### Application-specific constants APP_NAME=loragw_spi_stress ### constant symbols CC=gcc CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall -Wextra -Iinc C99FLAGS=-O2 -Wall -Wextra -std=c99 -Iinc FLAG_AUX= ### constants for Lora Gateway HAL library LGW_PATH=../libloragw LGW_INC=-I$(LGW_PATH)/inc LGW_LNK=-lloragw -lrt -lmpsse #LGW_LNK=-lloragw -lrt # add libmpsse or not, depending on what option you compiled the libloragw with ### general build targets all: $(APP_NAME) clean: rm -f obj/*.o rm -f $(APP_NAME) ### main program compilation and assembly obj/$(APP_NAME).o: src/$(APP_NAME).c $(CC) -c $(C99FLAGS) -o obj/$(APP_NAME).o $(LGW_INC) src/$(APP_NAME).c $(FLAG_AUX) $(APP_NAME): $(LGW_PATH)/libloragw.a obj/$(APP_NAME).o $(CC) -o $(APP_NAME) obj/$(APP_NAME).o -L$(LGW_PATH) $(LGW_LNK)