path: root/src
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2 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/MTS_IO_CellularRadio.cpp b/src/MTS_IO_CellularRadio.cpp
index 50fdf5c..648894f 100644
--- a/src/MTS_IO_CellularRadio.cpp
+++ b/src/MTS_IO_CellularRadio.cpp
@@ -1020,6 +1020,12 @@ ICellularRadio::CODE CellularRadio::activate(const Json::Value&, UpdateCb&) {
+ICellularRadio::CODE CellularRadio::startOmaDm(ICellularRadio::UpdateCb&) {
+ printTrace("%s| Start OMA DM procedure: not applicable", m_sName.c_str());
ICellularRadio::CODE CellularRadio::setActiveFirmware(const Json::Value&) {
printTrace("%s| Set Active Firmware Image Number: not applicable", m_sName.c_str());
diff --git a/src/MTS_IO_QuectelRadio.cpp b/src/MTS_IO_QuectelRadio.cpp
index c4bdc56..4498919 100644
--- a/src/MTS_IO_QuectelRadio.cpp
+++ b/src/MTS_IO_QuectelRadio.cpp
@@ -436,6 +436,98 @@ ICellularRadio::CODE QuectelRadio::setMdn(const Json::Value& jArgs) {
+ICellularRadio::CODE QuectelRadio::startOmaDm(ICellularRadio::UpdateCb& stepCb) {
+ printTrace("%s| Start OMA DM procedure", getName().c_str());
+ // TODO: All the timeout values below are empirically defined.
+ // Feel free to update them if you get any verified information.
+ const int32_t iTimeoutOk = 3 * 1000; // 3 seconds
+ const int32_t iTimeoutStart = 5 * 1000; // 5 seconds
+ const int32_t iTimeoutEnd = 160 * 1000; // 2 minutes 40 seconds
+ const int32_t iTimeoutAbort = 3 * 1000; // 3 seconds
+ const std::string sCmdOdmStart = "AT+QODM=\"dme\",2,\"ui\"";
+ const std::string sCmdOdmAbort = "AT+QODM=\"dme\",2,\"kill\"";
+ const std::string sOdmStarted = "DM Start";
+ const std::string sOdmFinished = "DM End";
+ const std::string sOdmAbnormal = "DME Abnormal";
+ const std::vector<std::string> vOdmStartedStrings{ sOdmStarted };
+ const std::vector<std::string> vOdmFinishedStrings{ sOdmFinished, sOdmAbnormal };
+ CODE eCode;
+ do {
+ // Send command and expect "OK" in iTimeoutOk milliseconds
+ eCode = sendBasicCommand(sCmdOdmStart, iTimeoutOk);
+ if (eCode != SUCCESS) {
+ printError("%s| OMA DM procedure can not be started", getName().c_str());
+ if (stepCb) {
+ stepCb(Json::Value("OMA DM Error: OMA DM can not be started"));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // Wait for the "Start" response
+ std::string sResponse = sendCommand("", vOdmStartedStrings, iTimeoutStart, 0x00);
+ printDebug("%s| Radio returned: [%s]", getName().c_str(), sResponse.c_str());
+ // Received something unexpected or nothing at all?
+ if (sResponse.find(sOdmStarted) == std::string::npos) {
+ printError("%s| OMA DM procedure failed due to timeout", getName().c_str());
+ if (stepCb) {
+ stepCb(Json::Value("OMA DM Error: OMA DM failed due to timeout"));
+ }
+ eCode = FAILURE;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Got "DM Started" message from the radio
+ printTrace("%s| OMA DM started", getName().c_str());
+ if (stepCb) {
+ stepCb(Json::Value("OMA DM Info: OMA DM started"));
+ }
+ // Wait for the "End" or "Abnormal" response
+ sResponse = sendCommand("", vOdmFinishedStrings, iTimeoutEnd, 0x00);
+ printDebug("%s| Radio returned: [%s]", getName().c_str(), sResponse.c_str());
+ // Received "Abnormal"?
+ if (sResponse.find(sOdmAbnormal) != std::string::npos) {
+ printError("%s| OMA DM procedure failed due to internal error: [%s]", getName().c_str(), sResponse.c_str());
+ if (stepCb) {
+ stepCb(Json::Value("OMA DM Error: OMA DM failed due to internal error"));
+ }
+ eCode = FAILURE;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Received something unexpected or nothing at all?
+ if (sResponse.find(sOdmFinished) == std::string::npos) {
+ printError("%s| OMA DM procedure failed due to timeout", getName().c_str());
+ if (stepCb) {
+ stepCb(Json::Value("OMA DM Error: OMA DM failed due to timeout"));
+ }
+ sendBasicCommand(sCmdOdmAbort, iTimeoutAbort); // abort the procedure
+ eCode = FAILURE;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Got "DM End" message from the radio
+ printTrace("%s| OMA DM finished", getName().c_str());
+ if (stepCb) {
+ stepCb(Json::Value("OMA DM Info: OMA DM finished"));
+ }
+ eCode = SUCCESS;
+ } while (false);
+ return eCode;
ICellularRadio::CODE QuectelRadio::getServiceDomain(ICellularRadio::SERVICEDOMAIN& sd) {
printTrace("%s| Get Service Domain", getName().c_str());