path: root/io-module/mts_io_module.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2020-10-29Fix radio-related issues in mts-io4.4.4John Klug1
2020-10-21Add missing MTCDTIP_0_0 hardware typeJohn Klug1
2020-10-21Add MTCAP_0_2 and MTCAP_0_3 hardware versionsJohn Klug1
2020-10-21Fix HW_VERION_MTCPM_0_1 definition for new hw-versionJohn Klug1
2020-10-21Add MTCPM-0.1 hardware versionJohn Klug1
2020-10-20Add radio-enable, the cellular power supply control4.4.2John Klug1
2020-10-14No radio fix for array over-run4.4.1John Klug1
2020-09-23Version 4.4 mts-io driver will use capa-cellular for has-radioJohn Klug1
2020-08-31Bump version for MTCAP-0.3 hardware version with PPS/Supercap4.3.3John Klug1
2020-08-28MTCAP2, MTCDTIP2 support, initial revision4.3.4Mike Nicholson1
2020-03-10Merged mts-io with mt100eocgJohn Klug1
2020-02-25mts-io based on thud/4.19 kernel for mt100eocg4.3.1John Klug1
2019-05-23New MTHS HW Version Klug1
2019-05-23GNSS Reset Boot Hold patch4.1.2John Klug1
2019-05-23Bump driver version4.1.1John Klug1
2019-05-23Updates to add support for MTQ-MTR as hw-version MTRV1-0_3Jeff Hatch1
2019-02-04Add pinctrl from device tree to mts-ioJohn Klug1
2019-01-08Bump the driver version4.0.0John Klug1
2018-10-17Remove duplicate pin definitions in mts-io.c3.0.2John Klug1
2018-10-16MTCDT 0.1 ethernet accidentally removed3.0.1John Klug1
2018-10-15Remove mtac cards. mts-io version Klug1