#include "mts/MTS_IO_ICellularRadio.h"

#include <mts/MTS_Logger.h>
#include <mts/MTS_Timer.h>

const char MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::ETX    = 0x03;  //Ends socket connection
const char MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::DLE    = 0x10;  //Escapes ETX and DLE within Payload
const char MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::CR     = 0x0D;
const char MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::NL     = 0x0A;
const char MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::CTRL_Z = 0x1A;

const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::RSP_ERROR = "ERROR";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::RSP_OK = "OK";

const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::DEFAULT_RADIO_PORT = "/dev/modem_at1";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::DEFAULT_RADIO_DIR = "/var/run/radio/";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_UNKNOWN = "Unknown";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_UNAVAILABLE = "Unavailable";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED = "Not Supported";

const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_REGISTERED = "REGISTERED";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_SEARCHING = "SEARCHING";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_DENIED = "DENIED";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_ROAMING = "ROAMING";

//Static Data
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_TYPE = "type";                    //!< GSM or CDMA
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_CODE = "code";                    //!< Product Code : H5, H6, C2, EV3, G3
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MODEL = "model";                  //!< Model : HE910, LE910, CE910, DE910, GE910
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MANUFACTURER = "manufacturer";    //!< Manufacturer: Telit
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_HARDWARE = "hardware";            //!< Radio Hardware Version
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_FIRMWARE = "firmware";            //!< Radio Firmware Version
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_FIRMWARE_BUILD = "firmwarebuild"; //!< Radio Firmware Build

const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_CARRIER = "carrier";   //!< Cellular Service Provider  = Home Network
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_CARRIER_VERIZON = "Verizon";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_CARRIER_AERIS = "Aeris";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_CARRIER_SPRINT = "Sprint";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_CARRIER_USCELLULAR = "U.S. Cellular";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_CARRIER_ATT = "AT&T";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_CARRIER_TMOBILE = "T-Mobile";

const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_IMEI = "imei";          //!< International Mobile Station Equipment Identity
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MEID = "meid";          //!< Mobile Equipment Identifier
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_IMSI = "imsi";          //!< International Mobile Subscriber Identity
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MSID = "msid";          //!< Mobil Station ID / Mobile Identification Number  = MSID/MIN  = CDMA-Only
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MDN = "mdn";            //!< Mobile Directory Number : Actual phone number dialed to reach radio
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_ICCID = "iccid";        //!< Integrated Circuit Card Identifier
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MSL = "msl";            //!< Master Subsidy Lock

//Dynamic Data
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_ROAMING = "roaming";    //!< Indicates whether or not using Home Network
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_DATETIME = "datetime";  //!< Date and Time from tower
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_SERVICE = "service";    //!< Service Connection Type [GPRS, EGPRS, WCDMA, HSDPA, 1xRTT, EVDO]
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_NETWORK = "network";    //!< Cellular Service Provider
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_NETWORK_REG = "netreg"; //!< Network Registration
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_CID = "cid";            //!< Cellular ID  = Tower in HEX
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_LAC = "lac";            //!< Location Area Code in HEX
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_RAC = "rac";            //!< Routing Area Code in HEX
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_RSSI = "rssi";          //!< Signal Strength
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_RSSIDBM = "rssidBm";    //!< Signal Strength in dBm
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MCC = "mcc";            //!< Country Code
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MNC = "mnc";            //!< Operator Code
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_CHANNEL = "channel";    //!< ARFCN or UARFCN Assigned Radio Channel
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_TXPWR = "txpwr";        //!< Transmit Power
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_PSC = "psc";            //!< Active Primary Synchronization Code  = PSC
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_ECIO = "ecio";          //!< Active Ec/Io  = chip energy per total wideband power in dBm
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_RSCP = "rscp";          //!< Active RSCP  = Received Signal Code Power in dBm
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_DRX = "drx";            //!< Discontinuous reception cycle length  = ms
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MM = "mm";              //!< Mobility Management State
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_RR = "rr";              //!< Radio Resource State
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_NOM = "nom";            //!< Network Operator Mode
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_ABND = "abnd";          //!< Active Band
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_BLER = "bler";          //!< Block Error Rate  = percentage
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_SD = "sd";              //!< Service Domain
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_DEBUG = "debug";        //!< Debug Information

const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MIP = "mipProfile";                      //!< Mobile IP Information
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MIP_ID = "id";                           //!< Mobile IP ID
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MIP_ENABLED = "enabled";                 //!< Mobile IP Enabled/Disabled
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MIP_NAI = "nai";                         //!< Network Access Identifier
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MIP_HOMEADDRESS = "homeAddress";         //!< Home Address
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MIP_PRIMARYHA = "primaryAddress";        //!< Primary Home Agent
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MIP_SECONDARYHA = "secondaryAddress";    //!< Secondary Home Agent
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MIP_MNAAASPI = "mnAaaSpi";               //!< Mobile Node Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Server Security Parameter Index
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MIP_MNHASPI = "mnHaSpi";                 //!< Mobile Node Home Agent Security Server Parameter Index
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MIP_REVTUN = "revTun";                   //!< Reverse Tunneling Enabled
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MIP_MNAAASS = "mnAaaSs";                 //!< Mobile Node Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Server Shared Secret
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_MIP_MNHASS = "mnHaSs";                   //!< Mobile Node Home Agent Shared Secret

const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_TYPE_GSM = "GSM";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_TYPE_LTE = "LTE";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_TYPE_CDMA = "CDMA";

const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_IS_SIM_INSERTED = "isSimInserted";    //!< SIM card insertion indicator. True when a SIM card is inserted
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_IS_SIM_LOCKED = "isSimLocked";        //!< SIM card lock status indicator. True when a SIM card is locked by PIN / PUK / other code
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_SIM_LOCK_STATUS = "lockStatus";       //!< SIM card lock status string. Either "READY", "SIM PIN", "SIM PUK" or other state
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_ATTEMPTS_PIN = "attemptsPin";         //!< The number of attempts left to unlock the SIM card using PIN code
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::KEY_ATTEMPTS_PUK = "attemptsPuk";         //!< The number of attempts left to unlock the SIM card using PUK code

const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_SD_NO_SERVICE = "NO SERVICE";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_SD_CS_ONLY = "CS ONLY";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_SD_PS_ONLY = "PS ONLY";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_SD_CSPS = "CS+PS";

const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_ABND_GSM_850 = "GSM 850";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_ABND_GSM_900 = "GSM 900";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_ABND_DCS_1800 = "DCS 1800";
const char *MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::VALUE_ABND_PCS_1900 = "PCS 1900";

const std::vector<std::string> MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::DEFAULT_BAIL_STRINGS = { MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::RSP_OK, MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::RSP_ERROR };


MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::CODE MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::convertModelToMtsShortCode(const std::string& sModel, std::string& sCode, MTS::IO::ICellularRadio *radioObject) {
    CODE eCode = FAILURE;

    if(sModel.find("HE910-D") == 0) {
        sCode = "H5";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("HE910-EUD") == 0) {
        sCode = "H6";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910-JN1") == 0) {
        sCode = "LDC3";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE866A1-JS") == 0) {
        sCode = "LSB3";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910-NAG") == 0) {
        sCode = "LAT1";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910C4-NF") == 0) {
        sCode = "L4N1";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910-NA1") == 0) {
        if (NULL == radioObject) {
            sCode = VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED;
            eCode = ERROR;
        } else {
            std::string sValue;
            eCode = radioObject->getActiveFirmware(sValue);
            if (eCode == SUCCESS) {
                sCode = "LNA3";
            } else {
                sCode = "LAT3";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910-SVG") == 0) {
        sCode = "LVW2";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910-SV1") == 0) {
        sCode = "LVW3";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910C1-NS") == 0) {
    	sCode = "LSP3";
    	eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910C1-AP") == 0) {
    	sCode = "LAP3";
    	eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("ME910C1-NA") == 0) {
        sCode = "MAT1";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("ME910C1-NV") == 0) {
        sCode = "MVW1";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("ME910C1-WW") == 0) {
        sCode = "MNG2";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910-EUG") == 0) {
        sCode = "LEU1";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910C4-EU") == 0) {
        sCode = "L4E1";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910-EU1") == 0) {
        sCode = "LEU3";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("GE910") == 0) {
        sCode = "G3";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("CE910") == 0) {
        sCode = "C2";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("DE910") == 0) {
        sCode = "EV3";
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("EG95") == 0) {
        if (NULL == radioObject) {
            sCode = VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED;
            eCode = ERROR;
        } else {
            std::string sValue;
            eCode = radioObject->getFirmware(sValue);
            if (eCode != SUCCESS) {
                sCode = VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED;
                eCode = ERROR;
            } else if (sValue.find("EG95E") != std::string::npos) {
                sCode = "LEU7";
                eCode = SUCCESS;
            } else if (sValue.find("EG95NA") != std::string::npos) {
                sCode = "LNA7";
                eCode = SUCCESS;
            } else {
                sCode = VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED;
                eCode = ERROR;
    } else {
        sCode = VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED;
        printError("RADIO| Could not identify MTS short code from model. [%s]", sModel.c_str());
        eCode = ERROR;
    return eCode;

MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::CODE MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::convertServiceDomainToString(SERVICEDOMAIN eSd, std::string& sSd) {
    CODE eCode = FAILURE;
    switch(eSd) {
        case NO_SERVICE: sSd = VALUE_SD_NO_SERVICE; eCode = SUCCESS; break;
        case CS_ONLY: sSd = VALUE_SD_CS_ONLY; eCode = SUCCESS; break;
        case PS_ONLY: sSd = VALUE_SD_PS_ONLY; eCode = SUCCESS; break;
        case CSPS: sSd = VALUE_SD_CSPS; eCode = SUCCESS; break;
        default: sSd = VALUE_UNKNOWN; eCode = FAILURE; break;
    return eCode;

MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::CODE MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::convertActiveBandToString(ACTIVEBAND eBand, std::string& sBand) {
    CODE eCode = FAILURE;
    switch(eBand) {
        case GSM_850: sBand = VALUE_ABND_GSM_850; eCode = SUCCESS; break;
        case GSM_900: sBand = VALUE_ABND_GSM_900; eCode = SUCCESS; break;
        case DCS_1800: sBand = VALUE_ABND_DCS_1800; eCode = SUCCESS; break;
        case PCS_1900: sBand = VALUE_ABND_PCS_1900; eCode = SUCCESS; break;
        default: sBand = VALUE_UNKNOWN; eCode = FAILURE; break;
    return eCode;

MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::CODE MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::convertModelToType(const std::string& sModel, std::string& sType) {
    CODE eCode = FAILURE;

    if(sModel.find("HE910-D") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_GSM;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("HE910-EUD") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_GSM;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910-JN1") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_LTE;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE866A1-JS") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_LTE;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910-NAG") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_LTE;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910C4-NF") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_LTE;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910-NA1") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_LTE;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910-SVG") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_LTE;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910-SV1") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_LTE;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910-EUG") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_LTE;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910C4-EU") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_LTE;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910-EU1") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_LTE;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910C1-NS") == 0) {
    	sType = VALUE_TYPE_LTE;
    	eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("LE910C1-AP") == 0) {
    	sType = VALUE_TYPE_LTE;
    	eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("ME910C1-NA") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_LTE;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("ME910C1-NV") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_LTE;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("ME910C1-WW") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_LTE;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("GE910") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_GSM;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("CE910") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_CDMA;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("DE910") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_CDMA;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else if (sModel.find("EG95") == 0) {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_LTE;
        eCode = SUCCESS;
    } else {
        sType = VALUE_TYPE_GSM;
        eCode = ERROR;
        printError("RADIO| Could not identify type from model. [%s].  Assuming [%s]", sModel.c_str(), sType.c_str());
    return eCode;

std::string MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::sendCommand(MTS::AutoPtr<MTS::IO::Connection>& apIo, const std::string& sCmd,
                                       const std::vector<std::string>& vBail, int32_t timeoutMillis, const char& ESC) {
    IsNeedMoreData isNeedMoreData = [&vBail](const std::string&, const std::string& allData)->bool {
        for(size_t i = 0; i < vBail.size(); i++) {
            const std::string& sBail = vBail[i];
            if(sBail.size() > 0) {
                if(allData.find(sBail) != std::string::npos) {
                    //Return when bail string is found
                    printTrace("RADIO| Found bail string [%s]", sBail.c_str());
                    return false;
        return true;

    return sendCommand(apIo, sCmd, isNeedMoreData, timeoutMillis, ESC);

std::string MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::sendCommand(MTS::AutoPtr<MTS::IO::Connection>& apIo, const std::string& sCmd,
                                       IsNeedMoreData& isNeedMoreData, int32_t timeoutMillis, const char& ESC) {
    if(MTS::Logger::getPrintLevel() >= MTS::Logger::PrintLevel::TRACE_LEVEL) {
        printTrace("RADIO| Sending command [%s]", sCmd.c_str());
    if(apIo.isNull()) {
        printError("RADIO| IO is not set in sendCommand");
        return "";

    int32_t iResult;
    if(ESC == 0x00) {
        iResult = apIo->write(sCmd.data(), sCmd.size());
    } else {
        std::string sNewCmd(sCmd);
        iResult = apIo->write(sNewCmd.data(), sNewCmd.size());

    if(iResult == -1) {
        printError("RADIO| Failed to send command to radio");
        return "";

    bool done = false;
    const uint32_t capacity = 1024;
    char buffer[capacity];
    std::string sResult;
    Timer timer;
    do {
        int32_t iterationTimeout = 100;
        int bytesRead = apIo->read((char*)buffer, capacity, iterationTimeout);
        if(bytesRead == -1) {
            printError("RADIO| Failed to read from radio");

        std::string sIteration((char*)buffer, bytesRead);
        sResult += sIteration;

        if(isNeedMoreData && !isNeedMoreData(sIteration, sResult)) {
            printTrace("RADIO| No more data needed");
            return sResult;
        if(timeoutMillis >= 0) {
            done = (timer.getMillis() >= (uint64_t)timeoutMillis);
        } else {
            //Do not stop looping until bail string is found
    } while(!done);

    //Timed out
    return sResult;

MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::CODE MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::test(MTS::AutoPtr<MTS::IO::Connection>& apIo, uint32_t timeoutSeconds) {
    printTrace("RADIO| Basic Test");
    uint32_t count = 0;
    std::string sCmd("AT");
    do {
        std::string sResult = sendCommand(apIo, sCmd);
        if (sResult.find(RSP_OK) == std::string::npos) {
            printTrace("RADIO| Waiting for basic radio communication [%s] ...", sResult.c_str());
        } else {
    } while (count < timeoutSeconds);

    if(count == timeoutSeconds) {
        printWarning("RADIO| Basic radio communication FAILED");
        return NO_RESPONSE;
    return SUCCESS;

std::string MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::extractModelFromResult(const std::string& sResult) {
    std::string sModel(VALUE_NOT_SUPPORTED);

    if(sResult.find("HE910-D") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "HE910-D";
    } else if(sResult.find("HE910-EUD") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "HE910-EUD";
    } else if(sResult.find("LE910-JN1") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "LE910-JN1";
    } else if(sResult.find("LE866A1-JS") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "LE866A1-JS";
    } else if(sResult.find("LE910-NAG") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "LE910-NAG";
    } else if(sResult.find("LE910C4-NF") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "LE910C4-NF";
    } else if(sResult.find("LE910-NA1") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "LE910-NA1";
    } else if(sResult.find("ME910C1-NA") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "ME910C1-NA";
    } else if(sResult.find("ME910C1-NV") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "ME910C1-NV";
    } else if(sResult.find("ME910C1-WW") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "ME910C1-WW";
    } else if(sResult.find("LE910-SVG") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "LE910-SVG";
    } else if(sResult.find("LE910-SV1") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "LE910-SV1";
    } else if(sResult.find("LE910-EUG") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "LE910-EUG";
    } else if(sResult.find("LE910C4-EU") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "LE910C4-EU";
    } else if(sResult.find("LE910-EU1") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "LE910-EU1";
    } else if(sResult.find("LE910C1-NS") != std::string::npos) {
    	sModel = "LE910C1-NS";
    } else if(sResult.find("LE910C1-AP") != std::string::npos) {
    	sModel = "LE910C1-AP";
    } else if(sResult.find("GE910") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "GE910";
    } else if(sResult.find("DE910-DUAL") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "DE910-DUAL";
    } else if(sResult.find("CE910") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "CE910";
    } else if(sResult.find("EG95") != std::string::npos) {
        sModel = "EG95";
    return sModel;

std::string MTS::IO::ICellularRadio::getCodeAsString(CODE eCode) {
    switch(eCode) {
        case SUCCESS:
            return "SUCCESS";
        case ERROR:
            return "ERROR";
        case FAILURE:
            return "FAILURE";
        case NO_RESPONSE:
            return "NO RESPONSE";
            return "UNKNOWN";