CoreCDP - Multi-Tech Linux for MultiConnect Open Communication Gateways

What is it?

CoreCDP is a distribution provided by Multi-Tech tailored for the MultiConnect
Open Communication Gateway (OCG) products (MTCDP, MT100EOCG models).

CoreCDP utilizes the OpenEmbedded framework and is based on the Angstrom
distribution. OpenEmbedded provides a complete environment for cross-compiling
1000's of open source software packages.  

For more information about CoreCDP, see

For more information about OpenEmbedded, see

How to get started?

1. Build from tarball

    Download the file 'corecdp-2.0.2.tar.gz' (release number may vary) from the website or copy it from the provided DVD. This file 
    provides the CoreCDP build system and a set of sources sufficient for building
    the sample images provided by CoreCDP.

    Untar the contents to a folder of your choice, and install prerequisite 
    packages. Then, configure the environment variables and you are good to go.  

    tar xzf corecdp-2.0.2.tar.gz
    cd corecdp-2.0.2
    # install needed dependencies, see scripts in multitech/contrib/install-deps
    # example: sudo ./multitech/contrib/install-deps/

    # set your default machine type in conf/local.conf
    # MACHINE="mtcdp" or MACHINE="mt100eocg" etc

    bitbake corecdp-base-image

2. Build from git repository

    # clone repo to a dir name of your choice
    git clone git:// corecdp-2.0.2
    cd corecdp-2.0.2

    # checkout desired branch or tag
    git checkout 2.0.2

    # install needed dependencies, see scripts in multitech/contrib/install-deps
    # example: sudo ./multitech/contrib/install-deps/

    # initialize git submodules and setup dir structure

    # setup environment

    # set your default machine type in conf/local.conf
    # MACHINE="mtcdp" or MACHINE="mt100eocg" etc

    # build!
    bitbake corecdp-base-image

See the Multi-Tech Developer website ( for full 
installation and build instructions. In particular, see the "Introduction" and
"Getting Started" pages under the MultiConnect OCG section.

You can also join the available developer forums to post queries and receive 
updates from Multi-Tech developers.