DESCRIPTION = "LoRa Packet Forwarder" HOMEPAGE = "" PRIORITY = "optional" SECTION = "console/utils" # Semtech license is a modified BSD-style license LICENSE = "SEMTECH" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://LICENSE;md5=22af7693d7b76ef0fc76161c4be76c45" DEPENDS = "lora-gateway" PR = "r2" SRCREV = "v${PV}" SRC_URI = "git://;protocol=git \ file:// \ file://global_conf.json.3.0.0.PCB_E286.EU868.basic.clksrc0 \ file://global_conf.json.3.0.0.PCB_E286.EU868.basic.clksrc1 \ file://local_conf.json.3.0.0 \ " S = "${WORKDIR}/git" LORA_DIR = "/opt/lora" export LGW_PATH = "${STAGING_LIBDIR}/lora" export LGW_INC = "${STAGING_INCDIR}/lora" CFLAGS += "-I${LGW_INC} -Iinc -I." do_compile() { oe_runmake } do_install() { install -d ${D}${LORA_DIR} install -m 755 lora_pkt_fwd/lora_pkt_fwd ${D}${LORA_DIR}/ # This file may be overwritten with a do_install_append_ function install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/global_conf.json.3.0.0.PCB_E286.EU868.basic.clksrc1 ${D}${LORA_DIR}/global_conf.json install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/local_conf.json.3.0.0 ${D}${LORA_DIR}/local_conf.json install -m 755 util_sink/util_sink ${D}${LORA_DIR}/ install -m 755 util_ack/util_ack ${D}${LORA_DIR}/ install -m 755 util_tx_test/util_tx_test ${D}${LORA_DIR}/ install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/ ${D}${LORA_DIR}/ } do_install_append_mtp() { install -m 755 ${WORKDIR}/global_conf.json.3.0.0.PCB_E286.EU868.basic.clksrc0 ${D}${LORA_DIR}/global_conf.json } FILES_${PN} += "${LORA_DIR}" FILES_${PN}-dbg += "${LORA_DIR}/.debug" # disable this on purpose for dev purposes do_rm_work() { echo "skipping" }