* Copyright (C) 2019 by Multi-Tech Systems
* This file is part of libmts-io.
* libmts-io is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* libmts-io is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with libmts-io. If not, see .
using namespace MTS::IO;
const size_t TelitRadio::FILE_CHUNK_SIZE = 1024;
const std::string TelitRadio::CMD_ABORT_UPLOAD = "+++";
TelitRadio::TelitRadio(const std::string& sName, const std::string& sRadioPort)
: CellularRadio(sName, sRadioPort)
bool TelitRadio::resetRadio(uint32_t iTimeoutMillis) {
printInfo("%s| Rebooting radio", getName().c_str());
if(sendBasicCommand("AT#REBOOT") == SUCCESS) {
if(iTimeoutMillis > 5000) {
iTimeoutMillis -= 5000;
return resetConnection(iTimeoutMillis);
return false;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::getFirmwareBuild(std::string& sFirmwareBuild) {
std::string sCmd("AT#CFVR");
std::string sResult = sendCommand(sCmd);
size_t end = sResult.find(ICellularRadio::RSP_OK);
if (end == std::string::npos) {
printWarning("%s| Unable to get firmware build number [%s]",
return FAILURE;
size_t start = sResult.find("#CFVR:");
if (start == std::string::npos) {
printWarning("%s| Command returned unexpected response [%s]",
return FAILURE;
start += sizeof("#CFVR:");
sFirmwareBuild = MTS::Text::trim(sResult.substr(start, end-start));
if(sFirmwareBuild.size() == 0) {
printWarning("%s| Firmware Build Version is empty", getName().c_str());
return FAILURE;
return SUCCESS;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::getVendorFirmware(std::string& sVendorFirmware) {
printTrace("%s| Get Telit-specific firmware version", getName().c_str());
ICellularRadio::CODE rc = FAILURE;
sVendorFirmware = ICellularRadio::VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED;
std::string sFirmware;
std::string sFirmwareBuild;
std::string sCmd("AT#SWPKGV");
std::string sResult = sendCommand(sCmd);
size_t pos = sResult.find(ICellularRadio::RSP_OK);
do {
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
// Found
std::vector vLine = MTS::Text::split(sResult, "\r");
sVendorFirmware = MTS::Text::trim(vLine[1]);
if(sVendorFirmware.size() == 0) {
printWarning("%s| Unable to get firmware from radio using command [%s]", getName().c_str(), sCmd.c_str());
} else {
// Not Found. Then we will use "AT+CGMR" + "AT#CFVR"
rc = getFirmware(sFirmware);
if (rc != SUCCESS){
rc = getFirmwareBuild(sFirmwareBuild);
if (rc != SUCCESS){
sVendorFirmware = sFirmware + "," + sFirmwareBuild;
} while (false);
return rc;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::getModel(std::string& sModel) {
printTrace("%s| Get Model", getName().c_str());
//Always returns SUCCESS because the model should be m_sName
sModel = getName();
std::string sCmd("ATI4");
std::string sResult = sendCommand(sCmd);
if (sResult.find("OK") == std::string::npos) {
printWarning("%s| Unable to get model from radio. Returning [%s]", getName().c_str(), getName().c_str());
return SUCCESS;
} else {
sModel = extractModelFromResult(sResult);
if(sModel.size() == 0) {
printWarning("%s| Unable to get model from radio. Returning [%s]", getName().c_str(), getName().c_str());
return SUCCESS;
printDebug("%s| Extracted [%s] from [%s] query", getName().c_str(), sModel.c_str(), sCmd.c_str());
if(sModel != getName()) {
printWarning("%s| Model identified [%s] does not match expected [%s]. Returning [%s]",
getName().c_str(), sModel.c_str(), getName().c_str(), sModel.c_str());
return SUCCESS;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::getIccid(std::string& sIccid) {
printTrace("%s| Get ICCID", getName().c_str());
sIccid = ICellularRadio::VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED;
std::string sCmd("AT#CCID");
std::string sResult = CellularRadio::sendCommand(sCmd);
size_t end = sResult.find(ICellularRadio::RSP_OK);
if (end == std::string::npos) {
printWarning("%s| Unable to get ICCID from radio using command [%s]", getName().c_str(), sCmd.c_str());
return FAILURE;
size_t start = sResult.find("#CCID:");
if(start != std::string::npos) {
start += sizeof("#CCID:");
sIccid = MTS::Text::trim(sResult.substr(start, end-start));
if(sIccid.size() == 0) {
printWarning("%s| Unable to get ICCID from radio using command [%s]", getName().c_str(), sCmd.c_str());
return FAILURE;
return SUCCESS;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::getService(std::string& sService) {
printTrace("%s| Get Service", getName().c_str());
sService = ICellularRadio::VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED;
std::string sCmd("AT#PSNT?");
std::string sResult = CellularRadio::sendCommand(sCmd);
size_t end = sResult.find(ICellularRadio::RSP_OK);
if (end == std::string::npos) {
printWarning("%s| Unable to get Service from radio using command [%s]", getName().c_str(), sCmd.c_str());
return FAILURE;
size_t start = sResult.find(",");
if(start != std::string::npos) {
start += 1; //comma
std::string sPsnt = MTS::Text::trim(sResult.substr(start, end-start));
int32_t iService;
sscanf(sPsnt.c_str(), "%d", &iService);
switch(iService) {
case 0: sService = "GPRS"; break;
case 1: sService = "EGPRS"; break;
case 2: sService = "WCDMA"; break;
case 3: sService = "HSDPA"; break;
case 4: sService = "LTE"; break;
default: sService = ICellularRadio::VALUE_UNKNOWN; break;
printDebug("%s| Service ID: [%d][%s]", getName().c_str(), iService, sService.c_str());
return SUCCESS;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::getNetwork(std::string& sNetwork) {
Json::Value jData;
printTrace("%s| Get Network", getName().c_str());
sNetwork = ICellularRadio::VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED;
if(getNetworkStatus(jData) == SUCCESS) {
if(jData.isMember(ICellularRadio::KEY_NETWORK)) {
sNetwork = jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_NETWORK].asString();
return SUCCESS;
return FAILURE;
(GSM network)
- Country code and operator code(MCC, MNC)
- GSM Assigned Radio Channel
- Received Signal Strength Indication
- Localization Area Code
- Routing Area Code
- Tx Power
- Mobility Management state
- Radio Resource state
- Network Operator Mode
- Cell ID
- International Mobile Subscriber Identity
- Operator name
- Service Domain
0 - No Service
1 - CS only
2 - PS only
3 - CS+PS
- Active Band
1 - GSM 850
2 - GSM 900
3 - DCS 1800
4 - PCS 1900
(WCDMA network)
,,,,, RSSI>,,,,,,,,,,,
- Country code and operator code(MCC, MNC)
- UMTS Assigned Radio Channel
- Active PSC(Primary Synchronization Code)
- Active Ec/Io(chip energy per total wideband power in dBm)
- Active RSCP (Received Signal Code Power in dBm)
- Received Signal Strength Indication
- Localization Area Code
- Routing Area Code
- Tx Power
- Discontinuous reception cycle Length (cycle length in ms)
- Mobility Management state
- Radio Resource state
- Network Operator Mode
- Block Error Rate (e.g., 005 means 0.5 %)
- Cell ID
- International Mobile Station ID
- Operator name
- Service Domain (see above)
- Number of Active Set (Maximum 6)
UARFCN of n th active set
PSC of n th active set
Ec/Io of n th active Set
(LTE Network)
[] -
[] -
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::getNetworkStatus(Json::Value& jData) {
int32_t iValue;
std::string sValue;
const uint32_t GSM_NETWORK_FORMAT = 14;
const uint32_t WCDMA_NETWORK_FORMAT = 19;
const uint32_t LTE_NETWORK_FORMAT = 16;
printTrace("%s| Get Network Status", getName().c_str());
//Always get common network stats because this should never fail
//This way the basic stats are always returned even if AT#RFSTS fails below
std::string sCmd;
std::string sResult;
// LE910 radios have a bug where issuing AT#RFSTS with a locked SIM
// will cause the radio to stop responding until a radio power cycle
// Telit Support Portal Case #5069697
// LE910C1-NS is an LE910, so we stop the scan after the 0.
if (getName().find("LE910") != std::string::npos) {
sCmd = "AT+CPIN?";
sResult = sendCommand(sCmd);
if (sResult.find("+CPIN:") == std::string::npos) {
printDebug("%s| AT+CPIN? returned unexpected response: [%s][%s]", getName().c_str(), sCmd.c_str(), sResult.c_str());
printTrace("%s| Network Status:\n%s\n", getName().c_str(), jData.toStyledString().c_str());
return SUCCESS; //return SUCCESS because getCommonNetworkStats() succeeded at top of this function
if (sResult.find("SIM PIN") != std::string::npos || sResult.find("SIM PUK") != std::string::npos) {
printError("%s| The SIM is locked and must first be unlocked", getName().c_str());
printTrace("%s| Network Status:\n%s\n", getName().c_str(), jData.toStyledString().c_str());
return SUCCESS; //return SUCCESS because getCommonNetworkStats() succeeded at top of this function
sCmd = "AT#RFSTS";
sResult = sendCommand(sCmd, DEFAULT_BAIL_STRINGS, 200);
if (sResult.find("#RFSTS:") == std::string::npos) {
//On LTE radios without signal, this case will run because AT#RFSTS just returns "OK"
printDebug("%s| Network Status command returned unexpected response: [%s][%s]", getName().c_str(), sCmd.c_str(), sResult.c_str());
printTrace("%s| Network Status:\n%s\n", getName().c_str(), jData.toStyledString().c_str());
return SUCCESS; //return SUCCESS because getCommonNetworkStats() succeeded at top of this function
size_t start = sResult.find(":") + 1; //Position right after "#RFSTS:"
std::vector vParts = MTS::Text::split(MTS::Text::trim(sResult.substr(start)), ",");
if (vParts.size() < 3) {
printDebug("%s| Network Status command reponse is an unknown format: [%s][%s]", getName().c_str(), sCmd.c_str(), sResult.c_str());
printTrace("%s| Network Status:\n%s\n", getName().c_str(), jData.toStyledString().c_str());
return SUCCESS; //return SUCCESS because getCommonNetworkStats() succeeded at top of this function
} else {
//Country Code and Operator Code
std::vector vPLMN = MTS::Text::split(vParts[0], ' ');
if(vPLMN.size() == 2) {
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_MCC] = MTS::Text::strip(vPLMN[0], '"');
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_MNC] = MTS::Text::strip(vPLMN[1], '"');
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_CHANNEL] = vParts[1];
if (vParts.size() == GSM_NETWORK_FORMAT ) {
//Parse as GSM Network Format
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_RSSIDBM] = vParts[2];
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_LAC] = vParts[3];
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_RAC] = vParts[4];
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_TXPWR] = vParts[5];
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_MM] = vParts[6];
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_RR] = vParts[7];
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_NOM] = vParts[8];
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_CID] = vParts[9];
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_IMSI] = MTS::Text::strip(vParts[10], '"');
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_NETWORK] = MTS::Text::strip(vParts[11], '"');
if(MTS::Text::parse(iValue, vParts[12]) && convertServiceDomainToString((SERVICEDOMAIN)iValue, sValue) == SUCCESS) {
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_SD] = sValue;
if(MTS::Text::parse(iValue, vParts[13]) && convertActiveBandToString((ACTIVEBAND)iValue, sValue) == SUCCESS) {
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_ABND] = sValue;
// IN003567 ME910C1 radios have some odd behavior with regards to WCDMA. The ordering of the fields from #RFSTS are
// the same as LTE up to the 16th field (for ME901C1-WW anyway). Drop into LTE parsing for ME910C1-WW.
} else if((vParts.size() >= WCDMA_NETWORK_FORMAT) && (getName().find("ME910C1-WW") == std::string::npos)) {
Json::Value jDebug;
//Parse as WCDMA Network Format
jDebug[ICellularRadio::KEY_PSC] = vParts[2];
jDebug[ICellularRadio::KEY_ECIO] = vParts[3];
jDebug[ICellularRadio::KEY_RSCP] = vParts[4];
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_RSSIDBM] = vParts[5];
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_LAC] = vParts[6];
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_RAC] = vParts[7];
jDebug[ICellularRadio::KEY_TXPWR] = vParts[8];
jDebug[ICellularRadio::KEY_DRX] = vParts[9];
jDebug[ICellularRadio::KEY_MM] = vParts[10];
jDebug[ICellularRadio::KEY_RR] = vParts[11];
jDebug[ICellularRadio::KEY_NOM] = vParts[12];
if(vParts[13].size() != 0) {
jDebug[ICellularRadio::KEY_BLER] = vParts[13];
} else {
jDebug[ICellularRadio::KEY_BLER] = "000";
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_CID] = vParts[14];
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_IMSI] = MTS::Text::strip(vParts[15], '"');
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_NETWORK] = MTS::Text::strip(vParts[16], '"');
// Get the radio band given the channel (UARFCN)
RadioBandMap radioBandMap(vParts[1], CellularRadio::ICellularRadio::VALUE_TYPE_CDMA);
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_ABND] = radioBandMap.getRadioBandName();
if(MTS::Text::parse(iValue, vParts[17]) && convertServiceDomainToString((SERVICEDOMAIN)iValue, sValue) == SUCCESS) {
jDebug[ICellularRadio::KEY_SD] = sValue;
//Ignoring Active Set Values
// - Number of Active Set (Maximum 6)
// - UARFCN of n th active set
// - PSC of n th active set
// - Ec/Io of n th active Set
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_DEBUG] = jDebug;
} else if(vParts.size() >= LTE_NETWORK_FORMAT) {
Json::Value jDebug;
//Parse as LTE Network Format
// MD: It is noticed that LTE Network format may vary depending on the firmware version:
// ,,,,,,[],,,,,,[],,,
// Ex 1: #RFSTS: "310 260",2300,-98,-63,-14,AA06,,128,19,0,0501D02,"310260754792598","T-Mobile",3,4,197
// ,,,,,,,[],,,,,,[],,
// Ex 2: #RFSTS:"310 410",5780,-105,-73,-14,4603,255,,128,19,0,0000098,"310410536498694","AT&T",3,17
// #RFSTS:"311 480",1150,-96,-66,-9.0,bf35,FF,0,0,19,1,"2ED1B0E","311480148817753","Verizon",2,2,720000,10800
// #RFSTS:"310 410",2175,-120,-89,-17.5,4612,FF,0,0,19,1,"4E5E916","310410807276607","AT&T",3,4
// Additional parameter in the second example shifts the rest of the parameters. Here we are trying to figure out
// which format is currently produced based on field position which always has double quotation marks.
if (vParts[13].find("\"") != std::string::npos) {
// parse the RAC and then remove it from the vector
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_RAC] = vParts[6];
vParts.erase(vParts.begin() + 6);
jDebug["rsrp"] = vParts[2];
jDebug[ICellularRadio::KEY_RSSIDBM] = vParts[3];
jDebug["rsrq"] = vParts[4];
jData["tac"] = vParts[5];
jDebug[ICellularRadio::KEY_TXPWR] = vParts[6];
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_DRX] = vParts[7];
jDebug[ICellularRadio::KEY_MM] = vParts[8];
jDebug["rrc"] = vParts[9];
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_CID] = MTS::Text::strip(vParts[10], '"');
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_IMSI] = MTS::Text::strip(vParts[11], '"');
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_NETWORK] = MTS::Text::strip(vParts[12], '"');
// Get the radio band given the channel (EARFCN)
RadioBandMap radioBandMap(vParts[1], ICellularRadio::VALUE_TYPE_LTE);
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_ABND] = radioBandMap.getRadioBandName();
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_LAC] = queryLteLac();
if(MTS::Text::parse(iValue, vParts[13]) && convertServiceDomainToString((SERVICEDOMAIN)iValue, sValue) == SUCCESS) {
jDebug[ICellularRadio::KEY_SD] = sValue;
jData[ICellularRadio::KEY_DEBUG] = jDebug;
printTrace("%s| Network Status:\n%s\n", getName().c_str(), jData.toStyledString().c_str());
return SUCCESS;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::convertSignalStrengthTodBm(const int32_t& iRssi, int32_t& iDbm) {
//Telit Conversion
if(iRssi < 0 || iRssi == 99) {
return FAILURE;
if(iRssi == 0) {
iDbm = -113;
} else if(iRssi == 1) {
iDbm = -111;
} else if(iRssi <= 30) {
//28 steps between 2 and 30
//54 dbm between 53 and 109
float stepSize = 54.0 / 28.0;
iDbm = -109 + (int)(stepSize * (iRssi-2));
} else {
iDbm = -51;
return SUCCESS;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::convertdBmToSignalStrength(const int32_t& iDBm, int32_t& iRssi) {
//Telit Conversion
if(iDBm <= -113) {
iRssi = 0;
} else if(iDBm <= -111) {
iRssi = 1;
} else if(iDBm <= -53) {
//54 dbm between -109 and -53
//28 steps between 2 and 30
float stepSize = 28.0/54.0;
iRssi = ((iDBm + 109)*stepSize) + 2;
} else {
iRssi = 31;
return SUCCESS;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::setMdn(const Json::Value& jArgs) {
printTrace("%s| Set MDN", getName().c_str());
if(!jArgs["mdn"].isString()) {
std::string sCmd("AT#SNUM=1,\"");
sCmd += jArgs["mdn"].asString() + "\"";
std::string sResult = sendCommand(sCmd, DEFAULT_BAIL_STRINGS, 1000);
size_t end = sResult.find(ICellularRadio::RSP_OK);
if (end == std::string::npos) {
printWarning("%s| Unable to set MDN for radio using command [%s]", getName().c_str(), sCmd.c_str());
return FAILURE;
return SUCCESS;
bool TelitRadio::getCarrierFromFirmware(const std::string& sFirmware, std::string& sCarrier) {
// Telit Radios
// H.ab.zyx => 3 Main Components
// "H" = Hardware -> 15 = DE910 family, 18 = CE910 family, 12 = HE910 family
// "a" = Hardware version
// "b" = Software Major Version
// "z" = is the product type, i.e. DUAL or SC
// "y" = is the carrier variant
// "x" = is the firmware version
// Telit will do their best to keep the carrier variant as "0" for Sprint, "1" for Aeris, "2" for Verizon, and "3" for U.S. Cellular.
const uint32_t CARRIER_INDEX = 1; //y in [zyx]
bool bResult = false;
std::vector vParts = MTS::Text::split(sFirmware, '.');
if(vParts.size() == 3) {
//CDMA firmware version notation
if(vParts[0] == "15" || vParts[0] == "18") {
//DE910 or CE910 -> Good good
std::string sID = vParts[2];
if(sID.size() == 3) {
char cId = sID[CARRIER_INDEX];
//Good good
if(cId == '0') {
sCarrier = ICellularRadio::VALUE_CARRIER_SPRINT;
bResult = true;
} else
if(cId == '1') {
sCarrier = ICellularRadio::VALUE_CARRIER_AERIS;
bResult = true;
} else
if(cId == '2') {
sCarrier = ICellularRadio::VALUE_CARRIER_VERIZON;
bResult = true;
} else
if(cId == '3') {
sCarrier = ICellularRadio::VALUE_CARRIER_USCELLULAR;
bResult = true;
return bResult;
bool TelitRadio::getHardwareVersionFromFirmware(const std::string& sFirmware, std::string& sHardware) {
// Telit Radios
// H.ab.zyx => 3 Main Components
// "H" = Hardware -> 15 = DE910 family, 18 = CE910 family, 12 = HE910 family
// "a" = Hardware version
// "b" = Software Major Version
// "z" = is the product type, i.e. DUAL or SC
// "y" = is the carrier variant
// "x" = is the firmware version
// Telit will do their best to keep the carrier variant as "0" for Sprint, "1" for Aeris, and "2" for Verizon.
const uint32_t HARDWARE_INDEX = 0; //a in [ab]
bool bResult = false;
std::vector vParts = MTS::Text::split(sFirmware, '.');
if(vParts.size() == 3) {
//GSM Hardware Version
if(!(vParts[0] == "15" || vParts[0] == "18")) {
//Not DE910 or CE910 -> Good good
std::string sVersion = vParts[1];
if(sVersion.size() == 2) {
sHardware = "1.";
sHardware += sVersion[HARDWARE_INDEX];
bResult = true;
return bResult;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::getIsSimInserted(bool& bData) {
printTrace("%s| Get SIM insertion status", getName().c_str());
std::string sCmd("AT#SIMDET?");
std::string sResult = sendCommand(sCmd);
const std::string sPrefix = "#SIMDET: ";
size_t start = sResult.find(sPrefix);
size_t end = sResult.rfind(ICellularRadio::RSP_OK);
if (end == std::string::npos) {
printWarning("%s| Unable to get SIM insertion status from radio using command [%s]", getName().c_str(), sCmd.c_str());
return FAILURE;
if (start == std::string::npos) {
printDebug("%s| AT#SIMDET? returned unexpected response: [%s][%s]", getName().c_str(), sCmd.c_str(), sResult.c_str());
return FAILURE;
// #SIMDET: ,
start += sPrefix.size();
std::vector vParts = MTS::Text::split(MTS::Text::trim(sResult.substr(start, end-start)), ',');
if(vParts.size() != 2) {
printWarning("%s| Unable to parse SIM insertion status from response [%s]", getName().c_str(), sResult.c_str());
return FAILURE;
if (vParts[1] == "1") { //
bData = true;
} else {
bData = false;
return SUCCESS;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::getSimLockAttempts(int& iAttemptsPin, int& iAttemptsPuk) {
std::string sLockStatus;
ICellularRadio::CODE retCode;
retCode = getSimLockStatus(sLockStatus);
if (retCode != SUCCESS) {
printWarning("%s| Unable determine the number of SIM unlock attempts: SIM lock status is unavailable [%s]", getName().c_str(), sLockStatus.c_str());
return retCode;
return getSimLockAttempts(iAttemptsPin, iAttemptsPuk, sLockStatus);
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::getSimLockAttempts(int& iAttemptsPin, int& iAttemptsPuk, const std::string& sLockStatus) {
printTrace("%s| Get SIM unlock attempts left", getName().c_str());
std::string sCmd("AT#PCT");
std::string sResult = sendCommand(sCmd, DEFAULT_BAIL_STRINGS, 500);
std::string sValue;
int iValue;
const std::string sPrefix = "#PCT: ";
size_t start = sResult.find(sPrefix);
size_t end = sResult.rfind(ICellularRadio::RSP_OK);
if (end == std::string::npos) {
printWarning("%s| Unable to get SIM unlock attempts from radio using command [%s]", getName().c_str(), sCmd.c_str());
return FAILURE;
if (start == std::string::npos) {
printDebug("%s| AT#PCT? returned unexpected response: [%s][%s]", getName().c_str(), sCmd.c_str(), sResult.c_str());
return FAILURE;
// #PCT:
start += sPrefix.size();
sValue = MTS::Text::trim(sResult.substr(start, end-start));
if (!MTS::Text::parse(iValue, sValue)) {
printWarning("%s| Unable to parse SIM unlock attempts from response [%s]", getName().c_str(), sResult.c_str());
return FAILURE;
if (sLockStatus == "READY" || sLockStatus == "SIM PIN") {
iAttemptsPin = iValue; // Some PIN attempts left, maximum PUK attempts left
iAttemptsPuk = 10;
} else {
iAttemptsPin = 0; // No PIN attempts left
iAttemptsPuk = iValue;
return SUCCESS;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::getSupportedCellularModes(CELLULAR_MODES &networks) {
networks = CELLULAR_MODE_NA;
std::set wds;
if ( TelitRadio::wdsList(wds) != SUCCESS ) {
return FAILURE;
for(const auto &it : wds) {
switch (it) {
case 12: networks = static_cast(networks | CELLULAR_MODE_2G); break;
case 22: networks = static_cast(networks | CELLULAR_MODE_3G); break;
case 28: networks = static_cast(networks | CELLULAR_MODE_4G); break;
case 36: networks = static_cast(networks | CELLULAR_MODE_5G); break;
return SUCCESS;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::wdsList(std::set &wds)
std::string sCmd("AT+WS46=?");
std::string cmdResult = sendCommand(sCmd);
if (cmdResult.find("+WS46:") == std::string::npos) {
printError("%s| AT+WS46=? returned unexpected response: [%s][%s]", getName().c_str(), sCmd.c_str(), cmdResult.c_str());
return FAILURE;
if (cmdResult.find('(') == std::string::npos) {
printError("AT+WS46: error responce %s", cmdResult.c_str());
return FAILURE;
std::string s = MTS::Text::split(cmdResult, '(')[1];
s = MTS::Text::split(s, ')')[0];
std::vectorv = MTS::Text::split(s, ',');
for(const auto &it : v)
if (it.find("-") != std::string::npos) {
const std::vector &r = MTS::Text::split(it, "-");
int begin, end;
if ( ! MTS::Text::parse(begin, r[0]) || ! MTS::Text::parse(end, r[1])) {
printError("AT+WS46: error parsing network mode range: %s-%s", r[0].c_str(), r[1].c_str());
return FAILURE;
for (int i = begin; i<=end; ++i) {
if (wds.size()>1024)
} else {
int v;
if ( ! MTS::Text::parse(v, it)) {
printError("AT+WS46: error parsing network mode: %s", it.c_str());
return FAILURE;
if (wds.size()>1024) {
printError("AT+WS46: network modes count overflow, parsing error");
return FAILURE;
return SUCCESS;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::setCellularMode(CELLULAR_MODES networks) {
std::set supportedWds;
if ( TelitRadio::wdsList(supportedWds) != SUCCESS ) {
return FAILURE;
int wds = 0;
// 3GPP TS 27.007
// https://portal.3gpp.org/desktopmodules/Specifications/SpecificationDetails.aspx?specificationId=1515
switch (static_cast(networks)) {
case CELLULAR_MODE_2G : wds = 12; break;
case CELLULAR_MODE_3G : wds = 22; break;
case CELLULAR_MODE_2G | CELLULAR_MODE_3G | CELLULAR_MODE_4G : wds = 25; break;
case CELLULAR_MODE_4G : wds = 28; break;
case CELLULAR_MODE_2G | CELLULAR_MODE_3G : supportedWds.count(28) ? wds = 29 : wds = 25; break;
case CELLULAR_MODE_2G | CELLULAR_MODE_4G : wds = 30; break;
case CELLULAR_MODE_3G | CELLULAR_MODE_4G : wds = 31; break;
case CELLULAR_MODE_5G: wds = 36; break;
case CELLULAR_MODE_4G | CELLULAR_MODE_5G: wds = 37; break;
case CELLULAR_MODE_3G | CELLULAR_MODE_5G: wds = 40; break;
case CELLULAR_MODE_2G | CELLULAR_MODE_5G: wds = 42; break;
std::string sCmd("AT+WS46=");
sCmd += std::to_string(wds);
std::string cmdResult = sendCommand(sCmd);
if (cmdResult.find(ICellularRadio::RSP_OK) == std::string::npos) {
printError("%s| AT+WS46= returned unexpected response: [%s][%s]", getName().c_str(), sCmd.c_str(), cmdResult.c_str());
return FAILURE;
return SUCCESS;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::updateFumoLocal(int fd, ICellularRadio::UpdateCb& stepCb) {
rc = fumoLocalInject(fd, stepCb);
if (rc != SUCCESS) {
return rc;
rc = fumoLocalApply(stepCb);
return rc;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::fumoLocalInject(int fd, ICellularRadio::UpdateCb& stepCb) {
FOTA_GROUP group = getFotaGroup();
do {
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Info: downloading the firmware");
if ((group == VALUE_GROUP_A) || (group == VALUE_GROUP_B) || (group == VALUE_GROUP_D)) {
rc = fumoWriteGroupsABD(fd, stepCb);
if (rc != SUCCESS) {
printError("Failed to inject the delta file.");
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Error: failed to download the firmware file");
} else if (group == VALUE_GROUP_C) {
//TODO Not Implemented TelitRadio::fumoWriteGroupC
printError("Failed to inject the delta file.");
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Error: not implemented");
} else {
printError("Delta firmware upgrade is not supported for this type of radio modem");
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Error: delta firmware upgrade is not supported for this type of radio modem");
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Info: firmware downloaded successfully");
} while (false);
return rc;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::fumoLocalApply(ICellularRadio::UpdateCb& stepCb) {
ICellularRadio::CODE rc;
std::string sCmd;
FOTA_GROUP group = getFotaGroup();
rc = getVendorFirmware(m_sTelitFirmware);
if (rc != SUCCESS) {
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Error: Failed to obtain current firmware version");
return rc;
printInfo("Current firmware version: %s", m_sTelitFirmware.c_str());
if ((group == VALUE_GROUP_A) || (group == VALUE_GROUP_D)) {
// Send "AT#OTAUP=0,0" command to start the upgrade. OK response follows shortly.
sCmd = "AT#OTAUP=0,0";
} else if ((group == VALUE_GROUP_B) || (group == VALUE_GROUP_C)) {
// Send "AT#OTAUP=2" command to start the upgrade. OK response follows shortly.
sCmd = "AT#OTAUP=2";
} else {
printError("Delta firmware upgrade is not supported for this type of radio modem");
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Error: delta firmware upgrade is not supported for this type of radio modem");
rc = sendBasicCommand(sCmd, 10000);
if (rc != SUCCESS) {
printError("FUMO failed, OK not received from the radio");
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Error: failed to apply the firmware");
return rc;
const uint32_t duDetachTimeout = 10000; // wait for 10 seconds for the radio to detach
do {
printInfo("Applying the radio firmware");
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Info: applying the radio firmware");
// Wait for the radio to detach from the USB bus
rc = fumoWaitUpgradeFinished(stepCb);
if (rc != SUCCESS) {
rc = fumoCheckNewFirmware(stepCb);
} while (false);
if (rc == SUCCESS) {
printInfo("Radio firmware applied successfully");
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Done: radio firmware applied successfully");
} else {
printError("Radio firmware has not been updated");
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Error: radio firmware has not been updated");
return rc;
TelitRadio::FOTA_GROUP TelitRadio::getFotaGroup() {
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::fumoWriteGroupsABD(int fd, ICellularRadio::UpdateCb& stepCb) {
size_t dPayloadLength;
size_t nChunks;
CODE rc;
rc = getFileSize(fd, dPayloadLength);
if (rc != SUCCESS) {
return rc;
rc = sizeToChunks(dPayloadLength, FILE_CHUNK_SIZE, nChunks);
if (rc != SUCCESS) {
return rc;
printTrace("File size: %d bytes and %d chunks", dPayloadLength, nChunks);
printTrace("Starting file upload...");
rc = startFotaWriteABD();
if (rc != SUCCESS) {
return rc;
printTrace("File upload started.");
callNextStep(stepCb, "FILE Info: Started file upload");
size_t nChunksPerCent = (nChunks / 100) + 1;
size_t nFragmentLength = 0;
std::array vBuffer;
for (size_t iChunk = 1; iChunk < (nChunks + 1); iChunk++) {
rc = readChunk(fd, vBuffer.data(), vBuffer.size(), nFragmentLength);
if (rc != SUCCESS) {
rc = sendData(vBuffer.data(), nFragmentLength);
if (rc != SUCCESS) {
if (stepCb && ((iChunk % nChunksPerCent) == 0)) {
size_t dPercentsCompleted = iChunk / nChunksPerCent;
callNextStep(stepCb, "FILE Info: Uploaded " + MTS::Text::format(dPercentsCompleted) + "%");
if (rc != SUCCESS) {
callNextStep(stepCb, "FILE Error: Upload failed due to internal error");
} else {
callNextStep(stepCb, "FILE Info: Upload finished successfully");
// send +++
return rc;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::startFotaWriteABD() {
const std::vector vBailStrings{ ICellularRadio::RSP_CONNECT, ICellularRadio::RSP_ERROR };
const int dTimeout = 10000; //ms
std::string sCommand, sResult;
sCommand = "AT#OTAUPW";
sResult = sendCommand(sCommand, vBailStrings, dTimeout);
if (sResult.find(ICellularRadio::RSP_CONNECT) == std::string::npos) {
printError("Radio is not ready to accept the file: [%s]", sResult.c_str());
return FAILURE;
return SUCCESS;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::abortFotaWriteABD() {
* To prevent the “+++” from being mistaken for data, the following sequence should be followed:
* 1) Do not input any character within 1s or longer before inputting “+++”.
* 2) Input “+++” within 1s, and no other characters can be inputted during the time.
* 3) Do not input any character within 1s after “+++” has been inputted.
return sendBasicCommand(CMD_ABORT_UPLOAD, 2000, 0x00);
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::fumoWaitUpgradeFinished(ICellularRadio::UpdateCb& stepCb) {
const uint32_t duFirstAttachTimeout = 6 * 60 * 1000; // wait for 6 minutes for the radio to attach
const uint32_t duSecondAttachTimeout = 60 * 1000; // wait for 1 minute for the radio to attach
const uint32_t duThirdAttachTimeout = 5 * 1000; // wait for 5 seconds for the radio to attach
const uint32_t duUrcTimeout = 60 * 1000; // wait for 1 minutes for the next URC message
const uint32_t timeoutMillis = 30 * 60 * 1000; // wait for 30 minutes in case if radio will send invalid message (garbage)
const std::string sFotaUrcPrefix = "#OTAEV:"; // prefix for the URC notification messages
const std::string sFotaUrcEndSuccess = "Module Upgraded To New Fw";
const std::string sFotaUrcEndFailed = "OTA Fw Upgrade Failed";
const std::vector vFotaBailStrings{ sFotaUrcPrefix };
std::string sResponse;
// It's now detached. Try to reconnect
if (!resetConnection(duFirstAttachTimeout)) {
printError("Can't connect to the radio in %d ms", (duFirstAttachTimeout));
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Error: unable to obtain radio after reset");
return ERROR;
Timer timer;
while (timer.getMillis() <= (uint64_t)timeoutMillis) {
sResponse = waitResponse(vFotaBailStrings, duUrcTimeout);
printTrace("Radio response: [%s]", sResponse.c_str());
if (sResponse.empty()) {
// Radio detached again. Try to reconnect
if (!resetConnection(duSecondAttachTimeout)) {
printError("Can't connect to the radio in %d ms", (duSecondAttachTimeout));
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Error: unable to obtain radio after second reset");
return ERROR;
sResponse = waitResponse(vFotaBailStrings, duUrcTimeout);
printTrace("Radio response: [%s]", sResponse.c_str());
if (sResponse.find(sFotaUrcPrefix) == std::string::npos) {
printError("No URC messages from the radio in %d ms", duUrcTimeout);
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Error: timeout, radio is not responding");
rc = ERROR;
if (sResponse.find(sFotaUrcEndSuccess) != std::string::npos) {
printTrace("Radio module upgraded to new firmware");
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Info: radio module upgraded to new firmware");
if (sResponse.find(sFotaUrcEndFailed) != std::string::npos) {
printTrace("Radio module firmware upgrade failed");
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Error: firmware upgrade failed");
rc = ERROR;
// Required to set echo to disable, so we performed resetConnection again.
if (!resetConnection(duThirdAttachTimeout)) {
printError("Can't connect to the radio in %d ms", (duThirdAttachTimeout));
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Error: unable to reset connection to radio");
return ERROR;
return rc;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::fumoCheckNewFirmware(ICellularRadio::UpdateCb& stepCb) {
std::string sTelitFirmware;
rc = getVendorFirmware(sTelitFirmware);
if (rc != SUCCESS) {
callNextStep(stepCb, "FUMO Error: Failed to obtain current firmware version");
return rc;
printInfo("Firmware version before the upgrade: %s", m_sTelitFirmware.c_str());
printInfo("Current firmware version: %s", sTelitFirmware.c_str());
if (sTelitFirmware == m_sTelitFirmware) {
// Radio will not reset anymore, firmware version left the same, not updated
printError("Radio firmware version not changed after upgrade");
return rc;
ICellularRadio::CODE TelitRadio::getSelectedBandsRaw(std::string& sRawBands) {
printTrace("%s| Acquiring selected bands", getName().c_str());
CODE rc;
const std::string sCommand = "AT#BND?";
const std::string sLabel = "#BND: ";
const int dTimeout = 1000;
std::string sResult;
rc = sendBasicQuery(sCommand, sLabel, sResult, dTimeout);
if (rc != SUCCESS) {
return rc;
std::vector vParts = MTS::Text::split(sResult, ',');
uint8_t iNumBandParams = 0;
if (vParts.size() > 0) {
uint16_t iSelectedBands = 0;
if (!isContainsSignChar(vParts[0]) && MTS::Text::parse(iSelectedBands, MTS::Text::trim(vParts[0]))) {
sRawBands = MTS::Text::formatHex(iSelectedBands); // GSM bands
} else {
printWarning("%s| Error during parse number from string: [%s]. Assuming that no GSM bands selected", getName().c_str(), vParts[0].c_str());
sRawBands = "ffff";
} else {
sRawBands = "ffff";
if (vParts.size() > 1) {
uint16_t iSelectedBands = 0;
if (!isContainsSignChar(vParts[1]) && MTS::Text::parse(iSelectedBands, MTS::Text::trim(vParts[1]))) {
sRawBands += "," + MTS::Text::formatHex(iSelectedBands); // WCDMA bands
} else {
printWarning("%s| Error during parse number from string: [%s]. Assuming that no WCDMA bands selected", getName().c_str(), vParts[0].c_str());
sRawBands += ",ffff";
} else {
sRawBands += ",ffff";
if (vParts.size() > 2) {
uint64_t iSelectedBands = 0;
if (!isContainsSignChar(vParts[2]) && MTS::Text::parseHex(iSelectedBands, MTS::Text::trim(vParts[2]))) {
sRawBands += "," + MTS::Text::formatHex(iSelectedBands); // LTE bands
} else {
printWarning("%s| Error during parse number from string: [%s]. Assuming that no LTE bands selected", getName().c_str(), vParts[0].c_str());
sRawBands += ",ffffffffffffffff";
} else {
sRawBands += ",ffffffffffffffff";
// All other fragments - ignored for now.
// Return success if at least one band param was extracted; otherwise failure
return (iNumBandParams > 0) ? SUCCESS : FAILURE;
bool MTS::IO::TelitRadio::isContainsSignChar(const std::string& str) {
if (str.find_first_of("+-") == std::string::npos) {
return false;
return true;
const std::vector& TelitRadio::getDiagCommands(bool) {
// Declare as static to initialize only when used, but cache the results.
const static std::vector vCommands {
// Radio model and firmware:
// Current operator profile on the radio side:
// SIM card information:
// Operating mode of the radio:
// Low-level network settings:
// Data connection configuration:
// Registration and connection to the tower:
// Data connection status:
return vCommands;