#!/bin/bash # Rules for chat scripts # No comments allowed at the end of AT+CGDCONT in chat script # The last AT+CGDCONT= must use the same context as the dialer. # If desired, The AT+CGDCONT may be prefixed by #MT[[:space:]]+ # Example: #MT AT+CGDCONT="IPV6","data","",0,1,"EXTRA" # # If you do not use a comment, the entire AT+CGDCONT command # must be surrounded by apostrophes. This command will be executed # twice, once in the chat wrapper, and a 2nd time in the chat # itself. # # The space after "#MT" may be any number including tabs. # If #MT AT+CGDCONT= is found, only the last one is chosen. # Any uncommented AT+CGDCONT= is then ignored. # If there are not #MT AT+CGDCONT= lines, then any line without # a comment chararacter before AT+CGDONT= is accepted, but only the # last one in the file. NAME=chat_wrapper CONFIG=/etc/default/${NAME} function finish { ${LOG} "Launch:" "$@" exec "$@" # NOTREACHED } [[ -f $CONFIG ]] || exit 1 . ${CONFIG} : ${REGWAITTIME:=300} : ${FINALWAIT:=5} : ${LOG:="/usr/bin/logger -t ${NAME} -p daemon.notice"} ${LOG} Timeout is $REGWAITTIME, execute "$@" ((i=$#)) chatscript="${!i}" ${LOG} Parsing chat script "$chatscript" # CONTEXT is last context string in chat script CONTEXT=$(egrep "^#MT[[:space:]]+(AT\+CGDCONT=.*)" ${chatscript} | tail -1) if ((${#CONTEXT} == 0)) ; then CONTEXT=$(egrep "^[^#]+AT\+CGDCONT=" ${chatscript} | tail -1) [[ $CONTEXT =~ \'(AT\+CGDCONT=([0-9]+)[^$\']+) ]] else [[ $CONTEXT =~ (AT\+CGDCONT=([0-9]+).*)$ ]] fi # CONTEXTNUM is the context number that is configured in the dialer. CONTEXT="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" if ((${#CONTEXT} == 0)) ; then ${LOG} No context specifiction in the chat script finish "$@" # NOTREACHED fi ((CONTEXTNUM=${BASH_REMATCH[2]})) ${LOG} "Using Context ${CONTEXTNUM} based on chat script: ${CONTEXT}" # At this point if there is no context number, we can skip everything else. # Get Modem's context settings MCONTEXT=$(/usr/bin/radio-cmd -t10 'AT+CGDCONT?' 2>&1 | tr -d '\r') [[ $MCONTEXT =~ \+CGDCONT:[[:space:]]+${CONTEXTNUM},\"([^\"]*)\",\"([^\"]*)\",\"([^\"]*)\",([0-9]+),([0-9]+)([^$'\n']*) ]] MPDP="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" MAPN="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" MADDR="${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" MDCOMP="${BASH_REMATCH[4]}" MHCOMP="${BASH_REMATCH[5]}" MFULLBOAT="${BASH_REMATCH[6]}" [[ $CONTEXT =~ AT\+CGDCONT=${CONTEXTNUM},\"([^\"]*)\",\"([^\"]*)\"(,\"([^\"]*)\"(,([0-9]+)(,([0-9]+)(,[^\']*))*)*)* ]] PDP="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" APN="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" ADDR="${BASH_REMATCH[4]}" # Optional DCOMP="${BASH_REMATCH[6]}" # Optional HCOMP="${BASH_REMATCH[8]}" # Optional FULLBOAT="${BASH_REMATCH[9]}" # Optional if ((${#DCOMP} == 0)) ; then ((DCOMP=0)) # Default fi if ((${#HCOMP} == 0)) ; then ((HCOMP=0)) # Default fi # Only update context on a mismatch between chat and modem. if [[ $MPDP != $PDP ]] || [[ $MAPN != $APN ]] || \ [[ $MADDR != $ADDR ]] || ((MDCOMP != DCOMP)) || \ ((MHCOMP != HCOMP)) || \ [[ $MFULLBOAT != $FULLBOAT ]] ; then ${LOG} "Modem context $MPDP,$MAPN,$MADDR,$MDCOMP,$HCOMP does not match chat script" ${LOG} "$MCONTEXT" ${LOG} "Dropping registration with carrier to set context" # Need to deregister /usr/bin/radio-cmd -t10 'AT+COPS=2' /usr/bin/radio-cmd -t10 "AT+CGDCONT=${CONTEXTNUM},\"${PDP}\",\"${APN}\",\"${ADDR}\",$DCOMP,${HCOMP}${FULLBOAT}" /usr/bin/radio-cmd -t10 'AT+COPS=0' ${LOG} "New context is set. Wait up to $REGWAITTIME seconds to register" # Wait for registration uptime=$(cat /proc/uptime) [[ $uptime =~ ^([^\.]*) ]] t0=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} while ! [[ $(/usr/bin/radio-query --netreg) =~ ^REGISTERED$ ]] ; do sleep 5 uptime=$(cat /proc/uptime) [[ $uptime =~ ^([^\.]*) ]] t1=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} if ((t1-t0 > REGWAITTIME)) ; then ${LOG} "$((t1-t0)) seconds has expired" fi done uptime=$(cat /proc/uptime) [[ $uptime =~ ^([^\.]*) ]] t1=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} ${LOG} "Re-registered in $((t1-t0)) seconds -- wait 5 more seconds" sleep $FINALWAIT else ${LOG} "Context $CONTEXTNUM matches and nothing to do." fi finish "$@" # NOTREACHED