AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2022-05-24Update recipes to build linux-at91-5.4.195John Klug3
2022-05-24New Linux4SAM LinuxAT91 5.4.195John Klug28
2022-05-24Setting default version of linux does not work, use linux-at91John Klug5
2022-05-24Remove obsolete vizzini code and use tty_port_initializedJohn Klug2
2022-04-13Make U-Boot Console access optional for factory test builds6.0.1John Klug1
2022-03-24Remove bad block table introduced with GPIOD MTCDT changeJohn Klug1
2022-03-23github no longer accepts clear git protocol so switch to httpsJohn Klug3
2022-03-22Fix the mts-rm-rs9113 remove package for the overlayfsJohn Klug1
2022-03-21Remove 1.6.5 disconnect/receive semaphores that do not work from rs9113 modulesJohn Klug2
2022-03-17Spin Lock in 1.6.5 rs9113 driver breaks semaphoreJohn Klug1
2022-03-17Spin Lock in 1.6.5 rs9113 driver breaks semaphoreJohn Klug1
2022-03-10Kernel image install from ipkJohn Klug1
2022-02-24output-high, output-low is ignored by Atmel pinctrl driverJohn Klug1
2022-02-22Map device tree nand@0 to /dev/mtd0John Klug1
2022-02-17Move device tree overlay warning to debug statusJohn Klug1
2022-02-17Compatibility fix for new mts-io driver 4.9.0John Klug5
2022-02-155.3.x MTCDT device tree with name-gpio/connection-id for mts-io driversharma-mts3
2022-02-02Merge branch 'vs/mtx-4338' into '6' Jeff Hatch4
2022-01-31WM_LINK_MON (LS_LED) should be an input by defaultJohn Klug1
2022-01-31Change pioA7 from SPI0_NPCS1 to a GPIO inputJohn Klug2
2022-01-31Remove SAM9X5EK SPI flash from U-Boot to prevent GPIO conflictsJohn Klug2
2022-01-21fix rs9113 recipeSerhii Voloshynov1
2022-01-19rs9113: Fix PKG QA Complaint about new debug packageJohn Klug1
2022-01-19rs9113: Use PKGR like other Dunfell recipes, move to rev 14John Klug3
2022-01-14Merge branch 'vs/mtx-4338' into '6' Jeff Hatch1
2022-01-14fix MTR and MTCAP buildsSerhii Voloshynov1
2022-01-14Merge branch 'vs/mtx-4338' into '6' Jeff Hatch15
2022-01-13temporarily use rs9113 IPK r10.Serhii Voloshynov1
2022-01-13Hold rs9113 in reset until after USB Hub is readyJohn Klug2
2022-01-11Disable EHCI (High Speed USB) by default for MTCDT Set EHCI (High Speed USB)...Serhii Voloshynov1
2022-01-11Set EHCI (High Speed USB) by default for MTCDTJohn Klug1
2022-01-11Disable EHCI (High Speed USB) by default for MTCDTJohn Klug1
2022-01-11Do not create extra file in /var/config for rs9113 reset. Use dmesgJohn Klug1
2022-01-11Improve logging in /etc/init.d/rs9113John Klug1
2022-01-11Add logging to evaluate rs9113 initializationJohn Klug1
2022-01-11Remove possible extra reset of rs9113John Klug1
2022-01-11User /etc/init.d/rs9113 reset in /etc/init.d/rs9113-resetJohn Klug2
2022-01-11Add rs9113-reset package for mPower to reset rs9113John Klug3
2022-01-11cd-gpio is on pioA 1 (or gpio0 pin 1)John Klug1
2022-01-11Enable XMIT and RCV in all cases when setting RS485 with Atmel serial - adapt...Serhii Voloshynov1
2022-01-11Enable XMIT and RCV in all cases when setting RS485 with Atmel serialJohn Klug1
2022-01-11Disable CRTSCTS when setting RS485 half duplex to match Vizzini driver - adap...Serhii Voloshynov2
2022-01-11Disable CRTSCTS when setting RS485 half duplex to match Vizzini driverJohn Klug2
2022-01-11Make sure mts-io is done loading, make sure loops break outJohn Klug1
2022-01-11Remove i2c debug to prevent new I/O expander debug - kernel 5.4Serhii Voloshynov1
2022-01-11Remove i2c debug to prevent new I/O expander debugJohn Klug1
2022-01-11New rs9113-from-src for building rs9113John Klug1
2022-01-11Wait for USB, not the interrupt pin which is too earlyJohn Klug1
2022-01-11Add a reset loop in case rs9113 does not appear on USB HubJohn Klug2
2022-01-11Fix pincontrol for io controllers, rs9113, usbhub resets - migrate changes fo...Serhii Voloshynov1