static char* lora_gpio_pin_name_by_attr_name(const char* name, int port) { switch (port) { case port_1: if (! strcmp(name, "reset")) { return "ap1-reset"; } else if (!strcmp(name,"cdone")) { return "ap1-cdone"; } else if (!strcmp(name,"creset")) { return "ap1-creset"; } else { log_error("attribute name [%s] is invalid for LORA in port %d", name, port); return ""; } case port_2: if (! strcmp(name, "reset")) { return "ap2-reset"; } else if (!strcmp(name,"cdone")) { return "ap2-cdone"; } else if (!strcmp(name,"creset")) { return "ap2-creset"; } else { log_error("attribute name [%s] is invalid for LORA in port %d", name, port); return ""; } } } // 1 reset // 1 vendor-id // 1 product-id // 1 device-id // 1 hw-version // 1 eui // 1 cdone // 1 creset // NULL static size_t ap_lora_attrs_size = 9; // Set the hardware version if the ROM string matches one of the valid // hardware versions. // Lengths of strings must be the same for a match, then can compare // text. Without a length check a subset of a string could be a match. #define COMPARE_AND_ASSIGN(CANDIDATE) ((hw_version_len == (sizeof(HW_VERSION_ ## CANDIDATE)-1)) && \ (strncmp(ap_eeprom[port_index].hw_version, HW_VERSION_ ## CANDIDATE, sizeof(HW_VERSION_ ## CANDIDATE)) == 0)) \ lora_hw_version = CANDIDATE; static bool lora_setup(enum ap port) { int i; int port_index = port - 1; int index = 0; int count = 0; int ret; char buf[32]; struct kobj_attribute* attr; struct attribute **attrs; int lora_hw_version; int hw_version_len; log_info("loading LORA accessory card in port %d", port); sprintf(buf, "ap%d", port); ap_subdirs[port_index] = kobject_create_and_add(buf, &mts_io_platform_device->dev.kobj); if (! ap_subdirs[port_index]) { log_error("kobject_create_and_add in port %d failed", port); return false; } // create the link to the apX directory this card is in // if we're in the first slot, we get plain "lora" // if we're in a different slot, we might need to use "lora-2" to differentiate if (port > 1) { for (i = 1; i < port; i++) { if (port_info[i - 1]) { if (strstr(port_info[i - 1]->product_id, PRODUCT_ID_MTAC_LORA)) { count++; } } } } if (count > 0) { sprintf(buf, "lora-%d", count + 1); } else { sprintf(buf, "lora"); } ret = sysfs_create_link(ap_subdirs[port_index]->parent, ap_subdirs[port_index], buf); if (ret) { log_error("failed to link [%s] to [%s], %d", buf, ap_subdirs[port_index]->name, ret); } else log_info("created link [%s] to [%s], success:%d", buf, ap_subdirs[port_index]->name, ret); attrs = kzalloc(sizeof(struct attribute*) * ap_lora_attrs_size, GFP_KERNEL); if (! attrs) { log_error("failed to allocate attribute space for port %d", port); return false; } // hw_version string length, null character not counted. hw_version_len = strnlen(ap_eeprom[port_index].hw_version,sizeof ap_eeprom[port_index].hw_version); if COMPARE_AND_ASSIGN(MTAC_LORA_0_0) else if COMPARE_AND_ASSIGN(MTAC_LORA_1_0) else if COMPARE_AND_ASSIGN(MTAC_LORA_1_1) else if COMPARE_AND_ASSIGN(MTAC_LORA_1_5) else { log_error("Unknown hw-version in port %d", port); kfree(attrs); return false; } // add reset line attribute for MTAC_LORA_0_0 if (lora_hw_version == MTAC_LORA_0_0) { sprintf(buf, "reset"); attr = create_attribute(buf, MTS_ATTR_MODE_RW); if (! attr) { log_error("failed to create attribute [%s] for LORA in port %d", buf, port); kfree(attrs); return false; } attr->show = mts_attr_show_ap_gpio_pin; attr->store = mts_attr_store_ap_gpio_pin; attrs[index++] = &attr->attr; } else if (lora_hw_version == MTAC_LORA_1_5) { // Substitute pins for this port log_info("Substitute pins"); int ipin = 0; while(*(lora_h[port_index][ipin].name)) { struct gpio_pin *p; p = gpio_pin_by_num(lora_h[port_index][ipin].pin.gpio); if(p) { log_info("LORA H: Replace name %s with name %s",p->name,lora_h[port_index][ipin].name); log_info("LORA H: Replace pin number %u with number %u",p->pin.gpio,lora_h[port_index][ipin].pin.gpio); *p = lora_h[port_index][ipin]; } ipin++; } //add support for reset sprintf(buf, "reset"); attr = create_attribute(buf, MTS_ATTR_MODE_RW); if (! attr) { log_error("failed to create attribute [%s] for LORA in port %d", buf, port); kfree(attrs); return false; } attr->show = mts_attr_show_ap_gpio_pin; attr->store = mts_attr_store_ap_gpio_pin; attrs[index++] = &attr->attr; //GPIO1 - cdone on FPGA - input to CPU sprintf(buf, "cdone"); attr = create_attribute(buf, MTS_ATTR_MODE_RO); if (! attr) { log_error("failed to create attribute [%s] for LORA in port %d", buf, port); kfree(attrs); return false; } attr->show = mts_attr_show_ap_gpio_pin; attrs[index++] = &attr->attr; //GPIO2 reset on FPGA - output from CPU sprintf(buf, "creset"); attr = create_attribute(buf, MTS_ATTR_MODE_RW); if (! attr) { log_error("failed to create attribute [%s] for LORA in port %d", buf, port); kfree(attrs); return false; } attr->show = mts_attr_show_ap_gpio_pin; attr->store = mts_attr_store_ap_gpio_pin; attrs[index++] = &attr->attr; if(index >= ap_lora_attrs_size) { panic("Internal error, too many attributes on the LORA card index %d >= %d", index,ap_lora_attrs_size); } } // add attributes for eeprom contents ret = ap_add_product_info_attributes(port, lora_hw_version, attrs, &index); attrs[index] = NULL; // Terminate the array. ap_attr_groups[port_index].attrs = attrs; // attrs available for teardown. if (!ret) { log_error("failed to add product info attributes for LORA in port %d", port); return false; } log_info("ap_subdirs[port_index=%d] = %p ap_subdirs[port_index=%d]=%p", port_index,ap_subdirs[port_index],port_index,&ap_attr_groups[port_index]); if (sysfs_create_group(ap_subdirs[port_index], &ap_attr_groups[port_index])) { log_error("sysfs_create_group failed for LORA in port %d", port); return false; } return true; } static bool lora_teardown(enum ap port) { int i; int port_index = port - 1; struct attribute **attrs = ap_attr_groups[port_index].attrs; log_info("unloading LORA accessory card in port %d", port); if(attrs) { // clean up allocated memory for attributes for (i = 0; i < ap_lora_attrs_size; i++) { if (attrs[i]) { if (attrs[i]->name) kfree(attrs[i]->name); kfree(attrs[i]); } } kfree(attrs); } // clean up our "apX/" kobject if it exists if (ap_subdirs[port_index]) { kobject_put(ap_subdirs[port_index]); } return true; } bool set_lora_info(struct ap_info* info) { snprintf(info->product_id, 32, "%s", PRODUCT_ID_MTAC_LORA); info->setup = &lora_setup; info->teardown = &lora_teardown; info->gpio_pin_name_by_attr_name = &lora_gpio_pin_name_by_attr_name; return true; }