/* * Copyright (C) 2015 by Multi-Tech Systems * * This file is part of libmts-io. * * libmts-io is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * libmts-io is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with libmts-io. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ /*! \file MTS_IO_CellularRadio.h \brief A brief description \date Nov 5, 2014 \author sgodinez A more elaborate description */ #ifndef MTS_IO_CELLULARRADIO_H_ #define MTS_IO_CELLULARRADIO_H_ #include <string> #include <vector> #include <json/json.h> #include <mts/MTS_IO_ICellularRadio.h> #include <mts/MTS_IO_SerialConnection.h> #include <mts/MTS_NonCopyable.h> #include <mts/MTS_AutoPtr.h> #include <mts/MTS_Stdint.h> namespace MTS { namespace IO { class CellularRadio : public ICellularRadio { public: const std::string& getName() const override; ~CellularRadio() override; bool initialize(uint32_t iTimeoutMillis = 5000) override; bool resetConnection(uint32_t iTimeoutMillis = 5000) override; void shutdown() override; CODE getFirmware(std::string& sFirmware) override; CODE getFirmwareBuild(std::string& sFirmwareBuild) override; CODE getHardware(std::string& sHardware) override; CODE getManufacturer(std::string& sManufacturer) override; CODE getImei(std::string& sImei) override; CODE getMeid(std::string& sMeid) override; CODE getImsi(std::string& sImsi) override; CODE getSimStatus(std::string& sSimStatus) override; CODE getSimStatusSummary(Json::Value& jData) override; CODE getLac(std::string& sLac) override; CODE getMdn(std::string& sMdn) override; CODE getMsid(std::string& sMsid) override; CODE getType(std::string& sType) override; CODE getCarrier(std::string& sCarrier) override; CODE getTower(std::string& sTower) override; CODE getTime(std::string& sDate, std::string& sTime, std::string& sTimeZone) override; CODE getRoaming(bool& bRoaming) override; CODE getCellularMode(CELLULAR_MODES &networks) override; CODE getSignalStrength(int32_t& iRssi) override; CODE getModemLocation(std::string& sLocation) override; CODE getRegistration(REGISTRATION& eRegistration) override; CODE convertRegistrationToString(REGISTRATION eRegistration, std::string& sRegistration) override; CODE unlockSimCard(const Json::Value& jArgs) override; CODE getMipProfile(Json::Value& jMipProfile) override; CODE validateMsl(const Json::Value& jArgs) override; CODE setMsid(const Json::Value& jArgs) override; CODE setMipActiveProfile(const Json::Value& jArgs) override; CODE setMipNai(const Json::Value& jArgs) override; CODE setMipHomeIp(const Json::Value& jArgs) override; CODE setMipPrimaryHa(const Json::Value& jArgs) override; CODE setMipSecondaryHa(const Json::Value& jArgs) override; CODE setMipMnAaaSpi(const Json::Value& jArgs) override; CODE setMipMnHaSpi(const Json::Value& jArgs) override; CODE setMipRevTun(const Json::Value& jArgs) override; CODE setMipMnAaaSs(const Json::Value& jArgs) override; CODE setMipMnHaSs(const Json::Value& jArgs) override; CODE updateDc(const Json::Value& jArgs, UpdateCb& stepCb) override; CODE updatePrl(const Json::Value& jArgs, UpdateCb& stepCb) override; CODE updateFumo(const Json::Value& jArgs, UpdateCb& stepCb) override; CODE resetHfa(const Json::Value& jArgs, UpdateCb& stepCb) override; CODE activate(const Json::Value& jArgs, UpdateCb& stepCb) override; CODE setActiveFirmware(const Json::Value& jArgs) override; CODE getActiveFirmware(std::string& sFwId) override; CODE getEcho(bool& bEnabled) override; CODE setEcho(bool bEnabled = true) override; CODE getStaticInformation(Json::Value& jData) override; CODE sendBasicCommand(const std::string& sCmd, int32_t timeoutMillis = 100, const char& ESC = ICellularRadio::CR) override; std::string sendCommand(const std::string& sCmd, const std::vector<std::string>& vBail = DEFAULT_BAIL_STRINGS, int32_t timeoutMillis = 100, const char& ESC = ICellularRadio::CR) override; std::string sendCommand(const std::string& sCmd, IsNeedMoreData& isNeedMoreData, int32_t timeoutMillis = 100, const char& ESC = ICellularRadio::CR) override; protected: CellularRadio(const std::string& sName, const std::string& sRadioPort); virtual bool getCarrierFromFirmware(const std::string& sFirmware, std::string& sCarrier); virtual bool getHardwareVersionFromFirmware(const std::string& sFirmware, std::string& sHardware); virtual void getCommonNetworkStats(Json::Value& jData); /** * @brief getIsSimInserted - returns if the SIM card is inserted / installed or not. * * @param bData - an object to be filled with the SIM card insertion status. * `true` when SIM card is inserted / installed / present, * `false` otherwise. * @return CODE::SUCCESS when SIM insertion status is fetched successfully, * CODE::NOT_APPLICABLE when the modem doesn't support this feature, * CODE::ERROR otherwise (when modem is inaccessible or in other cases). */ virtual CODE getIsSimInserted(bool& bData) = 0; /** * @brief getSimLockStatus - return the SIM lock status as defined by AT+CPIN? command. * Returns "READY", "SIM PIN", "SIM PUK" or other SIM status. * * @param sData - an object to be filled with the SIM lock status * @return CODE::SUCCESS when SIM status is fetched successfully, * CODE::NOT_APPLICABLE when the modem doesn't support this feature, * CODE::ERROR otherwise (SIM card removed, modem is inaccessible, etc). */ virtual CODE getSimLockStatus(std::string& sData); /** * @brief getSimLockAttempts - get the number of SIM unlock attempts left. * * @param iAttemptsPin - the number of attempts left to enter a PIN code. * @param iAttemptsPuk - the number of attempts left to enter a PUK code. * @return CODE::SUCCESS when both numbers are fetched successfully, * CODE::NOT_APPLICABLE when the modem doesn't support this feature, * CODE::ERROR otherwise (SIM card removed, modem is inaccessible, etc). */ virtual CODE getSimLockAttempts(int& iAttemptsPin, int& iAttemptsPuk) = 0; void initMipProfile(Json::Value& jData); bool splitAndAssign(const std::string& sLine, const std::string& sKey, Json::Value& jParent, const std::string& sJsonKey, Json::ValueType eType = Json::ValueType::stringValue); virtual std::string queryLteLac(); virtual std::string queryCGREGstring(); virtual void setCGREG(std::string value); const std::vector<std::string> getRegistrationCommands(); REGISTRATION parseRegResponse(std::string sResult); CODE getRegistration(REGISTRATION& eRegistration, const std::string& sType); class RadioBandMap : public MTS::NonCopyable { public: RadioBandMap() { m_sChannel = ICellularRadio::VALUE_UNKNOWN; m_iChannel = 0; m_sRadioType = ICellularRadio::VALUE_UNKNOWN; } RadioBandMap(const std::string &channel, const std::string &radioType) : m_sChannel(channel), m_sRadioType(radioType) { m_iChannel = strtol(m_sChannel.c_str(), NULL, 10); } virtual ~RadioBandMap() {} const char *getRadioBandName(); const char *getRadioBandName(const std::string &channel, const std::string &radioType); private: const char *getLTEBand(const int channel); const char *getCDMABand(const int channel); const char *getGSMBand(const int channel); std::string m_sChannel; int m_iChannel; std::string m_sRadioType; }; private: std::string m_sName; std::string m_sRadioPort; std::string m_sFirmware; std::string m_sCarrier; MTS::AutoPtr<MTS::IO::Connection> m_apIo; bool m_bEchoEnabled; bool m_bEnableEchoOnClose; }; } } #endif /* MTS_IO_CELLULARRADIO_H_ */