SUMMARY = "Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files"
SECTION = "console/utils"

# TODO: logrotate 3.8.8 adds autotools/automake support, update recipe to use it.
# TODO: Document coreutils dependency. Why not RDEPENDS? Why not busybox?

DEPENDS="coreutils popt"

LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=18810669f13b87348459e611d31ab760"

# When updating logrotate to latest upstream, SRC_URI should point to
# a proper release tarball from
# and we have to take the snapshot for now because there is no such
# tarball available for 3.9.1.

S = "${WORKDIR}/${BPN}-r3-9-1"

UPSTREAM_CHECK_URI = "${BPN}/${BPN}/releases"

SRC_URI = "${BPN}/${BPN}/archive/r3-9-1.tar.gz;downloadfilename=${BP}.tar.gz\
           file://act-as-mv-when-rotate.patch \
           file://update-the-manual.patch \
           file://disable-check-different-filesystems.patch \

SRC_URI[md5sum] = "8572b7c2cf9ade09a8a8e10098500fb3"
SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "5bf8e478c428e7744fefa465118f8296e7e771c981fb6dffb7527856a0ea3617"

# PACKAGECONFIG ?= "${@bb.utils.filter('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'acl selinux', d)}"
    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'acl', 'acl', '', d)} \
    ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'selinux', 'selinux', '', d)} \

PACKAGECONFIG[acl] = ",,acl"
PACKAGECONFIG[selinux] = ",,libselinux"

CONFFILES_${PN} += "${localstatedir}/lib/logrotate.status \

# If RPM_OPT_FLAGS is unset, it adds -g itself rather than obeying our
# optimization variables, so use it rather than EXTRA_CFLAGS.
    LFS= \
    OS_NAME='${OS_NAME}' \
    'CC=${CC}' \
    ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'acl', 'WITH_ACL=yes', '', d)} \
    ${@bb.utils.contains('PACKAGECONFIG', 'selinux', 'WITH_SELINUX=yes', '', d)} \

# OS_NAME in the makefile defaults to `uname -s`. The behavior for
# freebsd/netbsd is questionable, so leave it as Linux, which only sets
# INSTALL=install and BASEDIR=/usr.
OS_NAME = "Linux"

do_compile_prepend() {
    # Make sure the recompile is OK
    rm -f ${B}/.depend

    oe_runmake install DESTDIR=${D} PREFIX=${D} MANDIR=${mandir}
    mkdir -p ${D}${sysconfdir}/logrotate.d
    mkdir -p ${D}${sysconfdir}/cron.daily
    mkdir -p ${D}${localstatedir}/lib
    install -p -m 644 examples/logrotate-default ${D}${sysconfdir}/logrotate.conf
    install -p -m 755 examples/logrotate.cron ${D}${sysconfdir}/cron.daily/logrotate
    touch ${D}${localstatedir}/lib/logrotate.status