 0); -+ omapfb_color_keys[mgr->id] = *ck; -+ return 0; -+ } -+ -+ switch(ck->key_type) { -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_KEY_GFX_DST: -+ kt = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_KEY_GFX_DST; -+ break; -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_KEY_VID_SRC: -+ kt = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_KEY_VID_SRC; -+ break; -+ default: -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ mgr->set_default_color(mgr, ck->background); -+ mgr->set_trans_key(mgr, kt, ck->trans_key); -+ mgr->enable_trans_key(mgr, 1); -+ -+ omapfb_color_keys[mgr->id] = *ck; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_set_color_key(struct fb_info *fbi, -+ struct omapfb_color_key *ck) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ int r; -+ int i; -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr = NULL; -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < ofbi->num_overlays; i++) { -+ if (ofbi->overlays[i]->manager) { -+ mgr = ofbi->overlays[i]->manager; -+ break; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (!mgr) { -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ if(!mgr->set_default_color || !mgr->set_trans_key || -+ !mgr->enable_trans_key) { -+ r = -ENODEV; -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ r = _omapfb_set_color_key(mgr, ck); -+err: -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_get_color_key(struct fb_info *fbi, -+ struct omapfb_color_key *ck) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr = NULL; -+ int r = 0; -+ int i; -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < ofbi->num_overlays; i++) { -+ if (ofbi->overlays[i]->manager) { -+ mgr = ofbi->overlays[i]->manager; -+ break; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (!mgr) { -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ if(!mgr->set_default_color || !mgr->set_trans_key || -+ !mgr->enable_trans_key) { -+ r = -ENODEV; -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ *ck = omapfb_color_keys[mgr->id]; -+err: -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_memory_read(struct fb_info *fbi, -+ struct omapfb_memory_read *mr) -+{ -+ struct omap_display *display = fb2display(fbi); -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ void *buf; -+ int r; -+ -+ if (!display || !display->memory_read) -+ return -ENOENT; -+ -+ if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, mr->buffer, mr->buffer_size)) -+ return -EFAULT; -+ -+ if (mr->w * mr->h * 3 > mr->buffer_size) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ buf = vmalloc(mr->buffer_size); -+ if (!buf) { -+ DBG("vmalloc failed\n"); -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ } -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+ -+ r = display->memory_read(display, buf, mr->buffer_size, -+ mr->x, mr->y, mr->w, mr->h); -+ -+ if (r > 0) { -+ if (copy_to_user(mr->buffer, buf, mr->buffer_size)) -+ r = -EFAULT; -+ } -+ -+ vfree(buf); -+ -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+int omapfb_ioctl(struct fb_info *fbi, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ struct omap_display *display = fb2display(fbi); -+ -+ union { -+ struct omapfb_update_window_old uwnd_o; -+ struct omapfb_update_window uwnd; -+ struct omapfb_plane_info plane_info; -+ struct omapfb_caps caps; -+ struct omapfb_mem_info mem_info; -+ struct omapfb_color_key color_key; -+ enum omapfb_update_mode update_mode; -+ int test_num; -+ struct omapfb_memory_read memory_read; -+ } p; -+ -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ switch (cmd) { -+ case OMAPFB_SYNC_GFX: -+ DBG("ioctl SYNC_GFX\n"); -+ if (!display || !display->sync) { -+ /* DSS1 never returns an error here, so we neither */ -+ /*r = -EINVAL;*/ -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+ r = display->sync(display); -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAPFB_UPDATE_WINDOW_OLD: -+ DBG("ioctl UPDATE_WINDOW_OLD\n"); -+ if (!display || !display->update) { -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ if (copy_from_user(&p.uwnd_o, -+ (void __user *)arg, -+ sizeof(p.uwnd_o))) { -+ r = -EFAULT; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ r = omapfb_update_window(fbi, p.uwnd_o.x, p.uwnd_o.y, -+ p.uwnd_o.width, p.uwnd_o.height); -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAPFB_UPDATE_WINDOW: -+ DBG("ioctl UPDATE_WINDOW\n"); -+ if (!display || !display->update) { -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ if (copy_from_user(&p.uwnd, (void __user *)arg, -+ sizeof(p.uwnd))) { -+ r = -EFAULT; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ r = omapfb_update_window(fbi, p.uwnd.x, p.uwnd.y, -+ p.uwnd.width, p.uwnd.height); -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAPFB_SETUP_PLANE: -+ DBG("ioctl SETUP_PLANE\n"); -+ if (copy_from_user(&p.plane_info, (void __user *)arg, -+ sizeof(p.plane_info))) -+ r = -EFAULT; -+ else -+ r = omapfb_setup_plane(fbi, &p.plane_info); -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAPFB_QUERY_PLANE: -+ DBG("ioctl QUERY_PLANE\n"); -+ r = omapfb_query_plane(fbi, &p.plane_info); -+ if (r < 0) -+ break; -+ if (copy_to_user((void __user *)arg, &p.plane_info, -+ sizeof(p.plane_info))) -+ r = -EFAULT; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAPFB_SETUP_MEM: -+ DBG("ioctl SETUP_MEM\n"); -+ if (copy_from_user(&p.mem_info, (void __user *)arg, -+ sizeof(p.mem_info))) -+ r = -EFAULT; -+ else -+ r = omapfb_setup_mem(fbi, &p.mem_info); -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAPFB_QUERY_MEM: -+ DBG("ioctl QUERY_MEM\n"); -+ r = omapfb_query_mem(fbi, &p.mem_info); -+ if (r < 0) -+ break; -+ if (copy_to_user((void __user *)arg, &p.mem_info, -+ sizeof(p.mem_info))) -+ r = -EFAULT; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAPFB_GET_CAPS: -+ DBG("ioctl GET_CAPS\n"); -+ if (!display) { -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ p.caps.ctrl = display->caps; -+ -+ if (copy_to_user((void __user *)arg, &p.caps, sizeof(p.caps))) -+ r = -EFAULT; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAPFB_SET_UPDATE_MODE: -+ DBG("ioctl SET_UPDATE_MODE\n"); -+ if (get_user(p.update_mode, (int __user *)arg)) -+ r = -EFAULT; -+ else -+ r = omapfb_set_update_mode(fbi, p.update_mode); -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAPFB_GET_UPDATE_MODE: -+ DBG("ioctl GET_UPDATE_MODE\n"); -+ r = omapfb_get_update_mode(fbi, &p.update_mode); -+ if (r) -+ break; -+ if (put_user(p.update_mode, -+ (enum omapfb_update_mode __user *)arg)) -+ r = -EFAULT; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAPFB_SET_COLOR_KEY: -+ DBG("ioctl SET_COLOR_KEY\n"); -+ if (copy_from_user(&p.color_key, (void __user *)arg, -+ sizeof(p.color_key))) -+ r = -EFAULT; -+ else -+ r = omapfb_set_color_key(fbi, &p.color_key); -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAPFB_GET_COLOR_KEY: -+ DBG("ioctl GET_COLOR_KEY\n"); -+ if ((r = omapfb_get_color_key(fbi, &p.color_key)) < 0) -+ break; -+ if (copy_to_user((void __user *)arg, &p.color_key, -+ sizeof(p.color_key))) -+ r = -EFAULT; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAPFB_WAITFORVSYNC: -+ DBG("ioctl WAITFORVSYNC\n"); -+ if (!display) { -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ r = display->wait_vsync(display); -+ break; -+ -+ /* LCD and CTRL tests do the same thing for backward -+ * compatibility */ -+ case OMAPFB_LCD_TEST: -+ DBG("ioctl LCD_TEST\n"); -+ if (get_user(p.test_num, (int __user *)arg)) { -+ r = -EFAULT; -+ break; -+ } -+ if (!display || !display->run_test) { -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ r = display->run_test(display, p.test_num); -+ -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAPFB_CTRL_TEST: -+ DBG("ioctl CTRL_TEST\n"); -+ if (get_user(p.test_num, (int __user *)arg)) { -+ r = -EFAULT; -+ break; -+ } -+ if (!display || !display->run_test) { -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ r = display->run_test(display, p.test_num); -+ -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAPFB_MEMORY_READ: -+ DBG("ioctl MEMORY_READ\n"); -+ -+ if (copy_from_user(&p.memory_read, (void __user *)arg, -+ sizeof(p.memory_read))) { -+ r = -EFAULT; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ r = omapfb_memory_read(fbi, &p.memory_read); -+ -+ break; -+ -+ default: -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "Unknown ioctl 0x%x\n", cmd); -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ if (r < 0) -+ DBG("ioctl failed: %d\n", r); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+ -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..852abe5 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -@@ -0,0 +1,2010 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb-main.c -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * Some code and ideas taken from drivers/video/omap/ driver -+ * by Imre Deak. -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include "omapfb.h" -+ -+#define MODULE_NAME "omapfb" -+ -+static char *def_mode; -+static char *def_vram; -+static int def_vrfb; -+static int def_rotate; -+static int def_mirror; -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+unsigned int omapfb_debug; -+module_param_named(debug, omapfb_debug, bool, 0644); -+static unsigned int omapfb_test_pattern; -+module_param_named(test, omapfb_test_pattern, bool, 0644); -+#endif -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+static void draw_pixel(struct fb_info *fbi, int x, int y, unsigned color) -+{ -+ struct fb_var_screeninfo *var = &fbi->var; -+ struct fb_fix_screeninfo *fix = &fbi->fix; -+ void __iomem *addr = fbi->screen_base; -+ const unsigned bytespp = var->bits_per_pixel >> 3; -+ const unsigned line_len = fix->line_length / bytespp; -+ -+ int r = (color >> 16) & 0xff; -+ int g = (color >> 8) & 0xff; -+ int b = (color >> 0) & 0xff; -+ -+ if (var->bits_per_pixel == 16) { -+ u16 __iomem *p = (u16 __iomem *)addr; -+ p += y * line_len + x; -+ -+ r = r * 32 / 256; -+ g = g * 64 / 256; -+ b = b * 32 / 256; -+ -+ __raw_writew((r << 11) | (g << 5) | (b << 0), p); -+ } else if (var->bits_per_pixel == 24) { -+ u8 __iomem *p = (u8 __iomem *)addr; -+ p += (y * line_len + x) * 3; -+ -+ __raw_writeb(b, p + 0); -+ __raw_writeb(g, p + 1); -+ __raw_writeb(r, p + 2); -+ } else if (var->bits_per_pixel == 32) { -+ u32 __iomem *p = (u32 __iomem *)addr; -+ p += y * line_len + x; -+ __raw_writel(color, p); -+ } -+} -+ -+static void fill_fb(struct fb_info *fbi) -+{ -+ struct fb_var_screeninfo *var = &fbi->var; -+ const short w = var->xres_virtual; -+ const short h = var->yres_virtual; -+ void __iomem *addr = fbi->screen_base; -+ int y, x; -+ -+ if (!addr) -+ return; -+ -+ DBG("fill_fb %dx%d, line_len %d bytes\n", w, h, fbi->fix.line_length); -+ -+ for (y = 0; y < h; y++) { -+ for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { -+ if (x < 20 && y < 20) -+ draw_pixel(fbi, x, y, 0xffffff); -+ else if (x < 20 && (y > 20 && y < h - 20)) -+ draw_pixel(fbi, x, y, 0xff); -+ else if (y < 20 && (x > 20 && x < w - 20)) -+ draw_pixel(fbi, x, y, 0xff00); -+ else if (x > w - 20 && (y > 20 && y < h - 20)) -+ draw_pixel(fbi, x, y, 0xff0000); -+ else if (y > h - 20 && (x > 20 && x < w - 20)) -+ draw_pixel(fbi, x, y, 0xffff00); -+ else if (x == 20 || x == w - 20 || -+ y == 20 || y == h - 20) -+ draw_pixel(fbi, x, y, 0xffffff); -+ else if (x == y || w - x == h - y) -+ draw_pixel(fbi, x, y, 0xff00ff); -+ else if (w - x == y || x == h - y) -+ draw_pixel(fbi, x, y, 0x00ffff); -+ else if (x > 20 && y > 20 && x < w - 20 && y < h - 20) { -+ int t = x * 3 / w; -+ unsigned r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; -+ unsigned c; -+ if (var->bits_per_pixel == 16) { -+ if (t == 0) -+ b = (y % 32) * 256 / 32; -+ else if (t == 1) -+ g = (y % 64) * 256 / 64; -+ else if (t == 2) -+ r = (y % 32) * 256 / 32; -+ } else { -+ if (t == 0) -+ b = (y % 256); -+ else if (t == 1) -+ g = (y % 256); -+ else if (t == 2) -+ r = (y % 256); -+ } -+ c = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b << 0); -+ draw_pixel(fbi, x, y, c); -+ } else { -+ draw_pixel(fbi, x, y, 0); -+ } -+ } -+ } -+} -+#endif -+ -+static unsigned omapfb_get_vrfb_offset(struct omapfb_info *ofbi, int rot) -+{ -+ struct vrfb *vrfb = &ofbi->region.vrfb; -+ unsigned offset; -+ -+ switch (rot) { -+ case FB_ROTATE_UR: -+ offset = 0; -+ break; -+ case FB_ROTATE_CW: -+ offset = vrfb->yoffset; -+ break; -+ case FB_ROTATE_UD: -+ offset = vrfb->yoffset * OMAP_VRFB_LINE_LEN + vrfb->xoffset; -+ break; -+ case FB_ROTATE_CCW: -+ offset = vrfb->xoffset * OMAP_VRFB_LINE_LEN; -+ break; -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ } -+ -+ offset *= vrfb->bytespp; -+ -+ return offset; -+} -+ -+static u32 omapfb_get_region_rot_paddr(struct omapfb_info *ofbi) -+{ -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) { -+ unsigned offset; -+ int rot; -+ -+ rot = ofbi->rotation; -+ -+ offset = omapfb_get_vrfb_offset(ofbi, rot); -+ -+ return ofbi->region.vrfb.paddr[rot] + offset; -+ } else { -+ return ofbi->region.paddr; -+ } -+} -+ -+u32 omapfb_get_region_paddr(struct omapfb_info *ofbi) -+{ -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) -+ return ofbi->region.vrfb.paddr[0]; -+ else -+ return ofbi->region.paddr; -+} -+ -+void __iomem *omapfb_get_region_vaddr(struct omapfb_info *ofbi) -+{ -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) -+ return ofbi->region.vrfb.vaddr[0]; -+ else -+ return ofbi->region.vaddr; -+} -+ -+static struct omapfb_colormode omapfb_colormodes[] = { -+ { -+ .dssmode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_UYVY, -+ .bits_per_pixel = 16, -+ .nonstd = OMAPFB_COLOR_YUV422, -+ }, { -+ .dssmode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_YUV2, -+ .bits_per_pixel = 16, -+ .nonstd = OMAPFB_COLOR_YUY422, -+ }, { -+ .dssmode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB16, -+ .bits_per_pixel = 16, -+ .red = { .length = 4, .offset = 8, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .green = { .length = 4, .offset = 4, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .blue = { .length = 4, .offset = 0, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .transp = { .length = 4, .offset = 12, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ }, { -+ .dssmode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB16, -+ .bits_per_pixel = 16, -+ .red = { .length = 5, .offset = 11, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .green = { .length = 6, .offset = 5, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .blue = { .length = 5, .offset = 0, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .transp = { .length = 0, .offset = 0, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ }, { -+ .dssmode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24P, -+ .bits_per_pixel = 24, -+ .red = { .length = 8, .offset = 16, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .green = { .length = 8, .offset = 8, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .blue = { .length = 8, .offset = 0, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .transp = { .length = 0, .offset = 0, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ }, { -+ .dssmode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24U, -+ .bits_per_pixel = 32, -+ .red = { .length = 8, .offset = 16, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .green = { .length = 8, .offset = 8, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .blue = { .length = 8, .offset = 0, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .transp = { .length = 0, .offset = 0, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ }, { -+ .dssmode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB32, -+ .bits_per_pixel = 32, -+ .red = { .length = 8, .offset = 16, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .green = { .length = 8, .offset = 8, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .blue = { .length = 8, .offset = 0, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .transp = { .length = 8, .offset = 24, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ }, { -+ .dssmode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBA32, -+ .bits_per_pixel = 32, -+ .red = { .length = 8, .offset = 24, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .green = { .length = 8, .offset = 16, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .blue = { .length = 8, .offset = 8, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .transp = { .length = 8, .offset = 0, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ }, { -+ .dssmode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBX32, -+ .bits_per_pixel = 32, -+ .red = { .length = 8, .offset = 24, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .green = { .length = 8, .offset = 16, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .blue = { .length = 8, .offset = 8, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ .transp = { .length = 0, .offset = 0, .msb_right = 0 }, -+ }, -+}; -+ -+static bool cmp_var_to_colormode(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, -+ struct omapfb_colormode *color) -+{ -+ bool cmp_component(struct fb_bitfield *f1, struct fb_bitfield *f2) -+ { -+ return f1->length == f2->length && -+ f1->offset == f2->offset && -+ f1->msb_right == f2->msb_right; -+ } -+ -+ if (var->bits_per_pixel == 0 || -+ var->red.length == 0 || -+ var->blue.length == 0 || -+ var->green.length == 0) -+ return 0; -+ -+ return var->bits_per_pixel == color->bits_per_pixel && -+ cmp_component(&var->red, &color->red) && -+ cmp_component(&var->green, &color->green) && -+ cmp_component(&var->blue, &color->blue) && -+ cmp_component(&var->transp, &color->transp); -+} -+ -+static void assign_colormode_to_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, -+ struct omapfb_colormode *color) -+{ -+ var->bits_per_pixel = color->bits_per_pixel; -+ var->nonstd = color->nonstd; -+ var->red = color->red; -+ var->green = color->green; -+ var->blue = color->blue; -+ var->transp = color->transp; -+} -+ -+static enum omap_color_mode fb_mode_to_dss_mode(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var) -+{ -+ enum omap_color_mode dssmode; -+ int i; -+ -+ /* first match with nonstd field */ -+ if (var->nonstd) { -+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(omapfb_colormodes); ++i) { -+ struct omapfb_colormode *mode = &omapfb_colormodes[i]; -+ if (var->nonstd == mode->nonstd) { -+ assign_colormode_to_var(var, mode); -+ return mode->dssmode; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ /* then try exact match of bpp and colors */ -+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(omapfb_colormodes); ++i) { -+ struct omapfb_colormode *mode = &omapfb_colormodes[i]; -+ if (cmp_var_to_colormode(var, mode)) { -+ assign_colormode_to_var(var, mode); -+ return mode->dssmode; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ /* match with bpp if user has not filled color fields -+ * properly */ -+ switch (var->bits_per_pixel) { -+ case 1: -+ dssmode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT1; -+ break; -+ case 2: -+ dssmode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT2; -+ break; -+ case 4: -+ dssmode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT4; -+ break; -+ case 8: -+ dssmode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT8; -+ break; -+ case 12: -+ dssmode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB12U; -+ break; -+ case 16: -+ dssmode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB16; -+ break; -+ case 24: -+ dssmode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24P; -+ break; -+ case 32: -+ dssmode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24U; -+ break; -+ default: -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(omapfb_colormodes); ++i) { -+ struct omapfb_colormode *mode = &omapfb_colormodes[i]; -+ if (dssmode == mode->dssmode) { -+ assign_colormode_to_var(var, mode); -+ return mode->dssmode; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ return -EINVAL; -+} -+ -+void set_fb_fix(struct fb_info *fbi) -+{ -+ struct fb_fix_screeninfo *fix = &fbi->fix; -+ struct fb_var_screeninfo *var = &fbi->var; -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_mem_region *rg = &ofbi->region; -+ -+ DBG("set_fb_fix\n"); -+ -+ /* used by open/write in fbmem.c */ -+ fbi->screen_base = (char __iomem *)omapfb_get_region_vaddr(ofbi); -+ -+ /* used by mmap in fbmem.c */ -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) -+ fix->line_length = -+ (OMAP_VRFB_LINE_LEN * var->bits_per_pixel) >> 3; -+ else -+ fix->line_length = -+ (var->xres_virtual * var->bits_per_pixel) >> 3; -+ fix->smem_start = omapfb_get_region_paddr(ofbi); -+ fix->smem_len = rg->size; -+ -+ fix->type = FB_TYPE_PACKED_PIXELS; -+ -+ if (var->nonstd) -+ fix->visual = FB_VISUAL_PSEUDOCOLOR; -+ else { -+ switch (var->bits_per_pixel) { -+ case 32: -+ case 24: -+ case 16: -+ case 12: -+ fix->visual = FB_VISUAL_TRUECOLOR; -+ /* 12bpp is stored in 16 bits */ -+ break; -+ case 1: -+ case 2: -+ case 4: -+ case 8: -+ fix->visual = FB_VISUAL_PSEUDOCOLOR; -+ break; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ fix->accel = FB_ACCEL_NONE; -+ -+ fix->xpanstep = 1; -+ fix->ypanstep = 1; -+ -+ if (rg->size) { -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) -+ omap_vrfb_setup(&rg->vrfb, rg->paddr, -+ var->xres_virtual, var->yres_virtual, -+ var->bits_per_pixel >> 3); -+ } -+} -+ -+/* check new var and possibly modify it to be ok */ -+int check_fb_var(struct fb_info *fbi, struct fb_var_screeninfo *var) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omap_display *display = fb2display(fbi); -+ unsigned long max_frame_size; -+ unsigned long line_size; -+ int xres_min, yres_min; -+ int xres_max, yres_max; -+ enum omap_color_mode mode = 0; -+ int i; -+ int bytespp; -+ -+ DBG("check_fb_var %d\n", ofbi->id); -+ -+ if (ofbi->region.size == 0) -+ return 0; -+ -+ mode = fb_mode_to_dss_mode(var); -+ if (mode < 0) { -+ DBG("cannot convert var to omap dss mode\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < ofbi->num_overlays; ++i) { -+ if ((ofbi->overlays[i]->supported_modes & mode) == 0) { -+ DBG("invalid mode\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (var->rotate < 0 || var->rotate > 3) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ if (var->rotate != fbi->var.rotate) { -+ DBG("rotation changing\n"); -+ -+ ofbi->rotation = var->rotate; -+ -+ if (abs(var->rotate - fbi->var.rotate) != 2) { -+ int tmp; -+ DBG("rotate changing 90/270 degrees. " -+ "swapping x/y res\n"); -+ -+ tmp = var->yres; -+ var->yres = var->xres; -+ var->xres = tmp; -+ -+ tmp = var->yres_virtual; -+ var->yres_virtual = var->xres_virtual; -+ var->xres_virtual = tmp; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ xres_min = OMAPFB_PLANE_XRES_MIN; -+ xres_max = 2048; -+ yres_min = OMAPFB_PLANE_YRES_MIN; -+ yres_max = 2048; -+ -+ bytespp = var->bits_per_pixel >> 3; -+ -+ /* XXX: some applications seem to set virtual res to 0. */ -+ if (var->xres_virtual == 0) -+ var->xres_virtual = var->xres; -+ -+ if (var->yres_virtual == 0) -+ var->yres_virtual = var->yres; -+ -+ if (var->xres_virtual < xres_min || var->yres_virtual < yres_min) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ if (var->xres < xres_min) -+ var->xres = xres_min; -+ if (var->yres < yres_min) -+ var->yres = yres_min; -+ if (var->xres > xres_max) -+ var->xres = xres_max; -+ if (var->yres > yres_max) -+ var->yres = yres_max; -+ -+ if (var->xres > var->xres_virtual) -+ var->xres = var->xres_virtual; -+ if (var->yres > var->yres_virtual) -+ var->yres = var->yres_virtual; -+ -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) -+ line_size = OMAP_VRFB_LINE_LEN * bytespp; -+ else -+ line_size = var->xres_virtual * bytespp; -+ -+ max_frame_size = ofbi->region.size; -+ -+ DBG("max frame size %lu, line size %lu\n", max_frame_size, line_size); -+ -+ if (line_size * var->yres_virtual > max_frame_size) { -+ DBG("can't fit FB into memory, reducing y\n"); -+ var->yres_virtual = max_frame_size / line_size; -+ -+ if (var->yres_virtual < yres_min) -+ var->yres_virtual = yres_min; -+ -+ if (var->yres > var->yres_virtual) -+ var->yres = var->yres_virtual; -+ } -+ -+ if (line_size * var->yres_virtual > max_frame_size) { -+ DBG("can't fit FB into memory, reducing x\n"); -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ var->xres_virtual = max_frame_size / var->yres_virtual / -+ bytespp; -+ -+ if (var->xres_virtual < xres_min) -+ var->xres_virtual = xres_min; -+ -+ if (var->xres > var->xres_virtual) -+ var->xres = var->xres_virtual; -+ -+ line_size = var->xres_virtual * bytespp; -+ } -+ -+ if (line_size * var->yres_virtual > max_frame_size) { -+ DBG("cannot fit FB to memory\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ if (var->xres + var->xoffset > var->xres_virtual) -+ var->xoffset = var->xres_virtual - var->xres; -+ if (var->yres + var->yoffset > var->yres_virtual) -+ var->yoffset = var->yres_virtual - var->yres; -+ -+ DBG("xres = %d, yres = %d, vxres = %d, vyres = %d\n", -+ var->xres, var->yres, -+ var->xres_virtual, var->yres_virtual); -+ -+ var->height = -1; -+ var->width = -1; -+ var->grayscale = 0; -+ -+ if (display && display->get_timings) { -+ struct omap_video_timings timings; -+ display->get_timings(display, &timings); -+ -+ /* pixclock in ps, the rest in pixclock */ -+ var->pixclock = timings.pixel_clock != 0 ? -+ KHZ2PICOS(timings.pixel_clock) : -+ 0; -+ var->left_margin = timings.hfp; -+ var->right_margin = timings.hbp; -+ var->upper_margin = timings.vfp; -+ var->lower_margin = timings.vbp; -+ var->hsync_len = timings.hsw; -+ var->vsync_len = timings.vsw; -+ } else { -+ var->pixclock = 0; -+ var->left_margin = 0; -+ var->right_margin = 0; -+ var->upper_margin = 0; -+ var->lower_margin = 0; -+ var->hsync_len = 0; -+ var->vsync_len = 0; -+ } -+ -+ /* TODO: get these from panel->config */ -+ var->vmode = FB_VMODE_NONINTERLACED; -+ var->sync = 0; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+/* -+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -+ * fbdev framework callbacks -+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -+ */ -+static int omapfb_open(struct fb_info *fbi, int user) -+{ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_release(struct fb_info *fbi, int user) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ struct omap_display *display = fb2display(fbi); -+ -+ DBG("Closing fb with plane index %d\n", ofbi->id); -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+#if 1 -+ if (display && display->get_update_mode && display->update) { -+ /* XXX this update should be removed, I think. But it's -+ * good for debugging */ -+ if (display->get_update_mode(display) == -+ OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_MANUAL) { -+ u16 w, h; -+ -+ if (display->sync) -+ display->sync(display); -+ -+ display->get_resolution(display, &w, &h); -+ display->update(display, 0, 0, w, h); -+ } -+ } -+#endif -+ -+ if (display && display->sync) -+ display->sync(display); -+ -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+/* setup overlay according to the fb */ -+static int omapfb_setup_overlay(struct fb_info *fbi, struct omap_overlay *ovl, -+ u16 posx, u16 posy, u16 outw, u16 outh) -+{ -+ int r = 0; -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct fb_var_screeninfo *var = &fbi->var; -+ struct fb_fix_screeninfo *fix = &fbi->fix; -+ enum omap_color_mode mode = 0; -+ int offset; -+ u32 data_start_p; -+ void __iomem *data_start_v; -+ struct omap_overlay_info info; -+ int xres, yres; -+ int screen_width; -+ int rot, mirror; -+ -+ DBG("setup_overlay %d, posx %d, posy %d, outw %d, outh %d\n", ofbi->id, -+ posx, posy, outw, outh); -+ -+ if (ofbi->rotation == FB_ROTATE_CW || ofbi->rotation == FB_ROTATE_CCW) { -+ xres = var->yres; -+ yres = var->xres; -+ } else { -+ xres = var->xres; -+ yres = var->yres; -+ } -+ -+ offset = ((var->yoffset * var->xres_virtual + -+ var->xoffset) * var->bits_per_pixel) >> 3; -+ -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) { -+ data_start_p = omapfb_get_region_rot_paddr(ofbi); -+ data_start_v = NULL; -+ } else { -+ data_start_p = omapfb_get_region_paddr(ofbi); -+ data_start_v = omapfb_get_region_vaddr(ofbi); -+ } -+ -+ data_start_p += offset; -+ data_start_v += offset; -+ -+ mode = fb_mode_to_dss_mode(var); -+ -+ if (mode == -EINVAL) { -+ DBG("fb_mode_to_dss_mode failed"); -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ screen_width = fix->line_length / (var->bits_per_pixel >> 3); -+ -+ ovl->get_overlay_info(ovl, &info); -+ -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) { -+ rot = 0; -+ mirror = 0; -+ } else { -+ rot = ofbi->rotation; -+ mirror = ofbi->mirror; -+ } -+ -+ info.paddr = data_start_p; -+ info.vaddr = data_start_v; -+ info.screen_width = screen_width; -+ info.width = xres; -+ info.height = yres; -+ info.color_mode = mode; -+ info.rotation = rot; -+ info.mirror = mirror; -+ -+ info.pos_x = posx; -+ info.pos_y = posy; -+ info.out_width = outw; -+ info.out_height = outh; -+ -+ r = ovl->set_overlay_info(ovl, &info); -+ if (r) { -+ DBG("ovl->setup_overlay_info failed\n"); -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+ -+err: -+ DBG("setup_overlay failed\n"); -+ return r; -+} -+ -+/* apply var to the overlay */ -+int omapfb_apply_changes(struct fb_info *fbi, int init) -+{ -+ int r = 0; -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct fb_var_screeninfo *var = &fbi->var; -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ u16 posx, posy; -+ u16 outw, outh; -+ int i; -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+ if (omapfb_test_pattern) -+ fill_fb(fbi); -+#endif -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < ofbi->num_overlays; i++) { -+ ovl = ofbi->overlays[i]; -+ -+ DBG("apply_changes, fb %d, ovl %d\n", ofbi->id, ovl->id); -+ -+ if (ofbi->region.size == 0) { -+ /* the fb is not available. disable the overlay */ -+ omapfb_overlay_enable(ovl, 0); -+ if (!init && ovl->manager) -+ ovl->manager->apply(ovl->manager); -+ continue; -+ } -+ -+ if (init || (ovl->caps & OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_SCALE) == 0) { -+ if (ofbi->rotation == FB_ROTATE_CW || -+ ofbi->rotation == FB_ROTATE_CCW) { -+ outw = var->yres; -+ outh = var->xres; -+ } else { -+ outw = var->xres; -+ outh = var->yres; -+ } -+ } else { -+ outw = ovl->info.out_width; -+ outh = ovl->info.out_height; -+ } -+ -+ if (init) { -+ posx = 0; -+ posy = 0; -+ } else { -+ posx = ovl->info.pos_x; -+ posy = ovl->info.pos_y; -+ } -+ -+ r = omapfb_setup_overlay(fbi, ovl, posx, posy, outw, outh); -+ if (r) -+ goto err; -+ -+ if (!init && ovl->manager) -+ ovl->manager->apply(ovl->manager); -+ } -+ return 0; -+err: -+ DBG("apply_changes failed\n"); -+ return r; -+} -+ -+/* checks var and eventually tweaks it to something supported, -+ * DO NOT MODIFY PAR */ -+static int omapfb_check_var(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, struct fb_info *fbi) -+{ -+ int r; -+ -+ DBG("check_var(%d)\n", FB2OFB(fbi)->id); -+ -+ r = check_fb_var(fbi, var); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+/* set the video mode according to info->var */ -+static int omapfb_set_par(struct fb_info *fbi) -+{ -+ int r; -+ -+ DBG("set_par(%d)\n", FB2OFB(fbi)->id); -+ -+ set_fb_fix(fbi); -+ r = omapfb_apply_changes(fbi, 0); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_pan_display(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, -+ struct fb_info *fbi) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ DBG("pan_display(%d)\n", ofbi->id); -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+ -+ if (var->xoffset != fbi->var.xoffset || -+ var->yoffset != fbi->var.yoffset) { -+ struct fb_var_screeninfo new_var; -+ -+ new_var = fbi->var; -+ new_var.xoffset = var->xoffset; -+ new_var.yoffset = var->yoffset; -+ -+ r = check_fb_var(fbi, &new_var); -+ -+ if (r == 0) { -+ fbi->var = new_var; -+ set_fb_fix(fbi); -+ r = omapfb_apply_changes(fbi, 0); -+ } -+ } -+ -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static void mmap_user_open(struct vm_area_struct *vma) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = (struct omapfb_info *)vma->vm_private_data; -+ -+ atomic_inc(&ofbi->map_count); -+} -+ -+static void mmap_user_close(struct vm_area_struct *vma) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = (struct omapfb_info *)vma->vm_private_data; -+ -+ atomic_dec(&ofbi->map_count); -+} -+ -+static struct vm_operations_struct mmap_user_ops = { -+ .open = mmap_user_open, -+ .close = mmap_user_close, -+}; -+ -+static int omapfb_mmap(struct fb_info *fbi, struct vm_area_struct *vma) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct fb_fix_screeninfo *fix = &fbi->fix; -+ unsigned long off; -+ unsigned long start; -+ u32 len; -+ -+ if (vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start == 0) -+ return 0; -+ if (vma->vm_pgoff > (~0UL >> PAGE_SHIFT)) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ off = vma->vm_pgoff << PAGE_SHIFT; -+ -+ start = omapfb_get_region_paddr(ofbi); -+ len = fix->smem_len; -+ if (off >= len) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ if ((vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start + off) > len) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ off += start; -+ -+ DBG("user mmap region start %lx, len %d, off %lx\n", start, len, off); -+ -+ vma->vm_pgoff = off >> PAGE_SHIFT; -+ vma->vm_flags |= VM_IO | VM_RESERVED; -+ vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_writecombine(vma->vm_page_prot); -+ vma->vm_ops = &mmap_user_ops; -+ vma->vm_private_data = ofbi; -+ if (io_remap_pfn_range(vma, vma->vm_start, off >> PAGE_SHIFT, -+ vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start, vma->vm_page_prot)) -+ return -EAGAIN; -+ /* won't be called for mmap itself. */ -+ atomic_inc(&ofbi->map_count); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+/* Store a single color palette entry into a pseudo palette or the hardware -+ * palette if one is available. For now we support only 16bpp and thus store -+ * the entry only to the pseudo palette. -+ */ -+static int _setcolreg(struct fb_info *fbi, u_int regno, u_int red, u_int green, -+ u_int blue, u_int transp, int update_hw_pal) -+{ -+ /*struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi);*/ -+ /*struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev;*/ -+ struct fb_var_screeninfo *var = &fbi->var; -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ enum omapfb_color_format mode = OMAPFB_COLOR_RGB24U; /* XXX */ -+ -+ /*switch (plane->color_mode) {*/ -+ switch (mode) { -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_YUV422: -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_YUV420: -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_YUY422: -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ break; -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_CLUT_8BPP: -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_CLUT_4BPP: -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_CLUT_2BPP: -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_CLUT_1BPP: -+ /* -+ if (fbdev->ctrl->setcolreg) -+ r = fbdev->ctrl->setcolreg(regno, red, green, blue, -+ transp, update_hw_pal); -+ */ -+ /* Fallthrough */ -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ break; -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_RGB565: -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_RGB444: -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_RGB24P: -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_RGB24U: -+ if (r != 0) -+ break; -+ -+ if (regno < 0) { -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ if (regno < 16) { -+ u16 pal; -+ pal = ((red >> (16 - var->red.length)) << -+ var->red.offset) | -+ ((green >> (16 - var->green.length)) << -+ var->green.offset) | -+ (blue >> (16 - var->blue.length)); -+ ((u32 *)(fbi->pseudo_palette))[regno] = pal; -+ } -+ break; -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ } -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_setcolreg(u_int regno, u_int red, u_int green, u_int blue, -+ u_int transp, struct fb_info *info) -+{ -+ DBG("setcolreg\n"); -+ -+ return _setcolreg(info, regno, red, green, blue, transp, 1); -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_setcmap(struct fb_cmap *cmap, struct fb_info *info) -+{ -+ int count, index, r; -+ u16 *red, *green, *blue, *transp; -+ u16 trans = 0xffff; -+ -+ DBG("setcmap\n"); -+ -+ red = cmap->red; -+ green = cmap->green; -+ blue = cmap->blue; -+ transp = cmap->transp; -+ index = cmap->start; -+ -+ for (count = 0; count < cmap->len; count++) { -+ if (transp) -+ trans = *transp++; -+ r = _setcolreg(info, index++, *red++, *green++, *blue++, trans, -+ count == cmap->len - 1); -+ if (r != 0) -+ return r; -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_blank(int blank, struct fb_info *fbi) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ struct omap_display *display = fb2display(fbi); -+ int do_update = 0; -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+ -+ switch (blank) { -+ case FB_BLANK_UNBLANK: -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_SUSPENDED) -+ goto exit; -+ -+ if (display->resume) -+ r = display->resume(display); -+ -+ if (r == 0 && display->get_update_mode && -+ display->get_update_mode(display) == -+ OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_MANUAL) -+ do_update = 1; -+ -+ break; -+ -+ case FB_BLANK_NORMAL: -+ /* FB_BLANK_NORMAL could be implemented. -+ * Needs DSS additions. */ -+ case FB_BLANK_VSYNC_SUSPEND: -+ case FB_BLANK_HSYNC_SUSPEND: -+ case FB_BLANK_POWERDOWN: -+ if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE) -+ goto exit; -+ -+ if (display->suspend) -+ r = display->suspend(display); -+ -+ break; -+ -+ default: -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+exit: -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ -+ if (r == 0 && do_update && display->update) { -+ u16 w, h; -+ display->get_resolution(display, &w, &h); -+ -+ r = display->update(display, 0, 0, w, h); -+ } -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+#if 0 -+/* XXX fb_read and fb_write are needed for VRFB */ -+ssize_t omapfb_write(struct fb_info *info, const char __user *buf, -+ size_t count, loff_t *ppos) -+{ -+ DBG("omapfb_write %d, %lu\n", count, (unsigned long)*ppos); -+ // XXX needed for VRFB -+ return count; -+} -+#endif -+ -+static struct fb_ops omapfb_ops = { -+ .owner = THIS_MODULE, -+ .fb_open = omapfb_open, -+ .fb_release = omapfb_release, -+ .fb_fillrect = cfb_fillrect, -+ .fb_copyarea = cfb_copyarea, -+ .fb_imageblit = cfb_imageblit, -+ .fb_blank = omapfb_blank, -+ .fb_ioctl = omapfb_ioctl, -+ .fb_check_var = omapfb_check_var, -+ .fb_set_par = omapfb_set_par, -+ .fb_pan_display = omapfb_pan_display, -+ .fb_mmap = omapfb_mmap, -+ .fb_setcolreg = omapfb_setcolreg, -+ .fb_setcmap = omapfb_setcmap, -+ //.fb_write = omapfb_write, -+}; -+ -+static void omapfb_free_fbmem(struct fb_info *fbi) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ struct omapfb2_mem_region *rg; -+ -+ rg = &ofbi->region; -+ -+ if (rg->paddr) -+ if (omap_vram_free(rg->paddr, rg->size)) -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "VRAM FREE failed\n"); -+ -+ if (rg->vaddr) -+ iounmap(rg->vaddr); -+ -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) { -+ /* unmap the 0 angle rotation */ -+ if (rg->vrfb.vaddr[0]) { -+ iounmap(rg->vrfb.vaddr[0]); -+ omap_vrfb_release_ctx(&rg->vrfb); -+ } -+ } -+ -+ rg->vaddr = NULL; -+ rg->paddr = 0; -+ rg->alloc = 0; -+ rg->size = 0; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_free_all_fbmem(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev) -+{ -+ int i; -+ -+ DBG("free all fbmem\n"); -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_fbs; i++) { -+ struct fb_info *fbi = fbdev->fbs[i]; -+ omapfb_free_fbmem(fbi); -+ memset(&fbi->fix, 0, sizeof(fbi->fix)); -+ memset(&fbi->var, 0, sizeof(fbi->var)); -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_alloc_fbmem(struct fb_info *fbi, unsigned long size, -+ unsigned long paddr) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ struct omapfb2_mem_region *rg; -+ void __iomem *vaddr; -+ int r; -+ int clear = 0; -+ -+ rg = &ofbi->region; -+ memset(rg, 0, sizeof(*rg)); -+ -+ size = PAGE_ALIGN(size); -+ -+ if (!paddr) { -+ DBG("allocating %lu bytes for fb %d\n", size, ofbi->id); -+ r = omap_vram_alloc(OMAPFB_MEMTYPE_SDRAM, size, &paddr); -+ clear = 1; -+ } else { -+ DBG("reserving %lu bytes at %lx for fb %d\n", size, paddr, -+ ofbi->id); -+ r = omap_vram_reserve(paddr, size); -+ } -+ -+ if (r) { -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "failed to allocate framebuffer\n"); -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ } -+ -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type != OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) { -+ vaddr = ioremap_wc(paddr, size); -+ -+ if (!vaddr) { -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "failed to ioremap framebuffer\n"); -+ omap_vram_free(paddr, size); -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ } -+ -+ DBG("allocated VRAM paddr %lx, vaddr %p\n", paddr, vaddr); -+ -+ if (clear) -+ memset_io(vaddr, 0, size); -+ } else { -+ void __iomem *va; -+ -+ r = omap_vrfb_request_ctx(&rg->vrfb); -+ if (r) { -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "vrfb create ctx failed\n"); -+ return r; -+ } -+ -+ /* only ioremap the 0 angle view */ -+ va = ioremap_wc(rg->vrfb.paddr[0], size); -+ -+ if(!va) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "vrfb: ioremap failed\n"); -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ } -+ -+ DBG("ioremapped vrfb area 0 to %p\n", va); -+ -+ rg->vrfb.vaddr[0] = va; -+ -+ vaddr = NULL; -+ -+ if (clear) -+ memset_io(va, 0, size); -+ } -+ -+ rg->paddr = paddr; -+ rg->vaddr = vaddr; -+ rg->size = size; -+ rg->alloc = 1; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+/* allocate fbmem using display resolution as reference */ -+static int omapfb_alloc_fbmem_display(struct fb_info *fbi, unsigned long size, -+ unsigned long paddr) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ int bytespp; -+ -+ display = fb2display(fbi); -+ -+ if (!display) -+ return 0; -+ -+ switch (display->get_recommended_bpp(display)) { -+ case 16: -+ bytespp = 2; -+ break; -+ case 24: -+ bytespp = 4; -+ break; -+ default: -+ bytespp = 4; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ if (!size) { -+ u16 w, h; -+ -+ display->get_resolution(display, &w, &h); -+ -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) { -+ int oldw = w, oldh = h; -+ -+ omap_vrfb_adjust_size(&w, &h, bytespp); -+ -+ /* Because we change the resolution of the 0 degree view, -+ * we need to alloc max(w, h) for height */ -+ h = max(w, h); -+ w = OMAP_VRFB_LINE_LEN; -+ -+ DBG("adjusting fb mem size for VRFB, %dx%d -> %dx%d\n", -+ oldw, oldh, w, h); -+ } -+ -+ size = w * h * bytespp; -+ } -+ -+ return omapfb_alloc_fbmem(fbi, size, paddr); -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_parse_vram_param(const char *param, int max_entries, -+ unsigned long *sizes, unsigned long *paddrs) -+{ -+ int fbnum; -+ unsigned long size; -+ unsigned long paddr = 0; -+ char *p, *start; -+ -+ start = (char *)param; -+ -+ while (1) { -+ p = start; -+ -+ fbnum = simple_strtoul(p, &p, 10); -+ -+ if (p == param) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ if (*p != ':') -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ if (fbnum >= max_entries) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ size = memparse(p + 1, &p); -+ -+ if (!size) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ paddr = 0; -+ -+ if (*p == '@') { -+ paddr = simple_strtoul(p + 1, &p, 16); -+ -+ if (!paddr) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ } -+ -+ paddrs[fbnum] = paddr; -+ sizes[fbnum] = size; -+ -+ if (*p == 0) -+ break; -+ -+ if (*p != ',') -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ ++p; -+ -+ start = p; -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_allocate_all_fbs(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev) -+{ -+ int i, r; -+ unsigned long vram_sizes[10]; -+ unsigned long vram_paddrs[10]; -+ -+ memset(&vram_sizes, 0, sizeof(vram_sizes)); -+ memset(&vram_paddrs, 0, sizeof(vram_paddrs)); -+ -+ if (def_vram && omapfb_parse_vram_param(def_vram, 10, -+ vram_sizes, vram_paddrs)) { -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "failed to parse vram parameter\n"); -+ -+ memset(&vram_sizes, 0, sizeof(vram_sizes)); -+ memset(&vram_paddrs, 0, sizeof(vram_paddrs)); -+ } -+ -+ if (fbdev->dev->platform_data) { -+ struct omapfb_platform_data *opd; -+ opd = fbdev->dev->platform_data; -+ for (i = 0; i < opd->mem_desc.region_cnt; ++i) { -+ if (!vram_sizes[i]) { -+ unsigned long size; -+ unsigned long paddr; -+ -+ size = opd->mem_desc.region[i].size; -+ paddr = opd->mem_desc.region[i].paddr; -+ -+ vram_sizes[i] = size; -+ vram_paddrs[i] = paddr; -+ } -+ } -+ } -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_fbs; i++) { -+ /* allocate memory automatically only for fb0, or if -+ * excplicitly defined with vram or plat data option */ -+ if (i == 0 || vram_sizes[i] != 0) { -+ r = omapfb_alloc_fbmem_display(fbdev->fbs[i], -+ vram_sizes[i], vram_paddrs[i]); -+ -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_fbs; i++) { -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbdev->fbs[i]); -+ struct omapfb2_mem_region *rg; -+ rg = &ofbi->region; -+ -+ DBG("region%d phys %08x virt %p size=%lu\n", -+ i, -+ rg->paddr, -+ rg->vaddr, -+ rg->size); -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+int omapfb_realloc_fbmem(struct fb_info *fbi, unsigned long size, int type) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ struct omap_display *display = fb2display(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_mem_region *rg = &ofbi->region; -+ unsigned long old_size = rg->size; -+ unsigned long old_paddr = rg->paddr; -+ int old_type = rg->type; -+ int r; -+ -+ if (type > OMAPFB_MEMTYPE_MAX) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ size = PAGE_ALIGN(size); -+ -+ if (old_size == size && old_type == type) -+ return 0; -+ -+ if (display && display->sync) -+ display->sync(display); -+ -+ omapfb_free_fbmem(fbi); -+ -+ if (size == 0) { -+ memset(&fbi->fix, 0, sizeof(fbi->fix)); -+ memset(&fbi->var, 0, sizeof(fbi->var)); -+ return 0; -+ } -+ -+ r = omapfb_alloc_fbmem(fbi, size, 0); -+ -+ if (r) { -+ if (old_size) -+ omapfb_alloc_fbmem(fbi, old_size, old_paddr); -+ -+ if (rg->size == 0) { -+ memset(&fbi->fix, 0, sizeof(fbi->fix)); -+ memset(&fbi->var, 0, sizeof(fbi->var)); -+ } -+ -+ return r; -+ } -+ -+ if (old_size == size) -+ return 0; -+ -+ if (old_size == 0) { -+ DBG("initializing fb %d\n", ofbi->id); -+ r = omapfb_fb_init(fbdev, fbi); -+ if (r) { -+ DBG("omapfb_fb_init failed\n"); -+ goto err; -+ } -+ r = omapfb_apply_changes(fbi, 1); -+ if (r) { -+ DBG("omapfb_apply_changes failed\n"); -+ goto err; -+ } -+ } else { -+ struct fb_var_screeninfo new_var; -+ memcpy(&new_var, &fbi->var, sizeof(new_var)); -+ r = check_fb_var(fbi, &new_var); -+ if (r) -+ goto err; -+ memcpy(&fbi->var, &new_var, sizeof(fbi->var)); -+ set_fb_fix(fbi); -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+err: -+ omapfb_free_fbmem(fbi); -+ memset(&fbi->fix, 0, sizeof(fbi->fix)); -+ memset(&fbi->var, 0, sizeof(fbi->var)); -+ return r; -+} -+ -+/* initialize fb_info, var, fix to something sane based on the display */ -+int omapfb_fb_init(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev, struct fb_info *fbi) -+{ -+ struct fb_var_screeninfo *var = &fbi->var; -+ struct fb_fix_screeninfo *fix = &fbi->fix; -+ struct omap_display *display = fb2display(fbi); -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ fbi->fbops = &omapfb_ops; -+ fbi->flags = FBINFO_FLAG_DEFAULT; -+ fbi->pseudo_palette = fbdev->pseudo_palette; -+ -+ strncpy(fix->id, MODULE_NAME, sizeof(fix->id)); -+ -+ if (ofbi->region.size == 0) { -+ memset(&fbi->fix, 0, sizeof(fbi->fix)); -+ memset(&fbi->var, 0, sizeof(fbi->var)); -+ return 0; -+ } -+ -+ var->nonstd = 0; -+ -+ var->rotate = ofbi->rotation; -+ -+ if (display) { -+ u16 w, h; -+ display->get_resolution(display, &w, &h); -+ -+ if (ofbi->rotation == FB_ROTATE_CW || -+ ofbi->rotation == FB_ROTATE_CCW) { -+ var->xres = h; -+ var->yres = w; -+ } else { -+ var->xres = w; -+ var->yres = h; -+ } -+ -+ var->xres_virtual = var->xres; -+ var->yres_virtual = var->yres; -+ -+ switch (display->get_recommended_bpp(display)) { -+ case 16: -+ var->bits_per_pixel = 16; -+ break; -+ case 24: -+ var->bits_per_pixel = 32; -+ break; -+ default: -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "illegal display bpp\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ } else { -+ /* if there's no display, let's just guess some basic values */ -+ var->xres = 320; -+ var->yres = 240; -+ var->xres_virtual = var->xres; -+ var->yres_virtual = var->yres; -+ var->bits_per_pixel = 16; -+ } -+ -+ r = check_fb_var(fbi, var); -+ if (r) -+ goto err; -+ -+ set_fb_fix(fbi); -+err: -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static void fbinfo_cleanup(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev, struct fb_info *fbi) -+{ -+ fb_dealloc_cmap(&fbi->cmap); -+} -+ -+ -+static void omapfb_free_resources(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev) -+{ -+ int i; -+ -+ DBG("free_resources\n"); -+ -+ if (fbdev == NULL) -+ return; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_fbs; i++) -+ unregister_framebuffer(fbdev->fbs[i]); -+ -+ /* free the reserved fbmem */ -+ omapfb_free_all_fbmem(fbdev); -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_fbs; i++) { -+ fbinfo_cleanup(fbdev, fbdev->fbs[i]); -+ framebuffer_release(fbdev->fbs[i]); -+ } -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_displays; i++) { -+ if (fbdev->displays[i]->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_DISABLED) -+ fbdev->displays[i]->disable(fbdev->displays[i]); -+ -+ omap_dss_put_display(fbdev->displays[i]); -+ } -+ -+ dev_set_drvdata(fbdev->dev, NULL); -+ kfree(fbdev); -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_create_framebuffers(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev) -+{ -+ int r, i; -+ -+ fbdev->num_fbs = 0; -+ -+ DBG("create %d framebuffers\n", CONFIG_FB_OMAP2_NUM_FBS); -+ -+ /* allocate fb_infos */ -+ for (i = 0; i < CONFIG_FB_OMAP2_NUM_FBS; i++) { -+ struct fb_info *fbi; -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi; -+ -+ fbi = framebuffer_alloc(sizeof(struct omapfb_info), -+ fbdev->dev); -+ -+ if (fbi == NULL) { -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, -+ "unable to allocate memory for plane info\n"); -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ } -+ -+ fbdev->fbs[i] = fbi; -+ -+ ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ ofbi->fbdev = fbdev; -+ ofbi->id = i; -+ -+ /* assign these early, so that fb alloc can use them */ -+ ofbi->rotation_type = def_vrfb ? OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB : -+ OMAPFB_ROT_DMA; -+ ofbi->rotation = def_rotate; -+ ofbi->mirror = def_mirror; -+ -+ fbdev->num_fbs++; -+ } -+ -+ DBG("fb_infos allocated\n"); -+ -+ /* assign overlays for the fbs */ -+ for (i = 0; i < min(fbdev->num_fbs, fbdev->num_overlays); i++) { -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbdev->fbs[i]); -+ -+ ofbi->overlays[0] = fbdev->overlays[i]; -+ ofbi->num_overlays = 1; -+ } -+ -+ /* allocate fb memories */ -+ r = omapfb_allocate_all_fbs(fbdev); -+ if (r) { -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "failed to allocate fbmem\n"); -+ return r; -+ } -+ -+ DBG("fbmems allocated\n"); -+ -+ /* setup fb_infos */ -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_fbs; i++) { -+ r = omapfb_fb_init(fbdev, fbdev->fbs[i]); -+ if (r) { -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "failed to setup fb_info\n"); -+ return r; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ DBG("fb_infos initialized\n"); -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_fbs; i++) { -+ r = register_framebuffer(fbdev->fbs[i]); -+ if (r != 0) { -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, -+ "registering framebuffer %d failed\n", i); -+ return r; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ DBG("framebuffers registered\n"); -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_fbs; i++) { -+ r = omapfb_apply_changes(fbdev->fbs[i], 1); -+ if (r) { -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "failed to change mode\n"); -+ return r; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ DBG("create sysfs for fbs\n"); -+ r = omapfb_create_sysfs(fbdev); -+ if (r) { -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "failed to create sysfs entries\n"); -+ return r; -+ } -+ -+ /* Enable fb0 */ -+ if (fbdev->num_fbs > 0) { -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbdev->fbs[0]); -+ -+ if (ofbi->num_overlays > 0 ) { -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl = ofbi->overlays[0]; -+ -+ r = omapfb_overlay_enable(ovl, 1); -+ -+ if (r) { -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, -+ "failed to enable overlay\n"); -+ return r; -+ } -+ } -+ } -+ -+ DBG("create_framebuffers done\n"); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+int omapfb_mode_to_timings(const char *mode_str, -+ struct omap_video_timings *timings, u8 *bpp) -+{ -+ struct fb_info fbi; -+ struct fb_var_screeninfo var; -+ struct fb_ops fbops; -+ int r; -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_VENC -+ if (strcmp(mode_str, "pal") == 0) { -+ *timings = omap_dss_pal_timings; -+ *bpp = 0; -+ return 0; -+ } else if (strcmp(mode_str, "ntsc") == 0) { -+ *timings = omap_dss_ntsc_timings; -+ *bpp = 0; -+ return 0; -+ } -+#endif -+ -+ /* this is quite a hack, but I wanted to use the modedb and for -+ * that we need fb_info and var, so we create dummy ones */ -+ -+ memset(&fbi, 0, sizeof(fbi)); -+ memset(&var, 0, sizeof(var)); -+ memset(&fbops, 0, sizeof(fbops)); -+ fbi.fbops = &fbops; -+ -+ r = fb_find_mode(&var, &fbi, mode_str, NULL, 0, NULL, 24); -+ -+ if (r != 0) { -+ timings->pixel_clock = PICOS2KHZ(var.pixclock); -+ timings->hfp = var.left_margin; -+ timings->hbp = var.right_margin; -+ timings->vfp = var.upper_margin; -+ timings->vbp = var.lower_margin; -+ timings->hsw = var.hsync_len; -+ timings->vsw = var.vsync_len; -+ timings->x_res = var.xres; -+ timings->y_res = var.yres; -+ -+ switch (var.bits_per_pixel) { -+ case 16: -+ *bpp = 16; -+ break; -+ case 24: -+ case 32: -+ default: -+ *bpp = 24; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+ } else { -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_set_def_mode(struct omap_display *display, char *mode_str) -+{ -+ int r; -+ u8 bpp; -+ struct omap_video_timings timings; -+ -+ r = omapfb_mode_to_timings(mode_str, &timings, &bpp); -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ -+ display->panel->recommended_bpp = bpp; -+ -+ if (!display->check_timings || !display->set_timings) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ r = display->check_timings(display, &timings); -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ -+ display->set_timings(display, &timings); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_parse_def_modes(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev) -+{ -+ char *str, *options, *this_opt; -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ str = kmalloc(strlen(def_mode) + 1, GFP_KERNEL); -+ strcpy(str, def_mode); -+ options = str; -+ -+ while (!r && (this_opt = strsep(&options, ",")) != NULL) { -+ char *p, *display_str, *mode_str; -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ int i; -+ -+ p = strchr(this_opt, ':'); -+ if (!p) { -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ *p = 0; -+ display_str = this_opt; -+ mode_str = p + 1; -+ -+ display = NULL; -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_displays; ++i) { -+ if (strcmp(fbdev->displays[i]->name, -+ display_str) == 0) { -+ display = fbdev->displays[i]; -+ break; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (!display) { -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ r = omapfb_set_def_mode(display, mode_str); -+ if (r) -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ kfree(str); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) -+{ -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = NULL; -+ int r = 0; -+ int i, t; -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ struct omap_display *def_display; -+ -+ DBG("omapfb_probe\n"); -+ -+ if (pdev->num_resources != 0) { -+ dev_err(&pdev->dev, "probed for an unknown device\n"); -+ r = -ENODEV; -+ goto err0; -+ } -+ -+ fbdev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct omapfb2_device), GFP_KERNEL); -+ if (fbdev == NULL) { -+ r = -ENOMEM; -+ goto err0; -+ } -+ -+ mutex_init(&fbdev->mtx); -+ -+ fbdev->dev = &pdev->dev; -+ platform_set_drvdata(pdev, fbdev); -+ -+ fbdev->num_displays = 0; -+ t = omap_dss_get_num_displays(); -+ for (i = 0; i < t; i++) { -+ struct omap_display *display; -+ display = omap_dss_get_display(i); -+ if (!display) { -+ dev_err(&pdev->dev, "can't get display %d\n", i); -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ goto cleanup; -+ } -+ -+ fbdev->displays[fbdev->num_displays++] = display; -+ } -+ -+ if (fbdev->num_displays == 0) { -+ dev_err(&pdev->dev, "no displays\n"); -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ goto cleanup; -+ } -+ -+ fbdev->num_overlays = omap_dss_get_num_overlays(); -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_overlays; i++) -+ fbdev->overlays[i] = omap_dss_get_overlay(i); -+ -+ fbdev->num_managers = omap_dss_get_num_overlay_managers(); -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_managers; i++) -+ fbdev->managers[i] = omap_dss_get_overlay_manager(i); -+ -+ -+ /* gfx overlay should be the default one. find a display -+ * connected to that, and use it as default display */ -+ ovl = omap_dss_get_overlay(0); -+ if (ovl->manager && ovl->manager->display) { -+ def_display = ovl->manager->display; -+ } else { -+ dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot find default display\n"); -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ goto cleanup; -+ } -+ -+ if (def_mode && strlen(def_mode) > 0) { -+ if (omapfb_parse_def_modes(fbdev)) -+ dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot parse default modes\n"); -+ } -+ -+ r = omapfb_create_framebuffers(fbdev); -+ if (r) -+ goto cleanup; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_managers; i++) { -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr; -+ mgr = fbdev->managers[i]; -+ r = mgr->apply(mgr); -+ if (r) { -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "failed to apply dispc config\n"); -+ goto cleanup; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ DBG("mgr->apply'ed\n"); -+ -+ r = def_display->enable(def_display); -+ if (r) { -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "Failed to enable display '%s'\n", -+ def_display->name); -+ goto cleanup; -+ } -+ -+ /* set the update mode */ -+ if (def_display->caps & OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_CAP_MANUAL_UPDATE) { -+#ifdef CONFIG_FB_OMAP2_FORCE_AUTO_UPDATE -+ if (def_display->set_update_mode) -+ def_display->set_update_mode(def_display, -+ OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_AUTO); -+ if (def_display->enable_te) -+ def_display->enable_te(def_display, 1); -+#else -+ if (def_display->set_update_mode) -+ def_display->set_update_mode(def_display, -+ OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_MANUAL); -+ if (def_display->enable_te) -+ def_display->enable_te(def_display, 0); -+#endif -+ } else { -+ if (def_display->set_update_mode) -+ def_display->set_update_mode(def_display, -+ OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_AUTO); -+ } -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_displays; i++) { -+ struct omap_display *display = fbdev->displays[i]; -+ u16 w, h; -+ -+ if (!display->get_update_mode || !display->update) -+ continue; -+ -+ if (display->get_update_mode(display) == -+ OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_MANUAL) { -+ -+ display->get_resolution(display, &w, &h); -+ display->update(display, 0, 0, w, h); -+ } -+ } -+ -+ DBG("display->updated\n"); -+ -+ return 0; -+ -+cleanup: -+ omapfb_free_resources(fbdev); -+err0: -+ dev_err(&pdev->dev, "failed to setup omapfb\n"); -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static int omapfb_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) -+{ -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); -+ -+ /* FIXME: wait till completion of pending events */ -+ -+ omapfb_remove_sysfs(fbdev); -+ -+ omapfb_free_resources(fbdev); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static struct platform_driver omapfb_driver = { -+ .probe = omapfb_probe, -+ .remove = omapfb_remove, -+ .driver = { -+ .name = "omapfb", -+ .owner = THIS_MODULE, -+ }, -+}; -+ -+static int __init omapfb_init(void) -+{ -+ DBG("omapfb_init\n"); -+ -+ if (platform_driver_register(&omapfb_driver)) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "failed to register omapfb driver\n"); -+ return -ENODEV; -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void __exit omapfb_exit(void) -+{ -+ DBG("omapfb_exit\n"); -+ platform_driver_unregister(&omapfb_driver); -+} -+ -+module_param_named(mode, def_mode, charp, 0); -+module_param_named(vram, def_vram, charp, 0); -+module_param_named(rotate, def_rotate, int, 0); -+module_param_named(vrfb, def_vrfb, bool, 0); -+module_param_named(mirror, def_mirror, bool, 0); -+ -+/* late_initcall to let panel/ctrl drivers loaded first. -+ * I guess better option would be a more dynamic approach, -+ * so that omapfb reacts to new panels when they are loaded */ -+late_initcall(omapfb_init); -+/*module_init(omapfb_init);*/ -+module_exit(omapfb_exit); -+ -+MODULE_AUTHOR("Tomi Valkeinen "); -+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("OMAP2/3 Framebuffer"); -+MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2"); -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..2c88718 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c -@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb-sysfs.c -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * Some code and ideas taken from drivers/video/omap/ driver -+ * by Imre Deak. -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include "omapfb.h" -+ -+static ssize_t show_rotate_type(struct device *dev, -+ struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) -+{ -+ struct fb_info *fbi = dev_get_drvdata(dev); -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", ofbi->rotation_type); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t show_mirror(struct device *dev, -+ struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) -+{ -+ struct fb_info *fbi = dev_get_drvdata(dev); -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", ofbi->mirror); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t store_mirror(struct device *dev, -+ struct device_attribute *attr, -+ const char *buf, size_t count) -+{ -+ struct fb_info *fbi = dev_get_drvdata(dev); -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ bool mirror; -+ int r; -+ struct fb_var_screeninfo new_var; -+ -+ mirror = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); -+ -+ if (mirror != 0 && mirror != 1) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+ -+ ofbi->mirror = mirror; -+ -+ memcpy(&new_var, &fbi->var, sizeof(new_var)); -+ r = check_fb_var(fbi, &new_var); -+ if (r) -+ goto out; -+ memcpy(&fbi->var, &new_var, sizeof(fbi->var)); -+ -+ set_fb_fix(fbi); -+ -+ r = omapfb_apply_changes(fbi, 0); -+ if (r) -+ goto out; -+ -+ r = count; -+out: -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t show_overlays(struct device *dev, -+ struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) -+{ -+ struct fb_info *fbi = dev_get_drvdata(dev); -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ ssize_t l = 0; -+ int t; -+ -+ for (t = 0; t < ofbi->num_overlays; t++) { -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl = ofbi->overlays[t]; -+ int ovlnum; -+ -+ for (ovlnum = 0; ovlnum < fbdev->num_overlays; ++ovlnum) -+ if (ovl == fbdev->overlays[ovlnum]) -+ break; -+ -+ l += snprintf(buf + l, PAGE_SIZE - l, "%s%d", -+ t == 0 ? "" : ",", ovlnum); -+ } -+ -+ l += snprintf(buf + l, PAGE_SIZE - l, "\n"); -+ -+ return l; -+} -+ -+static struct omapfb_info *get_overlay_fb(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev, -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl) -+{ -+ int i, t; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_fbs; i++) { -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbdev->fbs[i]); -+ -+ for (t = 0; t < ofbi->num_overlays; t++) { -+ if (ofbi->overlays[t] == ovl) -+ return ofbi; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ return NULL; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t store_overlays(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, -+ const char *buf, size_t count) -+{ -+ struct fb_info *fbi = dev_get_drvdata(dev); -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ struct omap_overlay *ovls[OMAPFB_MAX_OVL_PER_FB]; -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ int num_ovls, r, i; -+ int len; -+ -+ num_ovls = 0; -+ -+ len = strlen(buf); -+ if (buf[len - 1] == '\n') -+ len = len - 1; -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+ -+ if (len > 0) { -+ char *p = (char *)buf; -+ int ovlnum; -+ -+ while (p < buf + len) { -+ int found; -+ if (num_ovls == OMAPFB_MAX_OVL_PER_FB) { -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ goto out; -+ } -+ -+ ovlnum = simple_strtoul(p, &p, 0); -+ if (ovlnum > fbdev->num_overlays) { -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ goto out; -+ } -+ -+ found = 0; -+ for (i = 0; i < num_ovls; ++i) { -+ if (ovls[i] == fbdev->overlays[ovlnum]) { -+ found = 1; -+ break; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (!found) -+ ovls[num_ovls++] = fbdev->overlays[ovlnum]; -+ -+ p++; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < num_ovls; ++i) { -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi2 = get_overlay_fb(fbdev, ovls[i]); -+ if (ofbi2 && ofbi2 != ofbi) { -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "overlay already in use\n"); -+ r = -EINVAL; -+ goto out; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ /* detach unused overlays */ -+ for (i = 0; i < ofbi->num_overlays; ++i) { -+ int t, found; -+ -+ ovl = ofbi->overlays[i]; -+ -+ found = 0; -+ -+ for (t = 0; t < num_ovls; ++t) { -+ if (ovl == ovls[t]) { -+ found = 1; -+ break; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (found) -+ continue; -+ -+ DBG("detaching %d\n", ofbi->overlays[i]->id); -+ -+ omapfb_overlay_enable(ovl, 0); -+ -+ if (ovl->manager) -+ ovl->manager->apply(ovl->manager); -+ -+ for (t = i + 1; t < ofbi->num_overlays; t++) -+ ofbi->overlays[t-1] = ofbi->overlays[t]; -+ -+ ofbi->num_overlays--; -+ i--; -+ } -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < num_ovls; ++i) { -+ int t, found; -+ -+ ovl = ovls[i]; -+ -+ found = 0; -+ -+ for (t = 0; t < ofbi->num_overlays; ++t) { -+ if (ovl == ofbi->overlays[t]) { -+ found = 1; -+ break; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (found) -+ continue; -+ -+ ofbi->overlays[ofbi->num_overlays++] = ovl; -+ -+ r = omapfb_apply_changes(fbi, 1); -+ if (r) -+ goto out; -+ -+ if (ovl->manager) { -+ r = ovl->manager->apply(ovl->manager); -+ if (r) -+ goto out; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ r = count; -+out: -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t show_size(struct device *dev, -+ struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) -+{ -+ struct fb_info *fbi = dev_get_drvdata(dev); -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%lu\n", ofbi->region.size); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t store_size(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, -+ const char *buf, size_t count) -+{ -+ struct fb_info *fbi = dev_get_drvdata(dev); -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ unsigned long size; -+ int r; -+ int i; -+ -+ size = PAGE_ALIGN(simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0)); -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < ofbi->num_overlays; i++) { -+ if (ofbi->overlays[i]->info.enabled) { -+ r = -EBUSY; -+ goto out; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (size != ofbi->region.size) { -+ r = omapfb_realloc_fbmem(fbi, size, ofbi->region.type); -+ if (r) { -+ dev_err(dev, "realloc fbmem failed\n"); -+ goto out; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ r = count; -+out: -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t show_phys(struct device *dev, -+ struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) -+{ -+ struct fb_info *fbi = dev_get_drvdata(dev); -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%0x\n", ofbi->region.paddr); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t show_virt(struct device *dev, -+ struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) -+{ -+ struct fb_info *fbi = dev_get_drvdata(dev); -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%p\n", ofbi->region.vaddr); -+} -+ -+static struct device_attribute omapfb_attrs[] = { -+ __ATTR(rotate_type, S_IRUGO, show_rotate_type, NULL), -+ __ATTR(mirror, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, show_mirror, store_mirror), -+ __ATTR(size, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, show_size, store_size), -+ __ATTR(overlays, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, show_overlays, store_overlays), -+ __ATTR(phys_addr, S_IRUGO, show_phys, NULL), -+ __ATTR(virt_addr, S_IRUGO, show_virt, NULL), -+}; -+ -+int omapfb_create_sysfs(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev) -+{ -+ int i; -+ int r; -+ -+ DBG("create sysfs for fbs\n"); -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_fbs; i++) { -+ int t; -+ for (t = 0; t < ARRAY_SIZE(omapfb_attrs); t++) { -+ r = device_create_file(fbdev->fbs[i]->dev, -+ &omapfb_attrs[t]); -+ -+ if (r) { -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "failed to create sysfs file\n"); -+ return r; -+ } -+ } -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+void omapfb_remove_sysfs(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev) -+{ -+ int i, t; -+ -+ DBG("remove sysfs for fbs\n"); -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_fbs; i++) { -+ for (t = 0; t < ARRAY_SIZE(omapfb_attrs); t++) -+ device_remove_file(fbdev->fbs[i]->dev, -+ &omapfb_attrs[t]); -+ } -+} -+ -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb.h b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb.h -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..65e9e6e ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb.h -@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ -+/* -+ * linux/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb.h -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * Some code and ideas taken from drivers/video/omap/ driver -+ * by Imre Deak. -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#ifndef __DRIVERS_VIDEO_OMAP2_OMAPFB_H__ -+#define __DRIVERS_VIDEO_OMAP2_OMAPFB_H__ -+ -+#ifdef CONFIG_FB_OMAP2_DEBUG_SUPPORT -+#define DEBUG -+#endif -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+extern unsigned int omapfb_debug; -+#define DBG(format, ...) \ -+ if (omapfb_debug) \ -+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "OMAPFB: " format, ## __VA_ARGS__) -+#else -+#define DBG(format, ...) -+#endif -+ -+#define FB2OFB(fb_info) ((struct omapfb_info *)(fb_info->par)) -+ -+/* max number of overlays to which a framebuffer data can be direct */ -+#define OMAPFB_MAX_OVL_PER_FB 3 -+ -+struct omapfb2_mem_region { -+ u32 paddr; -+ void __iomem *vaddr; -+ struct vrfb vrfb; -+ unsigned long size; -+ u8 type; /* OMAPFB_PLANE_MEM_* */ -+ bool alloc; /* allocated by the driver */ -+ bool map; /* kernel mapped by the driver */ -+}; -+ -+enum omapfb_rotation_type { -+ OMAPFB_ROT_DMA = 0, -+ OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB = 1, -+}; -+ -+/* appended to fb_info */ -+struct omapfb_info { -+ int id; -+ struct omapfb2_mem_region region; -+ atomic_t map_count; -+ int num_overlays; -+ struct omap_overlay *overlays[OMAPFB_MAX_OVL_PER_FB]; -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev; -+ enum omapfb_rotation_type rotation_type; -+ u8 rotation; -+ bool mirror; -+}; -+ -+struct omapfb2_device { -+ struct device *dev; -+ struct mutex mtx; -+ -+ u32 pseudo_palette[17]; -+ -+ int state; -+ -+ unsigned num_fbs; -+ struct fb_info *fbs[10]; -+ -+ unsigned num_displays; -+ struct omap_display *displays[10]; -+ unsigned num_overlays; -+ struct omap_overlay *overlays[10]; -+ unsigned num_managers; -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *managers[10]; -+}; -+ -+struct omapfb_colormode { -+ enum omap_color_mode dssmode; -+ u32 bits_per_pixel; -+ u32 nonstd; -+ struct fb_bitfield red; -+ struct fb_bitfield green; -+ struct fb_bitfield blue; -+ struct fb_bitfield transp; -+}; -+ -+u32 omapfb_get_region_paddr(struct omapfb_info *ofbi); -+void __iomem *omapfb_get_region_vaddr(struct omapfb_info *ofbi); -+ -+void set_fb_fix(struct fb_info *fbi); -+int check_fb_var(struct fb_info *fbi, struct fb_var_screeninfo *var); -+int omapfb_realloc_fbmem(struct fb_info *fbi, unsigned long size, int type); -+int omapfb_apply_changes(struct fb_info *fbi, int init); -+int omapfb_fb_init(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev, struct fb_info *fbi); -+ -+int omapfb_create_sysfs(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev); -+void omapfb_remove_sysfs(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev); -+ -+int omapfb_ioctl(struct fb_info *fbi, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg); -+ -+int omapfb_mode_to_timings(const char *mode_str, -+ struct omap_video_timings *timings, u8 *bpp); -+ -+/* find the display connected to this fb, if any */ -+static inline struct omap_display *fb2display(struct fb_info *fbi) -+{ -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ int i; -+ -+ /* XXX: returns the display connected to first attached overlay */ -+ for (i = 0; i < ofbi->num_overlays; i++) { -+ if (ofbi->overlays[i]->manager) -+ return ofbi->overlays[i]->manager->display; -+ } -+ -+ return NULL; -+} -+ -+static inline void omapfb_lock(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev) -+{ -+ mutex_lock(&fbdev->mtx); -+} -+ -+static inline void omapfb_unlock(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev) -+{ -+ mutex_unlock(&fbdev->mtx); -+} -+ -+static inline int omapfb_overlay_enable(struct omap_overlay *ovl, -+ int enable) -+{ -+ struct omap_overlay_info info; -+ -+ ovl->get_overlay_info(ovl, &info); -+ info.enabled = enable; -+ return ovl->set_overlay_info(ovl, &info); -+} -+ -+#endif -diff --git a/include/linux/omapfb.h b/include/linux/omapfb.h -index b226bdf..96190b2 100644 ---- a/include/linux/omapfb.h -+++ b/include/linux/omapfb.h -@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ - #define OMAPFB_UPDATE_WINDOW OMAP_IOW(54, struct omapfb_update_window) - #define OMAPFB_SETUP_MEM OMAP_IOW(55, struct omapfb_mem_info) - #define OMAPFB_QUERY_MEM OMAP_IOW(56, struct omapfb_mem_info) -+#define OMAPFB_WAITFORVSYNC OMAP_IO(57) -+#define OMAPFB_MEMORY_READ OMAP_IOR(58, struct omapfb_memory_read) - - #define OMAPFB_CAPS_GENERIC_MASK 0x00000fff - #define OMAPFB_CAPS_LCDC_MASK 0x00fff000 -@@ -90,6 +92,13 @@ enum omapfb_color_format { - OMAPFB_COLOR_CLUT_1BPP, - OMAPFB_COLOR_RGB444, - OMAPFB_COLOR_YUY422, -+ -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_ARGB16, -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_RGB24U, /* RGB24, 32-bit container */ -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_RGB24P, /* RGB24, 24-bit container */ -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_ARGB32, -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_RGBA32, -+ OMAPFB_COLOR_RGBX32, - }; - - struct omapfb_update_window { -@@ -161,6 +170,15 @@ enum omapfb_update_mode { - OMAPFB_MANUAL_UPDATE - }; - -+struct omapfb_memory_read { -+ __u16 x; -+ __u16 y; -+ __u16 w; -+ __u16 h; -+ size_t buffer_size; -+ void __user *buffer; -+}; -+ - #ifdef __KERNEL__ - - #include -@@ -376,6 +394,8 @@ extern struct lcd_ctrl omap1_lcd_ctrl; - extern struct lcd_ctrl omap2_disp_ctrl; - #endif - -+extern void omapfb_set_platform_data(struct omapfb_platform_data *data); -+ - extern void omapfb_reserve_sdram(void); - extern void omapfb_register_panel(struct lcd_panel *panel); - extern void omapfb_write_first_pixel(struct omapfb_device *fbdev, u16 pixval); --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0005-DSS2-Add-panel-drivers.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0005-DSS2-Add-panel-drivers.patch deleted file mode 100644 index c68c89e171..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0005-DSS2-Add-panel-drivers.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,396 +0,0 @@ -From 4cc0368574f587f448231ccd121266bed4bf9729 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 10:29:56 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 05/69] DSS2: Add panel drivers - -- Generic panel -- Samsung LTE430WQ-F0C LCD Panel -- Sharp LS037V7DW01 LCD Panel - -Signed-off-by: Tomi Valkeinen ---- - drivers/video/omap2/displays/Kconfig | 21 ++++ - drivers/video/omap2/displays/Makefile | 3 + - drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-generic.c | 96 +++++++++++++++++ - .../omap2/displays/panel-samsung-lte430wq-f0c.c | 108 +++++++++++++++++++ - .../video/omap2/displays/panel-sharp-ls037v7dw01.c | 112 ++++++++++++++++++++ - 5 files changed, 340 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/displays/Kconfig - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/displays/Makefile - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-generic.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-samsung-lte430wq-f0c.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-sharp-ls037v7dw01.c - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Kconfig b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Kconfig -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..0419ec8 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Kconfig -@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ -+menu "OMAP2/3 Display Device Drivers" -+ depends on OMAP2_DSS -+ -+config PANEL_GENERIC -+ tristate "Generic Panel" -+ help -+ Generic panel driver. -+ Used for DVI output for Beagle and OMAP3 SDP. -+ -+config PANEL_SAMSUNG_LTE430WQ_F0C -+ tristate "Samsung LTE430WQ-F0C LCD Panel" -+ depends on OMAP2_DSS -+ help -+ LCD Panel used on Overo Palo43 -+ -+config PANEL_SHARP_LS037V7DW01 -+ tristate "Sharp LS037V7DW01 LCD Panel" -+ depends on OMAP2_DSS -+ help -+ LCD Panel used in TI's SDP3430 and EVM boards -+endmenu -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Makefile b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Makefile -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..a26bbd2 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Makefile -@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ -+obj-$(CONFIG_PANEL_GENERIC) += panel-generic.o -+obj-$(CONFIG_PANEL_SAMSUNG_LTE430WQ_F0C) += panel-samsung-lte430wq-f0c.o -+obj-$(CONFIG_PANEL_SHARP_LS037V7DW01) += panel-sharp-ls037v7dw01.o -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-generic.c b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-generic.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..8382acb ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-generic.c -@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ -+/* -+ * Generic panel support -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+ -+static int generic_panel_init(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int generic_panel_enable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_enable) -+ r = display->hw_config.panel_enable(display); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static void generic_panel_disable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_disable) -+ display->hw_config.panel_disable(display); -+} -+ -+static int generic_panel_suspend(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ generic_panel_disable(display); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int generic_panel_resume(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ return generic_panel_enable(display); -+} -+ -+static struct omap_panel generic_panel = { -+ .owner = THIS_MODULE, -+ .name = "panel-generic", -+ .init = generic_panel_init, -+ .enable = generic_panel_enable, -+ .disable = generic_panel_disable, -+ .suspend = generic_panel_suspend, -+ .resume = generic_panel_resume, -+ -+ .timings = { -+ /* 640 x 480 @ 60 Hz Reduced blanking VESA CVT 0.31M3-R */ -+ .x_res = 640, -+ .y_res = 480, -+ .pixel_clock = 23500, -+ .hfp = 48, -+ .hsw = 32, -+ .hbp = 80, -+ .vfp = 3, -+ .vsw = 4, -+ .vbp = 7, -+ }, -+ -+ .config = OMAP_DSS_LCD_TFT, -+}; -+ -+ -+static int __init generic_panel_drv_init(void) -+{ -+ omap_dss_register_panel(&generic_panel); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void __exit generic_panel_drv_exit(void) -+{ -+ omap_dss_unregister_panel(&generic_panel); -+} -+ -+module_init(generic_panel_drv_init); -+module_exit(generic_panel_drv_exit); -+MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-samsung-lte430wq-f0c.c b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-samsung-lte430wq-f0c.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..e4bb781 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-samsung-lte430wq-f0c.c -@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ -+/* -+ * LCD panel driver for Samsung LTE430WQ-F0C -+ * -+ * Author: Steve Sakoman -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+ -+static int samsung_lte_panel_init(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void samsung_lte_panel_cleanup(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+} -+ -+static int samsung_lte_panel_enable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ /* wait couple of vsyncs until enabling the LCD */ -+ msleep(50); -+ -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_enable) -+ r = display->hw_config.panel_enable(display); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static void samsung_lte_panel_disable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_disable) -+ display->hw_config.panel_disable(display); -+ -+ /* wait at least 5 vsyncs after disabling the LCD */ -+ msleep(100); -+} -+ -+static int samsung_lte_panel_suspend(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ samsung_lte_panel_disable(display); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int samsung_lte_panel_resume(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ return samsung_lte_panel_enable(display); -+} -+ -+static struct omap_panel samsung_lte_panel = { -+ .owner = THIS_MODULE, -+ .name = "samsung-lte430wq-f0c", -+ .init = samsung_lte_panel_init, -+ .cleanup = samsung_lte_panel_cleanup, -+ .enable = samsung_lte_panel_enable, -+ .disable = samsung_lte_panel_disable, -+ .suspend = samsung_lte_panel_suspend, -+ .resume = samsung_lte_panel_resume, -+ -+ .timings = { -+ .x_res = 480, -+ .y_res = 272, -+ -+ .pixel_clock = 9200, -+ -+ .hsw = 41, -+ .hfp = 8, -+ .hbp = 45-41, -+ -+ .vsw = 10, -+ .vfp = 4, -+ .vbp = 12-10, -+ }, -+ -+ .config = OMAP_DSS_LCD_TFT | OMAP_DSS_LCD_IHS | OMAP_DSS_LCD_IVS, -+}; -+ -+ -+static int __init samsung_lte_panel_drv_init(void) -+{ -+ omap_dss_register_panel(&samsung_lte_panel); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void __exit samsung_lte_panel_drv_exit(void) -+{ -+ omap_dss_unregister_panel(&samsung_lte_panel); -+} -+ -+module_init(samsung_lte_panel_drv_init); -+module_exit(samsung_lte_panel_drv_exit); -+MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-sharp-ls037v7dw01.c b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-sharp-ls037v7dw01.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..1f99150 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-sharp-ls037v7dw01.c -@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ -+/* -+ * LCD panel driver for Sharp LS037V7DW01 -+ * -+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation -+ * Author: Tomi Valkeinen -+ * -+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -+ * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by -+ * the Free Software Foundation. -+ * -+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT -+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or -+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for -+ * more details. -+ * -+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with -+ * this program. If not, see . -+ */ -+ -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+ -+static int sharp_ls_panel_init(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void sharp_ls_panel_cleanup(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+} -+ -+static int sharp_ls_panel_enable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ int r = 0; -+ -+ /* wait couple of vsyncs until enabling the LCD */ -+ msleep(50); -+ -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_enable) -+ r = display->hw_config.panel_enable(display); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static void sharp_ls_panel_disable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_disable) -+ display->hw_config.panel_disable(display); -+ -+ /* wait at least 5 vsyncs after disabling the LCD */ -+ -+ msleep(100); -+} -+ -+static int sharp_ls_panel_suspend(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ sharp_ls_panel_disable(display); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int sharp_ls_panel_resume(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ return sharp_ls_panel_enable(display); -+} -+ -+static struct omap_panel sharp_ls_panel = { -+ .owner = THIS_MODULE, -+ .name = "sharp-ls037v7dw01", -+ .init = sharp_ls_panel_init, -+ .cleanup = sharp_ls_panel_cleanup, -+ .enable = sharp_ls_panel_enable, -+ .disable = sharp_ls_panel_disable, -+ .suspend = sharp_ls_panel_suspend, -+ .resume = sharp_ls_panel_resume, -+ -+ .timings = { -+ .x_res = 480, -+ .y_res = 640, -+ -+ .pixel_clock = 19200, -+ -+ .hsw = 2, -+ .hfp = 1, -+ .hbp = 28, -+ -+ .vsw = 1, -+ .vfp = 1, -+ .vbp = 1, -+ }, -+ -+ .acb = 0x28, -+ -+ .config = OMAP_DSS_LCD_TFT | OMAP_DSS_LCD_IVS | OMAP_DSS_LCD_IHS, -+}; -+ -+ -+static int __init sharp_ls_panel_drv_init(void) -+{ -+ omap_dss_register_panel(&sharp_ls_panel); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void __exit sharp_ls_panel_drv_exit(void) -+{ -+ omap_dss_unregister_panel(&sharp_ls_panel); -+} -+ -+module_init(sharp_ls_panel_drv_init); -+module_exit(sharp_ls_panel_drv_exit); -+MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0006-DSS2-HACK-Add-DSS2-support-for-N800.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0006-DSS2-HACK-Add-DSS2-support-for-N800.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 258b0b6531..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0006-DSS2-HACK-Add-DSS2-support-for-N800.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1079 +0,0 @@ -From 18a25382e81c03230e022ca2eb7e0fce24479d6a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 10:31:57 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 06/69] DSS2: HACK: Add DSS2 support for N800 - -Works, but it an ugly quick hack. - -Signed-off-by: Tomi Valkeinen ---- - arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-n800.c | 216 +++++++++++--- - drivers/video/omap2/displays/Kconfig | 10 + - drivers/video/omap2/displays/Makefile | 3 + - drivers/video/omap2/displays/ctrl-blizzard.c | 279 +++++++++++++++++ - drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-n800.c | 435 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - 5 files changed, 905 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-) - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/displays/ctrl-blizzard.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-n800.c - -diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-n800.c b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-n800.c -index f6f6571..6de60ae 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-n800.c -+++ b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-n800.c -@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include -+#include - - #include <../drivers/cbus/tahvo.h> - #include <../drivers/media/video/tcm825x.h> -@@ -161,23 +163,176 @@ static struct omap_uart_config n800_uart_config __initdata = { - - #include "../../../drivers/cbus/retu.h" - --static struct omap_fbmem_config n800_fbmem0_config __initdata = { -- .size = 752 * 1024, -+static struct omap_tmp105_config n800_tmp105_config __initdata = { -+ .tmp105_irq_pin = 125, -+ .set_power = n800_tmp105_set_power, - }; - --static struct omap_fbmem_config n800_fbmem1_config __initdata = { -- .size = 752 * 1024, --}; - --static struct omap_fbmem_config n800_fbmem2_config __initdata = { -- .size = 752 * 1024, -+ -+ -+/* DISPLAY */ -+static struct { -+ struct clk *sys_ck; -+} blizzard; -+ -+static int blizzard_get_clocks(void) -+{ -+ blizzard.sys_ck = clk_get(0, "osc_ck"); -+ if (IS_ERR(blizzard.sys_ck)) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "can't get Blizzard clock\n"); -+ return PTR_ERR(blizzard.sys_ck); -+ } -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static unsigned long blizzard_get_clock_rate(void) -+{ -+ return clk_get_rate(blizzard.sys_ck); -+} -+ -+static int n800_pn800_enable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_reset_gpio != -1) { -+ printk("enabling panel gpio\n"); -+ gpio_direction_output(display->hw_config.panel_reset_gpio, 1); -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void n800_pn800_disable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_reset_gpio != -1) { -+ printk("disabling panel gpio\n"); -+ gpio_direction_output(display->hw_config.panel_reset_gpio, 0); -+ msleep(120); -+ } -+} -+ -+static int n800_blizzard_enable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ printk("enabling bliz powers\n"); -+ -+ /* Vcore to 1.475V */ -+ tahvo_set_clear_reg_bits(0x07, 0, 0xf); -+ msleep(10); -+ -+ clk_enable(blizzard.sys_ck); -+ -+ if (display->hw_config.ctrl_reset_gpio != -1) -+ gpio_direction_output(display->hw_config.ctrl_reset_gpio, 1); -+ -+ printk("osc_ck %lu\n", blizzard_get_clock_rate()); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void n800_blizzard_disable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ printk("disabling bliz powers\n"); -+ -+ if (display->hw_config.ctrl_reset_gpio != -1) -+ gpio_direction_output(display->hw_config.ctrl_reset_gpio, 0); -+ -+ clk_disable(blizzard.sys_ck); -+ -+ /* Vcore to 1.005V */ -+ tahvo_set_clear_reg_bits(0x07, 0xf, 0); -+} -+ -+static int n800_set_backlight_level(struct omap_display *display, int level) -+{ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static struct omap_dss_display_config n800_dsi_display_data = { -+ .type = OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DBI, -+ .name = "lcd", -+ .ctrl_name = "ctrl-blizzard", -+ .panel_name = "panel-pn800", -+ .panel_reset_gpio = -1, -+ .ctrl_reset_gpio = N800_BLIZZARD_POWERDOWN_GPIO, -+ .panel_enable = n800_pn800_enable, -+ .panel_disable = n800_pn800_disable, -+ .ctrl_enable = n800_blizzard_enable, -+ .ctrl_disable = n800_blizzard_disable, -+ .set_backlight = n800_set_backlight_level, -+ .u.rfbi = { -+ .channel = 0, -+ /* 8 for cmd mode, 16 for pixel data. ctrl-blizzard handles switching */ -+ .data_lines = 8, -+ }, -+ .panel_data = 0, // XXX used for panel datalines -+}; -+static struct omap_dss_board_info n800_dss_data = { -+ .num_displays = 1, -+ .displays = { -+ &n800_dsi_display_data, -+ }, - }; - --static struct omap_tmp105_config n800_tmp105_config __initdata = { -- .tmp105_irq_pin = 125, -- .set_power = n800_tmp105_set_power, -+static struct platform_device n800_dss_device = { -+ .name = "omapdss", -+ .id = -1, -+ .dev = { -+ .platform_data = &n800_dss_data, -+ }, - }; - -+static void __init n800_display_init(void) -+{ -+ int r; -+ const struct omap_lcd_config *conf; -+ -+ conf = omap_get_config(OMAP_TAG_LCD, struct omap_lcd_config); -+ if (conf != NULL) { -+ n800_dsi_display_data.panel_reset_gpio = conf->nreset_gpio; -+ n800_dsi_display_data.panel_data = -+ (void*)(u32)conf->data_lines; // XXX -+ //printk("\n\nTULI %d\n\n", conf->data_lines); -+ } else { -+ printk("\n\nEI TULLU MIOTÄÄÄ\n\n"); -+ } -+ -+ blizzard_get_clocks(); -+ clk_enable(blizzard.sys_ck); // XXX always enable -+ -+ //omapfb_set_ctrl_platform_data(&n800_blizzard_data); -+ // -+ if (n800_dsi_display_data.ctrl_reset_gpio != -1) { -+ r = gpio_request(n800_dsi_display_data.ctrl_reset_gpio, -+ "Blizzard pd"); -+ if (r < 0) { -+ n800_dsi_display_data.ctrl_reset_gpio = -1; -+ printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to get Blizzard GPIO\n"); -+ } else { -+ gpio_direction_output(n800_dsi_display_data.ctrl_reset_gpio, -+ 1); -+ // XXX always enable -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (n800_dsi_display_data.panel_reset_gpio != -1) { -+ r = gpio_request(n800_dsi_display_data.panel_reset_gpio, -+ "panel reset"); -+ if (r < 0) { -+ n800_dsi_display_data.panel_reset_gpio = -1; -+ printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to get pn800 GPIO\n"); -+ } else { -+ gpio_direction_output(n800_dsi_display_data.panel_reset_gpio, -+ 1); -+ // XXX always enable -+ } -+ } -+} -+ -+/* DISPLAY END */ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ - static void mipid_shutdown(struct mipid_platform_data *pdata) - { - if (pdata->nreset_gpio != -1) { -@@ -191,6 +346,7 @@ static struct mipid_platform_data n800_mipid_platform_data = { - .shutdown = mipid_shutdown, - }; - -+#if 0 - static void __init mipid_dev_init(void) - { - const struct omap_lcd_config *conf; -@@ -201,26 +357,9 @@ static void __init mipid_dev_init(void) - n800_mipid_platform_data.data_lines = conf->data_lines; - } - } -+#endif - --static struct { -- struct clk *sys_ck; --} blizzard; -- --static int blizzard_get_clocks(void) --{ -- blizzard.sys_ck = clk_get(0, "osc_ck"); -- if (IS_ERR(blizzard.sys_ck)) { -- printk(KERN_ERR "can't get Blizzard clock\n"); -- return PTR_ERR(blizzard.sys_ck); -- } -- return 0; --} -- --static unsigned long blizzard_get_clock_rate(struct device *dev) --{ -- return clk_get_rate(blizzard.sys_ck); --} -- -+#if 0 - static void blizzard_enable_clocks(int enable) - { - if (enable) -@@ -265,14 +404,12 @@ static void __init blizzard_dev_init(void) - gpio_direction_output(N800_BLIZZARD_POWERDOWN_GPIO, 1); - - blizzard_get_clocks(); -- omapfb_set_ctrl_platform_data(&n800_blizzard_data); -+ //omapfb_set_ctrl_platform_data(&n800_blizzard_data); - } -+#endif - - static struct omap_board_config_kernel n800_config[] __initdata = { - { OMAP_TAG_UART, &n800_uart_config }, -- { OMAP_TAG_FBMEM, &n800_fbmem0_config }, -- { OMAP_TAG_FBMEM, &n800_fbmem1_config }, -- { OMAP_TAG_FBMEM, &n800_fbmem2_config }, - { OMAP_TAG_TMP105, &n800_tmp105_config }, - }; - -@@ -379,7 +516,7 @@ static struct omap2_mcspi_device_config tsc2005_mcspi_config = { - - static struct spi_board_info n800_spi_board_info[] __initdata = { - { -- .modalias = "lcd_mipid", -+ .modalias = "panel-n800", - .bus_num = 1, - .chip_select = 1, - .max_speed_hz = 4000000, -@@ -404,7 +541,7 @@ static struct spi_board_info n800_spi_board_info[] __initdata = { - - static struct spi_board_info n810_spi_board_info[] __initdata = { - { -- .modalias = "lcd_mipid", -+ .modalias = "panel-n800", - .bus_num = 1, - .chip_select = 1, - .max_speed_hz = 4000000, -@@ -582,6 +719,7 @@ static struct platform_device *n800_devices[] __initdata = { - #if defined(CONFIG_CBUS_RETU_HEADSET) - &retu_headset_device, - #endif -+ &n800_dss_device, - }; - - #ifdef CONFIG_MENELAUS -@@ -713,9 +851,10 @@ void __init nokia_n800_common_init(void) - if (machine_is_nokia_n810()) - i2c_register_board_info(2, n810_i2c_board_info_2, - ARRAY_SIZE(n810_i2c_board_info_2)); -- -- mipid_dev_init(); -- blizzard_dev_init(); -+ -+ //mipid_dev_init(); -+ //blizzard_dev_init(); -+ n800_display_init(); - } - - static void __init nokia_n800_init(void) -@@ -735,6 +874,7 @@ void __init nokia_n800_map_io(void) - omap_board_config_size = ARRAY_SIZE(n800_config); - - omap2_set_globals_242x(); -+ omap2_set_sdram_vram(800 * 480 * 2 * 3, 0); - omap2_map_common_io(); - } - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Kconfig b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Kconfig -index 0419ec8..356ceb1 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Kconfig -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Kconfig -@@ -18,4 +18,14 @@ config PANEL_SHARP_LS037V7DW01 - depends on OMAP2_DSS - help - LCD Panel used in TI's SDP3430 and EVM boards -+ -+config PANEL_N800 -+ tristate "Panel N8x0" -+ help -+ N8x0 LCD (hack) -+ -+config CTRL_BLIZZARD -+ tristate "Blizzard Controller" -+ help -+ Blizzard Controller (hack) - endmenu -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Makefile b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Makefile -index a26bbd2..1b74b7e 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Makefile -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Makefile -@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ - obj-$(CONFIG_PANEL_GENERIC) += panel-generic.o - obj-$(CONFIG_PANEL_SAMSUNG_LTE430WQ_F0C) += panel-samsung-lte430wq-f0c.o - obj-$(CONFIG_PANEL_SHARP_LS037V7DW01) += panel-sharp-ls037v7dw01.o -+ -+obj-$(CONFIG_CTRL_BLIZZARD) += ctrl-blizzard.o -+obj-$(CONFIG_PANEL_N800) += panel-n800.o -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/displays/ctrl-blizzard.c b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/ctrl-blizzard.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..6698e4d ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/ctrl-blizzard.c -@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@ -+ -+//#define DEBUG -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+#include -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+#define DBG(format, ...) printk(KERN_DEBUG "Blizzard: " format, ## __VA_ARGS__) -+#else -+#define DBG(format, ...) -+#endif -+ -+#define BLIZZARD_REV_CODE 0x00 -+#define BLIZZARD_CONFIG 0x02 -+#define BLIZZARD_PLL_DIV 0x04 -+#define BLIZZARD_PLL_LOCK_RANGE 0x06 -+#define BLIZZARD_PLL_CLOCK_SYNTH_0 0x08 -+#define BLIZZARD_PLL_CLOCK_SYNTH_1 0x0a -+#define BLIZZARD_PLL_MODE 0x0c -+#define BLIZZARD_CLK_SRC 0x0e -+#define BLIZZARD_MEM_BANK0_ACTIVATE 0x10 -+#define BLIZZARD_MEM_BANK0_STATUS 0x14 -+#define BLIZZARD_PANEL_CONFIGURATION 0x28 -+#define BLIZZARD_HDISP 0x2a -+#define BLIZZARD_HNDP 0x2c -+#define BLIZZARD_VDISP0 0x2e -+#define BLIZZARD_VDISP1 0x30 -+#define BLIZZARD_VNDP 0x32 -+#define BLIZZARD_HSW 0x34 -+#define BLIZZARD_VSW 0x38 -+#define BLIZZARD_DISPLAY_MODE 0x68 -+#define BLIZZARD_INPUT_WIN_X_START_0 0x6c -+#define BLIZZARD_DATA_SOURCE_SELECT 0x8e -+#define BLIZZARD_DISP_MEM_DATA_PORT 0x90 -+#define BLIZZARD_DISP_MEM_READ_ADDR0 0x92 -+#define BLIZZARD_POWER_SAVE 0xE6 -+#define BLIZZARD_NDISP_CTRL_STATUS 0xE8 -+ -+/* Data source select */ -+/* For S1D13745 */ -+#define BLIZZARD_SRC_WRITE_LCD_BACKGROUND 0x00 -+#define BLIZZARD_SRC_WRITE_LCD_DESTRUCTIVE 0x01 -+#define BLIZZARD_SRC_WRITE_OVERLAY_ENABLE 0x04 -+#define BLIZZARD_SRC_DISABLE_OVERLAY 0x05 -+/* For S1D13744 */ -+#define BLIZZARD_SRC_WRITE_LCD 0x00 -+#define BLIZZARD_SRC_BLT_LCD 0x06 -+ -+#define BLIZZARD_COLOR_RGB565 0x01 -+#define BLIZZARD_COLOR_YUV420 0x09 -+ -+#define BLIZZARD_VERSION_S1D13745 0x01 /* Hailstorm */ -+#define BLIZZARD_VERSION_S1D13744 0x02 /* Blizzard */ -+ -+#define BLIZZARD_AUTO_UPDATE_TIME (HZ / 20) -+ -+ -+ -+static struct { -+ int version; -+} blizzard; -+ -+ -+static inline void blizzard_cmd(u8 cmd) -+{ -+ omap_rfbi_write_command(&cmd, 1); -+} -+ -+static inline void blizzard_write(u8 cmd, const u8 *buf, int len) -+{ -+ omap_rfbi_write_command(&cmd, 1); -+ omap_rfbi_write_data(buf, len); -+} -+ -+static inline void blizzard_read(u8 cmd, u8 *buf, int len) -+{ -+ omap_rfbi_write_command(&cmd, 1); -+ omap_rfbi_read_data(buf, len); -+} -+ -+static u8 blizzard_read_reg(u8 cmd) -+{ -+ u8 data; -+ blizzard_read(cmd, &data, 1); -+ return data; -+} -+ -+static int blizzard_ctrl_init(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ DBG("blizzard_ctrl_init\n"); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+ -+static int blizzard_ctrl_enable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ int r = 0; -+ u8 rev, conf; -+ -+ DBG("blizzard_ctrl_enable\n"); -+ -+ if (display->hw_config.ctrl_enable) { -+ r = display->hw_config.ctrl_enable(display); -+ if (r) -+ return r; -+ } -+ -+ msleep(100); -+ -+ rev = blizzard_read_reg(BLIZZARD_CLK_SRC); -+ printk("CLK_SRC %x\n", rev); -+ -+ rev = blizzard_read_reg(BLIZZARD_PLL_DIV); -+ printk("PLLDIV %x\n", rev); -+ -+ rev = blizzard_read_reg(BLIZZARD_REV_CODE); -+ conf = blizzard_read_reg(BLIZZARD_CONFIG); -+ -+ printk("rev %x, conf %x\n", rev, conf); -+ -+ switch (rev & 0xfc) { -+ case 0x9c: -+ blizzard.version = BLIZZARD_VERSION_S1D13744; -+ pr_info("omapfb: s1d13744 LCD controller rev %d " -+ "initialized (CNF pins %x)\n", rev & 0x03, conf & 0x07); -+ break; -+ case 0xa4: -+ blizzard.version = BLIZZARD_VERSION_S1D13745; -+ pr_info("omapfb: s1d13745 LCD controller rev %d " -+ "initialized (CNF pins %x)\n", rev & 0x03, conf & 0x07); -+ break; -+ default: -+ printk("invalid s1d1374x revision %02x\n", -+ rev); -+ r = -ENODEV; -+ } -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static void blizzard_ctrl_disable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ DBG("blizzard_ctrl_disable\n"); -+ -+ if (display->hw_config.ctrl_disable) -+ display->hw_config.ctrl_disable(display); -+} -+ -+int rfbi_configure(int rfbi_module, int bpp, int lines); -+ -+static void blizzard_ctrl_setup_update(struct omap_display *display, -+ u16 x, u16 y, u16 w, u16 h) -+{ -+ u8 tmp[18]; -+ int x_end, y_end; -+ -+ DBG("blizzard_ctrl_setup_update\n"); -+ -+ x_end = x + w - 1; -+ y_end = y + h - 1; -+ -+ tmp[0] = x; -+ tmp[1] = x >> 8; -+ tmp[2] = y; -+ tmp[3] = y >> 8; -+ tmp[4] = x_end; -+ tmp[5] = x_end >> 8; -+ tmp[6] = y_end; -+ tmp[7] = y_end >> 8; -+ -+ /* scaling? */ -+ tmp[8] = x; -+ tmp[9] = x >> 8; -+ tmp[10] = y; -+ tmp[11] = y >> 8; -+ tmp[12] = x_end; -+ tmp[13] = x_end >> 8; -+ tmp[14] = y_end; -+ tmp[15] = y_end >> 8; -+ -+ tmp[16] = BLIZZARD_COLOR_RGB565; //color_mode; -+ -+ if (blizzard.version == BLIZZARD_VERSION_S1D13745) -+ tmp[17] = BLIZZARD_SRC_WRITE_LCD_BACKGROUND; -+ else -+ tmp[17] = blizzard.version == BLIZZARD_VERSION_S1D13744 ? -+ BLIZZARD_SRC_WRITE_LCD : -+ BLIZZARD_SRC_WRITE_LCD_DESTRUCTIVE; -+ -+ rfbi_configure(display->, -+ 16, -+ 8); -+ -+ blizzard_write(BLIZZARD_INPUT_WIN_X_START_0, tmp, 18); -+ -+ rfbi_configure(display->, -+ 16, -+ 16); -+} -+ -+static int blizzard_ctrl_enable_te(struct omap_display *display, bool enable) -+{ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int blizzard_ctrl_rotate(struct omap_display *display, u8 rotate) -+{ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int blizzard_ctrl_mirror(struct omap_display *display, bool enable) -+{ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int blizzard_run_test(struct omap_display *display, int test_num) -+{ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static struct omap_ctrl blizzard_ctrl = { -+ .owner = THIS_MODULE, -+ .name = "ctrl-blizzard", -+ .init = blizzard_ctrl_init, -+ .enable = blizzard_ctrl_enable, -+ .disable = blizzard_ctrl_disable, -+ .setup_update = blizzard_ctrl_setup_update, -+ .enable_te = blizzard_ctrl_enable_te, -+ .set_rotate = blizzard_ctrl_rotate, -+ .set_mirror = blizzard_ctrl_mirror, -+ .run_test = blizzard_run_test, -+ .pixel_size = 16, -+ -+ .timings = { -+ .cs_on_time = 0, -+ -+ .we_on_time = 9000, -+ .we_off_time = 18000, -+ .we_cycle_time = 36000, -+ -+ .re_on_time = 9000, -+ .re_off_time = 27000, -+ .re_cycle_time = 36000, -+ -+ .access_time = 27000, -+ .cs_off_time = 36000, -+ -+ .cs_pulse_width = 0, -+ }, -+}; -+ -+ -+static int __init blizzard_init(void) -+{ -+ DBG("blizzard_init\n"); -+ omap_dss_register_ctrl(&blizzard_ctrl); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void __exit blizzard_exit(void) -+{ -+ DBG("blizzard_exit\n"); -+ -+ omap_dss_unregister_ctrl(&blizzard_ctrl); -+} -+ -+module_init(blizzard_init); -+module_exit(blizzard_exit); -+ -+MODULE_AUTHOR("Tomi Valkeinen "); -+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Blizzard Driver"); -+MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-n800.c b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-n800.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..91d3e37 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-n800.c -@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ -+ -+/*#define DEBUG*/ -+ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+#include -+ -+#define MIPID_CMD_READ_DISP_ID 0x04 -+#define MIPID_CMD_READ_RED 0x06 -+#define MIPID_CMD_READ_GREEN 0x07 -+#define MIPID_CMD_READ_BLUE 0x08 -+#define MIPID_CMD_READ_DISP_STATUS 0x09 -+#define MIPID_CMD_RDDSDR 0x0F -+#define MIPID_CMD_SLEEP_IN 0x10 -+#define MIPID_CMD_SLEEP_OUT 0x11 -+#define MIPID_CMD_DISP_OFF 0x28 -+#define MIPID_CMD_DISP_ON 0x29 -+ -+#define MIPID_VER_LPH8923 3 -+#define MIPID_VER_LS041Y3 4 -+ -+#define MIPID_ESD_CHECK_PERIOD msecs_to_jiffies(5000) -+ -+#ifdef DEBUG -+#define DBG(format, ...) printk(KERN_DEBUG "PN800: " format, ## __VA_ARGS__) -+#else -+#define DBG(format, ...) -+#endif -+ -+struct pn800_device { -+ struct backlight_device *bl_dev; -+ int enabled; -+ int model; -+ int revision; -+ u8 display_id[3]; -+ unsigned int saved_bklight_level; -+ unsigned long hw_guard_end; /* next value of jiffies -+ when we can issue the -+ next sleep in/out command */ -+ unsigned long hw_guard_wait; /* max guard time in jiffies */ -+ -+ struct spi_device *spi; -+ struct mutex mutex; -+ struct omap_panel panel; -+ struct omap_display *display; -+}; -+ -+ -+static void pn800_transfer(struct pn800_device *md, int cmd, -+ const u8 *wbuf, int wlen, u8 *rbuf, int rlen) -+{ -+ struct spi_message m; -+ struct spi_transfer *x, xfer[4]; -+ u16 w; -+ int r; -+ -+ BUG_ON(md->spi == NULL); -+ -+ spi_message_init(&m); -+ -+ memset(xfer, 0, sizeof(xfer)); -+ x = &xfer[0]; -+ -+ cmd &= 0xff; -+ x->tx_buf = &cmd; -+ x->bits_per_word = 9; -+ x->len = 2; -+ spi_message_add_tail(x, &m); -+ -+ if (wlen) { -+ x++; -+ x->tx_buf = wbuf; -+ x->len = wlen; -+ x->bits_per_word = 9; -+ spi_message_add_tail(x, &m); -+ } -+ -+ if (rlen) { -+ x++; -+ x->rx_buf = &w; -+ x->len = 1; -+ spi_message_add_tail(x, &m); -+ -+ if (rlen > 1) { -+ /* Arrange for the extra clock before the first -+ * data bit. -+ */ -+ x->bits_per_word = 9; -+ x->len = 2; -+ -+ x++; -+ x->rx_buf = &rbuf[1]; -+ x->len = rlen - 1; -+ spi_message_add_tail(x, &m); -+ } -+ } -+ -+ r = spi_sync(md->spi, &m); -+ if (r < 0) -+ dev_dbg(&md->spi->dev, "spi_sync %d\n", r); -+ -+ if (rlen) -+ rbuf[0] = w & 0xff; -+} -+ -+static inline void pn800_cmd(struct pn800_device *md, int cmd) -+{ -+ pn800_transfer(md, cmd, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); -+} -+ -+static inline void pn800_write(struct pn800_device *md, -+ int reg, const u8 *buf, int len) -+{ -+ pn800_transfer(md, reg, buf, len, NULL, 0); -+} -+ -+static inline void pn800_read(struct pn800_device *md, -+ int reg, u8 *buf, int len) -+{ -+ pn800_transfer(md, reg, NULL, 0, buf, len); -+} -+ -+static void set_data_lines(struct pn800_device *md, int data_lines) -+{ -+ u16 par; -+ -+ switch (data_lines) { -+ case 16: -+ par = 0x150; -+ break; -+ case 18: -+ par = 0x160; -+ break; -+ case 24: -+ par = 0x170; -+ break; -+ } -+ pn800_write(md, 0x3a, (u8 *)&par, 2); -+} -+ -+static void send_init_string(struct pn800_device *md) -+{ -+ u16 initpar[] = { 0x0102, 0x0100, 0x0100 }; -+ int data_lines; -+ -+ pn800_write(md, 0xc2, (u8 *)initpar, sizeof(initpar)); -+ -+ data_lines = (int)md->display->hw_config.panel_data; // XXX -+ -+ set_data_lines(md, data_lines); -+} -+ -+static void hw_guard_start(struct pn800_device *md, int guard_msec) -+{ -+ md->hw_guard_wait = msecs_to_jiffies(guard_msec); -+ md->hw_guard_end = jiffies + md->hw_guard_wait; -+} -+ -+static void hw_guard_wait(struct pn800_device *md) -+{ -+ unsigned long wait = md->hw_guard_end - jiffies; -+ -+ if ((long)wait > 0 && wait <= md->hw_guard_wait) { -+ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE); -+ schedule_timeout(wait); -+ } -+} -+ -+static void set_sleep_mode(struct pn800_device *md, int on) -+{ -+ int cmd, sleep_time = 50; -+ -+ if (on) -+ cmd = MIPID_CMD_SLEEP_IN; -+ else -+ cmd = MIPID_CMD_SLEEP_OUT; -+ hw_guard_wait(md); -+ pn800_cmd(md, cmd); -+ hw_guard_start(md, 120); -+ /* -+ * When we enable the panel, it seems we _have_ to sleep -+ * 120 ms before sending the init string. When disabling the -+ * panel we'll sleep for the duration of 2 frames, so that the -+ * controller can still provide the PCLK,HS,VS signals. */ -+ if (!on) -+ sleep_time = 120; -+ msleep(sleep_time); -+} -+ -+static void set_display_state(struct pn800_device *md, int enabled) -+{ -+ int cmd = enabled ? MIPID_CMD_DISP_ON : MIPID_CMD_DISP_OFF; -+ -+ pn800_cmd(md, cmd); -+} -+ -+static int panel_enabled(struct pn800_device *md) -+{ -+ u32 disp_status; -+ int enabled; -+ -+ pn800_read(md, MIPID_CMD_READ_DISP_STATUS, (u8 *)&disp_status, 4); -+ disp_status = __be32_to_cpu(disp_status); -+ enabled = (disp_status & (1 << 17)) && (disp_status & (1 << 10)); -+ dev_dbg(&md->spi->dev, -+ "LCD panel %s enabled by bootloader (status 0x%04x)\n", -+ enabled ? "" : "not ", disp_status); -+ DBG("status %#08x\n", disp_status); -+ return enabled; -+} -+ -+static int panel_detect(struct pn800_device *md) -+{ -+ pn800_read(md, MIPID_CMD_READ_DISP_ID, md->display_id, 3); -+ dev_dbg(&md->spi->dev, "MIPI display ID: %02x%02x%02x\n", -+ md->display_id[0], md->display_id[1], md->display_id[2]); -+ -+ switch (md->display_id[0]) { -+ case 0x45: -+ md->model = MIPID_VER_LPH8923; -+ md-> = "lph8923"; -+ break; -+ case 0x83: -+ md->model = MIPID_VER_LS041Y3; -+ md-> = "ls041y3"; -+ //md->esd_check = ls041y3_esd_check; -+ break; -+ default: -+ md-> = "unknown"; -+ dev_err(&md->spi->dev, "invalid display ID\n"); -+ return -ENODEV; -+ } -+ -+ md->revision = md->display_id[1]; -+ pr_info("omapfb: %s rev %02x LCD detected\n", -+ md->, md->revision); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+ -+ -+static int pn800_panel_enable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ int r; -+ struct pn800_device *md = -+ (struct pn800_device *)display->panel->priv; -+ -+ DBG("pn800_panel_enable\n"); -+ -+ mutex_lock(&md->mutex); -+ -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_enable) -+ display->hw_config.panel_enable(display); -+ -+ msleep(50); // wait for power up -+ -+ r = panel_detect(md); -+ if (r) { -+ mutex_unlock(&md->mutex); -+ return r; -+ } -+ -+ md->enabled = panel_enabled(md); -+ -+ if (md->enabled) { -+ DBG("panel already enabled\n"); -+ ; /*pn800_esd_start_check(md);*/ -+ } else { -+ ; /*md->saved_bklight_level = pn800_get_bklight_level(panel);*/ -+ } -+ -+ -+ if (md->enabled) { -+ mutex_unlock(&md->mutex); -+ return 0; -+ } -+ -+ set_sleep_mode(md, 0); -+ md->enabled = 1; -+ send_init_string(md); -+ set_display_state(md, 1); -+ //mipid_set_bklight_level(panel, md->saved_bklight_level); -+ //mipid_esd_start_check(md); -+ -+ mutex_unlock(&md->mutex); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void pn800_panel_disable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ struct pn800_device *md = -+ (struct pn800_device *)display->panel->priv; -+ -+ DBG("pn800_panel_disable\n"); -+ -+ mutex_lock(&md->mutex); -+ -+ if (!md->enabled) { -+ mutex_unlock(&md->mutex); -+ return; -+ } -+ /*md->saved_bklight_level = pn800_get_bklight_level(panel);*/ -+ /*pn800_set_bklight_level(panel, 0);*/ -+ -+ set_display_state(md, 0); -+ set_sleep_mode(md, 1); -+ md->enabled = 0; -+ -+ -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_disable) -+ display->hw_config.panel_disable(display); -+ -+ mutex_unlock(&md->mutex); -+} -+ -+static int pn800_panel_init(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ struct pn800_device *md = -+ (struct pn800_device *)display->panel->priv; -+ -+ DBG("pn800_panel_init\n"); -+ -+ mutex_init(&md->mutex); -+ md->display = display; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int pn800_run_test(struct omap_display *display, int test_num) -+{ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static struct omap_panel pn800_panel = { -+ .owner = THIS_MODULE, -+ .name = "panel-pn800", -+ .init = pn800_panel_init, -+ /*.remove = pn800_cleanup,*/ -+ .enable = pn800_panel_enable, -+ .disable = pn800_panel_disable, -+ //.set_mode = pn800_set_mode, -+ .run_test = pn800_run_test, -+ -+ .timings = { -+ .x_res = 800, -+ .y_res = 480, -+ -+ .pixel_clock = 21940, -+ .hsw = 50, -+ .hfp = 20, -+ .hbp = 15, -+ -+ .vsw = 2, -+ .vfp = 1, -+ .vbp = 3, -+ }, -+ .config = OMAP_DSS_LCD_TFT, -+}; -+ -+static int pn800_spi_probe(struct spi_device *spi) -+{ -+ struct pn800_device *md; -+ -+ DBG("pn800_spi_probe\n"); -+ -+ md = kzalloc(sizeof(*md), GFP_KERNEL); -+ if (md == NULL) { -+ dev_err(&spi->dev, "out of memory\n"); -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ } -+ -+ spi->mode = SPI_MODE_0; -+ md->spi = spi; -+ dev_set_drvdata(&spi->dev, md); -+ md->panel = pn800_panel; -+ pn800_panel.priv = md; -+ -+ omap_dss_register_panel(&pn800_panel); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int pn800_spi_remove(struct spi_device *spi) -+{ -+ struct pn800_device *md = dev_get_drvdata(&spi->dev); -+ -+ DBG("pn800_spi_remove\n"); -+ -+ omap_dss_unregister_panel(&pn800_panel); -+ -+ /*pn800_disable(&md->panel);*/ -+ kfree(md); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static struct spi_driver pn800_spi_driver = { -+ .driver = { -+ .name = "panel-n800", -+ .bus = &spi_bus_type, -+ .owner = THIS_MODULE, -+ }, -+ .probe = pn800_spi_probe, -+ .remove = __devexit_p(pn800_spi_remove), -+}; -+ -+static int __init pn800_init(void) -+{ -+ DBG("pn800_init\n"); -+ return spi_register_driver(&pn800_spi_driver); -+} -+ -+static void __exit pn800_exit(void) -+{ -+ DBG("pn800_exit\n"); -+ spi_unregister_driver(&pn800_spi_driver); -+} -+ -+module_init(pn800_init); -+module_exit(pn800_exit); -+ -+MODULE_AUTHOR("Tomi Valkeinen "); -+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("N800 LCD Driver"); -+MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0007-DSS2-Add-DSS2-support-for-SDP-Beagle-Overo-EVM.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0007-DSS2-Add-DSS2-support-for-SDP-Beagle-Overo-EVM.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 62d653700e..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0007-DSS2-Add-DSS2-support-for-SDP-Beagle-Overo-EVM.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5691 +0,0 @@ -From 9292aae93419867b9d0fce5cf3b2697e9250f5b5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 10:36:05 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH] DSS2: Add DSS2 support for SDP, Beagle, Overo, EVM - -Also custom dss_*_defconfigs as an example. - -Signed-off-by: Tomi Valkeinen ---- - arch/arm/configs/dss_omap3_beagle_defconfig | 1371 ++++++++++++++++++++ - arch/arm/configs/dss_omap_3430sdp_defconfig | 1634 +++++++++++++++++++++++ - arch/arm/configs/dss_overo_defconfig | 1862 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-3430sdp.c | 227 ++++- - arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3beagle.c | 95 ++- - arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3evm.c | 217 +++- - arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-overo.c | 98 ++- - 7 files changed, 5475 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) - create mode 100644 arch/arm/configs/dss_omap3_beagle_defconfig - create mode 100644 arch/arm/configs/dss_omap_3430sdp_defconfig - create mode 100644 arch/arm/configs/dss_overo_defconfig - -diff --git a/arch/arm/configs/dss_omap3_beagle_defconfig b/arch/arm/configs/dss_omap3_beagle_defconfig -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..7143168 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/arch/arm/configs/dss_omap3_beagle_defconfig -@@ -0,0 +1,1371 @@ -+# -+# Automatically generated make config: don't edit -+# Linux kernel version: 2.6.29-omap1 -+# Thu Apr 2 11:24:09 2009 -+# -+CONFIG_ARM=y -+CONFIG_SYS_SUPPORTS_APM_EMULATION=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_GPIO=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_TIME=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_CLOCKEVENTS=y -+CONFIG_MMU=y -+# CONFIG_NO_IOPORT is not set -+CONFIG_GENERIC_HARDIRQS=y -+CONFIG_STACKTRACE_SUPPORT=y -+CONFIG_HAVE_LATENCYTOP_SUPPORT=y -+CONFIG_LOCKDEP_SUPPORT=y -+CONFIG_TRACE_IRQFLAGS_SUPPORT=y -+CONFIG_HARDIRQS_SW_RESEND=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_IRQ_PROBE=y -+CONFIG_RWSEM_GENERIC_SPINLOCK=y -+# CONFIG_ARCH_HAS_ILOG2_U32 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_HAS_ILOG2_U64 is not set -+CONFIG_GENERIC_HWEIGHT=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_CALIBRATE_DELAY=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_HARDIRQS_NO__DO_IRQ=y -+CONFIG_VECTORS_BASE=0xffff0000 -+CONFIG_DEFCONFIG_LIST="/lib/modules/$UNAME_RELEASE/.config" -+ -+# -+# General setup -+# -+CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL=y -+CONFIG_BROKEN_ON_SMP=y -+CONFIG_INIT_ENV_ARG_LIMIT=32 -+CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="" -+CONFIG_LOCALVERSION_AUTO=y -+CONFIG_SWAP=y -+CONFIG_SYSVIPC=y -+CONFIG_SYSVIPC_SYSCTL=y -+# CONFIG_POSIX_MQUEUE is not set -+CONFIG_BSD_PROCESS_ACCT=y -+# CONFIG_BSD_PROCESS_ACCT_V3 is not set -+# CONFIG_TASKSTATS is not set -+# CONFIG_AUDIT is not set -+ -+# -+# RCU Subsystem -+# -+CONFIG_CLASSIC_RCU=y -+# CONFIG_TREE_RCU is not set -+# CONFIG_PREEMPT_RCU is not set -+# CONFIG_TREE_RCU_TRACE is not set -+# CONFIG_PREEMPT_RCU_TRACE is not set -+# CONFIG_IKCONFIG is not set -+CONFIG_LOG_BUF_SHIFT=14 -+CONFIG_GROUP_SCHED=y -+CONFIG_FAIR_GROUP_SCHED=y -+# CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED is not set -+CONFIG_USER_SCHED=y -+# CONFIG_CGROUP_SCHED is not set -+# CONFIG_CGROUPS is not set -+CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED=y -+CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED_V2=y -+# CONFIG_RELAY is not set -+# CONFIG_NAMESPACES is not set -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INITRD=y -+CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE="" -+CONFIG_CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE=y -+CONFIG_SYSCTL=y -+CONFIG_ANON_INODES=y -+CONFIG_EMBEDDED=y -+CONFIG_UID16=y -+# CONFIG_SYSCTL_SYSCALL is not set -+CONFIG_KALLSYMS=y -+# CONFIG_KALLSYMS_ALL is not set -+CONFIG_KALLSYMS_EXTRA_PASS=y -+CONFIG_HOTPLUG=y -+CONFIG_PRINTK=y -+CONFIG_BUG=y -+CONFIG_ELF_CORE=y -+CONFIG_BASE_FULL=y -+CONFIG_FUTEX=y -+CONFIG_EPOLL=y -+CONFIG_SIGNALFD=y -+CONFIG_TIMERFD=y -+CONFIG_EVENTFD=y -+CONFIG_SHMEM=y -+CONFIG_AIO=y -+CONFIG_VM_EVENT_COUNTERS=y -+CONFIG_COMPAT_BRK=y -+CONFIG_SLAB=y -+# CONFIG_SLUB is not set -+# CONFIG_SLOB is not set -+# CONFIG_PROFILING is not set -+CONFIG_HAVE_OPROFILE=y -+# CONFIG_KPROBES is not set -+CONFIG_HAVE_KPROBES=y -+CONFIG_HAVE_KRETPROBES=y -+CONFIG_HAVE_CLK=y -+CONFIG_HAVE_GENERIC_DMA_COHERENT=y -+CONFIG_SLABINFO=y -+CONFIG_RT_MUTEXES=y -+CONFIG_BASE_SMALL=0 -+CONFIG_MODULES=y -+# CONFIG_MODULE_FORCE_LOAD is not set -+CONFIG_MODULE_UNLOAD=y -+# CONFIG_MODULE_FORCE_UNLOAD is not set -+CONFIG_MODVERSIONS=y -+CONFIG_MODULE_SRCVERSION_ALL=y -+CONFIG_BLOCK=y -+# CONFIG_LBD is not set -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IO_TRACE is not set -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_BSG is not set -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INTEGRITY is not set -+ -+# -+# IO Schedulers -+# -+CONFIG_IOSCHED_NOOP=y -+CONFIG_IOSCHED_AS=y -+CONFIG_IOSCHED_DEADLINE=y -+CONFIG_IOSCHED_CFQ=y -+CONFIG_DEFAULT_AS=y -+# CONFIG_DEFAULT_DEADLINE is not set -+# CONFIG_DEFAULT_CFQ is not set -+# CONFIG_DEFAULT_NOOP is not set -+CONFIG_DEFAULT_IOSCHED="anticipatory" -+# CONFIG_FREEZER is not set -+ -+# -+# System Type -+# -+# CONFIG_ARCH_AAEC2000 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_INTEGRATOR is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_REALVIEW is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_VERSATILE is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_AT91 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_CLPS711X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_EBSA110 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_EP93XX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_FOOTBRIDGE is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_NETX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_H720X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IMX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IOP13XX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IOP32X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IOP33X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IXP23XX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IXP2000 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IXP4XX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_L7200 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_KIRKWOOD is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_KS8695 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_NS9XXX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_LOKI is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_MV78XX0 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_MXC is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_ORION5X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_PNX4008 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_PXA is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_RPC is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_SA1100 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_S3C2410 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_S3C64XX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_SHARK is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_LH7A40X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_DAVINCI is not set -+CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP=y -+# CONFIG_ARCH_MSM is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_W90X900 is not set -+ -+# -+# TI OMAP Implementations -+# -+CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP_OTG=y -+# CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP1 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP2 is not set -+CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP3=y -+ -+# -+# OMAP Feature Selections -+# -+# CONFIG_OMAP_DEBUG_POWERDOMAIN is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_DEBUG_CLOCKDOMAIN is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_SMARTREFLEX is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_RESET_CLOCKS is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP_BOOT_TAG=y -+CONFIG_OMAP_BOOT_REASON=y -+# CONFIG_OMAP_COMPONENT_VERSION is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_GPIO_SWITCH is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_MUX is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_MCBSP is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_MBOX_FWK is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_MPU_TIMER is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP_32K_TIMER=y -+CONFIG_OMAP_32K_TIMER_HZ=128 -+CONFIG_OMAP_TICK_GPTIMER=12 -+CONFIG_OMAP_DM_TIMER=y -+# CONFIG_OMAP_LL_DEBUG_UART1 is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_LL_DEBUG_UART2 is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP_LL_DEBUG_UART3=y -+CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP34XX=y -+CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP3430=y -+ -+# -+# OMAP Board Type -+# -+# CONFIG_MACH_NOKIA_RX51 is not set -+# CONFIG_MACH_OMAP_LDP is not set -+# CONFIG_MACH_OMAP_3430SDP is not set -+# CONFIG_MACH_OMAP3EVM is not set -+CONFIG_MACH_OMAP3_BEAGLE=y -+# CONFIG_MACH_OVERO is not set -+# CONFIG_MACH_OMAP3_PANDORA is not set -+ -+# -+# Processor Type -+# -+CONFIG_CPU_32=y -+CONFIG_CPU_32v6K=y -+CONFIG_CPU_V7=y -+CONFIG_CPU_32v7=y -+CONFIG_CPU_ABRT_EV7=y -+CONFIG_CPU_PABRT_IFAR=y -+CONFIG_CPU_CACHE_V7=y -+CONFIG_CPU_CACHE_VIPT=y -+CONFIG_CPU_COPY_V6=y -+CONFIG_CPU_TLB_V7=y -+CONFIG_CPU_HAS_ASID=y -+CONFIG_CPU_CP15=y -+CONFIG_CPU_CP15_MMU=y -+ -+# -+# Processor Features -+# -+CONFIG_ARM_THUMB=y -+# CONFIG_ARM_THUMBEE is not set -+# CONFIG_CPU_ICACHE_DISABLE is not set -+# CONFIG_CPU_DCACHE_DISABLE is not set -+# CONFIG_CPU_BPREDICT_DISABLE is not set -+CONFIG_HAS_TLS_REG=y -+# CONFIG_OUTER_CACHE is not set -+ -+# -+# Bus support -+# -+# CONFIG_PCI_SYSCALL is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_SUPPORTS_MSI is not set -+# CONFIG_PCCARD is not set -+ -+# -+# Kernel Features -+# -+CONFIG_TICK_ONESHOT=y -+CONFIG_NO_HZ=y -+CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_CLOCKEVENTS_BUILD=y -+CONFIG_VMSPLIT_3G=y -+# CONFIG_VMSPLIT_2G is not set -+# CONFIG_VMSPLIT_1G is not set -+CONFIG_PAGE_OFFSET=0xC0000000 -+# CONFIG_PREEMPT is not set -+CONFIG_HZ=128 -+CONFIG_AEABI=y -+CONFIG_OABI_COMPAT=y -+CONFIG_ARCH_FLATMEM_HAS_HOLES=y -+# CONFIG_ARCH_SPARSEMEM_DEFAULT is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_SELECT_MEMORY_MODEL is not set -+CONFIG_SELECT_MEMORY_MODEL=y -+CONFIG_FLATMEM_MANUAL=y -+# CONFIG_DISCONTIGMEM_MANUAL is not set -+# CONFIG_SPARSEMEM_MANUAL is not set -+CONFIG_FLATMEM=y -+CONFIG_FLAT_NODE_MEM_MAP=y -+CONFIG_PAGEFLAGS_EXTENDED=y -+CONFIG_SPLIT_PTLOCK_CPUS=4 -+# CONFIG_PHYS_ADDR_T_64BIT is not set -+CONFIG_ZONE_DMA_FLAG=0 -+CONFIG_VIRT_TO_BUS=y -+CONFIG_UNEVICTABLE_LRU=y -+# CONFIG_LEDS is not set -+CONFIG_ALIGNMENT_TRAP=y -+ -+# -+# Boot options -+# -+CONFIG_ZBOOT_ROM_TEXT=0x0 -+CONFIG_ZBOOT_ROM_BSS=0x0 -+CONFIG_CMDLINE="root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= ip= nolock,rsize=1024,wsize=1024 rw" -+# CONFIG_XIP_KERNEL is not set -+# CONFIG_KEXEC is not set -+ -+# -+# CPU Power Management -+# -+# CONFIG_CPU_FREQ is not set -+# CONFIG_CPU_IDLE is not set -+ -+# -+# Floating point emulation -+# -+ -+# -+# At least one emulation must be selected -+# -+CONFIG_FPE_NWFPE=y -+# CONFIG_FPE_NWFPE_XP is not set -+# CONFIG_FPE_FASTFPE is not set -+CONFIG_VFP=y -+CONFIG_VFPv3=y -+# CONFIG_NEON is not set -+ -+# -+# Userspace binary formats -+# -+CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF=y -+# CONFIG_CORE_DUMP_DEFAULT_ELF_HEADERS is not set -+CONFIG_HAVE_AOUT=y -+# CONFIG_BINFMT_AOUT is not set -+CONFIG_BINFMT_MISC=y -+ -+# -+# Power management options -+# -+CONFIG_PM=y -+# CONFIG_PM_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_SUSPEND is not set -+# CONFIG_APM_EMULATION is not set -+CONFIG_ARCH_SUSPEND_POSSIBLE=y -+CONFIG_NET=y -+ -+# -+# Networking options -+# -+CONFIG_COMPAT_NET_DEV_OPS=y -+CONFIG_PACKET=y -+# CONFIG_PACKET_MMAP is not set -+CONFIG_UNIX=y -+CONFIG_XFRM=y -+# CONFIG_XFRM_USER is not set -+# CONFIG_XFRM_SUB_POLICY is not set -+# CONFIG_XFRM_MIGRATE is not set -+# CONFIG_XFRM_STATISTICS is not set -+CONFIG_NET_KEY=y -+# CONFIG_NET_KEY_MIGRATE is not set -+CONFIG_INET=y -+# CONFIG_IP_MULTICAST is not set -+# CONFIG_IP_ADVANCED_ROUTER is not set -+CONFIG_IP_FIB_HASH=y -+CONFIG_IP_PNP=y -+CONFIG_IP_PNP_DHCP=y -+CONFIG_IP_PNP_BOOTP=y -+CONFIG_IP_PNP_RARP=y -+# CONFIG_NET_IPIP is not set -+# CONFIG_NET_IPGRE is not set -+# CONFIG_ARPD is not set -+# CONFIG_SYN_COOKIES is not set -+# CONFIG_INET_AH is not set -+# CONFIG_INET_ESP is not set -+# CONFIG_INET_IPCOMP is not set -+# CONFIG_INET_XFRM_TUNNEL is not set -+# CONFIG_INET_TUNNEL is not set -+CONFIG_INET_XFRM_MODE_TRANSPORT=y -+CONFIG_INET_XFRM_MODE_TUNNEL=y -+CONFIG_INET_XFRM_MODE_BEET=y -+# CONFIG_INET_LRO is not set -+CONFIG_INET_DIAG=y -+CONFIG_INET_TCP_DIAG=y -+# CONFIG_TCP_CONG_ADVANCED is not set -+CONFIG_TCP_CONG_CUBIC=y -+CONFIG_DEFAULT_TCP_CONG="cubic" -+# CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG is not set -+# CONFIG_IPV6 is not set -+# CONFIG_NETWORK_SECMARK is not set -+# CONFIG_NETFILTER is not set -+# CONFIG_IP_DCCP is not set -+# CONFIG_IP_SCTP is not set -+# CONFIG_TIPC is not set -+# CONFIG_ATM is not set -+# CONFIG_BRIDGE is not set -+# CONFIG_NET_DSA is not set -+# CONFIG_VLAN_8021Q is not set -+# CONFIG_DECNET is not set -+# CONFIG_LLC2 is not set -+# CONFIG_IPX is not set -+# CONFIG_ATALK is not set -+# CONFIG_X25 is not set -+# CONFIG_LAPB is not set -+# CONFIG_ECONET is not set -+# CONFIG_WAN_ROUTER is not set -+# CONFIG_NET_SCHED is not set -+# CONFIG_DCB is not set -+ -+# -+# Network testing -+# -+# CONFIG_NET_PKTGEN is not set -+# CONFIG_HAMRADIO is not set -+# CONFIG_CAN is not set -+# CONFIG_IRDA is not set -+# CONFIG_BT is not set -+# CONFIG_AF_RXRPC is not set -+# CONFIG_PHONET is not set -+CONFIG_WIRELESS=y -+# CONFIG_CFG80211 is not set -+CONFIG_WIRELESS_OLD_REGULATORY=y -+# CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT is not set -+# CONFIG_LIB80211 is not set -+# CONFIG_MAC80211 is not set -+# CONFIG_WIMAX is not set -+# CONFIG_RFKILL is not set -+# CONFIG_NET_9P is not set -+ -+# -+# Device Drivers -+# -+ -+# -+# Generic Driver Options -+# -+CONFIG_UEVENT_HELPER_PATH="/sbin/hotplug" -+CONFIG_STANDALONE=y -+CONFIG_PREVENT_FIRMWARE_BUILD=y -+# CONFIG_FW_LOADER is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_DRIVER is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_DEVRES is not set -+# CONFIG_SYS_HYPERVISOR is not set -+# CONFIG_CONNECTOR is not set -+CONFIG_MTD=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_CONCAT is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_PARTITIONS=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_TESTS is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_REDBOOT_PARTS is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_CMDLINE_PARTS is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_AFS_PARTS is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_AR7_PARTS is not set -+ -+# -+# User Modules And Translation Layers -+# -+CONFIG_MTD_CHAR=y -+CONFIG_MTD_BLKDEVS=y -+CONFIG_MTD_BLOCK=y -+# CONFIG_FTL is not set -+# CONFIG_NFTL is not set -+# CONFIG_INFTL is not set -+# CONFIG_RFD_FTL is not set -+# CONFIG_SSFDC is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_OOPS is not set -+ -+# -+# RAM/ROM/Flash chip drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_MTD_CFI is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_JEDECPROBE is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_1=y -+CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_2=y -+CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_4=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_8 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_16 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_32 is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_CFI_I1=y -+CONFIG_MTD_CFI_I2=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_CFI_I4 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_CFI_I8 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_RAM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_ROM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_ABSENT is not set -+ -+# -+# Mapping drivers for chip access -+# -+# CONFIG_MTD_COMPLEX_MAPPINGS is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_PLATRAM is not set -+ -+# -+# Self-contained MTD device drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_MTD_SLRAM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_PHRAM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_MTDRAM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_BLOCK2MTD is not set -+ -+# -+# Disk-On-Chip Device Drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_MTD_DOC2000 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_DOC2001 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_DOC2001PLUS is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_NAND=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_VERIFY_WRITE is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_ECC_SMC is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_MUSEUM_IDS is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_GPIO is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_NAND_OMAP2=y -+CONFIG_MTD_NAND_IDS=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_DISKONCHIP is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_NANDSIM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_PLATFORM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_ONENAND is not set -+ -+# -+# LPDDR flash memory drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_MTD_LPDDR is not set -+ -+# -+# UBI - Unsorted block images -+# -+# CONFIG_MTD_UBI is not set -+# CONFIG_PARPORT is not set -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV=y -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_COW_COMMON is not set -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=y -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_CRYPTOLOOP is not set -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NBD is not set -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM=y -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM_COUNT=16 -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM_SIZE=16384 -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_XIP is not set -+# CONFIG_CDROM_PKTCDVD is not set -+# CONFIG_ATA_OVER_ETH is not set -+# CONFIG_MISC_DEVICES is not set -+CONFIG_HAVE_IDE=y -+# CONFIG_IDE is not set -+ -+# -+# SCSI device support -+# -+# CONFIG_RAID_ATTRS is not set -+CONFIG_SCSI=y -+CONFIG_SCSI_DMA=y -+# CONFIG_SCSI_TGT is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_NETLINK is not set -+CONFIG_SCSI_PROC_FS=y -+ -+# -+# SCSI support type (disk, tape, CD-ROM) -+# -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SD=y -+# CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST is not set -+# CONFIG_CHR_DEV_OSST is not set -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SR is not set -+# CONFIG_CHR_DEV_SG is not set -+# CONFIG_CHR_DEV_SCH is not set -+ -+# -+# Some SCSI devices (e.g. CD jukebox) support multiple LUNs -+# -+# CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_CONSTANTS is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_LOGGING is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_SCAN_ASYNC is not set -+CONFIG_SCSI_WAIT_SCAN=m -+ -+# -+# SCSI Transports -+# -+# CONFIG_SCSI_SPI_ATTRS is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_FC_ATTRS is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_ISCSI_ATTRS is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_SAS_LIBSAS is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_SRP_ATTRS is not set -+CONFIG_SCSI_LOWLEVEL=y -+# CONFIG_ISCSI_TCP is not set -+# CONFIG_LIBFC is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_DH is not set -+# CONFIG_ATA is not set -+# CONFIG_MD is not set -+CONFIG_NETDEVICES=y -+# CONFIG_DUMMY is not set -+# CONFIG_BONDING is not set -+# CONFIG_MACVLAN is not set -+# CONFIG_EQUALIZER is not set -+# CONFIG_TUN is not set -+# CONFIG_VETH is not set -+# CONFIG_NET_ETHERNET is not set -+# CONFIG_NETDEV_1000 is not set -+# CONFIG_NETDEV_10000 is not set -+ -+# -+# Wireless LAN -+# -+# CONFIG_WLAN_PRE80211 is not set -+# CONFIG_WLAN_80211 is not set -+# CONFIG_IWLWIFI_LEDS is not set -+ -+# -+# Enable WiMAX (Networking options) to see the WiMAX drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_WAN is not set -+# CONFIG_PPP is not set -+# CONFIG_SLIP is not set -+# CONFIG_NETCONSOLE is not set -+# CONFIG_NETPOLL is not set -+# CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER is not set -+# CONFIG_ISDN is not set -+ -+# -+# Input device support -+# -+CONFIG_INPUT=y -+# CONFIG_INPUT_FF_MEMLESS is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_POLLDEV is not set -+ -+# -+# Userland interfaces -+# -+# CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSEDEV is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_JOYDEV is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_EVDEV is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_EVBUG is not set -+ -+# -+# Input Device Drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_INPUT_KEYBOARD is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSE is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_JOYSTICK is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_TABLET is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_TOUCHSCREEN is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_MISC is not set -+ -+# -+# Hardware I/O ports -+# -+# CONFIG_SERIO is not set -+# CONFIG_GAMEPORT is not set -+ -+# -+# Character devices -+# -+CONFIG_VT=y -+CONFIG_CONSOLE_TRANSLATIONS=y -+CONFIG_VT_CONSOLE=y -+CONFIG_HW_CONSOLE=y -+# CONFIG_VT_HW_CONSOLE_BINDING is not set -+CONFIG_DEVKMEM=y -+# CONFIG_SERIAL_NONSTANDARD is not set -+ -+# -+# Serial drivers -+# -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_CONSOLE=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_NR_UARTS=32 -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_RUNTIME_UARTS=4 -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_EXTENDED=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_MANY_PORTS=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_SHARE_IRQ=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_DETECT_IRQ=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_RSA=y -+ -+# -+# Non-8250 serial port support -+# -+CONFIG_SERIAL_CORE=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_CORE_CONSOLE=y -+CONFIG_UNIX98_PTYS=y -+# CONFIG_DEVPTS_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES is not set -+# CONFIG_LEGACY_PTYS is not set -+# CONFIG_IPMI_HANDLER is not set -+CONFIG_HW_RANDOM=y -+# CONFIG_R3964 is not set -+# CONFIG_RAW_DRIVER is not set -+# CONFIG_TCG_TPM is not set -+CONFIG_I2C=y -+CONFIG_I2C_BOARDINFO=y -+CONFIG_I2C_CHARDEV=y -+CONFIG_I2C_HELPER_AUTO=y -+ -+# -+# I2C Hardware Bus support -+# -+ -+# -+# I2C system bus drivers (mostly embedded / system-on-chip) -+# -+# CONFIG_I2C_GPIO is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_OCORES is not set -+CONFIG_I2C_OMAP=y -+# CONFIG_I2C_SIMTEC is not set -+ -+# -+# External I2C/SMBus adapter drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_I2C_PARPORT_LIGHT is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_TAOS_EVM is not set -+ -+# -+# Other I2C/SMBus bus drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_I2C_PCA_PLATFORM is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_STUB is not set -+ -+# -+# Miscellaneous I2C Chip support -+# -+# CONFIG_DS1682 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_PCF8574 is not set -+# CONFIG_PCF8575 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_PCA9539 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_PCF8591 is not set -+# CONFIG_TWL4030_MADC is not set -+# CONFIG_TWL4030_POWEROFF is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX6875 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_TSL2550 is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_CORE is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_ALGO is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_BUS is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_CHIP is not set -+# CONFIG_SPI is not set -+CONFIG_ARCH_REQUIRE_GPIOLIB=y -+CONFIG_GPIOLIB=y -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_GPIO is not set -+# CONFIG_GPIO_SYSFS is not set -+ -+# -+# Memory mapped GPIO expanders: -+# -+ -+# -+# I2C GPIO expanders: -+# -+# CONFIG_GPIO_MAX732X is not set -+# CONFIG_GPIO_PCA953X is not set -+# CONFIG_GPIO_PCF857X is not set -+CONFIG_GPIO_TWL4030=y -+ -+# -+# PCI GPIO expanders: -+# -+ -+# -+# SPI GPIO expanders: -+# -+# CONFIG_W1 is not set -+# CONFIG_POWER_SUPPLY is not set -+# CONFIG_HWMON is not set -+# CONFIG_THERMAL is not set -+# CONFIG_THERMAL_HWMON is not set -+# CONFIG_WATCHDOG is not set -+CONFIG_SSB_POSSIBLE=y -+ -+# -+# Sonics Silicon Backplane -+# -+# CONFIG_SSB is not set -+ -+# -+# Multifunction device drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_MFD_CORE is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_SM501 is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_ASIC3 is not set -+# CONFIG_HTC_EGPIO is not set -+# CONFIG_HTC_PASIC3 is not set -+# CONFIG_TPS65010 is not set -+CONFIG_TWL4030_CORE=y -+# CONFIG_TWL4030_POWER is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_TMIO is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_T7L66XB is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_TC6387XB is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_TC6393XB is not set -+# CONFIG_PMIC_DA903X is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_WM8400 is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_WM8350_I2C is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_PCF50633 is not set -+ -+# -+# Multimedia devices -+# -+ -+# -+# Multimedia core support -+# -+# CONFIG_VIDEO_DEV is not set -+# CONFIG_DVB_CORE is not set -+# CONFIG_VIDEO_MEDIA is not set -+ -+# -+# Multimedia drivers -+# -+CONFIG_DAB=y -+ -+# -+# Graphics support -+# -+# CONFIG_VGASTATE is not set -+# CONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_CONTROL is not set -+CONFIG_FB=y -+# CONFIG_FIRMWARE_EDID is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_DDC is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_BOOT_VESA_SUPPORT is not set -+CONFIG_FB_CFB_FILLRECT=m -+CONFIG_FB_CFB_COPYAREA=m -+CONFIG_FB_CFB_IMAGEBLIT=m -+# CONFIG_FB_CFB_REV_PIXELS_IN_BYTE is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_SYS_FILLRECT is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_SYS_COPYAREA is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_SYS_IMAGEBLIT is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_FOREIGN_ENDIAN is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_SYS_FOPS is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_SVGALIB is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_MACMODES is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_BACKLIGHT is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_MODE_HELPERS is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_TILEBLITTING is not set -+ -+# -+# Frame buffer hardware drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_FB_S1D13XXX is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_VIRTUAL is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_METRONOME is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_MB862XX is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_OMAP_BOOTLOADER_INIT is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS=m -+CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_VRAM_SIZE=12 -+CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DEBUG_SUPPORT=y -+# CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_RFBI is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_VENC=y -+# CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_SDI is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DSI is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_FAKE_VSYNC is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_MIN_FCK_PER_PCK=0 -+ -+# -+# OMAP2/3 Display Device Drivers -+# -+CONFIG_PANEL_GENERIC=m -+# CONFIG_PANEL_SAMSUNG_LTE430WQ_F0C is not set -+# CONFIG_PANEL_SHARP_LS037V7DW01 is not set -+# CONFIG_PANEL_N800 is not set -+# CONFIG_CTRL_BLIZZARD is not set -+CONFIG_FB_OMAP2=m -+CONFIG_FB_OMAP2_DEBUG_SUPPORT=y -+# CONFIG_FB_OMAP2_FORCE_AUTO_UPDATE is not set -+CONFIG_FB_OMAP2_NUM_FBS=3 -+# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LCD_SUPPORT is not set -+ -+# -+# Display device support -+# -+# CONFIG_DISPLAY_SUPPORT is not set -+ -+# -+# Console display driver support -+# -+# CONFIG_VGA_CONSOLE is not set -+CONFIG_DUMMY_CONSOLE=y -+# CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE is not set -+# CONFIG_LOGO is not set -+# CONFIG_SOUND is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_SUPPORT is not set -+CONFIG_USB_SUPPORT=y -+CONFIG_USB_ARCH_HAS_HCD=y -+CONFIG_USB_ARCH_HAS_OHCI=y -+CONFIG_USB_ARCH_HAS_EHCI=y -+# CONFIG_USB is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_OTG_WHITELIST is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_OTG_BLACKLIST_HUB is not set -+CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HDRC=y -+CONFIG_USB_MUSB_SOC=y -+ -+# -+# OMAP 343x high speed USB support -+# -+# CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HOST is not set -+CONFIG_USB_MUSB_PERIPHERAL=y -+# CONFIG_USB_MUSB_OTG is not set -+CONFIG_USB_GADGET_MUSB_HDRC=y -+# CONFIG_MUSB_PIO_ONLY is not set -+CONFIG_USB_INVENTRA_DMA=y -+# CONFIG_USB_TI_CPPI_DMA is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_MUSB_DEBUG is not set -+ -+# -+# NOTE: USB_STORAGE depends on SCSI but BLK_DEV_SD may also be needed; -+# -+CONFIG_USB_GADGET=y -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DEBUG_FILES is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DEBUG_FS is not set -+CONFIG_USB_GADGET_VBUS_DRAW=2 -+CONFIG_USB_GADGET_SELECTED=y -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_AT91 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_ATMEL_USBA is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_FSL_USB2 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_LH7A40X is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_OMAP is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_PXA25X is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_PXA27X is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_S3C2410 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_IMX is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_M66592 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_AMD5536UDC is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_FSL_QE is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_CI13XXX is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_NET2280 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_GOKU is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DUMMY_HCD is not set -+CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DUALSPEED=y -+# CONFIG_USB_ZERO is not set -+CONFIG_USB_ETH=y -+CONFIG_USB_ETH_RNDIS=y -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGETFS is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_FILE_STORAGE is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_G_SERIAL is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_MIDI_GADGET is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_G_PRINTER is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_CDC_COMPOSITE is not set -+ -+# -+# OTG and related infrastructure -+# -+CONFIG_USB_OTG_UTILS=y -+# CONFIG_USB_GPIO_VBUS is not set -+# CONFIG_ISP1301_OMAP is not set -+CONFIG_TWL4030_USB=y -+CONFIG_MMC=y -+# CONFIG_MMC_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_MMC_UNSAFE_RESUME is not set -+ -+# -+# MMC/SD/SDIO Card Drivers -+# -+CONFIG_MMC_BLOCK=y -+CONFIG_MMC_BLOCK_BOUNCE=y -+# CONFIG_SDIO_UART is not set -+# CONFIG_MMC_TEST is not set -+ -+# -+# MMC/SD/SDIO Host Controller Drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI is not set -+CONFIG_MMC_OMAP_HS=y -+# CONFIG_MEMSTICK is not set -+# CONFIG_ACCESSIBILITY is not set -+# CONFIG_NEW_LEDS is not set -+CONFIG_RTC_LIB=y -+CONFIG_RTC_CLASS=y -+CONFIG_RTC_HCTOSYS=y -+CONFIG_RTC_HCTOSYS_DEVICE="rtc0" -+# CONFIG_RTC_DEBUG is not set -+ -+# -+# RTC interfaces -+# -+CONFIG_RTC_INTF_SYSFS=y -+CONFIG_RTC_INTF_PROC=y -+CONFIG_RTC_INTF_DEV=y -+# CONFIG_RTC_INTF_DEV_UIE_EMUL is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_TEST is not set -+ -+# -+# I2C RTC drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1307 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1374 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1672 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_MAX6900 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RS5C372 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_ISL1208 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_X1205 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF8563 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF8583 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M41T80 is not set -+CONFIG_RTC_DRV_TWL4030=y -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_S35390A is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_FM3130 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RX8581 is not set -+ -+# -+# SPI RTC drivers -+# -+ -+# -+# Platform RTC drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_CMOS is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1286 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1511 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1553 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1742 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_STK17TA8 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M48T86 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M48T35 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M48T59 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_BQ4802 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_V3020 is not set -+ -+# -+# on-CPU RTC drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_DMADEVICES is not set -+CONFIG_REGULATOR=y -+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_FIXED_VOLTAGE is not set -+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_VIRTUAL_CONSUMER is not set -+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_BQ24022 is not set -+CONFIG_REGULATOR_TWL4030=y -+# CONFIG_UIO is not set -+# CONFIG_STAGING is not set -+ -+# -+# CBUS support -+# -+# CONFIG_CBUS is not set -+ -+# -+# File systems -+# -+CONFIG_EXT2_FS=y -+# CONFIG_EXT2_FS_XATTR is not set -+# CONFIG_EXT2_FS_XIP is not set -+CONFIG_EXT3_FS=y -+# CONFIG_EXT3_FS_XATTR is not set -+# CONFIG_EXT4_FS is not set -+CONFIG_JBD=y -+# CONFIG_JBD_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_REISERFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_JFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_FS_POSIX_ACL is not set -+CONFIG_FILE_LOCKING=y -+# CONFIG_XFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_OCFS2_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_BTRFS_FS is not set -+CONFIG_DNOTIFY=y -+CONFIG_INOTIFY=y -+CONFIG_INOTIFY_USER=y -+CONFIG_QUOTA=y -+# CONFIG_QUOTA_NETLINK_INTERFACE is not set -+CONFIG_PRINT_QUOTA_WARNING=y -+CONFIG_QUOTA_TREE=y -+# CONFIG_QFMT_V1 is not set -+CONFIG_QFMT_V2=y -+CONFIG_QUOTACTL=y -+# CONFIG_AUTOFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_AUTOFS4_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_FUSE_FS is not set -+ -+# -+# CD-ROM/DVD Filesystems -+# -+# CONFIG_ISO9660_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_UDF_FS is not set -+ -+# -+# DOS/FAT/NT Filesystems -+# -+CONFIG_FAT_FS=y -+CONFIG_MSDOS_FS=y -+CONFIG_VFAT_FS=y -+CONFIG_FAT_DEFAULT_CODEPAGE=437 -+CONFIG_FAT_DEFAULT_IOCHARSET="iso8859-1" -+# CONFIG_NTFS_FS is not set -+ -+# -+# Pseudo filesystems -+# -+CONFIG_PROC_FS=y -+CONFIG_PROC_SYSCTL=y -+CONFIG_PROC_PAGE_MONITOR=y -+CONFIG_SYSFS=y -+CONFIG_TMPFS=y -+# CONFIG_TMPFS_POSIX_ACL is not set -+# CONFIG_HUGETLB_PAGE is not set -+# CONFIG_CONFIGFS_FS is not set -+CONFIG_MISC_FILESYSTEMS=y -+# CONFIG_ADFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_AFFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_HFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_HFSPLUS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_BEFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_BFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_EFS_FS is not set -+CONFIG_JFFS2_FS=y -+CONFIG_JFFS2_FS_DEBUG=0 -+CONFIG_JFFS2_FS_WRITEBUFFER=y -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_FS_WBUF_VERIFY is not set -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_SUMMARY is not set -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_FS_XATTR is not set -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS is not set -+CONFIG_JFFS2_ZLIB=y -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_LZO is not set -+CONFIG_JFFS2_RTIME=y -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_RUBIN is not set -+# CONFIG_CRAMFS is not set -+# CONFIG_SQUASHFS is not set -+# CONFIG_VXFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_MINIX_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_OMFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_HPFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_QNX4FS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_ROMFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_SYSV_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_UFS_FS is not set -+CONFIG_NETWORK_FILESYSTEMS=y -+CONFIG_NFS_FS=y -+CONFIG_NFS_V3=y -+# CONFIG_NFS_V3_ACL is not set -+CONFIG_NFS_V4=y -+CONFIG_ROOT_NFS=y -+# CONFIG_NFSD is not set -+CONFIG_LOCKD=y -+CONFIG_LOCKD_V4=y -+CONFIG_NFS_COMMON=y -+CONFIG_SUNRPC=y -+CONFIG_SUNRPC_GSS=y -+# CONFIG_SUNRPC_REGISTER_V4 is not set -+CONFIG_RPCSEC_GSS_KRB5=y -+# CONFIG_RPCSEC_GSS_SPKM3 is not set -+# CONFIG_SMB_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_CIFS is not set -+# CONFIG_NCP_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_CODA_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_AFS_FS is not set -+ -+# -+# Partition Types -+# -+CONFIG_PARTITION_ADVANCED=y -+# CONFIG_ACORN_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_OSF_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_AMIGA_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_ATARI_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_MAC_PARTITION is not set -+CONFIG_MSDOS_PARTITION=y -+# CONFIG_BSD_DISKLABEL is not set -+# CONFIG_MINIX_SUBPARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_SOLARIS_X86_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_UNIXWARE_DISKLABEL is not set -+# CONFIG_LDM_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_SGI_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_ULTRIX_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_SUN_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_KARMA_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_SYSV68_PARTITION is not set -+CONFIG_NLS=y -+CONFIG_NLS_DEFAULT="iso8859-1" -+CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_437=y -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_737 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_775 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_850 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_852 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_855 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_857 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_860 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_861 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_862 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_863 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_864 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_865 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_866 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_869 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_936 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_950 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_932 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_949 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_874 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_8 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_1250 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_1251 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ASCII is not set -+CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_1=y -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_2 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_3 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_4 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_5 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_6 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_7 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_9 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_13 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_14 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_15 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_KOI8_R is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_KOI8_U is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_UTF8 is not set -+# CONFIG_DLM is not set -+ -+# -+# Kernel hacking -+# -+# CONFIG_PRINTK_TIME is not set -+CONFIG_ENABLE_WARN_DEPRECATED=y -+CONFIG_ENABLE_MUST_CHECK=y -+CONFIG_FRAME_WARN=1024 -+CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ=y -+# CONFIG_UNUSED_SYMBOLS is not set -+CONFIG_DEBUG_FS=y -+# CONFIG_HEADERS_CHECK is not set -+CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SHIRQ is not set -+CONFIG_DETECT_SOFTLOCKUP=y -+# CONFIG_BOOTPARAM_SOFTLOCKUP_PANIC is not set -+CONFIG_BOOTPARAM_SOFTLOCKUP_PANIC_VALUE=0 -+CONFIG_SCHED_DEBUG=y -+# CONFIG_SCHEDSTATS is not set -+# CONFIG_TIMER_STATS is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_OBJECTS is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SLAB is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_RT_MUTEXES is not set -+# CONFIG_RT_MUTEX_TESTER is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SPINLOCK is not set -+CONFIG_DEBUG_MUTEXES=y -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_LOCK_ALLOC is not set -+# CONFIG_PROVE_LOCKING is not set -+# CONFIG_LOCK_STAT is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SPINLOCK_SLEEP is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_LOCKING_API_SELFTESTS is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_KOBJECT is not set -+CONFIG_DEBUG_BUGVERBOSE=y -+CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_VM is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_WRITECOUNT is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_MEMORY_INIT is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_LIST is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SG is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_NOTIFIERS is not set -+CONFIG_FRAME_POINTER=y -+# CONFIG_BOOT_PRINTK_DELAY is not set -+# CONFIG_RCU_TORTURE_TEST is not set -+# CONFIG_RCU_CPU_STALL_DETECTOR is not set -+# CONFIG_BACKTRACE_SELF_TEST is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_BLOCK_EXT_DEVT is not set -+# CONFIG_FAULT_INJECTION is not set -+# CONFIG_LATENCYTOP is not set -+CONFIG_HAVE_FUNCTION_TRACER=y -+ -+# -+# Tracers -+# -+# CONFIG_FUNCTION_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_IRQSOFF_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_SCHED_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_CONTEXT_SWITCH_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_BOOT_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_TRACE_BRANCH_PROFILING is not set -+# CONFIG_STACK_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_DYNAMIC_PRINTK_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_SAMPLES is not set -+CONFIG_HAVE_ARCH_KGDB=y -+# CONFIG_KGDB is not set -+CONFIG_DEBUG_USER=y -+CONFIG_DEBUG_ERRORS=y -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_STACK_USAGE is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_LL is not set -+ -+# -+# Security options -+# -+# CONFIG_KEYS is not set -+# CONFIG_SECURITY is not set -+# CONFIG_SECURITYFS is not set -+# CONFIG_SECURITY_FILE_CAPABILITIES is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO=y -+ -+# -+# Crypto core or helper -+# -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_FIPS is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_ALGAPI=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_ALGAPI2=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_AEAD2=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_BLKCIPHER=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_BLKCIPHER2=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_HASH=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_HASH2=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_RNG2=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_MANAGER=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_MANAGER2=y -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_GF128MUL is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_NULL is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRYPTD is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_AUTHENC is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_TEST is not set -+ -+# -+# Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data -+# -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CCM is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_GCM is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SEQIV is not set -+ -+# -+# Block modes -+# -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_CBC=y -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CTR is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CTS is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_ECB=m -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_LRW is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_PCBC=m -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_XTS is not set -+ -+# -+# Hash modes -+# -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_HMAC is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_XCBC is not set -+ -+# -+# Digest -+# -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRC32C=y -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_MD4 is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_MD5=y -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_MICHAEL_MIC is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_RMD128 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_RMD160 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_RMD256 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_RMD320 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA1 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA256 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA512 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_TGR192 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_WP512 is not set -+ -+# -+# Ciphers -+# -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_ANUBIS is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_ARC4 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_BLOWFISH is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CAMELLIA is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CAST5 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CAST6 is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_DES=y -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_FCRYPT is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_KHAZAD is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SALSA20 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SEED is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SERPENT is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_TEA is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_TWOFISH is not set -+ -+# -+# Compression -+# -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEFLATE is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_LZO is not set -+ -+# -+# Random Number Generation -+# -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_ANSI_CPRNG is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_HW=y -+ -+# -+# Library routines -+# -+CONFIG_BITREVERSE=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_FIND_LAST_BIT=y -+CONFIG_CRC_CCITT=y -+# CONFIG_CRC16 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRC_T10DIF is not set -+# CONFIG_CRC_ITU_T is not set -+CONFIG_CRC32=y -+# CONFIG_CRC7 is not set -+CONFIG_LIBCRC32C=y -+CONFIG_ZLIB_INFLATE=y -+CONFIG_ZLIB_DEFLATE=y -+CONFIG_PLIST=y -+CONFIG_HAS_IOMEM=y -+CONFIG_HAS_IOPORT=y -+CONFIG_HAS_DMA=y -diff --git a/arch/arm/configs/dss_omap_3430sdp_defconfig b/arch/arm/configs/dss_omap_3430sdp_defconfig -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..dc30dce ---- /dev/null -+++ b/arch/arm/configs/dss_omap_3430sdp_defconfig -@@ -0,0 +1,1634 @@ -+# -+# Automatically generated make config: don't edit -+# Linux kernel version: 2.6.29-omap1 -+# Thu Apr 2 11:11:24 2009 -+# -+CONFIG_ARM=y -+CONFIG_SYS_SUPPORTS_APM_EMULATION=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_GPIO=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_TIME=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_CLOCKEVENTS=y -+CONFIG_MMU=y -+# CONFIG_NO_IOPORT is not set -+CONFIG_GENERIC_HARDIRQS=y -+CONFIG_STACKTRACE_SUPPORT=y -+CONFIG_HAVE_LATENCYTOP_SUPPORT=y -+CONFIG_LOCKDEP_SUPPORT=y -+CONFIG_TRACE_IRQFLAGS_SUPPORT=y -+CONFIG_HARDIRQS_SW_RESEND=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_IRQ_PROBE=y -+CONFIG_RWSEM_GENERIC_SPINLOCK=y -+# CONFIG_ARCH_HAS_ILOG2_U32 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_HAS_ILOG2_U64 is not set -+CONFIG_GENERIC_HWEIGHT=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_CALIBRATE_DELAY=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_HARDIRQS_NO__DO_IRQ=y -+CONFIG_VECTORS_BASE=0xffff0000 -+CONFIG_DEFCONFIG_LIST="/lib/modules/$UNAME_RELEASE/.config" -+ -+# -+# General setup -+# -+CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL=y -+CONFIG_BROKEN_ON_SMP=y -+CONFIG_INIT_ENV_ARG_LIMIT=32 -+CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="" -+CONFIG_LOCALVERSION_AUTO=y -+CONFIG_SWAP=y -+CONFIG_SYSVIPC=y -+CONFIG_SYSVIPC_SYSCTL=y -+# CONFIG_POSIX_MQUEUE is not set -+CONFIG_BSD_PROCESS_ACCT=y -+# CONFIG_BSD_PROCESS_ACCT_V3 is not set -+# CONFIG_TASKSTATS is not set -+# CONFIG_AUDIT is not set -+ -+# -+# RCU Subsystem -+# -+CONFIG_CLASSIC_RCU=y -+# CONFIG_TREE_RCU is not set -+# CONFIG_PREEMPT_RCU is not set -+# CONFIG_TREE_RCU_TRACE is not set -+# CONFIG_PREEMPT_RCU_TRACE is not set -+# CONFIG_IKCONFIG is not set -+CONFIG_LOG_BUF_SHIFT=14 -+CONFIG_GROUP_SCHED=y -+CONFIG_FAIR_GROUP_SCHED=y -+# CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED is not set -+CONFIG_USER_SCHED=y -+# CONFIG_CGROUP_SCHED is not set -+# CONFIG_CGROUPS is not set -+CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED=y -+CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED_V2=y -+# CONFIG_RELAY is not set -+# CONFIG_NAMESPACES is not set -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INITRD=y -+CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE="" -+CONFIG_CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE=y -+CONFIG_SYSCTL=y -+CONFIG_ANON_INODES=y -+CONFIG_EMBEDDED=y -+CONFIG_UID16=y -+# CONFIG_SYSCTL_SYSCALL is not set -+CONFIG_KALLSYMS=y -+# CONFIG_KALLSYMS_ALL is not set -+CONFIG_KALLSYMS_EXTRA_PASS=y -+CONFIG_HOTPLUG=y -+CONFIG_PRINTK=y -+CONFIG_BUG=y -+CONFIG_ELF_CORE=y -+CONFIG_BASE_FULL=y -+CONFIG_FUTEX=y -+CONFIG_EPOLL=y -+CONFIG_SIGNALFD=y -+CONFIG_TIMERFD=y -+CONFIG_EVENTFD=y -+CONFIG_SHMEM=y -+CONFIG_AIO=y -+CONFIG_VM_EVENT_COUNTERS=y -+CONFIG_COMPAT_BRK=y -+CONFIG_SLAB=y -+# CONFIG_SLUB is not set -+# CONFIG_SLOB is not set -+# CONFIG_PROFILING is not set -+CONFIG_HAVE_OPROFILE=y -+# CONFIG_KPROBES is not set -+CONFIG_HAVE_KPROBES=y -+CONFIG_HAVE_KRETPROBES=y -+CONFIG_HAVE_CLK=y -+CONFIG_HAVE_GENERIC_DMA_COHERENT=y -+CONFIG_SLABINFO=y -+CONFIG_RT_MUTEXES=y -+CONFIG_BASE_SMALL=0 -+CONFIG_MODULES=y -+# CONFIG_MODULE_FORCE_LOAD is not set -+CONFIG_MODULE_UNLOAD=y -+# CONFIG_MODULE_FORCE_UNLOAD is not set -+CONFIG_MODVERSIONS=y -+CONFIG_MODULE_SRCVERSION_ALL=y -+CONFIG_BLOCK=y -+# CONFIG_LBD is not set -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IO_TRACE is not set -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_BSG is not set -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INTEGRITY is not set -+ -+# -+# IO Schedulers -+# -+CONFIG_IOSCHED_NOOP=y -+CONFIG_IOSCHED_AS=y -+CONFIG_IOSCHED_DEADLINE=y -+CONFIG_IOSCHED_CFQ=y -+CONFIG_DEFAULT_AS=y -+# CONFIG_DEFAULT_DEADLINE is not set -+# CONFIG_DEFAULT_CFQ is not set -+# CONFIG_DEFAULT_NOOP is not set -+CONFIG_DEFAULT_IOSCHED="anticipatory" -+CONFIG_FREEZER=y -+ -+# -+# System Type -+# -+# CONFIG_ARCH_AAEC2000 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_INTEGRATOR is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_REALVIEW is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_VERSATILE is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_AT91 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_CLPS711X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_EBSA110 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_EP93XX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_FOOTBRIDGE is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_NETX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_H720X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IMX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IOP13XX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IOP32X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IOP33X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IXP23XX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IXP2000 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IXP4XX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_L7200 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_KIRKWOOD is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_KS8695 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_NS9XXX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_LOKI is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_MV78XX0 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_MXC is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_ORION5X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_PNX4008 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_PXA is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_RPC is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_SA1100 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_S3C2410 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_S3C64XX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_SHARK is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_LH7A40X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_DAVINCI is not set -+CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP=y -+# CONFIG_ARCH_MSM is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_W90X900 is not set -+ -+# -+# TI OMAP Implementations -+# -+CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP_OTG=y -+# CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP1 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP2 is not set -+CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP3=y -+ -+# -+# OMAP Feature Selections -+# -+# CONFIG_OMAP_DEBUG_POWERDOMAIN is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_DEBUG_CLOCKDOMAIN is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP_SMARTREFLEX=y -+# CONFIG_OMAP_SMARTREFLEX_TESTING is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP_RESET_CLOCKS=y -+CONFIG_OMAP_BOOT_TAG=y -+CONFIG_OMAP_BOOT_REASON=y -+# CONFIG_OMAP_COMPONENT_VERSION is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_GPIO_SWITCH is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP_MUX=y -+CONFIG_OMAP_MUX_DEBUG=y -+CONFIG_OMAP_MUX_WARNINGS=y -+# CONFIG_OMAP_MCBSP is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_MBOX_FWK is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_MPU_TIMER is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP_32K_TIMER=y -+CONFIG_OMAP_32K_TIMER_HZ=128 -+CONFIG_OMAP_TICK_GPTIMER=1 -+CONFIG_OMAP_DM_TIMER=y -+CONFIG_OMAP_LL_DEBUG_UART1=y -+# CONFIG_OMAP_LL_DEBUG_UART2 is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_LL_DEBUG_UART3 is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP_SERIAL_WAKE=y -+CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP34XX=y -+CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP3430=y -+ -+# -+# OMAP Board Type -+# -+# CONFIG_MACH_NOKIA_RX51 is not set -+# CONFIG_MACH_OMAP_LDP is not set -+CONFIG_MACH_OMAP_3430SDP=y -+# CONFIG_MACH_OMAP3EVM is not set -+# CONFIG_MACH_OMAP3_BEAGLE is not set -+# CONFIG_MACH_OVERO is not set -+# CONFIG_MACH_OMAP3_PANDORA is not set -+ -+# -+# Processor Type -+# -+CONFIG_CPU_32=y -+CONFIG_CPU_32v6K=y -+CONFIG_CPU_V7=y -+CONFIG_CPU_32v7=y -+CONFIG_CPU_ABRT_EV7=y -+CONFIG_CPU_PABRT_IFAR=y -+CONFIG_CPU_CACHE_V7=y -+CONFIG_CPU_CACHE_VIPT=y -+CONFIG_CPU_COPY_V6=y -+CONFIG_CPU_TLB_V7=y -+CONFIG_CPU_HAS_ASID=y -+CONFIG_CPU_CP15=y -+CONFIG_CPU_CP15_MMU=y -+ -+# -+# Processor Features -+# -+CONFIG_ARM_THUMB=y -+# CONFIG_ARM_THUMBEE is not set -+# CONFIG_CPU_ICACHE_DISABLE is not set -+# CONFIG_CPU_DCACHE_DISABLE is not set -+# CONFIG_CPU_BPREDICT_DISABLE is not set -+CONFIG_HAS_TLS_REG=y -+# CONFIG_OUTER_CACHE is not set -+ -+# -+# Bus support -+# -+# CONFIG_PCI_SYSCALL is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_SUPPORTS_MSI is not set -+# CONFIG_PCCARD is not set -+ -+# -+# Kernel Features -+# -+CONFIG_TICK_ONESHOT=y -+CONFIG_NO_HZ=y -+CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_CLOCKEVENTS_BUILD=y -+CONFIG_VMSPLIT_3G=y -+# CONFIG_VMSPLIT_2G is not set -+# CONFIG_VMSPLIT_1G is not set -+CONFIG_PAGE_OFFSET=0xC0000000 -+# CONFIG_PREEMPT is not set -+CONFIG_HZ=128 -+CONFIG_AEABI=y -+CONFIG_OABI_COMPAT=y -+CONFIG_ARCH_FLATMEM_HAS_HOLES=y -+# CONFIG_ARCH_SPARSEMEM_DEFAULT is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_SELECT_MEMORY_MODEL is not set -+CONFIG_SELECT_MEMORY_MODEL=y -+CONFIG_FLATMEM_MANUAL=y -+# CONFIG_DISCONTIGMEM_MANUAL is not set -+# CONFIG_SPARSEMEM_MANUAL is not set -+CONFIG_FLATMEM=y -+CONFIG_FLAT_NODE_MEM_MAP=y -+CONFIG_PAGEFLAGS_EXTENDED=y -+CONFIG_SPLIT_PTLOCK_CPUS=4 -+# CONFIG_PHYS_ADDR_T_64BIT is not set -+CONFIG_ZONE_DMA_FLAG=0 -+CONFIG_VIRT_TO_BUS=y -+CONFIG_UNEVICTABLE_LRU=y -+# CONFIG_LEDS is not set -+CONFIG_ALIGNMENT_TRAP=y -+ -+# -+# Boot options -+# -+CONFIG_ZBOOT_ROM_TEXT=0x0 -+CONFIG_ZBOOT_ROM_BSS=0x0 -+CONFIG_CMDLINE="root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= ip= rw console=ttyS2,115200n8" -+# CONFIG_XIP_KERNEL is not set -+# CONFIG_KEXEC is not set -+ -+# -+# CPU Power Management -+# -+# CONFIG_CPU_FREQ is not set -+# CONFIG_CPU_IDLE is not set -+ -+# -+# Floating point emulation -+# -+ -+# -+# At least one emulation must be selected -+# -+CONFIG_FPE_NWFPE=y -+# CONFIG_FPE_NWFPE_XP is not set -+# CONFIG_FPE_FASTFPE is not set -+CONFIG_VFP=y -+CONFIG_VFPv3=y -+# CONFIG_NEON is not set -+ -+# -+# Userspace binary formats -+# -+CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF=y -+# CONFIG_CORE_DUMP_DEFAULT_ELF_HEADERS is not set -+CONFIG_HAVE_AOUT=y -+# CONFIG_BINFMT_AOUT is not set -+CONFIG_BINFMT_MISC=y -+ -+# -+# Power management options -+# -+CONFIG_PM=y -+# CONFIG_PM_DEBUG is not set -+CONFIG_PM_SLEEP=y -+CONFIG_SUSPEND=y -+CONFIG_SUSPEND_FREEZER=y -+# CONFIG_APM_EMULATION is not set -+CONFIG_ARCH_SUSPEND_POSSIBLE=y -+CONFIG_NET=y -+ -+# -+# Networking options -+# -+CONFIG_COMPAT_NET_DEV_OPS=y -+CONFIG_PACKET=y -+# CONFIG_PACKET_MMAP is not set -+CONFIG_UNIX=y -+CONFIG_XFRM=y -+# CONFIG_XFRM_USER is not set -+# CONFIG_XFRM_SUB_POLICY is not set -+# CONFIG_XFRM_MIGRATE is not set -+# CONFIG_XFRM_STATISTICS is not set -+CONFIG_NET_KEY=y -+# CONFIG_NET_KEY_MIGRATE is not set -+CONFIG_INET=y -+# CONFIG_IP_MULTICAST is not set -+# CONFIG_IP_ADVANCED_ROUTER is not set -+CONFIG_IP_FIB_HASH=y -+CONFIG_IP_PNP=y -+CONFIG_IP_PNP_DHCP=y -+CONFIG_IP_PNP_BOOTP=y -+CONFIG_IP_PNP_RARP=y -+# CONFIG_NET_IPIP is not set -+# CONFIG_NET_IPGRE is not set -+# CONFIG_ARPD is not set -+# CONFIG_SYN_COOKIES is not set -+# CONFIG_INET_AH is not set -+# CONFIG_INET_ESP is not set -+# CONFIG_INET_IPCOMP is not set -+# CONFIG_INET_XFRM_TUNNEL is not set -+# CONFIG_INET_TUNNEL is not set -+CONFIG_INET_XFRM_MODE_TRANSPORT=y -+CONFIG_INET_XFRM_MODE_TUNNEL=y -+CONFIG_INET_XFRM_MODE_BEET=y -+# CONFIG_INET_LRO is not set -+CONFIG_INET_DIAG=y -+CONFIG_INET_TCP_DIAG=y -+# CONFIG_TCP_CONG_ADVANCED is not set -+CONFIG_TCP_CONG_CUBIC=y -+CONFIG_DEFAULT_TCP_CONG="cubic" -+# CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG is not set -+# CONFIG_IPV6 is not set -+# CONFIG_NETWORK_SECMARK is not set -+# CONFIG_NETFILTER is not set -+# CONFIG_IP_DCCP is not set -+# CONFIG_IP_SCTP is not set -+# CONFIG_TIPC is not set -+# CONFIG_ATM is not set -+# CONFIG_BRIDGE is not set -+# CONFIG_NET_DSA is not set -+# CONFIG_VLAN_8021Q is not set -+# CONFIG_DECNET is not set -+# CONFIG_LLC2 is not set -+# CONFIG_IPX is not set -+# CONFIG_ATALK is not set -+# CONFIG_X25 is not set -+# CONFIG_LAPB is not set -+# CONFIG_ECONET is not set -+# CONFIG_WAN_ROUTER is not set -+# CONFIG_NET_SCHED is not set -+# CONFIG_DCB is not set -+ -+# -+# Network testing -+# -+# CONFIG_NET_PKTGEN is not set -+# CONFIG_HAMRADIO is not set -+# CONFIG_CAN is not set -+# CONFIG_IRDA is not set -+# CONFIG_BT is not set -+# CONFIG_AF_RXRPC is not set -+# CONFIG_PHONET is not set -+CONFIG_WIRELESS=y -+# CONFIG_CFG80211 is not set -+CONFIG_WIRELESS_OLD_REGULATORY=y -+# CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT is not set -+# CONFIG_LIB80211 is not set -+# CONFIG_MAC80211 is not set -+# CONFIG_WIMAX is not set -+# CONFIG_RFKILL is not set -+# CONFIG_NET_9P is not set -+ -+# -+# Device Drivers -+# -+ -+# -+# Generic Driver Options -+# -+CONFIG_UEVENT_HELPER_PATH="/sbin/hotplug" -+CONFIG_STANDALONE=y -+CONFIG_PREVENT_FIRMWARE_BUILD=y -+# CONFIG_FW_LOADER is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_DRIVER is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_DEVRES is not set -+# CONFIG_SYS_HYPERVISOR is not set -+# CONFIG_CONNECTOR is not set -+CONFIG_MTD=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_DEBUG is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_CONCAT=y -+CONFIG_MTD_PARTITIONS=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_TESTS is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_REDBOOT_PARTS is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_CMDLINE_PARTS=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_AFS_PARTS is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_AR7_PARTS is not set -+ -+# -+# User Modules And Translation Layers -+# -+CONFIG_MTD_CHAR=y -+CONFIG_MTD_BLKDEVS=y -+CONFIG_MTD_BLOCK=y -+# CONFIG_FTL is not set -+# CONFIG_NFTL is not set -+# CONFIG_INFTL is not set -+# CONFIG_RFD_FTL is not set -+# CONFIG_SSFDC is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_OOPS is not set -+ -+# -+# RAM/ROM/Flash chip drivers -+# -+CONFIG_MTD_CFI=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_JEDECPROBE is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_GEN_PROBE=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_CFI_ADV_OPTIONS is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_1=y -+CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_2=y -+CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_4=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_8 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_16 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_32 is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_CFI_I1=y -+CONFIG_MTD_CFI_I2=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_CFI_I4 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_CFI_I8 is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_CFI_INTELEXT=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_CFI_AMDSTD is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_CFI_STAA is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_CFI_UTIL=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_RAM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_ROM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_ABSENT is not set -+ -+# -+# Mapping drivers for chip access -+# -+# CONFIG_MTD_COMPLEX_MAPPINGS is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_PHYSMAP is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_ARM_INTEGRATOR is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_OMAP_NOR=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_PLATRAM is not set -+ -+# -+# Self-contained MTD device drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_MTD_DATAFLASH is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_M25P80 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_SLRAM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_PHRAM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_MTDRAM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_BLOCK2MTD is not set -+ -+# -+# Disk-On-Chip Device Drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_MTD_DOC2000 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_DOC2001 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_DOC2001PLUS is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_NAND=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_VERIFY_WRITE is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_NAND_ECC_SMC=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_MUSEUM_IDS is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_GPIO is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_NAND_OMAP2=y -+CONFIG_MTD_NAND_IDS=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_DISKONCHIP is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_NANDSIM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_PLATFORM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_ALAUDA is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_ONENAND=y -+CONFIG_MTD_ONENAND_VERIFY_WRITE=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_ONENAND_GENERIC is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_ONENAND_OMAP2=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_ONENAND_OTP is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_ONENAND_2X_PROGRAM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_ONENAND_SIM is not set -+ -+# -+# LPDDR flash memory drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_MTD_LPDDR is not set -+ -+# -+# UBI - Unsorted block images -+# -+# CONFIG_MTD_UBI is not set -+# CONFIG_PARPORT is not set -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV=y -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_COW_COMMON is not set -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=y -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_CRYPTOLOOP is not set -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NBD is not set -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_UB is not set -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM=y -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM_COUNT=16 -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM_SIZE=16384 -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_XIP is not set -+# CONFIG_CDROM_PKTCDVD is not set -+# CONFIG_ATA_OVER_ETH is not set -+CONFIG_MISC_DEVICES=y -+# CONFIG_ICS932S401 is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_STI is not set -+# CONFIG_ENCLOSURE_SERVICES is not set -+# CONFIG_C2PORT is not set -+ -+# -+# EEPROM support -+# -+# CONFIG_EEPROM_AT24 is not set -+# CONFIG_EEPROM_AT25 is not set -+# CONFIG_EEPROM_LEGACY is not set -+# CONFIG_EEPROM_93CX6 is not set -+CONFIG_HAVE_IDE=y -+# CONFIG_IDE is not set -+ -+# -+# SCSI device support -+# -+# CONFIG_RAID_ATTRS is not set -+CONFIG_SCSI=y -+CONFIG_SCSI_DMA=y -+# CONFIG_SCSI_TGT is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_NETLINK is not set -+CONFIG_SCSI_PROC_FS=y -+ -+# -+# SCSI support type (disk, tape, CD-ROM) -+# -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SD=y -+# CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST is not set -+# CONFIG_CHR_DEV_OSST is not set -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SR is not set -+# CONFIG_CHR_DEV_SG is not set -+# CONFIG_CHR_DEV_SCH is not set -+ -+# -+# Some SCSI devices (e.g. CD jukebox) support multiple LUNs -+# -+# CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_CONSTANTS is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_LOGGING is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_SCAN_ASYNC is not set -+CONFIG_SCSI_WAIT_SCAN=m -+ -+# -+# SCSI Transports -+# -+# CONFIG_SCSI_SPI_ATTRS is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_FC_ATTRS is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_ISCSI_ATTRS is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_SAS_LIBSAS is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_SRP_ATTRS is not set -+CONFIG_SCSI_LOWLEVEL=y -+# CONFIG_ISCSI_TCP is not set -+# CONFIG_LIBFC is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_DH is not set -+# CONFIG_ATA is not set -+# CONFIG_MD is not set -+CONFIG_NETDEVICES=y -+# CONFIG_DUMMY is not set -+# CONFIG_BONDING is not set -+# CONFIG_MACVLAN is not set -+# CONFIG_EQUALIZER is not set -+# CONFIG_TUN is not set -+# CONFIG_VETH is not set -+# CONFIG_PHYLIB is not set -+CONFIG_NET_ETHERNET=y -+CONFIG_MII=y -+# CONFIG_AX88796 is not set -+CONFIG_SMC91X=y -+# CONFIG_DM9000 is not set -+# CONFIG_ENC28J60 is not set -+# CONFIG_SMC911X is not set -+# CONFIG_SMSC911X is not set -+# CONFIG_DNET is not set -+# CONFIG_IBM_NEW_EMAC_ZMII is not set -+# CONFIG_IBM_NEW_EMAC_RGMII is not set -+# CONFIG_IBM_NEW_EMAC_TAH is not set -+# CONFIG_IBM_NEW_EMAC_EMAC4 is not set -+# CONFIG_IBM_NEW_EMAC_NO_FLOW_CTRL is not set -+# CONFIG_IBM_NEW_EMAC_MAL_CLR_ICINTSTAT is not set -+# CONFIG_IBM_NEW_EMAC_MAL_COMMON_ERR is not set -+# CONFIG_B44 is not set -+CONFIG_NETDEV_1000=y -+CONFIG_NETDEV_10000=y -+ -+# -+# Wireless LAN -+# -+# CONFIG_WLAN_PRE80211 is not set -+# CONFIG_WLAN_80211 is not set -+# CONFIG_IWLWIFI_LEDS is not set -+ -+# -+# Enable WiMAX (Networking options) to see the WiMAX drivers -+# -+ -+# -+# USB Network Adapters -+# -+# CONFIG_USB_CATC is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_KAWETH is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_PEGASUS is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_RTL8150 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_USBNET is not set -+# CONFIG_WAN is not set -+# CONFIG_PPP is not set -+# CONFIG_SLIP is not set -+# CONFIG_NETCONSOLE is not set -+# CONFIG_NETPOLL is not set -+# CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER is not set -+# CONFIG_ISDN is not set -+ -+# -+# Input device support -+# -+CONFIG_INPUT=y -+# CONFIG_INPUT_FF_MEMLESS is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_POLLDEV is not set -+ -+# -+# Userland interfaces -+# -+# CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSEDEV is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_JOYDEV is not set -+CONFIG_INPUT_EVDEV=y -+# CONFIG_INPUT_EVBUG is not set -+ -+# -+# Input Device Drivers -+# -+CONFIG_INPUT_KEYBOARD=y -+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_ATKBD is not set -+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_SUNKBD is not set -+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_LKKBD is not set -+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_XTKBD is not set -+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_NEWTON is not set -+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_STOWAWAY is not set -+CONFIG_KEYBOARD_TWL4030=y -+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_GPIO is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSE is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_JOYSTICK is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_TABLET is not set -+CONFIG_INPUT_TOUCHSCREEN=y -+CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_ADS7846=y -+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_FUJITSU is not set -+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_GUNZE is not set -+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_ELO is not set -+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_WACOM_W8001 is not set -+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_MTOUCH is not set -+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_INEXIO is not set -+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_MK712 is not set -+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_PENMOUNT is not set -+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_TOUCHRIGHT is not set -+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_TOUCHWIN is not set -+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_TSC2005 is not set -+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_TSC210X is not set -+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_USB_COMPOSITE is not set -+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_TOUCHIT213 is not set -+# CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_TSC2007 is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_MISC is not set -+ -+# -+# Hardware I/O ports -+# -+# CONFIG_SERIO is not set -+# CONFIG_GAMEPORT is not set -+ -+# -+# Character devices -+# -+CONFIG_VT=y -+CONFIG_CONSOLE_TRANSLATIONS=y -+CONFIG_VT_CONSOLE=y -+CONFIG_HW_CONSOLE=y -+# CONFIG_VT_HW_CONSOLE_BINDING is not set -+CONFIG_DEVKMEM=y -+# CONFIG_SERIAL_NONSTANDARD is not set -+ -+# -+# Serial drivers -+# -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_CONSOLE=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_NR_UARTS=32 -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_RUNTIME_UARTS=4 -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_EXTENDED=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_MANY_PORTS=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_SHARE_IRQ=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_DETECT_IRQ=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_RSA=y -+ -+# -+# Non-8250 serial port support -+# -+CONFIG_SERIAL_CORE=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_CORE_CONSOLE=y -+CONFIG_UNIX98_PTYS=y -+# CONFIG_DEVPTS_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES is not set -+# CONFIG_LEGACY_PTYS is not set -+# CONFIG_IPMI_HANDLER is not set -+CONFIG_HW_RANDOM=y -+# CONFIG_R3964 is not set -+# CONFIG_RAW_DRIVER is not set -+# CONFIG_TCG_TPM is not set -+CONFIG_I2C=y -+CONFIG_I2C_BOARDINFO=y -+CONFIG_I2C_CHARDEV=y -+CONFIG_I2C_HELPER_AUTO=y -+ -+# -+# I2C Hardware Bus support -+# -+ -+# -+# I2C system bus drivers (mostly embedded / system-on-chip) -+# -+# CONFIG_I2C_GPIO is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_OCORES is not set -+CONFIG_I2C_OMAP=y -+# CONFIG_I2C_SIMTEC is not set -+ -+# -+# External I2C/SMBus adapter drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_I2C_PARPORT_LIGHT is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_TAOS_EVM is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_TINY_USB is not set -+ -+# -+# Other I2C/SMBus bus drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_I2C_PCA_PLATFORM is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_STUB is not set -+ -+# -+# Miscellaneous I2C Chip support -+# -+# CONFIG_DS1682 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_PCF8574 is not set -+# CONFIG_PCF8575 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_PCA9539 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_PCF8591 is not set -+# CONFIG_TWL4030_MADC is not set -+# CONFIG_TWL4030_POWEROFF is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX6875 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_TSL2550 is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_CORE is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_ALGO is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_BUS is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_CHIP is not set -+CONFIG_SPI=y -+# CONFIG_SPI_DEBUG is not set -+CONFIG_SPI_MASTER=y -+ -+# -+# SPI Master Controller Drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_SPI_BITBANG is not set -+# CONFIG_SPI_GPIO is not set -+CONFIG_SPI_OMAP24XX=y -+ -+# -+# SPI Protocol Masters -+# -+# CONFIG_SPI_TSC210X is not set -+# CONFIG_SPI_TSC2301 is not set -+# CONFIG_SPI_SPIDEV is not set -+# CONFIG_SPI_TLE62X0 is not set -+CONFIG_ARCH_REQUIRE_GPIOLIB=y -+CONFIG_GPIOLIB=y -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_GPIO is not set -+# CONFIG_GPIO_SYSFS is not set -+ -+# -+# Memory mapped GPIO expanders: -+# -+ -+# -+# I2C GPIO expanders: -+# -+# CONFIG_GPIO_MAX732X is not set -+# CONFIG_GPIO_PCA953X is not set -+# CONFIG_GPIO_PCF857X is not set -+CONFIG_GPIO_TWL4030=y -+ -+# -+# PCI GPIO expanders: -+# -+ -+# -+# SPI GPIO expanders: -+# -+# CONFIG_GPIO_MAX7301 is not set -+# CONFIG_GPIO_MCP23S08 is not set -+# CONFIG_W1 is not set -+# CONFIG_POWER_SUPPLY is not set -+# CONFIG_HWMON is not set -+# CONFIG_THERMAL is not set -+# CONFIG_THERMAL_HWMON is not set -+CONFIG_WATCHDOG=y -+CONFIG_WATCHDOG_NOWAYOUT=y -+ -+# -+# Watchdog Device Drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_SOFT_WATCHDOG is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP_WATCHDOG=y -+ -+# -+# USB-based Watchdog Cards -+# -+# CONFIG_USBPCWATCHDOG is not set -+CONFIG_SSB_POSSIBLE=y -+ -+# -+# Sonics Silicon Backplane -+# -+# CONFIG_SSB is not set -+ -+# -+# Multifunction device drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_MFD_CORE is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_SM501 is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_ASIC3 is not set -+# CONFIG_HTC_EGPIO is not set -+# CONFIG_HTC_PASIC3 is not set -+# CONFIG_TPS65010 is not set -+CONFIG_TWL4030_CORE=y -+# CONFIG_TWL4030_POWER is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_TMIO is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_T7L66XB is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_TC6387XB is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_TC6393XB is not set -+# CONFIG_PMIC_DA903X is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_WM8400 is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_WM8350_I2C is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_PCF50633 is not set -+ -+# -+# Multimedia devices -+# -+ -+# -+# Multimedia core support -+# -+# CONFIG_VIDEO_DEV is not set -+# CONFIG_DVB_CORE is not set -+# CONFIG_VIDEO_MEDIA is not set -+ -+# -+# Multimedia drivers -+# -+CONFIG_DAB=y -+# CONFIG_USB_DABUSB is not set -+ -+# -+# Graphics support -+# -+# CONFIG_VGASTATE is not set -+CONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_CONTROL=m -+CONFIG_FB=y -+# CONFIG_FIRMWARE_EDID is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_DDC is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_BOOT_VESA_SUPPORT is not set -+CONFIG_FB_CFB_FILLRECT=m -+CONFIG_FB_CFB_COPYAREA=m -+CONFIG_FB_CFB_IMAGEBLIT=m -+# CONFIG_FB_CFB_REV_PIXELS_IN_BYTE is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_SYS_FILLRECT is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_SYS_COPYAREA is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_SYS_IMAGEBLIT is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_FOREIGN_ENDIAN is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_SYS_FOPS is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_SVGALIB is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_MACMODES is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_BACKLIGHT is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_MODE_HELPERS is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_TILEBLITTING is not set -+ -+# -+# Frame buffer hardware drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_FB_S1D13XXX is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_VIRTUAL is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_METRONOME is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_MB862XX is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_OMAP_LCD_VGA is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_OMAP_BOOTLOADER_INIT is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS=m -+CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_VRAM_SIZE=8 -+CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DEBUG_SUPPORT=y -+# CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_RFBI is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_VENC=y -+# CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_SDI is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DSI is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_FAKE_VSYNC is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_MIN_FCK_PER_PCK=0 -+ -+# -+# OMAP2/3 Display Device Drivers -+# -+CONFIG_PANEL_GENERIC=m -+# CONFIG_PANEL_SAMSUNG_LTE430WQ_F0C is not set -+CONFIG_PANEL_SHARP_LS037V7DW01=m -+# CONFIG_PANEL_N800 is not set -+# CONFIG_CTRL_BLIZZARD is not set -+CONFIG_FB_OMAP2=m -+CONFIG_FB_OMAP2_DEBUG_SUPPORT=y -+# CONFIG_FB_OMAP2_FORCE_AUTO_UPDATE is not set -+CONFIG_FB_OMAP2_NUM_FBS=3 -+# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LCD_SUPPORT is not set -+ -+# -+# Display device support -+# -+# CONFIG_DISPLAY_SUPPORT is not set -+ -+# -+# Console display driver support -+# -+# CONFIG_VGA_CONSOLE is not set -+CONFIG_DUMMY_CONSOLE=y -+# CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE is not set -+# CONFIG_LOGO is not set -+# CONFIG_SOUND is not set -+CONFIG_HID_SUPPORT=y -+CONFIG_HID=y -+# CONFIG_HID_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_HIDRAW is not set -+ -+# -+# USB Input Devices -+# -+CONFIG_USB_HID=y -+# CONFIG_HID_PID is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_HIDDEV is not set -+ -+# -+# Special HID drivers -+# -+CONFIG_HID_COMPAT=y -+# CONFIG_HID_A4TECH is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_APPLE is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_BELKIN is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_CHERRY is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_CHICONY is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_CYPRESS is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_EZKEY is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_GYRATION is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_LOGITECH is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_MICROSOFT is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_MONTEREY is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_NTRIG is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_PANTHERLORD is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_PETALYNX is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_SAMSUNG is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_SONY is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_SUNPLUS is not set -+# CONFIG_GREENASIA_FF is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_TOPSEED is not set -+# CONFIG_THRUSTMASTER_FF is not set -+# CONFIG_ZEROPLUS_FF is not set -+CONFIG_USB_SUPPORT=y -+CONFIG_USB_ARCH_HAS_HCD=y -+CONFIG_USB_ARCH_HAS_OHCI=y -+CONFIG_USB_ARCH_HAS_EHCI=y -+CONFIG_USB=y -+CONFIG_USB_DEBUG=y -+CONFIG_USB_ANNOUNCE_NEW_DEVICES=y -+ -+# -+# Miscellaneous USB options -+# -+CONFIG_USB_DEVICEFS=y -+# CONFIG_USB_DEVICE_CLASS is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_DYNAMIC_MINORS is not set -+CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND=y -+CONFIG_USB_OTG=y -+# CONFIG_USB_OTG_WHITELIST is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_OTG_BLACKLIST_HUB is not set -+CONFIG_USB_MON=y -+# CONFIG_USB_WUSB is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_WUSB_CBAF is not set -+ -+# -+# USB Host Controller Drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_USB_C67X00_HCD is not set -+CONFIG_USB_EHCI_HCD=m -+CONFIG_OMAP_EHCI_PHY_MODE=y -+# CONFIG_OMAP_EHCI_TLL_MODE is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_EHCI_ROOT_HUB_TT is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_EHCI_TT_NEWSCHED is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_OXU210HP_HCD is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_ISP116X_HCD is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_OHCI_HCD is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_SL811_HCD is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_R8A66597_HCD is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_HWA_HCD is not set -+CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HDRC=y -+CONFIG_USB_MUSB_SOC=y -+ -+# -+# OMAP 343x high speed USB support -+# -+# CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HOST is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_MUSB_PERIPHERAL is not set -+CONFIG_USB_MUSB_OTG=y -+CONFIG_USB_GADGET_MUSB_HDRC=y -+CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HDRC_HCD=y -+# CONFIG_MUSB_PIO_ONLY is not set -+CONFIG_USB_INVENTRA_DMA=y -+# CONFIG_USB_TI_CPPI_DMA is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_MUSB_DEBUG is not set -+ -+# -+# USB Device Class drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_USB_ACM is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_PRINTER is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_WDM is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_TMC is not set -+ -+# -+# NOTE: USB_STORAGE depends on SCSI but BLK_DEV_SD may also be needed; -+# -+ -+# -+# see USB_STORAGE Help for more information -+# -+CONFIG_USB_STORAGE=y -+CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_DEBUG=y -+# CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_DATAFAB is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_FREECOM is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_ISD200 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_USBAT is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_SDDR09 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_SDDR55 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_JUMPSHOT is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_ALAUDA is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_ONETOUCH is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_KARMA is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_CYPRESS_ATACB is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_LIBUSUAL is not set -+ -+# -+# USB Imaging devices -+# -+# CONFIG_USB_MDC800 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_MICROTEK is not set -+ -+# -+# USB port drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_USB_SERIAL is not set -+ -+# -+# USB Miscellaneous drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_USB_EMI62 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_EMI26 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_ADUTUX is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_SEVSEG is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_RIO500 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_LEGOTOWER is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_LCD is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_BERRY_CHARGE is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_LED is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_CYPRESS_CY7C63 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_CYTHERM is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_PHIDGET is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_IDMOUSE is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_FTDI_ELAN is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_APPLEDISPLAY is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_SISUSBVGA is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_LD is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_TRANCEVIBRATOR is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_IOWARRIOR is not set -+CONFIG_USB_TEST=y -+# CONFIG_USB_ISIGHTFW is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_VST is not set -+CONFIG_USB_GADGET=y -+CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DEBUG=y -+CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DEBUG_FILES=y -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DEBUG_FS is not set -+CONFIG_USB_GADGET_VBUS_DRAW=2 -+CONFIG_USB_GADGET_SELECTED=y -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_AT91 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_ATMEL_USBA is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_FSL_USB2 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_LH7A40X is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_OMAP is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_PXA25X is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_PXA27X is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_S3C2410 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_IMX is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_M66592 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_AMD5536UDC is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_FSL_QE is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_CI13XXX is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_NET2280 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_GOKU is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DUMMY_HCD is not set -+CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DUALSPEED=y -+CONFIG_USB_ZERO=m -+# CONFIG_USB_ZERO_HNPTEST is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_ETH is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGETFS is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_FILE_STORAGE is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_G_SERIAL is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_MIDI_GADGET is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_G_PRINTER is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_CDC_COMPOSITE is not set -+ -+# -+# OTG and related infrastructure -+# -+CONFIG_USB_OTG_UTILS=y -+# CONFIG_USB_GPIO_VBUS is not set -+# CONFIG_ISP1301_OMAP is not set -+CONFIG_TWL4030_USB=y -+CONFIG_MMC=y -+# CONFIG_MMC_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_MMC_UNSAFE_RESUME is not set -+ -+# -+# MMC/SD/SDIO Card Drivers -+# -+CONFIG_MMC_BLOCK=y -+CONFIG_MMC_BLOCK_BOUNCE=y -+# CONFIG_SDIO_UART is not set -+# CONFIG_MMC_TEST is not set -+ -+# -+# MMC/SD/SDIO Host Controller Drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI is not set -+CONFIG_MMC_OMAP_HS=m -+# CONFIG_MMC_SPI is not set -+# CONFIG_MEMSTICK is not set -+# CONFIG_ACCESSIBILITY is not set -+# CONFIG_NEW_LEDS is not set -+CONFIG_RTC_LIB=y -+CONFIG_RTC_CLASS=y -+CONFIG_RTC_HCTOSYS=y -+CONFIG_RTC_HCTOSYS_DEVICE="rtc0" -+# CONFIG_RTC_DEBUG is not set -+ -+# -+# RTC interfaces -+# -+CONFIG_RTC_INTF_SYSFS=y -+CONFIG_RTC_INTF_PROC=y -+CONFIG_RTC_INTF_DEV=y -+# CONFIG_RTC_INTF_DEV_UIE_EMUL is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_TEST is not set -+ -+# -+# I2C RTC drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1307 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1374 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1672 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_MAX6900 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RS5C372 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_ISL1208 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_X1205 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF8563 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF8583 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M41T80 is not set -+CONFIG_RTC_DRV_TWL4030=y -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_S35390A is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_FM3130 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RX8581 is not set -+ -+# -+# SPI RTC drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M41T94 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1305 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1390 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_MAX6902 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_R9701 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RS5C348 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS3234 is not set -+ -+# -+# Platform RTC drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_CMOS is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1286 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1511 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1553 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1742 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_STK17TA8 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M48T86 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M48T35 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M48T59 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_BQ4802 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_V3020 is not set -+ -+# -+# on-CPU RTC drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_DMADEVICES is not set -+CONFIG_REGULATOR=y -+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_FIXED_VOLTAGE is not set -+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_VIRTUAL_CONSUMER is not set -+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_BQ24022 is not set -+CONFIG_REGULATOR_TWL4030=y -+# CONFIG_UIO is not set -+# CONFIG_STAGING is not set -+ -+# -+# CBUS support -+# -+# CONFIG_CBUS is not set -+ -+# -+# File systems -+# -+CONFIG_EXT2_FS=y -+# CONFIG_EXT2_FS_XATTR is not set -+# CONFIG_EXT2_FS_XIP is not set -+CONFIG_EXT3_FS=y -+# CONFIG_EXT3_FS_XATTR is not set -+# CONFIG_EXT4_FS is not set -+CONFIG_JBD=y -+# CONFIG_JBD_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_REISERFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_JFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_FS_POSIX_ACL is not set -+CONFIG_FILE_LOCKING=y -+# CONFIG_XFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_OCFS2_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_BTRFS_FS is not set -+CONFIG_DNOTIFY=y -+CONFIG_INOTIFY=y -+CONFIG_INOTIFY_USER=y -+CONFIG_QUOTA=y -+# CONFIG_QUOTA_NETLINK_INTERFACE is not set -+CONFIG_PRINT_QUOTA_WARNING=y -+CONFIG_QUOTA_TREE=y -+# CONFIG_QFMT_V1 is not set -+CONFIG_QFMT_V2=y -+CONFIG_QUOTACTL=y -+# CONFIG_AUTOFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_AUTOFS4_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_FUSE_FS is not set -+ -+# -+# CD-ROM/DVD Filesystems -+# -+# CONFIG_ISO9660_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_UDF_FS is not set -+ -+# -+# DOS/FAT/NT Filesystems -+# -+CONFIG_FAT_FS=y -+CONFIG_MSDOS_FS=y -+CONFIG_VFAT_FS=y -+CONFIG_FAT_DEFAULT_CODEPAGE=437 -+CONFIG_FAT_DEFAULT_IOCHARSET="iso8859-1" -+# CONFIG_NTFS_FS is not set -+ -+# -+# Pseudo filesystems -+# -+CONFIG_PROC_FS=y -+CONFIG_PROC_SYSCTL=y -+CONFIG_PROC_PAGE_MONITOR=y -+CONFIG_SYSFS=y -+CONFIG_TMPFS=y -+# CONFIG_TMPFS_POSIX_ACL is not set -+# CONFIG_HUGETLB_PAGE is not set -+# CONFIG_CONFIGFS_FS is not set -+CONFIG_MISC_FILESYSTEMS=y -+# CONFIG_ADFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_AFFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_HFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_HFSPLUS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_BEFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_BFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_EFS_FS is not set -+CONFIG_JFFS2_FS=y -+CONFIG_JFFS2_FS_DEBUG=0 -+CONFIG_JFFS2_FS_WRITEBUFFER=y -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_FS_WBUF_VERIFY is not set -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_SUMMARY is not set -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_FS_XATTR is not set -+CONFIG_JFFS2_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS=y -+CONFIG_JFFS2_ZLIB=y -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_LZO is not set -+CONFIG_JFFS2_RTIME=y -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_RUBIN is not set -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_CMODE_NONE is not set -+CONFIG_JFFS2_CMODE_PRIORITY=y -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_CMODE_SIZE is not set -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_CMODE_FAVOURLZO is not set -+# CONFIG_CRAMFS is not set -+# CONFIG_SQUASHFS is not set -+# CONFIG_VXFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_MINIX_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_OMFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_HPFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_QNX4FS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_ROMFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_SYSV_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_UFS_FS is not set -+CONFIG_NETWORK_FILESYSTEMS=y -+CONFIG_NFS_FS=y -+CONFIG_NFS_V3=y -+# CONFIG_NFS_V3_ACL is not set -+CONFIG_NFS_V4=y -+CONFIG_ROOT_NFS=y -+# CONFIG_NFSD is not set -+CONFIG_LOCKD=y -+CONFIG_LOCKD_V4=y -+CONFIG_NFS_COMMON=y -+CONFIG_SUNRPC=y -+CONFIG_SUNRPC_GSS=y -+# CONFIG_SUNRPC_REGISTER_V4 is not set -+CONFIG_RPCSEC_GSS_KRB5=y -+# CONFIG_RPCSEC_GSS_SPKM3 is not set -+# CONFIG_SMB_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_CIFS is not set -+# CONFIG_NCP_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_CODA_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_AFS_FS is not set -+ -+# -+# Partition Types -+# -+CONFIG_PARTITION_ADVANCED=y -+# CONFIG_ACORN_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_OSF_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_AMIGA_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_ATARI_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_MAC_PARTITION is not set -+CONFIG_MSDOS_PARTITION=y -+# CONFIG_BSD_DISKLABEL is not set -+# CONFIG_MINIX_SUBPARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_SOLARIS_X86_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_UNIXWARE_DISKLABEL is not set -+# CONFIG_LDM_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_SGI_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_ULTRIX_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_SUN_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_KARMA_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_SYSV68_PARTITION is not set -+CONFIG_NLS=y -+CONFIG_NLS_DEFAULT="iso8859-1" -+CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_437=y -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_737 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_775 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_850 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_852 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_855 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_857 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_860 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_861 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_862 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_863 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_864 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_865 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_866 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_869 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_936 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_950 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_932 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_949 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_874 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_8 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_1250 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_1251 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ASCII is not set -+CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_1=y -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_2 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_3 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_4 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_5 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_6 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_7 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_9 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_13 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_14 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_15 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_KOI8_R is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_KOI8_U is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_UTF8 is not set -+# CONFIG_DLM is not set -+ -+# -+# Kernel hacking -+# -+# CONFIG_PRINTK_TIME is not set -+CONFIG_ENABLE_WARN_DEPRECATED=y -+CONFIG_ENABLE_MUST_CHECK=y -+CONFIG_FRAME_WARN=1024 -+CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ=y -+# CONFIG_UNUSED_SYMBOLS is not set -+CONFIG_DEBUG_FS=y -+# CONFIG_HEADERS_CHECK is not set -+CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SHIRQ is not set -+CONFIG_DETECT_SOFTLOCKUP=y -+# CONFIG_BOOTPARAM_SOFTLOCKUP_PANIC is not set -+CONFIG_BOOTPARAM_SOFTLOCKUP_PANIC_VALUE=0 -+CONFIG_SCHED_DEBUG=y -+# CONFIG_SCHEDSTATS is not set -+# CONFIG_TIMER_STATS is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_OBJECTS is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SLAB is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_RT_MUTEXES is not set -+# CONFIG_RT_MUTEX_TESTER is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SPINLOCK is not set -+CONFIG_DEBUG_MUTEXES=y -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_LOCK_ALLOC is not set -+# CONFIG_PROVE_LOCKING is not set -+# CONFIG_LOCK_STAT is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SPINLOCK_SLEEP is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_LOCKING_API_SELFTESTS is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_KOBJECT is not set -+CONFIG_DEBUG_BUGVERBOSE=y -+CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_VM is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_WRITECOUNT is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_MEMORY_INIT is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_LIST is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SG is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_NOTIFIERS is not set -+CONFIG_FRAME_POINTER=y -+# CONFIG_BOOT_PRINTK_DELAY is not set -+# CONFIG_RCU_TORTURE_TEST is not set -+# CONFIG_RCU_CPU_STALL_DETECTOR is not set -+# CONFIG_BACKTRACE_SELF_TEST is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_BLOCK_EXT_DEVT is not set -+# CONFIG_FAULT_INJECTION is not set -+# CONFIG_LATENCYTOP is not set -+CONFIG_HAVE_FUNCTION_TRACER=y -+ -+# -+# Tracers -+# -+# CONFIG_FUNCTION_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_IRQSOFF_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_SCHED_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_CONTEXT_SWITCH_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_BOOT_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_TRACE_BRANCH_PROFILING is not set -+# CONFIG_STACK_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_DYNAMIC_PRINTK_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_SAMPLES is not set -+CONFIG_HAVE_ARCH_KGDB=y -+# CONFIG_KGDB is not set -+CONFIG_DEBUG_USER=y -+CONFIG_DEBUG_ERRORS=y -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_STACK_USAGE is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_LL is not set -+ -+# -+# Security options -+# -+# CONFIG_KEYS is not set -+# CONFIG_SECURITY is not set -+# CONFIG_SECURITYFS is not set -+# CONFIG_SECURITY_FILE_CAPABILITIES is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO=y -+ -+# -+# Crypto core or helper -+# -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_FIPS is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_ALGAPI=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_ALGAPI2=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_AEAD2=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_BLKCIPHER=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_BLKCIPHER2=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_HASH=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_HASH2=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_RNG2=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_MANAGER=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_MANAGER2=y -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_GF128MUL is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_NULL is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRYPTD is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_AUTHENC is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_TEST is not set -+ -+# -+# Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data -+# -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CCM is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_GCM is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SEQIV is not set -+ -+# -+# Block modes -+# -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_CBC=y -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CTR is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CTS is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_ECB=m -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_LRW is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_PCBC=m -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_XTS is not set -+ -+# -+# Hash modes -+# -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_HMAC is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_XCBC is not set -+ -+# -+# Digest -+# -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRC32C=y -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_MD4 is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_MD5=y -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_MICHAEL_MIC is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_RMD128 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_RMD160 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_RMD256 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_RMD320 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA1 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA256 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA512 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_TGR192 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_WP512 is not set -+ -+# -+# Ciphers -+# -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_ANUBIS is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_ARC4 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_BLOWFISH is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CAMELLIA is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CAST5 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CAST6 is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_DES=y -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_FCRYPT is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_KHAZAD is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SALSA20 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SEED is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SERPENT is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_TEA is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_TWOFISH is not set -+ -+# -+# Compression -+# -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEFLATE is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_LZO is not set -+ -+# -+# Random Number Generation -+# -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_ANSI_CPRNG is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_HW=y -+ -+# -+# Library routines -+# -+CONFIG_BITREVERSE=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_FIND_LAST_BIT=y -+CONFIG_CRC_CCITT=y -+# CONFIG_CRC16 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRC_T10DIF is not set -+# CONFIG_CRC_ITU_T is not set -+CONFIG_CRC32=y -+# CONFIG_CRC7 is not set -+CONFIG_LIBCRC32C=y -+CONFIG_ZLIB_INFLATE=y -+CONFIG_ZLIB_DEFLATE=y -+CONFIG_PLIST=y -+CONFIG_HAS_IOMEM=y -+CONFIG_HAS_IOPORT=y -+CONFIG_HAS_DMA=y -diff --git a/arch/arm/configs/dss_overo_defconfig b/arch/arm/configs/dss_overo_defconfig -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..755a1b6 ---- /dev/null -+++ b/arch/arm/configs/dss_overo_defconfig -@@ -0,0 +1,1862 @@ -+# -+# Automatically generated make config: don't edit -+# Linux kernel version: 2.6.29-omap1 -+# Thu Apr 2 11:30:57 2009 -+# -+CONFIG_ARM=y -+CONFIG_SYS_SUPPORTS_APM_EMULATION=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_GPIO=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_TIME=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_CLOCKEVENTS=y -+CONFIG_MMU=y -+# CONFIG_NO_IOPORT is not set -+CONFIG_GENERIC_HARDIRQS=y -+CONFIG_STACKTRACE_SUPPORT=y -+CONFIG_HAVE_LATENCYTOP_SUPPORT=y -+CONFIG_LOCKDEP_SUPPORT=y -+CONFIG_TRACE_IRQFLAGS_SUPPORT=y -+CONFIG_HARDIRQS_SW_RESEND=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_IRQ_PROBE=y -+CONFIG_RWSEM_GENERIC_SPINLOCK=y -+# CONFIG_ARCH_HAS_ILOG2_U32 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_HAS_ILOG2_U64 is not set -+CONFIG_GENERIC_HWEIGHT=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_CALIBRATE_DELAY=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_HARDIRQS_NO__DO_IRQ=y -+CONFIG_OPROFILE_ARMV7=y -+CONFIG_VECTORS_BASE=0xffff0000 -+CONFIG_DEFCONFIG_LIST="/lib/modules/$UNAME_RELEASE/.config" -+ -+# -+# General setup -+# -+CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL=y -+CONFIG_BROKEN_ON_SMP=y -+CONFIG_INIT_ENV_ARG_LIMIT=32 -+CONFIG_LOCALVERSION="" -+CONFIG_LOCALVERSION_AUTO=y -+CONFIG_SWAP=y -+CONFIG_SYSVIPC=y -+CONFIG_SYSVIPC_SYSCTL=y -+# CONFIG_POSIX_MQUEUE is not set -+CONFIG_BSD_PROCESS_ACCT=y -+# CONFIG_BSD_PROCESS_ACCT_V3 is not set -+# CONFIG_TASKSTATS is not set -+# CONFIG_AUDIT is not set -+ -+# -+# RCU Subsystem -+# -+CONFIG_CLASSIC_RCU=y -+# CONFIG_TREE_RCU is not set -+# CONFIG_PREEMPT_RCU is not set -+# CONFIG_TREE_RCU_TRACE is not set -+# CONFIG_PREEMPT_RCU_TRACE is not set -+CONFIG_IKCONFIG=y -+CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC=y -+CONFIG_LOG_BUF_SHIFT=14 -+CONFIG_GROUP_SCHED=y -+CONFIG_FAIR_GROUP_SCHED=y -+# CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED is not set -+CONFIG_USER_SCHED=y -+# CONFIG_CGROUP_SCHED is not set -+# CONFIG_CGROUPS is not set -+CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED=y -+CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED_V2=y -+# CONFIG_RELAY is not set -+# CONFIG_NAMESPACES is not set -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INITRD=y -+CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE="" -+CONFIG_CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE=y -+CONFIG_SYSCTL=y -+CONFIG_ANON_INODES=y -+CONFIG_EMBEDDED=y -+CONFIG_UID16=y -+# CONFIG_SYSCTL_SYSCALL is not set -+CONFIG_KALLSYMS=y -+# CONFIG_KALLSYMS_ALL is not set -+# CONFIG_KALLSYMS_EXTRA_PASS is not set -+CONFIG_HOTPLUG=y -+CONFIG_PRINTK=y -+CONFIG_BUG=y -+# CONFIG_ELF_CORE is not set -+CONFIG_BASE_FULL=y -+CONFIG_FUTEX=y -+CONFIG_EPOLL=y -+CONFIG_SIGNALFD=y -+CONFIG_TIMERFD=y -+CONFIG_EVENTFD=y -+CONFIG_SHMEM=y -+CONFIG_AIO=y -+CONFIG_VM_EVENT_COUNTERS=y -+CONFIG_SLUB_DEBUG=y -+# CONFIG_COMPAT_BRK is not set -+# CONFIG_SLAB is not set -+CONFIG_SLUB=y -+# CONFIG_SLOB is not set -+CONFIG_PROFILING=y -+CONFIG_TRACEPOINTS=y -+# CONFIG_MARKERS is not set -+CONFIG_OPROFILE=y -+CONFIG_HAVE_OPROFILE=y -+# CONFIG_KPROBES is not set -+CONFIG_HAVE_KPROBES=y -+CONFIG_HAVE_KRETPROBES=y -+CONFIG_HAVE_CLK=y -+CONFIG_HAVE_GENERIC_DMA_COHERENT=y -+CONFIG_SLABINFO=y -+CONFIG_RT_MUTEXES=y -+CONFIG_BASE_SMALL=0 -+CONFIG_MODULES=y -+# CONFIG_MODULE_FORCE_LOAD is not set -+CONFIG_MODULE_UNLOAD=y -+CONFIG_MODULE_FORCE_UNLOAD=y -+CONFIG_MODVERSIONS=y -+CONFIG_MODULE_SRCVERSION_ALL=y -+CONFIG_BLOCK=y -+CONFIG_LBD=y -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IO_TRACE is not set -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_BSG is not set -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INTEGRITY is not set -+ -+# -+# IO Schedulers -+# -+CONFIG_IOSCHED_NOOP=y -+CONFIG_IOSCHED_AS=y -+CONFIG_IOSCHED_DEADLINE=y -+CONFIG_IOSCHED_CFQ=y -+# CONFIG_DEFAULT_AS is not set -+# CONFIG_DEFAULT_DEADLINE is not set -+CONFIG_DEFAULT_CFQ=y -+# CONFIG_DEFAULT_NOOP is not set -+CONFIG_DEFAULT_IOSCHED="cfq" -+CONFIG_FREEZER=y -+ -+# -+# System Type -+# -+# CONFIG_ARCH_AAEC2000 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_INTEGRATOR is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_REALVIEW is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_VERSATILE is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_AT91 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_CLPS711X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_EBSA110 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_EP93XX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_FOOTBRIDGE is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_NETX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_H720X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IMX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IOP13XX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IOP32X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IOP33X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IXP23XX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IXP2000 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_IXP4XX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_L7200 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_KIRKWOOD is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_KS8695 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_NS9XXX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_LOKI is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_MV78XX0 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_MXC is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_ORION5X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_PNX4008 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_PXA is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_RPC is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_SA1100 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_S3C2410 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_S3C64XX is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_SHARK is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_LH7A40X is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_DAVINCI is not set -+CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP=y -+# CONFIG_ARCH_MSM is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_W90X900 is not set -+ -+# -+# TI OMAP Implementations -+# -+CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP_OTG=y -+# CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP1 is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP2 is not set -+CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP3=y -+ -+# -+# OMAP Feature Selections -+# -+# CONFIG_OMAP_DEBUG_POWERDOMAIN is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_DEBUG_CLOCKDOMAIN is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP_SMARTREFLEX=y -+# CONFIG_OMAP_SMARTREFLEX_TESTING is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_RESET_CLOCKS is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP_BOOT_TAG=y -+CONFIG_OMAP_BOOT_REASON=y -+# CONFIG_OMAP_COMPONENT_VERSION is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_GPIO_SWITCH is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_MUX is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP_MCBSP=y -+# CONFIG_OMAP_MBOX_FWK is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_MPU_TIMER is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP_32K_TIMER=y -+CONFIG_OMAP_32K_TIMER_HZ=128 -+CONFIG_OMAP_TICK_GPTIMER=1 -+CONFIG_OMAP_DM_TIMER=y -+# CONFIG_OMAP_LL_DEBUG_UART1 is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_LL_DEBUG_UART2 is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP_LL_DEBUG_UART3=y -+CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP34XX=y -+CONFIG_ARCH_OMAP3430=y -+ -+# -+# OMAP Board Type -+# -+# CONFIG_MACH_NOKIA_RX51 is not set -+# CONFIG_MACH_OMAP_LDP is not set -+# CONFIG_MACH_OMAP_3430SDP is not set -+# CONFIG_MACH_OMAP3EVM is not set -+# CONFIG_MACH_OMAP3_BEAGLE is not set -+CONFIG_MACH_OVERO=y -+# CONFIG_MACH_OMAP3_PANDORA is not set -+ -+# -+# Processor Type -+# -+CONFIG_CPU_32=y -+CONFIG_CPU_32v6K=y -+CONFIG_CPU_V7=y -+CONFIG_CPU_32v7=y -+CONFIG_CPU_ABRT_EV7=y -+CONFIG_CPU_PABRT_IFAR=y -+CONFIG_CPU_CACHE_V7=y -+CONFIG_CPU_CACHE_VIPT=y -+CONFIG_CPU_COPY_V6=y -+CONFIG_CPU_TLB_V7=y -+CONFIG_CPU_HAS_ASID=y -+CONFIG_CPU_CP15=y -+CONFIG_CPU_CP15_MMU=y -+ -+# -+# Processor Features -+# -+CONFIG_ARM_THUMB=y -+CONFIG_ARM_THUMBEE=y -+# CONFIG_CPU_ICACHE_DISABLE is not set -+# CONFIG_CPU_DCACHE_DISABLE is not set -+# CONFIG_CPU_BPREDICT_DISABLE is not set -+CONFIG_HAS_TLS_REG=y -+# CONFIG_OUTER_CACHE is not set -+ -+# -+# Bus support -+# -+# CONFIG_PCI_SYSCALL is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_SUPPORTS_MSI is not set -+# CONFIG_PCCARD is not set -+ -+# -+# Kernel Features -+# -+CONFIG_TICK_ONESHOT=y -+CONFIG_NO_HZ=y -+CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_CLOCKEVENTS_BUILD=y -+CONFIG_VMSPLIT_3G=y -+# CONFIG_VMSPLIT_2G is not set -+# CONFIG_VMSPLIT_1G is not set -+CONFIG_PAGE_OFFSET=0xC0000000 -+# CONFIG_PREEMPT is not set -+CONFIG_HZ=128 -+CONFIG_AEABI=y -+# CONFIG_OABI_COMPAT is not set -+CONFIG_ARCH_FLATMEM_HAS_HOLES=y -+# CONFIG_ARCH_SPARSEMEM_DEFAULT is not set -+# CONFIG_ARCH_SELECT_MEMORY_MODEL is not set -+CONFIG_SELECT_MEMORY_MODEL=y -+CONFIG_FLATMEM_MANUAL=y -+# CONFIG_DISCONTIGMEM_MANUAL is not set -+# CONFIG_SPARSEMEM_MANUAL is not set -+CONFIG_FLATMEM=y -+CONFIG_FLAT_NODE_MEM_MAP=y -+CONFIG_PAGEFLAGS_EXTENDED=y -+CONFIG_SPLIT_PTLOCK_CPUS=4 -+# CONFIG_PHYS_ADDR_T_64BIT is not set -+CONFIG_ZONE_DMA_FLAG=0 -+CONFIG_VIRT_TO_BUS=y -+CONFIG_UNEVICTABLE_LRU=y -+CONFIG_LEDS=y -+CONFIG_ALIGNMENT_TRAP=y -+ -+# -+# Boot options -+# -+CONFIG_ZBOOT_ROM_TEXT=0x0 -+CONFIG_ZBOOT_ROM_BSS=0x0 -+CONFIG_CMDLINE="root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= ip= nolock,rsize=1024,wsize=1024 rw" -+# CONFIG_XIP_KERNEL is not set -+CONFIG_KEXEC=y -+CONFIG_ATAGS_PROC=y -+ -+# -+# CPU Power Management -+# -+CONFIG_CPU_FREQ=y -+CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_TABLE=y -+# CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_DEBUG is not set -+CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT=y -+CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_STAT_DETAILS=y -+CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_PERFORMANCE=y -+# CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_POWERSAVE is not set -+# CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_USERSPACE is not set -+# CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_ONDEMAND is not set -+# CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_CONSERVATIVE is not set -+CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_PERFORMANCE=y -+# CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_POWERSAVE is not set -+CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_USERSPACE=y -+CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_ONDEMAND=y -+# CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_CONSERVATIVE is not set -+# CONFIG_CPU_IDLE is not set -+ -+# -+# Floating point emulation -+# -+ -+# -+# At least one emulation must be selected -+# -+CONFIG_VFP=y -+CONFIG_VFPv3=y -+CONFIG_NEON=y -+ -+# -+# Userspace binary formats -+# -+CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF=y -+CONFIG_HAVE_AOUT=y -+CONFIG_BINFMT_AOUT=m -+CONFIG_BINFMT_MISC=y -+ -+# -+# Power management options -+# -+CONFIG_PM=y -+# CONFIG_PM_DEBUG is not set -+CONFIG_PM_SLEEP=y -+CONFIG_SUSPEND=y -+CONFIG_SUSPEND_FREEZER=y -+# CONFIG_APM_EMULATION is not set -+CONFIG_ARCH_SUSPEND_POSSIBLE=y -+CONFIG_NET=y -+ -+# -+# Networking options -+# -+CONFIG_COMPAT_NET_DEV_OPS=y -+CONFIG_PACKET=y -+CONFIG_PACKET_MMAP=y -+CONFIG_UNIX=y -+CONFIG_XFRM=y -+# CONFIG_XFRM_USER is not set -+# CONFIG_XFRM_SUB_POLICY is not set -+# CONFIG_XFRM_MIGRATE is not set -+# CONFIG_XFRM_STATISTICS is not set -+CONFIG_NET_KEY=y -+# CONFIG_NET_KEY_MIGRATE is not set -+CONFIG_INET=y -+# CONFIG_IP_MULTICAST is not set -+# CONFIG_IP_ADVANCED_ROUTER is not set -+CONFIG_IP_FIB_HASH=y -+CONFIG_IP_PNP=y -+CONFIG_IP_PNP_DHCP=y -+CONFIG_IP_PNP_BOOTP=y -+CONFIG_IP_PNP_RARP=y -+# CONFIG_NET_IPIP is not set -+# CONFIG_NET_IPGRE is not set -+# CONFIG_ARPD is not set -+# CONFIG_SYN_COOKIES is not set -+# CONFIG_INET_AH is not set -+# CONFIG_INET_ESP is not set -+# CONFIG_INET_IPCOMP is not set -+# CONFIG_INET_XFRM_TUNNEL is not set -+CONFIG_INET_TUNNEL=m -+CONFIG_INET_XFRM_MODE_TRANSPORT=y -+CONFIG_INET_XFRM_MODE_TUNNEL=y -+CONFIG_INET_XFRM_MODE_BEET=y -+# CONFIG_INET_LRO is not set -+CONFIG_INET_DIAG=y -+CONFIG_INET_TCP_DIAG=y -+# CONFIG_TCP_CONG_ADVANCED is not set -+CONFIG_TCP_CONG_CUBIC=y -+CONFIG_DEFAULT_TCP_CONG="cubic" -+# CONFIG_TCP_MD5SIG is not set -+CONFIG_IPV6=m -+# CONFIG_IPV6_PRIVACY is not set -+# CONFIG_IPV6_ROUTER_PREF is not set -+# CONFIG_IPV6_OPTIMISTIC_DAD is not set -+# CONFIG_INET6_AH is not set -+# CONFIG_INET6_ESP is not set -+# CONFIG_INET6_IPCOMP is not set -+# CONFIG_IPV6_MIP6 is not set -+# CONFIG_INET6_XFRM_TUNNEL is not set -+# CONFIG_INET6_TUNNEL is not set -+CONFIG_INET6_XFRM_MODE_TRANSPORT=m -+CONFIG_INET6_XFRM_MODE_TUNNEL=m -+CONFIG_INET6_XFRM_MODE_BEET=m -+# CONFIG_INET6_XFRM_MODE_ROUTEOPTIMIZATION is not set -+CONFIG_IPV6_SIT=m -+CONFIG_IPV6_NDISC_NODETYPE=y -+# CONFIG_IPV6_TUNNEL is not set -+# CONFIG_IPV6_MULTIPLE_TABLES is not set -+# CONFIG_IPV6_MROUTE is not set -+# CONFIG_NETWORK_SECMARK is not set -+# CONFIG_NETFILTER is not set -+# CONFIG_IP_DCCP is not set -+# CONFIG_IP_SCTP is not set -+# CONFIG_TIPC is not set -+# CONFIG_ATM is not set -+# CONFIG_BRIDGE is not set -+# CONFIG_NET_DSA is not set -+# CONFIG_VLAN_8021Q is not set -+# CONFIG_DECNET is not set -+# CONFIG_LLC2 is not set -+# CONFIG_IPX is not set -+# CONFIG_ATALK is not set -+# CONFIG_X25 is not set -+# CONFIG_LAPB is not set -+# CONFIG_ECONET is not set -+# CONFIG_WAN_ROUTER is not set -+# CONFIG_NET_SCHED is not set -+# CONFIG_DCB is not set -+ -+# -+# Network testing -+# -+# CONFIG_NET_PKTGEN is not set -+# CONFIG_HAMRADIO is not set -+# CONFIG_CAN is not set -+# CONFIG_IRDA is not set -+CONFIG_BT=y -+CONFIG_BT_L2CAP=y -+CONFIG_BT_SCO=y -+CONFIG_BT_RFCOMM=y -+CONFIG_BT_RFCOMM_TTY=y -+CONFIG_BT_BNEP=y -+CONFIG_BT_BNEP_MC_FILTER=y -+CONFIG_BT_BNEP_PROTO_FILTER=y -+CONFIG_BT_HIDP=y -+ -+# -+# Bluetooth device drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_BT_HCIBTSDIO is not set -+CONFIG_BT_HCIUART=y -+CONFIG_BT_HCIUART_H4=y -+CONFIG_BT_HCIUART_BCSP=y -+# CONFIG_BT_HCIUART_LL is not set -+# CONFIG_BT_HCIBRF6150 is not set -+# CONFIG_BT_HCIH4P is not set -+# CONFIG_BT_HCIVHCI is not set -+# CONFIG_AF_RXRPC is not set -+# CONFIG_PHONET is not set -+CONFIG_WIRELESS=y -+CONFIG_CFG80211=y -+# CONFIG_CFG80211_REG_DEBUG is not set -+CONFIG_NL80211=y -+CONFIG_WIRELESS_OLD_REGULATORY=y -+CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT=y -+CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT_SYSFS=y -+CONFIG_LIB80211=y -+CONFIG_LIB80211_CRYPT_WEP=m -+CONFIG_LIB80211_CRYPT_CCMP=m -+CONFIG_LIB80211_CRYPT_TKIP=m -+# CONFIG_LIB80211_DEBUG is not set -+CONFIG_MAC80211=y -+ -+# -+# Rate control algorithm selection -+# -+CONFIG_MAC80211_RC_PID=y -+CONFIG_MAC80211_RC_MINSTREL=y -+CONFIG_MAC80211_RC_DEFAULT_PID=y -+# CONFIG_MAC80211_RC_DEFAULT_MINSTREL is not set -+CONFIG_MAC80211_RC_DEFAULT="pid" -+# CONFIG_MAC80211_MESH is not set -+CONFIG_MAC80211_LEDS=y -+# CONFIG_MAC80211_DEBUGFS is not set -+# CONFIG_MAC80211_DEBUG_MENU is not set -+# CONFIG_WIMAX is not set -+# CONFIG_RFKILL is not set -+# CONFIG_NET_9P is not set -+ -+# -+# Device Drivers -+# -+ -+# -+# Generic Driver Options -+# -+CONFIG_UEVENT_HELPER_PATH="/sbin/hotplug" -+CONFIG_STANDALONE=y -+CONFIG_PREVENT_FIRMWARE_BUILD=y -+CONFIG_FW_LOADER=y -+CONFIG_FIRMWARE_IN_KERNEL=y -+CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE="" -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_DRIVER is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_DEVRES is not set -+# CONFIG_SYS_HYPERVISOR is not set -+# CONFIG_CONNECTOR is not set -+CONFIG_MTD=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_DEBUG is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_CONCAT=y -+CONFIG_MTD_PARTITIONS=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_TESTS is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_REDBOOT_PARTS is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_CMDLINE_PARTS is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_AFS_PARTS is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_AR7_PARTS is not set -+ -+# -+# User Modules And Translation Layers -+# -+CONFIG_MTD_CHAR=y -+CONFIG_MTD_BLKDEVS=y -+CONFIG_MTD_BLOCK=y -+# CONFIG_FTL is not set -+# CONFIG_NFTL is not set -+# CONFIG_INFTL is not set -+# CONFIG_RFD_FTL is not set -+# CONFIG_SSFDC is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_OOPS is not set -+ -+# -+# RAM/ROM/Flash chip drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_MTD_CFI is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_JEDECPROBE is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_1=y -+CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_2=y -+CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_4=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_8 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_16 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_MAP_BANK_WIDTH_32 is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_CFI_I1=y -+CONFIG_MTD_CFI_I2=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_CFI_I4 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_CFI_I8 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_RAM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_ROM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_ABSENT is not set -+ -+# -+# Mapping drivers for chip access -+# -+# CONFIG_MTD_COMPLEX_MAPPINGS is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_PLATRAM is not set -+ -+# -+# Self-contained MTD device drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_MTD_DATAFLASH is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_M25P80 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_SLRAM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_PHRAM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_MTDRAM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_BLOCK2MTD is not set -+ -+# -+# Disk-On-Chip Device Drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_MTD_DOC2000 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_DOC2001 is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_DOC2001PLUS is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_NAND=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_VERIFY_WRITE is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_ECC_SMC is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_MUSEUM_IDS is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_GPIO is not set -+CONFIG_MTD_NAND_OMAP2=y -+CONFIG_MTD_NAND_IDS=y -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_DISKONCHIP is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_NANDSIM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_NAND_PLATFORM is not set -+# CONFIG_MTD_ONENAND is not set -+ -+# -+# LPDDR flash memory drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_MTD_LPDDR is not set -+ -+# -+# UBI - Unsorted block images -+# -+# CONFIG_MTD_UBI is not set -+# CONFIG_PARPORT is not set -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV=y -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_COW_COMMON is not set -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=y -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_CRYPTOLOOP=m -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NBD is not set -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM=y -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM_COUNT=16 -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM_SIZE=16384 -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_XIP is not set -+CONFIG_CDROM_PKTCDVD=m -+CONFIG_CDROM_PKTCDVD_BUFFERS=8 -+# CONFIG_CDROM_PKTCDVD_WCACHE is not set -+# CONFIG_ATA_OVER_ETH is not set -+CONFIG_MISC_DEVICES=y -+# CONFIG_ICS932S401 is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP_STI is not set -+# CONFIG_ENCLOSURE_SERVICES is not set -+# CONFIG_C2PORT is not set -+ -+# -+# EEPROM support -+# -+# CONFIG_EEPROM_AT24 is not set -+# CONFIG_EEPROM_AT25 is not set -+# CONFIG_EEPROM_LEGACY is not set -+CONFIG_EEPROM_93CX6=m -+CONFIG_HAVE_IDE=y -+# CONFIG_IDE is not set -+ -+# -+# SCSI device support -+# -+CONFIG_RAID_ATTRS=m -+CONFIG_SCSI=y -+CONFIG_SCSI_DMA=y -+# CONFIG_SCSI_TGT is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_NETLINK is not set -+CONFIG_SCSI_PROC_FS=y -+ -+# -+# SCSI support type (disk, tape, CD-ROM) -+# -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SD=y -+# CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST is not set -+# CONFIG_CHR_DEV_OSST is not set -+# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SR is not set -+CONFIG_CHR_DEV_SG=m -+# CONFIG_CHR_DEV_SCH is not set -+ -+# -+# Some SCSI devices (e.g. CD jukebox) support multiple LUNs -+# -+CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN=y -+# CONFIG_SCSI_CONSTANTS is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_LOGGING is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_SCAN_ASYNC is not set -+CONFIG_SCSI_WAIT_SCAN=m -+ -+# -+# SCSI Transports -+# -+# CONFIG_SCSI_SPI_ATTRS is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_FC_ATTRS is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_ISCSI_ATTRS is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_SAS_LIBSAS is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_SRP_ATTRS is not set -+CONFIG_SCSI_LOWLEVEL=y -+# CONFIG_ISCSI_TCP is not set -+# CONFIG_LIBFC is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_SCSI_DH is not set -+# CONFIG_ATA is not set -+CONFIG_MD=y -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_MD=m -+CONFIG_MD_LINEAR=m -+CONFIG_MD_RAID0=m -+CONFIG_MD_RAID1=m -+CONFIG_MD_RAID10=m -+CONFIG_MD_RAID456=m -+CONFIG_MD_RAID5_RESHAPE=y -+CONFIG_MD_MULTIPATH=m -+CONFIG_MD_FAULTY=m -+CONFIG_BLK_DEV_DM=m -+# CONFIG_DM_DEBUG is not set -+CONFIG_DM_CRYPT=m -+CONFIG_DM_SNAPSHOT=m -+CONFIG_DM_MIRROR=m -+CONFIG_DM_ZERO=m -+CONFIG_DM_MULTIPATH=m -+CONFIG_DM_DELAY=m -+# CONFIG_DM_UEVENT is not set -+CONFIG_NETDEVICES=y -+CONFIG_DUMMY=m -+# CONFIG_BONDING is not set -+# CONFIG_MACVLAN is not set -+# CONFIG_EQUALIZER is not set -+CONFIG_TUN=m -+# CONFIG_VETH is not set -+# CONFIG_NET_ETHERNET is not set -+# CONFIG_NETDEV_1000 is not set -+# CONFIG_NETDEV_10000 is not set -+ -+# -+# Wireless LAN -+# -+# CONFIG_WLAN_PRE80211 is not set -+CONFIG_WLAN_80211=y -+CONFIG_LIBERTAS=y -+CONFIG_LIBERTAS_SDIO=y -+CONFIG_LIBERTAS_DEBUG=y -+# CONFIG_LIBERTAS_THINFIRM is not set -+# CONFIG_MAC80211_HWSIM is not set -+CONFIG_P54_COMMON=m -+# CONFIG_IWLWIFI_LEDS is not set -+CONFIG_HOSTAP=m -+CONFIG_HOSTAP_FIRMWARE=y -+CONFIG_HOSTAP_FIRMWARE_NVRAM=y -+# CONFIG_B43 is not set -+# CONFIG_B43LEGACY is not set -+# CONFIG_RT2X00 is not set -+ -+# -+# Enable WiMAX (Networking options) to see the WiMAX drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_WAN is not set -+CONFIG_PPP=m -+# CONFIG_PPP_MULTILINK is not set -+# CONFIG_PPP_FILTER is not set -+CONFIG_PPP_ASYNC=m -+CONFIG_PPP_SYNC_TTY=m -+CONFIG_PPP_DEFLATE=m -+CONFIG_PPP_BSDCOMP=m -+CONFIG_PPP_MPPE=m -+CONFIG_PPPOE=m -+# CONFIG_PPPOL2TP is not set -+# CONFIG_SLIP is not set -+CONFIG_SLHC=m -+# CONFIG_NETCONSOLE is not set -+# CONFIG_NETPOLL is not set -+# CONFIG_NET_POLL_CONTROLLER is not set -+# CONFIG_ISDN is not set -+ -+# -+# Input device support -+# -+CONFIG_INPUT=y -+# CONFIG_INPUT_FF_MEMLESS is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_POLLDEV is not set -+ -+# -+# Userland interfaces -+# -+CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSEDEV=y -+CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSEDEV_PSAUX=y -+CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSEDEV_SCREEN_X=1024 -+CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSEDEV_SCREEN_Y=768 -+# CONFIG_INPUT_JOYDEV is not set -+CONFIG_INPUT_EVDEV=y -+# CONFIG_INPUT_EVBUG is not set -+ -+# -+# Input Device Drivers -+# -+CONFIG_INPUT_KEYBOARD=y -+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_ATKBD is not set -+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_SUNKBD is not set -+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_LKKBD is not set -+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_XTKBD is not set -+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_NEWTON is not set -+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_STOWAWAY is not set -+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_TWL4030 is not set -+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_LM8323 is not set -+# CONFIG_KEYBOARD_GPIO is not set -+CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSE=y -+CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2=y -+CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_ALPS=y -+CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_LOGIPS2PP=y -+CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_SYNAPTICS=y -+CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_TRACKPOINT=y -+# CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_ELANTECH is not set -+# CONFIG_MOUSE_PS2_TOUCHKIT is not set -+# CONFIG_MOUSE_SERIAL is not set -+# CONFIG_MOUSE_APPLETOUCH is not set -+# CONFIG_MOUSE_BCM5974 is not set -+# CONFIG_MOUSE_VSXXXAA is not set -+# CONFIG_MOUSE_GPIO is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_JOYSTICK is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_TABLET is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_TOUCHSCREEN is not set -+# CONFIG_INPUT_MISC is not set -+ -+# -+# Hardware I/O ports -+# -+CONFIG_SERIO=y -+CONFIG_SERIO_SERPORT=y -+CONFIG_SERIO_LIBPS2=y -+# CONFIG_SERIO_RAW is not set -+# CONFIG_GAMEPORT is not set -+ -+# -+# Character devices -+# -+CONFIG_VT=y -+CONFIG_CONSOLE_TRANSLATIONS=y -+CONFIG_VT_CONSOLE=y -+CONFIG_HW_CONSOLE=y -+CONFIG_VT_HW_CONSOLE_BINDING=y -+CONFIG_DEVKMEM=y -+# CONFIG_SERIAL_NONSTANDARD is not set -+ -+# -+# Serial drivers -+# -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_CONSOLE=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_NR_UARTS=32 -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_RUNTIME_UARTS=4 -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_EXTENDED=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_MANY_PORTS=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_SHARE_IRQ=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_DETECT_IRQ=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_RSA=y -+ -+# -+# Non-8250 serial port support -+# -+CONFIG_SERIAL_CORE=y -+CONFIG_SERIAL_CORE_CONSOLE=y -+CONFIG_UNIX98_PTYS=y -+# CONFIG_DEVPTS_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES is not set -+# CONFIG_LEGACY_PTYS is not set -+# CONFIG_IPMI_HANDLER is not set -+CONFIG_HW_RANDOM=y -+# CONFIG_R3964 is not set -+# CONFIG_RAW_DRIVER is not set -+# CONFIG_TCG_TPM is not set -+CONFIG_I2C=y -+CONFIG_I2C_BOARDINFO=y -+CONFIG_I2C_CHARDEV=y -+CONFIG_I2C_HELPER_AUTO=y -+ -+# -+# I2C Hardware Bus support -+# -+ -+# -+# I2C system bus drivers (mostly embedded / system-on-chip) -+# -+# CONFIG_I2C_GPIO is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_OCORES is not set -+CONFIG_I2C_OMAP=y -+# CONFIG_I2C_SIMTEC is not set -+ -+# -+# External I2C/SMBus adapter drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_I2C_PARPORT_LIGHT is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_TAOS_EVM is not set -+ -+# -+# Other I2C/SMBus bus drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_I2C_PCA_PLATFORM is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_STUB is not set -+ -+# -+# Miscellaneous I2C Chip support -+# -+# CONFIG_DS1682 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_PCF8574 is not set -+# CONFIG_PCF8575 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_PCA9539 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_PCF8591 is not set -+CONFIG_TWL4030_MADC=m -+CONFIG_TWL4030_POWEROFF=y -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX6875 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_TSL2550 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_TSL2563 is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_CORE is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_ALGO is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_BUS is not set -+# CONFIG_I2C_DEBUG_CHIP is not set -+CONFIG_SPI=y -+# CONFIG_SPI_DEBUG is not set -+CONFIG_SPI_MASTER=y -+ -+# -+# SPI Master Controller Drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_SPI_BITBANG is not set -+# CONFIG_SPI_GPIO is not set -+CONFIG_SPI_OMAP24XX=y -+ -+# -+# SPI Protocol Masters -+# -+# CONFIG_SPI_TSC210X is not set -+# CONFIG_SPI_TSC2301 is not set -+# CONFIG_SPI_SPIDEV is not set -+# CONFIG_SPI_TLE62X0 is not set -+CONFIG_ARCH_REQUIRE_GPIOLIB=y -+CONFIG_GPIOLIB=y -+CONFIG_DEBUG_GPIO=y -+CONFIG_GPIO_SYSFS=y -+ -+# -+# Memory mapped GPIO expanders: -+# -+ -+# -+# I2C GPIO expanders: -+# -+# CONFIG_GPIO_MAX732X is not set -+# CONFIG_GPIO_PCA953X is not set -+# CONFIG_GPIO_PCF857X is not set -+CONFIG_GPIO_TWL4030=y -+ -+# -+# PCI GPIO expanders: -+# -+ -+# -+# SPI GPIO expanders: -+# -+# CONFIG_GPIO_MAX7301 is not set -+# CONFIG_GPIO_MCP23S08 is not set -+# CONFIG_W1 is not set -+CONFIG_POWER_SUPPLY=m -+# CONFIG_POWER_SUPPLY_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_PDA_POWER is not set -+# CONFIG_BATTERY_DS2760 is not set -+# CONFIG_TWL4030_BCI_BATTERY is not set -+# CONFIG_BATTERY_BQ27x00 is not set -+CONFIG_HWMON=y -+# CONFIG_HWMON_VID is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_AD7414 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_AD7418 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADCXX is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADM1021 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADM1025 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADM1026 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADM1029 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADM1031 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADM9240 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADT7462 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADT7470 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADT7473 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADT7475 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ATXP1 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_DS1621 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_F71805F is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_F71882FG is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_F75375S is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_GL518SM is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_GL520SM is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_IT87 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM63 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM70 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM75 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM77 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM78 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM80 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM83 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM85 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM87 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM90 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM92 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LM93 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_LTC4245 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX1111 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX1619 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_MAX6650 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_PC87360 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_PC87427 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_DME1737 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SMSC47M1 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SMSC47M192 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_SMSC47B397 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_ADS7828 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_THMC50 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_VT1211 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83781D is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83791D is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83792D is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83793 is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83L785TS is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83L786NG is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83627HF is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_W83627EHF is not set -+# CONFIG_SENSORS_TSC210X is not set -+CONFIG_SENSORS_OMAP34XX=y -+# CONFIG_HWMON_DEBUG_CHIP is not set -+# CONFIG_THERMAL is not set -+# CONFIG_THERMAL_HWMON is not set -+CONFIG_WATCHDOG=y -+CONFIG_WATCHDOG_NOWAYOUT=y -+ -+# -+# Watchdog Device Drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_SOFT_WATCHDOG is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP_WATCHDOG=y -+CONFIG_SSB_POSSIBLE=y -+ -+# -+# Sonics Silicon Backplane -+# -+# CONFIG_SSB is not set -+ -+# -+# Multifunction device drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_MFD_CORE is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_SM501 is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_ASIC3 is not set -+# CONFIG_HTC_EGPIO is not set -+# CONFIG_HTC_PASIC3 is not set -+# CONFIG_TPS65010 is not set -+CONFIG_TWL4030_CORE=y -+# CONFIG_TWL4030_POWER is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_TMIO is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_T7L66XB is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_TC6387XB is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_TC6393XB is not set -+# CONFIG_PMIC_DA903X is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_WM8400 is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_WM8350_I2C is not set -+# CONFIG_MFD_PCF50633 is not set -+ -+# -+# Multimedia devices -+# -+ -+# -+# Multimedia core support -+# -+CONFIG_VIDEO_DEV=m -+CONFIG_VIDEO_V4L2_COMMON=m -+CONFIG_VIDEO_ALLOW_V4L1=y -+CONFIG_VIDEO_V4L1_COMPAT=y -+CONFIG_DVB_CORE=m -+CONFIG_VIDEO_MEDIA=m -+ -+# -+# Multimedia drivers -+# -+CONFIG_MEDIA_ATTACH=y -+CONFIG_MEDIA_TUNER=m -+# CONFIG_MEDIA_TUNER_CUSTOMIZE is not set -+CONFIG_MEDIA_TUNER_SIMPLE=m -+CONFIG_MEDIA_TUNER_TDA8290=m -+CONFIG_MEDIA_TUNER_TDA9887=m -+CONFIG_MEDIA_TUNER_TEA5761=m -+CONFIG_MEDIA_TUNER_TEA5767=m -+CONFIG_MEDIA_TUNER_MT20XX=m -+CONFIG_MEDIA_TUNER_XC2028=m -+CONFIG_MEDIA_TUNER_XC5000=m -+CONFIG_VIDEO_V4L2=m -+CONFIG_VIDEO_V4L1=m -+CONFIG_VIDEO_CAPTURE_DRIVERS=y -+# CONFIG_VIDEO_ADV_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_VIDEO_FIXED_MINOR_RANGES is not set -+CONFIG_VIDEO_HELPER_CHIPS_AUTO=y -+# CONFIG_VIDEO_VIVI is not set -+# CONFIG_VIDEO_CPIA is not set -+# CONFIG_VIDEO_SAA5246A is not set -+# CONFIG_VIDEO_SAA5249 is not set -+# CONFIG_SOC_CAMERA is not set -+CONFIG_RADIO_ADAPTERS=y -+# CONFIG_RADIO_TEA5764 is not set -+# CONFIG_DVB_DYNAMIC_MINORS is not set -+CONFIG_DVB_CAPTURE_DRIVERS=y -+# CONFIG_TTPCI_EEPROM is not set -+# CONFIG_DVB_B2C2_FLEXCOP is not set -+ -+# -+# Supported DVB Frontends -+# -+ -+# -+# Customise DVB Frontends -+# -+# CONFIG_DVB_FE_CUSTOMISE is not set -+ -+# -+# Multistandard (satellite) frontends -+# -+# CONFIG_DVB_STB0899 is not set -+# CONFIG_DVB_STB6100 is not set -+ -+# -+# DVB-S (satellite) frontends -+# -+CONFIG_DVB_CX24110=m -+CONFIG_DVB_CX24123=m -+CONFIG_DVB_MT312=m -+CONFIG_DVB_S5H1420=m -+# CONFIG_DVB_STV0288 is not set -+# CONFIG_DVB_STB6000 is not set -+CONFIG_DVB_STV0299=m -+CONFIG_DVB_TDA8083=m -+CONFIG_DVB_TDA10086=m -+# CONFIG_DVB_TDA8261 is not set -+CONFIG_DVB_VES1X93=m -+CONFIG_DVB_TUNER_ITD1000=m -+# CONFIG_DVB_TUNER_CX24113 is not set -+CONFIG_DVB_TDA826X=m -+CONFIG_DVB_TUA6100=m -+# CONFIG_DVB_CX24116 is not set -+# CONFIG_DVB_SI21XX is not set -+ -+# -+# DVB-T (terrestrial) frontends -+# -+CONFIG_DVB_SP8870=m -+CONFIG_DVB_SP887X=m -+CONFIG_DVB_CX22700=m -+CONFIG_DVB_CX22702=m -+# CONFIG_DVB_DRX397XD is not set -+CONFIG_DVB_L64781=m -+CONFIG_DVB_TDA1004X=m -+CONFIG_DVB_NXT6000=m -+CONFIG_DVB_MT352=m -+CONFIG_DVB_ZL10353=m -+CONFIG_DVB_DIB3000MB=m -+CONFIG_DVB_DIB3000MC=m -+CONFIG_DVB_DIB7000M=m -+CONFIG_DVB_DIB7000P=m -+CONFIG_DVB_TDA10048=m -+ -+# -+# DVB-C (cable) frontends -+# -+CONFIG_DVB_VES1820=m -+CONFIG_DVB_TDA10021=m -+CONFIG_DVB_TDA10023=m -+CONFIG_DVB_STV0297=m -+ -+# -+# ATSC (North American/Korean Terrestrial/Cable DTV) frontends -+# -+CONFIG_DVB_NXT200X=m -+# CONFIG_DVB_OR51211 is not set -+# CONFIG_DVB_OR51132 is not set -+CONFIG_DVB_BCM3510=m -+CONFIG_DVB_LGDT330X=m -+# CONFIG_DVB_LGDT3304 is not set -+CONFIG_DVB_S5H1409=m -+CONFIG_DVB_AU8522=m -+CONFIG_DVB_S5H1411=m -+ -+# -+# ISDB-T (terrestrial) frontends -+# -+# CONFIG_DVB_S921 is not set -+ -+# -+# Digital terrestrial only tuners/PLL -+# -+CONFIG_DVB_PLL=m -+CONFIG_DVB_TUNER_DIB0070=m -+ -+# -+# SEC control devices for DVB-S -+# -+CONFIG_DVB_LNBP21=m -+# CONFIG_DVB_ISL6405 is not set -+CONFIG_DVB_ISL6421=m -+# CONFIG_DVB_LGS8GL5 is not set -+ -+# -+# Tools to develop new frontends -+# -+# CONFIG_DVB_DUMMY_FE is not set -+# CONFIG_DVB_AF9013 is not set -+# CONFIG_DAB is not set -+ -+# -+# Graphics support -+# -+# CONFIG_VGASTATE is not set -+# CONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_CONTROL is not set -+CONFIG_FB=y -+# CONFIG_FIRMWARE_EDID is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_DDC is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_BOOT_VESA_SUPPORT is not set -+CONFIG_FB_CFB_FILLRECT=m -+CONFIG_FB_CFB_COPYAREA=m -+CONFIG_FB_CFB_IMAGEBLIT=m -+# CONFIG_FB_CFB_REV_PIXELS_IN_BYTE is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_SYS_FILLRECT is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_SYS_COPYAREA is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_SYS_IMAGEBLIT is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_FOREIGN_ENDIAN is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_SYS_FOPS is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_SVGALIB is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_MACMODES is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_BACKLIGHT is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_MODE_HELPERS is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_TILEBLITTING is not set -+ -+# -+# Frame buffer hardware drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_FB_S1D13XXX is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_VIRTUAL is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_METRONOME is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_MB862XX is not set -+# CONFIG_FB_OMAP_BOOTLOADER_INIT is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS=m -+CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_VRAM_SIZE=12 -+CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DEBUG_SUPPORT=y -+# CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_RFBI is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_VENC=y -+# CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_SDI is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_DSI is not set -+# CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_FAKE_VSYNC is not set -+CONFIG_OMAP2_DSS_MIN_FCK_PER_PCK=0 -+ -+# -+# OMAP2/3 Display Device Drivers -+# -+CONFIG_PANEL_GENERIC=m -+CONFIG_PANEL_SAMSUNG_LTE430WQ_F0C=m -+# CONFIG_PANEL_SHARP_LS037V7DW01 is not set -+# CONFIG_PANEL_N800 is not set -+# CONFIG_CTRL_BLIZZARD is not set -+CONFIG_FB_OMAP2=m -+CONFIG_FB_OMAP2_DEBUG_SUPPORT=y -+# CONFIG_FB_OMAP2_FORCE_AUTO_UPDATE is not set -+CONFIG_FB_OMAP2_NUM_FBS=3 -+# CONFIG_BACKLIGHT_LCD_SUPPORT is not set -+ -+# -+# Display device support -+# -+CONFIG_DISPLAY_SUPPORT=y -+ -+# -+# Display hardware drivers -+# -+ -+# -+# Console display driver support -+# -+# CONFIG_VGA_CONSOLE is not set -+CONFIG_DUMMY_CONSOLE=y -+# CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE is not set -+# CONFIG_LOGO is not set -+CONFIG_SOUND=y -+CONFIG_SOUND_OSS_CORE=y -+CONFIG_SND=y -+CONFIG_SND_TIMER=y -+CONFIG_SND_PCM=y -+CONFIG_SND_SEQUENCER=m -+# CONFIG_SND_SEQ_DUMMY is not set -+CONFIG_SND_OSSEMUL=y -+CONFIG_SND_MIXER_OSS=y -+CONFIG_SND_PCM_OSS=y -+CONFIG_SND_PCM_OSS_PLUGINS=y -+CONFIG_SND_SEQUENCER_OSS=y -+# CONFIG_SND_HRTIMER is not set -+# CONFIG_SND_DYNAMIC_MINORS is not set -+CONFIG_SND_SUPPORT_OLD_API=y -+CONFIG_SND_VERBOSE_PROCFS=y -+CONFIG_SND_VERBOSE_PRINTK=y -+CONFIG_SND_DEBUG=y -+# CONFIG_SND_DEBUG_VERBOSE is not set -+# CONFIG_SND_PCM_XRUN_DEBUG is not set -+CONFIG_SND_DRIVERS=y -+# CONFIG_SND_DUMMY is not set -+# CONFIG_SND_VIRMIDI is not set -+# CONFIG_SND_MTPAV is not set -+# CONFIG_SND_SERIAL_U16550 is not set -+# CONFIG_SND_MPU401 is not set -+CONFIG_SND_ARM=y -+CONFIG_SND_SPI=y -+CONFIG_SND_SOC=y -+CONFIG_SND_OMAP_SOC=y -+CONFIG_SND_OMAP_SOC_MCBSP=y -+CONFIG_SND_OMAP_SOC_OVERO=y -+CONFIG_SND_SOC_I2C_AND_SPI=y -+# CONFIG_SND_SOC_ALL_CODECS is not set -+CONFIG_SND_SOC_TWL4030=y -+# CONFIG_SOUND_PRIME is not set -+CONFIG_HID_SUPPORT=y -+CONFIG_HID=y -+CONFIG_HID_DEBUG=y -+# CONFIG_HIDRAW is not set -+# CONFIG_HID_PID is not set -+ -+# -+# Special HID drivers -+# -+CONFIG_HID_COMPAT=y -+# CONFIG_HID_APPLE is not set -+CONFIG_USB_SUPPORT=y -+CONFIG_USB_ARCH_HAS_HCD=y -+CONFIG_USB_ARCH_HAS_OHCI=y -+CONFIG_USB_ARCH_HAS_EHCI=y -+# CONFIG_USB is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_OTG_WHITELIST is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_OTG_BLACKLIST_HUB is not set -+CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HDRC=y -+CONFIG_USB_MUSB_SOC=y -+ -+# -+# OMAP 343x high speed USB support -+# -+# CONFIG_USB_MUSB_HOST is not set -+CONFIG_USB_MUSB_PERIPHERAL=y -+# CONFIG_USB_MUSB_OTG is not set -+CONFIG_USB_GADGET_MUSB_HDRC=y -+# CONFIG_MUSB_PIO_ONLY is not set -+CONFIG_USB_INVENTRA_DMA=y -+# CONFIG_USB_TI_CPPI_DMA is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_MUSB_DEBUG is not set -+ -+# -+# NOTE: USB_STORAGE depends on SCSI but BLK_DEV_SD may also be needed; -+# -+CONFIG_USB_GADGET=y -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DEBUG_FILES is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DEBUG_FS is not set -+CONFIG_USB_GADGET_VBUS_DRAW=2 -+CONFIG_USB_GADGET_SELECTED=y -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_AT91 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_ATMEL_USBA is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_FSL_USB2 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_LH7A40X is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_OMAP is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_PXA25X is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_PXA27X is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_S3C2410 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_IMX is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_M66592 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_AMD5536UDC is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_FSL_QE is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_CI13XXX is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_NET2280 is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_GOKU is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DUMMY_HCD is not set -+CONFIG_USB_GADGET_DUALSPEED=y -+# CONFIG_USB_ZERO is not set -+CONFIG_USB_ETH=y -+CONFIG_USB_ETH_RNDIS=y -+# CONFIG_USB_GADGETFS is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_FILE_STORAGE is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_G_SERIAL is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_MIDI_GADGET is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_G_PRINTER is not set -+# CONFIG_USB_CDC_COMPOSITE is not set -+ -+# -+# OTG and related infrastructure -+# -+CONFIG_USB_OTG_UTILS=y -+# CONFIG_USB_GPIO_VBUS is not set -+# CONFIG_ISP1301_OMAP is not set -+CONFIG_TWL4030_USB=y -+CONFIG_MMC=y -+# CONFIG_MMC_DEBUG is not set -+CONFIG_MMC_UNSAFE_RESUME=y -+ -+# -+# MMC/SD/SDIO Card Drivers -+# -+CONFIG_MMC_BLOCK=y -+CONFIG_MMC_BLOCK_BOUNCE=y -+CONFIG_SDIO_UART=y -+# CONFIG_MMC_TEST is not set -+ -+# -+# MMC/SD/SDIO Host Controller Drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI is not set -+CONFIG_MMC_OMAP_HS=y -+# CONFIG_MMC_SPI is not set -+# CONFIG_MEMSTICK is not set -+# CONFIG_ACCESSIBILITY is not set -+CONFIG_NEW_LEDS=y -+CONFIG_LEDS_CLASS=y -+ -+# -+# LED drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_LEDS_OMAP_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_LEDS_OMAP is not set -+# CONFIG_LEDS_OMAP_PWM is not set -+# CONFIG_LEDS_PCA9532 is not set -+CONFIG_LEDS_GPIO=y -+# CONFIG_LEDS_LP5521 is not set -+# CONFIG_LEDS_PCA955X is not set -+ -+# -+# LED Triggers -+# -+CONFIG_LEDS_TRIGGERS=y -+CONFIG_LEDS_TRIGGER_TIMER=y -+CONFIG_LEDS_TRIGGER_HEARTBEAT=y -+# CONFIG_LEDS_TRIGGER_BACKLIGHT is not set -+# CONFIG_LEDS_TRIGGER_DEFAULT_ON is not set -+CONFIG_RTC_LIB=y -+CONFIG_RTC_CLASS=y -+CONFIG_RTC_HCTOSYS=y -+CONFIG_RTC_HCTOSYS_DEVICE="rtc0" -+# CONFIG_RTC_DEBUG is not set -+ -+# -+# RTC interfaces -+# -+CONFIG_RTC_INTF_SYSFS=y -+CONFIG_RTC_INTF_PROC=y -+CONFIG_RTC_INTF_DEV=y -+# CONFIG_RTC_INTF_DEV_UIE_EMUL is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_TEST is not set -+ -+# -+# I2C RTC drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1307 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1374 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1672 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_MAX6900 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RS5C372 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_ISL1208 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_X1205 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF8563 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_PCF8583 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M41T80 is not set -+CONFIG_RTC_DRV_TWL4030=y -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_S35390A is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_FM3130 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RX8581 is not set -+ -+# -+# SPI RTC drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M41T94 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1305 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1390 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_MAX6902 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_R9701 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_RS5C348 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS3234 is not set -+ -+# -+# Platform RTC drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_CMOS is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1286 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1511 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1553 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_DS1742 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_STK17TA8 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M48T86 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M48T35 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_M48T59 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_BQ4802 is not set -+# CONFIG_RTC_DRV_V3020 is not set -+ -+# -+# on-CPU RTC drivers -+# -+# CONFIG_DMADEVICES is not set -+CONFIG_REGULATOR=y -+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_FIXED_VOLTAGE is not set -+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_VIRTUAL_CONSUMER is not set -+# CONFIG_REGULATOR_BQ24022 is not set -+CONFIG_REGULATOR_TWL4030=y -+# CONFIG_UIO is not set -+# CONFIG_STAGING is not set -+ -+# -+# CBUS support -+# -+# CONFIG_CBUS is not set -+ -+# -+# File systems -+# -+CONFIG_EXT2_FS=y -+# CONFIG_EXT2_FS_XATTR is not set -+# CONFIG_EXT2_FS_XIP is not set -+CONFIG_EXT3_FS=y -+# CONFIG_EXT3_FS_XATTR is not set -+# CONFIG_EXT4_FS is not set -+CONFIG_JBD=y -+# CONFIG_JBD_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_REISERFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_JFS_FS is not set -+CONFIG_FS_POSIX_ACL=y -+CONFIG_FILE_LOCKING=y -+CONFIG_XFS_FS=m -+# CONFIG_XFS_QUOTA is not set -+# CONFIG_XFS_POSIX_ACL is not set -+# CONFIG_XFS_RT is not set -+# CONFIG_XFS_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_GFS2_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_OCFS2_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_BTRFS_FS is not set -+CONFIG_DNOTIFY=y -+CONFIG_INOTIFY=y -+CONFIG_INOTIFY_USER=y -+CONFIG_QUOTA=y -+# CONFIG_QUOTA_NETLINK_INTERFACE is not set -+CONFIG_PRINT_QUOTA_WARNING=y -+CONFIG_QUOTA_TREE=y -+# CONFIG_QFMT_V1 is not set -+CONFIG_QFMT_V2=y -+CONFIG_QUOTACTL=y -+# CONFIG_AUTOFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_AUTOFS4_FS is not set -+CONFIG_FUSE_FS=m -+ -+# -+# CD-ROM/DVD Filesystems -+# -+CONFIG_ISO9660_FS=m -+CONFIG_JOLIET=y -+CONFIG_ZISOFS=y -+CONFIG_UDF_FS=m -+CONFIG_UDF_NLS=y -+ -+# -+# DOS/FAT/NT Filesystems -+# -+CONFIG_FAT_FS=y -+CONFIG_MSDOS_FS=y -+CONFIG_VFAT_FS=y -+CONFIG_FAT_DEFAULT_CODEPAGE=437 -+CONFIG_FAT_DEFAULT_IOCHARSET="iso8859-1" -+# CONFIG_NTFS_FS is not set -+ -+# -+# Pseudo filesystems -+# -+CONFIG_PROC_FS=y -+CONFIG_PROC_SYSCTL=y -+CONFIG_PROC_PAGE_MONITOR=y -+CONFIG_SYSFS=y -+CONFIG_TMPFS=y -+# CONFIG_TMPFS_POSIX_ACL is not set -+# CONFIG_HUGETLB_PAGE is not set -+# CONFIG_CONFIGFS_FS is not set -+CONFIG_MISC_FILESYSTEMS=y -+# CONFIG_ADFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_AFFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_HFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_HFSPLUS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_BEFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_BFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_EFS_FS is not set -+CONFIG_JFFS2_FS=y -+CONFIG_JFFS2_FS_DEBUG=0 -+CONFIG_JFFS2_FS_WRITEBUFFER=y -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_FS_WBUF_VERIFY is not set -+CONFIG_JFFS2_SUMMARY=y -+CONFIG_JFFS2_FS_XATTR=y -+CONFIG_JFFS2_FS_POSIX_ACL=y -+CONFIG_JFFS2_FS_SECURITY=y -+CONFIG_JFFS2_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS=y -+CONFIG_JFFS2_ZLIB=y -+CONFIG_JFFS2_LZO=y -+CONFIG_JFFS2_RTIME=y -+CONFIG_JFFS2_RUBIN=y -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_CMODE_NONE is not set -+CONFIG_JFFS2_CMODE_PRIORITY=y -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_CMODE_SIZE is not set -+# CONFIG_JFFS2_CMODE_FAVOURLZO is not set -+# CONFIG_CRAMFS is not set -+# CONFIG_SQUASHFS is not set -+# CONFIG_VXFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_MINIX_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_OMFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_HPFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_QNX4FS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_ROMFS_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_SYSV_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_UFS_FS is not set -+CONFIG_NETWORK_FILESYSTEMS=y -+CONFIG_NFS_FS=y -+CONFIG_NFS_V3=y -+# CONFIG_NFS_V3_ACL is not set -+CONFIG_NFS_V4=y -+CONFIG_ROOT_NFS=y -+# CONFIG_NFSD is not set -+CONFIG_LOCKD=y -+CONFIG_LOCKD_V4=y -+CONFIG_EXPORTFS=m -+CONFIG_NFS_COMMON=y -+CONFIG_SUNRPC=y -+CONFIG_SUNRPC_GSS=y -+# CONFIG_SUNRPC_REGISTER_V4 is not set -+CONFIG_RPCSEC_GSS_KRB5=y -+# CONFIG_RPCSEC_GSS_SPKM3 is not set -+# CONFIG_SMB_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_CIFS is not set -+# CONFIG_NCP_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_CODA_FS is not set -+# CONFIG_AFS_FS is not set -+ -+# -+# Partition Types -+# -+CONFIG_PARTITION_ADVANCED=y -+# CONFIG_ACORN_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_OSF_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_AMIGA_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_ATARI_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_MAC_PARTITION is not set -+CONFIG_MSDOS_PARTITION=y -+# CONFIG_BSD_DISKLABEL is not set -+# CONFIG_MINIX_SUBPARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_SOLARIS_X86_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_UNIXWARE_DISKLABEL is not set -+# CONFIG_LDM_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_SGI_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_ULTRIX_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_SUN_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_KARMA_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION is not set -+# CONFIG_SYSV68_PARTITION is not set -+CONFIG_NLS=y -+CONFIG_NLS_DEFAULT="iso8859-1" -+CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_437=y -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_737 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_775 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_850 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_852 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_855 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_857 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_860 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_861 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_862 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_863 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_864 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_865 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_866 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_869 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_936 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_950 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_932 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_949 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_874 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_8 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_1250 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_CODEPAGE_1251 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ASCII is not set -+CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_1=y -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_2 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_3 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_4 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_5 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_6 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_7 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_9 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_13 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_14 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_ISO8859_15 is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_KOI8_R is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_KOI8_U is not set -+# CONFIG_NLS_UTF8 is not set -+# CONFIG_DLM is not set -+ -+# -+# Kernel hacking -+# -+# CONFIG_PRINTK_TIME is not set -+CONFIG_ENABLE_WARN_DEPRECATED=y -+CONFIG_ENABLE_MUST_CHECK=y -+CONFIG_FRAME_WARN=1024 -+CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ=y -+# CONFIG_UNUSED_SYMBOLS is not set -+CONFIG_DEBUG_FS=y -+# CONFIG_HEADERS_CHECK is not set -+CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL=y -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SHIRQ is not set -+CONFIG_DETECT_SOFTLOCKUP=y -+# CONFIG_BOOTPARAM_SOFTLOCKUP_PANIC is not set -+CONFIG_BOOTPARAM_SOFTLOCKUP_PANIC_VALUE=0 -+CONFIG_SCHED_DEBUG=y -+CONFIG_SCHEDSTATS=y -+CONFIG_TIMER_STATS=y -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_OBJECTS is not set -+# CONFIG_SLUB_DEBUG_ON is not set -+# CONFIG_SLUB_STATS is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_RT_MUTEXES is not set -+# CONFIG_RT_MUTEX_TESTER is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SPINLOCK is not set -+CONFIG_DEBUG_MUTEXES=y -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_LOCK_ALLOC is not set -+# CONFIG_PROVE_LOCKING is not set -+# CONFIG_LOCK_STAT is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SPINLOCK_SLEEP is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_LOCKING_API_SELFTESTS is not set -+CONFIG_STACKTRACE=y -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_KOBJECT is not set -+CONFIG_DEBUG_BUGVERBOSE=y -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_VM is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_WRITECOUNT is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_MEMORY_INIT is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_LIST is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_SG is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_NOTIFIERS is not set -+CONFIG_FRAME_POINTER=y -+# CONFIG_BOOT_PRINTK_DELAY is not set -+# CONFIG_RCU_TORTURE_TEST is not set -+# CONFIG_RCU_CPU_STALL_DETECTOR is not set -+# CONFIG_BACKTRACE_SELF_TEST is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_BLOCK_EXT_DEVT is not set -+# CONFIG_FAULT_INJECTION is not set -+# CONFIG_LATENCYTOP is not set -+CONFIG_NOP_TRACER=y -+CONFIG_HAVE_FUNCTION_TRACER=y -+CONFIG_RING_BUFFER=y -+CONFIG_TRACING=y -+ -+# -+# Tracers -+# -+# CONFIG_FUNCTION_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_IRQSOFF_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_SCHED_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_CONTEXT_SWITCH_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_BOOT_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_TRACE_BRANCH_PROFILING is not set -+# CONFIG_STACK_TRACER is not set -+# CONFIG_FTRACE_STARTUP_TEST is not set -+# CONFIG_DYNAMIC_PRINTK_DEBUG is not set -+# CONFIG_SAMPLES is not set -+CONFIG_HAVE_ARCH_KGDB=y -+# CONFIG_KGDB is not set -+CONFIG_DEBUG_USER=y -+CONFIG_DEBUG_ERRORS=y -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_STACK_USAGE is not set -+# CONFIG_DEBUG_LL is not set -+ -+# -+# Security options -+# -+# CONFIG_KEYS is not set -+# CONFIG_SECURITY is not set -+# CONFIG_SECURITYFS is not set -+# CONFIG_SECURITY_FILE_CAPABILITIES is not set -+CONFIG_XOR_BLOCKS=m -+CONFIG_ASYNC_CORE=m -+CONFIG_ASYNC_MEMCPY=m -+CONFIG_ASYNC_XOR=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO=y -+ -+# -+# Crypto core or helper -+# -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_FIPS is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_ALGAPI=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_ALGAPI2=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_AEAD2=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_BLKCIPHER=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_BLKCIPHER2=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_HASH=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_HASH2=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_RNG2=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_MANAGER=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_MANAGER2=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_GF128MUL=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_NULL=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRYPTD=m -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_AUTHENC is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_TEST=m -+ -+# -+# Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data -+# -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CCM is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_GCM is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SEQIV is not set -+ -+# -+# Block modes -+# -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_CBC=y -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CTR is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_CTS is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_ECB=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_LRW=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_PCBC=m -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_XTS is not set -+ -+# -+# Hash modes -+# -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_HMAC=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_XCBC=m -+ -+# -+# Digest -+# -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_CRC32C=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_MD4=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_MD5=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_MICHAEL_MIC=y -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_RMD128 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_RMD160 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_RMD256 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_RMD320 is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA1=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA256=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA512=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_TGR192=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_WP512=m -+ -+# -+# Ciphers -+# -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_AES=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_ANUBIS=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_ARC4=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_BLOWFISH=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_CAMELLIA=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_CAST5=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_CAST6=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_DES=y -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_FCRYPT=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_KHAZAD=m -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SALSA20 is not set -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_SEED is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_SERPENT=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_TEA=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_TWOFISH=m -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_TWOFISH_COMMON=m -+ -+# -+# Compression -+# -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEFLATE=m -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_LZO is not set -+ -+# -+# Random Number Generation -+# -+# CONFIG_CRYPTO_ANSI_CPRNG is not set -+CONFIG_CRYPTO_HW=y -+ -+# -+# Library routines -+# -+CONFIG_BITREVERSE=y -+CONFIG_GENERIC_FIND_LAST_BIT=y -+CONFIG_CRC_CCITT=y -+CONFIG_CRC16=m -+CONFIG_CRC_T10DIF=y -+CONFIG_CRC_ITU_T=y -+CONFIG_CRC32=y -+CONFIG_CRC7=y -+CONFIG_LIBCRC32C=y -+CONFIG_ZLIB_INFLATE=y -+CONFIG_ZLIB_DEFLATE=y -+CONFIG_LZO_COMPRESS=y -+CONFIG_LZO_DECOMPRESS=y -+CONFIG_PLIST=y -+CONFIG_HAS_IOMEM=y -+CONFIG_HAS_IOPORT=y -+CONFIG_HAS_DMA=y -diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-3430sdp.c b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-3430sdp.c -index 0a1099e..3c664a9 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-3430sdp.c -+++ b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-3430sdp.c -@@ -242,6 +243,35 @@ static struct spi_board_info sdp3430_spi_board_info[] __initdata = { - }, - }; - -+ -+#define SDP2430_LCD_PANEL_BACKLIGHT_GPIO 91 -+#define SDP2430_LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_GPIO 154 -+#if 0 -+#define SDP3430_LCD_PANEL_BACKLIGHT_GPIO 24 -+#define SDP3430_LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_GPIO 28 -+#else -+#define SDP3430_LCD_PANEL_BACKLIGHT_GPIO 8 -+#define SDP3430_LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_GPIO 5 -+#endif -+ -+#define PM_RECEIVER TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER -+#define ENABLE_VAUX2_DEDICATED 0x09 -+#define ENABLE_VAUX2_DEV_GRP 0x20 -+#define ENABLE_VAUX3_DEDICATED 0x03 -+#define ENABLE_VAUX3_DEV_GRP 0x20 -+ -+#define ENABLE_VPLL2_DEDICATED 0x05 -+#define ENABLE_VPLL2_DEV_GRP 0xE0 -+#define TWL4030_VPLL2_DEV_GRP 0x33 -+#define TWL4030_VPLL2_DEDICATED 0x36 -+ -+#define t2_out(c, r, v) twl4030_i2c_write_u8(c, r, v) -+ -+static unsigned backlight_gpio; -+static unsigned enable_gpio; -+static int lcd_enabled; -+static int dvi_enabled; -+ - static struct platform_device sdp3430_lcd_device = { - .name = "sdp2430_lcd", - .id = -1, -@@ -257,9 +287,198 @@ static struct regulator_consumer_supply sdp3430_vdvi_supply = { - .dev = &, - }; - -+static void enable_vpll2(int enable) -+{ -+ u8 ded_val, grp_val; -+ -+ if (enable) { -+ ded_val = ENABLE_VPLL2_DEDICATED; -+ grp_val = ENABLE_VPLL2_DEV_GRP; -+ } else { -+ ded_val = 0; -+ grp_val = 0; -+ } -+ -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -+ ded_val, TWL4030_VPLL2_DEDICATED); -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -+ grp_val, TWL4030_VPLL2_DEV_GRP); -+} -+ -+static int sdp3430_dsi_power_up(void) -+{ -+ if (omap_rev() > OMAP3430_REV_ES1_0) -+ enable_vpll2(1); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void sdp3430_dsi_power_down(void) -+{ -+ if (omap_rev() > OMAP3430_REV_ES1_0) -+ enable_vpll2(0); -+} -+ -+static void __init sdp3430_display_init(void) -+{ -+ int r; -+ -+ enable_gpio = SDP3430_LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_GPIO; -+ backlight_gpio = SDP3430_LCD_PANEL_BACKLIGHT_GPIO; -+ -+ r = gpio_request(enable_gpio, "LCD reset"); -+ if (r) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "failed to get LCD reset GPIO\n"); -+ goto err0; -+ } -+ -+ r = gpio_request(backlight_gpio, "LCD Backlight"); -+ if (r) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "failed to get LCD backlight GPIO\n"); -+ goto err1; -+ } -+ -+ gpio_direction_output(enable_gpio, 0); -+ gpio_direction_output(backlight_gpio, 0); -+ -+ return; -+err1: -+ gpio_free(enable_gpio); -+err0: -+ return; -+} -+ -+static int sdp3430_panel_enable_lcd(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ u8 ded_val, ded_reg; -+ u8 grp_val, grp_reg; -+ -+ if (dvi_enabled) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "cannot enable LCD, DVI is enabled\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ ded_reg = TWL4030_VAUX3_DEDICATED; -+ ded_val = ENABLE_VAUX3_DEDICATED; -+ grp_reg = TWL4030_VAUX3_DEV_GRP; -+ grp_val = ENABLE_VAUX3_DEV_GRP; -+ -+ gpio_direction_output(enable_gpio, 1); -+ gpio_direction_output(backlight_gpio, 1); -+ -+ if (0 != t2_out(PM_RECEIVER, ded_val, ded_reg)) -+ return -EIO; -+ if (0 != t2_out(PM_RECEIVER, grp_val, grp_reg)) -+ return -EIO; -+ -+ sdp3430_dsi_power_up(); -+ -+ lcd_enabled = 1; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void sdp3430_panel_disable_lcd(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ lcd_enabled = 0; -+ -+ sdp3430_dsi_power_down(); -+ -+ gpio_direction_output(enable_gpio, 0); -+ gpio_direction_output(backlight_gpio, 0); -+} -+ -+static struct omap_dss_display_config sdp3430_display_data = { -+ .type = OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DPI, -+ .name = "lcd", -+ .panel_name = "sharp-ls037v7dw01", -+ .u.dpi.data_lines = 16, -+ .panel_enable = sdp3430_panel_enable_lcd, -+ .panel_disable = sdp3430_panel_disable_lcd, -+}; -+ -+static int sdp3430_panel_enable_dvi(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (lcd_enabled) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "cannot enable DVI, LCD is enabled\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ sdp3430_dsi_power_up(); -+ -+ dvi_enabled = 1; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void sdp3430_panel_disable_dvi(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ sdp3430_dsi_power_down(); -+ -+ dvi_enabled = 0; -+} -+ -+ -+static struct omap_dss_display_config sdp3430_display_data_dvi = { -+ .type = OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DPI, -+ .name = "dvi", -+ .panel_name = "panel-generic", -+ .u.dpi.data_lines = 24, -+ .panel_enable = sdp3430_panel_enable_dvi, -+ .panel_disable = sdp3430_panel_disable_dvi, -+}; -+ -+static int sdp3430_panel_enable_tv(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+#define ENABLE_VDAC_DEDICATED 0x03 -+#define ENABLE_VDAC_DEV_GRP 0x20 -+ -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -+ ENABLE_VDAC_DEDICATED, -+ TWL4030_VDAC_DEDICATED); -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -+ ENABLE_VDAC_DEV_GRP, TWL4030_VDAC_DEV_GRP); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void sdp3430_panel_disable_tv(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x00, -+ TWL4030_VDAC_DEDICATED); -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x00, -+ TWL4030_VDAC_DEV_GRP); -+} -+ -+static struct omap_dss_display_config sdp3430_display_data_tv = { -+ .type = OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_VENC, -+ .name = "tv", -+ .u.venc.type = OMAP_DSS_VENC_TYPE_SVIDEO, -+ .panel_enable = sdp3430_panel_enable_tv, -+ .panel_disable = sdp3430_panel_disable_tv, -+}; -+ -+static struct omap_dss_board_info sdp3430_dss_data = { -+ .dsi_power_up = sdp3430_dsi_power_up, -+ .dsi_power_down = sdp3430_dsi_power_down, -+ .num_displays = 3, -+ .displays = { -+ &sdp3430_display_data, -+ &sdp3430_display_data_dvi, -+ &sdp3430_display_data_tv, -+ } -+}; -+ -+static struct platform_device sdp3430_dss_device = { -+ .name = "omapdss", -+ .id = -1, -+ .dev = { -+ .platform_data = &sdp3430_dss_data, -+ }, -+}; -+ - static struct platform_device *sdp3430_devices[] __initdata = { - &sdp3430_smc91x_device, -- &sdp3430_lcd_device, -+ &sdp3430_dss_device, - }; - - static inline void __init sdp3430_init_smc91x(void) -@@ -306,13 +525,8 @@ static struct omap_uart_config sdp3430_uart_config __initdata = { - .enabled_uarts = ((1 << 0) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 2)), - }; - --static struct omap_lcd_config sdp3430_lcd_config __initdata = { -- .ctrl_name = "internal", --}; -- - static struct omap_board_config_kernel sdp3430_config[] __initdata = { - { OMAP_TAG_UART, &sdp3430_uart_config }, -- { OMAP_TAG_LCD, &sdp3430_lcd_config }, - }; - - static int sdp3430_batt_table[] = { -@@ -681,6 +895,7 @@ static void __init omap_3430sdp_init(void) - omap_serial_init(); - usb_musb_init(); - usb_ehci_init(); -+ sdp3430_display_init(); - } - - static void __init omap_3430sdp_map_io(void) -diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3beagle.c b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3beagle.c -index 346351e..b67e7a5 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3beagle.c -+++ b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3beagle.c -@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ - - #include - #include -+#include - - #include - #include -@@ -312,10 +314,6 @@ static void __init omap3_beagle_init_irq(void) - omap_gpio_init(); - } - --static struct omap_lcd_config omap3_beagle_lcd_config __initdata = { -- .ctrl_name = "internal", --}; -- - static struct gpio_led gpio_leds[] = { - { - .name = "beagleboard::usr0", -@@ -369,13 +367,94 @@ static struct platform_device keys_gpio = { - }, - }; - -+/* DSS */ -+ -+static int beagle_enable_dvi(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_reset_gpio != -1) -+ gpio_direction_output(display->hw_config.panel_reset_gpio, 1); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void beagle_disable_dvi(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_reset_gpio != -1) -+ gpio_direction_output(display->hw_config.panel_reset_gpio, 0); -+} -+ -+static struct omap_dss_display_config beagle_display_data_dvi = { -+ .type = OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DPI, -+ .name = "dvi", -+ .panel_name = "panel-generic", -+ .u.dpi.data_lines = 24, -+ .panel_reset_gpio = 170, -+ .panel_enable = beagle_enable_dvi, -+ .panel_disable = beagle_disable_dvi, -+}; -+ -+ -+static int beagle_panel_enable_tv(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+#define ENABLE_VDAC_DEDICATED 0x03 -+#define ENABLE_VDAC_DEV_GRP 0x20 -+ -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -+ ENABLE_VDAC_DEDICATED, -+ TWL4030_VDAC_DEDICATED); -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -+ ENABLE_VDAC_DEV_GRP, TWL4030_VDAC_DEV_GRP); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void beagle_panel_disable_tv(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x00, -+ TWL4030_VDAC_DEDICATED); -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x00, -+ TWL4030_VDAC_DEV_GRP); -+} -+ -+static struct omap_dss_display_config beagle_display_data_tv = { -+ .type = OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_VENC, -+ .name = "tv", -+ .u.venc.type = OMAP_DSS_VENC_TYPE_SVIDEO, -+ .panel_enable = beagle_panel_enable_tv, -+ .panel_disable = beagle_panel_disable_tv, -+}; -+ -+static struct omap_dss_board_info beagle_dss_data = { -+ .num_displays = 2, -+ .displays = { -+ &beagle_display_data_dvi, -+ &beagle_display_data_tv, -+ } -+}; -+ -+static struct platform_device beagle_dss_device = { -+ .name = "omapdss", -+ .id = -1, -+ .dev = { -+ .platform_data = &beagle_dss_data, -+ }, -+}; -+ -+static void __init beagle_display_init(void) -+{ -+ int r; -+ -+ r = gpio_request(beagle_display_data_dvi.panel_reset_gpio, "DVI reset"); -+ if (r < 0) -+ printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to get DVI reset GPIO\n"); -+} -+ - static struct omap_board_config_kernel omap3_beagle_config[] __initdata = { - { OMAP_TAG_UART, &omap3_beagle_uart_config }, -- { OMAP_TAG_LCD, &omap3_beagle_lcd_config }, - }; - - static struct platform_device *omap3_beagle_devices[] __initdata = { -- &omap3_beagle_lcd_device, -+ &beagle_dss_device, - &leds_gpio, - &keys_gpio, - }; -@@ -428,13 +507,11 @@ static void __init omap3_beagle_init(void) - omap_serial_init(); - - omap_cfg_reg(J25_34XX_GPIO170); -- gpio_request(170, "DVI_nPD"); -- /* REVISIT leave DVI powered down until it's needed ... */ -- gpio_direction_output(170, true); - - usb_musb_init(); - usb_ehci_init(); - omap3beagle_flash_init(); -+ beagle_display_init(); - } - - static void __init omap3_beagle_map_io(void) -diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3evm.c b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3evm.c -index 024d7c4..6f5a866 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3evm.c -+++ b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3evm.c -@@ -216,13 +217,215 @@ static int __init omap3_evm_i2c_init(void) - return 0; - } - --static struct platform_device omap3_evm_lcd_device = { -- .name = "omap3evm_lcd", -- .id = -1, -+#define LCD_PANEL_LR 2 -+#define LCD_PANEL_UD 3 -+#define LCD_PANEL_INI 152 -+#define LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_GPIO 153 -+#define LCD_PANEL_QVGA 154 -+#define LCD_PANEL_RESB 155 -+ -+#define ENABLE_VDAC_DEDICATED 0x03 -+#define ENABLE_VDAC_DEV_GRP 0x20 -+#define ENABLE_VPLL2_DEDICATED 0x05 -+#define ENABLE_VPLL2_DEV_GRP 0xE0 -+ -+#define TWL4030_GPIODATA_IN3 0x03 -+#define TWL4030_GPIODATA_DIR3 0x06 -+#define TWL4030_VPLL2_DEV_GRP 0x33 -+#define TWL4030_VPLL2_DEDICATED 0x36 -+ -+static int lcd_enabled; -+static int dvi_enabled; -+ -+static void __init omap3_evm_display_init(void) -+{ -+ int r; -+ r = gpio_request(LCD_PANEL_LR, "lcd_panel_lr"); -+ if (r) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "failed to get LCD_PANEL_LR\n"); -+ return; -+ } -+ r = gpio_request(LCD_PANEL_UD, "lcd_panel_ud"); -+ if (r) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "failed to get LCD_PANEL_UD\n"); -+ goto err_1; -+ } -+ -+ r = gpio_request(LCD_PANEL_INI, "lcd_panel_ini"); -+ if (r) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "failed to get LCD_PANEL_INI\n"); -+ goto err_2; -+ } -+ r = gpio_request(LCD_PANEL_RESB, "lcd_panel_resb"); -+ if (r) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "failed to get LCD_PANEL_RESB\n"); -+ goto err_3; -+ } -+ r = gpio_request(LCD_PANEL_QVGA, "lcd_panel_qvga"); -+ if (r) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "failed to get LCD_PANEL_QVGA\n"); -+ goto err_4; -+ } -+ -+ gpio_direction_output(LCD_PANEL_LR, 0); -+ gpio_direction_output(LCD_PANEL_UD, 0); -+ gpio_direction_output(LCD_PANEL_INI, 0); -+ gpio_direction_output(LCD_PANEL_RESB, 0); -+ gpio_direction_output(LCD_PANEL_QVGA, 0); -+ -+#define TWL_LED_LEDEN 0x00 -+#define TWL_PWMA_PWMAON 0x00 -+#define TWL_PWMA_PWMAOFF 0x01 -+ -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_LED, 0x11, TWL_LED_LEDEN); -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PWMA, 0x01, TWL_PWMA_PWMAON); -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PWMA, 0x02, TWL_PWMA_PWMAOFF); -+ -+ gpio_direction_output(LCD_PANEL_RESB, 1); -+ gpio_direction_output(LCD_PANEL_INI, 1); -+ gpio_direction_output(LCD_PANEL_QVGA, 0); -+ gpio_direction_output(LCD_PANEL_LR, 1); -+ gpio_direction_output(LCD_PANEL_UD, 1); -+ -+ return; -+ -+err_4: -+ gpio_free(LCD_PANEL_RESB); -+err_3: -+ gpio_free(LCD_PANEL_INI); -+err_2: -+ gpio_free(LCD_PANEL_UD); -+err_1: -+ gpio_free(LCD_PANEL_LR); -+ -+} -+ -+static int omap3_evm_panel_enable_lcd(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (dvi_enabled) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "cannot enable LCD, DVI is enabled\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ if (omap_rev() > OMAP3430_REV_ES1_0) { -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -+ ENABLE_VPLL2_DEDICATED, TWL4030_VPLL2_DEDICATED); -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -+ ENABLE_VPLL2_DEV_GRP, TWL4030_VPLL2_DEV_GRP); -+ } -+ gpio_direction_output(LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_GPIO, 0); -+ lcd_enabled = 1; -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void omap3_evm_panel_disable_lcd(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (omap_rev() > OMAP3430_REV_ES1_0) { -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x0, -+ TWL4030_VPLL2_DEDICATED); -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x0, -+ TWL4030_VPLL2_DEV_GRP); -+ } -+ gpio_direction_output(LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_GPIO, 1); -+ lcd_enabled = 0; -+} -+ -+static struct omap_dss_display_config omap3_evm_display_data = { -+ .type = OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DPI, -+ .name = "lcd", -+ .panel_name = "sharp-ls037v7dw01", -+ .u.dpi.data_lines = 18, -+ .panel_enable = omap3_evm_panel_enable_lcd, -+ .panel_disable = omap3_evm_panel_disable_lcd, - }; - --static struct omap_lcd_config omap3_evm_lcd_config __initdata = { -- .ctrl_name = "internal", -+static int omap3_evm_panel_enable_tv(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -+ ENABLE_VDAC_DEDICATED, TWL4030_VDAC_DEDICATED); -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -+ ENABLE_VDAC_DEV_GRP, TWL4030_VDAC_DEV_GRP); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void omap3_evm_panel_disable_tv(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x00, -+ TWL4030_VDAC_DEDICATED); -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x00, -+ TWL4030_VDAC_DEV_GRP); -+} -+ -+static struct omap_dss_display_config omap3_evm_display_data_tv = { -+ .type = OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_VENC, -+ .name = "tv", -+ .u.venc.type = OMAP_DSS_VENC_TYPE_SVIDEO, -+ .panel_enable = omap3_evm_panel_enable_tv, -+ .panel_disable = omap3_evm_panel_disable_tv, -+}; -+ -+ -+static int omap3_evm_panel_enable_dvi(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (lcd_enabled) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "cannot enable DVI, LCD is enabled\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ if (omap_rev() > OMAP3430_REV_ES1_0) { -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -+ ENABLE_VPLL2_DEDICATED, TWL4030_VPLL2_DEDICATED); -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -+ ENABLE_VPLL2_DEV_GRP, TWL4030_VPLL2_DEV_GRP); -+ } -+ -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_GPIO, 0x80, -+ TWL4030_GPIODATA_IN3); -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_GPIO, 0x80, -+ TWL4030_GPIODATA_DIR3); -+ dvi_enabled = 1; -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void omap3_evm_panel_disable_dvi(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (omap_rev() > OMAP3430_REV_ES1_0) { -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x0, -+ TWL4030_VPLL2_DEDICATED); -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x0, -+ TWL4030_VPLL2_DEV_GRP); -+ } -+ -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_GPIO, 0x00, -+ TWL4030_GPIODATA_IN3); -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_GPIO, 0x00, -+ TWL4030_GPIODATA_DIR3); -+ dvi_enabled = 0; -+} -+ -+ -+static struct omap_dss_display_config omap3_evm_display_data_dvi = { -+ .type = OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DPI, -+ .name = "dvi", -+ .panel_name = "panel-generic", -+ .u.dpi.data_lines = 24, -+ .panel_enable = omap3_evm_panel_enable_dvi, -+ .panel_disable = omap3_evm_panel_disable_dvi, -+}; -+ -+static struct omap_dss_board_info omap3_evm_dss_data = { -+ .num_displays = 3, -+ .displays = { -+ &omap3_evm_display_data, -+ &omap3_evm_display_data_dvi, -+ &omap3_evm_display_data_tv, -+ } -+}; -+static struct platform_device omap3_evm_dss_device = { -+ .name = "omapdss", -+ .id = -1, -+ .dev = { -+ .platform_data = &omap3_evm_dss_data, -+ }, - }; - - static void ads7846_dev_init(void) -@@ -281,11 +484,10 @@ static void __init omap3_evm_init_irq(void) - - static struct omap_board_config_kernel omap3_evm_config[] __initdata = { - { OMAP_TAG_UART, &omap3_evm_uart_config }, -- { OMAP_TAG_LCD, &omap3_evm_lcd_config }, - }; - - static struct platform_device *omap3_evm_devices[] __initdata = { -- &omap3_evm_lcd_device, -+ &omap3_evm_dss_device, - &omap3evm_smc911x_device, - }; - -@@ -305,6 +507,7 @@ static void __init omap3_evm_init(void) - usb_ehci_init(); - omap3evm_flash_init(); - ads7846_dev_init(); -+ omap3_evm_display_init(); - } - - static void __init omap3_evm_map_io(void) -diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-overo.c b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-overo.c -index 071f4b0..267bb6b 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-overo.c -+++ b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-overo.c -@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - #include - #include - #include -@@ -176,6 +177,9 @@ static void __init overo_ads7846_init(void) - static inline void __init overo_ads7846_init(void) { return; } - #endif - -+static int lcd_enabled; -+static int dvi_enabled; -+ - static struct mtd_partition overo_nand_partitions[] = { - { - .name = "xloader", -@@ -360,22 +364,101 @@ static void __init overo_init_irq(void) - omap_gpio_init(); - } - --static struct platform_device overo_lcd_device = { -- .name = "overo_lcd", -- .id = -1, -+/* DSS */ -+ -+#define OVERO_GPIO_LCD_EN 144 -+ -+static void __init overo_display_init(void) -+{ -+ int r; -+ -+ r = gpio_request(OVERO_GPIO_LCD_EN, "display enable"); -+ if (r) -+ printk("fail1\n"); -+ r = gpio_direction_output(OVERO_GPIO_LCD_EN, 1); -+ if (r) -+ printk("fail2\n"); -+ gpio_export(OVERO_GPIO_LCD_EN, 0); -+} -+ -+static int overo_panel_enable_dvi(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (lcd_enabled) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "cannot enable DVI, LCD is enabled\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ dvi_enabled = 1; -+ -+ gpio_set_value(OVERO_GPIO_LCD_EN, 1); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void overo_panel_disable_dvi(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ gpio_set_value(OVERO_GPIO_LCD_EN, 0); -+ -+ dvi_enabled = 0; -+} -+ -+static struct omap_dss_display_config overo_display_data_dvi = { -+ .type = OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DPI, -+ .name = "dvi", -+ .panel_name = "panel-generic", -+ .u.dpi.data_lines = 24, -+ .panel_enable = overo_panel_enable_dvi, -+ .panel_disable = overo_panel_disable_dvi, - }; - --static struct omap_lcd_config overo_lcd_config __initdata = { -- .ctrl_name = "internal", -+static int overo_panel_enable_lcd(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ if (dvi_enabled) { -+ printk(KERN_ERR "cannot enable LCD, DVI is enabled\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ gpio_set_value(OVERO_GPIO_LCD_EN, 1); -+ lcd_enabled = 1; -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void overo_panel_disable_lcd(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ gpio_set_value(OVERO_GPIO_LCD_EN, 0); -+ lcd_enabled = 0; -+} -+ -+static struct omap_dss_display_config overo_display_data_lcd = { -+ .type = OMAP_DISPLAY_TYPE_DPI, -+ .name = "lcd43", -+ .panel_name = "samsung-lte430wq-f0c", -+ .u.dpi.data_lines = 24, -+ .panel_enable = overo_panel_enable_lcd, -+ .panel_disable = overo_panel_disable_lcd, -+ }; -+ -+static struct omap_dss_board_info overo_dss_data = { -+ .num_displays = 2, -+ .displays = { -+ &overo_display_data_dvi, -+ &overo_display_data_lcd, -+ } -+}; -+ -+static struct platform_device overo_dss_device = { -+ .name = "omapdss", -+ .id = -1, -+ .dev = { -+ .platform_data = &overo_dss_data, -+ }, - }; - - static struct omap_board_config_kernel overo_config[] __initdata = { - { OMAP_TAG_UART, &overo_uart_config }, -- { OMAP_TAG_LCD, &overo_lcd_config }, - }; - - static struct platform_device *overo_devices[] __initdata = { -- &overo_lcd_device, -+ &overo_dss_device, - }; - - static void __init overo_init(void) -@@ -390,6 +473,7 @@ static void __init overo_init(void) - overo_flash_init(); - overo_init_smsc911x(); - overo_ads7846_init(); -+ overo_display_init(); - - if ((gpio_request(OVERO_GPIO_W2W_NRESET, - "OVERO_GPIO_W2W_NRESET") == 0) && --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0008-DSS2-Add-function-to-display-object-to-get-the-back.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0008-DSS2-Add-function-to-display-object-to-get-the-back.patch deleted file mode 100644 index f4cd192bdd..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0008-DSS2-Add-function-to-display-object-to-get-the-back.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -From 4741076cae4f4284e1fff9a03f35475b8455af54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Imre Deak -Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 14:36:39 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 08/69] DSS2: Add function to display object to get the backlight level - -This is needed by an upcoming patch that changes the backlight -initialization to use the backlight level set by the bootloader. - -Also add a field for the maximum backlight level. - -Signed-off-by: Imre Deak ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h | 3 +++ - 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -index 6288353..6b702c7 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -@@ -211,6 +211,8 @@ struct omap_dss_display_config { - int panel_reset_gpio; - int ctrl_reset_gpio; - -+ int max_backlight_level; -+ - const char *name; /* for debug */ - const char *ctrl_name; - const char *panel_name; -@@ -225,6 +227,7 @@ struct omap_dss_display_config { - void (*ctrl_disable)(struct omap_display *display); - int (*set_backlight)(struct omap_display *display, - int level); -+ int (*get_backlight)(struct omap_display *display); - }; - - struct device; --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0009-DSS2-Add-acx565akm-panel.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0009-DSS2-Add-acx565akm-panel.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 82a1474056..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0009-DSS2-Add-acx565akm-panel.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,778 +0,0 @@ -From 66e16f86d3f4c5b34b37e965c65102b7192371de Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Imre Deak -Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 11:47:13 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 09/69] DSS2: Add acx565akm panel - -Signed-off-by: Imre Deak ---- - drivers/video/omap2/displays/Kconfig | 8 + - drivers/video/omap2/displays/Makefile | 2 + - drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-acx565akm.c | 712 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ - drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-acx565akm.h | 9 + - 4 files changed, 731 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-acx565akm.c - create mode 100644 drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-acx565akm.h - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Kconfig b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Kconfig -index 356ceb1..3feecee 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Kconfig -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Kconfig -@@ -28,4 +28,12 @@ config CTRL_BLIZZARD - tristate "Blizzard Controller" - help - Blizzard Controller (hack) -+ -+config PANEL_ACX565AKM -+ tristate "ACX565AKM LCD Panel" -+ depends on OMAP2_DSS_SDI -+ select BACKLIGHT_CLASS_DEVICE -+ help -+ LCD Panel used in RX51 -+ - endmenu -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Makefile b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Makefile -index 1b74b7e..9bafcb6 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Makefile -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/Makefile -@@ -4,3 +4,5 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_PANEL_SHARP_LS037V7DW01) += panel-sharp-ls037v7dw01.o - - obj-$(CONFIG_CTRL_BLIZZARD) += ctrl-blizzard.o - obj-$(CONFIG_PANEL_N800) += panel-n800.o -+ -+obj-$(CONFIG_PANEL_ACX565AKM) += panel-acx565akm.o -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-acx565akm.c b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-acx565akm.c -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..2679d6c ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-acx565akm.c -@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@ -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include -+#include -+ -+#include "panel-acx565akm.h" -+ -+#define MIPID_CMD_READ_DISP_ID 0x04 -+#define MIPID_CMD_READ_RED 0x06 -+#define MIPID_CMD_READ_GREEN 0x07 -+#define MIPID_CMD_READ_BLUE 0x08 -+#define MIPID_CMD_READ_DISP_STATUS 0x09 -+#define MIPID_CMD_RDDSDR 0x0F -+#define MIPID_CMD_SLEEP_IN 0x10 -+#define MIPID_CMD_SLEEP_OUT 0x11 -+#define MIPID_CMD_DISP_OFF 0x28 -+#define MIPID_CMD_DISP_ON 0x29 -+#define MIPID_CMD_WRITE_DISP_BRIGHTNESS 0x51 -+#define MIPID_CMD_READ_DISP_BRIGHTNESS 0x52 -+#define MIPID_CMD_WRITE_CTRL_DISP 0x53 -+ -+#define CTRL_DISP_BRIGHTNESS_CTRL_ON (1 << 5) -+#define CTRL_DISP_AMBIENT_LIGHT_CTRL_ON (1 << 4) -+#define CTRL_DISP_BACKLIGHT_ON (1 << 2) -+#define CTRL_DISP_AUTO_BRIGHTNESS_ON (1 << 1) -+ -+#define MIPID_CMD_READ_CTRL_DISP 0x54 -+#define MIPID_CMD_WRITE_CABC 0x55 -+#define MIPID_CMD_READ_CABC 0x56 -+ -+#define MIPID_VER_LPH8923 3 -+#define MIPID_VER_LS041Y3 4 -+#define MIPID_VER_L4F00311 8 -+#define MIPID_VER_ACX565AKM 9 -+ -+struct acx565akm_device { -+ struct backlight_device *bl_dev; -+ int enabled; -+ int model; -+ int revision; -+ u8 display_id[3]; -+ int has_bc:1; -+ int has_cabc:1; -+ unsigned int saved_bklight_level; -+ unsigned long hw_guard_end; /* next value of jiffies -+ when we can issue the -+ next sleep in/out command */ -+ unsigned long hw_guard_wait; /* max guard time in jiffies */ -+ -+ struct spi_device *spi; -+ struct mutex mutex; -+ struct omap_panel panel; -+ struct omap_display *display; -+}; -+ -+static int acx565akm_bl_update_status(struct backlight_device *dev); -+ -+static void acx565akm_transfer(struct acx565akm_device *md, int cmd, -+ const u8 *wbuf, int wlen, u8 *rbuf, int rlen) -+{ -+ struct spi_message m; -+ struct spi_transfer *x, xfer[5]; -+ int r; -+ -+ BUG_ON(md->spi == NULL); -+ -+ spi_message_init(&m); -+ -+ memset(xfer, 0, sizeof(xfer)); -+ x = &xfer[0]; -+ -+ cmd &= 0xff; -+ x->tx_buf = &cmd; -+ x->bits_per_word = 9; -+ x->len = 2; -+ -+ if (rlen > 1 && wlen == 0) { -+ /* -+ * Between the command and the response data there is a -+ * dummy clock cycle. Add an extra bit after the command -+ * word to account for this. -+ */ -+ x->bits_per_word = 10; -+ cmd <<= 1; -+ } -+ spi_message_add_tail(x, &m); -+ -+ if (wlen) { -+ x++; -+ x->tx_buf = wbuf; -+ x->len = wlen; -+ x->bits_per_word = 9; -+ spi_message_add_tail(x, &m); -+ } -+ -+ if (rlen) { -+ x++; -+ x->rx_buf = rbuf; -+ x->len = rlen; -+ spi_message_add_tail(x, &m); -+ } -+ -+ r = spi_sync(md->spi, &m); -+ if (r < 0) -+ dev_dbg(&md->spi->dev, "spi_sync %d\n", r); -+} -+ -+static inline void acx565akm_cmd(struct acx565akm_device *md, int cmd) -+{ -+ acx565akm_transfer(md, cmd, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); -+} -+ -+static inline void acx565akm_write(struct acx565akm_device *md, -+ int reg, const u8 *buf, int len) -+{ -+ acx565akm_transfer(md, reg, buf, len, NULL, 0); -+} -+ -+static inline void acx565akm_read(struct acx565akm_device *md, -+ int reg, u8 *buf, int len) -+{ -+ acx565akm_transfer(md, reg, NULL, 0, buf, len); -+} -+ -+static void hw_guard_start(struct acx565akm_device *md, int guard_msec) -+{ -+ md->hw_guard_wait = msecs_to_jiffies(guard_msec); -+ md->hw_guard_end = jiffies + md->hw_guard_wait; -+} -+ -+static void hw_guard_wait(struct acx565akm_device *md) -+{ -+ unsigned long wait = md->hw_guard_end - jiffies; -+ -+ if ((long)wait > 0 && wait <= md->hw_guard_wait) { -+ set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE); -+ schedule_timeout(wait); -+ } -+} -+ -+static void set_sleep_mode(struct acx565akm_device *md, int on) -+{ -+ int cmd, sleep_time = 50; -+ -+ if (on) -+ cmd = MIPID_CMD_SLEEP_IN; -+ else -+ cmd = MIPID_CMD_SLEEP_OUT; -+ hw_guard_wait(md); -+ acx565akm_cmd(md, cmd); -+ hw_guard_start(md, 120); -+ /* -+ * When we enable the panel, it seems we _have_ to sleep -+ * 120 ms before sending the init string. When disabling the -+ * panel we'll sleep for the duration of 2 frames, so that the -+ * controller can still provide the PCLK,HS,VS signals. */ -+ if (!on) -+ sleep_time = 120; -+ msleep(sleep_time); -+} -+ -+static void set_display_state(struct acx565akm_device *md, int enabled) -+{ -+ int cmd = enabled ? MIPID_CMD_DISP_ON : MIPID_CMD_DISP_OFF; -+ -+ acx565akm_cmd(md, cmd); -+} -+ -+static int panel_enabled(struct acx565akm_device *md) -+{ -+ u32 disp_status; -+ int enabled; -+ -+ acx565akm_read(md, MIPID_CMD_READ_DISP_STATUS, (u8 *)&disp_status, 4); -+ disp_status = __be32_to_cpu(disp_status); -+ enabled = (disp_status & (1 << 17)) && (disp_status & (1 << 10)); -+ dev_dbg(&md->spi->dev, -+ "LCD panel %senabled by bootloader (status 0x%04x)\n", -+ enabled ? "" : "not ", disp_status); -+ return enabled; -+} -+ -+static void enable_backlight_ctrl(struct acx565akm_device *md, int enable) -+{ -+ u16 ctrl; -+ -+ acx565akm_read(md, MIPID_CMD_READ_CTRL_DISP, (u8 *)&ctrl, 1); -+ if (enable) { -+ ctrl |= CTRL_DISP_BRIGHTNESS_CTRL_ON | -+ CTRL_DISP_BACKLIGHT_ON; -+ } else { -+ ctrl &= ~(CTRL_DISP_BRIGHTNESS_CTRL_ON | -+ CTRL_DISP_BACKLIGHT_ON); -+ } -+ -+ ctrl |= 1 << 8; -+ acx565akm_write(md, MIPID_CMD_WRITE_CTRL_DISP, (u8 *)&ctrl, 2); -+} -+ -+static void set_cabc_mode(struct acx565akm_device *md, int mode) -+{ -+ u16 cabc_ctrl; -+ -+ cabc_ctrl = 0; -+ acx565akm_read(md, MIPID_CMD_READ_CABC, (u8 *)&cabc_ctrl, 1); -+ cabc_ctrl &= ~3; -+ cabc_ctrl |= (1 << 8) | (mode & 3); -+ acx565akm_write(md, MIPID_CMD_WRITE_CABC, (u8 *)&cabc_ctrl, 2); -+} -+ -+static int get_cabc_mode(struct acx565akm_device *md) -+{ -+ u8 cabc_ctrl; -+ -+ acx565akm_read(md, MIPID_CMD_READ_CABC, &cabc_ctrl, 1); -+ return cabc_ctrl & 3; -+} -+ -+static int panel_detect(struct acx565akm_device *md) -+{ -+ acx565akm_read(md, MIPID_CMD_READ_DISP_ID, md->display_id, 3); -+ dev_dbg(&md->spi->dev, "MIPI display ID: %02x%02x%02x\n", -+ md->display_id[0], md->display_id[1], md->display_id[2]); -+ -+ switch (md->display_id[0]) { -+ case 0x10: -+ md->model = MIPID_VER_ACX565AKM; -+ md-> = "acx565akm"; -+ md->has_bc = 1; -+ md->has_cabc = 1; -+ break; -+ case 0x29: -+ md->model = MIPID_VER_L4F00311; -+ md-> = "l4f00311"; -+ break; -+ case 0x45: -+ md->model = MIPID_VER_LPH8923; -+ md-> = "lph8923"; -+ break; -+ case 0x83: -+ md->model = MIPID_VER_LS041Y3; -+ md-> = "ls041y3"; -+ break; -+ default: -+ md-> = "unknown"; -+ dev_err(&md->spi->dev, "invalid display ID\n"); -+ return -ENODEV; -+ } -+ -+ md->revision = md->display_id[1]; -+ -+ pr_info("omapfb: %s rev %02x LCD detected\n", -+ md->, md->revision); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int acx565akm_panel_enable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ struct acx565akm_device *md = -+ (struct acx565akm_device *)display->panel->priv; -+ -+ dev_dbg(&md->spi->dev, "%s\n", __func__); -+ -+ mutex_lock(&md->mutex); -+ -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_enable) -+ display->hw_config.panel_enable(display); -+ -+ md->enabled = panel_enabled(md); -+ -+ if (md->enabled) { -+ dev_dbg(&md->spi->dev, "panel already enabled\n"); -+ mutex_unlock(&md->mutex); -+ return 0; -+ } -+ -+ set_sleep_mode(md, 0); -+ md->enabled = 1; -+ set_display_state(md, 1); -+ -+ mutex_unlock(&md->mutex); -+ -+ return acx565akm_bl_update_status(md->bl_dev); -+} -+ -+static void acx565akm_panel_disable(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ struct acx565akm_device *md = -+ (struct acx565akm_device *)display->panel->priv; -+ -+ dev_dbg(&md->spi->dev, "%s\n", __func__); -+ -+ mutex_lock(&md->mutex); -+ -+ if (!md->enabled) { -+ mutex_unlock(&md->mutex); -+ return; -+ } -+ set_display_state(md, 0); -+ set_sleep_mode(md, 1); -+ md->enabled = 0; -+ -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_disable) -+ display->hw_config.panel_disable(display); -+ -+ mutex_unlock(&md->mutex); -+} -+ -+#if 0 -+static void acx565akm_set_mode(struct omap_display *display, -+ int x_res, int y_res, int bpp) -+{ -+ struct acx565akm_device *md = -+ (struct acx565akm_device *)display->panel->priv; -+ u16 par; -+ -+ switch (bpp) { -+ case 16: -+ par = 0x150; -+ break; -+ case 18: -+ par = 0x160; -+ break; -+ case 24: -+ par = 0x170; -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ acx565akm_write(md, 0x3a, (u8 *)&par, 2); -+} -+#endif -+ -+static int acx565akm_panel_suspend(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ acx565akm_panel_disable(display); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int acx565akm_panel_resume(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ return acx565akm_panel_enable(display); -+} -+ -+static void acx565akm_set_brightness(struct acx565akm_device *md, int level) -+{ -+ int bv; -+ -+ bv = level | (1 << 8); -+ acx565akm_write(md, MIPID_CMD_WRITE_DISP_BRIGHTNESS, (u8 *)&bv, 2); -+ -+ if (level) -+ enable_backlight_ctrl(md, 1); -+ else -+ enable_backlight_ctrl(md, 0); -+} -+ -+static int acx565akm_get_actual_brightness(struct acx565akm_device *md) -+{ -+ u8 bv; -+ -+ acx565akm_read(md, MIPID_CMD_READ_DISP_BRIGHTNESS, &bv, 1); -+ -+ return bv; -+} -+ -+static int acx565akm_bl_update_status(struct backlight_device *dev) -+{ -+ struct acx565akm_device *md = dev_get_drvdata(&dev->dev); -+ struct omap_display *display = md->display; -+ int r; -+ int level; -+ -+ dev_dbg(&md->spi->dev, "%s\n", __func__); -+ -+ if (display->hw_config.set_backlight == NULL) -+ return -ENODEV; -+ -+ mutex_lock(&md->mutex); -+ -+ if (dev->props.fb_blank == FB_BLANK_UNBLANK && -+ dev->props.power == FB_BLANK_UNBLANK) -+ level = dev->props.brightness; -+ else -+ level = 0; -+ -+ r = 0; -+ if (md->has_bc) -+ acx565akm_set_brightness(md, level); -+ else -+ if (display->hw_config.set_backlight != NULL) -+ r = display->hw_config.set_backlight(display, level); -+ else -+ r = -ENODEV; -+ -+ mutex_unlock(&md->mutex); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+static int acx565akm_bl_get_intensity(struct backlight_device *dev) -+{ -+ struct acx565akm_device *md = dev_get_drvdata(&dev->dev); -+ struct omap_display *display = md->display; -+ -+ dev_dbg(&dev->dev, "%s\n", __func__); -+ -+ if (md->has_bc && display->hw_config.set_backlight == NULL) -+ return -ENODEV; -+ -+ if (dev->props.fb_blank == FB_BLANK_UNBLANK && -+ dev->props.power == FB_BLANK_UNBLANK) { -+ if (md->has_bc) -+ return acx565akm_get_actual_brightness(md); -+ else -+ return dev->props.brightness; -+ } -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static struct backlight_ops acx565akm_bl_ops = { -+ .get_brightness = acx565akm_bl_get_intensity, -+ .update_status = acx565akm_bl_update_status, -+}; -+ -+static const char *cabc_modes[] = { -+ "off", /* used also always when CABC is not supported */ -+ "ui", -+ "still-image", -+ "moving-image", -+}; -+ -+static ssize_t show_cabc_mode(struct device *dev, -+ struct device_attribute *attr, -+ char *buf) -+{ -+ struct acx565akm_device *md = dev_get_drvdata(dev); -+ const char *mode_str; -+ int mode; -+ int len; -+ -+ if (!md->has_cabc) -+ mode = 0; -+ else -+ mode = get_cabc_mode(md); -+ mode_str = "unknown"; -+ if (mode >= 0 && mode < ARRAY_SIZE(cabc_modes)) -+ mode_str = cabc_modes[mode]; -+ len = snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", mode_str); -+ -+ return len < PAGE_SIZE - 1 ? len : PAGE_SIZE - 1; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t store_cabc_mode(struct device *dev, -+ struct device_attribute *attr, -+ const char *buf, size_t count) -+{ -+ struct acx565akm_device *md = dev_get_drvdata(dev); -+ int i; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cabc_modes); i++) { -+ const char *mode_str = cabc_modes[i]; -+ int cmp_len = strlen(mode_str); -+ -+ if (count > 0 && buf[count - 1] == '\n') -+ count--; -+ if (count != cmp_len) -+ continue; -+ -+ if (strncmp(buf, mode_str, cmp_len) == 0) -+ break; -+ } -+ -+ if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(cabc_modes)) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ if (!md->has_cabc && i != 0) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ mutex_lock(&md->mutex); -+ set_cabc_mode(md, i); -+ mutex_unlock(&md->mutex); -+ -+ return count; -+} -+ -+static ssize_t show_cabc_available_modes(struct device *dev, -+ struct device_attribute *attr, -+ char *buf) -+{ -+ struct acx565akm_device *md = dev_get_drvdata(dev); -+ int len; -+ int i; -+ -+ if (!md->has_cabc) -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", cabc_modes[0]); -+ -+ for (i = 0, len = 0; -+ len < PAGE_SIZE && i < ARRAY_SIZE(cabc_modes); i++) -+ len += snprintf(&buf[len], PAGE_SIZE - len, "%s%s%s", -+ i ? " " : "", cabc_modes[i], -+ i == ARRAY_SIZE(cabc_modes) - 1 ? "\n" : ""); -+ -+ return len < PAGE_SIZE ? len : PAGE_SIZE - 1; -+} -+ -+static DEVICE_ATTR(cabc_mode, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, -+ show_cabc_mode, store_cabc_mode); -+static DEVICE_ATTR(cabc_available_modes, S_IRUGO, -+ show_cabc_available_modes, NULL); -+ -+static struct attribute *bldev_attrs[] = { -+ &dev_attr_cabc_mode.attr, -+ &dev_attr_cabc_available_modes.attr, -+ NULL, -+}; -+ -+static struct attribute_group bldev_attr_group = { -+ .attrs = bldev_attrs, -+}; -+ -+static int acx565akm_panel_init(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ struct omap_panel *panel = display->panel; -+ struct acx565akm_panel_data *panel_data = display->hw_config.panel_data; -+ struct acx565akm_device *md = (struct acx565akm_device *)panel->priv; -+ -+ struct backlight_device *bldev; -+ int brightness; -+ int max_brightness; -+ int r; -+ -+ dev_dbg(&md->spi->dev, "%s\n", __func__); -+ -+ if (!panel_data) { -+ dev_err(&md->spi->dev, "no panel data\n"); -+ return -ENODEV; -+ } -+ -+ mutex_init(&md->mutex); -+ md->display = display; -+ -+ if (display->hw_config.panel_enable) -+ display->hw_config.panel_enable(display); -+ -+ md->enabled = panel_enabled(md); -+ -+ r = panel_detect(md); -+ if (r) { -+ if (!md->enabled && display->hw_config.panel_disable) -+ display->hw_config.panel_disable(display); -+ mutex_unlock(&md->mutex); -+ return r; -+ } -+ -+ if (!panel_data->bc_connected) { -+ md->has_bc = 0; -+ md->has_cabc = 0; -+ } -+ -+#if 0 -+ acx565akm_set_mode(display, panel->timings.x_res, panel->timings.y_res, -+ panel->bpp); -+#endif -+ -+ if (!md->enabled) -+ display->hw_config.panel_disable(display); -+ -+ bldev = backlight_device_register("acx565akm", &md->spi->dev, -+ md, &acx565akm_bl_ops); -+ md->bl_dev = bldev; -+ -+ if (md->has_cabc) { -+ r = sysfs_create_group(&bldev->dev.kobj, &bldev_attr_group); -+ if (r) { -+ dev_err(&bldev->dev, "failed to create sysfs files\n"); -+ backlight_device_unregister(bldev); -+ return r; -+ } -+ } -+ -+ bldev->props.fb_blank = FB_BLANK_UNBLANK; -+ bldev->props.power = FB_BLANK_UNBLANK; -+ -+ if (md->has_bc) -+ max_brightness = 255; -+ else -+ max_brightness = display->hw_config.max_backlight_level; -+ -+ if (md->has_bc) -+ brightness = acx565akm_get_actual_brightness(md); -+ else { -+ if (display->hw_config.get_backlight != NULL) -+ brightness = display->hw_config.get_backlight(display); -+ else -+ brightness = 0; -+ } -+ -+ bldev->props.max_brightness = max_brightness; -+ bldev->props.brightness = brightness; -+ acx565akm_bl_update_status(bldev); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static struct omap_panel acx565akm_panel = { -+ .name = "panel-acx565akm", -+ .init = acx565akm_panel_init, -+ .suspend = acx565akm_panel_suspend, -+ .resume = acx565akm_panel_resume, -+ .enable = acx565akm_panel_enable, -+ .disable = acx565akm_panel_disable, -+ -+ .timings = { -+ .x_res = 800, -+ .y_res = 480, -+ -+ .pixel_clock = 24000, -+ -+ .hsw = 4, -+ .hfp = 16, -+ .hbp = 12, -+ -+ .vsw = 3, -+ .vfp = 3, -+ .vbp = 3, -+ }, -+ -+ .config = OMAP_DSS_LCD_TFT, -+ -+ .recommended_bpp = 16, -+ -+ /* -+ * supported modes: 12bpp(444), 16bpp(565), 18bpp(666), 24bpp(888) -+ * resolutions. -+ */ -+}; -+ -+static int acx565akm_spi_probe(struct spi_device *spi) -+{ -+ struct acx565akm_device *md; -+ -+ dev_dbg(&md->spi->dev, "%s\n", __func__); -+ -+ md = kzalloc(sizeof(*md), GFP_KERNEL); -+ if (md == NULL) { -+ dev_err(&spi->dev, "out of memory\n"); -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ } -+ -+ spi->mode = SPI_MODE_3; -+ md->spi = spi; -+ dev_set_drvdata(&spi->dev, md); -+ md->panel = acx565akm_panel; -+ acx565akm_panel.priv = md; -+ -+ omap_dss_register_panel(&acx565akm_panel); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static int acx565akm_spi_remove(struct spi_device *spi) -+{ -+ struct acx565akm_device *md = dev_get_drvdata(&spi->dev); -+ -+ dev_dbg(&md->spi->dev, "%s\n", __func__); -+ -+ sysfs_remove_group(&md->bl_dev->dev.kobj, &bldev_attr_group); -+ backlight_device_unregister(md->bl_dev); -+ omap_dss_unregister_panel(&acx565akm_panel); -+ -+ kfree(md); -+ -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static struct spi_driver acx565akm_spi_driver = { -+ .driver = { -+ .name = "acx565akm", -+ .bus = &spi_bus_type, -+ .owner = THIS_MODULE, -+ }, -+ .probe = acx565akm_spi_probe, -+ .remove = __devexit_p(acx565akm_spi_remove), -+}; -+ -+static int __init acx565akm_init(void) -+{ -+ return spi_register_driver(&acx565akm_spi_driver); -+} -+ -+static void __exit acx565akm_exit(void) -+{ -+ spi_unregister_driver(&acx565akm_spi_driver); -+} -+ -+module_init(acx565akm_init); -+module_exit(acx565akm_exit); -+ -+MODULE_AUTHOR("Tomi Valkeinen "); -+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("acx565akm LCD Driver"); -+MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-acx565akm.h b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-acx565akm.h -new file mode 100644 -index 0000000..6d3727b ---- /dev/null -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/displays/panel-acx565akm.h -@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ -+#ifndef __DRIVERS_VIDEO_OMAP2_DISPLAYS_PANEL_ACX565AKM_H -+#define __DRIVERS_VIDEO_OMAP2_DISPLAYS_PANEL_ACX565AKM_H -+ -+struct acx565akm_panel_data { -+ unsigned bc_connected:1; -+}; -+ -+#endif -+ --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0010-DSS2-Small-VRFB-context-allocation-bug-fixed.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0010-DSS2-Small-VRFB-context-allocation-bug-fixed.patch deleted file mode 100644 index f994327ec1..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0010-DSS2-Small-VRFB-context-allocation-bug-fixed.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -From 370510e24ddbf539392ebb6a1e43280965fcb19b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Vaibhav Hiremath -Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 18:47:32 +0530 -Subject: [PATCH 10/69] DSS2: Small VRFB context allocation bug fixed - -This is minor bug while requesting and mapping memory for -VRFB space. - -Signed-off-by: Vaibhav Hiremath ---- - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c | 1 + - 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -index 852abe5..44febef 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -@@ -1193,6 +1193,7 @@ static int omapfb_alloc_fbmem(struct fb_info *fbi, unsigned long size, - - if(!va) { - printk(KERN_ERR "vrfb: ioremap failed\n"); -+ omap_vrfb_release_ctx(&rg->vrfb); - return -ENOMEM; - } - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0011-DSS2-Allocated-memory-for-Color-Look-up-table.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0011-DSS2-Allocated-memory-for-Color-Look-up-table.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 2dad1d337f..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0011-DSS2-Allocated-memory-for-Color-Look-up-table.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -From 370d1f93a32e8fcaeac5c16574417e354af21d08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Vaibhav Hiremath -Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 18:38:31 +0530 -Subject: [PATCH 11/69] DSS2: Allocated memory for Color Look-up-table - -We were not allocating memory for CMAP buffer and due to that -G_CMAP was failing, since it does check for size of CMAP buffer. - -Called "fb_alloc_cmap" for llocating memory for CMAP. - -We are currently not supporting 1,2,4,8 bpp, so meaning less -for us as of now. But for completeness this is required. - -Signed-off-by: Vaibhav Hiremath ---- - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c | 5 +++++ - 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -index 44febef..afe40a9 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -@@ -1525,6 +1525,11 @@ int omapfb_fb_init(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev, struct fb_info *fbi) - goto err; - - set_fb_fix(fbi); -+ -+ r = fb_alloc_cmap(&fbi->cmap, 256, 0); -+ if (r) -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "unable to allocate color map memory\n"); -+ - err: - return r; - } --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0012-DSS2-Fix-DMA-rotation.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0012-DSS2-Fix-DMA-rotation.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 8e1d139c72..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0012-DSS2-Fix-DMA-rotation.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -From 9c93bcab724b5935d745604773ed43825efefd87 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 13:47:11 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 12/69] DSS2: Fix DMA rotation - -u16 was not a good type for offsets. First, they need to be signed, -and second, 16 bits is not enough. ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 12 ++++++------ - 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index ffb5648..6cea545 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -778,7 +778,7 @@ static void _dispc_set_vid_size(enum omap_plane plane, int width, int height) - dispc_write_reg(vsi_reg[plane-1], val); - } - --static void _dispc_set_pix_inc(enum omap_plane plane, u16 inc) -+static void _dispc_set_pix_inc(enum omap_plane plane, s32 inc) - { - const struct dispc_reg ri_reg[] = { DISPC_GFX_PIXEL_INC, - DISPC_VID_PIXEL_INC(0), -@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ static void _dispc_set_pix_inc(enum omap_plane plane, u16 inc) - dispc_write_reg(ri_reg[plane], inc); - } - --static void _dispc_set_row_inc(enum omap_plane plane, u16 inc) -+static void _dispc_set_row_inc(enum omap_plane plane, s32 inc) - { - const struct dispc_reg ri_reg[] = { DISPC_GFX_ROW_INC, - DISPC_VID_ROW_INC(0), -@@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@ static void _dispc_set_rotation_attrs(enum omap_plane plane, u8 rotation, - } - } - --static int pixinc(int pixels, u8 ps) -+static s32 pixinc(int pixels, u8 ps) - { - if (pixels == 1) - return 1; -@@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ static void calc_rotation_offset(u8 rotation, bool mirror, - u16 width, u16 height, - enum omap_color_mode color_mode, bool fieldmode, - unsigned *offset0, unsigned *offset1, -- u16 *row_inc, u16 *pix_inc) -+ s32 *row_inc, s32 *pix_inc) - { - u8 ps; - u16 fbw, fbh; -@@ -1298,8 +1298,8 @@ static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, - bool fieldmode = 0; - int cconv = 0; - unsigned offset0, offset1; -- u16 row_inc; -- u16 pix_inc; -+ s32 row_inc; -+ s32 pix_inc; - - if (plane == OMAP_DSS_GFX) { - if (width != out_width || height != out_height) --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0013-DSS2-Verify-that-overlay-paddr-0.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0013-DSS2-Verify-that-overlay-paddr-0.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 1abc7a8264..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0013-DSS2-Verify-that-overlay-paddr-0.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -From 360a55ddd309e3a45b227a4a905ae7120dd16169 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 14:21:12 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 13/69] DSS2: Verify that overlay paddr != 0 - ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 3 +++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c | 3 +++ - 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index 6cea545..2480a03 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -1301,6 +1301,9 @@ static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, - s32 row_inc; - s32 pix_inc; - -+ if (paddr == 0) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ - if (plane == OMAP_DSS_GFX) { - if (width != out_width || height != out_height) - return -EINVAL; -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c -index 968edbe..9209acf 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c -@@ -331,6 +331,9 @@ static int dss_ovl_set_overlay_info(struct omap_overlay *ovl, - int r; - struct omap_overlay_info old_info; - -+ if (info->paddr == 0) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ - old_info = ovl->info; - ovl->info = *info; - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0014-DSS2-Add-function-to-get-DSS-logic-clock-rate.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0014-DSS2-Add-function-to-get-DSS-logic-clock-rate.patch deleted file mode 100644 index d8aa4eb893..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0014-DSS2-Add-function-to-get-DSS-logic-clock-rate.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -From 832b763db235da8e62f7b6ab02bcb8ad6bcb7a01 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 16:48:41 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 14/69] DSS2: Add function to get DSS logic clock rate - ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 15 +++++++++++++++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h | 1 + - 2 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index 2480a03..1bc23f7 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -1850,6 +1850,21 @@ unsigned long dispc_fclk_rate(void) - return r; - } - -+unsigned long dispc_lclk_rate(void) -+{ -+ int lcd; -+ unsigned long r; -+ u32 l; -+ -+ l = dispc_read_reg(DISPC_DIVISOR); -+ -+ lcd = FLD_GET(l, 23, 16); -+ -+ r = dispc_fclk_rate(); -+ -+ return r / lcd; -+} -+ - unsigned long dispc_pclk_rate(void) - { - int lcd, pcd; -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -index bac5ece..0be42b6 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ bool dispc_trans_key_enabled(enum omap_channel ch); - - void dispc_set_lcd_timings(struct omap_video_timings *timings); - unsigned long dispc_fclk_rate(void); -+unsigned long dispc_lclk_rate(void); - unsigned long dispc_pclk_rate(void); - void dispc_set_pol_freq(struct omap_panel *panel); - void find_lck_pck_divs(bool is_tft, unsigned long req_pck, unsigned long fck, --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0015-DSS2-DSI-calculate-VP_CLK_RATIO-properly.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0015-DSS2-DSI-calculate-VP_CLK_RATIO-properly.patch deleted file mode 100644 index a0f2b9f528..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0015-DSS2-DSI-calculate-VP_CLK_RATIO-properly.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -From a5c235a6f0094494ae1fc1a1ba4728e0d33dfd3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 16:49:27 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 15/69] DSS2: DSI: calculate VP_CLK_RATIO properly - ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c | 17 +++++++++++------ - 1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -index 4442931..aecb89d 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -@@ -1104,7 +1104,10 @@ int dsi_pll_init(bool enable_hsclk, bool enable_hsdiv) - enable_clocks(1); - dsi_enable_pll_clock(1); - -- /* configure dispc fck and pixel clock to something sane */ -+ /* XXX this should be calculated depending on the screen size, -+ * required framerate and DSI speed. -+ * For now 48MHz is enough for 864x480@60 with 360Mbps/lane -+ * with two lanes */ - r = dispc_calc_clock_div(1, 48 * 1000 * 1000, &cinfo); - if (r) - goto err0; -@@ -1119,7 +1122,7 @@ int dsi_pll_init(bool enable_hsclk, bool enable_hsdiv) - if (r) - goto err0; - -- /* PLL does not come out of reset without this... */ -+ /* XXX PLL does not come out of reset without this... */ - dispc_pck_free_enable(1); - - if (wait_for_bit_change(DSI_PLL_STATUS, 0, 1) != 1) { -@@ -1128,8 +1131,8 @@ int dsi_pll_init(bool enable_hsclk, bool enable_hsdiv) - goto err1; - } - -- /* ... but if left on, we get problems when planes do not -- * fill the whole display. No idea about this XXX */ -+ /* XXX ... but if left on, we get problems when planes do not -+ * fill the whole display. No idea about this */ - dispc_pck_free_enable(0); - - if (enable_hsclk && enable_hsdiv) -@@ -2214,6 +2217,7 @@ static int dsi_proto_config(struct omap_display *display) - { - u32 r; - int buswidth = 0; -+ int div; - - dsi_config_tx_fifo(DSI_FIFO_SIZE_128, - DSI_FIFO_SIZE_0, -@@ -2254,8 +2258,9 @@ static int dsi_proto_config(struct omap_display *display) - r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 1, 1); /* CS_RX_EN */ - r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 2, 2); /* ECC_RX_EN */ - r = FLD_MOD(r, 1, 3, 3); /* TX_FIFO_ARBITRATION */ -- /* XXX what should the ratio be */ -- r = FLD_MOD(r, 0, 4, 4); /* VP_CLK_RATIO, VP_PCLK = VP_CLK/2 */ -+ -+ div = dispc_lclk_rate() / dispc_pclk_rate(); -+ r = FLD_MOD(r, div == 2 ? 0 : 1, 4, 4); /* VP_CLK_RATIO */ - r = FLD_MOD(r, buswidth, 7, 6); /* VP_DATA_BUS_WIDTH */ - r = FLD_MOD(r, 0, 8, 8); /* VP_CLK_POL */ - r = FLD_MOD(r, 2, 13, 12); /* LINE_BUFFER, 2 lines */ --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0016-DSS2-DSI-improve-packet-len-calculation.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0016-DSS2-DSI-improve-packet-len-calculation.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 35d65a996d..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0016-DSS2-DSI-improve-packet-len-calculation.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -From 6b2c9d84c7accdfe1067fcdc8a00e50674aab4bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 17:42:26 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 16/69] DSS2: DSI: improve packet len calculation - ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c | 21 ++++++++++++++++----- - 1 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -index aecb89d..66ac6ea 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -@@ -2624,17 +2624,28 @@ static void dsi_update_screen_dispc(struct omap_display *display, - u16 x, u16 y, u16 w, u16 h) - { - int bytespp = 3; -+ int len; - int total_len; -- int line_packet_len; -+ int packet_payload; -+ int packet_len; - u32 l; - - if (dsi.update_mode == OMAP_DSS_UPDATE_MANUAL) - DSSDBG("dsi_update_screen_dispc(%d,%d %dx%d)\n", - x, y, w, h); - -- /* TODO: one packet could be longer, I think? Max is the line buffer */ -- line_packet_len = w * bytespp + 1; /* 1 byte for DCS cmd */ -- total_len = line_packet_len * h; -+ len = w * h * bytespp; -+ -+ /* XXX: one packet could be longer, I think? Line buffer is -+ * 1024 x 24bits, but we have to put DCS cmd there also. -+ * 1023 * 3 should work, but causes strange color effects. */ -+ packet_payload = min(w, (u16)1020) * bytespp; -+ -+ packet_len = packet_payload + 1; /* 1 byte for DCS cmd */ -+ total_len = (len / packet_payload) * packet_len; -+ -+ if (len % packet_payload) -+ total_len += (len % packet_payload) + 1; - - display->ctrl->setup_update(display, x, y, w, h); - -@@ -2646,7 +2657,7 @@ static void dsi_update_screen_dispc(struct omap_display *display, - l = FLD_VAL(total_len, 23, 0); /* TE_SIZE */ - dsi_write_reg(DSI_VC_TE(1), l); - -- dsi_vc_write_long_header(1, DSI_DT_DCS_LONG_WRITE, line_packet_len, 0); -+ dsi_vc_write_long_header(1, DSI_DT_DCS_LONG_WRITE, packet_len, 0); - - if (dsi.use_te) - l = FLD_MOD(l, 1, 30, 30); /* TE_EN */ --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0017-DSS2-Disable-video-planes-on-sync-lost-error.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0017-DSS2-Disable-video-planes-on-sync-lost-error.patch deleted file mode 100644 index e9a5dcc67a..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0017-DSS2-Disable-video-planes-on-sync-lost-error.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,103 +0,0 @@ -From 85848d329ca3a2d6ee6841cdc11cc5951d187931 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: =?utf-8?q?Ville=20Syrj=C3=A4l=C3=A4?= -Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 19:09:20 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 17/69] DSS2: Disable video planes on sync lost error -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -When encountering the sync lost error disable the display and all video -planes on the affected manager. Afterwards re-enable the display. - -Signed-off-by: Ville Syrjälä ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - 1 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index 1bc23f7..41734f3 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -2518,29 +2518,79 @@ static void dispc_error_worker(struct work_struct *work) - } - - if (errors & DISPC_IRQ_SYNC_LOST) { -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *manager = NULL; -+ bool enable = false; -+ - DSSERR("SYNC_LOST, disabling LCD\n"); -+ - for (i = 0; i < omap_dss_get_num_overlay_managers(); ++i) { - struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr; - mgr = omap_dss_get_overlay_manager(i); - - if (mgr->id == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_LCD) { -+ manager = mgr; -+ enable = mgr->display->state == -+ OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE; - mgr->display->disable(mgr->display); - break; - } - } -+ -+ if (manager) { -+ for (i = 0; i < omap_dss_get_num_overlays(); ++i) { -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ ovl = omap_dss_get_overlay(i); -+ -+ if (!(ovl->caps & OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_DISPC)) -+ continue; -+ -+ if (ovl->id != 0 && ovl->manager == manager) -+ dispc_enable_plane(ovl->id, 0); -+ } -+ -+ dispc_go(manager->id); -+ mdelay(50); -+ if (enable) -+ manager->display->enable(manager->display); -+ } - } - - if (errors & DISPC_IRQ_SYNC_LOST_DIGIT) { -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *manager = NULL; -+ bool enable = false; -+ - DSSERR("SYNC_LOST_DIGIT, disabling TV\n"); -+ - for (i = 0; i < omap_dss_get_num_overlay_managers(); ++i) { - struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr; - mgr = omap_dss_get_overlay_manager(i); - - if (mgr->id == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_DIGIT) { -+ manager = mgr; -+ enable = mgr->display->state == -+ OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_ACTIVE; - mgr->display->disable(mgr->display); - break; - } - } -+ -+ if (manager) { -+ for (i = 0; i < omap_dss_get_num_overlays(); ++i) { -+ struct omap_overlay *ovl; -+ ovl = omap_dss_get_overlay(i); -+ -+ if (!(ovl->caps & OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_DISPC)) -+ continue; -+ -+ if (ovl->id != 0 && ovl->manager == manager) -+ dispc_enable_plane(ovl->id, 0); -+ } -+ -+ dispc_go(manager->id); -+ mdelay(50); -+ if (enable) -+ manager->display->enable(manager->display); -+ } - } - - if (errors & DISPC_IRQ_OCP_ERR) { --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0018-DSS2-check-for-ovl-paddr-only-when-enabling.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0018-DSS2-check-for-ovl-paddr-only-when-enabling.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 0261db2bd4..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0018-DSS2-check-for-ovl-paddr-only-when-enabling.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -From 63e15ba8d5f95b13d3abf359da718537d769f112 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 10:01:58 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 18/69] DSS2: check for ovl paddr only when enabling - -It seems Xvideo uses SETUP_PLANE ioctl even when -the fb memory has not been allocated. Sigh. ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c | 8 +++++--- - 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c -index 9209acf..c047206 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c -@@ -281,6 +281,11 @@ int dss_check_overlay(struct omap_overlay *ovl, struct omap_display *display) - - info = &ovl->info; - -+ if (info->paddr == 0) { -+ DSSDBG("check_overlay failed: paddr 0\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ - display->get_resolution(display, &dw, &dh); - - DSSDBG("check_overlay %d: (%d,%d %dx%d -> %dx%d) disp (%dx%d)\n", -@@ -331,9 +336,6 @@ static int dss_ovl_set_overlay_info(struct omap_overlay *ovl, - int r; - struct omap_overlay_info old_info; - -- if (info->paddr == 0) -- return -EINVAL; -- - old_info = ovl->info; - ovl->info = *info; - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0019-DSS2-Check-fclk-limits-when-configuring-video-plane.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0019-DSS2-Check-fclk-limits-when-configuring-video-plane.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 6569c71471..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0019-DSS2-Check-fclk-limits-when-configuring-video-plane.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,183 +0,0 @@ -From 67f3fc050ab4e2006d5b7ec6ec341896627181ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: =?utf-8?q?Ville=20Syrj=C3=A4l=C3=A4?= -Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 17:32:04 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 19/69] DSS2: Check fclk limits when configuring video planes -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -Check that the currect functional clock is fast enough to support -the requested scaling ratios. Also check if 5-tap filtering can be -used even though the downscaling ratio is less than 1:2 since the -functional clock rate required for 5-tap filtering can be less than -the requirement for 3-tap filtering, and 5-tap filtering should look -better. - -Signed-off-by: Ville Syrjälä ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- - 1 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index 41734f3..61861d8 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -1026,11 +1026,11 @@ static void _dispc_set_vid_accu1(enum omap_plane plane, int haccu, int vaccu) - static void _dispc_set_scaling(enum omap_plane plane, - u16 orig_width, u16 orig_height, - u16 out_width, u16 out_height, -- bool ilace) -+ bool ilace, bool five_taps) - { - int fir_hinc; - int fir_vinc; -- int hscaleup, vscaleup, five_taps; -+ int hscaleup, vscaleup; - int fieldmode = 0; - int accu0 = 0; - int accu1 = 0; -@@ -1040,7 +1040,6 @@ static void _dispc_set_scaling(enum omap_plane plane, - - hscaleup = orig_width <= out_width; - vscaleup = orig_height <= out_height; -- five_taps = orig_height > out_height * 2; - - _dispc_set_scale_coef(plane, hscaleup, vscaleup, five_taps); - -@@ -1283,6 +1282,73 @@ static void calc_rotation_offset(u8 rotation, bool mirror, - } - } - -+static unsigned long calc_fclk_five_taps(u16 width, u16 height, -+ u16 out_width, u16 out_height, enum omap_color_mode color_mode) -+{ -+ u32 fclk = 0; -+ /* FIXME venc pclk? */ -+ u64 tmp, pclk = dispc_pclk_rate(); -+ -+ if (height > out_height) { -+ /* FIXME get real display PPL */ -+ unsigned int ppl = 800; -+ -+ tmp = pclk * height * out_width; -+ do_div(tmp, 2 * out_height * ppl); -+ fclk = tmp; -+ -+ if (height > 2 * out_height) { -+ tmp = pclk * (height - 2 * out_height) * out_width; -+ do_div(tmp, 2 * out_height * (ppl - out_width)); -+ fclk = max(fclk, (u32) tmp); -+ } -+ } -+ -+ if (width > out_width) { -+ tmp = pclk * width; -+ do_div(tmp, out_width); -+ fclk = max(fclk, (u32) tmp); -+ -+ if (color_mode == OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24U) -+ fclk <<= 1; -+ } -+ -+ return fclk; -+} -+ -+static unsigned long calc_fclk(u16 width, u16 height, -+ u16 out_width, u16 out_height, -+ enum omap_color_mode color_mode, bool five_taps) -+{ -+ unsigned int hf, vf; -+ -+ if (five_taps) -+ return calc_fclk_five_taps(width, height, -+ out_width, out_height, color_mode); -+ -+ /* -+ * FIXME how to determine the 'A' factor -+ * for the no downscaling case ? -+ */ -+ -+ if (width > 3 * out_width) -+ hf = 4; -+ else if (width > 2 * out_width) -+ hf = 3; -+ else if (width > out_width) -+ hf = 2; -+ else -+ hf = 1; -+ -+ if (height > out_height) -+ vf = 2; -+ else -+ vf = 1; -+ -+ /* FIXME venc pclk? */ -+ return dispc_pclk_rate() * vf * hf; -+} -+ - static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, - enum omap_channel channel_out, - u32 paddr, u16 screen_width, -@@ -1294,7 +1360,7 @@ static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, - u8 rotation, int mirror) - { - const int maxdownscale = cpu_is_omap34xx() ? 4 : 2; -- bool five_taps = height > out_height * 2; -+ bool five_taps = 0; - bool fieldmode = 0; - int cconv = 0; - unsigned offset0, offset1; -@@ -1323,8 +1389,8 @@ static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, - } - } else { - /* video plane */ -- if (width > (2048 >> five_taps)) -- return -EINVAL; -+ -+ unsigned long fclk; - - if (out_width < width / maxdownscale || - out_width > width * 8) -@@ -1356,6 +1422,30 @@ static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, - default: - return -EINVAL; - } -+ -+ /* Must use 5-tap filter? */ -+ five_taps = height > out_height * 2; -+ -+ /* Try to use 5-tap filter whenever possible. */ -+ if (cpu_is_omap34xx() && !five_taps && -+ height > out_height && width <= 1024) { -+ fclk = calc_fclk_five_taps(width, height, -+ out_width, out_height, color_mode); -+ if (fclk <= dispc_fclk_rate()) -+ five_taps = true; -+ } -+ -+ if (width > (2048 >> five_taps)) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ fclk = calc_fclk(width, height, out_width, out_height, -+ color_mode, five_taps); -+ -+ DSSDBG("required fclk rate = %lu Hz\n", fclk); -+ DSSDBG("current fclk rate = %lu Hz\n", dispc_fclk_rate()); -+ -+ if (fclk > dispc_fclk_rate()) -+ return -EINVAL; - } - - if (ilace && height >= out_height) -@@ -1399,7 +1489,7 @@ static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, - if (plane != OMAP_DSS_GFX) { - _dispc_set_scaling(plane, width, height, - out_width, out_height, -- ilace); -+ ilace, five_taps); - _dispc_set_vid_size(plane, out_width, out_height); - _dispc_set_vid_color_conv(plane, cconv); - } --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0020-DSS2-Check-scaling-limits-against-proper-values.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0020-DSS2-Check-scaling-limits-against-proper-values.patch deleted file mode 100644 index c6971ea452..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0020-DSS2-Check-scaling-limits-against-proper-values.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -From 9f8f1613253656f155b3844c8255a560f86e0acd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: =?utf-8?q?Ville=20Syrj=C3=A4l=C3=A4?= -Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 17:32:05 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 20/69] DSS2: Check scaling limits against proper values -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -Move the ilace and fieldmode related height adjustments to be performed -before checking the scaling limits. - -Signed-off-by: Ville Syrjälä ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 31 ++++++++++++++++--------------- - 1 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index 61861d8..ae7be3d 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -1366,10 +1366,25 @@ static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, - unsigned offset0, offset1; - s32 row_inc; - s32 pix_inc; -+ u16 frame_height = height; - - if (paddr == 0) - return -EINVAL; - -+ if (ilace && height >= out_height) -+ fieldmode = 1; -+ -+ if (ilace) { -+ if (fieldmode) -+ height /= 2; -+ pos_y /= 2; -+ out_height /= 2; -+ -+ DSSDBG("adjusting for ilace: height %d, pos_y %d, " -+ "out_height %d\n", -+ height, pos_y, out_height); -+ } -+ - if (plane == OMAP_DSS_GFX) { - if (width != out_width || height != out_height) - return -EINVAL; -@@ -1448,28 +1463,14 @@ static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, - return -EINVAL; - } - -- if (ilace && height >= out_height) -- fieldmode = 1; -- - calc_rotation_offset(rotation, mirror, -- screen_width, width, height, color_mode, -+ screen_width, width, frame_height, color_mode, - fieldmode, - &offset0, &offset1, &row_inc, &pix_inc); - - DSSDBG("offset0 %u, offset1 %u, row_inc %d, pix_inc %d\n", - offset0, offset1, row_inc, pix_inc); - -- if (ilace) { -- if (fieldmode) -- height /= 2; -- pos_y /= 2; -- out_height /= 2; -- -- DSSDBG("adjusting for ilace: height %d, pos_y %d, " -- "out_height %d\n", -- height, pos_y, out_height); -- } -- - _dispc_set_channel_out(plane, channel_out); - _dispc_set_color_mode(plane, color_mode); - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0021-DSS2-Add-venc-register-dump.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0021-DSS2-Add-venc-register-dump.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 44f126e7a4..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0021-DSS2-Add-venc-register-dump.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -From c5e71be877e71c7df329205307e830f158c403bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: =?utf-8?q?Ville=20Syrj=C3=A4l=C3=A4?= -Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 17:32:06 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 21/69] DSS2: Add venc register dump -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -Add a new file to debugfs to dump the VENC registers. The function -prototype was already there but the implementation was missing. - -Signed-off-by: Ville Syrjälä ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/venc.c | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - 1 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/venc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/venc.c -index aceed9f..b655df4 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/venc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/venc.c -@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include - #include -@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ - #define VENC_TVDETGP_INT_START_STOP_Y 0xB4 - #define VENC_GEN_CTRL 0xB8 - #define VENC_OUTPUT_CONTROL 0xC4 -+#define VENC_OUTPUT_TEST 0xC8 - #define VENC_DAC_B__DAC_C 0xC8 - - struct venc_config { -@@ -598,3 +600,56 @@ void venc_init_display(struct omap_display *display) - display->set_timings = venc_set_timings; - display->check_timings = venc_check_timings; - } -+ -+void venc_dump_regs(struct seq_file *s) -+{ -+#define DUMPREG(r) seq_printf(s, "%-35s %08x\n", #r, venc_read_reg(r)) -+ -+ venc_enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ DUMPREG(VENC_F_CONTROL); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_VIDOUT_CTRL); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_SYNC_CTRL); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_LLEN); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_FLENS); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_HFLTR_CTRL); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_CC_CARR_WSS_CARR); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_C_PHASE); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_GAIN_U); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_GAIN_V); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_GAIN_Y); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_BLACK_LEVEL); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_BLANK_LEVEL); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_X_COLOR); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_M_CONTROL); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_BSTAMP_WSS_DATA); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_S_CARR); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_LINE21); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_LN_SEL); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_L21__WC_CTL); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_HTRIGGER_VTRIGGER); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_SAVID__EAVID); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_FLEN__FAL); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_LAL__PHASE_RESET); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_HS_INT_START_STOP_X); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_HS_EXT_START_STOP_X); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_VS_INT_START_X); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_VS_INT_STOP_X__VS_INT_START_Y); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_VS_INT_STOP_Y__VS_EXT_START_X); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_VS_EXT_STOP_X__VS_EXT_START_Y); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_VS_EXT_STOP_Y); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_AVID_START_STOP_X); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_AVID_START_STOP_Y); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_FID_INT_START_X__FID_INT_START_Y); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_FID_INT_OFFSET_Y__FID_EXT_START_X); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_FID_EXT_START_Y__FID_EXT_OFFSET_Y); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_TVDETGP_INT_START_STOP_X); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_TVDETGP_INT_START_STOP_Y); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_GEN_CTRL); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_OUTPUT_CONTROL); -+ DUMPREG(VENC_OUTPUT_TEST); -+ -+ venc_enable_clocks(0); -+ -+#undef DUMPREG -+} --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0022-DSS2-FB-remove-unused-var-warning.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0022-DSS2-FB-remove-unused-var-warning.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 207a85f115..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0022-DSS2-FB-remove-unused-var-warning.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -From facfd479bb6efad76eec1e74048cb7a31da7287d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Imre Deak -Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 22:26:04 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 22/69] DSS2: FB: remove unused var warning - -Signed-off-by: Imre Deak ---- - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c | 2 ++ - 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -index afe40a9..12ce0c3 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -@@ -1246,7 +1246,9 @@ static int omapfb_alloc_fbmem_display(struct fb_info *fbi, unsigned long size, - display->get_resolution(display, &w, &h); - - if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) { -+#ifdef DEBUG - int oldw = w, oldh = h; -+#endif - - omap_vrfb_adjust_size(&w, &h, bytespp); - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0023-DSS2-pass-the-default-FB-color-format-through-board.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0023-DSS2-pass-the-default-FB-color-format-through-board.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 45045c4b4b..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0023-DSS2-pass-the-default-FB-color-format-through-board.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,214 +0,0 @@ -From c02b843c2732bc7b15a3e35b5dd715d68225bbd1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Imre Deak -Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2009 12:51:46 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 23/69] DSS2: pass the default FB color format through board info - -Add a field to the FB memory region platform data, so that board -init code can pass a default color format to the driver. Set this -format as an initial setting for the given FB. - -This is needed for an upcoming patch that adds detection of the -color format set by the bootloader. - -Signed-off-by: Imre Deak ---- - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c | 121 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb.h | 2 + - include/linux/omapfb.h | 5 + - 3 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -index 12ce0c3..67c67c2 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -@@ -370,6 +370,21 @@ static enum omap_color_mode fb_mode_to_dss_mode(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var) - return -EINVAL; - } - -+static int dss_mode_to_fb_mode(enum omap_color_mode dssmode, -+ struct fb_var_screeninfo *var) -+{ -+ int i; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(omapfb_colormodes); ++i) { -+ struct omapfb_colormode *mode = &omapfb_colormodes[i]; -+ if (dssmode == mode->dssmode) { -+ assign_colormode_to_var(var, mode); -+ return 0; -+ } -+ } -+ return -ENOENT; -+} -+ - void set_fb_fix(struct fb_info *fbi) - { - struct fb_fix_screeninfo *fix = &fbi->fix; -@@ -1267,6 +1282,60 @@ static int omapfb_alloc_fbmem_display(struct fb_info *fbi, unsigned long size, - return omapfb_alloc_fbmem(fbi, size, paddr); - } - -+static enum omap_color_mode fb_format_to_dss_mode(enum omapfb_color_format format) -+{ -+ enum omap_color_mode mode; -+ -+ switch (format) { -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_RGB565: -+ mode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB16; -+ break; -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_YUV422: -+ mode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_YUV2; -+ break; -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_CLUT_8BPP: -+ mode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT8; -+ break; -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_CLUT_4BPP: -+ mode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT4; -+ break; -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_CLUT_2BPP: -+ mode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT2; -+ break; -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_CLUT_1BPP: -+ mode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_CLUT1; -+ break; -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_RGB444: -+ mode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB12U; -+ break; -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_YUY422: -+ mode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_UYVY; -+ break; -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_ARGB16: -+ mode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB16; -+ break; -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_RGB24U: -+ mode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24U; -+ break; -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_RGB24P: -+ mode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24P; -+ break; -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_ARGB32: -+ mode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB32; -+ break; -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_RGBA32: -+ mode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBA32; -+ break; -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_RGBX32: -+ mode = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBX32; -+ break; -+ default: -+ mode = -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ return mode; -+} -+ - static int omapfb_parse_vram_param(const char *param, int max_entries, - unsigned long *sizes, unsigned long *paddrs) - { -@@ -1483,9 +1552,36 @@ int omapfb_fb_init(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev, struct fb_info *fbi) - } - - var->nonstd = 0; -+ var->bits_per_pixel = 0; - - var->rotate = ofbi->rotation; - -+ /* -+ * Check if there is a default color format set in the board file, -+ * and use this format instead the default deducted from the -+ * display bpp. -+ */ -+ if (fbdev->dev->platform_data) { -+ struct omapfb_platform_data *opd; -+ int id = ofbi->id; -+ -+ opd = fbdev->dev->platform_data; -+ if (opd->mem_desc.region[id].format_used) { -+ enum omap_color_mode mode; -+ enum omapfb_color_format format; -+ -+ format = opd->mem_desc.region[id].format; -+ mode = fb_format_to_dss_mode(format); -+ if (mode < 0) { -+ r = mode; -+ goto err; -+ } -+ r = dss_mode_to_fb_mode(mode, var); -+ if (r < 0) -+ goto err; -+ } -+ } -+ - if (display) { - u16 w, h; - display->get_resolution(display, &w, &h); -@@ -1502,16 +1598,18 @@ int omapfb_fb_init(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev, struct fb_info *fbi) - var->xres_virtual = var->xres; - var->yres_virtual = var->yres; - -- switch (display->get_recommended_bpp(display)) { -- case 16: -- var->bits_per_pixel = 16; -- break; -- case 24: -- var->bits_per_pixel = 32; -- break; -- default: -- dev_err(fbdev->dev, "illegal display bpp\n"); -- return -EINVAL; -+ if (!var->bits_per_pixel) { -+ switch (display->get_recommended_bpp(display)) { -+ case 16: -+ var->bits_per_pixel = 16; -+ break; -+ case 24: -+ var->bits_per_pixel = 32; -+ break; -+ default: -+ dev_err(fbdev->dev, "illegal display bpp\n"); -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } - } - } else { - /* if there's no display, let's just guess some basic values */ -@@ -1519,7 +1617,8 @@ int omapfb_fb_init(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev, struct fb_info *fbi) - var->yres = 240; - var->xres_virtual = var->xres; - var->yres_virtual = var->yres; -- var->bits_per_pixel = 16; -+ if (!var->bits_per_pixel) -+ var->bits_per_pixel = 16; - } - - r = check_fb_var(fbi, var); -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb.h b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb.h -index 65e9e6e..2607def 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb.h -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb.h -@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ - #define DEBUG - #endif - -+#include -+ - #ifdef DEBUG - extern unsigned int omapfb_debug; - #define DBG(format, ...) \ -diff --git a/include/linux/omapfb.h b/include/linux/omapfb.h -index 96190b2..7a34f22 100644 ---- a/include/linux/omapfb.h -+++ b/include/linux/omapfb.h -@@ -298,6 +298,11 @@ struct omapfb_mem_region { - void __iomem *vaddr; - unsigned long size; - u8 type; /* OMAPFB_PLANE_MEM_* */ -+ enum omapfb_color_format format;/* OMAPFB_COLOR_* */ -+ unsigned format_used:1; /* Must be set when format is set. -+ * Needed b/c of the badly chosen 0 -+ * base for OMAPFB_COLOR_* values -+ */ - unsigned alloc:1; /* allocated by the driver */ - unsigned map:1; /* kernel mapped by the driver */ - }; --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0024-DSS2-Beagle-Use-gpio_set_value.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0024-DSS2-Beagle-Use-gpio_set_value.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 1a68d9425a..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0024-DSS2-Beagle-Use-gpio_set_value.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -From 2710416c43572652cb5355a5eaf68038c95659e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 12:10:46 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 24/69] DSS2: Beagle: Use gpio_set_value - ---- - arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3beagle.c | 10 +++++++--- - 1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3beagle.c b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3beagle.c -index b67e7a5..8c1961d 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3beagle.c -+++ b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3beagle.c -@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ static struct platform_device keys_gpio = { - static int beagle_enable_dvi(struct omap_display *display) - { - if (display->hw_config.panel_reset_gpio != -1) -- gpio_direction_output(display->hw_config.panel_reset_gpio, 1); -+ gpio_set_value(display->hw_config.panel_reset_gpio, 1); - - return 0; - } -@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ static int beagle_enable_dvi(struct omap_display *display) - static void beagle_disable_dvi(struct omap_display *display) - { - if (display->hw_config.panel_reset_gpio != -1) -- gpio_direction_output(display->hw_config.panel_reset_gpio, 0); -+ gpio_set_value(display->hw_config.panel_reset_gpio, 0); - } - - static struct omap_dss_display_config beagle_display_data_dvi = { -@@ -445,8 +445,12 @@ static void __init beagle_display_init(void) - int r; - - r = gpio_request(beagle_display_data_dvi.panel_reset_gpio, "DVI reset"); -- if (r < 0) -+ if (r < 0) { - printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to get DVI reset GPIO\n"); -+ return; -+ } -+ -+ gpio_direction_output(beagle_display_data_dvi.panel_reset_gpio, 0); - } - - static struct omap_board_config_kernel omap3_beagle_config[] __initdata = { --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0025-DSS2-VRFB-Macro-for-calculating-base-address-of-th.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0025-DSS2-VRFB-Macro-for-calculating-base-address-of-th.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 7f889d95d8..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0025-DSS2-VRFB-Macro-for-calculating-base-address-of-th.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -From 990f3160d33361c135ee72e91f202e05a8c378fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Hardik Shah -Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 18:50:24 +0530 -Subject: [PATCH 25/69] DSS2: VRFB: Macro for calculating base address of the VRFB context was faulty - -Signed-off-by: Hardik Shah ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c | 4 ++-- - 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -index 7e0f8fc..d68065f 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ - - #define SMS_ROT_VIRT_BASE(context, rot) \ - (((context >= 4) ? 0xD0000000 : 0x70000000) \ -- | 0x4000000 * (context) \ -- | 0x1000000 * (rot)) -+ + (0x4000000 * (context)) \ -+ + (0x1000000 * (rot))) - - #define OMAP_VRFB_SIZE (2048 * 2048 * 4) - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0026-DSS2-DSI-sidlemode-to-noidle-while-sending-frame.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0026-DSS2-DSI-sidlemode-to-noidle-while-sending-frame.patch deleted file mode 100644 index f5c249e045..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0026-DSS2-DSI-sidlemode-to-noidle-while-sending-frame.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -From a1e8018c0806a1a0579eda4b93b7d6764a2ff643 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 14:06:54 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 26/69] DSS2: DSI: sidlemode to noidle while sending frame - -DISPC interrupts are not wake-up capable. Smart-idle in DISPC_SIDLEMODE -causes DSS interface to go to idle at the end of the frame, and the -FRAMEDONE interrupt is then delayed until something wakes up the DSS -interface. - -So we set SIDLEMODE to no-idle when we start sending the frame, and -set it back to smart-idle after receiving FRAMEDONE. ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 10 ++++++++++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c | 4 ++++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h | 3 +++ - 3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index ae7be3d..16c68b8 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -2791,6 +2791,16 @@ static void _omap_dispc_initialize_irq(void) - omap_dispc_set_irqs(); - } - -+void dispc_enable_sidle(void) -+{ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_SYSCONFIG, 2, 4, 3); /* SIDLEMODE: smart idle */ -+} -+ -+void dispc_disable_sidle(void) -+{ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_SYSCONFIG, 1, 4, 3); /* SIDLEMODE: no idle */ -+} -+ - static void _omap_dispc_initial_config(void) - { - u32 l; -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -index 66ac6ea..50af925 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -@@ -2665,6 +2665,8 @@ static void dsi_update_screen_dispc(struct omap_display *display, - l = FLD_MOD(l, 1, 31, 31); /* TE_START */ - dsi_write_reg(DSI_VC_TE(1), l); - -+ dispc_disable_sidle(); -+ - dispc_enable_lcd_out(1); - - if (dsi.use_te) -@@ -2678,6 +2680,8 @@ static void framedone_callback(void *data, u32 mask) - return; - } - -+ dispc_enable_sidle(); -+ - dsi.framedone_scheduled = 1; - - /* We get FRAMEDONE when DISPC has finished sending pixels and turns -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -index 0be42b6..d0917a8 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -@@ -244,6 +244,9 @@ void dispc_fake_vsync_irq(void); - void dispc_save_context(void); - void dispc_restore_context(void); - -+void dispc_enable_sidle(void); -+void dispc_disable_sidle(void); -+ - void dispc_lcd_enable_signal_polarity(bool act_high); - void dispc_lcd_enable_signal(bool enable); - void dispc_pck_free_enable(bool enable); --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0027-DSS2-VRFB-rotation-and-mirroring-implemented.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0027-DSS2-VRFB-rotation-and-mirroring-implemented.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 5265ae6b0a..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0027-DSS2-VRFB-rotation-and-mirroring-implemented.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,324 +0,0 @@ -From 77e848eeba461e9b55b09d39fd0d640caea13e19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Hardik Shah -Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 12:09:44 +0530 -Subject: [PATCH 27/69] DSS2: VRFB rotation and mirroring implemented. - -DSS2 modified to accept the rotation_type input -to get the dma or VRFB rotation. - -DSS2: VRFB: Changed to pass DSS mode to vrfb_setup instead of Bpp. - -VRFB size registers requires the width to be halved when the -mode is YUV or UYVY. So modifed to pass the mode to omap_vrfb_setup -function. - -Code added by Tim Yamin for few bug fixes - -Signed-off-by: Tim Yamin -Signed-off-by: Hardik Shah ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h | 6 ++ - arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h | 3 +- - arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c | 36 +++++++++- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 109 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h | 1 + - drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c | 1 + - 6 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -index 6b702c7..b0a6272 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -@@ -341,6 +341,11 @@ enum omap_dss_overlay_managers { - - struct omap_overlay_manager; - -+enum omap_dss_rotation_type { -+ OMAP_DSS_ROT_DMA = 0, -+ OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB = 1, -+}; -+ - struct omap_overlay_info { - bool enabled; - -@@ -351,6 +356,7 @@ struct omap_overlay_info { - u16 height; - enum omap_color_mode color_mode; - u8 rotation; -+ enum omap_dss_rotation_type rotation_type; - bool mirror; - - u16 pos_x; -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h -index 2047862..12c7fab 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h -@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ - #ifndef __VRFB_H - #define __VRFB_H - -+#include - #define OMAP_VRFB_LINE_LEN 2048 - - struct vrfb -@@ -42,6 +43,6 @@ extern void omap_vrfb_adjust_size(u16 *width, u16 *height, - u8 bytespp); - extern void omap_vrfb_setup(struct vrfb *vrfb, unsigned long paddr, - u16 width, u16 height, -- u8 bytespp); -+ enum omap_color_mode color_mode); - - #endif /* __VRFB_H */ -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -index d68065f..2f08f6d 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ - - #include - #include -- - /*#define DEBUG*/ - - #ifdef DEBUG -@@ -50,19 +49,48 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_vrfb_adjust_size); - - void omap_vrfb_setup(struct vrfb *vrfb, unsigned long paddr, - u16 width, u16 height, -- u8 bytespp) -+ enum omap_color_mode color_mode) - { - unsigned pixel_size_exp; - u16 vrfb_width; - u16 vrfb_height; - u8 ctx = vrfb->context; -+ u8 bytespp; - - DBG("omapfb_set_vrfb(%d, %lx, %dx%d, %d)\n", ctx, paddr, - width, height, bytespp); - -- if (bytespp == 4) -+ switch (color_mode) { -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB16: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB16: -+ bytespp = 2; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24P: -+ bytespp = 3; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24U: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB32: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBA32: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBX32: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_YUV2: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_UYVY: -+ bytespp = 4; -+ break; -+ -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ return; -+ } -+ -+ if (color_mode == OMAP_DSS_COLOR_YUV2 || -+ color_mode == OMAP_DSS_COLOR_UYVY) -+ width >>= 1; -+ -+ if (bytespp == 4) { - pixel_size_exp = 2; -- else if (bytespp == 2) -+ } else if (bytespp == 2) - pixel_size_exp = 1; - else - BUG(); -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index 16c68b8..23a8155 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@ static void _dispc_set_rotation_attrs(enum omap_plane plane, u8 rotation, - case 0: vidrot = 0; break; - case 1: vidrot = 1; break; - case 2: vidrot = 2; break; -- case 3: vidrot = 1; break; -+ case 3: vidrot = 3; break; - } - } - -@@ -1134,7 +1134,92 @@ static s32 pixinc(int pixels, u8 ps) - BUG(); - } - --static void calc_rotation_offset(u8 rotation, bool mirror, -+static void calc_vrfb_rotation_offset(u8 rotation, bool mirror, -+ u16 screen_width, -+ u16 width, u16 height, -+ enum omap_color_mode color_mode, bool fieldmode, -+ unsigned *offset0, unsigned *offset1, -+ s32 *row_inc, s32 *pix_inc) -+{ -+ u8 ps; -+ -+ switch (color_mode) { -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB16: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB16: -+ ps = 2; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24P: -+ ps = 3; -+ break; -+ -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB24U: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_ARGB32: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBA32: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGBX32: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_YUV2: -+ case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_UYVY: -+ ps = 4; -+ break; -+ -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ return; -+ } -+ -+ DSSDBG("calc_rot(%d): scrw %d, %dx%d\n", rotation, screen_width, -+ width, height); -+ switch (rotation + mirror * 4) { -+ case 0: -+ case 2: -+ /* -+ * If the pixel format is YUV or UYVY divide the width -+ * of the image by 2 for 0 and 180 degree rotation. -+ */ -+ if (color_mode == OMAP_DSS_COLOR_YUV2 || -+ color_mode == OMAP_DSS_COLOR_UYVY) -+ width = width >> 1; -+ case 1: -+ case 3: -+ *offset0 = 0; -+ if (fieldmode) -+ *offset1 = screen_width * ps; -+ else -+ *offset1 = 0; -+ -+ *row_inc = pixinc(1 + (screen_width - width) + -+ (fieldmode ? screen_width : 0), -+ ps); -+ *pix_inc = pixinc(1, ps); -+ break; -+ -+ case 4: -+ case 6: -+ /* If the pixel format is YUV or UYVY divide the width -+ * of the image by 2 for 0 degree and 180 degree -+ */ -+ if (color_mode == OMAP_DSS_COLOR_YUV2 || -+ color_mode == OMAP_DSS_COLOR_UYVY) -+ width = width >> 1; -+ case 5: -+ case 7: -+ *offset0 = 0; -+ if (fieldmode) -+ *offset1 = screen_width * ps; -+ else -+ *offset1 = 0; -+ *row_inc = pixinc(1 - (screen_width + width) - -+ (fieldmode ? screen_width : 0), -+ ps); -+ *pix_inc = pixinc(1, ps); -+ break; -+ -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ } -+} -+ -+static void calc_dma_rotation_offset(u8 rotation, bool mirror, - u16 screen_width, - u16 width, u16 height, - enum omap_color_mode color_mode, bool fieldmode, -@@ -1357,6 +1442,7 @@ static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, - u16 out_width, u16 out_height, - enum omap_color_mode color_mode, - bool ilace, -+ enum omap_dss_rotation_type rotation_type, - u8 rotation, int mirror) - { - const int maxdownscale = cpu_is_omap34xx() ? 4 : 2; -@@ -1463,10 +1549,16 @@ static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, - return -EINVAL; - } - -- calc_rotation_offset(rotation, mirror, -- screen_width, width, frame_height, color_mode, -- fieldmode, -- &offset0, &offset1, &row_inc, &pix_inc); -+ if (rotation_type == OMAP_DSS_ROT_DMA) -+ calc_dma_rotation_offset(rotation, mirror, -+ screen_width, width, frame_height, color_mode, -+ fieldmode, -+ &offset0, &offset1, &row_inc, &pix_inc); -+ else -+ calc_vrfb_rotation_offset(rotation, mirror, -+ screen_width, width, frame_height, color_mode, -+ fieldmode, -+ &offset0, &offset1, &row_inc, &pix_inc); - - DSSDBG("offset0 %u, offset1 %u, row_inc %d, pix_inc %d\n", - offset0, offset1, row_inc, pix_inc); -@@ -2889,6 +2981,7 @@ int dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, enum omap_channel channel_out, - u16 out_width, u16 out_height, - enum omap_color_mode color_mode, - bool ilace, -+ enum omap_dss_rotation_type rotation_type, - u8 rotation, bool mirror) - { - int r = 0; -@@ -2909,6 +3002,7 @@ int dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, enum omap_channel channel_out, - width, height, - out_width, out_height, - color_mode, ilace, -+ rotation_type, - rotation, mirror); - - enable_clocks(0); -@@ -3122,7 +3216,8 @@ void dispc_setup_partial_planes(struct omap_display *display, - pw, ph, - pow, poh, - pi->color_mode, 0, -- pi->rotation, // XXX rotation probably wrong -+ pi->rotation_type, -+ pi->rotation, - pi->mirror); - - dispc_enable_plane(ovl->id, 1); -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -index d0917a8..584dce6 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -@@ -272,6 +272,7 @@ int dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, enum omap_channel channel_out, - u16 out_width, u16 out_height, - enum omap_color_mode color_mode, - bool ilace, -+ enum omap_dss_rotation_type rotation_type, - u8 rotation, bool mirror); - - void dispc_go(enum omap_channel channel); -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -index b0fee80..8ca0bbb 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -@@ -395,6 +395,7 @@ static int omap_dss_mgr_apply(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr) - outh, - ovl->info.color_mode, - ilace, -+ ovl->info.rotation_type, - ovl->info.rotation, - ovl->info.mirror); - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0028-DSS2-OMAPFB-Added-support-for-the-YUV-VRFB-rotatio.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0028-DSS2-OMAPFB-Added-support-for-the-YUV-VRFB-rotatio.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 178349ed2a..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0028-DSS2-OMAPFB-Added-support-for-the-YUV-VRFB-rotatio.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,236 +0,0 @@ -From c09f1a0642fd58a1b081594ea36dfd1bf71aec52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Hardik Shah -Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 12:13:07 +0530 -Subject: [PATCH 28/69] DSS2: OMAPFB: Added support for the YUV VRFB rotation and mirroring. - -DSS2 now requires roatation_type to be specified by driver. -Added support for that. -DSS2 OMAPFB: Modified to pass the dss mode to omap_vrfb_setup function. - -VRFB size register requires the width to be halved when the -mode is YUV or UYVY. So VRFB is modifed to pass the mode to omap_vrfb_setup -function. - -Few changes done by Tim Yamin -Signed-off-by: Tim Yamin -Signed-off-by: Hardik Shah ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c | 4 +- - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c | 59 ++++++++++++++---------------- - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb.h | 7 +--- - 3 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -index 2f08f6d..2ae0d68 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ void omap_vrfb_setup(struct vrfb *vrfb, unsigned long paddr, - color_mode == OMAP_DSS_COLOR_UYVY) - width >>= 1; - -- if (bytespp == 4) { -+ if (bytespp == 4) - pixel_size_exp = 2; -- } else if (bytespp == 2) -+ else if (bytespp == 2) - pixel_size_exp = 1; - else - BUG(); -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -index 67c67c2..57f5900 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -@@ -176,15 +176,9 @@ static unsigned omapfb_get_vrfb_offset(struct omapfb_info *ofbi, int rot) - - static u32 omapfb_get_region_rot_paddr(struct omapfb_info *ofbi) - { -- if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) { -- unsigned offset; -- int rot; -- -- rot = ofbi->rotation; -- -- offset = omapfb_get_vrfb_offset(ofbi, rot); -- -- return ofbi->region.vrfb.paddr[rot] + offset; -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB) { -+ return ofbi->region.vrfb.paddr[ofbi->rotation] -+ + omapfb_get_vrfb_offset(ofbi, ofbi->rotation); - } else { - return ofbi->region.paddr; - } -@@ -192,7 +186,7 @@ static u32 omapfb_get_region_rot_paddr(struct omapfb_info *ofbi) - - u32 omapfb_get_region_paddr(struct omapfb_info *ofbi) - { -- if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB) - return ofbi->region.vrfb.paddr[0]; - else - return ofbi->region.paddr; -@@ -200,7 +194,7 @@ u32 omapfb_get_region_paddr(struct omapfb_info *ofbi) - - void __iomem *omapfb_get_region_vaddr(struct omapfb_info *ofbi) - { -- if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB) - return ofbi->region.vrfb.vaddr[0]; - else - return ofbi->region.vaddr; -@@ -398,7 +392,7 @@ void set_fb_fix(struct fb_info *fbi) - fbi->screen_base = (char __iomem *)omapfb_get_region_vaddr(ofbi); - - /* used by mmap in fbmem.c */ -- if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB) - fix->line_length = - (OMAP_VRFB_LINE_LEN * var->bits_per_pixel) >> 3; - else -@@ -434,11 +428,14 @@ void set_fb_fix(struct fb_info *fbi) - fix->xpanstep = 1; - fix->ypanstep = 1; - -- if (rg->size) { -- if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) -- omap_vrfb_setup(&rg->vrfb, rg->paddr, -- var->xres_virtual, var->yres_virtual, -- var->bits_per_pixel >> 3); -+ if (rg->size && ofbi->rotation_type == OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB) { -+ enum omap_color_mode mode = 0; -+ mode = fb_mode_to_dss_mode(var); -+ -+ omap_vrfb_setup(&rg->vrfb, rg->paddr, -+ var->xres_virtual, -+ var->yres_virtual, -+ mode); - } - } - -@@ -527,7 +524,7 @@ int check_fb_var(struct fb_info *fbi, struct fb_var_screeninfo *var) - if (var->yres > var->yres_virtual) - var->yres = var->yres_virtual; - -- if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB) - line_size = OMAP_VRFB_LINE_LEN * bytespp; - else - line_size = var->xres_virtual * bytespp; -@@ -549,7 +546,7 @@ int check_fb_var(struct fb_info *fbi, struct fb_var_screeninfo *var) - - if (line_size * var->yres_virtual > max_frame_size) { - DBG("can't fit FB into memory, reducing x\n"); -- if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB) - return -EINVAL; - - var->xres_virtual = max_frame_size / var->yres_virtual / -@@ -672,7 +669,7 @@ static int omapfb_setup_overlay(struct fb_info *fbi, struct omap_overlay *ovl, - struct omap_overlay_info info; - int xres, yres; - int screen_width; -- int rot, mirror; -+ int mirror; - - DBG("setup_overlay %d, posx %d, posy %d, outw %d, outh %d\n", ofbi->id, - posx, posy, outw, outh); -@@ -688,7 +685,7 @@ static int omapfb_setup_overlay(struct fb_info *fbi, struct omap_overlay *ovl, - offset = ((var->yoffset * var->xres_virtual + - var->xoffset) * var->bits_per_pixel) >> 3; - -- if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) { -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB) { - data_start_p = omapfb_get_region_rot_paddr(ofbi); - data_start_v = NULL; - } else { -@@ -711,13 +708,10 @@ static int omapfb_setup_overlay(struct fb_info *fbi, struct omap_overlay *ovl, - - ovl->get_overlay_info(ovl, &info); - -- if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) { -- rot = 0; -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB) - mirror = 0; -- } else { -- rot = ofbi->rotation; -+ else - mirror = ofbi->mirror; -- } - - info.paddr = data_start_p; - info.vaddr = data_start_v; -@@ -725,7 +719,8 @@ static int omapfb_setup_overlay(struct fb_info *fbi, struct omap_overlay *ovl, - info.width = xres; - info.height = yres; - info.color_mode = mode; -- info.rotation = rot; -+ info.rotation_type = ofbi->rotation_type; -+ info.rotation = ofbi->rotation; - info.mirror = mirror; - - info.pos_x = posx; -@@ -1121,7 +1116,7 @@ static void omapfb_free_fbmem(struct fb_info *fbi) - if (rg->vaddr) - iounmap(rg->vaddr); - -- if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) { -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB) { - /* unmap the 0 angle rotation */ - if (rg->vrfb.vaddr[0]) { - iounmap(rg->vrfb.vaddr[0]); -@@ -1181,7 +1176,7 @@ static int omapfb_alloc_fbmem(struct fb_info *fbi, unsigned long size, - return -ENOMEM; - } - -- if (ofbi->rotation_type != OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) { -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type != OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB) { - vaddr = ioremap_wc(paddr, size); - - if (!vaddr) { -@@ -1260,7 +1255,7 @@ static int omapfb_alloc_fbmem_display(struct fb_info *fbi, unsigned long size, - - display->get_resolution(display, &w, &h); - -- if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB) { -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB) { - #ifdef DEBUG - int oldw = w, oldh = h; - #endif -@@ -1701,8 +1696,8 @@ static int omapfb_create_framebuffers(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev) - ofbi->id = i; - - /* assign these early, so that fb alloc can use them */ -- ofbi->rotation_type = def_vrfb ? OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB : -- OMAPFB_ROT_DMA; -+ ofbi->rotation_type = def_vrfb ? OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB : -+ OMAP_DSS_ROT_DMA; - ofbi->rotation = def_rotate; - ofbi->mirror = def_mirror; - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb.h b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb.h -index 2607def..43f6922 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb.h -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb.h -@@ -53,11 +53,6 @@ struct omapfb2_mem_region { - bool map; /* kernel mapped by the driver */ - }; - --enum omapfb_rotation_type { -- OMAPFB_ROT_DMA = 0, -- OMAPFB_ROT_VRFB = 1, --}; -- - /* appended to fb_info */ - struct omapfb_info { - int id; -@@ -66,7 +61,7 @@ struct omapfb_info { - int num_overlays; - struct omap_overlay *overlays[OMAPFB_MAX_OVL_PER_FB]; - struct omapfb2_device *fbdev; -- enum omapfb_rotation_type rotation_type; -+ enum omap_dss_rotation_type rotation_type; - u8 rotation; - bool mirror; - }; --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0029-DSS2-OMAPFB-Set-line_length-correctly-for-YUV-with.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0029-DSS2-OMAPFB-Set-line_length-correctly-for-YUV-with.patch deleted file mode 100644 index e9f25dfef1..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0029-DSS2-OMAPFB-Set-line_length-correctly-for-YUV-with.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -From a8a37babe4856170f4cba86c425a8f21975d9e9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tim Yamin -Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 13:57:42 -0700 -Subject: [PATCH 29/69] DSS2: OMAPFB: Set line_length correctly for YUV with VRFB. - -Signed-off-by: Tim Yamin ---- - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----- - 1 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -index 57f5900..cd63740 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -@@ -392,10 +392,19 @@ void set_fb_fix(struct fb_info *fbi) - fbi->screen_base = (char __iomem *)omapfb_get_region_vaddr(ofbi); - - /* used by mmap in fbmem.c */ -- if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB) -- fix->line_length = -- (OMAP_VRFB_LINE_LEN * var->bits_per_pixel) >> 3; -- else -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB) { -+ switch (var->nonstd) { -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_YUV422: -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_YUY422: -+ fix->line_length = -+ (OMAP_VRFB_LINE_LEN * var->bits_per_pixel) >> 2; -+ break; -+ default: -+ fix->line_length = -+ (OMAP_VRFB_LINE_LEN * var->bits_per_pixel) >> 3; -+ break; -+ } -+ } else - fix->line_length = - (var->xres_virtual * var->bits_per_pixel) >> 3; - fix->smem_start = omapfb_get_region_paddr(ofbi); -@@ -704,7 +713,18 @@ static int omapfb_setup_overlay(struct fb_info *fbi, struct omap_overlay *ovl, - goto err; - } - -- screen_width = fix->line_length / (var->bits_per_pixel >> 3); -+ switch (var->nonstd) { -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_YUV422: -+ case OMAPFB_COLOR_YUY422: -+ if (ofbi->rotation_type == OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB) { -+ screen_width = fix->line_length -+ / (var->bits_per_pixel >> 2); -+ break; -+ } -+ default: -+ screen_width = fix->line_length / (var->bits_per_pixel >> 3); -+ break; -+ } - - ovl->get_overlay_info(ovl, &info); - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0030-DSS2-dispc_get_trans_key-was-returning-wrong-key-ty.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0030-DSS2-dispc_get_trans_key-was-returning-wrong-key-ty.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 63b3594ef5..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0030-DSS2-dispc_get_trans_key-was-returning-wrong-key-ty.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -From bda19b9359d9dc60f8b0beb5685e173e236ee30f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Hardik Shah -Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 17:05:18 +0530 -Subject: [PATCH 30/69] DSS2: dispc_get_trans_key was returning wrong key type - -Signed-off-by: Hardik Shah ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 4 ++-- - 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index 23a8155..076d3d4 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -1826,9 +1826,9 @@ void dispc_get_trans_key(enum omap_channel ch, - enable_clocks(1); - if (type) { - if (ch == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_LCD) -- *type = REG_GET(DISPC_CONFIG, 11, 11) >> 11; -+ *type = REG_GET(DISPC_CONFIG, 11, 11); - else if (ch == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_DIGIT) -- *type = REG_GET(DISPC_CONFIG, 13, 13) >> 13; -+ *type = REG_GET(DISPC_CONFIG, 13, 13); - else - BUG(); - } --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0031-DSS2-do-bootmem-reserve-for-exclusive-access.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0031-DSS2-do-bootmem-reserve-for-exclusive-access.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 684857c15f..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0031-DSS2-do-bootmem-reserve-for-exclusive-access.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -From 30c40f5e6b1794430f678bf23d3319354321cab7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Imre Deak -Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 14:50:11 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 31/69] DSS2: do bootmem reserve for exclusive access - -BOOTMEM_DEFAULT would allow multiple reservations for the same location, -we need to reserve the region for our exclusive use. Also check if the -reserve succeeded. - -Signed-off-by: Imre Deak ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c | 5 ++++- - 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -index f24a110..520f260 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -@@ -524,7 +524,10 @@ void __init omapfb_reserve_sdram(void) - return; - } - -- reserve_bootmem(paddr, size, BOOTMEM_DEFAULT); -+ if (reserve_bootmem(paddr, size, BOOTMEM_EXCLUSIVE) < 0) { -+ pr_err("FB: failed to reserve VRAM\n"); -+ return; -+ } - } else { - if (size > sdram_size) { - printk(KERN_ERR "Illegal SDRAM size for VRAM\n"); --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0032-DSS2-Fix-DISPC_VID_FIR-value-for-omap34xx.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0032-DSS2-Fix-DISPC_VID_FIR-value-for-omap34xx.patch deleted file mode 100644 index df3a7a9dd9..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0032-DSS2-Fix-DISPC_VID_FIR-value-for-omap34xx.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -From ed7a9223f6785be03951c55f3b0695b0d5635c80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: =?utf-8?q?Ville=20Syrj=C3=A4l=C3=A4?= -Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 15:04:44 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 32/69] DSS2: Fix DISPC_VID_FIR value for omap34xx -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -The msbs of the DISPC_VID_FIR fields were incorrectly masked out on -omap34xx and thus 4:1 downscale did not work correctly. - -Signed-off-by: Ville Syrjälä ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 5 ++++- - 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index 076d3d4..b8a3329 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -994,7 +994,10 @@ static void _dispc_set_fir(enum omap_plane plane, int hinc, int vinc) - - BUG_ON(plane == OMAP_DSS_GFX); - -- val = FLD_VAL(vinc, 27, 16) | FLD_VAL(hinc, 11, 0); -+ if (cpu_is_omap24xx()) -+ val = FLD_VAL(vinc, 27, 16) | FLD_VAL(hinc, 11, 0); -+ else -+ val = FLD_VAL(vinc, 28, 16) | FLD_VAL(hinc, 12, 0); - dispc_write_reg(fir_reg[plane-1], val); - } - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0033-DSS2-Prefer-3-tap-filter.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0033-DSS2-Prefer-3-tap-filter.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 6457a5b94a..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0033-DSS2-Prefer-3-tap-filter.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -From 5390230ed12585a79683733209db34e9130b8e3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: =?utf-8?q?Ville=20Syrj=C3=A4l=C3=A4?= -Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 15:04:43 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 33/69] DSS2: Prefer 3-tap filter -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -The 5-tap filter seems rather unstable. With some scaling settings it -works and with some it doesn't even though the functional clock remains -within the TRM limits. So prefer the 3-tap filter unless the functional -clock required for it is too high. - -Signed-off-by: Ville Syrjälä ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 27 ++++++++++++--------------- - 1 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index b8a3329..b631dd8 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -1405,15 +1405,10 @@ static unsigned long calc_fclk_five_taps(u16 width, u16 height, - } - - static unsigned long calc_fclk(u16 width, u16 height, -- u16 out_width, u16 out_height, -- enum omap_color_mode color_mode, bool five_taps) -+ u16 out_width, u16 out_height) - { - unsigned int hf, vf; - -- if (five_taps) -- return calc_fclk_five_taps(width, height, -- out_width, out_height, color_mode); -- - /* - * FIXME how to determine the 'A' factor - * for the no downscaling case ? -@@ -1494,7 +1489,7 @@ static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, - } else { - /* video plane */ - -- unsigned long fclk; -+ unsigned long fclk = 0; - - if (out_width < width / maxdownscale || - out_width > width * 8) -@@ -1530,20 +1525,22 @@ static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, - /* Must use 5-tap filter? */ - five_taps = height > out_height * 2; - -- /* Try to use 5-tap filter whenever possible. */ -- if (cpu_is_omap34xx() && !five_taps && -- height > out_height && width <= 1024) { -- fclk = calc_fclk_five_taps(width, height, -- out_width, out_height, color_mode); -- if (fclk <= dispc_fclk_rate()) -+ if (!five_taps) { -+ fclk = calc_fclk(width, height, -+ out_width, out_height); -+ -+ /* Try 5-tap filter if 3-tap fclk is too high */ -+ if (cpu_is_omap34xx() && height > out_height && -+ fclk > dispc_fclk_rate()) - five_taps = true; - } - - if (width > (2048 >> five_taps)) - return -EINVAL; - -- fclk = calc_fclk(width, height, out_width, out_height, -- color_mode, five_taps); -+ if (five_taps) -+ fclk = calc_fclk_five_taps(width, height, -+ out_width, out_height, color_mode); - - DSSDBG("required fclk rate = %lu Hz\n", fclk); - DSSDBG("current fclk rate = %lu Hz\n", dispc_fclk_rate()); --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0034-DSS2-VRAM-improve-omap_vram_add_region.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0034-DSS2-VRAM-improve-omap_vram_add_region.patch deleted file mode 100644 index dd01886406..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0034-DSS2-VRAM-improve-omap_vram_add_region.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,135 +0,0 @@ -From 946eb774e95cdc2f2fa5cdc24aa69229f82814b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 17:56:00 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 34/69] DSS2: VRAM: improve omap_vram_add_region() - -Combine postponed and non-posponed versions of omap_vram_add_region. -Make the func non-static, so it can be called from board files. ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vram.h | 1 + - arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c | 54 +++++++++++++------------------ - 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vram.h b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vram.h -index f176562..8639e08 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vram.h -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vram.h -@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ - - #include - -+extern int omap_vram_add_region(unsigned long paddr, size_t size); - extern int omap_vram_free(unsigned long paddr, size_t size); - extern int omap_vram_alloc(int mtype, size_t size, unsigned long *paddr); - extern int omap_vram_reserve(unsigned long paddr, size_t size); -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -index 520f260..8e9fe77 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ - * time when we cannot yet allocate the region list */ - #define MAX_POSTPONED_REGIONS 10 - -+static bool vram_initialized; - static int postponed_cnt __initdata; - static struct { - unsigned long paddr; -@@ -145,39 +146,32 @@ static void omap_vram_free_allocation(struct vram_alloc *va) - kfree(va); - } - --static __init int omap_vram_add_region_postponed(unsigned long paddr, -- size_t size) --{ -- if (postponed_cnt == MAX_POSTPONED_REGIONS) -- return -ENOMEM; -- -- postponed_regions[postponed_cnt].paddr = paddr; -- postponed_regions[postponed_cnt].size = size; -- -- ++postponed_cnt; -- -- return 0; --} -- --/* add/remove_region can be exported if there's need to add/remove regions -- * runtime */ --static int omap_vram_add_region(unsigned long paddr, size_t size) -+int omap_vram_add_region(unsigned long paddr, size_t size) - { - struct vram_region *rm; - unsigned pages; - -- DBG("adding region paddr %08lx size %d\n", -- paddr, size); -+ if (vram_initialized) { -+ DBG("adding region paddr %08lx size %d\n", -+ paddr, size); - -- size &= PAGE_MASK; -- pages = size >> PAGE_SHIFT; -+ size &= PAGE_MASK; -+ pages = size >> PAGE_SHIFT; - -- rm = omap_vram_create_region(paddr, pages); -- if (rm == NULL) -- return -ENOMEM; -+ rm = omap_vram_create_region(paddr, pages); -+ if (rm == NULL) -+ return -ENOMEM; -+ -+ list_add(&rm->list, ®ion_list); -+ } else { -+ if (postponed_cnt == MAX_POSTPONED_REGIONS) -+ return -ENOMEM; - -- list_add(&rm->list, ®ion_list); -+ postponed_regions[postponed_cnt].paddr = paddr; -+ postponed_regions[postponed_cnt].size = size; - -+ ++postponed_cnt; -+ } - return 0; - } - -@@ -438,6 +432,8 @@ static __init int omap_vram_init(void) - { - int i, r; - -+ vram_initialized = 1; -+ - for (i = 0; i < postponed_cnt; i++) - omap_vram_add_region(postponed_regions[i].paddr, - postponed_regions[i].size); -@@ -472,10 +468,6 @@ static void __init omapfb_early_vram(char **p) - omapfb_def_sdram_vram_size = memparse(*p, p); - if (**p == ',') - omapfb_def_sdram_vram_start = simple_strtoul((*p) + 1, p, 16); -- -- printk("omapfb_early_vram, %d, 0x%x\n", -- omapfb_def_sdram_vram_size, -- omapfb_def_sdram_vram_start); - } - __early_param("vram=", omapfb_early_vram); - -@@ -538,7 +530,7 @@ void __init omapfb_reserve_sdram(void) - BUG_ON(paddr & ~PAGE_MASK); - } - -- omap_vram_add_region_postponed(paddr, size); -+ omap_vram_add_region(paddr, size); - - pr_info("Reserving %u bytes SDRAM for VRAM\n", size); - } -@@ -594,7 +586,7 @@ unsigned long __init omapfb_reserve_sram(unsigned long sram_pstart, - reserved = pend_avail - paddr; - size_avail = pend_avail - reserved - pstart_avail; - -- omap_vram_add_region_postponed(paddr, size); -+ omap_vram_add_region(paddr, size); - - if (reserved) - pr_info("Reserving %lu bytes SRAM for VRAM\n", reserved); --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0035-DSS2-Added-the-function-pointer-for-getting-default.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0035-DSS2-Added-the-function-pointer-for-getting-default.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 6b29d50dc0..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0035-DSS2-Added-the-function-pointer-for-getting-default.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,66 +0,0 @@ -From f825cafd5ee5c600218740507f85594c825b0c00 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Hardik Shah -Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 18:47:49 +0530 -Subject: [PATCH 35/69] DSS2: Added the function pointer for getting default color. - -V4L2 Framework has a CID for getting/setting default color. -So added the function pointer for doing same. -SYSFS based getting the default color will remain same - -Signed-off-by: Hardik Shah ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h | 1 + - drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c | 11 +++++++---- - 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -index b0a6272..073cdda 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -@@ -414,6 +414,7 @@ struct omap_overlay_manager { - int (*apply)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr); - - void (*set_default_color)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, u32 color); -+ u32 (*get_default_color)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr); - void (*set_trans_key)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - enum omap_dss_color_key_type type, - u32 trans_key); -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -index 8ca0bbb..12cf7b0 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -@@ -98,10 +98,8 @@ static ssize_t manager_display_store(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, const cha - static ssize_t manager_default_color_show(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - char *buf) - { -- u32 default_color; -- -- default_color = dispc_get_default_color(mgr->id); -- return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d", default_color); -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d", -+ mgr->get_default_color(mgr)); - } - - static ssize_t manager_default_color_store(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -@@ -470,6 +468,10 @@ static void omap_dss_mgr_enable_trans_key(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - { - dispc_enable_trans_key(mgr->id, enable); - } -+static u32 omap_dss_mgr_get_default_color(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr) -+{ -+ return dispc_get_default_color(mgr->id); -+} - - static void omap_dss_add_overlay_manager(struct omap_overlay_manager *manager) - { -@@ -512,6 +514,7 @@ int dss_init_overlay_managers(struct platform_device *pdev) - mgr->set_default_color = &omap_dss_mgr_set_def_color, - mgr->set_trans_key = &omap_dss_mgr_set_trans_key, - mgr->enable_trans_key = &omap_dss_mgr_enable_trans_key, -+ mgr->get_default_color = &omap_dss_mgr_get_default_color; - mgr->caps = OMAP_DSS_OVL_MGR_CAP_DISPC, - - dss_overlay_setup_dispc_manager(mgr); --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0036-DSS2-Added-support-for-setting-and-querying-alpha-b.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0036-DSS2-Added-support-for-setting-and-querying-alpha-b.patch deleted file mode 100644 index ace5079234..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0036-DSS2-Added-support-for-setting-and-querying-alpha-b.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -From 6c56dc10226c84f41917ac2117b0e654fa080d40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Hardik Shah -Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 19:00:11 +0530 -Subject: [PATCH 36/69] DSS2: Added support for setting and querying alpha blending. - -Signed-off-by: Hardik Shah ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h | 3 +++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h | 2 ++ - drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c | 14 ++++++++++++++ - 4 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -index 073cdda..e1f615a 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -@@ -415,11 +415,14 @@ struct omap_overlay_manager { - - void (*set_default_color)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, u32 color); - u32 (*get_default_color)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr); -+ bool (*get_alpha_blending_status)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr); - void (*set_trans_key)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - enum omap_dss_color_key_type type, - u32 trans_key); - void (*enable_trans_key)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - bool enable); -+ void (*enable_alpha_blending)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ bool enable); - }; - - enum omap_display_caps { -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index b631dd8..7e551c2 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -1847,6 +1847,32 @@ void dispc_enable_trans_key(enum omap_channel ch, bool enable) - REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONFIG, enable, 12, 12); - enable_clocks(0); - } -+void dispc_enable_alpha_blending(enum omap_channel ch, bool enable) -+{ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ if (ch == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_LCD) -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONFIG, enable, 18, 18); -+ else /* OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_DIGIT */ -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_CONFIG, enable, 19, 19); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+} -+bool dispc_alpha_blending_enabled(enum omap_channel ch) -+{ -+ bool enabled; -+ -+ enable_clocks(1); -+ if (ch == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_LCD) -+ enabled = REG_GET(DISPC_CONFIG, 18, 18); -+ else if (ch == OMAP_DSS_CHANNEL_DIGIT) -+ enabled = REG_GET(DISPC_CONFIG, 18, 18); -+ else -+ BUG(); -+ enable_clocks(0); -+ -+ return enabled; -+ -+} -+ - - bool dispc_trans_key_enabled(enum omap_channel ch) - { -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -index 584dce6..1d01ff6 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -@@ -294,7 +294,9 @@ void dispc_get_trans_key(enum omap_channel ch, - enum omap_dss_color_key_type *type, - u32 *trans_key); - void dispc_enable_trans_key(enum omap_channel ch, bool enable); -+void dispc_enable_alpha_blending(enum omap_channel ch, bool enable); - bool dispc_trans_key_enabled(enum omap_channel ch); -+bool dispc_alpha_blending_enabled(enum omap_channel ch); - - void dispc_set_lcd_timings(struct omap_video_timings *timings); - unsigned long dispc_fclk_rate(void); -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -index 12cf7b0..90acd28 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -@@ -468,6 +468,16 @@ static void omap_dss_mgr_enable_trans_key(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - { - dispc_enable_trans_key(mgr->id, enable); - } -+static void omap_dss_mgr_enable_alpha_blending(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ bool enable) -+{ -+ dispc_enable_alpha_blending(mgr->id, enable); -+} -+static bool omap_dss_mgr_get_alpha_blending_status( -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr) -+{ -+ return dispc_alpha_blending_enabled(mgr->id); -+} - static u32 omap_dss_mgr_get_default_color(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr) - { - return dispc_get_default_color(mgr->id); -@@ -514,6 +524,10 @@ int dss_init_overlay_managers(struct platform_device *pdev) - mgr->set_default_color = &omap_dss_mgr_set_def_color, - mgr->set_trans_key = &omap_dss_mgr_set_trans_key, - mgr->enable_trans_key = &omap_dss_mgr_enable_trans_key, -+ mgr->enable_alpha_blending = -+ &omap_dss_mgr_enable_alpha_blending; -+ mgr->get_alpha_blending_status = -+ omap_dss_mgr_get_alpha_blending_status; - mgr->get_default_color = &omap_dss_mgr_get_default_color; - mgr->caps = OMAP_DSS_OVL_MGR_CAP_DISPC, - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0037-DSS2-Added-support-for-querying-color-keying.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0037-DSS2-Added-support-for-querying-color-keying.patch deleted file mode 100644 index e7f43ad83d..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0037-DSS2-Added-support-for-querying-color-keying.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,150 +0,0 @@ -From 2c9edd6af31a812a9487dd8bc12322e105a29f44 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Hardik Shah -Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 09:42:36 +0530 -Subject: [PATCH 37/69] DSS2: Added support for querying color keying. - -V4L2 Framework has a ioctl for getting/setting color keying. -So added the function manager pointers for doing same. - -Modifed the color keying sysfs entries to use manager -function pointer. Earlier they were calling direcly -dispc function to set/enable color keying. - -Some of color-keying function pointers in the overlay_manager -structure re-named to be more specific. - -Signed-off-by: Hardik Shah ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h | 6 ++++- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++-------- - 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -index e1f615a..d0b4c83 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -@@ -416,7 +416,11 @@ struct omap_overlay_manager { - void (*set_default_color)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, u32 color); - u32 (*get_default_color)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr); - bool (*get_alpha_blending_status)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr); -- void (*set_trans_key)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ bool (*get_trans_key_status)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr); -+ void (*get_trans_key_type_and_value)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ enum omap_dss_color_key_type *type, -+ u32 *trans_key); -+ void (*set_trans_key_type_and_value)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - enum omap_dss_color_key_type type, - u32 trans_key); - void (*enable_trans_key)(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -index 90acd28..e0501c4 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ static ssize_t manager_color_key_type_show(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - { - enum omap_dss_color_key_type key_type; - -- dispc_get_trans_key(mgr->id, &key_type, NULL); -+ mgr->get_trans_key_type_and_value(mgr, &key_type, NULL); - BUG_ON(key_type >= ARRAY_SIZE(color_key_type_str)); - - return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%s\n", color_key_type_str[key_type]); -@@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ static ssize_t manager_color_key_type_store(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - } - if (key_type == ARRAY_SIZE(color_key_type_str)) - return -EINVAL; -- dispc_get_trans_key(mgr->id, NULL, &key_value); -- dispc_set_trans_key(mgr->id, key_type, key_value); -+ mgr->get_trans_key_type_and_value(mgr, NULL, &key_value); -+ mgr->set_trans_key_type_and_value(mgr, key_type, key_value); - - return size; - } -@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ static ssize_t manager_color_key_value_show(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - { - u32 key_value; - -- dispc_get_trans_key(mgr->id, NULL, &key_value); -+ mgr->get_trans_key_type_and_value(mgr, NULL, &key_value); - - return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", key_value); - } -@@ -167,8 +167,8 @@ static ssize_t manager_color_key_value_store(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - - if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &key_value) != 1) - return -EINVAL; -- dispc_get_trans_key(mgr->id, &key_type, NULL); -- dispc_set_trans_key(mgr->id, key_type, key_value); -+ mgr->get_trans_key_type_and_value(mgr, &key_type, NULL); -+ mgr->set_trans_key_type_and_value(mgr, key_type, key_value); - - return size; - } -@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ static ssize_t manager_color_key_enabled_show(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - char *buf) - { - return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", -- dispc_trans_key_enabled(mgr->id)); -+ mgr->get_trans_key_status(mgr)); - } - - static ssize_t manager_color_key_enabled_store(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ static ssize_t manager_color_key_enabled_store(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &enable) != 1) - return -EINVAL; - -- dispc_enable_trans_key(mgr->id, enable); -+ mgr->enable_trans_key(mgr, enable); - - return size; - } -@@ -456,12 +456,20 @@ static void omap_dss_mgr_set_def_color(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - dispc_set_default_color(mgr->id, color); - } - --static void omap_dss_mgr_set_trans_key(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+static void omap_dss_mgr_set_trans_key_type_and_value( -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - enum omap_dss_color_key_type type, - u32 trans_key) - { - dispc_set_trans_key(mgr->id, type, trans_key); - } -+static void omap_dss_mgr_get_trans_key_type_and_value( -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ enum omap_dss_color_key_type *type, -+ u32 *trans_key) -+{ -+ dispc_get_trans_key(mgr->id, type, trans_key); -+} - - static void omap_dss_mgr_enable_trans_key(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - bool enable) -@@ -482,6 +490,10 @@ static u32 omap_dss_mgr_get_default_color(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr) - { - return dispc_get_default_color(mgr->id); - } -+static bool omap_dss_mgr_get_trans_key_status(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr) -+{ -+ return dispc_trans_key_enabled(mgr->id); -+} - - static void omap_dss_add_overlay_manager(struct omap_overlay_manager *manager) - { -@@ -522,8 +534,12 @@ int dss_init_overlay_managers(struct platform_device *pdev) - mgr->unset_display = &omap_dss_unset_display, - mgr->apply = &omap_dss_mgr_apply, - mgr->set_default_color = &omap_dss_mgr_set_def_color, -- mgr->set_trans_key = &omap_dss_mgr_set_trans_key, -+ mgr->set_trans_key_type_and_value = -+ &omap_dss_mgr_set_trans_key_type_and_value, -+ mgr->get_trans_key_type_and_value = -+ &omap_dss_mgr_get_trans_key_type_and_value, - mgr->enable_trans_key = &omap_dss_mgr_enable_trans_key, -+ mgr->get_trans_key_status = &omap_dss_mgr_get_trans_key_status, - mgr->enable_alpha_blending = - &omap_dss_mgr_enable_alpha_blending; - mgr->get_alpha_blending_status = --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0038-DSS2-OMAPFB-Some-color-keying-pointerd-renamed-in-D.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0038-DSS2-OMAPFB-Some-color-keying-pointerd-renamed-in-D.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 096c976a70..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0038-DSS2-OMAPFB-Some-color-keying-pointerd-renamed-in-D.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -From 9e8877f0e5b17d3ddd101d6a63aa86fdb14d35d5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Hardik Shah -Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 09:51:25 +0530 -Subject: [PATCH 38/69] DSS2:OMAPFB: Some color keying pointerd renamed in DSS2. Replicated in FB - -Signed-off-by: Hardik Shah ---- - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-ioctl.c | 11 +++++++---- - 1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-ioctl.c b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-ioctl.c -index 7f18d2a..79d8916 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-ioctl.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-ioctl.c -@@ -288,7 +288,8 @@ static int _omapfb_set_color_key(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - { - enum omap_dss_color_key_type kt; - -- if(!mgr->set_default_color || !mgr->set_trans_key || -+ if (!mgr->set_default_color || -+ !mgr->set_trans_key_type_and_value || - !mgr->enable_trans_key) - return 0; - -@@ -310,7 +311,7 @@ static int _omapfb_set_color_key(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - } - - mgr->set_default_color(mgr, ck->background); -- mgr->set_trans_key(mgr, kt, ck->trans_key); -+ mgr->set_trans_key_type_and_value(mgr, kt, ck->trans_key); - mgr->enable_trans_key(mgr, 1); - - omapfb_color_keys[mgr->id] = *ck; -@@ -341,7 +342,8 @@ static int omapfb_set_color_key(struct fb_info *fbi, - goto err; - } - -- if(!mgr->set_default_color || !mgr->set_trans_key || -+ if (!mgr->set_default_color || -+ !mgr->set_trans_key_type_and_value || - !mgr->enable_trans_key) { - r = -ENODEV; - goto err; -@@ -377,7 +379,8 @@ static int omapfb_get_color_key(struct fb_info *fbi, - goto err; - } - -- if(!mgr->set_default_color || !mgr->set_trans_key || -+ if (!mgr->set_default_color || -+ !mgr->set_trans_key_type_and_value || - !mgr->enable_trans_key) { - r = -ENODEV; - goto err; --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0039-DSS2-Add-sysfs-entry-to-for-the-alpha-blending-supp.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0039-DSS2-Add-sysfs-entry-to-for-the-alpha-blending-supp.patch deleted file mode 100644 index d731b78008..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0039-DSS2-Add-sysfs-entry-to-for-the-alpha-blending-supp.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -From 6f1f0c7b19ecb468824b79f9d181ef0da41b7d7d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Hardik Shah -Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 13:58:21 +0530 -Subject: [PATCH 39/69] DSS2: Add sysfs entry to for the alpha blending support. - -Signed-off-by: Hardik Shah ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++ - 1 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -index e0501c4..7965a84 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -@@ -192,6 +192,22 @@ static ssize_t manager_color_key_enabled_store(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - - return size; - } -+static ssize_t manager_alpha_blending_enabled_show( -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, char *buf) -+{ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", -+ mgr->get_alpha_blending_status(mgr)); -+} -+static ssize_t manager_alpha_blending_enabled_store( -+ struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, -+ const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ int enable; -+ if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &enable) != 1) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ mgr->enable_alpha_blending(mgr, enable); -+ return size; -+} - - - struct manager_attribute { -@@ -215,6 +231,10 @@ static MANAGER_ATTR(color_key_value, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, - manager_color_key_value_show, manager_color_key_value_store); - static MANAGER_ATTR(color_key_enabled, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, - manager_color_key_enabled_show, manager_color_key_enabled_store); -+static MANAGER_ATTR(alpha_blending_enabled, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, -+ manager_alpha_blending_enabled_show, -+ manager_alpha_blending_enabled_store); -+ - - static struct attribute *manager_sysfs_attrs[] = { - &manager_attr_name.attr, -@@ -223,6 +243,7 @@ static struct attribute *manager_sysfs_attrs[] = { - &manager_attr_color_key_type.attr, - &manager_attr_color_key_value.attr, - &manager_attr_color_key_enabled.attr, -+ &manager_attr_alpha_blending_enabled.attr, - NULL - }; - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0040-DSS2-Provided-proper-exclusion-for-destination-colo.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0040-DSS2-Provided-proper-exclusion-for-destination-colo.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 471a2a7f6c..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0040-DSS2-Provided-proper-exclusion-for-destination-colo.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ -From a5129f272a48aa22629137c9c31e60eddb8c3f5d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Hardik Shah -Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 14:24:46 +0530 -Subject: [PATCH 40/69] DSS2: Provided proper exclusion for destination color keying and alpha blending. - -OMAP does not support destination color key and alpha blending -simultaneously. So this patch does not allow the user -so set both at a time. - -Signed-off-by: Hardik Shah ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- - 1 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -index 7965a84..108489c 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -@@ -137,12 +137,26 @@ static ssize_t manager_color_key_type_store(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - u32 key_value; - - for (key_type = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_KEY_GFX_DST; -- key_type < ARRAY_SIZE(color_key_type_str); key_type++) { -+ key_type < ARRAY_SIZE(color_key_type_str); key_type++) { - if (sysfs_streq(buf, color_key_type_str[key_type])) - break; - } - if (key_type == ARRAY_SIZE(color_key_type_str)) - return -EINVAL; -+ /* OMAP does not support destination color key and alpha blending -+ * simultaneously. So if alpha blending and color keying both are -+ * enabled then refrain from setting the color key type to -+ * gfx-destination -+ */ -+ if (!key_type) { -+ bool color_key_enabled; -+ bool alpha_blending_enabled; -+ color_key_enabled = mgr->get_trans_key_status(mgr); -+ alpha_blending_enabled = mgr->get_alpha_blending_status(mgr); -+ if (color_key_enabled && alpha_blending_enabled) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ - mgr->get_trans_key_type_and_value(mgr, NULL, &key_value); - mgr->set_trans_key_type_and_value(mgr, key_type, key_value); - -@@ -188,6 +202,23 @@ static ssize_t manager_color_key_enabled_store(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr, - if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &enable) != 1) - return -EINVAL; - -+ /* OMAP does not support destination color keying and -+ * alpha blending simultaneously. so if alpha blending -+ * is enabled refrain from enabling destination color -+ * keying. -+ */ -+ if (enable) { -+ bool enabled; -+ enabled = mgr->get_alpha_blending_status(mgr); -+ if (enabled) { -+ enum omap_dss_color_key_type key_type; -+ mgr->get_trans_key_type_and_value(mgr, -+ &key_type, NULL); -+ if (!key_type) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ } -+ -+ } - mgr->enable_trans_key(mgr, enable); - - return size; -@@ -205,6 +236,23 @@ static ssize_t manager_alpha_blending_enabled_store( - int enable; - if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &enable) != 1) - return -EINVAL; -+ /* OMAP does not support destination color keying and -+ * alpha blending simultaneously. so if destination -+ * color keying is enabled refrain from enabling -+ * alpha blending -+ */ -+ if (enable) { -+ bool enabled; -+ enabled = mgr->get_trans_key_status(mgr); -+ if (enabled) { -+ enum omap_dss_color_key_type key_type; -+ mgr->get_trans_key_type_and_value(mgr, &key_type, NULL); -+ if (!key_type) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ } -+ -+ } - mgr->enable_alpha_blending(mgr, enable); - return size; - } --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0041-DSS2-Disable-vertical-offset-with-fieldmode.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0041-DSS2-Disable-vertical-offset-with-fieldmode.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 2c90c0cc06..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0041-DSS2-Disable-vertical-offset-with-fieldmode.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -From 9bcac9b9e678f476c83b5679b1215b6bc946130a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: =?utf-8?q?Ville=20Syrj=C3=A4l=C3=A4?= -Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 16:26:18 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 41/69] DSS2: Disable vertical offset with fieldmode -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -When using fieldmode each field is basically a separate picture so the -vertical filter should start at phase 0 for both fields. - -Signed-off-by: Ville Syrjälä ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 23 +++++++++-------------- - 1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index 7e551c2..f15614b 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -1029,12 +1029,12 @@ static void _dispc_set_vid_accu1(enum omap_plane plane, int haccu, int vaccu) - static void _dispc_set_scaling(enum omap_plane plane, - u16 orig_width, u16 orig_height, - u16 out_width, u16 out_height, -- bool ilace, bool five_taps) -+ bool ilace, bool five_taps, -+ bool fieldmode) - { - int fir_hinc; - int fir_vinc; - int hscaleup, vscaleup; -- int fieldmode = 0; - int accu0 = 0; - int accu1 = 0; - u32 l; -@@ -1072,17 +1072,12 @@ static void _dispc_set_scaling(enum omap_plane plane, - - dispc_write_reg(dispc_reg_att[plane], l); - -- if (ilace) { -- if (fieldmode) { -- accu0 = fir_vinc / 2; -- accu1 = 0; -- } else { -- accu0 = 0; -- accu1 = fir_vinc / 2; -- if (accu1 >= 1024/2) { -- accu0 = 1024/2; -- accu1 -= accu0; -- } -+ if (ilace && !fieldmode) { -+ accu0 = 0; -+ accu1 = fir_vinc / 2; -+ if (accu1 >= 1024/2) { -+ accu0 = 1024/2; -+ accu1 -= accu0; - } - } - -@@ -1582,7 +1577,7 @@ static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, - if (plane != OMAP_DSS_GFX) { - _dispc_set_scaling(plane, width, height, - out_width, out_height, -- ilace, five_taps); -+ ilace, five_taps, fieldmode); - _dispc_set_vid_size(plane, out_width, out_height); - _dispc_set_vid_color_conv(plane, cconv); - } --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0042-DSS2-Don-t-enable-fieldmode-automatically.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0042-DSS2-Don-t-enable-fieldmode-automatically.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 7e2e44d809..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0042-DSS2-Don-t-enable-fieldmode-automatically.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -From 9c6de0fed6e8a598d026d348533fdf731b737d55 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: =?utf-8?q?Ville=20Syrj=C3=A4l=C3=A4?= -Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 16:26:19 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 42/69] DSS2: Don't enable fieldmode automatically -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -The only case where enabling fieldmode automatically seems reasonable -is when source and destination heights are equal. Some kind of user -controllable knob should be added so the user could enable field mode -when the source is interlaced. - -Signed-off-by: Ville Syrjälä ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 2 +- - 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index f15614b..1c036c1 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -1450,7 +1450,7 @@ static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, - if (paddr == 0) - return -EINVAL; - -- if (ilace && height >= out_height) -+ if (ilace && height == out_height) - fieldmode = 1; - - if (ilace) { --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0043-DSS2-Swap-field-0-and-field-1-registers.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0043-DSS2-Swap-field-0-and-field-1-registers.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 2e09335611..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0043-DSS2-Swap-field-0-and-field-1-registers.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,170 +0,0 @@ -From 35e88797e93b107ba602dee1e2ac8ea761dccd4b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: =?utf-8?q?Ville=20Syrj=C3=A4l=C3=A4?= -Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 16:26:20 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 43/69] DSS2: Swap field 0 and field 1 registers -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -The values for the registers which have alternate values for each field -were reveresed to what the hardware expects. For the hardware field 0 -is the even field or the bottom field, field 1 is the odd field or the -top field. So simply swap the register values. - -Signed-off-by: Ville Syrjälä ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- - 1 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index 1c036c1..9bab6cf 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -1072,12 +1072,16 @@ static void _dispc_set_scaling(enum omap_plane plane, - - dispc_write_reg(dispc_reg_att[plane], l); - -+ /* -+ * field 0 = even field = bottom field -+ * field 1 = odd field = top field -+ */ - if (ilace && !fieldmode) { -- accu0 = 0; -- accu1 = fir_vinc / 2; -- if (accu1 >= 1024/2) { -- accu0 = 1024/2; -- accu1 -= accu0; -+ accu1 = 0; -+ accu0 = fir_vinc / 2; -+ if (accu0 >= 1024/2) { -+ accu1 = 1024/2; -+ accu0 -= accu1; - } - } - -@@ -1266,34 +1270,38 @@ static void calc_dma_rotation_offset(u8 rotation, bool mirror, - fbh = width; - } - -+ /* -+ * field 0 = even field = bottom field -+ * field 1 = odd field = top field -+ */ - switch (rotation + mirror * 4) { - case 0: -- *offset0 = 0; -+ *offset1 = 0; - if (fieldmode) -- *offset1 = screen_width * ps; -+ *offset0 = screen_width * ps; - else -- *offset1 = 0; -+ *offset0 = 0; - *row_inc = pixinc(1 + (screen_width - fbw) + - (fieldmode ? screen_width : 0), - ps); - *pix_inc = pixinc(1, ps); - break; - case 1: -- *offset0 = screen_width * (fbh - 1) * ps; -+ *offset1 = screen_width * (fbh - 1) * ps; - if (fieldmode) -- *offset1 = *offset0 + ps; -+ *offset0 = *offset1 + ps; - else -- *offset1 = *offset0; -+ *offset0 = *offset1; - *row_inc = pixinc(screen_width * (fbh - 1) + 1 + - (fieldmode ? 1 : 0), ps); - *pix_inc = pixinc(-screen_width, ps); - break; - case 2: -- *offset0 = (screen_width * (fbh - 1) + fbw - 1) * ps; -+ *offset1 = (screen_width * (fbh - 1) + fbw - 1) * ps; - if (fieldmode) -- *offset1 = *offset0 - screen_width * ps; -+ *offset0 = *offset1 - screen_width * ps; - else -- *offset1 = *offset0; -+ *offset0 = *offset1; - *row_inc = pixinc(-1 - - (screen_width - fbw) - - (fieldmode ? screen_width : 0), -@@ -1301,11 +1309,11 @@ static void calc_dma_rotation_offset(u8 rotation, bool mirror, - *pix_inc = pixinc(-1, ps); - break; - case 3: -- *offset0 = (fbw - 1) * ps; -+ *offset1 = (fbw - 1) * ps; - if (fieldmode) -- *offset1 = *offset0 - ps; -+ *offset0 = *offset1 - ps; - else -- *offset1 = *offset0; -+ *offset0 = *offset1; - *row_inc = pixinc(-screen_width * (fbh - 1) - 1 - - (fieldmode ? 1 : 0), ps); - *pix_inc = pixinc(screen_width, ps); -@@ -1313,11 +1321,11 @@ static void calc_dma_rotation_offset(u8 rotation, bool mirror, - - /* mirroring */ - case 0 + 4: -- *offset0 = (fbw - 1) * ps; -+ *offset1 = (fbw - 1) * ps; - if (fieldmode) -- *offset1 = *offset0 + screen_width * ps; -+ *offset0 = *offset1 + screen_width * ps; - else -- *offset1 = *offset0; -+ *offset0 = *offset1; - *row_inc = pixinc(screen_width * 2 - 1 + - (fieldmode ? screen_width : 0), - ps); -@@ -1325,11 +1333,11 @@ static void calc_dma_rotation_offset(u8 rotation, bool mirror, - break; - - case 1 + 4: -- *offset0 = 0; -+ *offset1 = 0; - if (fieldmode) -- *offset1 = *offset0 + screen_width * ps; -+ *offset0 = *offset1 + screen_width * ps; - else -- *offset1 = *offset0; -+ *offset0 = *offset1; - *row_inc = pixinc(-screen_width * (fbh - 1) + 1 + - (fieldmode ? 1 : 0), - ps); -@@ -1337,11 +1345,11 @@ static void calc_dma_rotation_offset(u8 rotation, bool mirror, - break; - - case 2 + 4: -- *offset0 = screen_width * (fbh - 1) * ps; -+ *offset1 = screen_width * (fbh - 1) * ps; - if (fieldmode) -- *offset1 = *offset0 + screen_width * ps; -+ *offset0 = *offset1 + screen_width * ps; - else -- *offset1 = *offset0; -+ *offset0 = *offset1; - *row_inc = pixinc(1 - screen_width * 2 - - (fieldmode ? screen_width : 0), - ps); -@@ -1349,11 +1357,11 @@ static void calc_dma_rotation_offset(u8 rotation, bool mirror, - break; - - case 3 + 4: -- *offset0 = (screen_width * (fbh - 1) + fbw - 1) * ps; -+ *offset1 = (screen_width * (fbh - 1) + fbw - 1) * ps; - if (fieldmode) -- *offset1 = *offset0 + screen_width * ps; -+ *offset0 = *offset1 + screen_width * ps; - else -- *offset1 = *offset0; -+ *offset0 = *offset1; - *row_inc = pixinc(screen_width * (fbh - 1) - 1 - - (fieldmode ? 1 : 0), - ps); --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0044-DSS2-add-sysfs-entry-for-seting-the-rotate-type.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0044-DSS2-add-sysfs-entry-for-seting-the-rotate-type.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 19d24c3a07..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0044-DSS2-add-sysfs-entry-for-seting-the-rotate-type.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -From a9b3500bd14609750a2337e866e1df62627c1bac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Imre Deak -Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 14:55:33 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 44/69] DSS2: add sysfs entry for seting the rotate type - -This can help in utilizing VRAM memory better. Since with VRFB rotation -we waste a lot of physical memory due to the VRFB HW design, provide the -possibility to turn it off and free the extra memory for the use by other -planes for example. ---- - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- - 1 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c -index 2c88718..4e3da42 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c -@@ -43,6 +43,46 @@ static ssize_t show_rotate_type(struct device *dev, - return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", ofbi->rotation_type); - } - -+static ssize_t store_rotate_type(struct device *dev, -+ struct device_attribute *attr, -+ const char *buf, size_t count) -+{ -+ struct fb_info *fbi = dev_get_drvdata(dev); -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -+ struct omapfb2_device *fbdev = ofbi->fbdev; -+ enum omap_dss_rotation_type rot_type; -+ int r; -+ -+ rot_type = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 0); -+ -+ if (rot_type != OMAP_DSS_ROT_DMA && rot_type != OMAP_DSS_ROT_VRFB) -+ return -EINVAL; -+ -+ omapfb_lock(fbdev); -+ -+ r = 0; -+ if (rot_type == ofbi->rotation_type) -+ goto out; -+ -+ r = -EBUSY; -+ if (ofbi->region.size) -+ goto out; -+ -+ ofbi->rotation_type = rot_type; -+ -+ /* -+ * Since the VRAM for this FB is not allocated at the moment we don't need to -+ * do any further parameter checking at this point. -+ */ -+ -+ r = count; -+out: -+ omapfb_unlock(fbdev); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ -+ - static ssize_t show_mirror(struct device *dev, - struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) - { -@@ -327,7 +367,7 @@ static ssize_t show_virt(struct device *dev, - } - - static struct device_attribute omapfb_attrs[] = { -- __ATTR(rotate_type, S_IRUGO, show_rotate_type, NULL), -+ __ATTR(rotate_type, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, show_rotate_type, store_rotate_type), - __ATTR(mirror, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, show_mirror, store_mirror), - __ATTR(size, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, show_size, store_size), - __ATTR(overlays, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, show_overlays, store_overlays), --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0045-DSS2-Fixed-line-endings-from-to.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0045-DSS2-Fixed-line-endings-from-to.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 3206306cc7..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0045-DSS2-Fixed-line-endings-from-to.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -From b0e081456a9b094109c04467d041ff693843ca47 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 09:25:16 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 45/69] DSS2: Fixed line endings from , to ; - ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c | 18 +++++++++--------- - 1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -index 108489c..bf059e0 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -@@ -599,22 +599,22 @@ int dss_init_overlay_managers(struct platform_device *pdev) - break; - } - -- mgr->set_display = &omap_dss_set_display, -- mgr->unset_display = &omap_dss_unset_display, -- mgr->apply = &omap_dss_mgr_apply, -- mgr->set_default_color = &omap_dss_mgr_set_def_color, -+ mgr->set_display = &omap_dss_set_display; -+ mgr->unset_display = &omap_dss_unset_display; -+ mgr->apply = &omap_dss_mgr_apply; -+ mgr->set_default_color = &omap_dss_mgr_set_def_color; - mgr->set_trans_key_type_and_value = -- &omap_dss_mgr_set_trans_key_type_and_value, -+ &omap_dss_mgr_set_trans_key_type_and_value; - mgr->get_trans_key_type_and_value = -- &omap_dss_mgr_get_trans_key_type_and_value, -- mgr->enable_trans_key = &omap_dss_mgr_enable_trans_key, -- mgr->get_trans_key_status = &omap_dss_mgr_get_trans_key_status, -+ &omap_dss_mgr_get_trans_key_type_and_value; -+ mgr->enable_trans_key = &omap_dss_mgr_enable_trans_key; -+ mgr->get_trans_key_status = &omap_dss_mgr_get_trans_key_status; - mgr->enable_alpha_blending = - &omap_dss_mgr_enable_alpha_blending; - mgr->get_alpha_blending_status = - omap_dss_mgr_get_alpha_blending_status; - mgr->get_default_color = &omap_dss_mgr_get_default_color; -- mgr->caps = OMAP_DSS_OVL_MGR_CAP_DISPC, -+ mgr->caps = OMAP_DSS_OVL_MGR_CAP_DISPC; - - dss_overlay_setup_dispc_manager(mgr); - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0046-DSS2-DSI-decrease-sync-timeout-from-60s-to-2s.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0046-DSS2-DSI-decrease-sync-timeout-from-60s-to-2s.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 301db79267..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0046-DSS2-DSI-decrease-sync-timeout-from-60s-to-2s.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -From 0f88992b2681aed4f31dc7dd3926b357bbc95154 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 10:11:55 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 46/69] DSS2: DSI: decrease sync timeout from 60s to 2s - -The framedone-problem should be ok now, so we shouldn't get long waits. ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c | 2 +- - 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -index 50af925..d59ad38 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -@@ -3216,7 +3216,7 @@ static void dsi_push_set_mirror(struct omap_display *display, int mirror) - - static int dsi_wait_sync(struct omap_display *display) - { -- long wait = msecs_to_jiffies(60000); -+ long wait = msecs_to_jiffies(2000); - struct completion compl; - - DSSDBGF(""); --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0047-DSS2-fix-return-value-for-rotate_type-sysfs-functio.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0047-DSS2-fix-return-value-for-rotate_type-sysfs-functio.patch deleted file mode 100644 index fbc30b8858..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0047-DSS2-fix-return-value-for-rotate_type-sysfs-functio.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -From 7ddd5eaa7bc345c3719d613a46a95b7e8052ad2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Imre Deak -Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 15:18:36 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 47/69] DSS2: fix return value for rotate_type sysfs function - -Signed-off-by: Imre Deak ---- - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c | 9 ++++----- - 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c -index 4e3da42..13028ae 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c -@@ -64,9 +64,10 @@ static ssize_t store_rotate_type(struct device *dev, - if (rot_type == ofbi->rotation_type) - goto out; - -- r = -EBUSY; -- if (ofbi->region.size) -+ if (ofbi->region.size) { -+ r = -EBUSY; - goto out; -+ } - - ofbi->rotation_type = rot_type; - -@@ -74,12 +75,10 @@ static ssize_t store_rotate_type(struct device *dev, - * Since the VRAM for this FB is not allocated at the moment we don't need to - * do any further parameter checking at this point. - */ -- -- r = count; - out: - omapfb_unlock(fbdev); - -- return r; -+ return r ? r : count; - } - - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0048-OMAP2-3-DMA-implement-trans-copy-and-const-fill.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0048-OMAP2-3-DMA-implement-trans-copy-and-const-fill.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 1097fedabf..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0048-OMAP2-3-DMA-implement-trans-copy-and-const-fill.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ -From e34564db95627ad20e918b240c45e2bd5555f7e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 10:06:08 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 48/69] OMAP2/3: DMA: implement trans copy and const fill - -Implement transparent copy and constant fill features for OMAP2/3. - -Signed-off-by: Tomi Valkeinen ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/dma.c | 81 +++++++++++++++++++++------------ - arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/dma.h | 1 + - 2 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/dma.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/dma.c -index 3fd0e77..060ac71 100755 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/dma.c -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/dma.c -@@ -310,41 +310,62 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_set_dma_transfer_params); - - void omap_set_dma_color_mode(int lch, enum omap_dma_color_mode mode, u32 color) - { -- u16 w; -- - BUG_ON(omap_dma_in_1510_mode()); - -- if (cpu_class_is_omap2()) { -- REVISIT_24XX(); -- return; -- } -+ if (cpu_class_is_omap1()) { -+ u16 w; - -- w = dma_read(CCR2(lch)); -- w &= ~0x03; -+ w = dma_read(CCR2(lch)); -+ w &= ~0x03; - -- switch (mode) { -- case OMAP_DMA_CONSTANT_FILL: -- w |= 0x01; -- break; -- case OMAP_DMA_TRANSPARENT_COPY: -- w |= 0x02; -- break; -- case OMAP_DMA_COLOR_DIS: -- break; -- default: -- BUG(); -+ switch (mode) { -+ case OMAP_DMA_CONSTANT_FILL: -+ w |= 0x01; -+ break; -+ case OMAP_DMA_TRANSPARENT_COPY: -+ w |= 0x02; -+ break; -+ case OMAP_DMA_COLOR_DIS: -+ break; -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ } -+ dma_write(w, CCR2(lch)); -+ -+ w = dma_read(LCH_CTRL(lch)); -+ w &= ~0x0f; -+ /* Default is channel type 2D */ -+ if (mode) { -+ dma_write((u16)color, COLOR_L(lch)); -+ dma_write((u16)(color >> 16), COLOR_U(lch)); -+ w |= 1; /* Channel type G */ -+ } -+ dma_write(w, LCH_CTRL(lch)); - } -- dma_write(w, CCR2(lch)); - -- w = dma_read(LCH_CTRL(lch)); -- w &= ~0x0f; -- /* Default is channel type 2D */ -- if (mode) { -- dma_write((u16)color, COLOR_L(lch)); -- dma_write((u16)(color >> 16), COLOR_U(lch)); -- w |= 1; /* Channel type G */ -+ if (cpu_class_is_omap2()) { -+ u32 val; -+ -+ val = dma_read(CCR(lch)); -+ val &= ~((1 << 17) | (1 << 16)); -+ -+ switch (mode) { -+ case OMAP_DMA_CONSTANT_FILL: -+ val |= 1 << 16; -+ break; -+ case OMAP_DMA_TRANSPARENT_COPY: -+ val |= 1 << 17; -+ break; -+ case OMAP_DMA_COLOR_DIS: -+ break; -+ default: -+ BUG(); -+ } -+ dma_write(val, CCR(lch)); -+ -+ color &= 0xffffff; -+ dma_write(color, COLOR(lch)); - } -- dma_write(w, LCH_CTRL(lch)); - } - EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_set_dma_color_mode); - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/dma.h b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/dma.h -index 224b077..4e34f47 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/dma.h -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/dma.h -@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ - #define OMAP_DMA4_CSSA_U(n) 0 - #define OMAP_DMA4_CDSA_L(n) 0 - #define OMAP_DMA4_CDSA_U(n) 0 -+#define OMAP1_DMA_COLOR(n) 0 - - /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0049-DSS2-VRAM-clear-allocated-area-with-DMA.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0049-DSS2-VRAM-clear-allocated-area-with-DMA.patch deleted file mode 100644 index d9901f95d9..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0049-DSS2-VRAM-clear-allocated-area-with-DMA.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,101 +0,0 @@ -From 02034cc79f69512a6037f03ad1243c28f59fdd8a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 10:25:20 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 49/69] DSS2: VRAM: clear allocated area with DMA - -Use DMA constant fill feature to clear VRAM area when -someone allocates it. ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c | 57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - 1 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -index 8e9fe77..90276ac 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -@@ -31,11 +31,13 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include - - #include - #include -+#include - - #ifdef DEBUG - #define DBG(format, ...) printk(KERN_DEBUG "VRAM: " format, ## __VA_ARGS__) -@@ -276,6 +278,59 @@ int omap_vram_reserve(unsigned long paddr, size_t size) - } - EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_vram_reserve); - -+static void _omap_vram_dma_cb(int lch, u16 ch_status, void *data) -+{ -+ struct completion *compl = data; -+ complete(compl); -+} -+ -+static int _omap_vram_clear(u32 paddr, unsigned pages) -+{ -+ struct completion compl; -+ unsigned elem_count; -+ unsigned frame_count; -+ int r; -+ int lch; -+ -+ init_completion(&compl); -+ -+ r = omap_request_dma(OMAP_DMA_NO_DEVICE, "VRAM DMA", -+ _omap_vram_dma_cb, -+ &compl, &lch); -+ if (r) { -+ pr_err("VRAM: request_dma failed for memory clear\n"); -+ return -EBUSY; -+ } -+ -+ elem_count = pages * PAGE_SIZE / 4; -+ frame_count = 1; -+ -+ omap_set_dma_transfer_params(lch, OMAP_DMA_DATA_TYPE_S32, -+ elem_count, frame_count, -+ OMAP_DMA_SYNC_ELEMENT, -+ 0, 0); -+ -+ omap_set_dma_dest_params(lch, 0, OMAP_DMA_AMODE_POST_INC, -+ paddr, 0, 0); -+ -+ omap_set_dma_color_mode(lch, OMAP_DMA_CONSTANT_FILL, 0x000000); -+ -+ omap_start_dma(lch); -+ -+ if (wait_for_completion_timeout(&compl, msecs_to_jiffies(1000)) == 0) { -+ omap_stop_dma(lch); -+ pr_err("VRAM: dma timeout while clearing memory\n"); -+ r = -EIO; -+ goto err; -+ } -+ -+ r = 0; -+err: -+ omap_free_dma(lch); -+ -+ return r; -+} -+ - static int _omap_vram_alloc(int mtype, unsigned pages, unsigned long *paddr) - { - struct vram_region *rm; -@@ -313,6 +368,8 @@ found: - - *paddr = start; - -+ _omap_vram_clear(start, pages); -+ - return 0; - } - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0050-DSS2-OMAPFB-remove-fb-clearing-code.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0050-DSS2-OMAPFB-remove-fb-clearing-code.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 4a0a078bc7..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0050-DSS2-OMAPFB-remove-fb-clearing-code.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -From 07482193cccdfe9ede1f47d72790dfbe54343505 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 10:26:06 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 50/69] DSS2: OMAPFB: remove fb clearing code - -VRAM manager does the clearing now when the area is allocated. ---- - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c | 8 -------- - 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -index cd63740..76e7c6c 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -@@ -1174,7 +1174,6 @@ static int omapfb_alloc_fbmem(struct fb_info *fbi, unsigned long size, - struct omapfb2_mem_region *rg; - void __iomem *vaddr; - int r; -- int clear = 0; - - rg = &ofbi->region; - memset(rg, 0, sizeof(*rg)); -@@ -1184,7 +1183,6 @@ static int omapfb_alloc_fbmem(struct fb_info *fbi, unsigned long size, - if (!paddr) { - DBG("allocating %lu bytes for fb %d\n", size, ofbi->id); - r = omap_vram_alloc(OMAPFB_MEMTYPE_SDRAM, size, &paddr); -- clear = 1; - } else { - DBG("reserving %lu bytes at %lx for fb %d\n", size, paddr, - ofbi->id); -@@ -1206,9 +1204,6 @@ static int omapfb_alloc_fbmem(struct fb_info *fbi, unsigned long size, - } - - DBG("allocated VRAM paddr %lx, vaddr %p\n", paddr, vaddr); -- -- if (clear) -- memset_io(vaddr, 0, size); - } else { - void __iomem *va; - -@@ -1232,9 +1227,6 @@ static int omapfb_alloc_fbmem(struct fb_info *fbi, unsigned long size, - rg->vrfb.vaddr[0] = va; - - vaddr = NULL; -- -- if (clear) -- memset_io(va, 0, size); - } - - rg->paddr = paddr; --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0051-DSS2-VRAM-use-debugfs-not-procfs.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0051-DSS2-VRAM-use-debugfs-not-procfs.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 739d3cd1a6..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0051-DSS2-VRAM-use-debugfs-not-procfs.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,170 +0,0 @@ -From b47aef28536f3c276d232c41cd3084c69389dca4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 14:11:52 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 51/69] DSS2: VRAM: use debugfs, not procfs - ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c | 103 +++++++++++++++------------------------------ - 1 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -index 90276ac..e847579 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ - #include - #include - #include --#include - #include - #include - #include - #include -+#include - - #include - -@@ -398,88 +398,54 @@ int omap_vram_alloc(int mtype, size_t size, unsigned long *paddr) - } - EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_vram_alloc); - --#ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS --static void *r_next(struct seq_file *m, void *v, loff_t *pos) --{ -- struct list_head *l = v; -- -- (*pos)++; -- -- if (list_is_last(l, ®ion_list)) -- return NULL; -- -- return l->next; --} -- --static void *r_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos) --{ -- loff_t p = *pos; -- struct list_head *l = ®ion_list; -- -- mutex_lock(®ion_mutex); -- -- do { -- l = l->next; -- if (l == ®ion_list) -- return NULL; -- } while (p--); -- -- return l; --} -- --static void r_stop(struct seq_file *m, void *v) --{ -- mutex_unlock(®ion_mutex); --} -- --static int r_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v) -+#if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS) -+static int vram_debug_show(struct seq_file *s, void *unused) - { - struct vram_region *vr; - struct vram_alloc *va; - unsigned size; - -- vr = list_entry(v, struct vram_region, list); -- -- size = vr->pages << PAGE_SHIFT; -- -- seq_printf(m, "%08lx-%08lx (%d bytes)\n", -- vr->paddr, vr->paddr + size - 1, -- size); -+ mutex_lock(®ion_mutex); - -- list_for_each_entry(va, &vr->alloc_list, list) { -- size = va->pages << PAGE_SHIFT; -- seq_printf(m, " %08lx-%08lx (%d bytes)\n", -- va->paddr, va->paddr + size - 1, -+ list_for_each_entry(vr, ®ion_list, list) { -+ size = vr->pages << PAGE_SHIFT; -+ seq_printf(s, "%08lx-%08lx (%d bytes)\n", -+ vr->paddr, vr->paddr + size - 1, - size); -- } - -+ list_for_each_entry(va, &vr->alloc_list, list) { -+ size = va->pages << PAGE_SHIFT; -+ seq_printf(s, " %08lx-%08lx (%d bytes)\n", -+ va->paddr, va->paddr + size - 1, -+ size); -+ } -+ } - -+ mutex_unlock(®ion_mutex); - - return 0; - } - --static const struct seq_operations resource_op = { -- .start = r_start, -- .next = r_next, -- .stop = r_stop, -- .show = r_show, --}; -- --static int vram_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) -+static int vram_debug_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) - { -- return seq_open(file, &resource_op); -+ return single_open(file, vram_debug_show, inode->i_private); - } - --static const struct file_operations proc_vram_operations = { -- .open = vram_open, -- .read = seq_read, -- .llseek = seq_lseek, -- .release = seq_release, -+static const struct file_operations vram_debug_fops = { -+ .open = vram_debug_open, -+ .read = seq_read, -+ .llseek = seq_lseek, -+ .release = single_release, - }; - --static int __init omap_vram_create_proc(void) -+static int __init omap_vram_create_debugfs(void) - { -- proc_create("omap-vram", 0, NULL, &proc_vram_operations); -+ struct dentry *d; -+ -+ d = debugfs_create_file("vram", S_IRUGO, NULL, -+ NULL, &vram_debug_fops); -+ if (IS_ERR(d)) -+ return PTR_ERR(d); - - return 0; - } -@@ -487,7 +453,7 @@ static int __init omap_vram_create_proc(void) - - static __init int omap_vram_init(void) - { -- int i, r; -+ int i; - - vram_initialized = 1; - -@@ -495,10 +461,9 @@ static __init int omap_vram_init(void) - omap_vram_add_region(postponed_regions[i].paddr, - postponed_regions[i].size); - --#ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS -- r = omap_vram_create_proc(); -- if (r) -- return -ENOMEM; -+#ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_FS -+ if (omap_vram_create_debugfs()) -+ pr_err("VRAM: Failed to create debugfs file\n"); - #endif - - return 0; --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0052-DSS2-VRAM-fix-section-mismatch-warning.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0052-DSS2-VRAM-fix-section-mismatch-warning.patch deleted file mode 100644 index a28a96b23b..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0052-DSS2-VRAM-fix-section-mismatch-warning.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -From 635fa66abe6e502c9b78b1dc66757bf67fd163e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Imre Deak -Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 14:40:48 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 52/69] DSS2: VRAM: fix section mismatch warning - -postponed_regions are accessed from the non __init -omap_vram_add_region(). - -Signed-off-by: Imre Deak ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c | 4 ++-- - 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -index e847579..b126a64 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ - #define MAX_POSTPONED_REGIONS 10 - - static bool vram_initialized; --static int postponed_cnt __initdata; -+static int postponed_cnt; - static struct { - unsigned long paddr; - size_t size; --} postponed_regions[MAX_POSTPONED_REGIONS] __initdata; -+} postponed_regions[MAX_POSTPONED_REGIONS]; - - struct vram_alloc { - struct list_head list; --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0053-DSS2-disable-LCD-DIGIT-before-resetting-DSS.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0053-DSS2-disable-LCD-DIGIT-before-resetting-DSS.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 38d162d024..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0053-DSS2-disable-LCD-DIGIT-before-resetting-DSS.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -From c7ce3c5e9f7e28900b8ea9c3e1afe41dcdc0863d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 10:46:53 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 53/69] DSS2: disable LCD & DIGIT before resetting DSS - -This seems to fix the synclost problem that we get, if the bootloader -starts the DSS and the kernel resets it. ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.c | 8 +++++--- - 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.c -index adc1f34..aab9758 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.c -@@ -285,6 +285,11 @@ int dss_init(bool skip_init) - } - - if (!skip_init) { -+ /* disable LCD and DIGIT output. This seems to fix the synclost -+ * problem that we get, if the bootloader starts the DSS and -+ * the kernel resets it */ -+ omap_writel(omap_readl(0x48050440) & ~0x3, 0x48050440); -+ - /* We need to wait here a bit, otherwise we sometimes start to - * get synclost errors, and after that only power cycle will - * restore DSS functionality. I have no idea why this happens. -@@ -294,10 +299,7 @@ int dss_init(bool skip_init) - msleep(50); - - _omap_dss_reset(); -- - } -- else -- printk("DSS SKIP RESET\n"); - - /* autoidle */ - REG_FLD_MOD(DSS_SYSCONFIG, 1, 0, 0); --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0054-DSS2-DSI-more-error-handling.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0054-DSS2-DSI-more-error-handling.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 5f4f155452..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0054-DSS2-DSI-more-error-handling.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,85 +0,0 @@ -From 3b27a3c4f6b84e46c84509f610dfe1456c0d72d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 11:06:16 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 54/69] DSS2: DSI: more error handling - ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - 1 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -index d59ad38..d8df353 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -@@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ static struct - - bool autoupdate_setup; - -+ u32 errors; -+ spinlock_t errors_lock; - #ifdef DEBUG - ktime_t perf_setup_time; - ktime_t perf_start_time; -@@ -541,6 +543,9 @@ void dsi_irq_handler(void) - if (irqstatus & DSI_IRQ_ERROR_MASK) { - DSSERR("DSI error, irqstatus %x\n", irqstatus); - print_irq_status(irqstatus); -+ spin_lock(&dsi.errors_lock); -+ dsi.errors |= irqstatus & DSI_IRQ_ERROR_MASK; -+ spin_unlock(&dsi.errors_lock); - } else if (debug_irq) { - print_irq_status(irqstatus); - } -@@ -616,6 +621,17 @@ static void _dsi_initialize_irq(void) - -1 & (~DSI_CIO_IRQ_ERRCONTROL2)); - } - -+static u32 dsi_get_errors(void) -+{ -+ unsigned long flags; -+ u32 e; -+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dsi.errors_lock, flags); -+ e = dsi.errors; -+ dsi.errors = 0; -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dsi.errors_lock, flags); -+ return e; -+} -+ - static void dsi_vc_enable_bta_irq(int channel) - { - u32 l; -@@ -1807,6 +1823,7 @@ static int dsi_vc_send_bta(int channel) - static int dsi_vc_send_bta_sync(int channel) - { - int r = 0; -+ u32 err; - - init_completion(&dsi.bta_completion); - -@@ -1822,6 +1839,13 @@ static int dsi_vc_send_bta_sync(int channel) - r = -EIO; - goto err; - } -+ -+ err = dsi_get_errors(); -+ if (err) { -+ DSSERR("Error while sending BTA: %x\n", err); -+ r = -EIO; -+ goto err; -+ } - err: - dsi_vc_disable_bta_irq(channel); - -@@ -3720,6 +3744,9 @@ int dsi_init(void) - { - u32 rev; - -+ spin_lock_init(&dsi.errors_lock); -+ dsi.errors = 0; -+ - spin_lock_init(&dsi.cmd_lock); - dsi.cmd_fifo = kfifo_alloc( - DSI_CMD_FIFO_LEN * sizeof(struct dsi_cmd_item), --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0055-DSS2-Added-global-alpha-support.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0055-DSS2-Added-global-alpha-support.patch deleted file mode 100644 index c545b648cc..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0055-DSS2-Added-global-alpha-support.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,230 +0,0 @@ -From c8588370442424ac31e2392b07891615629eb999 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Hardik Shah -Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 15:29:06 +0530 -Subject: [PATCH 55/69] DSS2: Added global alpha support. - -global_alpha sysfs entry for video1 plane will always show 255 as -it does not support global_alpha. -Initliazied the global alpha field for all the overlays -to 255 (fully opaque). -Documentation also updated. - -Signed-off-by: Hardik Shah ---- - Documentation/arm/OMAP/DSS | 1 + - arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h | 1 + - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 25 ++++++++++++++++--- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h | 3 +- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c | 3 +- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - 6 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/Documentation/arm/OMAP/DSS b/Documentation/arm/OMAP/DSS -index 9e902a2..249e1a3 100644 ---- a/Documentation/arm/OMAP/DSS -+++ b/Documentation/arm/OMAP/DSS -@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ name - output_size width,height - position x,y - screen_width width -+global_alpha global alpha 0-255 0=transparent 255=opaque - - /sys/devices/platform/omapdss/manager? directory: - display Destination display -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -index d0b4c83..45b16ca 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -@@ -363,6 +363,7 @@ struct omap_overlay_info { - u16 pos_y; - u16 out_width; /* if 0, out_width == width */ - u16 out_height; /* if 0, out_height == height */ -+ u8 global_alpha; - }; - - enum omap_overlay_caps { -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index 9bab6cf..b6a39f5 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -778,6 +778,17 @@ static void _dispc_set_vid_size(enum omap_plane plane, int width, int height) - dispc_write_reg(vsi_reg[plane-1], val); - } - -+static void _dispc_setup_global_alpha(enum omap_plane plane, u8 global_alpha) -+{ -+ -+ BUG_ON(plane == OMAP_DSS_VIDEO1); -+ -+ if (plane == OMAP_DSS_GFX) -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_GLOBAL_ALPHA, global_alpha, 7, 0); -+ else if (plane == OMAP_DSS_VIDEO2) -+ REG_FLD_MOD(DISPC_GLOBAL_ALPHA, global_alpha, 23, 16); -+} -+ - static void _dispc_set_pix_inc(enum omap_plane plane, s32 inc) - { - const struct dispc_reg ri_reg[] = { DISPC_GFX_PIXEL_INC, -@@ -1444,7 +1455,8 @@ static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, - enum omap_color_mode color_mode, - bool ilace, - enum omap_dss_rotation_type rotation_type, -- u8 rotation, int mirror) -+ u8 rotation, int mirror, -+ u8 global_alpha) - { - const int maxdownscale = cpu_is_omap34xx() ? 4 : 2; - bool five_taps = 0; -@@ -1592,6 +1604,9 @@ static int _dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, - - _dispc_set_rotation_attrs(plane, rotation, mirror, color_mode); - -+ if (plane != OMAP_DSS_VIDEO1) -+ _dispc_setup_global_alpha(plane, global_alpha); -+ - return 0; - } - -@@ -3011,7 +3026,7 @@ int dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, enum omap_channel channel_out, - enum omap_color_mode color_mode, - bool ilace, - enum omap_dss_rotation_type rotation_type, -- u8 rotation, bool mirror) -+ u8 rotation, bool mirror, u8 global_alpha) - { - int r = 0; - -@@ -3032,7 +3047,8 @@ int dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, enum omap_channel channel_out, - out_width, out_height, - color_mode, ilace, - rotation_type, -- rotation, mirror); -+ rotation, mirror, -+ global_alpha); - - enable_clocks(0); - -@@ -3247,7 +3263,8 @@ void dispc_setup_partial_planes(struct omap_display *display, - pi->color_mode, 0, - pi->rotation_type, - pi->rotation, -- pi->mirror); -+ pi->mirror, -+ pi->global_alpha); - - dispc_enable_plane(ovl->id, 1); - } -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -index 1d01ff6..20cef0a 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h -@@ -273,7 +273,8 @@ int dispc_setup_plane(enum omap_plane plane, enum omap_channel channel_out, - enum omap_color_mode color_mode, - bool ilace, - enum omap_dss_rotation_type rotation_type, -- u8 rotation, bool mirror); -+ u8 rotation, bool mirror, -+ u8 global_alpha); - - void dispc_go(enum omap_channel channel); - void dispc_enable_lcd_out(bool enable); -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -index bf059e0..1e6cd8d 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/manager.c -@@ -464,7 +464,8 @@ static int omap_dss_mgr_apply(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr) - ilace, - ovl->info.rotation_type, - ovl->info.rotation, -- ovl->info.mirror); -+ ovl->info.mirror, -+ ovl->info.global_alpha); - - if (r) { - DSSERR("dispc_setup_plane failed for ovl %d\n", -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c -index c047206..035a57a 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/overlay.c -@@ -194,6 +194,37 @@ static ssize_t overlay_enabled_store(struct omap_overlay *ovl, const char *buf, - return size; - } - -+static ssize_t overlay_global_alpha_show(struct omap_overlay *ovl, char *buf) -+{ -+ return snprintf(buf, PAGE_SIZE, "%d\n", -+ ovl->info.global_alpha); -+} -+ -+static ssize_t overlay_global_alpha_store(struct omap_overlay *ovl, -+ const char *buf, size_t size) -+{ -+ int r; -+ struct omap_overlay_info info; -+ -+ ovl->get_overlay_info(ovl, &info); -+ -+ /* Video1 plane does not support global alpha -+ * to always make it 255 completely opaque -+ */ -+ if (ovl->id == OMAP_DSS_VIDEO1) -+ info.global_alpha = 255; -+ else -+ info.global_alpha = simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 10); -+ -+ if ((r = ovl->set_overlay_info(ovl, &info))) -+ return r; -+ -+ if (ovl->manager && (r = ovl->manager->apply(ovl->manager))) -+ return r; -+ -+ return size; -+} -+ - struct overlay_attribute { - struct attribute attr; - ssize_t (*show)(struct omap_overlay *, char *); -@@ -215,6 +246,8 @@ static OVERLAY_ATTR(output_size, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, - overlay_output_size_show, overlay_output_size_store); - static OVERLAY_ATTR(enabled, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, - overlay_enabled_show, overlay_enabled_store); -+static OVERLAY_ATTR(global_alpha, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR, -+ overlay_global_alpha_show, overlay_global_alpha_store); - - static struct attribute *overlay_sysfs_attrs[] = { - &overlay_attr_name.attr, -@@ -224,6 +257,7 @@ static struct attribute *overlay_sysfs_attrs[] = { - &overlay_attr_position.attr, - &overlay_attr_output_size.attr, - &overlay_attr_enabled.attr, -+ &overlay_attr_global_alpha.attr, - NULL - }; - -@@ -444,6 +478,7 @@ void dss_init_overlays(struct platform_device *pdev, const char *def_disp_name) - ovl->id = OMAP_DSS_GFX; - ovl->supported_modes = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_GFX_OMAP3; - ovl->caps = OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_DISPC; -+ ovl->info.global_alpha = 255; - break; - case 1: - ovl->name = "vid1"; -@@ -451,6 +486,7 @@ void dss_init_overlays(struct platform_device *pdev, const char *def_disp_name) - ovl->supported_modes = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_VID_OMAP3; - ovl->caps = OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_SCALE | - OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_DISPC; -+ ovl->info.global_alpha = 255; - break; - case 2: - ovl->name = "vid2"; -@@ -458,6 +494,7 @@ void dss_init_overlays(struct platform_device *pdev, const char *def_disp_name) - ovl->supported_modes = OMAP_DSS_COLOR_VID_OMAP3; - ovl->caps = OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_SCALE | - OMAP_DSS_OVL_CAP_DISPC; -+ ovl->info.global_alpha = 255; - break; - } - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0056-DSS2-Rotation-attrs-for-YUV-need-not-to-be-reversed.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0056-DSS2-Rotation-attrs-for-YUV-need-not-to-be-reversed.patch deleted file mode 100644 index c46fda0d52..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0056-DSS2-Rotation-attrs-for-YUV-need-not-to-be-reversed.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -From 32cf39c92dfd28e18936c31eea90b4d43a3c0968 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Hardik Shah -Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 14:33:48 +0530 -Subject: [PATCH 56/69] DSS2: Rotation attrs for YUV need not to be reversed for 90 and 270 - -DSS2 supports horizontal mirroing. so only 180 and 0 degree attributes needs -to be reversed for mirroring. -Slight corrupt image is seen with 90 ad 270 degree rotation with mirroring -when the image height and widht is not 32-pixels aligned. To be specific -resolution is 168X192. - -Signed-off-by: Hardik Shah ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 4 ++-- - 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index b6a39f5..f79decb 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -1110,9 +1110,9 @@ static void _dispc_set_rotation_attrs(enum omap_plane plane, u8 rotation, - if (mirroring) { - switch (rotation) { - case 0: vidrot = 2; break; -- case 1: vidrot = 3; break; -+ case 1: vidrot = 1; break; - case 2: vidrot = 0; break; -- case 3: vidrot = 1; break; -+ case 3: vidrot = 3; break; - } - } else { - switch (rotation) { --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0057-DSS2-Documentation-update-for-new-sysfs-entries-in.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0057-DSS2-Documentation-update-for-new-sysfs-entries-in.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 929f41b590..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0057-DSS2-Documentation-update-for-new-sysfs-entries-in.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -From bc67f1fce4472087014fdacd3f44ea732200533e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Hardik Shah -Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 13:15:07 +0530 -Subject: [PATCH 57/69] DSS2: Documentation update for new sysfs entries in omapdss/manager - -Signed-off-by: Hardik Shah ---- - Documentation/arm/OMAP/DSS | 7 ++++++- - 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/Documentation/arm/OMAP/DSS b/Documentation/arm/OMAP/DSS -index 249e1a3..751000b 100644 ---- a/Documentation/arm/OMAP/DSS -+++ b/Documentation/arm/OMAP/DSS -@@ -136,8 +136,13 @@ screen_width width - global_alpha global alpha 0-255 0=transparent 255=opaque - - /sys/devices/platform/omapdss/manager? directory: --display Destination display -+display Destination display - name -+alpha_blending_enabled 0=off 1=on -+color_key_enabled 0=off 1=on -+color_key_type gfx-destination video-source -+color_key_value 0 to 2^24 -+default_color default background color RGB24 0 to 2^24 - - /sys/devices/platform/omapdss/display? directory: - ctrl_name Controller name --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0058-DSS2-Don-t-touch-plane-coordinates-when-changing-fb.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0058-DSS2-Don-t-touch-plane-coordinates-when-changing-fb.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 7a6f23b349..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0058-DSS2-Don-t-touch-plane-coordinates-when-changing-fb.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ -From 9500c899f05048d17ced4340ecfd377656a23934 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: =?utf-8?q?Ville=20Syrj=C3=A4l=C3=A4?= -Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 18:34:33 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 58/69] DSS2: Don't touch plane coordinates when changing fb->ovl mapping -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -When attaching overlays to a framebuffer via the 'overlays' sysfs file -do not touch the planes' coordinates. Without this change attaching -VID2 to a framebuffer which already has VID1 attached would cause VID1 -to be reset to position 0,0 and scaled to 1:1 size. Also call -omapfb_apply_changes() only once after all the overlays have been -attached to avoid fiddling with all the overlays several times. - -Signed-off-by: Ville Syrjälä ---- - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c | 13 ++++++------- - 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c -index 13028ae..702199d 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-sysfs.c -@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ static ssize_t store_overlays(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, - struct omap_overlay *ovl; - int num_ovls, r, i; - int len; -+ bool added = false; - - num_ovls = 0; - -@@ -284,15 +285,13 @@ static ssize_t store_overlays(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, - - ofbi->overlays[ofbi->num_overlays++] = ovl; - -- r = omapfb_apply_changes(fbi, 1); -+ added = true; -+ } -+ -+ if (added) { -+ r = omapfb_apply_changes(fbi, 0); - if (r) - goto out; -- -- if (ovl->manager) { -- r = ovl->manager->apply(ovl->manager); -- if (r) -- goto out; -- } - } - - r = count; --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0059-DSS2-DSI-configure-ENTER-EXIT_HS_MODE_LATENCY.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0059-DSS2-DSI-configure-ENTER-EXIT_HS_MODE_LATENCY.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 9ca0f2eab1..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0059-DSS2-DSI-configure-ENTER-EXIT_HS_MODE_LATENCY.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,97 +0,0 @@ -From 750f7ddc0881834f3400c40e9a59d11f9427cf99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 17:26:30 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 59/69] DSS2: DSI: configure ENTER/EXIT_HS_MODE_LATENCY - ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------- - 1 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -index d8df353..5225ed6 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -@@ -2309,15 +2309,26 @@ static int dsi_proto_config(struct omap_display *display) - return 0; - } - --static void dsi_proto_timings(void) --{ -- int tlpx_half, tclk_zero, tclk_prepare, tclk_trail; -- int tclk_pre, tclk_post; -- int ddr_clk_pre, ddr_clk_post; -+static void dsi_proto_timings(struct omap_display *display) -+{ -+ unsigned tlpx, tclk_zero, tclk_prepare, tclk_trail; -+ unsigned tclk_pre, tclk_post; -+ unsigned ths_prepare, ths_prepare_ths_zero, ths_zero; -+ unsigned ths_trail, ths_exit; -+ unsigned ddr_clk_pre, ddr_clk_post; -+ unsigned enter_hs_mode_lat, exit_hs_mode_lat; -+ unsigned ths_eot; - u32 r; - -+ r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_DSIPHY_CFG0); -+ ths_prepare = FLD_GET(r, 31, 24); -+ ths_prepare_ths_zero = FLD_GET(r, 23, 16); -+ ths_zero = ths_prepare_ths_zero - ths_prepare; -+ ths_trail = FLD_GET(r, 15, 8); -+ ths_exit = FLD_GET(r, 7, 0); -+ - r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_DSIPHY_CFG1); -- tlpx_half = FLD_GET(r, 22, 16); -+ tlpx = FLD_GET(r, 22, 16) * 2; - tclk_trail = FLD_GET(r, 15, 8); - tclk_zero = FLD_GET(r, 7, 0); - -@@ -2329,17 +2340,35 @@ static void dsi_proto_timings(void) - /* min 60ns + 52*UI */ - tclk_post = ns2ddr(60) + 26; - -- ddr_clk_pre = (tclk_pre + tlpx_half*2 + tclk_zero + tclk_prepare) / 4; -- ddr_clk_post = (tclk_post + tclk_trail) / 4; -+ ddr_clk_pre = DIV_ROUND_UP(tclk_pre + tlpx + tclk_zero + tclk_prepare, -+ 4); -+ ddr_clk_post = DIV_ROUND_UP(tclk_post + tclk_trail, 4); - - r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_CLK_TIMING); - r = FLD_MOD(r, ddr_clk_pre, 15, 8); - r = FLD_MOD(r, ddr_clk_post, 7, 0); - dsi_write_reg(DSI_CLK_TIMING, r); - -- DSSDBG("ddr_clk_pre %d, ddr_clk_post %d\n", -+ DSSDBG("ddr_clk_pre %u, ddr_clk_post %u\n", - ddr_clk_pre, - ddr_clk_post); -+ -+ /* ths_eot is 2 for 2 datalanes and 4 for 1 datalane */ -+ if (display->hw_config.u.dsi.data1_lane != 0 && -+ display->hw_config.u.dsi.data2_lane != 0) -+ ths_eot = 2; -+ else -+ ths_eot = 4; -+ -+ enter_hs_mode_lat = DIV_ROUND_UP(tlpx + ths_prepare + ths_zero, 4) + 4; -+ exit_hs_mode_lat = DIV_ROUND_UP(ths_trail + ths_exit, 4) + 1 + ths_eot; -+ -+ r = FLD_VAL(enter_hs_mode_lat, 31, 16) | -+ FLD_VAL(exit_hs_mode_lat, 15, 0); -+ dsi_write_reg(DSI_VM_TIMING7, r); -+ -+ DSSDBG("enter_hs_mode_lat %u, exit_hs_mode_lat %u\n", -+ enter_hs_mode_lat, exit_hs_mode_lat); - } - - -@@ -3340,7 +3369,7 @@ static int dsi_display_init_dsi(struct omap_display *display) - - _dsi_print_reset_status(); - -- dsi_proto_timings(); -+ dsi_proto_timings(display); - dsi_set_lp_clk_divisor(); - - if (1) --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0060-DSS2-Avoid-div-by-zero-when-calculating-required-fc.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0060-DSS2-Avoid-div-by-zero-when-calculating-required-fc.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 0ff2c7b1a6..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0060-DSS2-Avoid-div-by-zero-when-calculating-required-fc.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -From 233a6e4f4ccaf5827f04ab38c590397755e61ecb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: =?utf-8?q?Ville=20Syrj=C3=A4l=C3=A4?= -Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 16:18:30 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 60/69] DSS2: Avoid div by zero when calculating required fclk -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -When calculating the required fclk rate for five tap filtering if the -display width and output width are equal div by zero could occur. The -TRM doesn't actually specify how this case should be handled but for -now just skip the calculation which would trigger the div by zero. - -Signed-off-by: Ville Syrjälä ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 2 +- - 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index f79decb..5fc9457 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -1399,7 +1399,7 @@ static unsigned long calc_fclk_five_taps(u16 width, u16 height, - do_div(tmp, 2 * out_height * ppl); - fclk = tmp; - -- if (height > 2 * out_height) { -+ if (height > 2 * out_height && ppl != out_width) { - tmp = pclk * (height - 2 * out_height) * out_width; - do_div(tmp, 2 * out_height * (ppl - out_width)); - fclk = max(fclk, (u32) tmp); --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0061-DSS2-VRFB-save-restore-context.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0061-DSS2-VRFB-save-restore-context.patch deleted file mode 100644 index a0b694736b..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0061-DSS2-VRFB-save-restore-context.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,106 +0,0 @@ -From e58576ceca922bfe4c793e6f77a873c4ea14f768 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Imre Deak -Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 09:05:12 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 61/69] DSS2: VRFB: save / restore context - -The VRFB is part of the SMS and supplied by the core power domain; do -the context saving while VRFB is configured and restore it along with -the rest of the domain context. - -This patch only implements the restore functionality, but not the -actual call to the restore. That belongs to PM functionality. ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h | 1 + - arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- - 2 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h -index 12c7fab..ee6c062 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h -@@ -44,5 +44,6 @@ extern void omap_vrfb_adjust_size(u16 *width, u16 *height, - extern void omap_vrfb_setup(struct vrfb *vrfb, unsigned long paddr, - u16 width, u16 height, - enum omap_color_mode color_mode); -+extern void omap_vrfb_restore_context(void); - - #endif /* __VRFB_H */ -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -index 2ae0d68..649803e 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -@@ -39,6 +39,33 @@ - /* bitmap of reserved contexts */ - static unsigned ctx_map; - -+/* -+ * Access to this happens from client drivers or the PM core after wake-up. -+ * For the first case we require locking at the driver level, for the second -+ * we don't need locking, since no drivers will run until after the wake-up -+ * has finished. -+ */ -+struct { -+ u32 physical_ba; -+ u32 control; -+ u32 size; -+} vrfb_hw_context[VRFB_NUM_CTXS]; -+ -+void omap_vrfb_restore_context(void) -+{ -+ int i; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < VRFB_NUM_CTXS; i++) { -+ /* Restore only the active contexts */ -+ if (!(ctx_map & (1 << i))) -+ continue; -+ omap_writel(vrfb_hw_context[i].control, SMS_ROT_CONTROL(i)); -+ omap_writel(vrfb_hw_context[i].size, SMS_ROT_SIZE(i)); -+ omap_writel(vrfb_hw_context[i].physical_ba, -+ SMS_ROT_PHYSICAL_BA(i)); -+ } -+} -+ - void omap_vrfb_adjust_size(u16 *width, u16 *height, - u8 bytespp) - { -@@ -56,6 +83,8 @@ void omap_vrfb_setup(struct vrfb *vrfb, unsigned long paddr, - u16 vrfb_height; - u8 ctx = vrfb->context; - u8 bytespp; -+ u32 size; -+ u32 control; - - DBG("omapfb_set_vrfb(%d, %lx, %dx%d, %d)\n", ctx, paddr, - width, height, bytespp); -@@ -100,15 +129,20 @@ void omap_vrfb_setup(struct vrfb *vrfb, unsigned long paddr, - - DBG("vrfb w %u, h %u\n", vrfb_width, vrfb_height); - -+ size = vrfb_width << SMS_IMAGEWIDTH_OFFSET; -+ size |= vrfb_height << SMS_IMAGEHEIGHT_OFFSET; -+ -+ control = pixel_size_exp << SMS_PS_OFFSET; -+ control |= VRFB_PAGE_WIDTH_EXP << SMS_PW_OFFSET; -+ control |= VRFB_PAGE_HEIGHT_EXP << SMS_PH_OFFSET; -+ -+ vrfb_hw_context[ctx].physical_ba = paddr; -+ vrfb_hw_context[ctx].size = size; -+ vrfb_hw_context[ctx].control = control; -+ - omap_writel(paddr, SMS_ROT_PHYSICAL_BA(ctx)); -- omap_writel((vrfb_width << SMS_IMAGEWIDTH_OFFSET) | -- (vrfb_height << SMS_IMAGEHEIGHT_OFFSET), -- SMS_ROT_SIZE(ctx)); -- -- omap_writel(pixel_size_exp << SMS_PS_OFFSET | -- VRFB_PAGE_WIDTH_EXP << SMS_PW_OFFSET | -- VRFB_PAGE_HEIGHT_EXP << SMS_PH_OFFSET, -- SMS_ROT_CONTROL(ctx)); -+ omap_writel(size, SMS_ROT_SIZE(ctx)); -+ omap_writel(control, SMS_ROT_CONTROL(ctx)); - - DBG("vrfb offset pixels %d, %d\n", - vrfb_width - width, vrfb_height - height); --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0062-DSS2-VRAM-Fix-indentation.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0062-DSS2-VRAM-Fix-indentation.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 8d5f57866d..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0062-DSS2-VRAM-Fix-indentation.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -From 0fb6754f996b5022e1d856fda3d3258382383596 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 09:03:43 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 62/69] DSS2: VRAM: Fix indentation - ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c | 26 +++++++++++++------------- - 1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -index b126a64..f3ce849 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vram.c -@@ -287,35 +287,35 @@ static void _omap_vram_dma_cb(int lch, u16 ch_status, void *data) - static int _omap_vram_clear(u32 paddr, unsigned pages) - { - struct completion compl; -- unsigned elem_count; -- unsigned frame_count; -+ unsigned elem_count; -+ unsigned frame_count; - int r; - int lch; - - init_completion(&compl); - -- r = omap_request_dma(OMAP_DMA_NO_DEVICE, "VRAM DMA", -+ r = omap_request_dma(OMAP_DMA_NO_DEVICE, "VRAM DMA", - _omap_vram_dma_cb, -- &compl, &lch); -- if (r) { -+ &compl, &lch); -+ if (r) { - pr_err("VRAM: request_dma failed for memory clear\n"); - return -EBUSY; - } - -- elem_count = pages * PAGE_SIZE / 4; -- frame_count = 1; -+ elem_count = pages * PAGE_SIZE / 4; -+ frame_count = 1; - -- omap_set_dma_transfer_params(lch, OMAP_DMA_DATA_TYPE_S32, -- elem_count, frame_count, -- OMAP_DMA_SYNC_ELEMENT, -- 0, 0); -+ omap_set_dma_transfer_params(lch, OMAP_DMA_DATA_TYPE_S32, -+ elem_count, frame_count, -+ OMAP_DMA_SYNC_ELEMENT, -+ 0, 0); - -- omap_set_dma_dest_params(lch, 0, OMAP_DMA_AMODE_POST_INC, -+ omap_set_dma_dest_params(lch, 0, OMAP_DMA_AMODE_POST_INC, - paddr, 0, 0); - - omap_set_dma_color_mode(lch, OMAP_DMA_CONSTANT_FILL, 0x000000); - -- omap_start_dma(lch); -+ omap_start_dma(lch); - - if (wait_for_completion_timeout(&compl, msecs_to_jiffies(1000)) == 0) { - omap_stop_dma(lch); --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0063-DSS2-fix-the-usage-of-get_last_off_on_transaction_i.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0063-DSS2-fix-the-usage-of-get_last_off_on_transaction_i.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 8633921979..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0063-DSS2-fix-the-usage-of-get_last_off_on_transaction_i.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -From 5d3426ae63c27b9405be8179beabe1e095b44a35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Imre Deak -Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 19:00:19 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 63/69] DSS2: fix the usage of get_last_off_on_transaction_id - -The function returns int not unsigned since it can fail. Handle the -failing case as if the context had been lost. So now: - -1. No get_last_off_on_transaction_id func in platform data-> - never restore the context -2. Return val < 0 -> force the restore -3. Return val >= 0 do the restore only if the counter has changed. - -Signed-off-by: Imre Deak ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h | 2 +- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/core.c | 18 ++++++++++++------ - 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -index 45b16ca..31ebb96 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/display.h -@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ struct device; - - /* Board specific data */ - struct omap_dss_board_info { -- unsigned (*get_last_off_on_transaction_id)(struct device *dev); -+ int (*get_last_off_on_transaction_id)(struct device *dev); - int (*dsi_power_up)(void); - void (*dsi_power_down)(void); - int num_displays; -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/core.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/core.c -index ae7cd06..6d11b04 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/core.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/core.c -@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ - - static struct { - struct platform_device *pdev; -- unsigned ctx_id; -+ int ctx_id; - - struct clk *dss_ick; - struct clk *dss1_fck; -@@ -63,22 +63,28 @@ module_param_named(debug, dss_debug, bool, 0644); - #endif - - /* CONTEXT */ --static unsigned dss_get_ctx_id(void) -+static int dss_get_ctx_id(void) - { - struct omap_dss_board_info *pdata = core.pdev->dev.platform_data; -+ int r; - - if (!pdata->get_last_off_on_transaction_id) - return 0; -- -- return pdata->get_last_off_on_transaction_id(&core.pdev->dev); -+ r = pdata->get_last_off_on_transaction_id(&core.pdev->dev); -+ if (r < 0) { -+ dev_err(&core.pdev->dev, -+ "getting transaction ID failed, will force context restore\n"); -+ r = -1; -+ } -+ return r; - } - - int dss_need_ctx_restore(void) - { - int id = dss_get_ctx_id(); - -- if (id != core.ctx_id) { -- DSSDBG("ctx id %u -> id %u\n", -+ if (id < 0 || id != core.ctx_id) { -+ DSSDBG("ctx id %d -> id %d\n", - core.ctx_id, id); - core.ctx_id = id; - return 1; --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0064-VRFB-fix-debug-messages.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0064-VRFB-fix-debug-messages.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 2ba9b1b1a2..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0064-VRFB-fix-debug-messages.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -From 784271e9546844c5e69ec6d8f2fd3713847b6ab2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Imre Deak -Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 11:16:14 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 64/69] VRFB: fix debug messages - -Signed-off-by: Imre Deak ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c | 4 ++-- - 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -index 649803e..289fc8a 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ void omap_vrfb_setup(struct vrfb *vrfb, unsigned long paddr, - u32 control; - - DBG("omapfb_set_vrfb(%d, %lx, %dx%d, %d)\n", ctx, paddr, -- width, height, bytespp); -+ width, height, color_mode); - - switch (color_mode) { - case OMAP_DSS_COLOR_RGB16: -@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ void omap_vrfb_setup(struct vrfb *vrfb, unsigned long paddr, - vrfb_width = ALIGN(width * bytespp, VRFB_PAGE_WIDTH) / bytespp; - vrfb_height = ALIGN(height, VRFB_PAGE_HEIGHT); - -- DBG("vrfb w %u, h %u\n", vrfb_width, vrfb_height); -+ DBG("vrfb w %u, h %u bytespp %d\n", vrfb_width, vrfb_height, bytespp); - - size = vrfb_width << SMS_IMAGEWIDTH_OFFSET; - size |= vrfb_height << SMS_IMAGEHEIGHT_OFFSET; --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0065-VRFB-add-suspend-resume-functionality.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0065-VRFB-add-suspend-resume-functionality.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 17f959cb27..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0065-VRFB-add-suspend-resume-functionality.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,216 +0,0 @@ -From 1269429fe6ddd6e5f15e3b4edb4fc2bcd6fc0410 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Imre Deak -Date: Tue, 5 May 2009 11:16:13 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 65/69] VRFB: add suspend/resume functionality - -At the moment the VRFB context is restored at each core power domain -OFF->ON transition. This is not optimal since the VRFB might be unused -temporarily for example when the screen is blanked. Add a suspend / -resume function to mark these unused periods during which we'll avoid -thea the context restore. - -Use atomic bitops for ctx_map for consistency. - -Signed-off-by: Imre Deak ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h | 2 + - arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c | 75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----- - drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c | 28 +++++++++++ - 3 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h -index ee6c062..9647d82 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/include/mach/vrfb.h -@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ struct vrfb - - extern int omap_vrfb_request_ctx(struct vrfb *vrfb); - extern void omap_vrfb_release_ctx(struct vrfb *vrfb); -+extern void omap_vrfb_suspend_ctx(struct vrfb *vrfb); -+extern void omap_vrfb_resume_ctx(struct vrfb *vrfb); - extern void omap_vrfb_adjust_size(u16 *width, u16 *height, - u8 bytespp); - extern void omap_vrfb_setup(struct vrfb *vrfb, unsigned long paddr, -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -index 289fc8a..29f04e2 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ - #include - #include - #include -+ - #include -+#include - - #include - #include -@@ -37,7 +39,9 @@ - - #define VRFB_NUM_CTXS 12 - /* bitmap of reserved contexts */ --static unsigned ctx_map; -+static unsigned long ctx_map; -+/* bitmap of contexts for which we have to keep the HW context valid */ -+static unsigned long ctx_map_active; - - /* - * Access to this happens from client drivers or the PM core after wake-up. -@@ -51,18 +55,23 @@ struct { - u32 size; - } vrfb_hw_context[VRFB_NUM_CTXS]; - -+static void inline restore_hw_context(int ctx) -+{ -+ omap_writel(vrfb_hw_context[ctx].control, SMS_ROT_CONTROL(ctx)); -+ omap_writel(vrfb_hw_context[ctx].size, SMS_ROT_SIZE(ctx)); -+ omap_writel(vrfb_hw_context[ctx].physical_ba, SMS_ROT_PHYSICAL_BA(ctx)); -+} -+ - void omap_vrfb_restore_context(void) - { - int i; -+ unsigned long map = ctx_map_active; - -- for (i = 0; i < VRFB_NUM_CTXS; i++) { -- /* Restore only the active contexts */ -- if (!(ctx_map & (1 << i))) -- continue; -- omap_writel(vrfb_hw_context[i].control, SMS_ROT_CONTROL(i)); -- omap_writel(vrfb_hw_context[i].size, SMS_ROT_SIZE(i)); -- omap_writel(vrfb_hw_context[i].physical_ba, -- SMS_ROT_PHYSICAL_BA(i)); -+ for (i = ffs(map); i; i = ffs(map)) { -+ /* i=1..32 */ -+ i--; -+ map &= ~(1 << i); -+ restore_hw_context(i); - } - } - -@@ -156,13 +165,20 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_vrfb_setup); - void omap_vrfb_release_ctx(struct vrfb *vrfb) - { - int rot; -+ int ctx = vrfb->context; - -- if (vrfb->context == 0xff) -+ if (ctx == 0xff) - return; - -- DBG("release ctx %d\n", vrfb->context); -+ DBG("release ctx %d\n", ctx); - -- ctx_map &= ~(1 << vrfb->context); -+ if (!(ctx_map & (1 << ctx))) { -+ BUG(); -+ return; -+ } -+ WARN_ON(!(ctx_map_active & (1 << ctx))); -+ clear_bit(ctx, &ctx_map_active); -+ clear_bit(ctx, &ctx_map); - - for (rot = 0; rot < 4; ++rot) { - if(vrfb->paddr[rot]) { -@@ -194,7 +210,9 @@ int omap_vrfb_request_ctx(struct vrfb *vrfb) - - DBG("found free ctx %d\n", ctx); - -- ctx_map |= 1 << ctx; -+ set_bit(ctx, &ctx_map); -+ WARN_ON(ctx_map_active & (1 << ctx)); -+ set_bit(ctx, &ctx_map_active); - - memset(vrfb, 0, sizeof(*vrfb)); - -@@ -219,3 +237,34 @@ int omap_vrfb_request_ctx(struct vrfb *vrfb) - } - EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_vrfb_request_ctx); - -+void omap_vrfb_suspend_ctx(struct vrfb *vrfb) -+{ -+ DBG("suspend ctx %d\n", vrfb->context); -+ if (vrfb->context >= VRFB_NUM_CTXS || -+ (!(1 << vrfb->context) & ctx_map_active)) { -+ BUG(); -+ return; -+ } -+ clear_bit(vrfb->context, &ctx_map_active); -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_vrfb_suspend_ctx); -+ -+void omap_vrfb_resume_ctx(struct vrfb *vrfb) -+{ -+ DBG("resume ctx %d\n", vrfb->context); -+ if (vrfb->context >= VRFB_NUM_CTXS || -+ ((1 << vrfb->context) & ctx_map_active)) { -+ BUG(); -+ return; -+ } -+ /* -+ * omap_vrfb_restore_context is normally called by the core domain -+ * save / restore logic, but since this VRFB context was suspended -+ * those calls didn't actually restore the context and now we might -+ * have an invalid context. Do an explicit restore here. -+ */ -+ restore_hw_context(vrfb->context); -+ set_bit(vrfb->context, &ctx_map_active); -+} -+EXPORT_SYMBOL(omap_vrfb_resume_ctx); -+ -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -index 76e7c6c..4bb74b7 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/omapfb/omapfb-main.c -@@ -1036,6 +1036,30 @@ static int omapfb_setcmap(struct fb_cmap *cmap, struct fb_info *info) - return 0; - } - -+static void omapfb_vrfb_suspend_all(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev) -+{ -+ int i; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_fbs; i++) { -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbdev->fbs[i]); -+ -+ if (ofbi->region.vrfb.vaddr[0]) -+ omap_vrfb_suspend_ctx(&ofbi->region.vrfb); -+ } -+} -+ -+static void omapfb_vrfb_resume_all(struct omapfb2_device *fbdev) -+{ -+ int i; -+ -+ for (i = 0; i < fbdev->num_fbs; i++) { -+ struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbdev->fbs[i]); -+ -+ if (ofbi->region.vrfb.vaddr[0]) -+ omap_vrfb_resume_ctx(&ofbi->region.vrfb); -+ } -+} -+ - static int omapfb_blank(int blank, struct fb_info *fbi) - { - struct omapfb_info *ofbi = FB2OFB(fbi); -@@ -1051,6 +1075,8 @@ static int omapfb_blank(int blank, struct fb_info *fbi) - if (display->state != OMAP_DSS_DISPLAY_SUSPENDED) - goto exit; - -+ omapfb_vrfb_resume_all(fbdev); -+ - if (display->resume) - r = display->resume(display); - -@@ -1073,6 +1099,8 @@ static int omapfb_blank(int blank, struct fb_info *fbi) - if (display->suspend) - r = display->suspend(display); - -+ omapfb_vrfb_suspend_all(fbdev); -+ - break; - - default: --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0066-DSS2-DSI-tune-the-timings-to-be-more-relaxed.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0066-DSS2-DSI-tune-the-timings-to-be-more-relaxed.patch deleted file mode 100644 index a3af90d959..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0066-DSS2-DSI-tune-the-timings-to-be-more-relaxed.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -From 0201b40018d9e264f8c4ea7871223c94e0de61b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 14:32:55 +0300 -Subject: [PATCH 66/69] DSS2: DSI: tune the timings to be more relaxed - -Signed-off-by: Tomi Valkeinen ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------- - 1 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -index 5225ed6..67ecfcf 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dsi.c -@@ -1396,28 +1396,28 @@ static void dsi_complexio_timings(void) - /* 1 * DDR_CLK = 2 * UI */ - - /* min 40ns + 4*UI max 85ns + 6*UI */ -- ths_prepare = ns2ddr(59) + 2; -+ ths_prepare = ns2ddr(70) + 2; - - /* min 145ns + 10*UI */ -- ths_prepare_ths_zero = ns2ddr(145) + 5; -+ ths_prepare_ths_zero = ns2ddr(175) + 2; - - /* min max(8*UI, 60ns+4*UI) */ -- ths_trail = max((unsigned)4, ns2ddr(60) + 2); -+ ths_trail = ns2ddr(60) + 5; - - /* min 100ns */ -- ths_exit = ns2ddr(100); -+ ths_exit = ns2ddr(145); - - /* tlpx min 50n */ - tlpx_half = ns2ddr(25); - - /* min 60ns */ -- tclk_trail = ns2ddr(60); -+ tclk_trail = ns2ddr(60) + 2; - - /* min 38ns, max 95ns */ -- tclk_prepare = ns2ddr(38); -+ tclk_prepare = ns2ddr(65); - - /* min tclk-prepare + tclk-zero = 300ns */ -- tclk_zero = ns2ddr(300 - 38); -+ tclk_zero = ns2ddr(260); - - DSSDBG("ths_prepare %u (%uns), ths_prepare_ths_zero %u (%uns)\n", - ths_prepare, ddr2ns(ths_prepare), -@@ -2340,9 +2340,19 @@ static void dsi_proto_timings(struct omap_display *display) - /* min 60ns + 52*UI */ - tclk_post = ns2ddr(60) + 26; - -+ /* ths_eot is 2 for 2 datalanes and 4 for 1 datalane */ -+ if (display->hw_config.u.dsi.data1_lane != 0 && -+ display->hw_config.u.dsi.data2_lane != 0) -+ ths_eot = 2; -+ else -+ ths_eot = 4; -+ - ddr_clk_pre = DIV_ROUND_UP(tclk_pre + tlpx + tclk_zero + tclk_prepare, - 4); -- ddr_clk_post = DIV_ROUND_UP(tclk_post + tclk_trail, 4); -+ ddr_clk_post = DIV_ROUND_UP(tclk_post + tclk_trail, 4) + ths_eot; -+ -+ BUG_ON(ddr_clk_pre == 0 || ddr_clk_pre > 255); -+ BUG_ON(ddr_clk_post == 0 || ddr_clk_post > 255); - - r = dsi_read_reg(DSI_CLK_TIMING); - r = FLD_MOD(r, ddr_clk_pre, 15, 8); -@@ -2353,14 +2363,9 @@ static void dsi_proto_timings(struct omap_display *display) - ddr_clk_pre, - ddr_clk_post); - -- /* ths_eot is 2 for 2 datalanes and 4 for 1 datalane */ -- if (display->hw_config.u.dsi.data1_lane != 0 && -- display->hw_config.u.dsi.data2_lane != 0) -- ths_eot = 2; -- else -- ths_eot = 4; -- -- enter_hs_mode_lat = DIV_ROUND_UP(tlpx + ths_prepare + ths_zero, 4) + 4; -+ enter_hs_mode_lat = 1 + DIV_ROUND_UP(tlpx, 4) + -+ DIV_ROUND_UP(ths_prepare, 4) + -+ DIV_ROUND_UP(ths_zero + 3, 4); - exit_hs_mode_lat = DIV_ROUND_UP(ths_trail + ths_exit, 4) + 1 + ths_eot; - - r = FLD_VAL(enter_hs_mode_lat, 31, 16) | --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0067-DSS2-VRFB-don-t-WARN-when-releasing-inactive-ctx.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0067-DSS2-VRFB-don-t-WARN-when-releasing-inactive-ctx.patch deleted file mode 100644 index 911fe79bfa..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0067-DSS2-VRFB-don-t-WARN-when-releasing-inactive-ctx.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -From c474849d7aff57d578c639f63a9c3cbdec0501dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Imre Deak -Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 15:15:52 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 67/69] DSS2: VRFB: don't WARN when releasing inactive ctx - -Releasing an inactive context is valid, it can happen when -the application first blanks the screen then frees the -framebuffer. - -Signed-off-by: Imre Deak ---- - arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c | 1 - - 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -index 29f04e2..34395c2 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -+++ b/arch/arm/plat-omap/vrfb.c -@@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ void omap_vrfb_release_ctx(struct vrfb *vrfb) - BUG(); - return; - } -- WARN_ON(!(ctx_map_active & (1 << ctx))); - clear_bit(ctx, &ctx_map_active); - clear_bit(ctx, &ctx_map); - --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0068-DSS2-Swap-field-offset-values-w-VRFB-rotation.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0068-DSS2-Swap-field-offset-values-w-VRFB-rotation.patch deleted file mode 100644 index fba2ebd5db..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0068-DSS2-Swap-field-offset-values-w-VRFB-rotation.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -From 0db37fa025f0eac64f9fdad49e310d7660f48944 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: =?utf-8?q?Ville=20Syrj=C3=A4l=C3=A4?= -Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 14:38:05 +0200 -Subject: [PATCH 68/69] DSS2: Swap field offset values w/ VRFB rotation -MIME-Version: 1.0 -Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 -Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit - -The field 0 and field 1 offset values were still incorrect when VRFB -rotation is used. Swap them to put the fields into proper order. - -Signed-off-by: Ville Syrjälä ---- - drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c | 17 +++++++++++------ - 1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index 5fc9457..b0e4960 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -1182,6 +1182,11 @@ static void calc_vrfb_rotation_offset(u8 rotation, bool mirror, - - DSSDBG("calc_rot(%d): scrw %d, %dx%d\n", rotation, screen_width, - width, height); -+ -+ /* -+ * field 0 = even field = bottom field -+ * field 1 = odd field = top field -+ */ - switch (rotation + mirror * 4) { - case 0: - case 2: -@@ -1194,11 +1199,11 @@ static void calc_vrfb_rotation_offset(u8 rotation, bool mirror, - width = width >> 1; - case 1: - case 3: -- *offset0 = 0; -+ *offset1 = 0; - if (fieldmode) -- *offset1 = screen_width * ps; -+ *offset0 = screen_width * ps; - else -- *offset1 = 0; -+ *offset0 = 0; - - *row_inc = pixinc(1 + (screen_width - width) + - (fieldmode ? screen_width : 0), -@@ -1216,11 +1221,11 @@ static void calc_vrfb_rotation_offset(u8 rotation, bool mirror, - width = width >> 1; - case 5: - case 7: -- *offset0 = 0; -+ *offset1 = 0; - if (fieldmode) -- *offset1 = screen_width * ps; -+ *offset0 = screen_width * ps; - else -- *offset1 = 0; -+ *offset0 = 0; - *row_inc = pixinc(1 - (screen_width + width) - - (fieldmode ? screen_width : 0), - ps); --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0069-DSS2-OMAP3EVM-Added-DSI-powerup-and-powerdown-func.patch b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0069-DSS2-OMAP3EVM-Added-DSI-powerup-and-powerdown-func.patch deleted file mode 100644 index c637c48602..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0069-DSS2-OMAP3EVM-Added-DSI-powerup-and-powerdown-func.patch +++ /dev/null @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ -From b06406f3e5c3958f69185314c969f7c1a3265f71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Hardik Shah -Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 15:04:17 +0530 -Subject: [PATCH 69/69] DSS2: OMAP3EVM: Added DSI powerup and powerdown functions - -Copied fom 3430sdp implementation. - -Signed-off-by: Hardik Shah ---- - arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3evm.c | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++------------- - 1 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) - -diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3evm.c b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3evm.c -index 6f5a866..57c4fc7 100644 ---- a/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3evm.c -+++ b/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3evm.c -@@ -237,6 +237,38 @@ static int __init omap3_evm_i2c_init(void) - static int lcd_enabled; - static int dvi_enabled; - -+static void enable_vpll2(int enable) -+{ -+ u8 ded_val, grp_val; -+ -+ if (enable) { -+ ded_val = ENABLE_VPLL2_DEDICATED; -+ grp_val = ENABLE_VPLL2_DEV_GRP; -+ } else { -+ ded_val = 0; -+ grp_val = 0; -+ } -+ -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -+ ded_val, TWL4030_VPLL2_DEDICATED); -+ twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -+ grp_val, TWL4030_VPLL2_DEV_GRP); -+} -+ -+static int omap3evm_dsi_power_up(void) -+{ -+ if (omap_rev() > OMAP3430_REV_ES1_0) -+ enable_vpll2(1); -+ return 0; -+} -+ -+static void omap3evm_dsi_power_down(void) -+{ -+ if (omap_rev() > OMAP3430_REV_ES1_0) -+ enable_vpll2(0); -+} -+ -+ - static void __init omap3_evm_display_init(void) - { - int r; -@@ -306,12 +338,7 @@ static int omap3_evm_panel_enable_lcd(struct omap_display *display) - printk(KERN_ERR "cannot enable LCD, DVI is enabled\n"); - return -EINVAL; - } -- if (omap_rev() > OMAP3430_REV_ES1_0) { -- twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -- ENABLE_VPLL2_DEDICATED, TWL4030_VPLL2_DEDICATED); -- twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -- ENABLE_VPLL2_DEV_GRP, TWL4030_VPLL2_DEV_GRP); -- } -+ omap3evm_dsi_power_up(); - gpio_direction_output(LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_GPIO, 0); - lcd_enabled = 1; - return 0; -@@ -319,12 +346,7 @@ static int omap3_evm_panel_enable_lcd(struct omap_display *display) - - static void omap3_evm_panel_disable_lcd(struct omap_display *display) - { -- if (omap_rev() > OMAP3430_REV_ES1_0) { -- twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x0, -- TWL4030_VPLL2_DEDICATED); -- twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x0, -- TWL4030_VPLL2_DEV_GRP); -- } -+ omap3evm_dsi_power_down(); - gpio_direction_output(LCD_PANEL_ENABLE_GPIO, 1); - lcd_enabled = 0; - } -@@ -370,13 +392,8 @@ static int omap3_evm_panel_enable_dvi(struct omap_display *display) - printk(KERN_ERR "cannot enable DVI, LCD is enabled\n"); - return -EINVAL; - } -- if (omap_rev() > OMAP3430_REV_ES1_0) { -- twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -- ENABLE_VPLL2_DEDICATED, TWL4030_VPLL2_DEDICATED); -- twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, -- ENABLE_VPLL2_DEV_GRP, TWL4030_VPLL2_DEV_GRP); -- } - -+ omap3evm_dsi_power_up(); - twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_GPIO, 0x80, - TWL4030_GPIODATA_IN3); - twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_GPIO, 0x80, -@@ -388,13 +405,8 @@ static int omap3_evm_panel_enable_dvi(struct omap_display *display) - - static void omap3_evm_panel_disable_dvi(struct omap_display *display) - { -- if (omap_rev() > OMAP3430_REV_ES1_0) { -- twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x0, -- TWL4030_VPLL2_DEDICATED); -- twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_PM_RECEIVER, 0x0, -- TWL4030_VPLL2_DEV_GRP); -- } - -+ omap3evm_dsi_power_down(); - twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_GPIO, 0x00, - TWL4030_GPIODATA_IN3); - twl4030_i2c_write_u8(TWL4030_MODULE_GPIO, 0x00, -@@ -413,6 +425,8 @@ static struct omap_dss_display_config omap3_evm_display_data_dvi = { - }; - - static struct omap_dss_board_info omap3_evm_dss_data = { -+ .dsi_power_up = omap3evm_dsi_power_up, -+ .dsi_power_down = omap3evm_dsi_power_down, - .num_displays = 3, - .displays = { - &omap3_evm_display_data, --- - - diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0070-DSS2-fix-irq1.diff b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0070-DSS2-fix-irq1.diff deleted file mode 100644 index 8f384dfe2d..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0070-DSS2-fix-irq1.diff +++ /dev/null @@ -1,221 +0,0 @@ -From 093988f36ffcb0201927f8b452e546e1141aa0fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Sat, 23 May 2009 15:00:21 +0000 -Subject: DSS2: DISPC: fix irq handling locking - ---- -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index b0e4960..b3685b2 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -154,23 +154,20 @@ static struct { - - struct clk *dpll4_m4_ck; - -- spinlock_t irq_lock; -- - unsigned long cache_req_pck; - unsigned long cache_prate; - struct dispc_clock_info cache_cinfo; - -- u32 irq_error_mask; -+ spinlock_t irq_lock; -+ u32 irq_error_mask; - struct omap_dispc_isr_data registered_isr[DISPC_MAX_NR_ISRS]; -- -- spinlock_t error_lock; - u32 error_irqs; - struct work_struct error_work; - - u32 ctx[DISPC_SZ_REGS / sizeof(u32)]; - } dispc; - --static void omap_dispc_set_irqs(void); -+static void _omap_dispc_set_irqs(void); - - static inline void dispc_write_reg(const struct dispc_reg idx, u32 val) - { -@@ -1691,10 +1688,13 @@ void dispc_enable_digit_out(bool enable) - } - - if (enable) { -+ unsigned long flags; - /* When we enable digit output, we'll get an extra digit - * sync lost interrupt, that we need to ignore */ -+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); - dispc.irq_error_mask &= ~DISPC_IRQ_SYNC_LOST_DIGIT; -- omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ _omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); - } - - /* When we disable digit output, we need to wait until fields are done. -@@ -1728,9 +1728,12 @@ void dispc_enable_digit_out(bool enable) - DSSERR("failed to unregister EVSYNC isr\n"); - - if (enable) { -+ unsigned long flags; -+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); - dispc.irq_error_mask = DISPC_IRQ_MASK_ERROR; - dispc_write_reg(DISPC_IRQSTATUS, DISPC_IRQ_SYNC_LOST_DIGIT); -- omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ _omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); - } - - enable_clocks(0); -@@ -2508,14 +2511,14 @@ int dispc_get_clock_div(struct dispc_clock_info *cinfo) - return 0; - } - --static void omap_dispc_set_irqs(void) -+/* dispc.irq_lock has to be locked by the caller */ -+static void _omap_dispc_set_irqs(void) - { -- unsigned long flags; -- u32 mask = dispc.irq_error_mask; -+ u32 mask; - int i; - struct omap_dispc_isr_data *isr_data; - -- spin_lock_irqsave(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); -+ mask = dispc.irq_error_mask; - - for (i = 0; i < DISPC_MAX_NR_ISRS; i++) { - isr_data = &dispc.registered_isr[i]; -@@ -2528,9 +2531,8 @@ static void omap_dispc_set_irqs(void) - - enable_clocks(1); - dispc_write_reg(DISPC_IRQENABLE, mask); -- enable_clocks(0); - -- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); -+ enable_clocks(0); - } - - int omap_dispc_register_isr(omap_dispc_isr_t isr, void *arg, u32 mask) -@@ -2571,11 +2573,14 @@ int omap_dispc_register_isr(omap_dispc_isr_t isr, void *arg, u32 mask) - - break; - } --err: -+ -+ _omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ - spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); - -- if (ret == 0) -- omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ return 0; -+err: -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); - - return ret; - } -@@ -2606,10 +2611,10 @@ int omap_dispc_unregister_isr(omap_dispc_isr_t isr, void *arg, u32 mask) - break; - } - -- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); -- - if (ret == 0) -- omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ _omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); - - return ret; - } -@@ -2645,11 +2650,15 @@ static void print_irq_status(u32 status) - void dispc_irq_handler(void) - { - int i; -- u32 irqstatus = dispc_read_reg(DISPC_IRQSTATUS); -+ u32 irqstatus; - u32 handledirqs = 0; - u32 unhandled_errors; - struct omap_dispc_isr_data *isr_data; - -+ spin_lock(&dispc.irq_lock); -+ -+ irqstatus = dispc_read_reg(DISPC_IRQSTATUS); -+ - #ifdef DEBUG - if (dss_debug) - print_irq_status(irqstatus); -@@ -2673,15 +2682,15 @@ void dispc_irq_handler(void) - unhandled_errors = irqstatus & ~handledirqs & dispc.irq_error_mask; - - if (unhandled_errors) { -- spin_lock(&dispc.error_lock); - dispc.error_irqs |= unhandled_errors; -- spin_unlock(&dispc.error_lock); - - dispc.irq_error_mask &= ~unhandled_errors; -- omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ _omap_dispc_set_irqs(); - - schedule_work(&dispc.error_work); - } -+ -+ spin_unlock(&dispc.irq_lock); - } - - static void dispc_error_worker(struct work_struct *work) -@@ -2690,10 +2699,10 @@ static void dispc_error_worker(struct work_struct *work) - u32 errors; - unsigned long flags; - -- spin_lock_irqsave(&dispc.error_lock, flags); -+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); - errors = dispc.error_irqs; - dispc.error_irqs = 0; -- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dispc.error_lock, flags); -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); - - if (errors & DISPC_IRQ_GFX_FIFO_UNDERFLOW) { - DSSERR("GFX_FIFO_UNDERFLOW, disabling GFX\n"); -@@ -2836,8 +2845,10 @@ static void dispc_error_worker(struct work_struct *work) - } - } - -+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); - dispc.irq_error_mask |= errors; -- omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ _omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); - } - - int omap_dispc_wait_for_irq_timeout(u32 irqmask, unsigned long timeout) -@@ -2921,6 +2932,10 @@ void dispc_fake_vsync_irq(void) - - static void _omap_dispc_initialize_irq(void) - { -+ unsigned long flags; -+ -+ spin_lock_irqsave(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); -+ - memset(dispc.registered_isr, 0, sizeof(dispc.registered_isr)); - - dispc.irq_error_mask = DISPC_IRQ_MASK_ERROR; -@@ -2929,7 +2944,9 @@ static void _omap_dispc_initialize_irq(void) - * so clear it */ - dispc_write_reg(DISPC_IRQSTATUS, dispc_read_reg(DISPC_IRQSTATUS)); - -- omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ _omap_dispc_set_irqs(); -+ -+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&dispc.irq_lock, flags); - } - - void dispc_enable_sidle(void) -@@ -2970,7 +2987,6 @@ int dispc_init(void) - u32 rev; - - spin_lock_init(&dispc.irq_lock); -- spin_lock_init(&dispc.error_lock); - - INIT_WORK(&dispc.error_work, dispc_error_worker); - --- -cgit v0.8.2.1-10-g45e7 diff --git a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0071-DSS2-fix-irq2.diff b/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0071-DSS2-fix-irq2.diff deleted file mode 100644 index cb8aaf1a28..0000000000 --- a/recipes/linux/linux-omap-pm/dss2/0071-DSS2-fix-irq2.diff +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -From 8af2f6550d6971875e4c5d3f93982f86f4bcf216 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 -From: Tomi Valkeinen -Date: Sat, 23 May 2009 15:00:00 +0000 -Subject: DSS2: DISPC: clear irqstatus for newly enabled irqs - -This fixes the problem that when requesting a new irq -we could get the isr called too early in case irqstatus -already had that irq flag on. ---- -diff --git a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -index b3685b2..2471cfe 100644 ---- a/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -+++ b/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dispc.c -@@ -2515,6 +2515,7 @@ int dispc_get_clock_div(struct dispc_clock_info *cinfo) - static void _omap_dispc_set_irqs(void) - { - u32 mask; -+ u32 old_mask; - int i; - struct omap_dispc_isr_data *isr_data; - -@@ -2530,6 +2531,11 @@ static void _omap_dispc_set_irqs(void) - } - - enable_clocks(1); -+ -+ old_mask = dispc_read_reg(DISPC_IRQENABLE); -+ /* clear the irqstatus for newly enabled irqs */ -+ dispc_write_reg(DISPC_IRQSTATUS, (mask ^ old_mask) & mask); -+ - dispc_write_reg(DISPC_IRQENABLE, mask); - - enable_clocks(0); --- -cgit v0.8.2.1-10-g45e7 -- cgit v1.2.3