/* / _____) _ | | ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ \____ \| ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_| ©2013 Semtech-Cycleo Description: Host specific functions to address the LoRa™ gateway registers through a SPI interface. Single-byte read/write and burst read/write. Does not handle pagination. Could be used with multiple SPI ports in parallel (explicit file descriptor) */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- DEPENDANCIES --------------------------------------------------------- */ #include /* C99 types */ #include /* printf fprintf */ #include /* malloc free */ #include /* memcpy */ #include #include "loragw_spi.h" /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- PRIVATE MACROS ------------------------------------------------------- */ #define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) #if DEBUG_SPI == 1 #define DEBUG_MSG(str) fprintf(stderr, str) #define DEBUG_PRINTF(fmt, args...) fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: "fmt, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, args) #define CHECK_NULL(a) if(a==NULL){fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: ERROR: NULL POINTER AS ARGUMENT\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);return LGW_SPI_ERROR;} #else #define DEBUG_MSG(str) #define DEBUG_PRINTF(fmt, args...) #define CHECK_NULL(a) if(a==NULL){return LGW_SPI_ERROR;} #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- PRIVATE CONSTANTS ---------------------------------------------------- */ #define READ_ACCESS 0x00 #define WRITE_ACCESS 0x80 /* parameters for a FT2232H */ #define VID 0x0403 #define PID 0x6010 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS DEFINITION ------------------------------------------ */ /* SPI initialization and configuration */ int lgw_spi_open(void **spi_target_ptr) { struct mpsse_context *mpsse = NULL; /* check input variables */ CHECK_NULL(spi_target_ptr); /* cannot be null, must point on a void pointer (*spi_target_ptr can be null) */ /* try to open the first available FTDI device matching VID/PID parameters */ mpsse = OpenIndex(VID,PID,SPI0, SIX_MHZ, MSB, IFACE_A, NULL, NULL, 0); if (mpsse == NULL) { DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: MPSSE OPEN FUNCTION RETURNED NULL\n"); return LGW_SPI_ERROR; } if (mpsse->open != 1) { DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: MPSSE OPEN FUNCTION FAILED\n"); return LGW_SPI_ERROR; } DEBUG_PRINTF("SPI port opened and configured ok\ndesc: %s\nPID: 0x%04X\nVID: 0x%04X\nclock: %d\nLibmpsse version: 0x%02X\n", GetDescription(mpsse), GetPid(mpsse), GetVid(mpsse), GetClock(mpsse), Version()); *spi_target_ptr = (void *)mpsse; return LGW_SPI_SUCCESS; } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ /* SPI release */ int lgw_spi_close(void *spi_target) { struct mpsse_context *mpsse = spi_target; /* check input variables */ CHECK_NULL(spi_target); Close(mpsse); /* close return no status, assume success (0_o) */ return LGW_SPI_SUCCESS; } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ /* Simple write */ /* transaction time: .6 to 1 ms typically */ int lgw_spi_w(void *spi_target, uint8_t address, uint8_t data) { struct mpsse_context *mpsse = spi_target; uint8_t out_buf[2]; int a, b, c; /* check input variables */ CHECK_NULL(spi_target); if ((address & 0x80) != 0) { DEBUG_MSG("WARNING: SPI address > 127\n"); } /* prepare frame to be sent */ out_buf[0] = WRITE_ACCESS | (address & 0x7F); out_buf[1] = data; /* MPSSE transaction */ a = Start(mpsse); b = FastWrite(mpsse, (char *)out_buf, 2); c = Stop(mpsse); /* determine return code */ if ((a != MPSSE_OK) || (b != MPSSE_OK) || (c != MPSSE_OK)) { DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: SPI WRITE FAILURE\n"); return LGW_SPI_ERROR; } else { DEBUG_MSG("Note: SPI write success\n"); return LGW_SPI_SUCCESS; } } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ /* Simple read (using Transfer function) */ /* transaction time: 1.1 to 2 ms typically */ int lgw_spi_r(void *spi_target, uint8_t address, uint8_t *data) { struct mpsse_context *mpsse = spi_target; uint8_t out_buf[2]; uint8_t *in_buf = NULL; int a, b; /* check input variables */ CHECK_NULL(spi_target); if ((address & 0x80) != 0) { DEBUG_MSG("WARNING: SPI address > 127\n"); } CHECK_NULL(data); /* prepare frame to be sent */ out_buf[0] = READ_ACCESS | (address & 0x7F); out_buf[1] = 0x00; /* MPSSE transaction */ a = Start(mpsse); in_buf = (uint8_t *)Transfer(mpsse, (char *)out_buf, 2); b = Stop(mpsse); /* determine return code */ if ((in_buf == NULL) || (a != MPSSE_OK) || (b != MPSSE_OK)) { DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: SPI READ FAILURE\n"); if (in_buf != NULL) { free(in_buf); } return LGW_SPI_ERROR; } else { DEBUG_MSG("Note: SPI read success\n"); *data = in_buf[1]; free(in_buf); return LGW_SPI_SUCCESS; } } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ /* Burst (multiple-byte) write */ /* transaction time: 3.7ms for 2500 data bytes @6MHz, 1kB chunks */ /* transaction time: 0.5ms for 16 data bytes @6MHz, 1kB chunks */ int lgw_spi_wb(void *spi_target, uint8_t address, uint8_t *data, uint16_t size) { struct mpsse_context *mpsse = spi_target; uint8_t command; uint8_t *out_buf = NULL; int size_to_do, buf_size, chunk_size, offset; int a=0, b=0, c=0; int i; /* check input parameters */ CHECK_NULL(spi_target); if ((address & 0x80) != 0) { DEBUG_MSG("WARNING: SPI address > 127\n"); } CHECK_NULL(data); if (size == 0) { DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: BURST OF NULL LENGTH\n"); return LGW_SPI_ERROR; } /* prepare command byte */ command = WRITE_ACCESS | (address & 0x7F); size_to_do = size + 1; /* add a byte for the address */ /* allocate data buffer */ buf_size = (size_to_do < LGW_BURST_CHUNK) ? size_to_do : LGW_BURST_CHUNK; out_buf = malloc(buf_size); if (out_buf == NULL) { DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: MALLOC FAIL\n"); return LGW_SPI_ERROR; } /* start MPSSE transaction */ a = Start(mpsse); for (i=0; size_to_do > 0; ++i) { chunk_size = (size_to_do < LGW_BURST_CHUNK) ? size_to_do : LGW_BURST_CHUNK; if (i == 0) { /* first chunk, need to append the address */ out_buf[0] = command; memcpy(out_buf+1, data, chunk_size-1); } else { /* following chunks, just copy the data */ offset = (i * LGW_BURST_CHUNK) - 1; memcpy(out_buf, data + offset, chunk_size); } b = FastWrite(mpsse, (char *)out_buf, chunk_size); size_to_do -= chunk_size; /* subtract the quantity of data already transferred */ } c = Stop(mpsse); /* deallocate data buffer */ free(out_buf); /* determine return code (only the last FastWrite is checked) */ if ((a != MPSSE_OK) || (b != MPSSE_OK) || (c != MPSSE_OK)) { DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: SPI BURST WRITE FAILURE\n"); return LGW_SPI_ERROR; } else { DEBUG_MSG("Note: SPI burst write success\n"); return LGW_SPI_SUCCESS; } } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ /* Burst (multiple-byte) read (using FastWrite & FastRead functions) */ /* transaction time: 7-12ms for 2500 data bytes @6MHz, 1kB chunks */ /* transaction time: 2ms for 16 data bytes @6MHz, 1kB chunks */ int lgw_spi_rb(void *spi_target, uint8_t address, uint8_t *data, uint16_t size) { struct mpsse_context *mpsse = spi_target; uint8_t command; int size_to_do, chunk_size, offset; int a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0; int i; /* check input parameters */ CHECK_NULL(spi_target); if ((address & 0x80) != 0) { DEBUG_MSG("WARNING: SPI address > 127\n"); } CHECK_NULL(data); if (size == 0) { DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: BURST OF NULL LENGTH\n"); return LGW_SPI_ERROR; } /* prepare command byte */ command = READ_ACCESS | (address & 0x7F); size_to_do = size; /* start MPSSE transaction */ a = Start(mpsse); b = FastWrite(mpsse, (char *)&command, 1); for (i=0; size_to_do > 0; ++i) { chunk_size = (size_to_do < LGW_BURST_CHUNK) ? size_to_do : LGW_BURST_CHUNK; offset = i * LGW_BURST_CHUNK; c = FastRead(mpsse, (char *)(data + offset), chunk_size); size_to_do -= chunk_size; /* subtract the quantity of data already transferred */ } d = Stop(mpsse); /* determine return code (only the last FastRead is checked) */ if ((a != MPSSE_OK) || (b != MPSSE_OK) || (c != MPSSE_OK) || (d != MPSSE_OK)) { DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: SPI BURST READ FAILURE\n"); return LGW_SPI_ERROR; } else { DEBUG_MSG("Note: SPI burst read success\n"); return LGW_SPI_SUCCESS; } } /* --- EOF ------------------------------------------------------------------ */