path: root/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-at91-4.9.87/mtcdt/linux-4.9-mtcdt-device-tree.patch
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFiles
2020-05-13Initial meta-multitech-common based on meta-multitech (branch master)Andrii Pientsov1
2019-05-23GNSS reset fix to suppress GPS serial port to protect XR12V1414 from bad PID/VIDJohn Klug1
2019-04-24Use output-high for MTCDT PD14-PD19 resetsJohn Klug1
2019-04-15Remove unused mmc1-boardJohn Klug1
2019-04-05Syntax error in device treeJohn Klug1
2019-04-05Missing semicolon in device tree.John Klug1
2019-04-04Correct the SDIO active pin to PA1, and set deglitchJohn Klug1
2019-03-04Change pps to pps-0 in device tree to allow for multiple entries.John Klug1
2019-02-13DMA for dbgu on MTCDT, and MTCAP (MTCAP requires testing)Mike Nicholson1
2019-01-25Remove unused m25p80 module.John Klug1
2019-01-04Rename the kernel to be compatible with existing recipes (and shorter)John Klug1