From 77cb724357c5ced429a7c5445c4db6aa18fe84d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Schuster <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 11:32:23 +0000
Subject: kxml2: Reworked to be build from source. xmlpull: Added recipe.

 packages/xmlpull/.mtn2git_empty       |   0
 packages/xmlpull/files/.mtn2git_empty |   0
 packages/xmlpull/files/makefile.patch | 411 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 packages/xmlpull/  |  35 +++
 4 files changed, 446 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 packages/xmlpull/.mtn2git_empty
 create mode 100644 packages/xmlpull/files/.mtn2git_empty
 create mode 100644 packages/xmlpull/files/makefile.patch
 create mode 100644 packages/xmlpull/

(limited to 'packages/xmlpull')

diff --git a/packages/xmlpull/.mtn2git_empty b/packages/xmlpull/.mtn2git_empty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/packages/xmlpull/files/.mtn2git_empty b/packages/xmlpull/files/.mtn2git_empty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
diff --git a/packages/xmlpull/files/makefile.patch b/packages/xmlpull/files/makefile.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b0af10d8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/xmlpull/files/makefile.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+Index: xmlpull_1_1_3_4c/src/java/api/Makefile
+--- /dev/null	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
++++ xmlpull_1_1_3_4c/src/java/api/Makefile	2007-11-30 03:49:02.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
++# Makefile created at Fri Nov 30 03:45:26 2007, by mmake
++# Programs (with common options):
++SHELL		= /bin/sh
++CP		= cp
++RM              = rm -f
++MV              = mv -f
++SED		= sed
++ETAGS		= etags
++XARGS		= xargs
++CAT		= cat
++FIND            = find
++CPP		= cpp -C -P
++INSTALL         = install
++# Install modes 
++MODE_PROGS      = 555
++MODE_FILES      = 444
++MODE_DIRS       = 2755
++# Build programs
++JAVAC           = javac
++JAVADOC         = gjavadoc
++JAR             = fastjar
++# Build flags
++JAVAC_FLAGS     = -source 1.3 -target 1.1
++JAVADOC_FLAGS   = -version -author
++JAR_FLAGS       = cvf
++# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
++# Prefix for every install directory
++PREFIX		= 
++# Where to start installing the class files. Set this to an empty value
++#  if you dont want to install classes
++CLASS_DIR	= $(PREFIX)classes
++# The directory to install the jar file in. Set this to an empty value
++#  if you dont want to install a jar file
++JAR_DIR	        = $(PREFIX)lib
++# The directory to install the app bundle in. Set this to an empty value
++#  if you dont want to install an app bundle
++BUNDLE_DIR      = $(PREFIX)lib
++# The directory to install html files generated by javadoc
++DOC_DIR         = $(PREFIX)doc/api-docs
++# The directory to install script files in
++# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
++# The name of the jar file to install
++JAR_FILE        = xmlpull-
++# The VERSION variable below should be set to a value 
++# that will be tested in the .xjava code and Info.plist. 
++# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
++# The name of the OS X Application Bundle to install
++# Folder containing App Bundle resources (Info.plist, *.icns, etc.)
++BUNDLE_RESOURCE_DIR = misc/macosx
++# Items to copy to the Resources folder of the bundle
++BUNDLE_RESOURCES = $(addsuffix .icns, $(basename $(APP_FILE)) Document)
++# Location of JavaApplicatonStub
++JAVA_STUB	= /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Resources/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub
++# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
++# Resource files:
++#  Extend the list to install other files of your choice
++RESOURCE_SRC	:= *.properties *.gif *.au
++# Objects that should go into the jar file. (find syntax)
++JAR_OBJS	:= \( -name '*.class' -o -name '*.gif' -o -name "*.au" \
++		       -o -name '*.properties' \)
++# Include the separate variables file if it exists
++MAKEFILE_VARS	= makefile.vars
++VARS	= $(wildcard $(MAKEFILE_VARS))
++ifneq ($(VARS),)
++	include $(MAKEFILE_VARS)
++# Packages we should compile
++	org.xmlpull.v1
++# All packages that can be recursively compiled.
++	org \
++	org.xmlpull \
++# Packages to generate docs for.
++# Resource packages
++# Directories with shell scripts
++# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
++# A marker variable for the top level directory
++# Subdirectories with java files:
++JAVA_DIRS	:= $(subst .,/,$(PACKAGES)) $(TOPLEVEL)
++# Subdirectories with only resource files:
++RESOURCE_DIRS	:= $(subst .,/,$(RESOURCES))
++# All the .xjava source files:
++XJAVA_SRC	:= $(foreach dir, $(JAVA_DIRS), $(wildcard $(dir)/*.xjava))
++# All the xjava files to build
++XJAVA_OBJS	:= $(
++# Directory coresponding to a package
++PACKAGE_DIR	= $(subst .,/,$(1))
++# All the (x)java files in a package
++PACKAGE_SRC	=  $(shell $(FIND) $(PACKAGE_DIR) \( -name '*.java' -or -name '*.xjava' \) )
++# All the classes to build in a package
++PACKAGE_OBJS	= $(patsubst,%.class,$(PACKAGE_SRC:
++# All the .java source files:
++JAVA_SRC	:= $(foreach dir, $(JAVA_DIRS), $(wildcard $(dir)/*.java))
++# Dependency files:
++# The intermediate java files and main classes we should build:
++#  Search for resource files in both JAVA_DIRS and RESOURCE_DIRS
++RESOURCE_OBJS	:= $(foreach dir, $(JAVA_DIRS) $(RESOURCE_DIRS), \
++		     $(wildcard $(foreach file, $(RESOURCE_SRC), \
++		     $(dir)/$(file))))
++# All the shell scripts source
++SCRIPT_SRCS 	:= $(foreach dir, $(SCRIPTS), $(wildcard $(dir)/*.sh))
++# All shell scripts we should install
++SCRIPT_OBJS    	:= $(
++# All the files to install into CLASS_DIR
++INSTALL_OBJS	:= $(foreach dir, $(JAVA_DIRS), $(wildcard $(dir)/*.class))
++# Escape inner class delimiter $
++INSTALL_OBJS	:= $(subst $$,\$$,$(INSTALL_OBJS))
++# Add the resource files to be installed as well
++# ------------------------------------------------------------------- #
++define check-exit
++|| exit 1
++# -----------
++# Build Rules
++# -----------
++ %.xjava
++	$(CPP) -D$(VERSION) $< $@
++	$(FIND) $(TOPLEVEL) $(JAR_OBJS) -print | $(XARGS) \
++# -------
++# Targets
++# -------
++.PHONY: all jar install uninstall doc clean depend tags bundle \
++	help $(ALL_PACKAGES)
++all::	$(JAVA_OBJS)
++	@echo "Usage: make {all|jar|srcjar|bundle|install|uninstall|doc|clean|depend|tags|PACKAGE_NAME}"
++	@echo "	all: build all classes"
++	@echo "	jar: build jar file"
++	@echo "	srcjar: build source jar file"
++	@echo "	bundle: build OS X app bundle"
++	@echo "	install: install classes into $(CLASS_DIR)"
++	@echo "		jar into $(JAR_DIR)"
++	@echo "		bundle into $(BUNDLE_DIR)"
++	@echo "		javadocs into $(DOC_DIR)"
++	@echo "		scripts into $(SCRIPT_DIR)"
++	@echo "	uninstall: remove installed files"
++	@echo "	doc: generate api docs from javadoc comments"
++	@echo "	clean: remove classes and temporary files"
++	@echo "	depend: build class dependency info using jikes"
++	@echo "	tags: build emacs tags file"
++	@echo "	PACKAGE_NAME: builds all classes in this package and any subpackages."
++# Jar target
++ifneq ($(strip $(JAR_FILE)),)
++jar:  $(JAR_FILE)
++ifneq ($(strip $(JAR_DIR)),)
++install:: $(JAR_FILE)
++	@echo "===> [Installing jar file, $(JAR_FILE) in $(JAR_DIR)] "
++	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(JAR_DIR) $(check-exit)
++	$(INSTALL_FILE) $(JAR_FILE) $(JAR_DIR) $(check-exit)
++	@echo "===> [Removing jar file, $(JAR_FILE) from $(JAR_DIR)] "
++	$(RM) $(JAR_DIR)/$(JAR_FILE)  $(check-exit)
++	@echo "No jar install dir defined"
++	$(RM) $(JAR_FILE)
++	@echo "No jar file defined"
++SRC_JAR_FILE := $(basename $(JAR_FILE))-src$(suffix $JAR_FILE)
++# Source jar target
++srcjar : $(SRC_JAR_FILE)
++	$(FIND) $(TOPLEVEL) $(JAR_OBJS: -print | $(XARGS) \
++	$(JAR) $(JAR_FLAGS) $@
++# Bundle target
++ifneq ($(strip $(BUNDLE_FILE)),)
++bundle:  $(BUNDLE_FILE)
++	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUNDLE_FILE)/Contents/Resources/Java $(check-exit)
++	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUNDLE_FILE)/Contents/MacOS $(check-exit)
++		$(check-exit)
++	( $(CAT) $(BUNDLE_RESOURCE_DIR)/Info.plist | $(SED) -e \
++		s/VERSION/$(VERSION)/ >98762infoplist876 ) $(check-exit)
++	$(INSTALL_FILE) 98762infoplist876 \
++		$(BUNDLE_FILE)/Contents/Info.plist $(check-exit)
++	$(RM) 98762infoplist876 $(check-exit)
++	$(INSTALL_FILE) $(JAR_FILE) $(BUNDLE_FILE)/Contents/Resources/Java
++	checkexit="";for f in $(BUNDLE_RESOURCES); do \
++		$(INSTALL_FILE) $(BUNDLE_RESOURCE_DIR)$$f $(BUNDLE_FILE)/Contents/Resources/ \
++		|| checkexit=$?; \
++		done; test -z $$checkexit
++ifneq ($(strip $(BUNDLE_DIR)),)
++# This is probably bad, but I don't know how else to do it
++install:: $(BUNDLE_FILE)
++	@echo "===> [Installing app bundle, $(BUNDLE_FILE) in $(BUNDLE_DIR)] "
++	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(BUNDLE_DIR) $(check-exit)
++	$(CP) -R $(BUNDLE_FILE) $(BUNDLE_DIR) $(check-exit)
++	$(INSTALL_FILE) $(BUNDLE_FILE) $(BUNDLE_DIR) $(check-exit)
++	@echo "===> [Removing bundle file, $(BUNDLE_FILE) from $(BUNDLE_DIR)] "
++	$(RM) -r $(BUNDLE_DIR)/$(BUNDLE_FILE)  $(check-exit)
++	@echo "No bundle install dir defined"
++	$(RM) -r $(BUNDLE_FILE)
++	@echo "No bundle file defined"
++# Install target for Classes and Resources 
++ifneq ($(strip $(CLASS_DIR)),)
++install:: $(JAVA_OBJS)
++	@echo "===> [Installing classes in $(CLASS_DIR)] "
++	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(CLASS_DIR) $(check-exit)
++	$(foreach dir, $(JAVA_DIRS) $(RESOURCE_DIRS), \
++		$(INSTALL_DIR) $(CLASS_DIR)/$(dir) $(check-exit))
++	$(foreach file, $(INSTALL_OBJS), \
++		$(INSTALL_FILE) $(file) $(CLASS_DIR)/$(file) \
++	$(check-exit))
++	@echo "===> [Removing class-files from $(CLASS_DIR)] "
++	$(foreach file, $(INSTALL_OBJS), \
++		$(RM) $(CLASS_DIR)/$(file) \
++	$(check-exit))
++# Print a warning here if you like. (No class install dir defined)
++# Depend target
++ifeq ($(findstring jikes,$(JAVAC)),jikes)
++depend: $(XJAVA_OBJS) $(DEPEND_OBJS)
++	( $(CAT) $(DEPEND_OBJS) |  $(SED) -e '/\.class$$/d' \
++	  -e '/.*$$.*/d' > $(MAKEFILE_DEPEND); $(RM) $(DEPEND_OBJS); )
++	@echo "mmake needs the jikes compiler to build class dependencies"
++# Doc target
++ifneq ($(strip $(JAVADOC_PACKAGES)),)
++doc:	$(JAVA_SRC)
++	@echo "===> [Installing java documentation in $(DOC_DIR)] "
++	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(DOC_DIR) $(check-exit)
++	@echo "You must put your source files in a package to run make doc"
++# Script target
++ifneq ($(strip  $(SCRIPT_OBJS)),)
++all::	 $(SCRIPT_OBJS)
++ifneq ($(strip $(SCRIPT_DIR)),)
++install:: $(SCRIPT_OBJS)
++	@echo "===> [Installing shell-scripts in $(SCRIPT_DIR)] "
++	$(INSTALL_DIR) $(SCRIPT_DIR) $(check-exit)
++	$(foreach file, $(SCRIPT_OBJS), \
++		$(INSTALL_PROG) $(file) $(SCRIPT_DIR) $(check-exit))
++	@echo "===> [Removing shell-scripts from $(SCRIPT_DIR)] "
++	$(foreach file, $(SCRIPT_OBJS), \
++		$(RM) $(SCRIPT_DIR)/$(file) $(check-exit))
++# Print a warning here if you like. (No script install dir defined)
++	rm -f $(SCRIPT_OBJS)
++# Tag target
++	@echo "Tagging"
++	$(ETAGS) $(filter-out $(XJAVA_OBJS), $(JAVA_SRC)) $(XJAVA_SRC)
++# Various cleanup routines
++	$(FIND) . \( -name '*~' -o -name '*.class' \) -print | \
++	$(XARGS) $(RM) 
++	$(FIND) . -name '*.u' -print | $(XARGS) $(RM)
++ifneq ($(strip $(XJAVA_SRC)),)
++	$(RM) $(XJAVA_OBJS)
++# ----------------------------------------
++# Include the dependency graph if it exist
++# ----------------------------------------
++MAKEFILE_DEPEND	= makefile.dep
++DEPEND	= $(wildcard $(MAKEFILE_DEPEND))
++ifneq ($(DEPEND),)
++	include $(MAKEFILE_DEPEND)
++#package targets
++org : $(call PACKAGE_OBJS,org)
++org.xmlpull : $(call PACKAGE_OBJS,org.xmlpull)
++org.xmlpull.v1 : $(call PACKAGE_OBJS,org.xmlpull.v1)
diff --git a/packages/xmlpull/ b/packages/xmlpull/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ba09f79b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/xmlpull/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+DESCRIPTION = "XML pull parser API"
+PRIORITY = "optional"
+SECTION = "libs"
+LICENSE = "public domain"
+PR = "r1"
+inherit java-library
+S = "${WORKDIR}/${PN}_1_1_3_4c"
+JAR = "${PN}-${PV}.jar"
+SRC_URI = "\
+ \
+    file://makefile.patch;patch=1 \
+    "
+do_compile() {
+ oe_runmake -C src/java/api \
+    JAVAC_FLAGS="-sourcepath ." \
+    JAR="oefatal \"No jar invocation expected here.\"" \
+ oe_runmake -C src/java/api \
+    JAVAC="oefatal \"No Java compilation expected here.\"" \
+    jar
+do_stage() {
+  oe_jarinstall -s ${S}/src/java/api/${JAR} ${PN}.jar
+do_install() {
+  oe_jarinstall src/java/api/${JAR} ${PN}.jar
cgit v1.2.3