/*! \file MTS_DoxygenMain.h \brief Header for MTS Library Code Documentation. \date 2012-12-13 \author Sean Godinez Details. */ #ifndef MTS_DOXYGENMAIN_H_ #define MTS_DOXYGENMAIN_H_ /** @mainpage Welcome to the Multi-Tech Systems MTS Library Documentation Site * * @authors MTS Software Developers * * @section intro Introduction * @todo Provide an introduction describing the MTS library, * build configuration, and unit testing. * * * <hr> * @section notes Release Notes * <hr> * @section requirements Requirements * <hr> * @todo Document MTS Libraries * * <hr> * Website: <A HREF="http://www.multitech.com"> Multi-Tech Systems </A> */ #endif /* MTR_DOXYGENMAIN_H_ */