#!/usr/bin/env python # ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et # -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # # Copyright 2011 Intel Corporation # Authored-by: Yu Ke <ke.yu@intel.com> # Paul Eggleton <paul.eggleton@intel.com> # Richard Purdie <richard.purdie@intel.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import fnmatch import os, sys import optparse import logging import subprocess import tempfile import ConfigParser import re from collections import OrderedDict from string import Template __version__ = "0.2.1" def logger_create(): logger = logging.getLogger("") loggerhandler = logging.StreamHandler() loggerhandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] %(message)s","%H:%M:%S")) logger.addHandler(loggerhandler) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) return logger logger = logger_create() def get_current_branch(repodir=None): try: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repodir if repodir else '', ".git")): # Repo not created yet (i.e. during init) so just assume master return "master" branchname = runcmd("git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null", repodir).strip() if branchname.startswith("refs/heads/"): branchname = branchname[11:] return branchname except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return "" class Configuration(object): """ Manages the configuration For an example config file, see combo-layer.conf.example """ def __init__(self, options): for key, val in options.__dict__.items(): setattr(self, key, val) def readsection(parser, section, repo): for (name, value) in parser.items(section): if value.startswith("@"): self.repos[repo][name] = eval(value.strip("@")) else: # Apply special type transformations for some properties. # Type matches the RawConfigParser.get*() methods. types = {'signoff': 'boolean', 'update': 'boolean'} if name in types: value = getattr(parser, 'get' + types[name])(section, name) self.repos[repo][name] = value def readglobalsection(parser, section): for (name, value) in parser.items(section): if name == "commit_msg": self.commit_msg_template = value logger.debug("Loading config file %s" % self.conffile) self.parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() with open(self.conffile) as f: self.parser.readfp(f) # initialize default values self.commit_msg_template = "Automatic commit to update last_revision" self.repos = {} for repo in self.parser.sections(): if repo == "combo-layer-settings": # special handling for global settings readglobalsection(self.parser, repo) else: self.repos[repo] = {} readsection(self.parser, repo, repo) # Load local configuration, if available self.localconffile = None self.localparser = None self.combobranch = None if self.conffile.endswith('.conf'): lcfile = self.conffile.replace('.conf', '-local.conf') if os.path.exists(lcfile): # Read combo layer branch self.combobranch = get_current_branch() logger.debug("Combo layer branch is %s" % self.combobranch) self.localconffile = lcfile logger.debug("Loading local config file %s" % self.localconffile) self.localparser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() with open(self.localconffile) as f: self.localparser.readfp(f) for section in self.localparser.sections(): if '|' in section: sectionvals = section.split('|') repo = sectionvals[0] if sectionvals[1] != self.combobranch: continue else: repo = section if repo in self.repos: readsection(self.localparser, section, repo) def update(self, repo, option, value, initmode=False): # If the main config has the option already, that is what we # are expected to modify. if self.localparser and not self.parser.has_option(repo, option): parser = self.localparser section = "%s|%s" % (repo, self.combobranch) conffile = self.localconffile if initmode and not parser.has_section(section): parser.add_section(section) else: parser = self.parser section = repo conffile = self.conffile parser.set(section, option, value) with open(conffile, "w") as f: parser.write(f) self.repos[repo][option] = value def sanity_check(self, initmode=False): required_options=["src_uri", "local_repo_dir", "dest_dir", "last_revision"] if initmode: required_options.remove("last_revision") msg = "" missing_options = [] for name in self.repos: for option in required_options: if option not in self.repos[name]: msg = "%s\nOption %s is not defined for component %s" %(msg, option, name) missing_options.append(option) # Sanitize dest_dir so that we do not have to deal with edge cases # (unset, empty string, double slashes) in the rest of the code. # It not being set will still be flagged as error because it is # listed as required option above; that could be changed now. dest_dir = os.path.normpath(self.repos[name].get("dest_dir", ".")) self.repos[name]["dest_dir"] = "." if not dest_dir else dest_dir if msg != "": logger.error("configuration file %s has the following error: %s" % (self.conffile,msg)) if self.localconffile and 'last_revision' in missing_options: logger.error("local configuration file %s may be missing configuration for combo branch %s" % (self.localconffile, self.combobranch)) sys.exit(1) # filterdiff is required by action_splitpatch, so check its availability if subprocess.call("which filterdiff > /dev/null 2>&1", shell=True) != 0: logger.error("ERROR: patchutils package is missing, please install it (e.g. # apt-get install patchutils)") sys.exit(1) def runcmd(cmd,destdir=None,printerr=True,out=None): """ execute command, raise CalledProcessError if fail return output if succeed """ logger.debug("run cmd '%s' in %s" % (cmd, os.getcwd() if destdir is None else destdir)) if not out: out = os.tmpfile() err = out else: err = os.tmpfile() try: subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=out, stderr=err, cwd=destdir, shell=isinstance(cmd, str)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError,e: err.seek(0) if printerr: logger.error("%s" % err.read()) raise e err.seek(0) output = err.read() logger.debug("output: %s" % output ) return output def action_init(conf, args): """ Clone component repositories Check git is initialised; if not, copy initial data from component repos """ for name in conf.repos: ldir = conf.repos[name]['local_repo_dir'] if not os.path.exists(ldir): logger.info("cloning %s to %s" %(conf.repos[name]['src_uri'], ldir)) subprocess.check_call("git clone %s %s" % (conf.repos[name]['src_uri'], ldir), shell=True) if not os.path.exists(".git"): runcmd("git init") if conf.history: # Need a common ref for all trees. runcmd('git commit -m "initial empty commit" --allow-empty') startrev = runcmd('git rev-parse master').strip() for name in conf.repos: repo = conf.repos[name] ldir = repo['local_repo_dir'] branch = repo.get('branch', "master") lastrev = repo.get('last_revision', None) if lastrev and lastrev != "HEAD": initialrev = lastrev if branch: if not check_rev_branch(name, ldir, lastrev, branch): sys.exit(1) logger.info("Copying data from %s at specified revision %s..." % (name, lastrev)) else: lastrev = None initialrev = branch logger.info("Copying data from %s..." % name) # Sanity check initialrev and turn it into hash (required for copying history, # because resolving a name ref only works in the component repo). rev = runcmd('git rev-parse %s' % initialrev, ldir).strip() if rev != initialrev: try: refs = runcmd('git show-ref -s %s' % initialrev, ldir).split('\n') if len(set(refs)) > 1: # Happens for example when configured to track # "master" and there is a refs/heads/master. The # traditional behavior from "git archive" (preserved # here) it to choose the first one. This might not be # intended, so at least warn about it. logger.warn("%s: initial revision '%s' not unique, picking result of rev-parse = %s" % (name, initialrev, refs[0])) initialrev = rev except: # show-ref fails for hashes. Skip the sanity warning in that case. pass initialrev = rev dest_dir = repo['dest_dir'] if dest_dir != ".": extract_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), dest_dir) if not os.path.exists(extract_dir): os.makedirs(extract_dir) else: extract_dir = os.getcwd() file_filter = repo.get('file_filter', "") exclude_patterns = repo.get('file_exclude', '').split() def copy_selected_files(initialrev, extract_dir, file_filter, exclude_patterns, ldir, subdir=""): # When working inside a filtered branch which had the # files already moved, we need to prepend the # subdirectory to all filters, otherwise they would # not match. if subdir == '.': subdir = '' elif subdir: subdir = os.path.normpath(subdir) file_filter = ' '.join([subdir + '/' + x for x in file_filter.split()]) exclude_patterns = [subdir + '/' + x for x in exclude_patterns] # To handle both cases, we cd into the target # directory and optionally tell tar to strip the path # prefix when the files were already moved. subdir_components = len(subdir.split(os.path.sep)) if subdir else 0 strip=('--strip-components=%d' % subdir_components) if subdir else '' # TODO: file_filter wild cards do not work (and haven't worked before either), because # a) GNU tar requires a --wildcards parameter before turning on wild card matching. # b) The semantic is not as intendend (src/*.c also matches src/foo/bar.c, # in contrast to the other use of file_filter as parameter of "git archive" # where it only matches .c files directly in src). files = runcmd("git archive %s %s | tar -x -v %s -C %s %s" % (initialrev, subdir, strip, extract_dir, file_filter), ldir) if exclude_patterns: # Implement file removal by letting tar create the # file and then deleting it in the file system # again. Uses the list of files created by tar (easier # than walking the tree). for file in files.split('\n'): for pattern in exclude_patterns: if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, pattern): os.unlink(os.path.join(*([extract_dir] + ['..'] * subdir_components + [file]))) break if not conf.history: copy_selected_files(initialrev, extract_dir, file_filter, exclude_patterns, ldir) else: # First fetch remote history into local repository. # We need a ref for that, so ensure that there is one. refname = "combo-layer-init-%s" % name runcmd("git branch -f %s %s" % (refname, initialrev), ldir) runcmd("git fetch %s %s" % (ldir, refname)) runcmd("git branch -D %s" % refname, ldir) # Make that the head revision. runcmd("git checkout -b %s %s" % (name, initialrev)) # Optional: cut the history by replacing the given # start point(s) with commits providing the same # content (aka tree), but with commit information that # makes it clear that this is an artifically created # commit and nothing the original authors had anything # to do with. since_rev = repo.get('since_revision', '') if since_rev: committer = runcmd('git var GIT_AUTHOR_IDENT').strip() # Same time stamp, no name. author = re.sub('.* (\d+ [+-]\d+)', r'unknown <unknown> \1', committer) logger.info('author %s' % author) for rev in since_rev.split(): # Resolve in component repo... rev = runcmd('git log --oneline --no-abbrev-commit -n1 %s' % rev, ldir).split()[0] # ... and then get the tree in current # one. The commit should be in both repos with # the same tree, but better check here. tree = runcmd('git show -s --pretty=format:%%T %s' % rev).strip() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as editor: editor.write('''cat >$1 <<EOF tree %s author %s committer %s %s: squashed import of component This commit copies the entire set of files as found in %s %s For more information about previous commits, see the upstream repository. Commit created by combo-layer. EOF ''' % (tree, author, committer, name, name, since_rev)) editor.flush() os.environ['GIT_EDITOR'] = 'sh %s' % editor.name runcmd('git replace --edit %s' % rev) # Optional: rewrite history to change commit messages or to move files. if 'hook' in repo or dest_dir != ".": filter_branch = ['git', 'filter-branch', '--force'] with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as hookwrapper: if 'hook' in repo: # Create a shell script wrapper around the original hook that # can be used by git filter-branch. Hook may or may not have # an absolute path. hook = repo['hook'] hook = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(conf.conffile), '..', hook) # The wrappers turns the commit message # from stdin into a fake patch header. # This is good enough for changing Subject # and commit msg body with normal # combo-layer hooks. hookwrapper.write('''set -e tmpname=$(mktemp) trap "rm $tmpname" EXIT echo -n 'Subject: [PATCH] ' >>$tmpname cat >>$tmpname if ! [ $(tail -c 1 $tmpname | od -A n -t x1) == '0a' ]; then echo >>$tmpname fi echo '---' >>$tmpname %s $tmpname $GIT_COMMIT %s tail -c +18 $tmpname | head -c -4 ''' % (hook, name)) hookwrapper.flush() filter_branch.extend(['--msg-filter', 'bash %s' % hookwrapper.name]) if dest_dir != ".": parent = os.path.dirname(dest_dir) if not parent: parent = '.' # May run outside of the current directory, so do not assume that .git exists. filter_branch.extend(['--tree-filter', 'mkdir -p .git/tmptree && find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name .git -print0 | xargs -0 -I SOURCE mv SOURCE .git/tmptree && mkdir -p %s && mv .git/tmptree %s' % (parent, dest_dir)]) filter_branch.append('HEAD') runcmd(filter_branch) runcmd('git update-ref -d refs/original/refs/heads/%s' % name) repo['rewritten_revision'] = runcmd('git rev-parse HEAD').strip() repo['stripped_revision'] = repo['rewritten_revision'] # Optional filter files: remove everything and re-populate using the normal filtering code. # Override any potential .gitignore. if file_filter or exclude_patterns: runcmd('git rm -rf .') if not os.path.exists(extract_dir): os.makedirs(extract_dir) copy_selected_files('HEAD', extract_dir, file_filter, exclude_patterns, '.', subdir=dest_dir) runcmd('git add --all --force .') if runcmd('git status --porcelain'): # Something to commit. runcmd(['git', 'commit', '-m', '''%s: select file subset Files from the component repository were chosen based on the following filters: file_filter = %s file_exclude = %s''' % (name, file_filter or '<empty>', repo.get('file_exclude', '<empty>'))]) repo['stripped_revision'] = runcmd('git rev-parse HEAD').strip() if not lastrev: lastrev = runcmd('git rev-parse %s' % initialrev, ldir).strip() conf.update(name, "last_revision", lastrev, initmode=True) if not conf.history: runcmd("git add .") else: # Create Octopus merge commit according to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10874149/git-octopus-merge-with-unrelated-repositoies runcmd('git checkout master') merge = ['git', 'merge', '--no-commit'] for name in conf.repos: repo = conf.repos[name] # Use branch created earlier. merge.append(name) # Root all commits which have no parent in the common # ancestor in the new repository. for start in runcmd('git log --pretty=format:%%H --max-parents=0 %s' % name).split('\n'): runcmd('git replace --graft %s %s' % (start, startrev)) try: runcmd(merge) except Exception, error: logger.info('''Merging component repository history failed, perhaps because of merge conflicts. It may be possible to commit anyway after resolving these conflicts. %s''' % error) # Create MERGE_HEAD and MERGE_MSG. "git merge" itself # does not create MERGE_HEAD in case of a (harmless) failure, # and we want certain auto-generated information in the # commit message for future reference and/or automation. with open('.git/MERGE_HEAD', 'w') as head: with open('.git/MERGE_MSG', 'w') as msg: msg.write('repo: initial import of components\n\n') # head.write('%s\n' % startrev) for name in conf.repos: repo = conf.repos[name] # <upstream ref> <rewritten ref> <rewritten + files removed> msg.write('combo-layer-%s: %s %s %s\n' % (name, repo['last_revision'], repo['rewritten_revision'], repo['stripped_revision'])) rev = runcmd('git rev-parse %s' % name).strip() head.write('%s\n' % rev) if conf.localconffile: localadded = True try: runcmd("git rm --cached %s" % conf.localconffile, printerr=False) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: localadded = False if localadded: localrelpath = os.path.relpath(conf.localconffile) runcmd("grep -q %s .gitignore || echo %s >> .gitignore" % (localrelpath, localrelpath)) runcmd("git add .gitignore") logger.info("Added local configuration file %s to .gitignore", localrelpath) logger.info("Initial combo layer repository data has been created; please make any changes if desired and then use 'git commit' to make the initial commit.") else: logger.info("Repository already initialised, nothing to do.") def check_repo_clean(repodir): """ check if the repo is clean exit if repo is dirty """ output=runcmd("git status --porcelain", repodir) r = re.compile('\?\? patch-.*/') dirtyout = [item for item in output.splitlines() if not r.match(item)] if dirtyout: logger.error("git repo %s is dirty, please fix it first", repodir) sys.exit(1) def check_patch(patchfile): f = open(patchfile) ln = f.readline() of = None in_patch = False beyond_msg = False pre_buf = '' while ln: if not beyond_msg: if ln == '---\n': if not of: break in_patch = False beyond_msg = True elif ln.startswith('--- '): # We have a diff in the commit message in_patch = True if not of: print('WARNING: %s contains a diff in its commit message, indenting to avoid failure during apply' % patchfile) of = open(patchfile + '.tmp', 'w') of.write(pre_buf) pre_buf = '' elif in_patch and not ln[0] in '+-@ \n\r': in_patch = False if of: if in_patch: of.write(' ' + ln) else: of.write(ln) else: pre_buf += ln ln = f.readline() f.close() if of: of.close() os.rename(patchfile + '.tmp', patchfile) def drop_to_shell(workdir=None): if not sys.stdin.isatty(): print "Not a TTY so can't drop to shell for resolution, exiting." return False shell = os.environ.get('SHELL', 'bash') print('Dropping to shell "%s"\n' \ 'When you are finished, run the following to continue:\n' \ ' exit -- continue to apply the patches\n' \ ' exit 1 -- abort\n' % shell); ret = subprocess.call([shell], cwd=workdir) if ret != 0: print "Aborting" return False else: return True def check_rev_branch(component, repodir, rev, branch): try: actualbranch = runcmd("git branch --contains %s" % rev, repodir, printerr=False) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if e.returncode == 129: actualbranch = "" else: raise if not actualbranch: logger.error("%s: specified revision %s is invalid!" % (component, rev)) return False branches = [] branchlist = actualbranch.split("\n") for b in branchlist: branches.append(b.strip().split(' ')[-1]) if branch not in branches: logger.error("%s: specified revision %s is not on specified branch %s!" % (component, rev, branch)) return False return True def get_repos(conf, repo_names): repos = [] for name in repo_names: if name.startswith('-'): break else: repos.append(name) for repo in repos: if not repo in conf.repos: logger.error("Specified component '%s' not found in configuration" % repo) sys.exit(1) if not repos: repos = [ repo for repo in conf.repos if conf.repos[repo].get("update", True) ] return repos def action_pull(conf, args): """ update the component repos only """ repos = get_repos(conf, args[1:]) # make sure all repos are clean for name in repos: check_repo_clean(conf.repos[name]['local_repo_dir']) for name in repos: repo = conf.repos[name] ldir = repo['local_repo_dir'] branch = repo.get('branch', "master") logger.info("update branch %s of component repo %s in %s ..." % (branch, name, ldir)) if not conf.hard_reset: # Try to pull only the configured branch. Beware that this may fail # when the branch is currently unknown (for example, after reconfiguring # combo-layer). In that case we need to fetch everything and try the check out # and pull again. try: runcmd("git checkout %s" % branch, ldir, printerr=False) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: output=runcmd("git fetch", ldir) logger.info(output) runcmd("git checkout %s" % branch, ldir) runcmd("git pull --ff-only", ldir) else: output=runcmd("git pull --ff-only", ldir) logger.info(output) else: output=runcmd("git fetch", ldir) logger.info(output) runcmd("git checkout %s" % branch, ldir) runcmd("git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD", ldir) def action_update(conf, args): """ update the component repos generate the patch list apply the generated patches """ components = [arg.split(':')[0] for arg in args[1:]] revisions = {} for arg in args[1:]: if ':' in arg: a = arg.split(':', 1) revisions[a[0]] = a[1] repos = get_repos(conf, components) # make sure combo repo is clean check_repo_clean(os.getcwd()) import uuid patch_dir = "patch-%s" % uuid.uuid4() if not os.path.exists(patch_dir): os.mkdir(patch_dir) # Step 1: update the component repos if conf.nopull: logger.info("Skipping pull (-n)") else: action_pull(conf, ['arg0'] + components) for name in repos: revision = revisions.get(name, None) repo = conf.repos[name] ldir = repo['local_repo_dir'] dest_dir = repo['dest_dir'] branch = repo.get('branch', "master") repo_patch_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), patch_dir, name) # Step 2: generate the patch list and store to patch dir logger.info("Generating patches from %s..." % name) top_revision = revision or branch if not check_rev_branch(name, ldir, top_revision, branch): sys.exit(1) if dest_dir != ".": prefix = "--src-prefix=a/%s/ --dst-prefix=b/%s/" % (dest_dir, dest_dir) else: prefix = "" if repo['last_revision'] == "": logger.info("Warning: last_revision of component %s is not set, starting from the first commit" % name) patch_cmd_range = "--root %s" % top_revision rev_cmd_range = top_revision else: if not check_rev_branch(name, ldir, repo['last_revision'], branch): sys.exit(1) patch_cmd_range = "%s..%s" % (repo['last_revision'], top_revision) rev_cmd_range = patch_cmd_range file_filter = repo.get('file_filter',".") # Filter out unwanted files exclude = repo.get('file_exclude', '') if exclude: for path in exclude.split(): p = "%s/%s" % (dest_dir, path) if dest_dir != '.' else path file_filter += " ':!%s'" % p patch_cmd = "git format-patch -N %s --output-directory %s %s -- %s" % \ (prefix,repo_patch_dir, patch_cmd_range, file_filter) output = runcmd(patch_cmd, ldir) logger.debug("generated patch set:\n%s" % output) patchlist = output.splitlines() rev_cmd = "git rev-list --no-merges %s -- %s" % (rev_cmd_range, file_filter) revlist = runcmd(rev_cmd, ldir).splitlines() # Step 3: Call repo specific hook to adjust patch if 'hook' in repo: # hook parameter is: ./hook patchpath revision reponame count=len(revlist)-1 for patch in patchlist: runcmd("%s %s %s %s" % (repo['hook'], patch, revlist[count], name)) count=count-1 # Step 4: write patch list and revision list to file, for user to edit later patchlist_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), patch_dir, "patchlist-%s" % name) repo['patchlist'] = patchlist_file f = open(patchlist_file, 'w') count=len(revlist)-1 for patch in patchlist: f.write("%s %s\n" % (patch, revlist[count])) check_patch(os.path.join(patch_dir, patch)) count=count-1 f.close() # Step 5: invoke bash for user to edit patch and patch list if conf.interactive: print('You may now edit the patch and patch list in %s\n' \ 'For example, you can remove unwanted patch entries from patchlist-*, so that they will be not applied later' % patch_dir); if not drop_to_shell(patch_dir): sys.exit(1) # Step 6: apply the generated and revised patch apply_patchlist(conf, repos) runcmd("rm -rf %s" % patch_dir) # Step 7: commit the updated config file if it's being tracked relpath = os.path.relpath(conf.conffile) try: output = runcmd("git status --porcelain %s" % relpath, printerr=False) except: # Outside the repository output = None if output: logger.info("Committing updated configuration file") if output.lstrip().startswith("M"): # create the "components" string component_str = "all components" if len(components) > 0: # otherwise tell which components were actually changed component_str = ", ".join(components) # expand the template with known values template = Template(conf.commit_msg_template) raw_msg = template.substitute(components = component_str) # sanitize the string before using it in command line msg = raw_msg.replace('"', '\\"') runcmd('git commit -m "%s" %s' % (msg, relpath)) def apply_patchlist(conf, repos): """ apply the generated patch list to combo repo """ for name in repos: repo = conf.repos[name] lastrev = repo["last_revision"] prevrev = lastrev # Get non-blank lines from patch list file patchlist = [] if os.path.exists(repo['patchlist']) or not conf.interactive: # Note: we want this to fail here if the file doesn't exist and we're not in # interactive mode since the file should exist in this case with open(repo['patchlist']) as f: for line in f: line = line.rstrip() if line: patchlist.append(line) ldir = conf.repos[name]['local_repo_dir'] branch = conf.repos[name].get('branch', "master") branchrev = runcmd("git rev-parse %s" % branch, ldir).strip() if patchlist: logger.info("Applying patches from %s..." % name) linecount = len(patchlist) i = 1 for line in patchlist: patchfile = line.split()[0] lastrev = line.split()[1] patchdisp = os.path.relpath(patchfile) if os.path.getsize(patchfile) == 0: logger.info("(skipping %d/%d %s - no changes)" % (i, linecount, patchdisp)) else: cmd = "git am --keep-cr %s-p1 %s" % ('-s ' if repo.get('signoff', True) else '', patchfile) logger.info("Applying %d/%d: %s" % (i, linecount, patchdisp)) try: runcmd(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logger.info('Running "git am --abort" to cleanup repo') runcmd("git am --abort") logger.error('"%s" failed' % cmd) logger.info("Please manually apply patch %s" % patchdisp) logger.info("Note: if you exit and continue applying without manually applying the patch, it will be skipped") if not drop_to_shell(): if prevrev != repo['last_revision']: conf.update(name, "last_revision", prevrev) sys.exit(1) prevrev = lastrev i += 1 # Once all patches are applied, we should update # last_revision to the branch head instead of the last # applied patch. The two are not necessarily the same when # the last commit is a merge commit or when the patches at # the branch head were intentionally excluded. # # If we do not do that for a merge commit, the next # combo-layer run will only exclude patches reachable from # one of the merged branches and try to re-apply patches # from other branches even though they were already # copied. # # If patches were intentionally excluded, the next run will # present them again instead of skipping over them. This # may or may not be intended, so the code here is conservative # and only addresses the "head is merge commit" case. if lastrev != branchrev and \ len(runcmd("git show --pretty=format:%%P --no-patch %s" % branch, ldir).split()) > 1: lastrev = branchrev else: logger.info("No patches to apply from %s" % name) lastrev = branchrev if lastrev != repo['last_revision']: conf.update(name, "last_revision", lastrev) def action_splitpatch(conf, args): """ generate the commit patch and split the patch per repo """ logger.debug("action_splitpatch") if len(args) > 1: commit = args[1] else: commit = "HEAD" patchdir = "splitpatch-%s" % commit if not os.path.exists(patchdir): os.mkdir(patchdir) # filerange_root is for the repo whose dest_dir is root "." # and it should be specified by excluding all other repo dest dir # like "-x repo1 -x repo2 -x repo3 ..." filerange_root = "" for name in conf.repos: dest_dir = conf.repos[name]['dest_dir'] if dest_dir != ".": filerange_root = '%s -x "%s/*"' % (filerange_root, dest_dir) for name in conf.repos: dest_dir = conf.repos[name]['dest_dir'] patch_filename = "%s/%s.patch" % (patchdir, name) if dest_dir == ".": cmd = "git format-patch -n1 --stdout %s^..%s | filterdiff -p1 %s > %s" % (commit, commit, filerange_root, patch_filename) else: cmd = "git format-patch --no-prefix -n1 --stdout %s^..%s -- %s > %s" % (commit, commit, dest_dir, patch_filename) runcmd(cmd) # Detect empty patches (including those produced by filterdiff above # that contain only preamble text) if os.path.getsize(patch_filename) == 0 or runcmd("filterdiff %s" % patch_filename) == "": os.remove(patch_filename) logger.info("(skipping %s - no changes)", name) else: logger.info(patch_filename) def action_error(conf, args): logger.info("invalid action %s" % args[0]) actions = { "init": action_init, "update": action_update, "pull": action_pull, "splitpatch": action_splitpatch, } def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser( version = "Combo Layer Repo Tool version %s" % __version__, usage = """%prog [options] action Create and update a combination layer repository from multiple component repositories. Action: init initialise the combo layer repo update [components] get patches from component repos and apply them to the combo repo pull [components] just pull component repos only splitpatch [commit] generate commit patch and split per component, default commit is HEAD""") parser.add_option("-c", "--conf", help = "specify the config file (conf/combo-layer.conf is the default).", action = "store", dest = "conffile", default = "conf/combo-layer.conf") parser.add_option("-i", "--interactive", help = "interactive mode, user can edit the patch list and patches", action = "store_true", dest = "interactive", default = False) parser.add_option("-D", "--debug", help = "output debug information", action = "store_true", dest = "debug", default = False) parser.add_option("-n", "--no-pull", help = "skip pulling component repos during update", action = "store_true", dest = "nopull", default = False) parser.add_option("--hard-reset", help = "instead of pull do fetch and hard-reset in component repos", action = "store_true", dest = "hard_reset", default = False) parser.add_option("-H", "--history", help = "import full history of components during init", action = "store_true", default = False) options, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv) # Dispatch to action handler if len(args) == 1: logger.error("No action specified, exiting") parser.print_help() elif args[1] not in actions: logger.error("Unsupported action %s, exiting\n" % (args[1])) parser.print_help() elif not os.path.exists(options.conffile): logger.error("No valid config file, exiting\n") parser.print_help() else: if options.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) confdata = Configuration(options) initmode = (args[1] == 'init') confdata.sanity_check(initmode) actions.get(args[1], action_error)(confdata, args[1:]) if __name__ == "__main__": try: ret = main() except Exception: ret = 1 import traceback traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(ret)