mLinux - MultiTech Linux for MultiConnect Conduit gateways

mLinux is a distribution provided by MultiTech tailored for the 
MultiConnect Conduit products (MTCDT models).

mLinux utilizes OpenEmbedded-Core, Bitbake, which are part of the Yocto Project.

For more information about mLinux, see

For more information about the Yocto Project, see
For more information about OpenEmbedded, see


Note that mLinux should *not* be built as root and you will need full write 
permissions to the build directory structure.  It is recommended to build 
the software inside your $HOME dir as a normal user.

1. Build from tarball

    tar xzf mLinux-3.0.0.tar.gz
    cd mlinux-3.0.0
    # install needed dependencies, see scripts in install-deps
    # example: sudo ./install-deps/

    # set your default machine type in conf/local.conf
    # MACHINE="mtcdt"

    # build an image
    bitbake mlinux-base-image

2. Build from git repository

    # clone repo to a dir name of your choice
    git clone git:// mlinux-3.0.0
    cd mlinux-3.0.0

    # checkout desired branch or tag
    git checkout 3.0.0

    # install needed dependencies, see scripts in install-deps
    # example: sudo ./install-deps/

    # initialize git submodules and setup dir structure

    # setup environment

    # set your default machine type in conf/local.conf
    # MACHINE="mtcdt"

    # build an image
    bitbake mlinux-base-image


mlinux-base-image: Small image with essential packages -- good starting point for a custom image

mlinux-factory-image: Large image loaded on units by default -- contains full language support (perl, python, java, ruby, nodejs)


       MORE INFO

See the MultiTech Developer website ( for full 
installation and build instructions. In particular, see the "Introduction" and
"Getting Started" pages under the mLinux section.

You can also join the available developer forums to post queries and receive 
updates from MultiTech developers.