path: root/io-module
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2021-02-19The CD/STATUS LED GPIOS changed on CPM, update to use new ones4.5.3Mike Nicholson1
2021-01-20Bump driver version for 5.4 kernel changes4.5.2John Klug1
2021-01-20linux5.4: fix kernel module build issuesMykyta Dorokhin7
2020-12-03Fix supercap power-down feature for 4.19 kernel4.5.1John Klug2
2020-11-24Add Makefile changes for supercap worker object file to build4.5.0Jeff Hatch1
2020-11-23Supercap-monitor featureJohn Klug1
2020-11-23Fix cleanup of supercap worker so that it doesn't cause kernel panic during u...Jeff Hatch3
2020-11-23Add supercap_worker to handle supercap gpio and signal supercap-monitorJeff Hatch4
2020-11-16Stabilize mt100eocg temperature readings4.4.6John Klug2
2020-11-02Fix conflict between mts-io and mtcdt3b over has-radio attribute4.4.5John Klug3
2020-10-30More documentation of hw-versionsJohn Klug1
2020-10-30Document MTCPM, MTCAP HW versionsJohn Klug1
2020-10-29Fix radio-related issues in mts-io4.4.4John Klug3
2020-10-27cpu directory needed for both MTCDT3 hardware versions4.4.3John Klug1
2020-10-27Create CPU directory for MTCPM-0.1John Klug1
2020-10-21Add missing MTCDTIP_0_0 hardware typeJohn Klug1
2020-10-21Add MTCAP_0_2 and MTCAP_0_3 hardware versionsJohn Klug1
2020-10-21Fix HW_VERION_MTCPM_0_1 definition for new hw-versionJohn Klug1
2020-10-21Add MTCPM-0.1 hardware versionJohn Klug2
2020-10-20Add radio-enable, the cellular power supply control4.4.2John Klug3
2020-10-14No radio fix for array over-run4.4.1John Klug2
2020-10-12mts-io capability flag, cellular does not print 1 or 04.4.0John Klug1
2020-10-01Fix compiler warningJohn Klug1
2020-09-24Fix has-radio for MTCDTIP2, new EEPROM version 1John Klug1
2020-09-23Version 4.4 mts-io driver will use capa-cellular for has-radioJohn Klug2
2020-09-08Reserving capa-cellular and eeprom_layout_versionJohn Klug1
2020-08-31Bump version for MTCAP-0.3 hardware version with PPS/Supercap4.3.3John Klug1
2020-08-28MTCAP2, MTCDTIP2 support, initial revision4.3.4Mike Nicholson5
2020-03-11Remove mts_io_board_adc_probe code which is broken4.3.2John Klug1
2020-03-10Merged mts-io with mt100eocgJohn Klug1
2020-03-10Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/mt100eocg'John Klug5
2020-02-26use unique name for mt100 eth resetJohn Klug1
2020-02-26change eth0-enabled to eth-reset to match other MT devicesJohn Klug1
2020-02-25mts-io based on thud/4.19 kernel for mt100eocg4.3.1John Klug11
2020-02-25Support mtcpm CPU board4.3.0John Klug10
2020-02-12Add correct timer cb proto for kernel < 4.15.0Mike Nicholson1
2020-02-12New 4.19 kernel replaced setup_timer with timer_setupJohn Klug1
2020-02-12Need to define Linux version feature test macrosJohn Klug1
2020-02-12New 4.19 kernel set moved kill_pid to new include fileJohn Klug1
2019-12-13Add ADC to mts-ioVolodymyr Vorobiov3
2019-11-01Add serial port io pins /dev/ttyS2 (Serial UART)Volodymyr Vorobiov1
2019-10-31Add eth0-enabled pinVolodymyr Vorobiov1
2019-10-29Add mt100eocg spi ioVolodymyr Vorobiov3
2019-10-28Initial commit of mt100eocg suportVolodymyr Vorobiov3
2019-10-03MTCAP 0.2 hardware revision with optional battery4.1.4John Klug4
2019-05-23New MTHS HW Version Klug3
2019-05-23GNSS Reset Boot Hold patch4.1.2John Klug2
2019-05-23Bump driver version4.1.1John Klug1
2019-05-23Updates to add support for MTQ-MTR as hw-version MTRV1-0_3Jeff Hatch3
2019-02-04Close the comment4.1.0John Klug1