# CONF_VERSION is increased each time build/conf/ changes incompatibly

# Use MultiTech mLinux distribution
DISTRO = "mlinux"
MACHINE ?= "mtcdt"

# Where to store downloaded sources
DL_DIR = "${TOPDIR}/downloads"

# Where to save shared state
SSTATE_DIR = "${TOPDIR}/sstate-cache"
# bitbake cache location
# build output
TMPDIR = "${TOPDIR}/tmp"

# Which files do we want to parse:
BBFILES ?= "${TOPDIR}/layers/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-*/*/*.bb"

# Go through the Firewall
#HTTP_PROXY        = "http://:/"

# Uncomment this to remove unpacked source and intermediate work
# after successfully building a package.
# Saves a LOT of disk space, but leaving work around is useful for debugging.
INHERIT += "rm_work"

# skip parsing of masked files

# Make use of SMP:
#   PARALLEL_MAKE specifies how many concurrent compiler threads are spawned per bitbake process
#   BB_NUMBER_THREADS specifies how many concurrent bitbake tasks will be run
BB_NUMBER_THREADS ?= "${@oe.utils.cpu_count()*2}"
PARALLEL_MAKE ?= "-j ${@oe.utils.cpu_count()*2}"

# Don't generate the mirror tarball for SCM repos, the snapshot is enough

# Disable build time patch resolution. This would lauch a devshell
# and wait for manual intervention. We disable it.

# enable local PR server
PRSERV_HOST = "localhost:0"

# enable buildhistory for images
INHERIT += "buildhistory"

IMAGE_FSTYPES =+ "jffs2 tar.gz"

# OpenJDK Java runtime
# Uncomment for a bigger image with java.
# Java requires using tftp or a flash drive
# for updating.
# IMAGE_INSTALL += "openjdk-8"
# OpenJDK with JamVM VM (Multi-Tech default)
# IMAGE_INSTALL += "jamvm"
# OpenJDK with CACAO VM (run with 'java -cacao')
# IMAGE_INSTALL += "openjdk-7-vm-cacao"
# OpenJDK Zero VM (run with 'java -zero')
# IMAGE_INSTALL += "openjdk-7-vm-zero"

PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-boost = " python"