 * Copyright (C) 2015 by Multi-Tech Systems
 * This file is part of libmts.
 * libmts is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * libmts is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with libmts.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

/*! \file   MTS_Thread.h
 \brief  A thread
 \date   15JUN11
 \author Sean Godinez

 A platform independent thread.
#ifndef _MTS_THREAD_H_
#define _MTS_THREAD_H_

#include <mts/MTS_AutoPtr.h>
#include <mts/MTS_Lock.h>
#include <mts/MTS_Condition.h>
#include <mts/MTS_Stdint.h>
#include <mts/MTS_NonCopyable.h>
#include <string>

#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <pthread.h>

namespace MTS {

    //! An abstract thread
     A platform independent abstract thread class

     \sa Condition, Lock

    class Thread: private NonCopyable {


            virtual ~Thread();                      //!< Destructs thread

            static void sleep(uint32_t iMillis);    //!< Pauses calling thread for the given amount of milliseconds

            const std::string& getName() const;     //!< Returns the name of thread

            virtual void start();                   //!< Starts thread
            virtual void stop();                    //!< Ends thread

            void wait();                            //!< Block until *this thread has finished executing
            void wait(uint32_t millis);             //!< Waits on signal for *this thread to finish executing or time is up

            bool isAlive() const;                   //!< Returns true if it is still running
            bool isCanceled() const;                //!< Returns true if it has been told to shutdown
            bool isDone() const;                    //!< Returns true if it finished running
            bool isManaged() const;                 //!< Returns true if it should not Destruct itself when done running

            explicit Thread(const std::string& name, bool managed = true); //!< Explicit Constructor


#ifdef WIN32
            static DWORD WINAPI doInBackground(__in LPVOID lpParameter); //!< WIN32 function callback
            HANDLE m_pThread;//!< WIN32 Thread Handle
            static void* doInBackground(void* parameters);  //!< PTHREAD function callback
            pthread_t* m_pThread;                           //!< PTHREAD Thread Handle

            const std::string m_sName;                      //!< Thread's name
            const bool m_bManaged;                          //!< Self-cleanup flag
            bool m_bComplete;                               //!< Completed flag
            bool m_bCanceled;                               //!< Canceled/Shutdown flag

            AutoPtr<Lock> m_apThreadLock;                   //!< Thread Lock
            AutoPtr<Lock> m_apStateLock;                    //!< State Lock
            AutoPtr<Condition> m_apCompleteCondition;       //!< Thread Completed Condition/Signal

            void cancel();              //!< Cancels thread by setting Canceled/Shutdown flag
            void done();                //!< Triggers Thread Completed Condition/Signal
            void reset();               //!< Resets Canceled and Completed flags

            virtual void run() = 0;     //!< main() of *this Thread
