{ "lora": { "netID": "010203", /* netID for beacon packets */ "frequencyBand": "868", /* US="915", EU="868" */ "rx1DatarateOffset": 0, /* Datarate offset for mote rx window 1 sent in join response (0-3) */ "rx2Datarate": 12, /* Datarate for mote rx window 2 sent in join response (7-12) */ "maxTxPower": 14, /* Max Tx power (dBm), -6 to 26 */ "frequencyEU": 867500000 /* center freq for extra EU channels (Hz) */ }, "udp": { "appPortUp": 1784, /* port for user-developed application use */ "appPortDown": 1786, /* port for user-developed application use */ "upstreamPort": 1780, /* ports for LoRa network communication */ "downstreamPort": 1782 /* ports for LoRa network communication */ }, "addressRange": { "start": "00:00:00:01", /* address range used for mDots */ "end": "FF:FF:FF:FE" }, "network": { "public": true, /* set to false for private LoRa network with mDots + Conduit */ "leasetime": 0, /* time until mDot join expires (minutes) or 0 for no expiration */ "name": "YOUR-NETWORK-NAME", /* configure network security */ "passphrase": "YOUR-NETWORK-PASSPHRASE" }, "log" : { "console" : true, "syslog" : false, "level" : 30, /* error=10, warn=20, info=30, debug=50, trace=60, max=100 */ "path": "/var/log/lora-network-server.log" }, "mqtt": { "enabled": true } }