SAY "LAP3 chat\n" ECHO OFF ABORT 'NO DIAL TONE' ABORT 'NO DIALTONE' ABORT 'NO ANSWER' ABORT 'NO CARRIER' ABORT 'DELAYED' ABORT 'VOICE' ABORT 'BUSY' '' 'AT' OK 'ATZ' OK 'AT+CSQ' # ---------------------------------- # Set the APN for your provider here # Note that a comment starting with # #MT AT+CGDCONT= # will be interpretted by # /usr/libexec/ppp/chat_wrapper # as the intended context # setting. Make the context number # (after the =) match the # dialer number context. # If the context changes, ppp/chat_wrapper # handles disconnecting the modem # from the network during the update, # which is required # by some modem firmware. # The chat script will be executed # after the ppp/chat_wrapper script # re-registers the modem. # The context will only be set if the # modem settings do not match the # settings here. # Lines starting with # MT are ignored. # ---------------------------------- #MT AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet" OK 'AT+CGDCONT?' SAY "Dialing...\n" OK 'ATD*99***1#' SAY "Waiting for CONNECT...\n" TIMEOUT 120 CONNECT '' SAY "Connected\n"