DESCRIPTION = "LoRa Gateway Geolocation library" SUMMARY = "LoRa Gateway Geolocation library" PRIORITY = "optional" SECTION = "console/utils" # Semtech license is a modified BSD-style license LICENSE = "Proprietary" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://mlinux4/LICENSE.TXT;md5=86776875df1423114abfcec938f3e565" DEPENDS = "" # Source revision PSR = "r4" # Recipe revision PR = "r6" SRCREV = "v${PV}" PACKAGE_ARCH = "${MACHINE_ARCH}" SRC_URI = "${PV}-${PSR}.tar.gz \ file://config.json \ file://config_64ch.json \ " SRC_URI[md5sum] = "542f02198a3258ca2ad4e549524e3ddc" SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "8176f5f55f96b7a72946cfb51743a8ea4f88a4033e54009e7bcf8f03077d248e" S = "${WORKDIR}" CFLAGS += "-Iinc -I." do_compile() { } do_install() { } do_install_append_mtcdt() { install -d ${D}${includedir}/lora install -d ${D}${libdir}/lora install -m 0644 mlinux4/libsx1301ar/* ${D}${includedir}/lora install -d ${D}/sbin # Set UID to be able to read FPGA revision as non-root. install -m 04755 mlinux4/gateway-utils-geo/fpga_flash_loader ${D}/sbin/sem-fpga-loader install -d ${D}/opt/lora/ install -d ${D}/opt/lora/gateway-utils-geo install -m 0755 mlinux4/gateway-utils-geo/* ${D}/opt/lora/gateway-utils-geo/ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/config.json ${D}/opt/lora/gateway-utils-geo/ install -m 0755 ${WORKDIR}/config_64ch.json ${D}/opt/lora/gateway-utils-geo/ } PACKAGES += "${PN}-utils ${PN}-utils-dbg" FILES_${PN} = "${libdir}/lora/ ${includedir}/lora /usr/lib/" FILES_${PN}-utils = "/opt/lora/gateway-utils-geo/* /sbin/sem-fpga-loader" FILES_${PN}-utils-dbg = "/opt/lora/gateway-utils-geo/.debug " FILES_${PN}-staticdev = "${libdir}/lora/libsx1301ar.a" # disable this on purpose for dev purposes do_rm_work() { echo "skipping" }