path: root/recipes-core/udev/eudev
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFiles
2019-07-03Restore the mtrv1 /dev/bt link, and add old mtr to udev.John Klug2
2019-07-03Vizzini driver back inJohn Klug2
2019-07-03Wrong kernel device name for symlinksJohn Klug1
2019-07-03Bluetooth is not /dev/TTYXRUSB0 on mtrv1John Klug1
2019-07-03Kernel is inconsistent in applying NAME changes, so use SYMLINKSJohn Klug2
2019-07-03Set name of EXAR devices to ttyXRUSB*John Klug2
2019-07-03Fix mtrv1.rules for mtrv1 udevJohn Klug1
2019-07-03Add a rulefile for mtrv1John Klug1
2017-10-03Fix quote typos and add 2nd ME910 IDJohn Klug1
2017-09-19MTR CATM Telit ME910John Klug1
2017-06-20Add new radios for JapanJohn Klug1
2017-05-31Update cellular_radios.rules for udev adding LAT3, LVW3 and LEU3 new modem rulesJohn Klug1
2017-05-23Make eudev bbappend allow new levels of uedevJohn Klug6